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Filer’s Files Feb. 1 2025 Drones and UFOs

Filer’s Files Feb. 1 2025

X03 2025

Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
MUFON Eastern Region Director\
President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310
Awarded Bronze Star in Air Force
Director NJ State MUFON r Emeritus

Special reports are:, Jim Courant Commercial Airline Pilot’, Ancient Undersea Cities, Canada has numerous UFO Sightings, Remote Viewing, The Labyrinth, the Colossi, and the Lake in Egypt, Remarkable Drones Some May be UFOs, Evidence that China Controls US Weather,

The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.

Special Reports

Jim Courant Commercial Airline Pilot

Tim Brosnan writes, “With nearly 30,000 flight hours under his belt, Jim Courant’s qualifications as a major passenger airline captain are solid.” So is his conviction real. “I got the proof that I was after,” Courant says. “That’s the part I won’t discuss. But obviously something has kept me in this, taking the chances, I’ve taken.” The nature of the proof that he found isn’t all that Courant won’t discuss. Concerned about professional repercussions, he declines to confirm the name of his airline. Astronaut Gordon Cooper, who’s own unambiguous UFO encounter is a matter of public record, was a friend of Courant’s.
He’s also traded stories with astronaut Edgar Mitchell, whose 2009 statement at the National Press Building calling for the U.S. government to come clean on the topic of UFOs. Astronaut Mitchell a national hero and the sixth man to walk on the moon says that “Your government and others have been in contact with ETs for 67 years.” That’s an incredible statement. It was buried on page seven the next day in the NY Post. Courant’s frustration with the trickle-down effect of what X-Conference organizer Steve Bassett calls the “truth embargo” is obvious when he is asked to comment on the effectiveness of the disclosure movement.

“I’d like to say that Steve is getting somewhere with what he’s trying to do,” Courant says. “But the internet is the new sheriff in town. There’s so much B.S. that it’s made it tough for people to know what to believe.”
According to Courant, “It’s not unheard of for cockpit personnel to turn in pilots who express an interest in UFOs. This can trigger everything from psych tests to what are called “line checks” which, if they go badly, can result in dismissal. The best way to avoid trouble, Courant says, is to steer clear of the topic while in uniform and, even when out of uniform, never to mention your employer’s name in any context that involves UFOs. Airlines do not want the public to know UFOs occasionally fly directly at their aircraft and come close to hitting commercial aircraft!
[/ Thanks to

UFO Whistleblower Describes Recovery of Egg-shaped Craft

Bundrick’s Ezekiel saw was God or his angel—and whenever God appeared in human form in the Bible; it was in the form of Jesus.
These texts note that people were afraid of the Ark, as it often killed those who were in close contact with it. Was this because it was radioactive or electrically charged?

Was the Ark of the Covenant a plutonium reactor?
Erich Von Daniken says he believes there are other Bible verses that fit into his ancient astronaut theory, including some that hint at similar ‘temples’ or landing areas for spacecraft, (perhaps Heaven
Angel of the Lord’s Craft 3,000 years old or a base much like the one Ezekiel was brought to. One such temple known as, Chavin de Huantar can be found in Peru, sitting thousands of feet high on a mountain from a culture of which little is known with strange, sculptured faces and a pyramid.

Underwater Secret World of Ancient Civilizations
Ancient Undersea Cities

Do you know that our lakes, seas and oceans are full of secrets? It is explored by researchers and underwater archaeologists but many of these secrets are still unexplored. According to researchers, they have discovered only three to five percent of the ocean floor, where there is huge area of ocean territory still left to discover. So, we can say that in future more discoveries will yet come.
These marvelous underwater remains of ancient civilizations remind us that thousands of years ago these were sent into the water through disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes etc. and how nature can end our existence.

