V011 2023
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
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In special reports, this week’s files cover: General George S. Brown Chairman of Joint Chiefs Briefed on UFOs, Underwater Alien Bases, Carbon 60 and Strange Crafts.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Hawaii, Illinois, Massachusetts, Michigan, New Jersey, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over, Canada, France, Hungary, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than fifty years; and we continue this advanced research.
Special Reports
General George S. Brown Chairman of Joint Chiefs Briefed on UFOs
I was the Intelligence briefer for General Brown every morning in Vietnam in 1968.
He states, “I don’t know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren’t called UFOs.
They were called enemy helicopters (possible UFOs). And they were only seen at night, and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen up around the DMZ in the early summer of ’68.
And this resulted in quite a little battle. And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit, and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved but we always reacted. Always after dark. The same thing happened at Pleiku in the Highlands in ’69.
General George S. Brown, USAF Chief of Staff, Department of Defense transcript of press conference in Illinois, October 16, 1973.
Underwater Alien UFO Bases
X marks the location of alleged UFO/USO bases
(Marcus Lowth) Sometimes referred to as USOs (Unidentified Submerged Objects).
USOs sightings of strange lights and crafts emerging from, or descending into, the seas, oceans, and lakes around the world are quite widespread.
Some UFO researchers and investigators even claim that there are underwater alien bases present in the vicinity of these aquatic sightings. Here are 21 of the most interesting claims.
USO sightings of strange lights and crafts emerging from, or descending into, the seas, oceans, and lakes around the world are quite widespread.
Some UFO researchers and investigators claim that there are underwater alien bases present in the vicinity of these aquatic sightings. Here are some of the most interesting claims.
Official Navy Film of UFO/UAP
Related Secret Footage: The Navy Has a Secret Classified Video of an Infamous UFO Incident by Marcus Lowth,
Bases in the United States or Shore
Underwater Base Off The Coast Of Malibu, California
It measures y 5 kilometers (3 mi) wide. Six miles off Malibu, California coast. Photo, credit: Fade to Blac
California has been a UFO hot spot for years, so when it was theorized that a structure discovered 600 meters (2,000 ft) below the water and 10 kilometers (6 miles) off the coast of Malibu was in fact an alien base, it didn’t come as that much The structure has a distinct oval shape and what appears to be flat top.
There seems to be pillars holding up the main “roof” of the mysterious anomaly. These pillars look to be spaced evenly apart, almost as if it were an entrance of sorts. The alleged alien base was first brought into the public arena when Jimmy Church, who hosts the radio show Fade To Black, acted upon information given to him by Maxwell a listener who “gave coordinates from Google Earth that showed an artificial structure. Church, with his design team, obtained many different angles of the structures, he believes this structure is indeed artificial.
Earthquake geologist David Schwartz, states that the alien base is most likely nothing more than part of the continental shelf,
UFO hunters made two seemingly unrelated discoveries that immediately got added to the portfolio evidencing the signs of a strange alien or ancient presence on our planet. Both large and 10-inch USOs are seen everyday chasing various helicopters and planes in the area. Clarkson writes, “ Former President Donald J. Trump developed the “Space Force,”. After telling an audience at Marine Corps Air Station Miramar that “space is a war fighting domain,” Trump tossed off the idea “that “we may even have a space force.” Also, the Air Force announced that the 200-man National Space Defense Center will operate 24 hours seven days a week to protect US satellites. It appears offensive forces would be needed to conduct combat operations to protect the satellites. Book Undersea UFO Base: An In-Depth Investigation of USOs in the Santa Catalina Channel
USO Base in Gulf of California, Mexico
The first underwater edifice was spotted by Mexico geek just off the coast of the Gulf of Californian Mexican waters. Conspiracy theorists are already calling it the remains of a massive alien city. Measuring over 70 miles in length, the strange structure looks like it was constructed with geometric patterns in mind. Its symmetry and straight lines stretching for tens of miles seem to rule out any natural formation, favoring the intelligently designed hypothesis.
