Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Possible Brazil UFO Crash, Aldrin Claims UFO Followed Apollo 11 Near the Moon and he had first Communion, Bob Lazar Dreamland, Information from a Contactee, The Seven by Fred Brock and Carbon 60
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Illinois, New Mexico, New York, North Carolina, South Carolina, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Brazil, Canada, France, Germany, Netherlands, Spain, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Thousands witness Possible ‘UFO crash’ in Brazil amid Google Maps ‘cover-up’
Fire and loud explosions above Brasil
MULTIPLE sightings of a UFO in Brazil has sparked a social media frenzy, amid claims that unidentified craft crashed in a nearby forest and was later covered up by Google Maps. MULTIPLE sightings of a UFO in Brazil have sparked social media frenzy, amid claims that the mysterious lights were seen by thousands of people. There’s video evidence, and people are stunned residents can be heard trying to identify the lights in the sky, before several of the lights appear to crash land nearby.
Another video shows a group of five illuminated spheres in the night sky– a bizarre visual phenomenon which “many people saw”. Others posted footage of a floating red orb, as well as strange flashing lights in the horizon. One witness Andre Di Mauro tweeted: “There are reports that something fell over there in a lake. But it doesn’t seem to be a satellite. Stunned residents can be heard trying to identify the lights in the sky, before several of the lights appear to land nearby. Another video shows a group of five illuminated spheres in the night sky – a bizarre visual phenomenon which “many people saw”.
Others posted footage of a floating red orb, as well as strange flashing lights in the horizon. One witness Andre Di Mauro tweeted: “There are reports that something fell over there in a lake. But it doesn’t seem to be a satellite.” Video UFOs
UFO Over Brazil Sparks Social Media Panic and Conspiracies
The mysterious lights were seen by thousands of people, there’s video evidence, and people are saying posts disappeared from social media. What happened?
Brazilians in the municipality of Mage, just north of Rio de Janeiro, reported seeing mysterious illuminated objects in the sky on Wednesday May 13, 2020. Several videos of the objects exploded on Reddit and Twitter, sparking incredible speculation about a crashed UFO that has been picked up widely in the Brazilian press. Loud explosions in the sky caused thousands to watch the clashes in the sky. Some feel two different aliens were fighting one another or the Brazil was shooting them down.
Magé began to trend on Twitter Wednesday morning when several people began sharing videos of glowing lights in the sky. The videos show blue, red and yellow orbs moving around the sky, and one video shows the lights arranged in a triangular formation.
UFO enthusiasts began to fall down the conspiratorial rabbit hole rather quickly when posts about the event began disappearing on Twitter. As the event began to gather digital steam, the #Mage UFO hash tag began to swell with posts, then, suddenly, vanished. Meanwhile, on the r/UFOs Reddit page, posts concerning the Brazilian UFOs also began to disappear. Crying foul, users began to accuse both Twitter and the moderators of the r/UFOs subreddit of censorship. Twitter did not immediately respond to a request for comment. President Trump took aim at Twitter for or fact-checking his tweets and removing much real news and leaving the fake. Threads and comments about the UFOs were deleted from the r/UFOs subreddit. People wanting to discuss the event have moved on to r/aliens in the meantime.
To make matters worse, users began posting a Google Maps link showing a satellite image of part of Magé, with smoke billowing from a blanked out area suggesting a vast conspiracy and Google cover-up. It looks like this, which is unfortunate for Google:
A white image glitch in the shape of, well, a flying saucer, seems to appear in a wooded area north of Rio de Janeiro. Google Maps satellite images are not updated instantly, of course, so this is an old image. A Google spokesperson explained to “Essentially, the sun reflected off the surface of that building at just the right angle to briefly blind the satellite.”
The Brazilian military cordoning off the area and army personnel arresting anyone trying to get close to the supposed crash site are being reported. There are allegations of loud explosions and gunshots,
Typical internet lunacy aside, Brazil has been a long time hotspot for some pretty interesting UFO incidents. In 1957, journalist Ibrahim Sued received an envelope containing small bits of metal from an anonymous source claiming that they were debris from Ubatuba, a beach resort town, where an alleged UFO had crashed. Though not otherworldly in origin, the fragments were a highly pure magnesium. It is unclear where the metal came from and still remains a mystery. The infamous Colares UFO flap of 1977 made headlines when locals on the island of Colares began reporting strange objects in the sky and bizarre injuries to their bodies. According to researcher and computer scientists Jacques Vallee, several individuals were allegedly killed by the objects witnessed on the island. Reports of radiation and thermal burns, as well as strange scars, fill the Brazilian government’s file on the incident. After a formal investigation, the government concluded that it found no evidence of unusual phenomena.