There Are ancient underwater discoveries around the world. This time you will come to know that deep beneath the water of oceans, seas and lakes around the world, there are wonderful ruins of lost ancient civilizations.
Yonaguni, Japan:

Image Source: Google Edited by Moon Kha
Off the shores of the Yonaguni Island is located in Japan which is considered one of the most mysterious island and discovered underwater secret world which is called “Yonaguni Monument”.
The discovery of Yonaguni Monument also remains controversial because according to some researchers and archaeologists, it is still a confusion that is this a man-made Monument or geological phenomena of nature?
1986, very first time Yonaguni Monument was discovered by a local diver named Kihachiro Aratake (scuba diver instructor). Kihachiro Aratake found very strange structures like ramps, terraces and human face carved rock which was lying under the deep water about sixty feet. But according to some researchers these are manmade structure as around 1000 years BC when these structures were built might be on that time the level of sea was above. But according to some other researchers these structures are 2000 to 3000 years back and these are sink by an earthquake. Under the deep water of this island there are different pyramids also discovered. The largest pyramid among one of them was found about nine feet high and six hundred feet wide. According to one researcher named Kimura, Yonaguni Monument may be remains due to the loss of continent of Mu.

Alexandria in the island of Antiorthodox, Egypt
1400 years ago, the great city named Alexandria of Egypt, due to intense earthquake or a terrible tsunami which hit the coast of this great city. It is believed these disasters became the reason for the sinking of the palace of Queen Cleopatra and the old lighthouse of Alexandria in the island of Antiorthodox.

Under a team of an archaeologist named Franck Goddio (belong to France) during the excavation into the sea, they discovered not only Cleopatra’s palace different parts but also statues. They also found more than one hundred forty artifacts. According to researchers, there is also possibility a museum under the water at that site.

According to researchers it is believed that Anthony and Cleopatra committed suicide, they avoided capture by the Romans and in turn Romans destroyed their belongings. Bay of Cambay, India:

Nine thousand five hundred years old city was discovered few years back in the Bay of Cambay, India. Archaeologists found under the deep water the vast remains of sculpture, sections of walls, pottery, beads, human remains like teeth and bones and architecture which were intact. It is believed that these oldest remains of the subcontinent almost five thousand years back.
Historians also worked to understand the history of their civilization in the region. Finally, they come to know that the old city is called Dwarka (Golden City) and they also found remaining belong to Hindu’s god named Krishna. This site was by chance discovered, during a survey about pollution by “Indian National Institute of Ocean Technology”.

Bimini Road

Bimini Road also called the Bimini Wall. This road is located near the North Bimini Island, in the Bahamas. This road finds under the deep water and consists of vast semi rectangular and rectangular blocks and its shape like English letter “J”
. According to most scholars, it is a natural rock formation but some of them believe that an accurate scale in its manufacturing cannot say that it is work of nature.
. According to the researchers if the Bimini Road is human made, then maybe the level of water would be above when this road was built thousands of years back.
According to some of archaeologists it might be ruins of temple or harbor but most of them thought a potential site of Atlantis.

Ancient Greece

Pavlopetri is of an ancient city of Peloponnese, Greece, and here archaeologists discovered a submerged town. They found courtyards, tombs, graves, various buildings and streets and it is believed this town is 5000 years old. In 2009, archaeologists discovered the site sprawled more than thirty thousand square meters. Around 1000 BC, this town was submerged by an intense earthquake. This site also remained in danger by thieves and also damaged by ship anchors, tourists and thieves. UNESCO also defined Pavlopetri as part of the underwater cultural heritage. Submarine scientists are also working with the Australian Center for Field Robotics’ team and allowed the team to use their underwater robotics for getting more secrets about this place and produce spectacular results.
According to the researchers this city was built around five thousand years back and it was the golden era of ancient Greece.

Atlit-Yam Haifa, Israel

Off the shores of Atlit, Israel one of the largest and oldest village was discovered, which was seven thousand years dates back. Here archaeologists discovered human dwellings under the water.
According to researchers the island preserved its floor so well skeletons are still lying in their graves and bugs are also found in the stores of grain.