UFO Sightings Daily’s Scott C. Waring believes this alien base is connected to all the UFO sightings coming out of Mexico and the entire Central and South America. “This base is huge and it’s no wonder why we hear about so many UFO sightings over Mexico,” he writes. “This base is just 45 miles away from the Mexican coast. The chances of this being an intelligently made structure… I put that at 100 percent.”
It’s interesting to note the similarity between the structure’s arrangement and that of an airport’s landing strips. However, the sheer size of the tubular structures that make up the underwater network means they must have served a different purpose. It is unfortunate that we might never know what that purpose was, but unless the scientific community decides to investigate the matter in a thorough, transparent way, we’ll remain clueless.
Increased UFO Sightings at Lake Erie
Lake Erie, one of the five great lakes of North America, has a long history of strange lights and unexplained phenomena. However, the area around Cleveland, Ohio, has experienced an increase in UFO sightings over the years.
The 2011 book Eerie Erie: Tales of the Unexplained from Northwest Pennsylvania by Robin Swope examines and investigates numerous MUFON reports. Many of these reports speak of UFOs seen “crashing” into the water of Lake Erie. According to a report in 2007 that ran on News Channel 5 in Cleveland, the area had seen 20 UFO sightings in only two years. There are a great many videos on YouTube that claim to show some of these UFOs over Cleveland. Local UFO researcher Richard Lee stated that UFO sightings occur in the immediate vicinity of any new building projects.
One of the five great lakes of North America is Lake Erie, which has a long history of strange lights and unexplained phenomena. Some 1700 ships lie at the bottom of Lake Eire and 277 have never been found. The ship the G. P. Griffith sunk costing the lives of 287 souls. During 1812, the war against Britain, Admiral Perry supervised the building of a fleet at Erie, Pennsylvania. He earned the title “Hero of Lake Erie ” for leading American forces in a decisive naval victory at the Battle of Lake Erie. His ships flew a flag stating “Don’t Give Up the Ship.” The 2011 book Eerie Erie: Tales of the Unexplained from Northwest Pennsylvania by Robin Swope examines and investigates numerous MUFON reports. Many of these reports speak of UFOs seen “crashing” into the water of Lake Erie. Many reports also come from Canada.
UFO Base Under Lake Ontario
In December 2013, MUFON published a report from a Hamilton resident who claimed to have seen several strange, glowing orbs hanging over Lake Ontario. He also claimed to have seen these orbs on the lake several times prior, and what’s more, he believes that there is an alien base under the water. He is far from the first person to have made such an assertion.
In August 1981, five witnesses who were driving alongside Lake Ontario early one evening saw a dome-shaped craft flying over the water. They followed the craft for some time before seeing it begin to descend and enter the water, disappearing from their sight. Perhaps the stories of an underwater alien base stem from the 1977 book The Great Lakes Triangle by Jay Gourley, who made note that many planes and people had disappeared over Lake Ontario, not to mention the many UFO sightings of the area.
BUFFALO—In the summer of 2001 I was asked to brief the Air National Guard unit at Niagara Falls Air Base, New York who claimed a UFO crash had occurred in the past and that military firemen and police responded. Bob Eure a professor at Temple University in Philadelphia revealed ng UFOs that are frequently sighted above. On or about April 15, 1992, a large disc shaped craft was observed coming out of Lake Ontario around 7:00 AM and flying erratically south towards Lockport, NY. The object appeared to wobble and flew lower and crashed on Campbell Boulevard (Route 270) four miles west of Lockport and ten miles north of Buffalo.
UFO Crashes on Highway 270
The UFO managed to avoid hitting the cars as it slid to a stop. The disc blocked most of the road and many drivers stopped to examine the UFO and most waited until the military arrived. The UFO was 100 feet in diameter and 20 feet high. Military, fire, and police quickly arrived and cleaned up the crash site.
