August 20, 2017
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
In special reports, this week’s files cover: UK’s “Most Spectacular” UFO Photo, “ET Contact: They Are Here,” Administration Wants Space Force by 2020, Space-Based Missile Defense Can Be Done,
and National Football League (NFL) History
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, Missouri, New York, Pennsylvania, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Czech Republic, Eire, France, Guatemala, Poland, Portugal, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
UK’s “Most Spectacular” UFO Photo
Nick Pope
Two people had been walking near the town of Calvine in Scotland when they spotted the large diamond-shaped object. They described the object as looking metallic. Nick Pope from the UK’s Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) and UFO investigator learned that the object had been photographed on August 4, 1990, and photos sent to the Scottish Daly Record Newspaper. The object sat in one position, hovering silently for several minutes before taking off vertically at, as Nick Pope writes, “a massive speed.”
During the sighting, the witnesses also saw a military aircraft that they thought might be a Harrier jet, but they were unsure whether the jet was escorting the craft, chasing it, or whether the jet pilot was even aware of the diamond-shaped UFO.
. The paper contacted the MoD, and the MoD was somehow able to convince the paper to hand over the photographs along with the negatives. The photos were then sent to the Defence Intelligence Staff (DIS) who then sent them on to imagery analysts at JARIC (Joint Air Reconnaissance Intelligence Centre). Yet at the time, MoD hadn’t even publicly acknowledged that there was any intelligence interest in UFOs at all,” Nick Pope explains.
“We implied and sometimes stated that we didn’t ‘investigate’ UFOs, but merely ‘examined sightings to see if anything reported was of any defense interest’ – as if the two were somehow different!”
Pope says the MoD was actually very interested in these cases, but often less interested in where the craft came from than what they could learn from it. They had hoped to identify some sort of technology they would be able to appropriate.
Nick Pope, former MOD UFO investigator, at the International UFO Congress. (Credit: Peter Beste/Open Minds)
Either way, the Calvine UFO photos impressed the United Kingdom UFO desk investigators enough that they hung the poster in the office.
“At one particularly surreal briefing on the UFO phenomenon my DIS opposite number indicated the photo and pointed his finger to the right: ‘It’s not the Americans’, he said, before pointing to the left and saying ‘and it’s not the Russians.’ There was a pause, before he concluded ‘and that only leaves …’ – his voice trailed off and he didn’t complete the sentence, but his finger was pointing directly upwards,” recalls Pope.
The disappearance of the UK’s “most spectacular” UFO photo. The photo showed a picture of a large diamond shaped craft with a jet in the background. When he asked about the photo, Pope was told that they had officially determined the image was real. They estimated the craft to have been 25 meters (over 80 feet) in diameter.
However, if asked, they were instructed to answer, “no definite conclusion had been reached regarding the large diamond-shaped object.”
Hanging on the wall near the British government’s UFO Desk was what one of the men who occupied that desk called “the most spectacular UFO photo ever sent to the Ministry of Defence (MoD).” The photo has since disappeared, but the story of how the picture was obtained, and what it showed, has not.
Nick Pope ran the MoD’s UFO project from 1991 to 1994. When he was first assigned to the position, he was not excited about it. He felt the issue was ridiculous and he was not looking forward to having to deal with a bunch of UFO nuts. However, over the years, Pope found there were credible cases of incredible things, and began to see there was something truly mysterious about the phenomenon. One of the cases that lead him to this conclusion had to do with a photo that was made into a poster that he found hung in the office near his desk when he began working the UFO desk. Thanks to Alejandro Rojas
“ET Contact: They Are Here”
Joan Bird PhD, wrote the book “Montana UFOs and Extraterrestrials: Extraordinary stories of documented sightings and encounters
In 1950, two spinning disks flew over Great Falls, Montana, and were filmed on a hand-held camera. Today, those “flying saucers” in the now-famous “Montana Movie” still defy conventional explanation.In the 1960s, UFOs were reported at Minuteman missile silos in Montana. In separate incidents while a UFO was overhead, armed and ready nuclear missiles were suddenly deactivated as missile launch officers watched helplessly. The U.S. Air Force ordered these men never to tell anyone what happened.This book critically examines these and other UFO events in Montana, including reported contact with extraterrestrials. Drawing on recently declassified government documents, historic reports, and first-hand interviews, Ph.D. zoologist and author Joan Bird presents compelling evidence that UFOs are real, have frequented Montana’s Big Sky, and have landed in the state.
