Major George A Filer III ret USAF
MUFON Eastern Region Director
President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310
Awarded Bronze Star in Air Force
Director NJ State MUFON Emeritus
Special reports are: UFOs Every Where, More Data on UFO Crash Near Roswell, Extra-Terrestrials Join Society, Drones and UFOs Still Flying in NJ], Los Angeles Wildfires, Falkenstein Biography, UFOs SIGHTINGS REPORTS COVER-UPS
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing number
Special Reports
UFOs Every Where
With President Trump coming into office the Government’s hiding UFO data will likely he disclosed Many people do believe that UFOs/UAPs and orbs are in are skies
It is possible that a group will try to create an alleged Ex terrestrials’ invasion of Earth The presence of the UFO’s and orbs are the first part of disclosure
Many Ex terrestrials are already here and working in our aviation and medical fields
Unless attacked the UFOs will generally fly off after they come near you Radar operators will normally provide headings to aircraft that separate the UFO from our vehicles
you will probably hear about Project Blue Beam that was first proposed in the early 1990s by a journalist-turned-conspiracy theorist named Serge Monast After taking an interest in the work of other conspiracy theorists, Monast began reading about secret societies and became particularly interested in theories about a potential New World Order — which served as the foundation for Project Blue Beam
In short, Project Blue Beam is a conspiracy theory that suggests NASA and the UN are trying to create a New World Order by implementing a New Age religion headed by the Antichrist, using advanced technology to trick people into believing in this religion If they succeed in their supposed mission, all traditional religions will be abolished and all national identities will be removed in favor of a one-world religion and one-world government
There appears to be the hypothetical totalitarian dictatorship, and the conspiracy theory behind Project Blue Beam, It is a fact that UFOs UAPs like the Government likes to call them are becoming more prevalent UFOs are becoming more prevalent and viewable
The Bell Boeing V-22 Osprey is an American multi-use, tiltrotor military transport and cargo aircraft with both vertical takeoff and landing (VTOL) and short takeoff and landing (STOL) capabilities It is designed to combine the functionality of a conventional helicopter with the long-range, high-speed cruise performance of a turboprop aircraft
The V-22 is operated by the United States and Japan, and is not only a new aircraft design, but a new type of aircraft that entered service in the 2000s, a tiltrotor compared to fixed wing and helicopter designs The V-22 first flew in 1989 and after a long development was fielded in 2007 The design combines the vertical takeoff ability of a helicopter with the speed and range of a fixed-wing airplane
Robert Shiepe and UK’s Matthew provided this t UFO in the picture flying near the Osprey/, The multiple tiny UFOs are called Dragons and multiple Dragons are placed in the picture to show the track of the craft Robert reports he is obtaining photos of the Dragons daily that are about 10 inches long in flight from airports around the world It appears these UFO Dragons are watching and tracking all or at least most of the e aircraft in the world Most appear to come out of the ocean or bodies of water In order to have so many Dragons it appears a large civilization or many bases exist In the past we have obtained eye -witness views of larger UFOs seen leaving and entering the water
It appears that a sophisticated civilization that is possibly Exterritorial exist in our oceans and some other bodies of water. es were spotted near three US Air Force bases in astern England12 The bases, RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall, and RAF Feltwell, are leased by the USAF from Britain2 Residents and officials have also reported spotting unidentified aircraft, believed to be drones, flying above several US states3 The Air Force monitored the incursions but didn’t identify who was behind them4 Drones were also spotted above the US’s Ramstein Air Base and German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall5 Tick Tock showed a fighter attacking downing a drone and it burning with smoke after hitting the ground
Humans have been abducted and taken to some deep underwater oceanic base for examination and re programming Unidentified Submerged Objects USO — have been observed descending into bodies of water all over the world There Is now evidence that they have established several deep-sea instillations around the globe. The abduction experience of Filiberto Cardenas is in a class by itself! When the events originally transpired in Florida , Cardenas s story was the lead item on the nightly news on every Hispanic TV station imaginable coming at the height of an unparalleled UFO wave, and the beginning of the abduction scenario as we have come to accept it today
To a stunned audience of millions, Cardenas told how he was lifted up onboard a craft in front of multiple witnesses Investigators later backed up his account upon determining that there were anomalies with the engine block of the car that he was driving at the time and which had stalled for no apparent reason But this is the least of what transpired For here in UFO “Abduction From Undersea,” is Filiberto Cardenas full story as told by Dr Virgillio Sanchez-Ocejo and Lt Col Wendelle Stevens (Ret), including the complete documented and illustrated report on the incident which two abductions occurred onto the alien spacecraft
Elevated aboard in a beam of light he had a physical examination by alien beings With a trip as a guest aboard another worldly vessel Several varieties of flying vehicles were used And a submarine base was visited by the witness, along with a tour of the alien s earth facilities Filiberto had conversations with the alien beings High-technology transceiver were implanted in the witnesses head Including photos of flying discs under the sea, as well as maps of pertinent locations This is essentially a well-documented case that has gained credibility over the
years since the incident occurred New evidence is being added all the time that the ? The visitors can come and go in our oceans and other bodies of water all will The capability of abduction of humans and examining them , also they seem to be searching for food here are there only reason s they have ventured into our civilizations.