Observers were told not to talk about the crash. The craft was taken to a large factory nearby.
Somehow the authorities were able to keep the crash quiet despite a fairly large number of witnesses. Interestingly the UFO went down in direct sight of Tim McVeigh father’s home. I wonder if the crash had something to do with Timothy McVeigh being convicted of terrorism and executed by lethal injection on June 11, 2001, The Air National Guard cancelled my briefing due to the New York 9/11 World Trade Center collapse.. Perhaps the stories of an underwater alien base stem from the 1977 book The Great Lakes Triangle by Jay Gourley, who made note that many planes and people had disappeared over Lake Ontario, as well as not too many UFO sightings.
Cleveland on February 26, 2023, at 6:30 PM. near Hopkins Airport I observed 5 small streaks of light, Objects at 10 , 11, 12, , 1, and 2 o’clock. The objects at 1 and 2 o’clock flew towards Lake Erie.
North of the Coast of Venezuela
Underwater bases can be found north of the coast of Venezuela, halfway between Curacao and Puerto Rico.
It has an even stranger architecture consisting of zigzag lines and a figure F in the center. In terms of size, it is just as massive as the one from the Gulf of California, measuring approximately 90 miles from tip to tip. But the strangest characteristic has to be its shape. What geological processes could have produced such an odd contour, exhibiting symmetry, straight lines and 90-degree angles? It seems very unlikely natural formations would take this form.
‘A another set of structural artifacts resting just 50 miles northeast of the Venezuela coast also exits. Due to its proximity, this secondary irregularity appears to be connected to the first one. The images suggest it is composed of a string of rectangular structures spread across the ocean floor in a straight line. to be made.
The enigma of USOs or unidentified submerged objects likely indicates that UFOs and USOs are the same craft, which have been spotted entering or exiting aquatic environments. The bottom of the ocean or lakes is an ideal place to build bases since UFOs are capable of traversing cosmic distances surviving the pressure of the oceanic depths seems an easy task.
USO surfacing in Arctic Ocean
US Submaine Photo in Atlantic Ocean
So, if Earth’s seas and oceans harbor otherworldly visitors, or an underwater civilization could these anomalies still be operational? If so, they could be responsible for the numerous UFO sightings reported on or around the American continents. These places would make a great starting point in our search for alien life here on Earth.
If the structures are artificial but were not made by aliens, the mystery shifts but retains its intensity. Our current technological level wouldn’t allow us to build such complex underwater constructions, meaning that whoever built them was far more advanced than we are. Both of the areas where the anomalies were discovered have been submerged for millions of years and the dynamics of the seabed would have erased all signs of their existence had they been built before the area was covered with water. In the end, no one can say for sure what these structures are and, until someone goes on an underwater expedition. http://www.ewao.com/
Air Intelligence Division Study No. 203, with the help of the Office of Naval Intelligence was well aware of the phenomenon’s marine nature. This document links the Office of Naval Intelligence to association with the study of the UFO phenomenon and was not strictly an Air Force operation. The naval UFO experience may be more involved than the Air Force?
Recent reports by UFO researchers suggest there is an ongoing Navy effort to reveal any evidence linking the Navy to the UFO phenomenon. UFO researchers report UFO sightings have been edited out of ship’s logs, which confirms a considerable naval sensitivity to the phenomenon and naval archives in Secaucus, New Jersey appear to have been purposely sabotaged. Documents are missing and files have purposely been mixed chronologically thwarting researchers’ attempts to do meaningful research at this facility.