This book also introduces readers to significant UFO incidents in the U.S., to official government investigations such as Project Blue Book, and to major figures in the study of UFOs.
Joan Bird writes, This documentary about contactees is very well done, interviewing a number of highly credentialed scientists as well as the contactees and the researchers who work with them.
Joan Bird writes, “For some time I have been most fascinated by the contactee literature, as well as by the recent study done by the Foundation for Research into Extraterrestrial Encounters (FREE) <https://www.experiencer.org/” I consider it important enough that I now include some of the results of that study in my talk, most significantly the preponderance of highly positive contact experiences, and positive effects on the lives of the contactees.
The last two UFO Conferences I have attended have highlighted contactees and the information they are sharing. While the information from the whistleblowers and government/aerospace insiders is important, it tends to be biased towards perceiving the phenomenon as a threat. If you’ve not already seen it, I highly recommend the movie “Arrival,” because it contrasts the military lens (everything’s a potential threat) to that of someone (notably a woman,) who insists on personal contact to communicate with the visitors. Her insistence allows the visitors to convey consciousness expanding information to her and the humans on earth, and to avoid needless destruction and slaughter. At least most of it. Couldn’t completely restrain the trigger happy guys.
The Mt. Shasta UFO Conference last week was titled “From Venus with Love,” and included contactees who have had encounters with Venusians, researchers on the early contactees and their accounts of Venusians, and Omnec Onec, author of the book, From Venus I Came. Her book was recommended to me at one of the first UFO conferences I attended by the grandfather of UFO research, retired AF pilot Wendelle Stevens. He told me that many people did not believe her, but he had met her and witnessed her unusual gifts. I thoroughly enjoyed and marveled at her book, as she described the culture she was born into as free of war, poverty and disease. I had seen videos of her, and always wanted to meet her. At long last, was able to do that. (Photo below). For those who may know him, you can see Luis Fernando Maertens over Omnec’s shoulder in the white shirt. He is a Bolivian man, a contactee extraordinaire. My husband and I did a week long retreat with him in 2009 in Bolivia, and I consider him a very important teacher on the planet. His presentations at this conference were mind blowing. His presentations are in Spanish with interpreters, and you can find him on Youtube.
So much of the contactee information is good news, uplifting news, hopeful news. Basically, what they are saying is that we have many beings who are assisting us at this time, with ideas for solving many of the problems facing us, and just encouraging us in our spiritual development to be more loving, non-judgmental and forgiving. This is not new information, as it has been delivered through the centuries by many of earth’s great spiritual teachers. However, it is especially crucial at this time. I know it’s not easy, but it is the path forward, and we have many allies both in other dimensions, and walking among us. We were told Venusians have often been visiting earth for a long time, and have often been mistaken for angels. Blessings and strong hearts as we make our way through these challenging times. Thanks to Joan Bird
. Administration Wants Space Force by 2020
Vice President Mike Pence on Thursday outlined the Trump administration’s plan to establish a sixth military service dedicated to space, saying the goal is to stand up the US Space Force by 2020. The move will require a significant cultural and organizational shift at the Pentagon—and in the Air Force specifically—and will be the first time the US has established a military service since the US Air Force was created in 1947. Also on Thursday, the Pentagon released a congressionally mandated report detailing five actions the department will take to begin building the new service. “Just as in the past, when we created the Air Force, establishing the Space Force is an idea whose time has come,” Pence said, pointing to a space environment that has become “crowded and adversarial.” US adversaries, he said, have turned space into a war fighting domain, and “the Un asked about the impact of the proposed changes on the Air Force Space Command, Vice Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Gen. Paul Selva said the first step in the shift is to “do no harm to the missions that are being accomplished today,” so part of the job would be to figure out how to move missions, such as GPS, subject to approval by Congress.
Space-Based Missile Defense Can Be Done
Sydney J. Freedberg Jr. writes, ‘Some 35 years after Ronald Reagan’s famous Star Wars speech, the Pentagon’s R&D chief said that space-based missile defenses are technically feasible and reasonably affordable.”
Hypersonic weapon (Raytheon concept)
Since Reagan’s day, technology has advanced enough that putting both sensors and shooters in space is not only possible but “relatively easy,” Undersecretary for Research & Engineering Mike Griffin said. What’s more, past estimates of the cost of space-based interceptors have been “unrealistically,” even “naively” high.
Specifically, Griffin told reporters here,
Michael Griffin
The US “absolutely” needs space-based sensors to detect low-flying hypersonic cruise missiles, a new threat that’s much harder to spot from orbit than ICBMs; and
We probablyneed space-based interceptors to shoot down high-flying ballistic missiles during the boost phase, the period before the warheads separate from the rocket.
