Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 to 4 million hits a month
Sending out 32,000 emails a week
In special reports, this week’s files cover: We Have Lost Many Men and Planes Trying Shoot Them Down, THE FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL, Cylinders UFO near ISS, Moon and Poland, Massive Voter Fraud? And Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Florida, Massachusetts, Missouri, New Jersey Oregon
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, France, Mexico, .Poland and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
We Have Lost Many Men and Planes Trying To
Intercept UFOs” General Benjamin Chidlaw,
Timothy Good writes, “The destruction or disappearance of military aircraft during interceptions of UFOs continued apace.” As General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of the Air Defense Command told Robert C. Gardener (ex USAF) in 1953: “We have stack of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” Leonard Springfield, the former Air Force intelligence officer was told by a reliable source in the 1950s that the “Air Force was losing about a plane a day to the UFOs. According to US Defense Department figures, from 1952 until the end of October 1956, there were 18,662 major accidents of military aircraft, broken down as follows: Year – Air Force – Navy – Total Accidents
Year – Air Force – Navy Losses
1952 2,274 2,086
1953 2,075 2,325
1954 1,873 1,911
1955 1,664 1,566
1956 1,530 1,358
F-86 Often Crashed
Of this astonishing accident total, most involved fast new jets (such as those scrambled in UFO interceptions), of which 56.2 per cent were found to be caused by pilot error; 8.1 per cent by ground-crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft; 2.8 per cent by various ‘unsafe conditions’, and –9.5 per cent (1,773) were due to ‘unknown factors’. Thanks to Timothy Good’ book, “Need to Know” P.172
Editor’s Comments: When I chased a UFO we exceeded the red lined aircraft air speed by 20 knots. In the excitement of the chase it is easy to exceed aircraft capabilities and often some part of the aircraft may fail. Many stories are told of firing missiles and making direct hits on the UFOs that were unharmed only to have them return the fire and destroy the interceptor.
Of this astonishing four year total of 14,302 US aircraft losses, most involved fast new jets (such as those scrambled in UFO interceptions), of which 56.2 per cent were found to be caused by pilot error; 8.1 per cent by ground-crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft; 2.8 per cent by various unsafe conditions nd 9.5 per cent (1,773) were due to unknown factors. Thanks to Timothy Good new book, “Need to Know” P.172
Comments: When I chased a UFO we exceeded the red lined aircraft air speed by 20 knots. In the excitement of the chase it is easy to exceed aircraft capabilities and often some part of the aircraft may fail. Many stories are told of firing missiles and making direct hits on the UFOs that were unharmed only to have them return the fire and destroy the interceptor.
F-89 Lost
Photo Courtesy of NUFORCOne well known example of aircraft loses to a UFO was the F-89 with tail number 51-5853A, piloted by 1st Lt. Felix Moncla Jr, with Second Lt. Robert L. Wilson as the Radar Intercept Officer. I spoke with a radar operator who worked in the Air Defense Command radar site on November 23, 1953. During the evening, radar picked up an unidentified target over Lake Superior and alerted the 433rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Truax Field, in Wisconsin. Lt. Moncla in his F-89 C all-weather interceptor was scrambled and instructed to intercept the target. The F-89 diving steeply down intercepted the target at 8,000 feet, and radar operators watched as the “blips” of the UFO and the F-89 merged on their scopes, in an apparent collision, and disappeared. No trace of the plane was ever found. You can visit Lt. Moncla’s memorial headstone at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Moreauville, Louisiana, which reads:
During the summer of 1952, Americans reported a record amount of UFO sightings to Project Blue Book, the Air Force group responsible for investigating unidentified flying objects. Author/Illustrator Frank C. Feschino, Jr. has written an exciting book that encompasses the summer of 1952 and America’s overwhelming UFO problem during that time. The author documents the numerous aerial encounters and confrontations that occurred between United States fighter planes and UFOs over America.
I spoke with Frank who spent 18 years searching for data to put in his excellent book. He told me that in July of 1952, an Air Force information officer revealed, “The jet pilots are, and have been under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can’t talk them down.” Feschino writes about the overwhelming amount of mysterious fighter plane accidents and vanished jets that occurred during the 1950s. I congratulate Frank Feschino for finding the story of our missing airmen in his many years of research into the UFO phenomena. “Shoot Them Down” is an important historical record of the deaths of brave men who were ordered to engage UFOs. Not only to hunt them down, but as Lt. Col. Moncel Monts is quoted in the book; “The jet pilots are, and have been under orders to investigate unidentified objects and to shoot them down if they can’t talk them down”.