Atlantic Ocean Bases
Possible wormhole above Moon over Atlantic Ocean
Here is a copy of one of Stephens picture of a UFO near the Nuclear power plant at Forked River, over Atlantic Ocean. Thanks to Joe Foster. UFOs are frequently seen entering New Jersey over the Barnegat Lighthouse State Park. The Federal Aviation Administration (AFA)is an operating mode of the U.S. Department of Transportation. AFA Radars is picking up a thousand UFOs a year over the Atlantic Ocean near Virginia. There appears to be a base off the East Coast of the US probably using the wormhole. CIA researchers claim that using the wormhole it only takes a couple hours to reach earth from the nearer planets.
Using Google maps, I was able to come across these very strange tracks on the seabed off the coast of Canada.
Numerous UFOs are seen leaving the ocean and fishing pulling up large amounts of water with various types of sea life. There are multiple tracks on the bottom of the ocean in an area thousands of feet deep.
This possible base is a few hundred miles east of Newfoundland. Commander Graham Bethune was pilot coming from Iceland towards Canada and saw a craft surface and fly up to his plane. Some of his passengers said they could not see the UFO that was flying in formation next to them. Most of the passengers could see the UFO.
43 766304 North 44 905025 West
He reported the USO and Air Force Intelligence met the plane at Gander Airfield and showed him photos of various types of UFOs. He was made a VIP pilot to fly high-ranking admirals to UFO crash sites.
Scientists speculate that 10,000 years ago the massive ice sheets were melting creating an ocean surrounded by ice. A giant wall of ice suddenly broke, perhaps caused by a meteor and the water poured into the Atlantic suddenly raising the ocean by some 30 feet. The controversial images were obtained through Google Maps, revealing two enormous underwater structures that conventional science cannot explain. from our curious,
Strange Lights in Puerto Rico
The island of Puerto Rico has had numerous accounts of UFO sightings, particularly along its south coastline, where strange craft have been seen both emerging out of and disappearing into the water for years. There is also a strong US Navy presence on the island, and stories from locals and US expats alike state that the US military at the very least is monitoring the strange activity on the waters along the coast.
Experienced ufologist and researcher Nick Redfern recently told of an ex–civil defense employee who had witnessed a strange craft emerge from the waters off the Puerto Rican coast. It steadily rose up into the air before shooting off at speed. Another account came to Redfern from a local police officer, who stated that the US Navy had spent considerable time tracking an underwater craft along the northeastern coast of the island.
There have been numerous claims and theories that the immediate coastline of this Caribbean island is home to underwater alien bases. Investigative journalist Jorge Martin stated that using NOAA satellite images, they found several anomalies around the island which suggested artificial structures. Martin stated that these structures were unusually large and precisely rectangular and were generally on the eastern and southern coast of the island. He also claimed that coming off many of these structures, there were tunnels leading to other structures and even to the mainland.
One of the places on the mainland that Martin’s tunnels appeared to connect to be the city of Ponce. Just off map to left
. One particular sighting came in November 1987, when Ed Walters claimed that he witnessed a strange object fly overhead from the coast. It emitted a bright, blue light that “trapped” him in its beam and everything around him was blue, and he could not move. Hundreds of witnesses came forward to say they, too, had seen the strange object that evening. UFOs /USOs one was tracked by the U.S. Navy in 1963 and frequently since then. On a training maneuver, a sonar operator detected an object traveling at over 150 knots! The technicians tracked this object for four days and it maneuvered down to the incredible depth of 27,000 feet. Submarines could not dive further than a little over a mile into the ocean depths. What kind of submersible could withstand the tremendous ocean pressures and move at such incredible speeds?? I flew to Puerto Rico and interviewed several people who observed UFOs. One particular sighting came in November 1987, when Ed Walters claimed that he witnessed a strange object fly overhead from the coast. It emitted a bright, blue light that “trapped” him in its beam. He stated that while he was caught in it, everything around him was blue, and he could not move. Walters did manage to take several pictures of the craft. Hundreds of witnesses came forward to say they, too, had seen the strange object that evening. Of the oceanic UFOs (some term them USOs or Unidentified Submersible Objects), one was tracked by the U.S. Navy near Puerto Rico in 1963 and frequently since then. On a training maneuver, a sonar operator detected an object traveling at over 150 knots! The technicians tracked this object for four days and it maneuvered down to the incredible depth of 27,000 feet. The submarines of 1963 could not dive further than a fraction over a mile into the ocean deeps. What kind of submersible could withstand the tremendous ocean pressures? And how could it overcome the tremendous resistance of water moving at such incredible speeds? I flew to Puerto Rico and interviewed several people who observed UFOs in Caho Rohu Lake on the Southwest corner of the country.
