Filer's Files

Filer’s Files Sept. 15 2024 German UFOs

Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF

New Jersey State Director Emeritus

MUFON Eastern Region Director

President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310

Awarded Bronze Star s


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Special reports are: Special reports are:  Major General Watson UFOs Are Not Extraterrestrial,  Kalahari UFO Crash Site, Field Investigator Glenn Green has passed, The  Suicide  of  America  in  Newsweek, New Book and Carbon 6.

 The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

Special Reports

General Watson UFOs Are from Earth
Major General Watson

In 1944, intelligence experts at Wright Field had developed lists of advanced aviation equipment they wanted to examine as the war continued. Colonel Watson and his crew, nicknamed “Watson’s Whizzers” and composed of pilots, engineers and maintenance men, used these “Blacklists” to collect aircraft. Watson organized his Whizzers into two sections: one collected jet aircraft while the other procured piston-engine aircraft and no flyable jet and rocket equipment.

Major General Watson then a Colonel; In early 1945 he was instrumental in the recovery of valuable intelligence data, aircraft, parts, and equipment during the war and immediately after the surrender. He commanded a group of pilots who flew into German bases and gained access to the latest German experimental aircraft and flew them to the French coast where an aircraft carrier waited.

He was instrumental involving requirements of techniques  in integrating theology with manufacturing to ensure the field requirements for aircraft engines early in WWII were met.

 Operation Lusty

  Whizzers recruited captured Luftwaffe personnel and pilots held at Fort Bliss, Texas, to go into what would become the British, French and Soviet controlled areas after V-E Day to fly out, hide, or otherwise remove to U.S. controlled areas all “black listed” planes, secret weapons equipment and supporting documents, some four months before Germany’s surrender.  former German test plots were able to steal advanced experimental planes

Watson’s men traveled across Europe to find the aircraft on the “Blacklists

Just after World War II, Reaper was responsible for bringing from Cherbourg harbor many examples of former German Luftwaffe aircraft captured by the American military’s Operation Lusty over to North America. 

Heinkel He 219

Such as the sole examples of the Arado AR 234 jet reconnaissance bomber, and the Heinkel He 219 night fighter, that exist in American aviation museums in the 21st century.

German Disc

The aircraft arrived by air from Germany to Querqueville Airfield which is under a kilometer away from Cherbourg. The Whizzers flew  the Arado AR 234 from Lech Feld. I saw the list of various aircraft and it is believed that flying saucers were included in the recovered aircraft. 

The primary objective was to learn what technology had been developed by the Germans. The captured technology would close the gap between the United States and Germany in reciprocating and jet engines as well as rocket technology.

Using his leadership, engineering, manufacturing, and flight skills he successfully brought together and trained pilots to fly the captured aircraft.

Wattson himself flew every type of captured aircraft. He recruited German test pilots, engineers and technicians to assist in the maintenance and preparation of these aircraft. German tractors and tanks were drained of diesel fuel so the captured aircraft could be flown.

He commanded a group of pilots who flew into German bases and gained access to the latest German experimental aircraft. After the war, the Whizzers added Luftwaffe test pilots to the team, AND OBTAINED CRAFT STILL HELD SECRET .The Craft were flown to Cherbourg, France to be transported on the British aircraft carrier H.M.S. Reaper. Over forty aircraft were flown and the inventory leaves out the names of some craft believed to be discs.  

  Watson flew a Junkers 290 aircraft that was later found to have booby trap explosive charges on board that luckily did not explode.

Forty advanced German planes were delivered to Cherbourg in 20 22 days. It is suspected at least one was a disc. General Watson was the government’s biggest expert in exploiting foreign technology from Japan and Germany.

Returning to the United States he acted as a test pilot for many of the captured aircraft and laying the groundwork for the current day National Aerospace Intelligence Center.

The documentation captured by Watson and others revealed thousands of scientific advances in aero-technology, electronics, magnetic-tapes, fuels, and other areas which the United States was lagging behind Germany. Thanks to Wikipedia

  Planes Ferried to US, but not all the craft are known.