Marine Major Donald Keyhoe, states .Frank proceeds to lay his documented cases of pilot disappearances’ as a result of actual aerial dogfights with documented sightings of UFO’s. President Barack Obama laid a wreath at the Tomb of the Unknowns at the Arlington National Cemetery this Memorial Day, perhaps those who sacrificed their lives chasing Unknowns has a new meaning. Those who died intercepting UFOs has been ignored. Most of the men who died in our wars have been honored for their sacrifice, now it is time to honor those who died for their country fighting UFOs. http://www.amazon.com/Shoot-Them-Down-Flying-Saucer/dp/0615155537
“In 1949 the Air Force told me they had been ordered to ‘get’ a flying saucer by any possible means. This was admitted by an intelligence officer at the Pentagon … Major Jere Boggs. In front of General Sory Smith, Boggs told me that one Air Force pilot had fired at a saucer over New Jersey.”
“In the late 1950s, as a number of futile US chases mounted, some pilots were convinced that the UFOs were immune to gunfire and rockets. Several Intelligence analysts believed the aliens might be using some negative force linked with gravity control to repel or deflect bullets and missiles. But the top control group disagreed. In a special evaluation of US and foreign reports they found evidence that UFOs were not invulnerable. Some had been temporarily crippled, apparently from power or control failures, and a few others had been completely destroyed by strange explosions. In one or two cases, it appeared that missiles or rocket fire could have been the cause.” http://www.flatwoodsmonster.com/
Many cases involved the disappearance of aircraft and aircrews that are still missing.
The Fullerton News-Tribune, CA July 26, 1956…
“The United States Navy will not publicly admit that it believes in flying saucers, but it has officially ordered combat-ready pilots to ‘shoot to kill’ if saucers are encountered, OCNS [Orange County News Service] has learned. The information was first learned when Navy pilots navigating trans-Pacific routes from the United States to Hawaii were ordered in a briefing session to engage and identify ‘ any unidentified flying objects.’ If the UFOs (saucers) appeared hostile the briefing officer told the pilots of Los Alamitos Naval Air Station reserve squadron VP 771, they are to be engaged in combat… It was found that the orders are not unusual.”
May 5, 1953, off the coast of Atlantic City, New Jersey, the USN reported, “3 Navy fliers missing” that was aboard a “Douglas Sky Raider, a night attack bomber.” The Navy reported, “A search by twenty-seven aircraft from daybreak to sundown, failed to find any trace of the men or plane.”
Stanton T. Friedman states, “I have personally heard of seven instances in which military planes chasing flying saucers were never heard from again. The chasing isn’t surprising, in view of the official USAF 1952 orders to shoot them down if they don’t land when instructed to do so.”
“If I have heard of seven such events, then surely there have been more. (More details are given in SHOOT THEM DOWN by Frank Feschino, Jr.). One can perhaps understand the reluctance of the government to admit that such losses have occurred (even though Major General Roger Ramey admitted in 1952 that more than 300 interceptors have been scrambled).” “Impotence in the face of intruders is not something that governments want to admit.” Excerpt from, Flying Saucers and Science – A Scientist www.amazon.co.uk/Flying-Saucers-Science-Scientist
The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which must be considered evasive when sighted … lend belief to the possibility that some of the objects are controlled … –General Nathan Twining, Head of Air Material Command (AMC), 1947.
Truman pins star on GeneralLandry
Major General Robert B. Landry writes, “I was called one afternoon [in 1948] to come to the Oval Office C the President wanted to see me…. I was directed to report quarterly to the President after consulting with Central Intelligence people, as to whether or not any UFO incidents received by them could be considered as having any strategic threatening implications .”.
Major General Robert B. Landry, Air Force Aide to President Harry S. Truman getting another star.
It is sad to know that many governments kept a lid on these engagements. The deaths of many airmen were attributed to pilot error or engine failure when in reality they had died in air combat with craft not of this world. It is time to honor these men who died in aerial battles with UFO’s after being scrambled to hunt them down.