North Island in New Zealand
North Island in New Zealand has been witness to strange objects entering the sea, with activity stretching out to some of the offshore islands around the area.
UFO researchers state that the area is a hot spot for such activity, with locals claiming that the area is a flight corridor to an underwater base for the strange craft that exist there. Between January and March 1995, there were dozens of sightings of these objects coming and going in the area.
These were not limited to nighttime, with many of the objects being witnessed during the daylight hours. One particular daylight sighting on March 9, 1995, stands out. It began with two fishermen who witnessed a bright, silver, ball-shaped craft that seemed to glow or pulse as it moved and emitted a strange red stream behind it. Two minutes later, the same object was by the control tower at both Hamilton International and Rotorua Airports.. Wellington City — At 11am on 27th July 2018, I was a passenger in a vehicle, I noticed a large rectangular shaped cloud in the distance several different photos showing groups of 3 glowing, translucent dome/discs in formation. The scenes were captured in ‘live’ mode and the discs, appear to be jumping about.
Lake Baikal—Scene Of An Underwater Battle With Aliens
The ancient Lake Baikal in Siberia is said to be the deepest lake on the planet and has a history of UFO activity as well as alleged sightings of aliens underneath the water by Russian military divers. These sightings date back to the Soviet era. Since the end of the Cold War, the reports have come into the public domain. Many of the accounts tell of a huge “mothership” hovering above the water.
Humanoid beings in strange, shiny suits climbing down from these ships and into the water.
Former Soviet naval officer and ufologist Vladimir Azhazha claimed to have leaked top-secret files relating to an incident in 1982. He stated that military divers, who were on standard training exercises in the area, witnessed huge underwater craft that moved at speed they had never seen before. Several days later, the story took an even more bizarre twist when divers witnessed several strange beings under the water. They wore shiny suits and a small advanced oxygen masks. According to the alleged leaked documents, the unit was ordered to capture these strange creatures. When they attempted to do so, however, they were fought off with an advanced sonar wave weapon that ultimately killed three of the seven divers. The remaining four, terrified and injured from their attempts to detain the strange crew retreated, and made their report to superiors.
In 2009, photographs taken from aboard the International Space Station seemed to show two distinct saucer-shaped anomalies in the region, fueling further speculation that an extraterrestrial presence was under Lake Baikal and even the possibility that these “saucers” were the craft that had been witnessed nearly three decades earlier by the Soviet diving unit.
Stillness in the Storm Editor
Unidentified Flying Objects or UFOs have captivated people for decades. The policy of investigative bodies has been to cover up legitimate reports and encounters. Despite officialdom’s mandate to suppress the truth, reports, anecdotal accounts, and declassified documents continue to spark the curiosity of those who take these things seriously. The preceding information provides food for thought regarding the reality of UFOs and what they might mean. This information is beneficial to consider because it expands one’s thinking via the exploration of mystery. A mind captivated by mystery has the power to make leaps and bounds in soul growth, due to the powerful urge to seek the truth resulting in changes to the substructures of being. Thus, a mystery is arguably the best activator for the individual, quickening the mind and stimulating the soul. More bases are often reported in South Africa, , Antarctica, mountains of Tibet, and Northern Australia. Justin
Stamford professor claims aliens are already Here
The idea of the U.S. military, intelligence agencies, and defense contractors releasing classified UFO secrets that could cause a technological revolution is nothing new. The forum for this discussion, the SALT iConnections 2023 forum, is all about “disruptive innovation in finance, economics, and geopolitics,” and linking venture capital to these disruptions.