There were (10 Me 262, 5 Fw 190F, 4 Fw 190D, 1 Ta 152H, 4 AR 234B, 3 He219, 3 Bf 109, 2 Do 335, 2 Bu 181, Helicopter WNF 342, 2 Fl 282 helicopters, 1 Ju 88G, 1 Ju 388, 1 Bf 108 and 1 US F-6(P-51)  Source: “War Prizes” by Phil Butler

Editor’s Note I tried to get the complete list of aircraft at the  Air Force Library and it was still Top Secret in the  1970s.  I asked the librarian about disks on the aircraft Carrier and she smiled as if she knew  they were there.

 Once the aircraft carrier carrying the Nazi craft arrived in the US  most were taken to Wright Field and a Disk was seen taxing on the runways. The British and Canadians built a secret base in the Canadian Northwest and were building disc shaped aircraft.

 Editor’s Note:  I became a friend of Colonel Ray Sleeper who came to my house and revealed he had seen UFOs while flying B-52s. Sleeper was a good friend of General Watson who were both commanders of the Foreign Technology Division at Wright Patterson Air Force Base at different times. General Watson hinted he had firsthand information abbot UFOs, and told him frequently,“UFOs exist but they are not extraterrestrial craft”.

Europe’s UFO Crash

 The actual events during the 1930s are somewhat obscure as Hitler built a war machine and gained strength in Germany. Many of the reports are speculation based on the few known facts. We know Hitler sent expeditions around the world to find some of world’s ancient artifacts and lost technology. First German Antarctic Expedition was in 1924-27.: Neuschwabenland was German Colony setup in 1938 39 as the war got underway.  William Brophy writes,” On June 13, 1933, a UFO crashed near Magenta, Italy just west of Milano. The occupants were tall blond Nordics with oriental like features on their light blue eyes. The Italians called the UFO la Campania the Germans called it Die Locked. The Japanese told the Italians and Germans that those tall blonde-haired people were in their legends this led to the Axis Alliance.

Hitler realized the craft had likely been built on Earth and sent teams out to find the alien intelligence bases. When Adolf Hitler spread his message of hatred, genocide, and oppression, as having been inspired by a blond race of superhuman warriors referred to as Aryans.

The Nazis themselves claimed that an extraterrestrial society was the source of their ideology and the power behind their organization. Nazi mysticism, indeed, was reportedly a direct product of cult worship of the Extraterrestrials. The Nazis referred to their hidden extraterrestrial masters as underground supermen that apparently had a base in Antarctica.

 Hitler believed in the supermen and claimed that he had once met one of the aliens.

The Nazis said that their supermen resided beneath the Earth’s surface and were the creators of the Aryan race that suddenly appeared thousands of years ago. Aryans therefore in Adolf Hitler’s reasoning, constituted the world’s only pure race and all other people were viewed as inferior genetic mutations. The Nazis planned to re-purify humanity by committing genocide against anyone who was not an Aryan. Top Nazi leaders believed that the underground supermen would return to the surface of the Earth to rule it as soon as the Nazis began their racial purification program and established the Thousand Year Reich.

The tall blonde-haired people’s craft were the UFO’s over Los Angeles on February 25, 1942, and a large disk with a row of windows was shot down in the Santa Catalina Island area recovered and taken to Moffat Field Navy Base.

The Black Swan occult  group developed by 1939 a revolutionary electro-magnetic-gravitic engine which improved Hans Colerï s free energy machine into an energy Konverter coupled to a Van De Graaf band generator and Marconi vortex dynamo [a spherical tank  of mercury] to create powerful rotating electromagnetic fields that affected gravity and reduced mass.