UFO Contact from Undersea
In the book “UFO Contact from Undersea” by Dr Virgilio Ocejo and Col Wendelle Stevens the abductee was taken to an undersea base for examination Filiberto Cardenas the abductee talked to the aliens “They told me that they have bases under the ocean near the coast of Florida, also at the North Pole, South Pole, and off the coast of Argentina, all below the sea They said they would someday show themselves
Author Lt Col Wendelle C Stevens first learned of the reality of UFOs while in the military
USOs — have been observed descending into bodies of water all over the World The abduction experience of Filiberto Cardenas a former Cuban Sergeant who came to Florida and owned a gas station is in a class by itself! When the events originally transpired, Cardenas s story was the lead item on the nightly news on every Hispanic TV station imaginable coming at the height of an unparalleled UFO wave To a stunned audience of millions, Cardenas told how he was lifted up onboard a craft in front of multiple witnesses Investigators later backed up his account upon determining that there were anomalies with the engine block of the car that he was driving at the time and which had stalled for no apparent reason
The expanded version of the book is called “UFO Abduction from Undersea,” by the same authors Filiberto Cardenas tells the expanded full story e was taken aboard a USO and several varieties of flying vehicles were used A Submarine base was visited by the witness that included a tour of the alien s facilities High-technology transceiver was implanted in the witnesses head Their crafts dove into the water as the water separated and made kind of a tunnel He had no problem with underwater pressure or breathing even though g they were quite deep Photos of flying discs from under sea, as well as maps of pertinent locations This is essentially a well-documented case that has gained credibility over the years New evidence is being added all the time that the visitors can come and go in our oceans and lakes at will We don’t have the foggiest idea of what goes on the bottom of most of the world’s oceans that cover 71 percent of the Earth’s surface and contain 97 percent of the Earth’s water Various forms of life developed millions of years in the oceans before animals developed on land and a humanoid form may have developed in the oceans that is far ahead of us in technology The aliens look fairly human and wear a cross on their flight suits with a serpent in the middle https://wwwamazoncom/UFO-Abduction-Undersea-Virgilio-Sanchez-Ocejo/dp/1606110462
More Data on UFO Crash Near Roswell
Bill McDonald obtained detailed information about the Roswell alien craft from Army counterintelligence personnel he called Rick and Frank who carefully described, sketched and overdrew on my sketches until the lateral profile of the craft was exactingly close to the profile of a harbor porpoise a species of cetacean known as Dall’s Porpoise
Dall’s porpoise s a species of porpoise endemic to the North Pacific It is the largest of porpoises and the only member of the genus Photoanodes The species is named after American naturalist W H Dall The skin of the Roswell craft hull had alternating layers of magnesium and zinc metals configurations that suggested it had been grown to mimic the structure and living forms of living organic creatures in the ocean
The stingray-skate-like diamond triangular wing form profiles were subtly different–But close enough to satisfy a detective’s standards regarding multiple witness composites
The hexagonal power cell belly tiles were identically described by both men, to include being subducted under a thin rim layer of approximately eighteen inches There were big hexagons near the nose, shrinking in size towards the tail and trailing wing edges
John Andrews independently confirmed that Kelly and Ben also described a complex “Power grid” on the subtle variances in shape and placing Frank thought it was a cockpit canopy ships belly Likewise for the cockpit canopy/forward sensor array shield–Only
Rick stated it was a cover for a multi-tiered instrument array The craft carried seven aliens
Ivan Sanderson’s Invisible Residents: The Reality of Underwater UFOs was published in 1973 by a renowned zoologist · Sanderson postulates that the OINTS (Other Intelligences) are behind many UFO sightings as well as the mysterious disappearances of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle
In this book, , with a keen interest in the paranormal, puts forward the theory that alien intelligence may be twice as old as Homo sapiens He proposes and may have “developed what we call space flight” Sanderson postulates that the OINTS are behind many UFO sightings as well as the mysterious disappearances of aircraft and ships in the Bermuda Triangle What better place to have an impenetrable base than deep within the oceans of the planet? Yet, if UFOs, or at least some of them, are coming from beneath our oceans or lakes, does it necessarily mean that there is another civilization besides our own that is responsible? In fact, could it be that since WWII a number of underwater UFO bases have been constructed by the very human governments of our planet? Whatever their source, Sanderson offers here an exhaustive study of USOs (Unidentified Submarine Objects) observed in nearly every part of the world. He presents many well-documented and exciting case studies of these unusual sightings; more