What would happen if this alien technology did exist, and practical applications were funded through venture capital for military and commercial purposes? It would probably make today’s Silicon Valley look like a tea party—and make some people fantastically rich. That makes the possibility of extraterrestrial communication seem a whole lot more down to Earth. .The Truth Is Out There. So Is Lue Elizondo. Thanks to Bruce Cornet Phd.
High Bridge, New Jersey Conference on July 15, 2023. High Bridge Historical Committeehttps://youtu.be/-FGCqXo604s
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
MUFON Conference in Cincinnati August 25-28,,2023
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
Truckee on May 24, 2023, it looked too big and bright to be a star. Upon looking through binoculars it was a changing sphere of lights with remarkable flood light.
Florida Lights
Miami on May 16, 2023, look at the formation of what it looks like lights inside the oval shape.. I took the picture to report a broken light fixture at my job.
Hawaii Object
On May 22, 2023, I take photo from my home looking west over ocean with my Samsung phone. 2 photos taken 1 during 1 after of dark flying object.
Massachusetts Light
On March 3, 2023, I saw 6 to 8 lights maneuvering in the sky, pulsating and going into a formation. One silent large craft flew over, and then ascended into the sky to join the others.
Illinois Moon Objects
On May 25, 2023, I was recording the moon through my telescope when 3 unknown objects flew into frame and continued to fly across the moon as I was recording.
Michigan Light
On May 11 , 2023, on a clear night I saw what appeared to be a comet so took photos. All 7 photos were twenty seconds apart, then a strange bright light at end of the photo.
Detroit on May 4, 2023, we witnessed a triangular shaped object flying slowly above us bigger than a 747. The triangle had some depth to it. We only saw the side and underbelly of the craft. This is a depiction.
New Jersey Lights
Toms River on May 15 , 2023, a large rectangular object with what appeared to be rear engines that were firing but in stationary orbit. The object was very dark with some glimmers. This is a depiction.
North Carolina Light
Pisgah National Forest on May 5, 2023, near Black Mountain had sighting of multiple at 3 am to use the bathroom and noticed orb lighting up the forest and recorded footage.
Ohio Light
On May 15, 2023, it was picked up on my security camera. A moth would not have been visible at the deep backyard distance. In addition, it continues to glow the entire time.
Pennsylvania Light
Kernersville on May 26, 2023, the object was abnormally bright and was stationary and it was not normal. An object with 6 sides, shows jets of flames coming from the object.
Washington Objects Near Plane
Spokane on May 22 , 2023, walking down Garland Avenue and heard the aircraft flying east. and saw aircraft with four small winged triangular objects following. I opened my flight radar app an Airbus KC2 Voyager (Royal Air Force) at 11,438 feet, traveling at 340 knots.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Orb
Calgary on May 16 2023, saw a black orb, solid in the middle, fuzzy on the outside. It was moving in a NW direction. It left a light black, or transparent black trail.
France Object
n May14 , 2023,, the clouds seem weird to me I took the picture and zooming in I saw 2 strange flying objects
Hungary lights
December 28, 2020, windy and the sky was cloudy, but the “light ball” still went on its usual course not being pushed by the wind. the middle dot under the power line is unknown object.
South Africa Objet
On April 4, 2023, I was shocked to see a huge dull grey horse-shoe shaped craft quietly flying slow and low. The craft had a bulge with 4 ant enna on each side with color. Photo is a depiction.
UK/England Object
On April 3, 2023, it stayed stationary for too long. so I took photos. It changed shape a little bit (near the top almost like wings) bit went to right really slowly and I didn’t see it disappear..
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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MUFON Conference in Denver July 8-10, 2022
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2022 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.