Note these are two different functions with two different types of targets. Space-based interceptors would notwork against hypersonic cruise missiles, Griffin said. They fly too low, deep in the atmosphere, so any munitions you shoot at them from space would have to be hardened against the heat of atmospheric reentry, which he called prohibitively difficult. “It may not be a bridge too far, but it’s a pretty far away bridge.” Ballistic missiles, by contrast, ascend rapidly out of the atmosphere into space, so space-based interceptors would only have to travel through vacuum, which is much easier.
Note that Griffin’s speaking only about interceptors, missiles that shoot down other missiles. He didn’t comment on lasersexcept to note them as a promising possibility. (In the past, he’s told Congress he wants a megawatt-plus laser in space by the late 2020s).
F-35 firing AMRAAM air-to-air missile
Air-Launched or Space-Based? It is also possible, Griffin noted, for an aircraft to shoot down a ballistic missile in boost phase. The launch platform could be either a manned fighter — the stealthy F-35has gotten a lot of attention, but the older F-15 could do the job as well, he said — or an unmanned drone — which he said might be “more cost-effective” than a manned fighter. (Griffin didn’t go into details, but unmanned aircraft can dispense with bulky, costly life support systems and can stay aloft longer than a human can endure). Such an airborne boost phase intercept would require modifying current air-to-air missiles such as the AMRAAM to take on new types of targets, Griffin said. But that’s entirely doable against “limited threats,” he said, and in a shorter timeframe than developing a space-based interceptor.
(For those who need a reminder, an F-15 fired an anti-satellite weapon and successfully destroyed an American bird in September 1985. Shooting down a satellite isn’t quite the same as hitting a ballistic missile in flight, but there are similarities.)
Alien Technology in a Pyramid in North Carolina
Dr. Bruce Carnet writes, “There are many theories that could explain the fast, powerful radio blips, from spinning neutron stars to alien spaceships.”
Dr. Cornet Bartoo and wife
Bartoo a huge man had contacted me out of the blue and invited me to see his Magnetron in North Carolina . He told me his story of communicating with extraterrestrials, who told him to move from New Jersey to North Carolina, and to purchase land on the eastern side of Stone Mountain where the ley lines intersected. It was revealed to him by those aliens that he was spiritually one of them who had been ordered to incarnate as a human so that he could carry out their plans for Earth. Keep in mind that I had only recently been introduced to the spirit world through my late wife’s Spirit, and to the UFO phenomenon. As a scientist this exposure was very different and at odds with scientific beliefs. The question became: Why was I chosen and how did Bonnie and her Spirit fit into the bigger picture. Meeting my biological offspring for the first time was a systemic shock to my psyche, and opened up my mind to the existence of alternate (parallel) worlds, which were mostly invisible and out of reach to scientists.
When I talked to Walter Bartoo on the phone, I shared with him my communication with KaRa, who claimed to be the Spirit of my late wife, I told him how KaRa had revealed my spiritual name: Bar, which is also what Bonnie had called me during our seven years together. He surprised me by saying that his name was Bar too. It took me a moment to realize that we had the same first names, and that his last name was Bartoo! That connection or synchronicity helped to confirm in my mind that our meeting was important for my education into the invisible world.
When he got to North Carolina, he contacted real estate agents, looking for property near or on the site the aliens told him to He was then contacted by a real estate agent, who said she had property exactly where the Lay Lines crossed. He told her he didn’t have much money, but she said she could get a loan for purchase which he could afford.
The next problem was purchasing materials to build the Magnetron, whose blueprint was downloaded into his brain by the But first he had to build a house on his new property. Surprisingly, when he put out the word for help, people came to him with building materials and offers to help him build his house. Then he needed materials to build the containment structure for the Magnetron. He either was given the design by aliens and again, people brought him building materials. He constructed with volunteer help a wooden pyramid at the exact location his ET source had told him to put the Magnetron.
Next he needed the materials to build the Magnetron: Fifty+ foot copper pipe, circular magnets that would fit exactly around the copper pipe, plus hundreds of quartz crystals of three different sizes that would be arranged on acrylic circular plates sandwiched between dozens of circular magnets on the copper This device had to be isolated from the Earth, but positioned over a copper pipe embedded in the ground as a ground. Both ends of the discontinuous copper pipes would have huge quartz crystals connected to the ends of the pipes, and pointing at each other. Even the top of the main copper pipe would have a huge quartz crystal capping it in the very apex of the pyramid, whose capstone is constructed of four triangular, semitransparent acrylic windows.