Witness “Dutch” Bischoff in Anaheim who claimed to be a CIC auxiliary pilot stated it was a “Half nose cone”– May 1993—Long before my interviews with Rick and Frank
Researcher Len Stringfield)stated very surprising things over the phone in December ’94 Len was VERY specific about the skin of the flight crew: He stated that macroscopically, the skin of the Roswell aliens resembled the tiny, granulated smooth beaded scales of the tiny albino Geckos inhabiting the islands of the South Pacific
He stated that his physicians reported that the skin was NOT the semipermeable layers that hold in moisture and fluids and hold out dangerous rot bacilli He stated that it was like synthetic screen mesh under a microscope
He stated that the alien flight crew members would have leaked like sieves if they were walking around outside the landed alien craft and not encased in some artificial cellophane-like substance Infection would have occurred in seconds They apparently worked together navigating and operating the craft
Texturing of the floors
Dr Ben Rich from Skunkworks in July 1995 interviews stated that when he crawled through the UFO wreckage he noticed something very odd about the texturing of the floor of the flight deck of the interior crew cabin
He stated that it was the oddest form of “anti-skid” material where the examining experts had compared the deck flooring to rings and swirls like “Fingerprint” and “Coral growth” patterns Rich stated that in later years, he had occasion to examine a kidney dialysis bag and that when cut open, the microtubule packing was similar to the crystalline layers of micro tubes in the floor layers He also described vented louvers in the flooring edges on either side of the crew compartment which when he drew them reminded me of the gill slits of sharks and rays.
FOs that have shown the ability to seamlessly transition from air to sea or to enter the ground are “urgent” national security concern with “world-changing” scientific ramifications, an ex-Navy officer said.
In July 2019, the USS Omaha recorded a UFO – or UAP (unidentified anomalous phenomena) – that buzzed a Navy fleet off San Diego and disappeared into the ocean without a trace
Navy Aircrews are Chasing UFOs
USS Nimitz Aircraft Carrier F-18 Aircrews have continued to gather eyewitness accounts log UAPs that are “ It’s white and has no wings It has no rotors or engines discernible”
“It didn’t fly like an aircraft It was so unpredictable—high g, rapid velocity, rapid acceleration”
“I didn’t see a trail” “It was going 70-plus knots underwater”
F-18s Fly Close to UAP2004—were among a handful of shocking encounters the Unidentified team explored When Elizondo ran the Defense Department initiative, called the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program, or AATIP, he compiled a list of extraordinary, logic-defying capabilities most commonly associated with unidentified aerial phenomena sightings He calls those traits the “five observables”:
1) Anti-gravity lift
F-18s chase Tic Tac
Unlike any known aircraft, these objects have been sighted overcoming the earth’s gravity with no visible means of propulsion. They also lack any flight surfaces, such as wings and tails. In the Nimitz incident, witnesses describe the crafts as tubular, shaped like a Tic Tac candy
2) The craft has sudden and instantaneous acceleration
The objects may accelerate or change direction so quickly that no human pilot could survive the g-forces—they would be crushed In the Nimitz incident, radar operators say they tracked one of the UAPs as it dropped from the sky at more than 30 times the speed of sound Black Aces Squadron commander David Fravor, the Nimitz-based fighter pilot who was sent to intercept one of the objects, likened its rapid side-to-side movements, later captured on infrared video, to that of a ping-pong ball
Radar operators on the USS Princeton, part of the Nimitz carrier group, tracked the object accelerating from a standing position to traveling 60 miles in a minute—an astounding 3,600 miles an hour. According to manufacturer Boeing, the F/A 18 Super Hornet fighter jet typically reaches a maximum speed of Mach 16, or about 1,200 miles an hour
There are two protrusions on the bottom of the craft that are speculated they provide pipes for the exhaust or to take on water when the TicTac submerges/
The craft make hyper sonic velocities above speed of sound without signatures “signatures,” like vapor trails and sonic booms Many UFO accounts note the lack of such evidence
4) Low observability, or cloaking is apparent