Disc with electromagnetic propulsion systems

Nazi ‘aerial disk’ research became more advanced throughout the Second World War, and reportedly utilized jet-turbine and later electromagnetic propulsion systems. As it became apparent that the Germans were losing the war, they allegedly transferred this technology to a base in Antarctica which had been established years earlier, complete with underground installations, and code-named it the ‘New Berlin’. Once the aircraft carrier carrying the Nazi craft arrived in the US  most were taken to Wright Field and a Disk was seen taxing on the runways.  Th British and Canadians built a secret base in the Canadian Northwest and were building disc shaped aircraft.

Although deliberately obscured by the West today, Nazi German leader Adolph Hitler was obsessed with Neuschwabenland which was the name given to the area of Antarctica located between 20°E and 10°W in Queen Maud Land.

 He believed would one day be the world capital of his “master race.” Allegedly there were 300 square miles of land without snow and ice.

Throughout the entire duration of the war the Nazis had allegedly shipped scientists, workers, technology and saucer components to this Antarctica base or bases. Some reports also allege that Adolf Hitler escaped capture and escaped to South America.

   Over one hundred German U Boats disappeared during World War II and were never found. According to German naval archives, months after Germany surrendered to the Allies in April 1945, the German submarine U-530 arrived at the South Pole from the Port of Kiel. It is felt an unknown alien intelligence occupied parts of Antarctica and gave advanced secrets of UFOs to the Germans. Navy. At the end of World War II many Nazis escaped from Germany and traveled to Antarctica.

Admiral Karl Domitz was congratulated by Hitler for building an exceptionally fine base in Antarctica.


Nazi Antarctica Base

 Soviet archives have extensive files claiming that Nazi Germany and the United States forged an alliance prior to the end of World War II allowing Hitler and cohorts to escape to Antarctica in exchange for German technology that included the atomic bomb, an advanced fighter jets, rocket and flying saucer technology. This would also explain the post WW2 global campaign to suppress the information concerning the free energy aspect of this from the public.

 Commander Bethune claimed he had flown Admiral Byrd to Antarctica to negotiate with the Germans. He was told by Admiral Byrd the Germans refused to surrender or reveal their technology.

There is also being advanced the theory that the extraterrestrials belonged to very ancient civilizations that was here before modern man. The idea that these underwater structures predate the Nazis is further bolstered by anomalies such as The Piri Reis Map (1513) at the bottom of the map showed Antarctica ice free with flowing rivers and a clean coastline.

South end of The Piri Reis Map (1513

We do know Nazi U 977 and U 530 submarines went aground in Argentina after carrying supplies to the Antarctic a few weeks after the end of war. Advanced U boats and supply ships operating out of neutral Spain allegedly carried hundreds of Germans to Antarctica and South America.

 The first American expedition to explore Antarctica since 1840 was the Byrd Expedition from 1928-1930. Another US Antarctic Service Expedition 1939-41 visited the continent with Captain R. H. Cruzen in command. At the end of war Intelligence reports reported Nazi’ ships and submarines were heading south.

 Operation Highjump

 After the German Scientists refused cooperation, the Secretary of War, Secretary of the Navy and the Secretary of State on August 7, 1946, approved Operation Highjump.

The Secretary of State, Secretary of War and Secretary of the Navy on August 7, 1946, approved Operation Highjump. A memorandum prepared for the meeting stated that the “Navy proposes to send an expedition to the Antarctic early in 1947. The purpose of this expedition includes training personnel and testing material, consolidating and extending U.S. sovereignty over Antarctic areas, and investigating possible base sites. Rear Admiral Richard .E. Byrd was designated as Officer-in-Charge of the project. Task Force Commander was Captain R. H. Cruzen”. Both men had visited the area prior to the war and allegedly and located several “oases” now secret areas of the Antarctic. The Navy was aware that Germany had advanced technology in Antarctica.  On December 2, 1946, the task force set sail for the Antarctic continent with a force of 13 ships carrying some 4,700 men.

