IS IT a bird, a balloon or just another UFO sighting?
This weird object — described by the photographer as “rotating” — was reportedly spotted in the skies over Islington, north London.
The witness was so excited by the sighting, they took to Facebook, posting the images under the name Mixtris UFO-images, the Mirror reports.
In the text accompanying the images, the user wrote: “I captured this object a couple of streets away from where I live.
“The object appeared black in colour and was rotating as it moved along.
“I captured nearly 5 minutes of video before I lost sight of it floating in the direction of Highbury and Islington. I’m not sure what this object is. I thought it was a balloon, but there appears to be a light on it.”
It’s not the first time a UFO has been spotted in Islington, home to celebrities, bankers and media types.
No less than four sightings were reported in one year, the Islington Gazette reports.
One witness told the paper he saw “a round luminous object over the green. It was pretty big and flying quite low and slowly and went away into the clouds.”
Another witness noticed a strange object with bright lights, moving like “hovercraft suddenly changing direction very quickly”.
Those feeling in any way freaked out now have support on hand — a new helpline has been set up for people who claim to have been abducted by aliens.
The Anomalous Mind Management, Abductee, Contactee Helpline, based in Sussex, is staging its inaugural conference to help those who believe they have had alien contact, the Mirror reports.