Close up of orv over Brazil
While this latest Brazilian UFO incident will most likely join the countless other UFO mysteries that haunt South America’s skies, skeptics have argued that the lights over Magé were simply skydivers equipped with pyrotechnics, Chinese lanterns, or drones. Look at the video and decide for yourself. Thanks to VICE US. Video https://www.youtube.com/watch?reload=9&v=J4gEwLhtxkc
US has Successful Space Launch
The joint enterprise between Elon Musk’s SpaceX venture and NASA represents the first time since Obama cancelled the shuttles in 2011 that the US has launched astronauts from home soil. Space X made a successful “soft capture” manoeuvre with the giant International Space Station (ISS) space station on May 31st, 2020.
Twelve hooks have engaged, ensuring an airtight seal between the ISS and the SpaceX vehicle.
The docking is one of the most delicate and dangerous parts of the mission. The Dragon Crew capsule and the International Space Station came together while they were orbiting 250 miles above the Earth and moving at 17,500 m.p.h.
US astronauts Doug Hurley and Bob Behnken have boarded the ISS. The Space X Mission potentially saving billions of dollars, $86 million per astronaut normally paid to Russia to take the astronauts up to ISS.
Unfortunately, the successful launch is being overshadowed by looting and arson in US cities as the result of the horrific death of George Floyd by a policeman in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
“Politically-funded terrorists,” burning and looting Minneapolis and the US’ major cities.”
Unfortunately, the successful launch is being overshadowed by looting and arson in US cities as the result of the horrific death of George Floyd by a policeman in Minneapolis, Minnesota.
There were rioters looting tand burning he US’ major cities.
“Politically-funded terrorists,”burning Minneapolis
”The Mayors of the cities seen unwilling to have the police stop the paid organized terrorists from destroying their cities. “I loathe police brutality and racism but politically-funded terrorists are doing this on the shoulders of both. These are coordinated attacks usually from out of town groups; but apparently police have instructions not to defend their cities, while ‘Antifa’ groups were blamed for instigating violence and vandalism.
Earlier this week, the 17-year-old daughter of Minnesota Rep. Ilhan Omar (D) retweeted a post from her local Democratic Socialists of America (DSA), requesting supplies and weapons for“comrades ”rioting in Minneapolis. In some cases trucks pulled up in front of businesses broke their windows and loaded the truck with stolen goods.
Aldrin Claims UFO Followed Apollo 11 Near the Moon
and he had first Communion
Apollo 11 was the spaceflight that first landed humans on the Moon. Commander Neil Armstrong and lunar module pilot Buzz Aldrin formed the American crew that landed the Apollo Lunar Module Eagle on July 20, 1969, at 20:17 UTC
Allegedly Buzz Aldrin ‘saw a UFO’ during 1969 Apollo 11 flight Second man to walk on moon convinced life exists elsewhere in space but denies his sighting was extraterrestrial.
Collins, Armstrong Aldrin
Buzz Aldrin claims a UFO flew near them on the way to the moon.
Video https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/1151528/moon-landing-apollo-11-missio
Days before the 45th anniversary of the 1969 Apollo 11 moon landing, astronaut Buzz Aldrin explained his experience with a so-called UFO in an online discussion.
“On Apollo 11 in route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us,” Aldrin said during a Reddit AMA (ask me anything) session according to the Huffington Post. “There were many explanations of what that could be, other than other spacecraft from another country or another world — it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the Lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft. So in the close vicinity, moving away, were 4 panels. And I feel absolutely convinced that we were looking at the sun reflected off of one of these panels. Which one? I don’t know. So technically, the definition could be ‘unidentified.'”
NASA Communication expert claims this is what Aldrin saw near the Moon
In an interview on the Science Channel in 2005, Apollo astronaut “Buzz” Aldrin said that the crew of the famous Apollo 11 mission had seen a UFO on their way to the moon. In a NASA, which many of us in the United States say stands for ‘Never A Straight Answer’, proceeded to erase 40 rolls of film of the Apollo mission flight to the Moon, and flight around the Moon, the landings on the Moon, the walking guys here and there,” Command Sergeant Major Robert Dean said.