The very first time the remains were discovered in 1984, and they found how this village was well developed. Researchers thought this village might be submerged by the melting of glaciers or the rise of tsunami in the ocean.

Cuban Underwater City

Another underwater city which creates mystery and raises different questions is Cuban. It was discovered off the shores of the Yucatan Channel near Cuba. Here researchers find pyramids, buildings, corridors, circular structures. These ruins were two thousand feet below sea level. In 2001, this ancient city was discovered by a Canadian team.

It is not known if the city was built underwater, or if the sea dropped 2000 feet sometime in the past. This general area was hit by an asteroid millions of years ag so this may have led to the me researchers believed that their civilization showed that the inhabitants of this city were also known about the culture of ancient America.

North Sea, Europe

Recently under the North Sea, Europe a lost natural landscape was discovered. According to the researchers it was occupied by human hunter gatherers more than ten thousand years ago. Researchers found all this through digital mapping because now in that place there are oceans, lakes, rivers. According to researchers, this landscape is very well preserved which was at the heart of an ancient civilization spread across Europe.
Doggerland is an ancient landmass submerged under what is now the North Sea, a large body of water among England, Denmark, and Norway. Scientists are now analyzing magnetic field data gathered from magnetometers to explore this ancient landmass and to search for evidence of our Mesolithic ancestor. s It’s now submerged under the North Sea, a victim of ancient climate change. Archaeologists call this lost terrain Doggerland, named after the Dogger Bank, a submerged sand bank in the North Sea about 100 kilometers off England’s east coast.
At the bottom of the North Sea, between the United Kingdom and Scandinavia, lies Doggerland—the once thriving home of thousands of Mesolithic humans that sank beneath the waves as glaciers melted some 8000 years ago. Doggerland “amongst the most resource-rich and ecologically dynamic areas during the later Paleolithic and Mesolithic periods,” so there could be a lot to discover along the seabed. The City under the Water: Atlantis. Magnetic Fields Could Reveal a Hidden Underwater Civilization
Mar 14, 2023 · That’s because Doggerland has been submerged under the North Sea—the large body of water nestled among the U.K., Denmark, and Norway—for some 8,200 years.
• Author: Darren Orf

Ancient Atlantis

You have heard about the lost city named Atlantis. The story of Atlantis’s lost city around 360 dates back. The story of the lost city Atlantis was first time mentioned by a popular philosopher of Greek named Plato. Plato wrote about Atlantis’s lost city that it was located in Atlantic and a powerful and advanced nation was live which sink into the ocean around 9,600 B.C. According to Plato, this city was sink by the Depiction of Atlantis earthquake or volcanic eruption.
“Plato’s statement that it sat “in front of the Pillars of Hercules.” The Pillars of Hercules are the mountaintops that border the sides of the Strait of Gibraltar at the western edge of the Mediterranean Sea.”[1] In 2011, According to a professor named Richard Freund that Atlantis might be destroyed by a tsunami. For the purpose of getting information about this site a team of professional geologists and archaeologists have used underwater technology, satellite imagery and radar. According to researchers a metal was found called orichalcum under the deep water off the shores of Sicily (the largest island in Mediterranean Sea) and it is believed it comes from this lost city. It is also believed that thirty-nine ingots were found and also 2,600 years old other cargo and vessel. According to scientists these ruins indicated to ancient Greece.