The Task Force 68 included multiple aircraft aboard an aircraft carrier the USS Philippine Sea.  The Central Group of ships reached the Bay of Whales on January 15, 1947, and planned to stay for six months. They constructed temporary runways along the glaciers, in a base dubbed Little America IV.

 The ships navigated through an ice-cream pack of several hundred miles before reaching Little America.  Icebergs and unpredictable weather were formidable foes during the course of the expedition. Upon arriving at the polar continent, they reportedly split into three separate groups and began a massive reconnaissance- like operation taking over 50,000 photographs.

 On Navy reconnaissance aircraft was flown by Bunger who flew west with cameras humming.

Suddenly the men in the cockpit saw a dark spot come up over the barren white horizon and as they drew closer, they couldn’t believe their eyes.  Byrd later described it as a “land of blue and green lakes and brown hills in an otherwise limitless expanse of ice”. Bunger and his men carefully inspected the region and then raced back to the ship to tell the others of their discovery.

  Several days later Bunger and his flight crew returned for another look, finding one of the lakes big enough to land his “flying boat” on. The lake was filled with red, blue and green algae which gave the lakes their distinctive color.

 Most interesting to note about Admiral Byrd’s Operation Highjump mission was his solo flight towards the South Pole on February 19, 1947, wherein he recorded in his diary the following: “1000 Hours- “We are crossing over the small mountain range and still proceeding northward as best as can be ascertained.

Present Day View of South Poole

Beyond the mountain range is what appears to be a valley with a small river or stream running through the center portion. There should be no green valley below! Something is definitely wrong and abnormal here! We should be over ice and snow! To the port side are great forests growing on the mountain slopes. Our navigation instruments are still spinning, the gyroscope is oscillating back and forth!” Although not released, an alien intelligence was allegedly located.

 Operation Highjump has become a topic among UFO conspiracy theorists, who claim it was a covert US military operation to conquer alleged secret underground alien or Nazi facilities in Antarctica and capture the German Vril flying discs. This has always been denied by the US Navy.  The intelligence report revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. They encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile

. Many Navy aircraft were shot down in the one-sided battle that the Navy claims never happened.

 Reports claim disc shape craft came out of the sea coming through the ice attacking some of the ships and aircraft. Commander Graham Bethune and other Navy personnel claim the task force encountered ‘heavy resistance’ and that there was a battle between American and UFO forces operating there, with losses on both sides. The piston engine Navy aircraft were no match for the modern German disc aircraft and allegedly at least one destroyer was sunk.

The Navy admitted four personnel were killed along with numerous injuries from PBM aircraft crash. This Navy official photos show a crashed PBM aircraft stating this aircraft with the call sign of ‘George 1’ mysteriously blew up killing four airmen.

 The intelligence report revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base.

  They encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile.

 The Navy ships retreated to Chile to repair damage and some sailors were put in a hospital . Admiral Byrd gave a press briefing. That appeared in their h newspapers as follows:.


Admiral Richard Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country  by hostile planes coming from the Polar Region. The Admiral explained he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or both poles.  This statement was made as part of a translation of his own polar experience


Admiral Byrd in an interview with Lee Van Aata of  International News Service aboard the Command ship the USS Mount Olympus discussed the lessons learned from Operation Highjump which ha\had been terminated unexpectedly by the US Navy. The interview appeared in the Wednesday, March 5, 1947, edition of the Chilean newspaper El Mercurio.

 Admiral Richard E. Byrd warned today that the United States should adopt measures of protection against the possibility of an invasion of the country by hostile planes coming from the Polar Regions. The admiral explained that he was not trying to scare anyone, but the cruel reality is that–  t in case of a new war, the United States could be attacked by planes flying over one or” The futuristic speed with which the world is shrinking both poles. This statement was made as part of a recapitulation of his own polar experience, in an exclusive interview with International News Service.