Moon landing: NASA deleted evidence of aliens in Apollo 11 mission –
NASA deleted evidence of aliens from the 1969 Moon landing, and astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong knew of the extraterrestrials activity, according to conspiracy theorists.
Moon landing: NASA deleted evidence of alien’s structures on the Moon when 40 rolls of film from the Apollo 11 mission were deleted. It seems logical if NASA was not hiding data the 40 rolls of film would be available for the world to see. After all it was probably on the most important historical moments in the history of Earth. NASA deleted evidence of aliens from the 1969 Moon landing, and astronauts Buzz Aldrin and Neil Armstrong knew of the extraterrestrials activity, according to conspiracy theorists.
As NASA marks 51 years since the first people stepped foot on the Moon on July 20, 1969, some are claiming there is more than meets the eye. Conspiracy theorists first began claiming that NASA knew of aliens on the Moon when the space agency supposedly deleted 40 rolls of film from the Apollo 11 mission. The claim has credit as it was made by Bob Dean, a United States Army Command Sergeant Major, who also served at the Supreme Headquarters Allied Powers Europe (SHAPE) of NATO.
Dr Steven Greer, founder of The Disclosure Project and The Center for the Study of Extraterrestrial Intelligence (CSETI), who added fuel to the alien theory fire, as he claimed to have had secret discussions with close acquaintances with Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin.
Dr Greer claimed in a blog post that people close to the first Moon lenders admitted that the duo did see evidence of aliens while on the historic missions.
Moon landing: NASA deleted evidence of aliens in Apollo 11 mission – shock claim Dr Greer wrote: “Close friends and very close family members of both Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin have separately told me that indeed there were numerous, large UFOs around the crater where the Lunar Module landed and that these were seen by both Armstrong and Aldrin. Astronaut Edgar Dean “Ed” Mitchell who was on Apollo 14 said other astronauts on earlier Apollo flights claimed to have seen UFOs but their contracts forbid them to reveal aliens, structures on the moon or UFOs
“I have also spoken to military officers that have seen the footage of this event- but it has never been made public.” However, Buzz Aldrin has directly addressed claims he saw UFOs saying he saw lights, but did not think they were of alien origin. Dr Aldrin said in a 2014 Q&A: “On Apollo 11 in route to the Moon, I observed a light out the window that appeared to be moving alongside us.
“There were many explanations of what that could be, other than another spacecraft from another country or another world – it was either the rocket we had separated from, or the 4 panels that moved away when we extracted the Lander from the rocket and we were nose to nose with the two spacecraft.
“When Apollo 11‘s Eagle lunar module landed on the moon on July 20, 1969, astronauts Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had to do something hard: On the nearby crater were six UFOs.
They were filmed and sent back to Earth but the transmission was deleted for the public during a minute blackout.
Six UFOs parked near Apollo 11 Lander from Selected by Extraterrestrials Volume 2
However those at NASA Space Center saw the UFOs according to William Tomkins and appeared like this drawing. They were scheduled to open the door of their lunar Lander and step onto the unknown surface of a completely different world. But for now, seeing the UFOs their mission ordered them to take a pause before the big event.
And so Aldrin spent his time doing something unexpected, something no man had ever attempted before. Alone and overwhelmed by anticipation, he took part in the first Christian sacrament ever performed on the moon—a rite of Christian communion. We can assume he called on /god for protection.
Adrian’s lunar communion has since become shrouded in mystery and confusion, but the rite itself was relatively simple. The astronaut was also an elder at Webster Presbyterian Church; he had bread and wine with him to give himself communion.
The mood on the module was sober. Both Armstrong and Aldrin knew how important their mission was. “I was certainly aware that this was a culmination of the work of 300,000 or 400,000 people over a decade and that the nation’s hopes and outward appearance largely rested on how the results came out,” Armstrong recalled in an oral history.
As the men prepared for the next phase of their mission, Aldrin got on the communication system and spoke to the ground crew back on Earth. “I would like to request a few moments of silence,” he said. “I would like to invite each person listening in, wherever and whomever he may be, to contemplate for a moment the events of the past few hours and to give thanks in his own individual way.”
Then he reached for the wine and bread he’d brought to space—the first foods ever poured or eaten on the moon. “.
Aldrin felt that the service should be broadcast to the entire world. Apollo 8 astronauts read the Book of Genesis during a broadcast made on Christmas Day 1968, when they became the first humans to orbit the moon.
