November 6, 2018
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronaut Donald Slayton Chased UFO, Dogon Tribe Claims Aliens were here in the Past, and The Big Lie.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, Arkansas, California, Florida, Indiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Belgium, Canada, Portugal, Reuion Island, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Lt. George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
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Special Projects
Astronaut Donald Slayton Chased UFO
Donald Slayton, a Mercury astronaut, revealed in an interview he had seen UFOs in 1951: “I was testing a P-51 fighter in Minneapolis when I spotted this object. I was at about 10,000 feet on a nice, bright, sunny afternoon. I thought the object was a kite, then I realized that no kite is going to fly that high.” As I got closer it looked like a weather balloon, grey and about three feet in diameter. But as soon as I got behind the darn thing it didn’t look like a balloon anymore. It looked like a saucer, a disk. About the same time, I realized that it was suddenly going away from me – and there I was, running at about 300 miles per hour. I tracked it for a little way, and then all of a sudden the damn thing just took off. It pulled about a 45 degree climbing turn and accelerated and just flat disappeared.”
Dogon Tribe Claims Aliens were here in the Past
Dogon Tribe– In Mali, West Africa, lives a tribe of people called the Dogon whose astronomical lore goes back thousands of years to 3200 BC. According to their traditions, the star Sirius has a companion star which is invisible to the human eye. This companion star has a 50 year elliptical orbit around the visible Sirius and is extremely heavy. It also rotates on its axis.
This legend might be of little interest but the two French anthropologists, Marcel Griaule and Germain Dieterlen, who recorded it from four Dogon priests in the 1930’s. How did a people who lacked any kind of astronomical devices know so much about an invisible star? The star, which scientists call Sirius B, wasn’t even photographed until it was done by a large telescope in 1970.
The Dogon oral traditions claim a race people from the Sirius system called the Nommos visited Earth thousands of years ago. The Nommos were ugly, amphibious beings that resembled mermen and mermaids. If we examine the Ubaid figures at left, we see these Nummo figures were uncovered in Ur, in southern Iraq, and date from around 4500 BCE. According to Gordon Childe, they came from prehistoric villages of the Ubaid culture that was named after a site near Ur explored in 1922. Childe said they reappeared in northern Mesopotamia, where they were found at many sites from the Kurdish foothills in Assyria east of the Tigris River to the bend of the Euphrates near Carchemish, and even further west.13
The British Museum also exhibits other figures that look almost identical to these. One is a terracotta figure of a lizard woman suckling a lizard child. She is described by the museum as a lizard figurine. The museum’s description reports the child’s head as being coffee-bean shaped and elongated, with slanted eyes. Leonard Woolley found the figure, along with a few bones and a clay vessel, in a poorly preserved grave in the cemetery at Ur.
What is interesting is that these figures show horizontal lines that stretch from one side of the belly to the other. They also show the vertical lines that appear in two rows of short slanting incisions forming a series of Vs without points. Another terracotta figure in the British Museum shows these lines extending from just below the figure’s breasts to below the navel, just as Dogon women were tattooed. It is significant that these lines appear on all of the figures.
The lizard figurine from the British Museum clearly reveals the creature has a fish tail. The circular markings at the shoulder joints of these figures may represent the circular bones that distended from the skin of the Nummo at the joints and which were mimicked by the Dogon in wearing copper arm and wrist bracelets. The fact that statues resembling descriptions of the Nummo have been uncovered in the Middle East would suggest the Nummo travelled to other places on Earth besides Africa.
A similar figure, on display in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad, is referred to as a serpent goddess or mother goddess and is from the Proto-Literate period 4000 BCE.
They lack ears and have slanted eyes with a protruding nose that almost resembles a cow’s nose. This is significant because in Egyptian mythology, the Nummo were associated with Isis, who is sometimes known as the “cow of heaven.” The Nummo were amphibious, living both on land and in water. It is evident from the Dogon religion that the Nummo preferred water to land, as their fish-like tails would have been more useful in moving in water than on land.
The Nommos, according to the Dogon legend, lived on a planet that orbits another star in the Sirius system. They landed on Earth in an “ark” that made a spinning decent to the ground with great noise and wind. It was the Nommos that gave the Dogon the knowledge about Sirius B.