Bartoo constructed it with the help of friends and his When I arrived at his property, I was amazed. His house was built in the shape of a Celtic Cross, and a pyramid stood up hill from his house in the middle of the woods. He invited his friends, wife, and daughter to join him while we watched the Magnetron function. I was very skeptical at first, not knowing how one would determine if energy was being transmitted down the copper pipe to the Earth without instrumentation. I would soon see the proof with my own eyes.
Bartoo told us to watch the clouds as they traveled from west to east over the top of Stone Mountain which towered above the pyramid behind As the front and winds changed direction, they carried the clouds towards the pyramid. I could tell something unusual was happening, because the small puffy clouds began to change direction and converge on the pyramid location. At first this was unbelievable, but seeing is believing. This process happened continuously, as cloud after cloud changed direction towards the location of the pyramid. What was most extraordinary is that when each small cloud moved over the top of the pyramid, it was rapidly sucked down into the top of the pyramid and Magnetron as if in a spiraling energy vortex.
I tried to capture this event on film, but the speed of the process was too fast to anticipate every shot, and only one picture above shows a disappearing cloud to the left of the larger cloud in the process of being stretched downwards towards the I am a witness to the energy contained in each cloud in drops of moisture being transferred to the magnetized and crystal-shielded copper pipe. I saw the cloud pulled down and descend into the Earth through an alien device in order to fix one of the ley line grid points for energy on our planet. Bartoo had accomplished his mission on Earth. Who would believe it? Cheers, Bruce Cornet
National Football League (NFL) History
by Richard Anderson
Millionaire San Francisco NFL Players Protest
NFL History … a history rarely reported or “leaked” to the
ticket holders …I hope this helps you; it opened my eyes to understanding just when the public’s respect for the NFL organization started to crumble ….
* In 2012, the NFL had an issue with Tim Tebow kneeling for each game to pray, They also had an issue with Tebow wearingJohn 3:16 as part of his eye-black to avoid glare, and made him remove it.
* In 2013, the NFL fined Brandon Marshall for wearing green cleats to raise awareness for people with mental health disorders.
* In 2014, Robert Griffin III (RG3) entered a post-game press conference wearing a shirt that said “Know Jesus/Know Peace”, but was forced to turn it inside out by an NFL uniform inspector before speaking at the podium.
* In 2015, DeAngelo Williams was fined for wearing “Find the Cure” eye black for breast cancer awareness.
* In 2015, William Gay was fined for wearing purple cleats to raise awareness for domestic violence. (Not that the NFL has a domestic violence problem ??).
*In 2016, the NFL prevented the Dallas Cowboys from wearing a decal on their helmet in honor of 5 Dallas Police officers killed in the line of duty.
* In 2016, the NFL threatened to fine players who wanted to wear cleats to commemorate the 15th anniversary of 9/11.
So please tell me again how the NFL supports free speech and expression. All of a sudden it seems quite clear, based on the above facts, that CEO Roger Goodell has taken a position against any action by NFL players demonstrating RESPECT for any issue:
For God, social causes such as mental health, cancer, domestic violence, for cops killed arbitrarily for being cops, for the Memory of 9/11
BUT, they will allow demonstrations of DISRESPECT for our National Flag, our National Anthem, for the military, for America, and for the American People if it will help mollify a particular group and its supporters. That is who and what the NFL now has shown itself to be.
A third of NFL TV viewers are boycotting games …
I’m a big Eagle fan but disagree with the disrespect to America by the players who have access to radio and TV whenever they call. Please pass this post along to all your friends and family. Honor our military … too many of whom have come home with the American Flag draped over their coffins. Sincerely, Major George Filer 111
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Light
Centre –A few minutes after nightfall, on August 14, 2018, I went outside for a walk in front of my residence. The sky was clear. At 8:26 p.m. I noticed an unusual light approaching from the east. I am well acquainted with seeing aircraft in the night sky, but I realized this object was different. It flashed and pulsated with a white light. Quickly I grabbed my digital camera, since I have experienced multiple UFO sightings. It wasn’t until afterward reviewing the video that I realized the object appeared to be rotating. Also, there was one big light in the middle with two smaller lights – one on top and the other on bottom. It appeared to fly in an upright, vertical position. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Object
Costa Mesa — At 3:30 am I was patrolling one of our accounts when I noticed a triangle object heading east with three lights under it moving at low altitude. I immediately snapped two pictures then the object was gone just like that.