Aldrin wasn’t the only astronaut to experience religious rituals in space. In 1994, three Catholic astronauts took on board Space Shuttle Endeavor. Israeli astronaut Ian Ramón reportedly the Jewish Shabbat Kiddush prayer in space (he later died when Space Shuttle Columbia exploded in 2003). And Russian cosmonaut Sergei Ryzhikov took a relic of St. Serafim of Sarov, a Russian Orthodox saint, to space in 2017.
The first space communion was only experienced by two men, but it hasn’t been forgotten by the wider world. Lunar Communion Sunday is still celebrated annually at Webster Presbyterian and elsewhere to commemorate the event, and Aldrin spoke and wrote about the experience later in life.
He wrote. “But at the time I could think of no better way to acknowledge the Apollo 11 experience than by giving thanks to God.”
Bob Lazar Dreamland
Bob Lazar is the reason Area 51 became infamous in the 1980s and his recent appearance on Joe Rogan’s podcast with 7 million listeners is credited with inspiring the Storm Area 51 phenomenon. In his DREAMLAND autobiography, Lazar reveals every detail of his highly controversial story about being an insider within the world’s most legendary military research base.
Bob Lazar was a brilliant young physicist that found himself employed at a top secret facility in the middle of the desert outside Las Vegas. Under the watchful eye of the government elite, he is tasked with understanding an exotic propulsion system being used by an advanced aerospace vehicle he is told came from outer space.
The stressful work and long, odd hours start to wear on Bob and he becomes concerned for his safety. He tells his wife and a couple close friends about what he’s doing in the desert, and his employers find out and are furious. When they station goons outside his house, Bob seeks help from wealthy UFOlogist, John Lear, who encourages Bob to take his story to award-winning investigative journalist George Knapp at KLAS-TV, a CBS affiliate.
Lazar’s drawing of the saucers he saw at a secret base in Area 51
To prove he’s telling the truth, Bob takes a group of people out into the desert to watch a test flight of the “flying saucer.” On the way home, they are stopped by the police, who notify the base, and Bob loses his job. In a series of interviews with CBS TV, Bob Lazar then blows the lid off “Area 51,” blows the whistle on the effort to conceal this craft from the American people, and blows up his career as a top physicist.
Bob Lazar’s reports have been the subject of intense controversy for decades. He has been interviewed numerous times and his story has been corroborated by other individuals he worked with and who were present when these events happened. But until now, Bob Lazar has never told his own story, in every detail in his own words, about those exciting days in the desert outside of Las Vegas and how the world came to learn about the experiments being conducted at Area 51. United Nuclear, Scientific Equipment & Supplies
Project Blue Book’ Is Based on a True UFO Story
2019-01-15, New York Times
Project Blue Book was the code name for an Air Force program set up in 1952 … to explain away or debunk as many [UFO] reports as possible in order to mitigate possible panic and shield the public from a genuine national security problem. The prominent astronomer J. Allen Hynek was recruited as Blue Book’s scientific consultant and was indeed initially committed to explaining away flying saucers as natural phenomena or mistaken identifications.
DR. J. Allen Hynek the former UFO skeptic, who was hired by the Air Force eventually concluded that they were a real phenomenon in dire need of scientific attention with hundreds of cases in the Blue Book files still unexplained. Even many of the “closed” cases were resolved with ridiculous, often infuriating explanations, sometimes by Hynek himself. Blue Book compiled reports of 12,618 sightings of unidentified flying objects, of which 701 remain unexplained to this day. The mystery of the elusive flying objects is still far from solved.
In 1947. Lt. General Nathan Twining … sent a secret memo on “Flying Discs” to the commanding General of the Army Air Forces at the Pentagon. Twining stated that “the phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.” Documents show the C.I.A. then devised a plan for a “national policy,” as to “what should be told the public regarding the phenomenon, in order to minimize risk of panic.” The C.I.A. issued a secret report recommending a broad educational program for all intelligence agencies, with the aim of “training and debunking.” When Blue Book closed in late 1969, the Air Force flatly lied to the American people. UFO Information Center.
Note: Hynek worked for a friend of mine Colonel Raymond Sleeper who commanded the Foreign Technology Division (FTD) at Wright Patterson who personally had witnessed UFOs while flying B-52s. Hynek at first was critical of UFOs but gradually became convinced they were real. Col. Sleeper fired Hynek over publishing his new beliefs.