Even when objects are observed, getting a clear and detailed view of them—either through pilot sightings, radar, or other means—remains difficult. Witnesses generally only see the glow or haze around them
5) Trans-medium travel
Some UAP have been seen moving easily in and between different environments, such as space, the earth’s atmosphere and even the ocean water In the Nimitz incident, witnesses described a UFO hovering over a churning “disturbance” just under the ocean Others claim to see calm surface water with speculation that another craft had entered the water’ USS Princeton radar operator Gary Vorhees later confirmed the Tic Tac craft is about 60 feet in length, after entering ocean while USS Nimitz, length is 1,092 feet
Navy sonar operators claim the underwater craft were moving faster than 70 knots, roughly two times the speed of nuclear subs No one has yet gotten close to crafts that display these traits, so their origins are still unknown. Are they a top-secret US defense project? Do they hail from Russia? China? Or from even further afield? The only thing we do know is that their size and capabilities exceed any technologies currently in the US arsenal “Unidentified: Inside America’s UFO Investigation,”
ET the Extra-Terrestrial was a landmark 1982 movie E T shown on this poster could heal with a touch of his finger. Another benefit of being part of the empathic group is that ET may heal injured members at a much greater distance, without having to touch them
ET and angels who are visitors from other planets are known to heal people. There are thousands of stories where people pray for healing and have been healed
Similar stories are told of telepathically asking for healing and being healed Alice was on her deathbed as a child, and the Doctor visited her and told her parents she would be dead by morning The parents prayed and asked for God’s help The next morning her parents entered her bedroom expecting the worst, but Alice was sitting up in bed asking for breakfast She told them the angel came and healed her . Now she is older she feels it was ET Maybe she was right both times
Many abductees report fibromyalgia and other ailments after being on board craft usually flown by grays
John Thompson, who works in Security and is six feet five inches tall with an excellent physique called me to tell me he had been abducted the previous night I visited his home where a 25-foot circle was cut into his back lawn showing a depression filled with stones Tree limbs were broken from the tree above the circle
He was asleep when something woke him up and he looked out the window and saw a 25-foot disc. He stated “Two four-foot aliens walked down the ramp of a disc and walked up to the bedroom window Then they simply walked through the wall and window into John’s bedroom
They grabbed John and took him and kind of floated to the craft They laid him down and undressed him and held a pen like an object and then cut him across his chest from arm pit to arm pit He was bleeding in an horizontal cut across his chest with some pain, they seemed to be searching for something in his chest Finding nothing they took the pen and reversed the cutting action and quickly closed the wound They seemed to be searching for something under his skin near his heart and lungs Later, I called a couple flight surgeons that came and examined John
They verified he had a two-foot-long scar about a month old and the Docters stated, “They had never seen a horizontal wound like that since there was no reason to cut a person like that We speculated they may have done something to heal his heart In succeeding weeks ETs frequently showed up in his home He was willing to go on my TV Show “Investigations UFO” for several months to talk about his encounters His wife became so upset by the alien visits she decided to divorce him
A sixty-year-old Atlantic City lady was abducted with her daughter while driving on the Pennsylvania Turnpike near Pittsburgh Driving along the Pennsylvania Turnpike their car and the car following behind with the daughter’s husband and two children were picked up by a large alien ship
The cars were brought into a garage area on the UFO with a dozen other cars The abductees were brought into a large room with human bodies standing upright in large glass containers. They were examined in detail on beds in a room with many other abductees
The grandmother was brought into the room with the bodies housed in round glass two and half feet in diameter She was shown an attractive blonde twenty-year-old woman and asked if she would like to become that person Her soul would be transferred but she would not remember her present life She declined, which made her captors upset Later, their cars were let down on the Walt Whitman Bridge that crosses the Delaware River into New Jersey They still had their Turnpike ticket and saved $15 in tolls and the gas tanks were full despite flying 300 miles between Pittsburgh and Philadelphia in only two hours Both cars had what appeared to be small hand prints on the bodies but were not damaged.