I noticed the object because it had three bright lights under it and was very silent. I did not know what to think but I reported it to my dispatch and added the pictures to the clients report. I was very concerned because I never thought I would encounter something like this .I lost track of it as soon as I snapped the pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Orb
Parker — I was on my flight back home from Tucson, AZ to Denver, CO when I saw out of the window of the plane an orb like object hovering beside the wing of the plane.
I first thought it was something on the window but the UFO moved up and down in the same position.
This made me curious about what this object really is. The object flew past the wing and I never saw it again.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Daytona Beach – On August 7, 2018, I saw two bright red orbs moving in perfect formation across sky out to sea then disappear. Four others followed at the same distance and disappeared at the same location. These moved across the entire sky and stayed visible for 15 minutes from start to finish. Two planes looked to almost collide with them heading in opposite direction. Red orbs flew NE heading out to sea and disappearing as the rest did. They were very large solid red orbs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Palm Beach Gardens — I saw something on Tuesday, July 31, 2018 at 7:30 AM, that was so strange I have no idea what it was. I have been following UFOs avidly since 1958 and seen them a few times. I took several photos and several videos of this “object“ or “ phenomenon.“
I noticed a very tiny, dull-black, perfectly round, flat “thing” overhead. After 15 minutes I saw a quick lightning-like discharge but only around the edges. A little later I saw a straight laser beam.
Sometimes it “danced erratically, like a tiny bug. It was superimposed over our reality and was “not of this world,”. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Orb
Chicago — I was in my back yard getting ready to walk in the house at about 10 pm and a bright light caught the corner of my eye. I turned and saw an orange and pink digital electric orb slow down in my alley.
It saw me and lifted up over the tree .I called my mother out and we both watched it slowly fly away. Last night it came again and I filmed it with my mother. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan’ Light
Petoskey — I got home and was turning off the lights to go to bed when I noticed in the distance a blinking light. When I let the dog out, it was still there. I watched it for a good 10 minutes. It was randomly flashing red, green, blue, and white. I got the binoculars and could see four lights in a row. The center two were randomly flashing colors. I recorded a little of it on my phone. After watching it for 30 minutes or so, the flashing got slower, but it did not move. There was also 2 or 3 times a light shot out from the left side and faded. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Minnesota Orbs
Forest Lake — There are strange and frequent things taking place over Central Minnesota as of July 23, 2018
} they are consistently showing up! And in multiple forms.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Lights
Missouri River — I received this pic from a friend of a friend that was deer hunting up on the Missouri River. The pic I received from my friend was so intriguing I felt compelled to post it to see if anyone else witnessed these objects on November 20, 2017. The sun had set 15 minutes earlier. The sun may be reflecting off the bottom of the cloud causing a very cool sun dog-type reflection. But I was having a hard time explaining the chevron group of lights above the cloud, and the evenly spaced’ beams of light shining down from the object. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
Utica — If the video isn’t on the UFO map page search name above recorded around 3am.
Monitoring human activity UFOs overny video close up Utica NYon Aug 15 2018 Video Close Up
Thanks to MUFON CMS
North Carolina Orb
Lexington – I was taking a picture of the wine vineyard from our car and the window was down so this is not a reflection.
We took two pictures back to back and as you see it descended quickly. I believe UFOs exist and have heard there are transdimensional ones not seen without digital devices. The images attached are amazing to me.
We did not see anything until we got home and uploaded our vacation pictures to our laptop. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Glowing Object
Hazleton — Review of a security camera on the side of my house revealed a glowing object with an irregular travel path. Lights in the background are from another house. I suspected at first a drone, then a flashlight, then perhaps a bird. Friends have viewed the video as well, with no plausible explanation. Object first appears round, then the shape changes as it nears the ground finally coming to rest on a tree. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Orb
Pflugerville – On August 13, 2018, Blue/green flashing light that was moving erratically then started flashing brighter red. I was on the balcony having a cigarette, and noticed this flashing light, that was moving odd. I grabbed my phone and started recording it. I was in my backyard around 1:00 AM on August 14, 2018, trying to see if I could glimpse any Presides shower activity. I noticed flashing red and white lights. It turned in a controlled, wide loop then turned around again. The flashing lights were not in a discernible repeating pattern. This object was changing direction often. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Light
Russel Island — As children and I got out of the car to go to dinner on August 12, 2018, we noticed a bright glowing object shrouded in clouds in the SE sky. It looked too small for the moon and much too big for stars. It looked like something entering the atmosphere. Very slowly. We watched it for 10 minutes and took photos and videos. Object is visible in photos but invisible in videos..