The legend goes on to say the Nommos also furnished the Dogon’s with some interesting information about our own solar system: That the planet Jupiter has four major moons, that Saturn has rings and that the planets orbit the sun. These were all facts discovered by Westerners only after Galileo invented the telescope.
The story of the Dogon and their legend was first brought to popular attention by Robert K.G. Temple in a book published in 1977 called The Sirius Mystery. Sirius B’s existence was suspected as early as 1844 and seen was through a telescope in 1862. It doesn’t seem to explain a 400-year old Dogon artifact that apparently depicts the Sirius configuration nor the ceremonies held by the Dogon since the 13th century to celebrate the cycle of Sirius A and B. It also doesn’t explain how the Dogons knew about the super-density of Sirius B, a fact only discovered a few years before the anthropologists recorded the Dogon stories.
It is also important to remember that although many parts of the Dogon legends seem to ring true, other portions are clearly mistaken. One of the Dogon’s beliefs is that Sirius B occupied the place where our Sun is now. Physics clearly prohibits this. Also, if the Dogon believe that Sirius B orbits Sirius A every 50 years, why do they hold their celebrations every 60 years?
Sirius A is the brightest star in our sky and can easily be seen in the winter months in the northern hemisphere. Look for the constellation Orion. Orion’s belt are the three bright stars in a row. Follow an imaginary line through the three stars to Sirius which is just above the horizon. It is bluish in color.
Sirius is only 8.6 light years from Earth. Astronomer W.Bessel was the first to suspect that Sirius had an invisible companion when he observed that the path of the star wobbled. In the 1920’s it was determined that Sirius B, the companion of Sirius, was a “white dwarf” star. The pull of its gravity caused Sirius’s wavy movement.
White dwarfs are small, dense stars that burn dimly. Sirius B is, in fact, smaller than the planet Earth. One teaspoon of Sirius B is so dense that it weighs 5 tons.
So did alien fish-men pay a visit to ancient Earth and give the Dogon their knowledge? Or was the Dogon’s culture contaminated by western visitors? Or could the Dogon’s have had ancient technical or non-technical means to find this information out? Or is the whole thing just a matter of coincidence?
The question maybe settled as larger and more powerful telescopes take a look at the Sirius system. According to the legend there is a third star: Sirius C, and it is around Sirius C that the home planet of the Nommos orbits. Most scientists do not consider any part of the Sirius system a prime candidate for life, though.
When Temple first issued his book in the 1970’s there was no solid evidence of a Sirius C. In 1995, however, two French researchers, Daniel Benest and J.L. Duvent, authored an article in the prestigious journal Astronomy and Astrophysics with the title
Is Sirius a Triple Star? and suggested (based on observations of motions in the Sirius system) there is a small third star there. They thought the star was probably of a type known as a “red dwarf” and only had about .05 the mass of Sirius B.
So has the home star of the Nommos been discovered? Or is this just another strange coincidence? Book: The Sirius Mystery: New Scientific Evidence
Ancient Civilizations Possessed Exceptional Knowledge 5500 BC.
Note space ship carved on mountain at upper left
In recent years an increasing number of researchers in astronomy have come to the conclusion that most of the ancient civilizations possessed an exceptional astronomical knowledge. Not only did various advanced cultures across the globe determine the length of the solar year and developed reliable calendar systems, but they were also aware about a certain celestial phenomenon, such as ‘Precession of the Equinox’.
While many of the famous archeological sites offer us solid evidence that ancient temple, pyramids and other buildings were designed and oriented towards the rising and culmination of certain constellations or specific stars like Sirius. Many cultures had a fascination with the stars and their cyclical motion. References to Sirius can be found in early Egyptian and Greek texts. Ancient Sumerian, Babylonian, Indian, Chinese, and Mesoamerican records tell of visitors to Earth from other planets.
French Professor Marcel Griaule and Germaine Dieterlen began, over a period of several decades starting in 1931, undertook an extensive field study of the Dogon tribe in West Africa. Dogon elders revealed secrets of their religion and extraordinary knowledge of the universe.
Later Robert Temple wrote the book “The Sirius Mystery” that truly popularized the knowledge of the Dogon tribe of Mali, Africa. A fellow of the Royal Astronomical Society, Temple earned a degree in Oriental studies and Sanskrit at the University of Pennsylvania in Philadelphia. Temple claims civilization on earth resulted from contact with inhabitants of a planet in the Sirius star system prior to 3,000 B.C. Sumerians and several other African tribes claim they were visited by extraterrestrials who came from a watery planet.