“For we are not fighting against people made of flesh and blood, but against principalities, against powers, against the rulers of the darkness of this world, against spiritual wickedness in high places.” Ephesians 6

By Major Donald E. Keyhoe
This is the most interesting and the most important true story we have ever published. It is utterly true. We can document every occurrence reported here. It is our sober, considered conviction that the conclusion arrived at in this story is a fact, that … THE FLYING SAUCERS ARE REAL
Donald E. Keyhoe, who sums up the flying-saucer evidence for TRUE after sharing in the investigation that made this story possible, writes with twenty-five years of experience in observing aeronautical developments. A Naval Academy graduate, Pensacola-trained in aviation, he flew in active service with the Marine Corps, managed the U.S. tour of the historic plane in which Bennett and Byrd made their North Pole flight, was aide to Charles Lindbergh after the famous Paris hop, and was chief of information for the Aeronautics Branch, Department of Commerce. He has lectured and written extensively; of the many notable articles he has done for TRUE none has been so significant and timely as this one.
AFTER eight months of intensive investigation, the following conclusions have been reached by TRUE Magazine:
Major Donald E. Keyhoe
1. For the past 175 years, the planet Earth has been under systematic close-range examination by living, intelligent observers from another planet.
2. The intensity of this observation, and the frequency of the visits to the Earth’s atmosphere by which it is being conducted, have increased markedly during the past two years.
3. The vehicles used for this observation and for interplanetary transport by the explorers have been identified and categorized as follows: Type I, a small, no pilot-carrying disk-shaped aircraft equipped with some form of television or impulse transmitter; T
Type II, a very large (up to 250 feet in diameter) metallic, disk-shaped aircraft operating on the
Helicopter principle; Type III, a dirigible-shaped, wingless aircraft which, in the Earth’s atmosphere, operates in conformance with the Prandtl theory of lift.
- The discernible pattern of observation and exploration shown by the so-called “flying disks” varies in no important particular from well-developed American plans for the exploration of space expected to come to fruition within the next fifty years. There is reason to believe, however, that some other race of thinking beings is a matter of two and a quarter centuries ahead of us.The only other possible explanation is that the “saucers” are extremely high-speed, long-range devices developed here on Earth. Such an advance (which the Air Force has convincingly denied) would require an almost incredible leap in technical progress even for American scientists and designers. There is evidence of UDIOs in Antarctica and bases under the sea. Thanks to Major Keyhole
Cylinders UFO near ISS, Moon and Poland
Screenshot of the screen of a cell on April 9, 2015, when I was watching the Upstream app that transmitted live image of the International Space station. The object was standing at the top left corner. It had cylindrical appearance, with blue light in the rear.
This is a blowup of the cylinder OVER Southern France
This UFO is very clear compared to most and shows a long cylindrical object. Streetcap1 of YouTube caught it. We can all see from this evidence that the object in the photo is solid.
UFOs are seen near the ISS frequently even though NASA tries to limit observation time on individual cameras. The best stuff is deleted from public archives. Check out my Face book Channel for new direct links to NASA unexplained SOHO Satellite UFO fleet pictures. April 9, 2015. https://www.facebook.com/pages/Streetcap1/235282436499538
Notice the similarity to the craft near the International Space Station and the craft photographed on the moon. This is an incredible discovery by French researchers using Google Moon to find structures.
There are a lot of structures in this location. There are between 30-50 sizable and very amazing structures south of Dorsum Gast Crater. Coordinates 1: 21°54’26.17″N 9°20’36.05″E, Coordinates 2: 22°42’38.96″N 8°34’5.18″E, Coordinates 3: 22° 7’29.46″N 8° 7’35.68″E
. Thanks to SCM and Sebastien Speller of YouTube
Poland Cylinder
Warsaw — I caught this object on the 9th of July 2020 over Poland. While taking the pictures I didn’t see anything strange in the sky.
Colorado Cylinder
Photo courtesy of MUFON.com
Littleton — I was in my backyard looking up in the sky and I noticed a bright flash so I got my camera and started taking pictures and a video of a Cylinder like spinning object. Pictures were taken on May 8, 2020.