Belgium Disk
Ypres — On a Battlefields trip with youth group I was taking pictures out of window with short bursts of film.
I noticed later that there was something there that I didn’t notice at the time.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Object
São Paulo – It happened in January of 2010, the object was a black cube that followed the electric power transmission lines that go towards Cogon south region of the city. I looked up and saw the object above my house. I was watching and even waved, but I was afraid, fear because the object seemed to me to approach.
I decided to go to the house of my mother who lives in a nearby street. I could see the object slowly following over the tower’s heading south. By coincidence I recently saw the object in the street view on Google. CMS.
Canada Lights
British Columbia — On July 10, 2018, on the way back from a motorcycle trip in the North Okanagan, we stopped one last time in the late afternoon over Lake Okanagan. I took several pictures overlooking the lake, and my fiancée and I did not see anything flying. However, after viewing the pictures on our computer screen, we noticed what appears to be ” orbs”. On closer observation however, the “objects” seem to be of perfect round shapes. They seem transparent green with some reflection from the inside. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Czech Republic
Pøíbram – This photo was taken at sunset on August 13, 2018.
A moving object was noticed in the upper left of the photo,
Note: The object may be a reflection on the lens of the sun.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Eire Light
Curragha, Kilbrew –Blue sphere seen while taking a photo of the clouds, up in the sky but way below the clouds.
Then moved downwards to the closest tree that I’m standing next to and then just vanished. I got this photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Object
Schmittviller — We were 7 people watching the shooting stars on the terrace of my home facing West.
After sharing pizzas, we cut out all the lights about 10:30 PM and several people saw the object that made me think of a huge space ship. The object looked like a huge T. formed with several “bubbles”. The color was between gray and white. No noise, no light. The size seemed very big and the altitude was high. The speed was very fast because the observation only lasted between 5 and 10 seconds crossing the sky. It’s a bit like if the international space station passed 2/3 km above the house. Everyone thought of a gigantic ship or UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Guatemala Light
Quetzaltenang — We were going through the area of sighting when we turned up and noticed a light.
At first we thought it was a plane, but the light became bigger and brighter and we realized that it could not be a plane or in drone and we decided photograph it. Then it disappeared without a trace. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Poland Lights
Warsaw — I was walking past the Palace of Culture and decided to take some pics as it looked nice on August 11, 2018. I was walking whilst snapping some shots and not really paying much attention.
I didn’t notice the lights at the time, it was only after returning home that I and my father saw the lights.
I have a few photos where the lights seem to be in different configurations. CMS
Portugal Light
Vale da Amoreir — On August 14, 2018, I made two pictures of what looked the same yesterday at 10 pm. I was at the window to look at the moon and above it I could see a light, that I was to big to be a star,
Just for a second looked inside my room, when I look back to the moon, to my surprise the light was not there anymore..
Then I look to the left side of the moon, and the same light flashed two times..
Then I thought this is not a star, nor plane
I grab my phone, made some pictures and then 2 small videos..
The object light stayed in the same place for about 10 minutes. I could see some flashes of red light, and also some yellow as it slowly descended until I stop seeing it, because of some trees. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Orb
Biggleswade — I spotted this object hovering above an airfield in Bedfordshire England on May 1, 2018. Late in the afternoon around 5.25 pm while photographing some gliders performing tows and aerobatics I noticed a very bright star like object high above. It was stationary as far as I could tell and remained visible for some five or six minutes in a very blue and cloudless spring sky. I began to take photos of the object hoping to enlarge the images. I take many aviation photos as a hobby.. After a while the object simply disappeared from view almost as though it had flown away very quickly.
It was star like but later looking at the images noticed it had a structure and either reflective silver like or lit from within. One flew over my garden and when I noticed I thought it to stop and it did….even allowing me to run in the house and grab some binoculars and observe the object closer. I saw the same hovering object at air show a few years ago .
My niece was at Trump Turnberry Golf Course and took a picture of the golf course from the balcony of her room on August 16, 2018 at 7:56 pm Scotland time.
She emailed the picture because I like to play golf, and when I looked at it closely I saw 4 strange disk shaped objects in the background which she said she had not noticed when taking the picture.
Can you help me identify these UFO’s? Any ideas?
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-inceasing numbers.
I will be in Mt Shasta this summer and wish to encourage people to come and see this conference.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.