They were given great knowledge by visitors from a planet within Orion’s Belt near Sirius. The tribal cultures and most sacred traditions are based on special knowledge of the Sirius system is astounding in its accuracy and detail, including information only recently known to modern science. The Dogon legends about two companion to Sirius are claimed to originate before any terrestrial astronomer could have known of the existence of Sirius B, let alone its 50-year orbit or its nature as a tiny, condensed white dwarf star, all of which the Dogon allegedly knew.In the information imparted to the French anthropologists, the Dogon referred to a small and super-dense companion of Sirius, made of matter heavier than anything on Earth, and moving in a 50-year elliptical orbit around its parent star and a third outer orbiting star. The white dwarf companion of Sirius which answers to this description was not seen until 1862, when the American optician Alvan Graham Clark spotted it while testing a new telescope; the superdense nature of white dwarfs was not realized until the 1920s. A Dogon legend, similar to many other tales by primitive people of visits from the sky, speaks of an “ark” descending to the ground amid a great wind. The Dogon claim the ark brought to Earth an amphibious group of beings, known as the Nommo. “Nommo is the collective name for the great culture-hero and founder of civilization who came from the Sirius system to set up society on the Earth,” The Sumerians also claim they were visited by similar being called Oannes who brought writing, organization and education.The Dogon’s cosmogonic legend explains the structure of the universe and the origin of life. It appears that long before empirical science established their facts, the Dogon already knew that “the sun turns on its own axis, as if propelled by a huge spiral spring. The Earth turns on its axis, around its center, and makes a great circle like a top its spinning. The moon turns like a conical spiral around the Earth.” The Dogon elders not only possess an accurate astronomical understanding of our solar system, but they also have an astonishing clear perception of mankind’s place in the universe.The Dogon believe Amma is the supreme God, the creator of the universe. The starting point of creation. Amma means: to hold tight, embrace strongly and keep in the same place”. The Nommo Monitors are the “ancestors” of men, to whom Amma entrusted a part of the management of the universe. Genesis in the Bible tells a similar account of the Nephilim, “Those Who Have Come Down, from the Heaven to Earth.” The Dogon describe an ark raising a whirlwind, presumably a spaceship. The impact roughened the ground and the flame went out when it touched the earth. The ark moved to a hollow that was filled with water, whereupon the aliens emerged.According to Berossus, a Babylonian historian the whole body of the alien was like a fish; and had under fish’s head another head, and also feet below, similar to a man, subjoined to the fish’s tail. His voice was articulate and provided advanced technology to the Babylonians, how to build cities and temples, develop laws and taught mathematics to create civiization, etc build.He was similar to the stories of mermen and mermaids. He jumped into the water at sunset. Astronomers have speculated that many planets water planets where life could have developed. The Dogon have a 400 year old artifact that shows the three star system.These aliens combined their DNA with the animals of Earth to create humanity. According to the Dogon, there wasn’t any intelligent life on the planet when the Nummo first came here.. According to the Dogon, the Nummo were perceived as being immortal; that is, when they died and were reborn, they were able to remember their previous existence. Because the Nummos’ world was dying, they planned to incorporate their consciousness into the Earth beings they created and then live here on the planet.The beings were technology superior to humans. I suspect the idea of human superiority was the main reason why the existence of the Nummo has been historically denied.The Nummo, also referred to as the Serpents, were amphibians that were often compared to serpents, lizards, chameleons. They were also identified as fish capable of walking on land; while they were on land, the Nummo stood upright on their tails. The Nummos’ skin was primarily green.The fingers of the Nummo were likewise unusual and differed from humans. The physical appearance of the Nummo could be seen in the jeweler and other styles of the tribe. Copper rings were only worn on the first finger, ring finger, or little finger because on the Nummos’ webbed hands circular swellings appeared on these fingers in the place of joints, which these rings imitated. He said people of the tribe didn’t wear rings on the thumb or third finger because on the Serpent those fingers were smooth and supple so that rings wouldn’t stay in place. Because the Nummo only had a tail instead of feet, no one in the tribe wore jeweler on his or her toes. They did however wear a copper ring or a row of beads on the right ankle to replicate the circular bone found at the end of the Nummo’s tail.In other examples of the Dogon mimicking the appearance of the Nummo, members of the tribe wore a circlet of green beads on their temples to mimic the Nummos’ glittering forehead and necklaces to represent the wrinkles of the Serpent’s neck. This circlet of green beads on the Nummos’ temple and the Nummos’ wrinkled neck are also characteristics of iguanas. The two red beads members of the tribe wore on their nostrils signified the Nummos’ red eyes. Other tribal members wore copper bracelets on their wrists and elbows to represent the circular bones that extended from the skin at that part of the Serpent’s arms.Women also filed their teeth to a point to mimic the sharp teeth of the Serpent and had tattoos on their bodies that resembled the lines found on the Nummos’ belly.