Baiae, Bay of Naples, Italy

Baiae is an ancient city of Italy. It remained port of the Imperial family, famous and rich senators of Rome.
According to archaeologists, on that site numerous sculptures are discovered which are infamous for its corruption and other scandals.
They also discovered replicas of original bronze made sculptures which indicate Roman made these sculptures for the market. In the 8th century Baiae was killed by Muslim attackers.
According to researchers the structure of this site has collapsed into the ocean due to volcano activity.
• Underwater Archaeological Park of Baia – Subaia Diving Napoli – Baia
Imperial baths, precious mosaics, sinuous statues and marble floors have been found underwater. To protect all this, in 2002 the Archaeological Marine Park of Baia was created with an …

• It’s why the ancient Romans built one of the most magnificent resort towns on the Italian peninsula here: Baiae, famed for its hot springs and bad behavior.
• The scientists are racing against time as interest is growing in both sea mining and construction offshore wide farms in the North Sea Recent revelations have brought attention to alleged underwater and terrestrial bases for unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) in North America. These claims, made by prominent figures in the UAP research community, suggest the existence of hidden facilities off the coast of California and in Arizona..

Canada has numerous UFO Sightings

Vancouver reported 116 or more UFO sightings in in recent years, more than any other Canadian city. The city that once played host to The X-Files is also the best place in Canada to spot a flying saucer, according to the Canadian UFO Survey. That’s right: If the truth is out there, Vancouver is probably a good place to find it. Astronomer Chris Rutkowski said, “The sheer number of sightings – 1,100 in all of Canada last year – demands further research. “Are we looking at a real phenomenon? Is there a psychological phenomenon accounting for all this?” said Rutkowski, who works with the Canadian UFO Survey. “Why do people persist in seeing something that supposedly shouldn’t be there?” Vancouver has been a UFO hot spot for years, according to the survey, and B.C. was second only to Ontario for sightings in recent years. About 300 UFOs were reported across the province, with sightings peaking between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.

KEN’S NOTE: Personally, I feel the percentage of unexplained UFO sightings is more like 30%. Many UFO investigators write off thousands of sightings like birds, bugs, satellites and planes. Of course they are guessing 90 % of the time. We need more investigators with open minds and the passion that comes with investigating a UFO sighting. Many people are not cut out to be UFO investigators because sometimes people cannot handle the truth. It really opens your eyes to how many and how detailed some of these UFO sightings can be. There is certainly an alien presence on this earth. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ
The various underwater cities are evidence that our alien visitors can also live under the sea . Abductees tell when abducted they often enter the sea and are taken into a tunnel at the bottom of the ocean and halfway through the water is gone and they eventually enter a cave or cavern

Remote Viewing

Puerto Rico Lake

Several years ago, I had a Puerto Rico meeting of ufologists and Remote Viewers trying to discover alien bases. Ingo Swan tried to teach us to attempt to check out Puerto Rico where there are often sightings. We could follow the saucers entering a lake in southwest Puerto ‘Rico and going south under the sea to an underwater base. The aliens also so a base in the mountains in Central Puerto Rico.

Ingo Remote Viewed the Moon and found an underground mine that the aliens were mining for a black rock that he did not think was coal. A spaceship was being loaded with the mined materials and a large number of aliens were hard at work, when he seemed frightened. He said, the aliens know I’m watching them, I need to stop viewing and appeared very upset.

The Moon has Solar power, oxygen, and metals are abundant resources. Elements known to be present include, among others, (H),[1][14] oxygen (O), silicon (Si), iron (Fe), magnesium (Mg), calcium (Ca), aluminum (Al), manganese (Mn) and titanium (Ti). Among the more abundant oxygen, iron and silicon. The atomic oxygen content in the regolith is estimated at 45% by weight. Heavy rare earths are black, some types of aluminum’s elements of the earth are quite interesting when you start studying them. One of the most common elements that we hear about all the time is manganese. It is a metallic element which is there in the composition of many minerals. Many minerals such as rhodonite, purpurite, pyrolusite, and manganite. More so, many mineraloids have a different chemical composition of minerals.
Manganese ore is a widely acknowledged element in the world since many minerals are extracted from it. It has a number of minerals. It makes about 0.1 percent of the world crust making it the 12th element found in abundance. This element has been often recorded as one of the most used elements since it has many uses. It is used as an alloy with metals such as copper and aluminum. More so, the metallurgical uses include battery cathodes, electronics, fertilizers, soft ferrites, colorant for automobile undercoating, bricks and sometimes floor tiles are also extracted from the debris. Studies from Apollo 17’s Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment (LACE) show that the lunar exosphere contains trace amounts of hydrogen (H2), helium (He), argon (Ar), and possibly ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4). Several processes can explain the presence of trace gases on the Moon: high energy photons or solar winds reacting with materials on the lunar surface, evaporation of lunar regolith, material deposits from comets and meteoroids, and out-gassing from inside the Moon. However, these are trace gases in very low concentration.[17] The total mass of the Moon’s exosphere is roughly 25,000 kilograms (55,000 lb.) with a surface pressure of 3×10−15 bar (2×10−12 torr).[18] Trace gas amounts are unlikely to be useful for in situ resource utilization