Talking about the recently concluded expedition, Byrd said that the most important result of his observations and discoveries is the potential affect that they have in relation to the security of the United States. The fantastic speed which the world is shrinking –recalled the admiral –is one of the most important lessons learned during his recent expedition’s . I have  to  warn my compatriots  that the time has ended when we were able to take  refuge in our isolation and rely on the other hand certainty that the distances, the oceans, the poles, were a guarantee of safety.

 These were not “isolated” remarks… Admiral Byrd later repeated the each of these points of view, resulting from what he described as his “personal knowledge” gathered both at the north and south poles before a news conference held for International News Service.

 At the end of World War II many Nazis escaped from Germany and traveled to  Nazis (Aryans) in Neuschwabenlandt.aveled.

   Soviet Claim Destroyer was sunk and Numerous craft’s shot Down

 The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. The Navy officially lists only four men were killed and many injured during the two-month operation. A Soviet film worth watching claims a destroyer has sunk.

 The US was very upset with Admiral Byrd’s revelations and the alien crashes at St Augustin and Roswell and they established in 1947, The National Security Act creating the National Security Council that was in charge of other intelligence on Earth and the continent of Antarctica

 According to Byrd’s “diary,” the government ordered Byrd to remain silent for what he witnessed during his Arctic assignment: March 11, 1947. Byrd writes:

“I have just attended a Staff Meeting at the Pentagon. I have stated fully my discovery and the message from the Master. All is duly recorded. The President has been advised. I am now detained for several hours (six hours, thirty- nine minutes, to be exact.) I am interviewed intently by Top Security Forces and a Medical Team. It was an ordeal!!!! I am placed under strict control via the National Security provisions of this United States of America. I am ORDERED TO REMAIN SILENT IN REGARD TO ALL THAT I HAVE LEARNED, ON THE BEHALF OF HUMANITY!!! Incredible! I am reminded that I am a Military Man, and I must obey orders.”

 Germans did make their mark in the South Pole. However, what they have discovered doesn’t compare to what Byrd recorded in his diary.

MCMURDO STATION, Antarctica — In recent years Bill Clinton, Britain’s Prince Harry, King Juan Carlos of Spain, U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry, Buzz Aldrin, Tom Hanks and ‘even the Pope have visited Antarctica.  A former McMurdo Station Antarctica, technician told a magazine that the scientists — aren’t afraid of getting in trouble because they have “a license to kill.” The snow melting is exposing interesting structures.  

 The intelligence report revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. They encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile.

Commander Graham Bethune and other Navy personnel claim the task force encountered ‘resistance’ and that there was a battle  between American and UFO forces operating there, with losses on both sides. The piston engine Navy aircraft was no match for the modern German disc aircraft.

 Why would warm spots, with warm water exist in the Antarctic?  Admiral Byrd Warns of UFO Invasion

 Talking about the recently completed expedition, Byrd said that the most important  result of his observations and discoveries is the potential effect that they have in relation to the security  of the United States.

The intelligence report, gathered from Soviet spies embedded in the US, revealed that the US Navy had sent the military expedition to find and destroy a hidden Nazi base. On the way, they encountered a mysterious UFO force that attacked the military expedition destroying several ships and a significant number of planes. Indeed, Operation Highjump had suffered “many casualties” as stated in initial press reports from Chile. The Navy officially lists four men were killed and many injured during the two month operation.

A Soviet film worth watching claims a destroyer was sunk.

 The US was very upset with Admiral Byrd’s revelations and the alien crashes at St Augustin and Roswell and they established in 1947, The National Security Act creating the National Security Council that was in charge of other intelligence on Earth and the continent of Antarctica.

 American Reinhold Schmidt, a man whose father was born in Germany, and who tells in his book “Incident at Kearney”, that he was taken on a ‘flying saucer’ on several occasions. Schmidt states that “the crew spoke German and acted like German soldiers”. He also stated that they took him to the “Polar” region.