These figures were uncovered in Ur, in southern Iraq, and date from around 4500 BCE. According to Gordon Childe, they came from prehistoric villages of the Ubaid culture that was named after a site near Ur explored in 1922. Childe said they reappeared in northern Mesopotamia, where they were found at many sites from the Kurdish foothills in Assyria east of the Tigris River to the bend of the Euphrates near Carchemish, and even further west.A terracotta figure in the British Museum shows these lines extending from just below the figure’s breasts to below the navel, just as Dogon women were tattooed. On the figures, the lines only appear below the navel. It is significant that these lines appear on all of the figures.The fact that statues resembling descriptions of the Nummo have been uncovered in the Middle East would suggest the Nummo travelled to other places on Earth besides Africa.A similar figure, on display in the Iraq Museum in Baghdad, is referred to as a serpent goddess or mother goddess and is from the Proto-Literate period 4000 BCE. The statue in the Baghdad museum has been damaged, and the bottom is missing, but it does have the same lines on the belly.They are snake-, fish-, and lizard-like. The Nummos’ eyes were slanted, just as they are on these figures. They have shapeless necks and have unusual somewhat protruding nose that almost resembles a cow’s nose. This is significant because in Egyptian mythology, the Nummo were associated with Isis, who is sometimes known as the “cow of heaven.” The Nummo were amphibious, living both on land and in water. It is evident from the Dogon religion that the Nummo preferred water to land, as their fish-like tails would have been more useful in moving in water than on land.Amphibians best known to us are frogs, toads, and salamanders, species which have survived for hundreds of millions of years. Dogon mythology tells that the Nummo preferred dark, cool caves and liked to move about at night rather than in the daylight. It is possible that they might have been affected by sunlight in the same way as these modern long-toed salamanders were. Thanks to Robber TempleThe Big LieNew York Times bestselling author Dinesh D’Souza is out with a new book aimed at exposing what he calls “The Big Lie” of the progressive Left. 3 to 5 million Democrats in 1930 were in the KKK”Ever since Trump, the Left has been accusing him of being a fascist; the Republican Party is the party of Neo-Nazis — all of this is based on the assumption that fascism is on the Right, (that) it’s a ring-wing thing,” D’Souza told CBN News. “What I do in the book is kind of a deep history of fascism and National Socialism. I show, “These have always been on the Left.'”