• Danny Sheehan LEAKS Secret UFO Base Near “Secret Mountain

Guadalupe Island

Shean claims Navy submarines and aircraft carriers have monitored over 100 UAP sightings near Guadalupe Island, suggesting the presence of an underwater base. He also points to a possible civilization underwater. … The underwater base is said to be located near Guadalupe Island, off the coast of Baja California. Reports indicate that Navy submarines and aircraft carriers have monitored numerous UAP entering and exiting the ocean in this area. In Arizona, another alleged base is situated in the vicinity of Sedona, specifically near the Secret Mountain Wilderness. These assertions have sparked interest and debate among researchers and the public.
Recent revelations have brought attention to alleged underwater and terrestrial bases for unidentified aerial phenomena (UAP) in North America. These claims, made by prominent figures in the UAP research community, suggest the existence of hidden facilities off the coast of California and in Arizona.

The Labyrinth, the Colossi, and the Lake in Egypt

New Evidence of an Advaced Prehistoric Civilizations in Egypt has been found. The Labyrinth, the Colossi, and the Lake – New Evidence of Advanced Prehistoric Civilizations perhaps helped by Extraterrestrials have been found underground that contains technical advances even greater than we have today. t. Remarkable smooth walls and long smooth walled tunnels.
My brain got inspired by this Paper that looks into the alignment of the ancient sites in the Fayum. And some awesome scans underneath the Hawara Pyramid. ! Labyrinth of Colosi is thought to been built underground prior to Egyptian civilization by a very early technological society. They likely had alien help.

Remarkable Drones Some May be UFOs

So, these drones fly for hours and are the size of a van. I theorized there is only one way to modify a drone to do that. 98% of battery energy is to overcome gravity and the other two percent is for steering. The trick is, how do you overcome Gravity.? If you are a drone, think outside the box. Attach a helium balloon With the volume to cancel gravity, now you have 100% energy for steering, you can stay in the air for 5 or 10 hours.
People seeing drones report they do not sound like aircraft engines; they sound more like the hum of an electric motor starting and stopping within a minute.
Colossians 3:2

Similar to what Bruce Cornet PhD Photographed and videotaped over Wallkill River Valley, NY several years ago…
These are like the UAP I saw over the Wallkill River Valley 30 years ago. Similar size, shape and color lights further North of Morristown, NJ and into NY.
Yup! I saw similar activity between 1992 and 2003. Magnetic pulses coming out of the ground around the Jewish Cemetery along Rte. 54 (West of Walden, NY) have increased in strength from 0.65 gauss to 1.5-1.7 gauss around entombed giant Triangular UAP.