Humans Are Not from Earth
Dr. Ellis Silver has made an evaluation of the evidence for and against man’s evolution on Planet Earth, by a leading environmentalist and ecologist.
In this fascinating book Dr. Ellis Silver provides answers to all of these questions, based on current evidence and thinking in the scientific community and elsewhere. Sunburn, bad backs and pain expert claims prove this is not our home planet.
This book is intended to raise awareness and stimulate debate and to request/gather further evidence from readers. Mankind is supposedly the most highly developed species on the planet, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill- equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring (raw) foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more. Plus there’s a prevailing feeling among many people that they don’t belong here or that something “just isn’t right”, says Professor of Ecology Dr. Ellis Silver.
It may look like a script from an episode of the X-Files, but the idea of life being brought to another earth has been considered by ancient cultures since the beginning of civilization. As this particular theory states, humans were not born on Earth but on another planet. This is why we demonstrate a series of “dysfunctions”, which would not exist if we were the “product” of Earth. The theory states that we are by nature unruly and aggressive beings that have strong egos, and that is why highly developed aliens brought the human population together on their previous planet and exiled us to Earth to learn how to behave ourselves. This theory was developed by Professor of Ecology Dr. Ellis Silver. As the Australian professor says, humans have problems with their back and often suffer from pain because our species descended from a planet with less gravity than on Earth. According to Silver, we also face problems when we are exposed to direct sunlight for a relatively short time because we were not designed to come in so close contact with the sun. Dr. Silver put all of his best evidence into a book titled “Humans Are Not from Earth”.
Humans have high rates of complications and mortality during pregnancy and childbirth due to the disproportionately large baby’s head size. He also notes the fact that humans are not equipped to deal with the natural environment, for example, cold or heat.
The theory also considers the paradox that human shows strong dislike for many types of foods that nature provides, such as raw food. Silver says that humans are sick very often because, among other things, our biological clock is tailored for a day of 25 hours, as was confirmed by a study coming out of Harvard. Silver believes that anatomically modern human is a hybrid resulting from the crossing of the Neanderthals with another kind of humans who came to Earth from 60,000 to 200,000 years ago possibly from a planet in Alpha Centauri, the closest star system to us.
The “ancient gods” that would come down from the skies in their “chariots of fire” and “flying boats” were probably ancient mans way of communicating their encounter with these intelligent beings that landed on Earth. These “gods” often are depicted in ancient cultures as looking like modern day astronauts, which in Dr. Silver’s mind would be ETs visiting earth from another star system.
Astronaut uniforms s thru time
Humans use normally only under 10% of their brain capacity, geniuses may go up to 30% WHY so little? Humans are a primitive aggressive race waging wars all the time for oil, minerals and land. If more of brain capacity would be used, the planet would be already destroyed by this primitive hybrid race which falsely thinks it is the highest intelligence in the universe. But slowly the true origin of the human race is being revealed and cosmic contacts with other more advanced races in the universe will teach a lot. http://www.amazon.com/Humans-are-not-Earth-scientific-ebook/dp/B00DKK9IX2/
Massive Voter Fraud?
Trump had a large lead in numerous states when truck loads of fraudulent votes were brought into Democratic cities and counted all against him. Several Democratic workers claim weeks prior the election they were briefed on hundreds of ways to cheat while counting the ballots. Rural votes would be put the counting machines once while city votes in batches of hundreds of votes would be put through the counting machines five or six times. They were told to keep Republican poll watcher s were kept away in numerous cities which is illegal. The news media as usual was us lying to protect Biden and for four years never had a kind word for Trump. And refuses to investigate multiple millions Hunter Biden received from China, Russia and the Ukrainian. Republic poll watchers were kept away from the counting in virtually every city which is against the law.
It’s been more than a week since the final votes were cast and many of Trrump’s72 million voters still believe the elections was fundamentally unfair. They’re right about that. Democrats completely changed the way we voted in this election. Our system has never been more disorganized and it’s never been more vulnerable to manipulation.