In his new book, The Big Lie: Exposing the Nazi Roots of the American Left, D’Souza says it is not the GOP that is the party closely aligned with fascism, but the Democratic Left.He makes the claim that Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger inspired Nazi racial theorists. “Margaret Sanger was part of a community in the United States and they were the community of eugenics. Eugenics means you sort of encourage the people you think are fit or successful to have children, and you try to prevent the people you consider to be inferior from breeding at all,” explained D’Souza.”So Margaret Sanger supported forced sterilization, and these forced sterilization laws that were promoted in the United States were copied by the Nationalist Socialist Party (Nazis) in 1933 for the notorious Nazi-forced sterilization program,” he continued.”And similarly American progressives were advocating what one guy called lethal chambers to kill off people. And the Nazis again established a euthanasia program using lethal chambers to kill 6 million Jews with carbon monoxide gas,” he said. Planned Parenthood even now aborts some 50o,000 babies a year at a public government cost of 500 million dollars. Since seven members of the Supreme Court passed Roe vs Wade 60,000.000 (sixty million) babies have been killed. The abortion pill costs a $1000.00. Thousands of Americans go to foreign countries to adopt babies that could be born here.“If you go to the college campuses you see these groups called anti-fascist, and yet if you look at them they’re wearing costumes; they wear masks; they carry bike locks and baseballs bats as weapons,” D’Souza told CBN.”They intimidate. They terrorize. They use violence yet they’re doing it supposedly to fight fascism — except they look like the fascists, they talk like the fascists and they behave like fascists.Article III | Constitution Section 3 states. Treason against the United States, shall consist only in levying war against them, or in adhering to their enemies, giving them aid and comfort. The main US news media broadcasts over 90% of the stories that are strongly against the government and elected President giving aid and comfort to the enemies of this country nightly. Because treason involves the betrayal of allegiance to the United States, a person need not be a U.S. citizen to commit treason under the Constitution. Persons who owe temporary allegiance to the United States can commit treason. Aliens who are domiciliaries of the United States, for example, can commit traitorous acts during the period of their domicile. A subversive act does not need to occur on U.S. soil to be punishable as treason. For example, Mildred Gillars, a U.S. citizen who became known as Axis Sally, was convicted of treason for broadcasting demoralizing propaganda tallied forces in Europe from a Nazi radio station in Germany during World War II. Each night I hear demoralizing propaganda from the news media concerning the President who has given us jobs and comparative prosperity. MSNBC claims Trump is a Nazi. The media is pushing people apart and creating the likelihood of insurrection. Treason is punishable by death. If a death sentence is not imposed, defendants face a minimum penalty of five years in prison and a $10,000 fine (18 U.S.C.A. § 2381). A person who is convicted of treason may not hold federal office at any time thereafter. I recommend not buying any product advertized on the evening news. Thanks to Dinesh D’SouzaNote: The lady who claimed she was raped by Judge Kavanaugh has admitted making false claims. Judy Monro Leighton has been referred to the Department of Justice authorities by the Senate for lying. Brett Kavanaugh and his wife received death threats for alleged rape.. ABC reports Kavanaugh Accuser ADMITS She’s NOT SURE if Assaulter Was on internet. Note fake news such as NBC, CBS did not cover story on national TV news.
Monthly Statistical MUFON Report – for October 2018:CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe.
In October 2018 there were 750 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; US-515, United Kingdom – 51,cCanada – 49, Chile -26, Australia – 17, France -11, Brazil -8. and Turkey -5.Rock Show with NJ Field Investigators Glen Green and Ken Pfeifer on November 3, 2018
UFO Sightings in the United States
Arizona Lights
Maricopa — I was taking video of the moon as I do 3-4 times a week. It was cloudy on the 22nd. I finally got a brief break in the clouds. At 6:07 I started to record. At 1 minute and 7 seconds #1 comes from the 2 o’clock position to the 8 o’clock position.#2 comes out at the 1:20 time frame. it comes out at 9 o’clock. #3 passes right by #2.. #4 comes in at 2:40 from the 4 o’clock position to the 7 o’clock position. #5 2:50 the cigar shape comes from 2 o’clock to 5 o’clock. #6 comes in at 3:40. He is traveling from the 8 o’clock position to the 5 o’clock position. #7 comes in at 3:48 and is traveling from the 2 ‘clock position. #8 comes in a 5:32. it is just visible for a minute at the very top of the moon. The video is on Youtube on Moonshot 23 channel. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Orb
Hot Springs — My husband and I were on vacation in on October 27, 2018, at around 7:15 pm, we were leaving our cabin which was in a remote area about 10 minutes outside of Hot Springs. I looked up above I saw an object wasn’t moving. I grabbed my cell phone and began taking pictures. My husband asked me what the heck was taking so long, so I had him get out of the car and look to see what he thought. He was as baffled as I was. I then took a video. I was wondering how close they were to the object, but it was too hard to tell. Unfortunately, I did not get that on video. We watched it for another minute or two, and then left. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California object
Monrovia – On October 17, 2018, my father was driving on the 210-W Freeway when he noticed a dark object hovering in the sky. At first he thought it was a cloud so he pulled his phone to take pictures, thinking it was strange to see such a tiny cloud floating along by itself.He witnessed it for about 10-minutes during the drive, a hotel that blocked his view. When he came around the other side of the bend the object was just gone. The object was just hovering there.