Radar picks up Buried object deeper than 27 feet
UFOs including triangle UFOs are observed heading underground and ground radar indicates unmetallic object is buried in
Many in news report do not appear to be Man-made drones. They are probably antigravity ETVs (UAP).
The drone incursions over Alaska/Canada last year were mostly drones, but there was at least one legit UAP within that flap. Then with the more recent Langley Air Force Base incursions, and Wright Patterson AFB due to drones but again, there’s a few legit UFOs in that mix as well. Everything I’m hearing is that there’s a tremendous uptick in UFOs right now as nuclear tensions is the highest they’ve been since the 60s (Cuban Crisis). It feels like the ETs are making a much more noticeable presence. Simultaneously, Russia and China have their own alien tech crafts, which may very well be getting used as a show of force. The whole thing is super messy right now, and really hard to pin down some of the craft origins. Many of the drones or UFOs are reported coming from the oceans
The Trump Administration states the FAA had approved the drones seen over New Jersey for research. The type of research by whom and the types of drones were not revealed.. Nor was the reason this was kept secret by the Biden Administration. Drones were reported over many key military bases and nuclear sites in New Jersey and New York. Also, many crafts were seen coming from the Atlantic Ocean. Perhaps the research involved UFOs. The FAA earlier this year announced they had tracked 10,000 UFOs over the Atlantic ocean the last two years.
A few nights ago on January 28, 2025with drones or UFOs near the Statue of Liberty it went dark. No explanation was given but UFOs have a history of grabbing electrical energy when needed for their propulsion system
Naval officers are giving warnings that some of the UAPS/UFOs are showing an aggressive attitude and could be a threat to the US. In the past ships and planes have disappeared under mysterious circumstances. Over all the oceans.
Reverse Doppler is a smoking gun for metamaterial alien craft.
Dr. Bruce Cornet feels the drones and UFOs are similar to 28 April 1993, then dives below the tree line and disappears. At dogleg bend in West Searsville Rd., Montgomery, NY.\\
The sounds from the UFO were not a conventional man-made aircraft because they cannot move plasma lights ofthe craft into midair.



· So-called “unidentified submerged objects” could pose as large a threat as UFOs, the former admiral argues. A report about a strange craft that appeared to defy both aerial and aquatic physics.

Robert Shiepe is the discovery and creator of a new subliminal photography that makes it possible to find and record unknown, fast small moving objects. Robert Shiepe (pictured with his cameras above) lives in Marina Del Rey, Los Angeles. In 2017, he noticed some new unusual flying activity by the Army, Coast Guard and LA President Trump ‘helicopter was tracked by small UFOs

He has recorded and documented over 4000 videos. The authorities are now and have been chasing an uncatchable drone approximately the size of a small group football. These drones a
The UFOs are nearly invisible to the human eye (too fast) but not to the camera. For obvious reasons, this story is not yet in the news. He has personally given this information to the echelon of Aviation and the intelligence community and SETI and the Air Force.

Robert Shiepe, Pharmacist, is inventor and founder of the first mail order pharmacy in the United States in 1986.

UFO Dragons below fighter aircraft.

Robert Shiepe writes, “These small drone-like objects here and now will be referred to as ”Dragons” because their silhouette resembles that of a ‘dragon fly’. These dragons have been chased by many agencies, over 3000 sorties. These dragons are also being recorded by at least three ocean vessels and have been recorded in Marina del Rey and north to Venice beach.”
Thank you for posting my UAP dragon photos in your MUFON news report.
It is a great honor to have earned your trust. Obviously, this is a new science and it will take about another year before people understand these dragons.
It’s exciting that we are here to share this new advance information with others.
Again, these UAP activities are happening every day in Marina del Rey.
These tiny UFOs that come out of the Pacific Ocean track every aircraft and helicopter that flies anywhere near Los Angeles. Why do they desire this kind of information?

January 12 2023, we had a powerful video day. The Government Dept of Homeland Security / DHS , sent in a lot of helicopters , like the coast guard , police, CBS news chopper an the navy Seahawk mh60 Romeo. It was crazy over here. The Seahawk came in ready for bear. the pilot and the gunner had their doors open.