Ongoing extraterrestrial activity is also taking place in Israel since 1995 Alien medical teams fin Israel from other realms or alternative medicine clinics are curing humans of series diseases Patients feel strange sensations during the treatments (itching, heat or cold, increase or decrease in gravity sensations and many more) and some even see and communicate with the Alien medical teams
The number of clinics has increased steadily and presently there are 50 clinics in Israel and 464 in the USA, (according to the Aliens) Alien alternative medicine clinics also exist in other countries (England, Denmark, Australia ) ET medical activity helps to raise public awareness and increase acceptance of Alien existence Organized ET medical collaboration with Healers and Mediums is a leap forward in Alien-Human contact and collaboration beyond just UFO sighting, random contacts, encounters, abductions, or crash events as happened in Roswell. The Aliens treat humans in alternative medicine clinics only after the patients give their full consent. No abductions take place in the Alien medical activity, they willingly collaborate and answer questions on different issues including information about Aliens and their activity on Earth, general science, astrophysics, and even Earth actuality events.
“Dear friend, I pray that you may enjoy good health and that all may go well with you, even as your soul is getting along well” ~ 3 John 1:2
- “And my God will meet all your needs according to his riches of his glory in Christ Jesus” ~ Philippians 4:19
I was recently in the hospital when my primary artery was drilled through and I bled internally; and my body I was black from my chest to my knees was brought very low and the Doctors didn’t think I would make it Fortunately my wife, my church, hundreds of my friends, people on Facebook prayed for me The bleeding was stopped with a stent and I’m alive and stronger than ever, but I believe the Lord saved me again! Don’t underestimate the power of prayer . For he will command his angels concerning you to guard you in all your ways Palm 91.
Space-Based Weapons
The Pentagon first evaluated the concept in the late 1980s as part of a program called the Neutral Particle Beam, or NPB.
The Pentagon first evaluated the concept in the late 1980s as part of a program called the Neutral Particle Beam, or NPB.
According to a 1990 write up that military scientists sent to lawmakers, explored the possibility of particle beam weapons killing ICBMs and reentry vehicles They could destroy the missiles in the boost, post-boost, and mid-course portion of an ICBM trajectory as well as discriminated objects during the midcourse phase” — meaning a defensive system that could knock out missiles as they were leaving the launch pad or flying in space toward their target
Neutral Particle Beam, or NPB in particular, high energy neutral particles propagate in straight lines unaffected by the earth’s magnetic field and have a very brief flight time to targets even at extended ranges In addition, the neutral particles become high energy charged particles upon interaction with the surface of a target and penetrate deeply into the vehicle, thus making shielding relatively ineffective In the case of a nuclear warhead, these particles are capable of heating the nuclear material by fission processes, neutron generation and ionization For non-nuclear material, heating is produced by ionization, possibly producing kill by thermal initiation of the weapon’s high explosive
Drones and UFOs Still Flying in NJ]
Numerous drones were spotted near three US Air Force bases in eastern England12 The bases, RAF Lakenheath, RAF Mildenhall, and RAF Feltwell, are leased by the USAF from Britain2 Residents and officials have also reported spotting unidentified aircraft, believed to be drones, flying above several US states3 The Air Force monitored the incursions but didn’t identify who was behind them4 Drones were also spotted above the US’s Ramstein Air Base and German arms manufacturer Rheinmetall5 Please call 609 346 2810 with sightings reports
Los Angeles Wildfires
Los Angeles fire has killed 111 people already and more are likely deceased Five California areas of Pacific Palisades, Malibu, etic are burning due to wildfires being stoked by high winds 50 to 99 MPH’S urning embers are flying through the air
Million-dollar homes have burned down Many structures are closely packed together in dry, brushy areas Firmen say the lack of water has made fighting fires worse At least one person is suspected of arson
for safety reasons and there is no water pressure in the fire hydrants Many roads are blocked by debris and abandoned cars Bulldozers are being used to push debris and cars out of the way High winds have grounded fire-fighting aircraft and fire fighters can do little but wait for conditions to improve LA gave Fire equipment to Ukraine , fired firemen who refused COVID vaccines and cut the fire stations by $18 million dollars
- Death toll hits 10 in LA wildfires Cong r
- New brush fire starts in Granada Hills
- More than 36,000 acres have been burned by active wildfires
- Mapped: Tracking the Palisades, Kenneth, Hurst, and Eaton fires
- 153,000 Los Angeles County residents are under evacuation orders
- ‘We raised our children here’: The Hollywood stars whose homes have burnt down in California wildfires
- LA County says it’s working with FEMA to investigate ‘erroneous’ emergency alert messages
There’s a new brush fire in Granada Hills. Th e Weather may be controlled with 100 MPH winds coming from the East instead of the normal West..