Florida Lights
Alys Beach – My wife and I were biking west/northwest to our house on 30A from dinner at Rosemary Beach (1 mile to the east/southeast at 8:00PM. We noticed two orbs at 45-degree elevation in the sky that appeared to be less than a mile away at ~2,000 feet. One orb was white and appeared to be rotating slowly. The other orb would alternate between green and red. The light emission slowly pulsated in a somewhat irregular. I moved to the western edge of Alys Beach along 30A and observed the craft for 20 minutes. Each moved in a different oblong pattern circling away from Alys Beach while changing altitude and then both would circle back. I observed the orbs for another ten minutes. Eglin Air Force Base is located 25 miles to the west. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Indiana Star
Portage — It is getting dark at 6:30 PM this time of year on October 15, 2018, so I am observing my UFO friends earlier. I first noticed one in July of this year. I observed UFO/Drones out the front and back windows with my 10×50 binoculars, the front one being more distant and thus less interesting. About 6:48 PM, I noticed a brightly lit small plane approaching the UFO from behind and above. I estimate the UFO to be about 10 feet in diameter, and 1,000 yards away and about 450 feet high.I went out into the backyard with my “iPad” camera to get a better view and took 13 pictures that turned out dim and fuzzy, but do show a circle of lights. Note: The witness likely took a photo of an out of focus planet or star. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://www.UFOsnw.com
New Jersey Triangle
Cape May — We were at my kids soccer game when silver/metallic object appeared above the soccer game with many witnesses. Some of the kids say a triangular object came out of the bottom of the object.Monroe — I was watching TV it had just turned October 7th my sisters birthday, when I felt an extreme “telepathic like” urge to go onto the balcony.My uncle recorded this and noticed the alien later watching the video. It appeared as if there was a plane downing in the farm field at 12:36 am! I ran back to the deck to find two brilliant extremely bright lights cloaking a gigantic triangular craft 40 yardx40yardx40yarda 120 feet.It was only 75feet above me and was silent. It observed me for 5 minutes but could have been hours. 3 separateGreen, red, green-white randomly flashing around the craft! the center of the triangle was circular of a power force looking orange. Tithe bottom of the craft was made of a metallic alloy, grayish black that was ultra smooth looking,it had finally left from a hovering position to a slow non earthly drag crossing right over the trees! After the event occurred all I remember is waking up on the couch.I would be subject to an array of powerful, divine, intriguing addiction of different dimensional dream states each night surviving on other planets. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Cylinder
Utica — My uncle recorded this and didn’t notice the alien until later watching the video. the video in Slow Motion.The video of the cylinder was taken on October 29, 2018. Note: No alien was observed except cylinder. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Triangle
Perrysville — While taking pictures of a local drill site with my dad, we did not notice anything strange on September 3, 2018. We also did not hear a jet engine or anything to indicate a craft was nearby. Before leaving the site, I took a series of photos and then rolled up the windows and left the site. After looking back at the pictures obtained, we noticed a symmetrical craft extremely detailed in the photo. My dad is a private pilot and former Army and I am retired from the Marine Corps and we both have never seen a delta shaped craft like this. My dad has reached out to other pilots to help identify without any help. We cannot figure out if the craft is descending towards us or ascending away from us. The vector the craft is flying towards Mansfield LAM where the 179th Air Wing is located. My dad has asked 12 airmen from the wing and non have confirmed to know anything about this craft. It looked just like a Sting ray and was all black. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Lights
Kensington — On Tuesday 6:02 am, I noticed an aircraft on October 30, 2018. As the object turned towards me. I said, “That’s not an airplane or helicopter”. .And as it got closer, I did not hear a sound. .I recorded the object to the best of my ability..I caught a triangular shape as it moved over me with a red and 2 white lights blinking. If someone can track this thing on October 30, 2018, at 6:02 am over and Allegheny Avenue. Northeast Philadelphia. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Triangle
San Antonio — I was looking at the southern sky I turned around to look north and noticed 3 meteors falling they were falling like a feather nm July 7, 2018. It was an angular fall. I began to wonder what it was. I was on my drive way. It was heading to the center of city it continued to fall. The tips of triangle are burning hot bright white yellow. Just as I thought it was going to crash land it pulled up ventral side up I noticed the pink burning atmosphere around the sides. It had 3 bright green lights on its sides. It looked as large as a jet airliner. As it pulled up to avoid a crash it flew over the area it appeared to head to downtown area or a base. Following parallel to Fredericksburg road. I did not hear a sound. There were no planes helicopters or jets before or after. It was a very quiet night. As I stool there focusing on it as it became more clear it was a triangle with big bright green lights burning through the atmosphere just as I was losing sight over neighbors roof. I knew what I saw. I my hairs all over rose up my eyes opened wider and I said oh my God e times . no one was awake. At the time or on the street. I saw was not terrestrial. Or it had been a test and all air traffic was halted for it. Unless they USA air force had seen it and cleared traffic. It pulled up and flew against the air flat and burned pink along with the tips burning white very bright. It was the most exciting sighting I have. I have seen 2 other things in the past. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