 Later in 1959, the Antarctic Treaty was signed by 12 nations that protect Antarctica and any foreign intelligence that occupies this area. The area on the mainland between 90 degrees west and 150 degrees west, combined with the interior of the Norwegian Sector is the only major land on Earth not claimed by any country. Antarctica was not being set aside for protection of commercialism but was being set aside as a possible asylum for alien, other intelligence, or a Nazi Base. The Treaty states:

 Article 1 – The area is to be used for peaceful purposes only military activity, such as weapons testing, is prohibited but military personnel and equipment may be used for scientific research or any other peaceful purpose

Article 2 – Freedom of scientific investigations and cooperation shall continue

Article 3 – Free exchange of information and personnel in cooperation with the United Nations and other international agencies

 Article 4 – The treaty does not recognize, dispute, nor establish territorial sovereignty claims no new claims shall be asserted while the treaty is in force

Article 5 – The treaty prohibits nuclear explosions or disposal of radioactive waste. Thanks to

 UFO Crash Retrieval – The Kalahari UAP Incident // 3D CGI Animation / Unreal Engine 5.2

UFO Crash Retrieval – The Kalahari UAP Incident // 3D CGI Animation / Unreal Engine 5.2

Mirage firing a single rocket is able to knock the UFO down. It had three crew members and one was still alive.  The Kalahari Desert is a large semiarid sandy savanna in Southern Africa

Rocket Hits UFO explodes and Damages UFO that crashes

UFO Crashes in The Kalahari Desert

A couple days after the crash an US Air Force Recovery Teem lands on 23 June 1989 and takes the craft and aliens to Wright-Patterson’s Patterson Air Force Base from Mauritius.

Bodies are described  as Humanoid similar to Greys


Field Investigator Glenn Green has passed

By Bob Spearing and Sondra Faye

Glenn Green, a long-time New Jersey Field Investigator passed away suddenly on June 4, 2024. He was 67.

Glenn was highly regarded as an enthusiastic and humble gentleman to all who knew him. In New Jersey currently held the rank of Assistant State Director and before that, he was Chief Investigator there.

Abroad, he was Star Team and was the National Director for Sweden and honorary National Director of Antarctica as he was deeply interested in that continent’s anomalies.

Glenn also had a wonderful idea we hope will come to pass one day. He wanted Elon Musk to work with MUFON to launch very small inexpensive CubeSats on Falcon 9s that could sit in stationary orbits over UFO hotspots around the globe.

Glenn also studied Buddhism and Remote Viewing with Ingo Swann. Glenn was previously a

member of MUFON’s Experiencer Resource Team trained personally by Kathleen Marden whom he had incredible admiration for. He read every book she gave him. He loved counseling Experiencers.

Glenn possessed a Bachelor of Science degree in Paranormal Psychology from Franklin Pierce University, Rindge, New Hampshire.

Glenn was also a black belt in multiple martial arts. He turned down a fellowship at Stanford University to open his own successful Dojo training thousands of enthusiasts over the decades. He won awards for fencing and missed participating in the U.S. Team because of the 1980 Olympic Boycott.

His sister Sondra was his partner in his UFO work and enthusiasm and he survived his beloved wife Mary Anne of twenty years.

Overall, Mr. Green was a treasure for MUFON to have. We will miss his exuberance, his talent, and his humility most of all. A celebration of life will be held in NJ on November 16th for his family and friends and be streamed live for all Peaceful Beings in Deep Space.

Glen was a fine Director of Field Investigations for me at New Jersey MUFON and did great work and will be greatly misssed.

   Suicide  of  America  in  Newsweek 

Prominent  French  magazine  publishes  ‘The  Suicide  of  America’  issue,  criticizing  Biden,  wokeness  :  conservatives  (

 Newsweek  shares  the  cover  of  Le  Spectacle  Du  Monde.  Translated  it  says  “The  Suicide  of  America,”  and  it  openly  questions  if  America’s  collapse  was  imminent  based  on  the  Biden  administration’s  gaffes  in  wokeness,  and  the  Afghanistan  failure  ,  and  the  U.S.  southern  border,  and  elsewhere.  Merriam-WebsterWoke  is  a  slang  adjective  that  can  mean  being  aware  of  social  issues,  especially  racial  justice,  or  being  politically  liberal  and  progressive.