For example in Democratic run states, ballots were sent to millions o people who were not alive or had moved as was the case with my granddaughter who moved to New York three years ago. Frankly thousands of votes were completely fraudulent
In some ways, it’s an inspiring story, the triumph of voting over death. And no one quite embodies that story like James Blalock of Covington, Ga. Mr. Blalock was a mailman for 33 years until he passed away in 2006. Fourteen years later, according to state records, James Blalock cast a ballot in last week’s election. How did he do that? Maybe he was just one of those extraordinary mail carriers; neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night nor even death itself could keep him from the mail. In his case, maybe voting from the grave wasn’t really fraud, it was just commitment.
Then there’s Linda Kesler of Nicholson, Ga. Linda Kesler died in 2003. Seventeen years later, she was still voting in presidential elections. Edward Skwiot, of Trenton, Ga., spent his life working construction and teaching school. In his spare time, he loved bluegrass music. According to those who knew him, he played multiple instruments and enjoyed jam sessions. When he died five years ago at the age of 82, it seemed like he was gone from this world for good. But no, last week he voted for president and he wasn’t the only one.
As of right now, there aren’t enough of these votes to alter the outcome. But the point is this: They are dead, but they voted anyway. The question is how did they do that? How exactly did they cast their ballots? And the short answer is: by mail. Dead people, like any other group, tend to vote more often when you make it easier for them to vote, and this year, we made it much easier for the dead to vote. States sent ballots and registration forms to millions of people, totally unsolicited. The pretext was COVID and a public health emergency. The effect was to encourage fraud.
One 2012 study by Pew found there were close to two million dead people still on voter rolls around this country. The study also found that approximately 24 million voter registrations — that is, one out of every eight in America — were either no longer valid or they were significantly incorrect. Close to three million people in America had registrations in more than one state.
So what happens if you start sending ballots and registrations to lists like this? You’re guaranteed to increase the amount of fraudulent voting, and that’s exactly what Democrats did. Republicans, we should add, let them do it.
One of those people was a former elementary school teacher called Rosemarie Hartle. According to her 2017 obituary, Rosemarie Hartle was “loving, fun, sassy and sarcastic (in a fun way), beautiful, powerful, relentless, and inspiring.”
Sadly, even though she’s gone, her voter registration remains. She’s still on the rolls. Someone received Rosemarie Hartle’s ballot in the mail and then cast it. We don’t know who did this. We wish we did, because it’s fraud. It’s a threat to our system, and it’s being hidden by a news media totally vested in a Joe Biden presidency.
We have a right to know. We have an obligation to know much more about this. But thanks to the media blackout, it is left to independent conservative sites like The Federalist to report what the rest should be reporting but are not. Thanks to the Federalist,
In Pennsylvania, the state that made Joe Biden the president-elect, there are likely quite a few dead voters. How do we know that? Because the state told us.
According to a report last December from the commonwealth’s Department of the Auditor General, nearly 3,000 potentially deceased voters remained on the voter rolls. The Trump campaign says it has found evidence that some of them voted this year.
For example, on Oct. 24, Allegheny County officials mailed a ballot to one Denise Ondish. She had died two days before. Yet somehow, records show that county officials received that ballot back completed on Nov. 2.
Why did this happen? How can we prevent it from happening again? Those are the questions. The first is very simple to answer: Democrats did it. They understand that when you send mail-in ballots to an entire unverified voter roll, you can’t really know who’s voting. But just to make certain that fraud remained likely; Democrats filed lawsuits in Nevada to eliminate signature verification.
Vote Counting Maachine
In 2019, well before the corona virus pandemic, Sen. Ron Wyden, D-Ore., sponsored the Vote by Mail Act. The Vote by Mail Act demands that every state mail ballots to their entire unverified voter list. Whether you ask for it or not, whether you’re alive or not, you get a ballot. There’s no other way to interpret this except as Democrats abetting fraud.
This summer, Democrats in the House of Representatives passed something called the HEROES Act. It wouldn’t simply have mailed absentee ballots to all voters in America. It also would have prevented states from restricting ballot harvesting in any way. That means that anyone could collect and return bundles of ballots from dead or living voters to polling stations, and there would be no oversight of this at all. That’s insane, but expect more of it. Loose voting rules are too useful for the left to pass up.
In January, Democrats could very well gain control of the United States Senate. If that happens, much will change. But one of the things that will happen is that they will pass the HEROES Act into law. Right now, they’re claiming universal mail-in balloting is necessary because of corona virus, but they’re lying. They’ve been pushing for this very thing for years for one reason. It gives them an advantage because it increases the incidence of fraud.