Foreign Technology Division (FTD)
Before the day was over the Secretary of the Air Force was on the phone ordering Sleeper to hire him again which he did.
Colonel Sleeper’s friend and previous commander of FTD Major General Harold Watson felt the UFOs were not Exterrestrial and some experimental discs had and been found in Germany at the end of World War II. Watson had been in charge of collecting dozens of German experimental aircraft and flew many of them to France where they were loaded on an aircraft carrier and taken to Wright Patterson for evaluation.
German Experimental Aircraft
General. Watson had flown an ME-262 that had been booby-trapped to explode when it reached altitude. For some unknown reason the bomb failed to explode. There is evidence the Germans had been working on advanced aircraft of disc design and some may have been recovered. Reverse Engineering of foreign aircraft and space equipment was accomplished at the Foreign Technology Division at Wright-Patterson The base was well known for reverse engineering of foreign government aircraft during the Cold War. The base expertise in the disassembly and recreation of MIG fighters has only enriched the theories that alien craft have been studied there.
Information from a Contactee
This is a picture of a planet changing into a sun. I was shown this by my people on our ship and asked to post this. Susan was shown this on the ships monitors
Susan lives in Florida. She is connected to a group of ETs, and remembers her past lives as members of those ETs, and can even speak one of their languages. She has drawn images of many memories.
She wrote: I watched the wooden pyramid video and was amazed by all the common elements in my story and yours/Walt’s. The inside of the magnetron looks exactly like ‘our’ central gyro systems ‘we’ use in all ‘our’ ships. I was stunned. This guy is real. Also the ley line being corrected is exactly what ‘we’ do all the time over earthquakes, volcanoes, fault lines, vortices on in earth’s surface and bodies of water, – as a tertiary
As a tertiary correction gradient (these words come through as I write. Yet these fear mongering enemy’s s attack ‘us’ ‘our allies’ and SHOOT US DOWN WITH STAR WARS WEAPONS?!!! THAT’S IT ‘we’re’ going after our enemies full force. Humans stand back!!!
Back in 2010, I was driving north on US-1, and a blue laser beam came out of the cloud cover and hit my car. After that the transmission kept acting up. (I learned that Philip Schneider was hit by a blue laser which laid him open when he got caught in a fire fight with negative ETs.) Another time back in 2008, while in bed, a chopper flew over and shot a red laser at me through the window. Ysoron phase-shifted me, hid me on the floor between the bed and desk and sent one of ‘our’ battle scout ships after it. Then, when I got up for the day, Ysoron telepathically told me “For now on you won’t be allowed to remember much of your work up there when you go up for your own safety because we’re in a war. You’re fighting up there with us.”
Then there were at least 5 other times when I was attacked? Another scene/dream on ‘our Arkaron mother ship’ back in around 2015 or 16, I was lying dead on a steel slab. Several of my ‘buddies/crew’ were standing over me, as Ysoron had me resting on his crown center in back of his head. I saw them work my body through Ysorons eyes. This is where it gets extremely interesting. They took Morgellons fibers and layered them over the open wound. The wound looked like Jaws bit my whole torso out. Like half of my left side was missing like a huge bite was taken out of me. It was a laser that laid me open during a deep space battle. I watched as they laid a thin shear ‘curtain’ of these Morgellons fibers over the hole. Then, they put a slurry of undifferentiated stem cells in the hole I saw a cylindrical soliton wave envelope my whole body. With each pass of variable light harmonic resonances and permutations – each one specific time certain sets of organs.
This is Odivar of the Obrakon, the ones who fly the triangle ships
I watched my organs and tissues grow back. They also infused the stem cells with DNA from my original pact life body. Then, they were able to directly couple my soul back into this body. And I have the zig zag pattern to prove it.
I just got a thought flash. My race re animates cloned (with the beings own DNA) bodies with the souls of the deceased. That is, we are able to bring back to life an actual body – if its bio matrix doesn’t decay beyond the threshold point of stability which allows coupling with the soul matrix. I’ve done this myself with an ambassador ‘queen’ who was to marry a leader of a Reptoid race – in order to restore stability and safety for earth. Afterwards I was exhausted and had to sleep -12 hours straight back in1995. So the reason I told you all of this is, possibly my race can reanimate your [lost] comrades and restore their bodies. We do that. Also, acvordito Andrew Collins, because ‘we’re ‘ (presently) Cygnusians, ‘we’re’ known as psychopomps or soul carriers. This fits well with my experiences.