 “The  two  most  toxic  ideologies  of  the  20th  century  were  Nazism  and  Marxism.  Nazism  was  identity  politics  on  steroids,  and  Marxism  was  an  oppressor  narrative  on  steroids.  The  combination  of  the  two  is  actually  modern  wokeism  that  is  being  taught  in  United  States  schools,”  said  author  of  Woke  Inc.,  The  evening  news  is  now  fake  propaganda    news  that  ignores  all  bad  news,  and  twists  true  facts a t  the  Biden  Administration  and  the  serious  decline  of the President..

For instance, the Navy will  sideline  17 vessels due to a manpower shortage that makes it difficult to crew and operate ships. 

  Air  Force, and  Special Forces, the punitive expedition against  the  launching  pad  of  9/11 as swiftly completed,  the  primitive  Taliban  scattered,  and  an  example  made.  Our  military  fought  for  twenty  years  with  only  1800  men  killed  in  combat,  but  virtually  stopped  terrorism  in  Afghanistan..  Their  main  job  was  to  build  an  effective  Afghan  Army  that  was  taught  to  fight  with  U.S.  intelligence  and  air  power.  In July this support was suddenly removed by the Whitehouse , and  the  Afghan  Army  disintegrated,  so  the  war  in  Afghanistan  is  not  over  despite  our  sudden  surrender  and  hurried  evacuation.  Now  our  enemy  terrorists  are  ten  times  stronger  with  the  enemy  declaring  they  can  now  attack  the  US  with  millions  of  dollars  of  our  own  weapons  and  equipment  left  behind  in  Afghanistan.  The  Taliban  decide  who  we  could   evacuate.  This  is  the  biggest  military  blunder  and  defeat  and  disastrous  withdrawal  in  the  history  of  the  United  States.

 pparently  over  half  the  Afghans’  brought  here  are  the  wrong  ones  who  did  not  help  us  and  might  decide  to  harm us.  During  the  week  top  generals  briefed  Congress  and  they  claim  Biden  clearly  did  not  listen  to  his  military  commanders  on  Afghanistan.  They  claimed  they  told  him  we  should  keep  the  2500  U.S.  troops  there  that  Afghan  forces  were  doing  the  fighting  and  the  situation  was  very  stable.  Essentially  the  Taliban  and  Issus  would  not  take  over  and  provide  a  serious  terrorist  threat  to  the  US  as  long  as  the  situation  remained  stable.  The  Taliban  retreated  each  year  to  Pakistan  during  the  winter  and    evacuation  could  have  happened  then  without  Taliban  interference.

C-17  landing  in  Afghanistan   

Attacks  on  the  Taliban  bases  in  Pakistan  could  have  destroyed  the  Taliban.  By  leaving  suddenly  we  have  created  millions  of  enemies  on  both  sides  who  fought  with  us  and  against  us. 

Our  NATO  allies  are  disgusted  with  us  because  many  of  their  people  are  also  still  left  behind  with  numerous  Americans 

 UNICIF  has  warned  that  this  month  that  a  million  Afghan  children  are  at  risk  of  starvation.  I’m    embarrassed  how  thousands  of  our  citizens  were  left  behind  because  August  30,  was  chosen  politely  has  the  last  date  of  retreat  by  our  Administration.  We  will  pay  dearly  in  the  future  for  this  monumental  mistake.

 here  was  poor  planning  by  the  politicians  and  State  Department.  No  thought  was  apparently  given  about  the  welfare  of  the  people  of  Afghanistan  or  of  the  United  States.  The  US  is  under  attack  daily  by  Communist  and  terrorist  forces  which  is  ignored  by  the  news  media  and  government.  The  thousands  of  wildfires,  wildfires  and  explosions  are  often  sabotage  but  the  media  fails  to  report..  90  percent  of  the  over  a  million  wildfires  each  year  are  caused  by  people,  many  of  whom  are  terrorists.