Dr. Bruce Cornet writes, “This is a very interesting sighting, and is one of the first UFOs I photographed at 10:53 pm on 23 June 1992.” I am updating and adding sightings to Appendix I of my book. There were five anomalous crafts flying around Elle, Rich, and me that night, which was quite an introduction for me to Pine Bush phenomenon. Another sighting later that night (11:22 pm) of a cigar-shaped craft unfolding wings and stabilizers, and pretending to be a Boeing 707, got more attention. But this photo shows the UFO backing up right after I opened the shutter, oscillating movement of its lights, as well as a conventional aircraft (strobes) above it in the background for comparison. It also shows the silhouette of the ground (ridge) and trees. June 8. 1992, 23 : 1 UFO is (West Searsville Road. at dogleg bend; 10:53 pm; flew from north to south behind the ridge west of us, low, silently, disappearing behind the ridge) [Cornet, Ellen Crystall, and Rich Pascorella present] These are the first photographs Cornet took of UFOs exhibiting anomalous light signature of oscillations in 1992. Thanks to Bruce Cornet
Studies from Apollo 17’s Lunar Atmospheric Composition Experiment (LACE) show that the lunar exosphere contains trace amounts of hydrogen (H2), helium (He), argon (AR), and possibly ammonia (NH3), carbon dioxide (CO2), and methane (CH4).

Evidence that China Controls US Weather

The United States as not had normal winter weather. The very unusual weather of exceptionally cold weather with 100 mile an hour winds and storms every few days has hit the US harder than normal.., The unusually high winds in California caused devastating fires and the loss of thousands of homes. and many live. The coldest temperatures ever from Maine to the Florida Keys provides evidence of this weather control capability snow fell further south than people could remember. Weather control can be accomplished by the five HAARP like facilities China owns. The US built a HAARP in Alaska that was first run by the Air Force but is now under control of Alaska University.

During a Senate hearing on May 20, 2014, David Walker, Deputy Secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and regarding HAARP in Alaska. Walker said,” This is not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it But that work has been completed ”
U S Defense Secretary William Cohen in 2000, said, “ HAARP and weather control is not only possible, but has been and continues to be used as a “super weapon,” “Others [nations] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.
… There are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreck terror upon other nations. It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts ”
Many believe HAARP was created and has been used for weather control, by controlling the jet streams movement with enough juice to trigger cold weather across the US by directing the jet stream north into Alaska and Canada and then down into the US bringing Polar weather with it. Why build five HAARPs unless you are going to use them to change the jet streams normal patterns .
A powerful arctic blast swept into the Northeastern U.S. on Friday, February 3, pushing temperatures to a record low- with New Hampshire’s Mount Washington recording a wind chill of -104 degrees Fahrenheit (-75 Celsius). – the lowest temperature EVER recorded in the US
China claimed it was a lost meteorological balloon and has gained useful information concerning U.S. lack of action. Chinese Satellites have ability to attain a great deal of information but weather data and flow would be comparatively hard to capture, where a balloon is often used to collect weather data.
h This is likely a sophisticated Chinese Communist Party trick and geoengineering method possible to damage the U.S. that not normal weather, with five inches of snow in New Orlean sand homes covered in ice.
China has expertise in geoengineering methods, weather control, satellite direct energy weapons, and bio-warfare weapons.
NBC claims Chinese cloud-seeding weapons include 6,781 artillery guns and 4,110 rocket launchers, according to the state-run Xinhua news agency. The China Meteorological Administration says 4,231 flights for cloud seeding were conducted. Plus, they have built five HAARP facilities and likely one aboard a ship. The Chinese scientists claim their weather control worked — increasing rainfall during those years by 210 billion cubic meters, enough to meet the annual needs of 400 million people. China has a population of about 1.3 billion.
Over the last ten years, more than 5,000 people have died in the U.S. as a result of tornadoes, tropical storms, hurricanes, floods, lightning strikes and extremes of heat or cold. During the same period, hazardous weather events caused over $150 billion in property damage
Covid was developed in a Wuhan Chinese Laboratory causing 205,000 U.S. deaths. China builds advanced weapons systems stealing American technology. U.S. manufacturing has been declining since the 1950s. China now accounts for an incredible 28% of all world manufacturing. The U.S. controlled much of the weather in 1968 in Vietnam and the Chinese have 39,000 weather control personnel in Shanghai alone near their HAARP facility. Everyday Communist Chinese radio reminds the Chinese people they are at war with the U.S.
China artificially modified the weather in advance of a political celebration last July and spends an estimated $100 million a year and employs 500,000 for rain making and weather control.. At installations like one called Fragrant Hills, outside Beijing, communists don military fatigues and helmets and squat behind anti-aircraft guns and rocket launchers, blasting the sky with silver iodide, hoping to shock rain from the clouds.
Wang Guanghe, deputy director of the Research Center for Weather states “Weather is a sensitive topic.” One j staff member at the Beijing Meteorological Bureau said the subject was very guarded, “like Americans keeping their nuclear secrets.”.. China to expand weather modification program to cover area larger than India
The State Council, China will have a “developed weather modification system, thanks to breakthroughs in fundamental research and key technologies, as well as improvements in “comprehensive prevention against safety risks.”
(Red Line on map 🗺 is jet stream).
As the jet stream changes intensity and position, it affects the motion and strength of the Arctic air mass bringing it into the U/S.. That array transmits RF waves that interact with the ionosphere and may affect the location of the jet stream pushing it further North to pick up freezing temperatures. The deadly winter storms cause power outages in 1.5 million homes. The cold air is the coldest and most powerful in a generation and the winds in the jet stream are reaching 200 mph.