So the wooden pyramid is yet another stark profound moving validation of my own experiences – especially the pyramid. It’s definitely ET. Those fog chemtrails and they were shooting down our scout ships –the bastards. When I saw the white sphere appear over the pyramid I had the strong impression it was one of my people showing their presence to show that we might have nailed the bastards – we are warriors – and even maybe helped reanimate your people. Plus, to show all of you that ‘we’re’ behind you. ‘We’ showed ‘our’ presence and support. I don’t think – at least I hope – they won’t mess with you again. Thanks to Bruce Cornet.
The Seven
By Fred Ellis Brock
New York writer Bill Sanders, trying to help a friend find his lost daughter, is plunged into a nightmare of kidnapping, murder, and UFO conspiracies.
One early critic described the novel as a cross between The Man Who Knew Too Much and Close Encounters of the Third Kind.
Booklists reviews: “Entertaining and chock-full of modern gumshoe tropes.”
Fred Ellis Brock is a former editor and columnist at The New York Times and the Wall Street Journal. He is the author of the best-selling Retire on Less Than You Think: the New York Times Guide to Planning Your Financial Future (Times Books/Henry Holt, 2008).
The Seven, the first book of a trilogy, is available at Amazon.com, BN.com, Bookshop.org and other booksellers.
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UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMSl
Arizona Cylinder
Photo courtesy of MUFON
Prescott — I was sitting in a car on my lunch break, on February 15, 1993. Absentmindedly gazing out the window I saw a-25 foot torpedo-shaped craft a couple of miles away and about 150 feet above the ground, tilted toward the East. It made no sound, exhibiting no movement. It had no fins, no protrusions of any kind of markings. It looked like a solid chunk of metal, shaped like a missile with exaggerated tapering at both ends.
I was excited, but the object vanished.
California Object
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Vista — While in my spa I noticed an odd while watching a second light appeared next to the first , then after a few seconds a 3rd and then a 4th. I grabbed my iPad and began filming. The video is over 6 minutes and shows the line of hovering lights go from 4 to 7 and then disappear 1 by 1 until all gone. The filming began at 8:32 and at 8:42-ish we went inside on March 31, 2020.
Florida Lights
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Melbourne — At around 5:52 am I noticed a bright object above me moving south with no sound.
I started to record object using my cell phone.
As I started to record the phone was trying focus on the object as it accelerated briefly then slowed down and it eventually disappeared on May 22-2020.
Illinois Cylinder
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Chatham — Something very weird happened on May 28, 2929, tonight…I have allot of pictures I shot with a 24.4MP camera with little knowledge what this thing is and why there were so many. We just thought we were taking pictures of a double rainbow. My wife was inside taking pictures with her phone. I didn’t even see these. Didn’t notice at all until I saw the big cigar in the pictures when they Bluetooth uploaded to my phone, then I started looking and zooming in and finding all these same shaped objects all over the place looking like they were moving through this rainbow! It was nuts
It’s so weird. We didn’t see anything until we saw the pictures. Like, they were invisible…..I’m an amateur photographer and I’d know if I saw something like that come through on my viewfinder. If you need full files for resolution purposes, let me know. Like I said, it was a 24.4 MP camera I was using
New Mexico Boomerang
Photos courtesy of MUFON
I was taking test shots on May 23, 2020, with a new camera I obtained and only saw the objects after I uploaded the pictures to my computer. In one picture a large boomerang shaped object can be seen at a distance. Below the boomerang is a small orb shaped object. A third object can be seen a flying a few miles east of the orb. I took a second picture at 18:45:50 that shows the objects had moved east. The pictures are fairly high resolution and were taken RAW.
New York Light
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Cambria Heights — I captured this picture of a plane flying over border line Queens this afternoon. It was a random shot as I see big planes fly lower landing towards JFK international Airport around 1:50 pm. At first I thought it must be some camera or sun glare however my Samsung phone has motion photo which records everything during and until the shot is taken. Note: Light may be a lens reflection. Was taken on May 26, 2020
North Carolina Orb
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Sanford — Just bought a new trail camera and I was going through “Set Up” in order to set the trail cam time, date, and year. Once done I continued to read the directions on May 25, 2020 and took two pics. Now the thing is taking pictures without me. The 9th pic was of the ground where I found the camera that was suspect. An object just above me was caught in two pictures that I didn’t see or hear.