Burien — My boyfriend and I were driving North on Highway 509 at 8:30, on November1, 2018. He commented on these bright lights ahead of us, There were 5 very bright, round lights in a horse-shoe formation not moving- they held their position and distance apart from one another. After a couple of minutes we lost sight of them because we were going slightly downhill and the dense trees to our right blocked them from view. I was anxious for the trees to clear to get another look. I looked behind us and all around to try to see where they had gone- it seemed that they would still be visible since they were so big. Even though there is an airport in the vicinity, they were not airplanes. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Belgium Lights
Hulpe — On the evening of September 29, 2018, after watching the film I decided to perform my nightly ritual before going to sleep. My ritual is to go and observe the UFOs. I am used to seeing. but that evening, I saw something different, a round light stagnated in the sky behind trees. so i decided to record this unique moment with my phone (Samsung s6). during the capture of the video, we see a luminous ball flying over without moving. This ufo emitted a continuous light and was later joined with two other objects. i decided to cut the video to show my parents the ufos. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Lights
Winnipeg — Richmond west near the Kirkbridge Railroad Crossing facing Pembina. On the way to the store which is visible on the far right corner of image (brick building). I recently wanted to try out the new camera, It recently rained so everything was wet and I thought that spot looked nice with the very slight elevation and light reflections. I did not notice anything that night. I didn’t notice the photo. until a few days later and instantly noticed, lights, shape, of a ufo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Reunion Island Lights
Saint Pierre — On October 27th, 2018, when we finish eating, an information circulates on the social networks. We go up to the top floor of our house to observe the Panoramic view on the horizon .At 20:50 exactly, we saw a light about 12/15 km from our position. A flash catches my attention, so I took my camera to capture two objects. The light made a brutal descent and then remained static .Some seconds later, another luminous point made a descent and one can observe that this second light turns around the first one which after a few seconds later disappeared (see videos). It is not the first time that one observes strange things in this sector. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Lights
Albufeira — I was walking my dog, and saw two big balls flying by at different speeds.. I stopped the video to take a picture. I thought immediately it was an UFO, I am near the Faro Airport and know exactly what are planes and helicopters.
When I got home I showed the video to everyone and they say it was really weird. I tried to get answers online in Portuguese, and nobody could explain anything. Recorded with Samsung Galaxy S5 Thanks to MUFON CMS
South Africa Object
Monterey — At Laguna Race track on August 12, 2018, my wife pointed out the very bright pinpoint of hovering light in the sky. I was taking photos of race cars – with a 300mm lens and took the attached photo. We took a print with us to Sutherland, the giant telescope center in the Cape in South Africa. They said they’d forward my original to the ‘heavies’ in Cape Town. The scientists/astronomers at the center in Cape Town said they circulated the picture, and no-one had a clue as to what it might be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Object
London — I was recently moved to north London to relax I had been watching airplanes for a good 10 minutes and saw a dark object that appeared to be moving in tight curves. It was ascending through several layers of a smattering of small rainclouds, appearing and disappearing through the clouds as it quickly rose in altitude. I first thought perhaps it was a bird of prey riding thermals before realizing it would have to be an impossibly large bird to be visible at such a distance. At this point I wasn’t listening to my partner anymore as this dark object stopped it’s steep and random twisting ascent and rapidly approached in a straight line towards us. I pointed it out to my partner as I was taken aback by its sudden approach, After pointing it out and exclaiming ‘what is that!?’ They also saw it and were confused and used their phone to try zoom in on the object. It descended as it now appeared much larger as a pitch black curved chevron shape very flat with no visible engines or body, just two large spiked and curved wings. I had never seen a plane simply stop and hover before. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-inceasing numbers.
I will be in Mt Shasta this summer and wish to encourage people to come and see this conference.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.