China has Five HAARPs (H) Facilities

The HAARP beam is broad like a flashlight’s, not narrow like a laser, but it can be electronically steered anywhere within 30° of zenith—that is, local vertical—and it can operate at 3–10 megawatts of power (MHz) Its powerful radio waves drive ionosphere electrons back and forth in what are called plasma waves. As those driven electrons collide with each other and with background species, their temperature goes up, which is why HAARP is called a heater. Thanks to its frequency agility, the HAARP antenna can heat at specific altitudes where the transmission frequency simultaneously matches two resonances. 180 antennas are linked to function as one mega antenna aiming millions of watts of Extremely Low Frequency waves into one tiny patch of the atmosphere.


The Chinese Communists have developed at least five HAARP facilities, three in the Gobi Desert, one near Shanghai, and a similar facility on the Hainan Island in the South China Sea. China also likely mounted a HAARP facility on ships and are able to move to key locations and conduct geoengineering such as changing the course of the Jet Streams. Five known Extremely Low Frequency wave transmitters are operated by China. If they work together, they could alter the world’s weather by changing the jet stream’s route. That in turn has caused extreme cold, storms or droughts, or even steer hurricanes.
V China has Five HAARPs (H) Facilities
The energy HAARP beams into the atmosphere heats up the ionosphere and pushes it out into space. This could indirectly affect the jet stream as the ionosphere is pushed into space, dragging the stratosphere below up and pulling the jet stream up as well, rerouting it by hundreds of miles. The result changes the way water moves through the atmosphere. Change weather patterns over large areas.
From 1987 through 1992,and recently California experienced its worst-ever drought. Food prices went up as crops and livestock died. At the same time, the Soviet Union aimed ‘Woodpecker’, a similar program to HAARP, at North America. Scientists believed the problem was a mysteriously stalled high-pressure system 800 miles off the coast of California, which was blocking the usual flow of moist Pacific air causing an exceptionally dry area susceptible to fires. Angels Don’t Play this HAARP :book explains in detail.


 William G Weber and George Filer Authors

The book covers some historically documented cases as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover up and even discredit witnesses to the actual sighting events

The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who has over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology

He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows and local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut, and Pennsylvania He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it

Both the Kindle Edition and Paper book edition

George Filer authors a complete story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.

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George Filer

MUFON Eastern Region Director Chief Editor National UFO Center Major USAF ret. Graduated BS from Bradley U and Masters's Degree from Central Michigan University

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