South Carolina Light
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Liberty– My girlfriend and I was driving home and taking pictures of the sunset, but it was so bright I closed my eyes. There was a UFO about the trees as plain as day. ..so I seen the UFO in the 2nd pic but as I noticed the first pic as I was aiming the camera n took the first shot it was in the distance so when I somehow ending up taking the last pic right in my face?? Weird thing is my pic says 3:29 pm and the time on the second pic was at 7:00 pm? I thought I took the pics 5 seconds apart but the time could be missing. Photos were taken on May 26, 2020
Tennessee Object
Photos courtesy of MUFON
Nashville — My 10 year old granddaughter took this picture over her house with an Apple iPad. My daughter sent this picture to me via iPhone. I enlarged area circled to see if I could make it out. I don’t recognize the aircraft and wondered if anyone in your group could identify it for us. Problem is my granddaughter is only 10, underage and I don’t know if my daughter wants her to be involved. As practice we do not answer phone numbers that we do not recognize.
Texas Object
Eagle Pass — On Thursday May 21, 2020, Laughlin Air Force Jets from Del Rio, Texas, presented a flyby over our town earlier in the day around 4PM. Later in the day, I was on Snap Chat Social Media where I tried looking for local videos of the jets. I found a video by someone unknown. I share this because I’ve personally sighted this object in my town and submitted the footage while back. I can only assume the area of the video as on Snap chat, a blue “hot spot bubble” was seen over a small neighborhood. Photo courtesy of MUFON
Virginia Object
Photo courtesy of MUFON
Alexandria — On the day of the Blue Angels flyover of the DC area I filmed four large jets flying in a row. The second jet in the formation had a UFO trailing it at a close distance. These planes were NOT the Blue Angels (wrong aircraft type). These planes were just dark with no apparent markings observed through a telescope.
This small object behind the plane reflected light
– All normal air traffic in the area was stopped from going into DCA. Shot on May 2, 2020 11:57AM)
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Brazil Red Lights
Photo courtesy of MUFON
Curitiba — So this happened a few years ago, laying down in my bed and saw this red dot super high in the sky. The dot slowly started to form smaller dots, the camera was on zoom 30 xs, I tried to take a photo for better resolution but I couldn’t frame them again, after the dots fell they reunited and went to the left, to this day I don’t know what it was, .
Canada Object
Photo is courtesy of MUFON.
Toronto — I was sitting outside my balcony on May 22, 2020, around 8:15 pm. The sun was going down and looked very beautiful so I took pictures. I am on the highest 29th floor in my building I was shocked what I did not see but was on the blow up picture. It was shaped like a UFO half a disc with a darker line in the middle. It looked like an inside down cup and the bottom was a different color. It looked like a flat plate upside down.
France Light
Photo is courtesy of MUFON.
Marseille — We saw a bright and fixed point in the sky.
I have two photos and a video. This is the big point on the photo.
Then we advanced a few meters and nothing. I took 2 photos.
Videos were taken on May 20, 2019.
Germany Orb
Photo is courtesy of MUFON.
Munich — While at work I happened to look out and see an object moving slowly across the sky. The shape was not a plane, or balloon or anything I could make out. It seemed to be rotating as every now and again the sun was reflected of the sliver/metallic surface. The weather at the time was sunny; Videos were taken on May 20, 2019.
Netherlands Object
Photo is courtesy of MUFON.
Groningen — I was taking a photo of a seagull from my balcony at home on a sunny and shiny day. Later when I was looking at the photo on my computer I spotted this object on the photo, high in the sky.
Pictures were taken on May 21, 2020.
Spain Light
Photo is courtesy of MUFON.
Frigiliana — Sighting continuing for 1 week now in the same location,
Various reports from triangle, orbs and oval shaped large Mothership.
Reports since Sunday 17th of May 2020 with the latest today 24th of May 2020.
UK/England Lights
Photo is courtesy of MUFON.
How don — Was taking star trail pictures in the sky on May 26, 2020, and when I came indoors to check the pictures, spotted what appears to be a red cube shape in the sky along with what looks like a white shiny aircraft.
UFO can be seen on top right of the images (above the trees)
Manchester — Silent dark object flying over my house, video attached.
Video was taken on May 26, 2020,
Photo courtesy of MUFON
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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222 Jackson Road
Medford, NJ 08055
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.