If we care about our democracy, we must demand clean and honest voting regardless of the outcome. The system is what we must protect. Sending ballots to entire unverified voter lists unsolicited gets you dead people voting. And what does that do? It puts us where we are now: Cynical, distrustful, and withdrawn. If you want to run a democracy, you need one thing above all: Social trust. If you want people to have social trust, if you want them to believe in the system, it’s not enough to yell at them on television and tell them that they must believe. You have to create a system that is worth believing in.
This article was adapted from Tucker Carlson’s monologue on the Nov. 11, 2020 edition of “Tucker Carlson Tonight.” of FOX News Channel’s (FNC) Tucker Carlson Tonight (weekdays 8PM/ET). Claims hundreds of dead people voted and he has the proof.
Nov.07 Former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani says mail-in ballots are prone to fraud and lawsuits will be brought before courts.
A Texas mayoral candidate was arrested Wednesday night and faces felony voter fraud charges after allegedly sending 84 applications for mail-in ballots. Zul Mohamed is running to become the mayor of Carrollton, Texas.
Nov 4, 2020 — … Mayor Bill de Blasio told reporters Wednesday the city is “ready” for any potential unrest and said he fears that suggestions of voter fraud, may cause riots. It is interesting riots are planned if they don’t like a truthful; lection.
Miranda Devine reports, There’s more evidence of voter fraud in the 2020 election than there ever … the Trump campaign’s legal team, led by former New York Mayor.
Erie, Pa. #USPS whistleblower completely recanted his allegations of a supervisor tampering with mail-in ballots after being questioned according to the IG. The Postal Worker was fired for telling the truth and as a retired Marine claims the Postal IIG lied and played a tape on TV he made while be interviewed by the Postal IG proving in fact the IG was lying. .
Louisiana AG Jeff Landry argues Pennsylvania’s mail-in ballot deadline extension is unconstitutional. Thousands of ballots arrived late.
Nov 5, 2020 — The Justice Department has green lighted the use of armed agents at ballot-counting centers to investigate potential voter fraud. Federal judges and DIJ are the best chance to overturn the election.
2 days ago — One challenger said an election worker told her “too bad” when she … TO ELECTION RESULTS, ASK MEDIA TO INVESTIGATE FRAUD…
President fuming and his team complaining. … He attacked the election results as a “fraud on the American public. … Alongside Rudolph W. Giuliani, the former New York mayor.
In past elections one of every eight person makes mistakes on the mail in votes and are required to be thrown out. This year only about one in a hundred was thrown out.
If we care about democracy you must have an honest system. I worked in the polls for ten years and there is hundreds of ways to cheat so a Democrat and Republican sat side by side in New Jersey. In the Democratic cities the poll watchers were 25 feet away or kept completely away from the polling center in all Democratic cities which is illegal and indicates fraud.
Prominent lawyer Sidney Powell appeased on Fox News claiming issues and highlights some of the fraudulent processes identified in the preliminary ballot review. The statistical improbabilities are the most transparently obvious evidence, but will a state or Federal courts allow that evidence to be heard. In some Georgia counties almost every vote was for Republican contenders and none for Tramp even though most people vote by Party. Mark Malloch Brown, a George Soros lieutenant, whose company Smartmatic, is intimately tied to Dominion Voting Systems Brown was also named VP of the World Bank. His machine was used in all the swing states. Could this help explain the MI 200,000 vote sudden dump of Biden ballots, while WI got 100,000 late night delivery?
Dominiom Voting Machines are used by many Democratic cities controlling seventy million votes were programmed for Biden he night before the election according to witnesses. These Venezuelan Dominiom Voting Machine software “glitches” flipped votes from candidate Donald Trump to candidate Joe Biden. If what Powell outlines is accurate, and several people have outlined similar issues, there hopefully is a solid way to expose fraud on a gigantic scale. We have identified 450,000 ballots in key states, that magically only voted for Biden.”This prominent lawyer says, “Trump won the election in a landside but it was stolen.