 Afghanistan Crowd Wanting to leave

There  is  also  the  basic  question  of  trust,  over  half  the  Afghans  evacuated  according  to  our  soldiers  were  not  those  who  supported  our  troops  in  the  fighting.  The  Taliban  were  in  control  and  decided  who  was  sent  to  be  evacuated. 

 he  Afghans  were  not  rigorously  vetted  under  the  wild  situation  and  quick  time  restraint  and  ridiculous  Biden  decision  to  have  everybody  out  by  August  30.

  Many  who  were  evacuated  are  possibly  terrorists.  When  bad  things  happen,  you  can  assume  it  is  sabotage.  Many  of  the  wildfires  are  being  caused  by  arsonists.  Thousands  of  Americans  and  most  of  those  Afghan  s  with  Green  Cards  who  helped  our  troops  were  left  behind.  Former  Special  Forces  and  retired  personnel  at  Mazar  I  Sharif  airport  for  46  Days  attempting  evacuate  deserving  Afghan’s.

 It  turns  out  the  airlift  evacuated  fewer  than  half  of  the  approved  allies  who  held  Special  Immigrant  Visas  (SIV)  holders.  In  fact,  less  than  half  of  the  120,000  people  were  American  citizens  or  Afghans  who  served  alongside  American  troops  with  Green  Cards  and  deserved  to  be  evacuated  were  left    behind  to  be  killed  or  jailed.

 Outlying Airfield Where US Civilians Paid for Commercial Flights to get Americans and friends Out of Afganistan.

The  State  Department  has  not  allowed  private  charters  that  private  citizens  are  paying  good  money  to  bring  US    citizen’s  home.  They’re  not  allowed  to  land  them  in  the  United  States.  The  State  Department  says  no  that  this    is  treasonous  activity  that  the  fake  news  does  not  report. drifted  far  away.

 To  cover  up  the  huge  mistake  of  evacuating  60,000  questionable  people,  Democrats  desperate  to  cover  up  put  in  the  budget  bill  authority  to  provide  lifetime  housing  and  welfare  to  the  undeserving  evacuees.  The  generals  made  a  point  of  how  cooperative  the  Taliban  were,  probably  because  we  were  air  lifting  the  wrong  people.  Since  then,  Russia,  Iran,  Hamas  attacked  Israel,  and  Houthis  are  sinking  ships  in  the  Red  Sea.   

Sabotage Wild fires Burning the United State

  There  were  55,561  wildfires  in  2923  burning  millions  of  acres,  183  deaths,  and  hundreds  of  homes.

  The  number  of  fires  and  their  severity  has  increased  each  year  ha  more  and  more  immigrants  are  let  into  the  country. Lighting a wildfire can just take a match or burning cigarette.

Starting  a  fire  is  a  simple  method  of  sabotage  with  175  fires  burning  now  in  the  West.  Be  aware  the  government  tends  to  keep  the  cause  of  the  wildfires  and  other  so  called  accidents  secret.  The  government  claims  to  have  lost  track  of  over  33,000  children  who  are  likely  with  pedophiles  or  working  in  factories.    Thousands  of  potential  terrorists  have  entered  our  country  and  are  causing  murders,  rapes,  drug  traffic  and  sex  traffic.

by William G. Weber and George Filer  Author’s

The  book covers some historical documented cases as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover-up and even discredit witnesses to the actual sighting events.

 The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone. Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who brings over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology.

He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows and local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it.

 Both a  Kindle Edition and Paper book edition

 George Filer writes a complete story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.

 Files delayed due to computer crash.

George Filer

MUFON Eastern Region Director Chief Editor National UFO Center Major USAF ret. Graduated BS from Bradley U and Masters's Degree from Central Michigan University

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