Falkenstein Biography
Glenn Jacob Falkenstein was a world–renowned magician and mentalist born on February 3, 1932 and died July 4, 2010. Falkenstein was at the top of his profession for more than three decades and featured internationally on stage, television and radio .He joined the Air Force and was able to decipher top secret messages for several years. He was the opening act for many stars, including Ann-Margret at the Las Vegas Hilton and Marty Robbins in Lake Tahoe He was a guest star on Hilly Rose” talk show in the 1970s, and eventually was given his own talk shows on KMPC and KFI .When Falkenstein performed his mental feats on KGBS Radio Star Theatre, which broadcast from Universal Studios, the switchboard reflected ten thousand incoming calls per day
Falkenstein appeared on The Tonight Show, That’s Incredible!, The Merv Griffin Show, American Broadcasting Company’s Wide World of Entertainment, The Best of Magic – Thames television, The Paul Daniels Magic Show – British Broadcasting Corporation, Mandrake’s Award – Paris, Magic Olympics – Asahi television Tokyo, Magicians” Favorite Magicians – Columbia Broadcasting System and was featured on his own special on Business School television in Seoul, of Korea to a viewing audience of over ten million The Academy of Magical Arts voted Falkenstein Stage Magician of The Year two consecutive years In 1978, Glenn joined forces with Frances Willard, daughter of legendary tent showman Harry “Willard the Wizard”
He was able to pick any member from the audience and tell their birth date, name, birth place, wife, and address.
Throughout the 1980s and 1990s, Falkenstein & Willard entertained countless film stars, socialites, and national leaders with their classic feats of mentalism In 1994, Glenn Falkenstein was inducted into The Society of American Magicians” Hall of Fame as a living legend
Perhaps his greatest feat was balancing two separate careers, and many people were unaware that he successfully wore two professional hats /He earned his master’s degree from Pepperdine University and worked for years at the Los Angeles County Office of Education as a Speech Pathologist. The careers complimented the other, and he used his magic skills to aid young people overcoming speech defects. He was constantly amazed at the positive impact that magic had on special children. Among his most memorable shows were performing for President and Mistress Ronald Reagan, at the inaugural dinner for President George West Bush, and at Her Majesty’s Theatre in London’s West End
On Sunday July 11, 2010, the Palace of Mystery stage at the Magic Castle was the setting for Falkenstein’s memorial service, a perfect tribute to a gentleman who fascinated countless spectators with his dynamic style
- In 1990, Frances Willard & Glenn Falkenstein received the prestigious Jack Stuart “DRAGON Award” presented to couples who integrated drama, romance, artistry, glamour, originality, and necromancy into their acts. Glenn and Frances also received “The Dunninger Award” and “Milbourne Christopher Award” for outstanding feats in mentalism.
by William G Weber and George Filer Authors
The book covers some historically documented cases as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover up and even discredit witnesses to the actual sighting events
The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who has over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology
He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows and local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it Both the Kindle Edition and Paper book edition
George Filer authors a complete story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.
Support Earth Changing Research
I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe Broadcaster David E Twichell joined me in authoring the book We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book Please include your e-mail address and mailing address
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When you send in a subscription, please include your E-mail address Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files Send check or money order to: George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055
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