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UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arizona Light
Gkendale – On October 31, 2020, Description: I’m including a picture of what I saw last night 10/31/2020 in Glendale, AZ. the time stamp of the photo is 7:09 PM. The photo is unedited and shows 5 strings like lights. I have tried to research answers as to what it may be and can’t find anything else that looks like it or may explain what it is. No flash was used when the picture was taken and I would really like any help or insight you may have as to what it may possibly be. Thank you for your time.
Note: I suspect that the witness did not see the lights and probably discovered them when viewing the photos. The lights could be a reflection, but I am not sure what would cause the reflection. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
California Object
Bellflower –Driving home about to take the freeway / time: 12:20
2.i first noticed the object because it was stationary and the lights on the object didn’t pulse then did in an order unlike any commercial airplane
3. I couldn’t make out an object and that is what startled me. It wasn’t till I drove further up the street did I notice it was a cigar shape
4.the object was cigar shaped and had green lights on both sides as I drove under the object the cigar shape was black and hard to make out at first
5. I felt startled at first seeing the object
Florida Lights
Morrilton – On November 5, 2020, slow moving then hovering red/orange glowing object
Massachusetts Green Orb
Wayland –On November 8, 2020, green light turned to two lights than turned to three
Hovered above for around four minutes
Two fluorescent green circular figures shot down from the sky into the far distance…. did not disintegrate
Missouri Cylinder
Overland — his was seen over the St. Louis, Mo, area not far from Airport, which is in the area, but this did not go anywhere near the airport on November 5, 2020,
New Jersey Mothership
Camden — On November 6, 2020, huge mothership craft hovering in the sky
Trenton – On November 12, 2020, UFO & Fireball Together the fireball stopped in mid air
Oregon Cylinder
Terrebonne –On November 9, 2020, it was bright white and large, the size and shape of a hot air balloon but with no gondola. It came from the north and went in a southeast direction. I called the Deschutes County Sheriff’s Office. A Deputy called me back. She was able to look up and see it even though she was approximately 4 miles away. She had to go on a call, but looked up an hour later and she still saw it. She said there was no record of anything from the airport of any flights of weird planes.
Note: I suspect that this could be a high altitude balloon, but I don’t have specifics about it. I have had reports of high altitude balloons in the past in the Portland, OR area. A check of winds aloft shows that winds above 10 thousand feet were from the north. The witness said that the object was moving to the southeast. This is fairly consistent with an object drifting with the wind. Of course we don’t know how the height of the object. High altitude balloons can be visible for long distances as they can be very large.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Longueuil— I was on the back deck. It was fling like a leaf slowly on August 252019.
Czech Republic Light
Teplice — As the video slowed down, I noticed that at 13 seconds, a flying object appeared in the upper left corner of the screen, flying the screen until the 20th second.
France Orb
Toulouse — observed twinkles in the sky at 4:05 p.m., the same ones seen earlier at 2:47 p.m. I took a long shot photo September 15, 2019. . After looking at this on my computer, I broke the images down into sequences of 7 hundredths
of a second. The result is edifying.
Mexico Cylinder
Cabo San Lucas — My Wife and I were on tour with A group of 12 Harleys going down Mexican Baha Peninsula, on the road for 4 days just approaching Cabo San Lucas Mexico taking pictures all the way down when we got to our Hotel room we both were looking through our pictures we both noticed fuzzy cigar shaped object in picture. At first we thought it was A Blimp but it obviously was not, going Way to fast. Didn’t think about it for A couple years. We were watching UFO Sightings on History Channel when they showed sightings that looked like the Picture my wife took A couple years earlier and said HOLLY [removed profanity/cms/fgc] A UFO Tic Tack or flying Cigar in Pacific Ocean area where Military spotted those A while back off San Diego California, looked just like those Navy airplane pictures. Took photos On November 15, 2017.
Poland Cylinder
Warsaw — I caught this object on the 9th of July 2020 over Poland. While taking the pictures I didn’t see anything strange in the sky.
Warsaw — cigar-shaped UFO, sun-reflecting material, captured over Poland on the 6th of October 2020
Warsaw – Car sun-reflecting-metal-shaped object caught over Poland on the 6th of July, 2020
UK/England Lights
UFO Sighting in Norton Saint Philip, England on November 4, 2020
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files C/O George Filer
222 Jackson Road
Medford, NJ 08055
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.