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Vice President of Medcor Inc,. Princeton, NJ
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Tic Tac UFO Flies over Blackhawk, US Navy’s ‘UFO Patents’ or a ‘Space-time Modification Weapons’, ‘ Mar’s Rat, Martian Minerals found in Antarctic, Storms Caused by Jet Stream Manipulation. Taiwan reports large incursion by Communist Chinese air force, C-60 and the book Seven
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Montana, New México, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Oregon, and Tennessee.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Check Republic, Oman, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Tic TAC UFO Flies over Blackhawk
Pilot writes, “Good evening gentlemen. I recently retired from the NJANG with 32 years of aviation experience. Pt was a fantastic experience and an honor to serve my country.”
Back in 2011 while flying in our South Jersey training area under goggles I witnessed an event that was life changing. Up until this point I had already been flying for 25 years and never saw anything in the air that I could not identify. Well on a clear fall night that all changed. I had just finished flying and had switched out with another pilot. I was sitting in the back left side jump seat, the crew chief in the right jump seat. We were hovering just above the trees when the crew chief yelled over the intercom that his goggles had just shut down due to a bright flash of light coming from the sky.
Just then I saw while looking out the left side this huge 2 by 4 looking object. It was long and had semi squared off corners. No wings, no landing gear, no lights. It flew right over our helicopter, probably five hundred feet above us and headed toward Philadelphia in about three seconds. I estimate that object was moving over 20,000 mph. Remember I saw this while wearing night vision goggles. The object appeared to be lit up from inside. Unfortunately the two pilots in from never saw the craft.
The story you have in the issue of the Tic Tac looking object is similar to what I saw. I did file a report with MUFON. Anyway, I just thought I would share my story. CW4 Rick McClelland 153DI Blackhawk Helicopter Pilot NJANG (retired)
Navy Tic Tac May Have Fooled Radar
On Jan 27, 2021, at 9:26 AM, Mike Turber <mi********@gm***.com> wrote:
The object seen in the “Tic Tac” video is actually an F18 just beyond the ranging ability of the ATFLIR pods laser range finder. The video was filmed by Chad Underwood. You will note that Chad’s wingman is unaccounted for during his flight even though they launched together. In the video link below you will see Chad’s video on the left and a much closer F18 on the right but the outline is nearly identical. Take into account one is much further away. No one will debunk my video and as with all my statements I will just sit back and wait until the location of Chad’s wingman or some other F18 pilot is shown on the actual data which was taken by the USAF to AFRL and if you remember I know about that data, where it went and some of what it shows. https://youtu.be/O-YX9nGlAgo
Commander Fravor did not video anything but what he saw was an inflatable object made by Raytheon that was launched from a submarine, held by a tether briefly and then let go. Fravor ended up destroying it.
As I’ve said the entire time is the United States Air Force was testing spoofing technology back during that time frame. Who better to test it on than the United States Navy who just received brand new SPY-1B phased array radar? The sub’s disturbance in the water was spotted by Fravor and he was able to spot the “Tic Tac” balloon on a tether darting around in the air from the light waves and slight wind. Imagine a balloon being held by a string 50 feet over the surface of the ocean with the other end attached to a sub.
So Commander Fravor sees this and starts his decent and as he is coming down the balloon is released. As the balloon comes up he thinks it is matching his moves when it is merely floating up. No wings, no signs of propulsion etc. So he decides to cut the circle and fly directly to it not realizing he is much closer to it then thought. As he gets near it he mistakenly believe it accelerated and he flies so close he pops it. The balloon falls to the ocean but he believes it continued on the same path and must have disappeared over the horizon at ludicrous speed. Now all these spoofing balloons mimic each other making it appear they are moving incredibly fast. If you don’t believe we are using this technology to fool the enemy then you need to go read up on it. Here I will help you. https://www.thedrive.com/the-war-zone/29505/the-navys-secretive-nemesis-electronic-warfare-capability-will-change-naval-combat-forever
Fast forward to Jacksonville, Florida and 2014-2015events with the same deal. NAVY Carrier group training in the Atlantic Ocean and with new SPY-1B radar sees more UFOs, Gimbals and Go Fast. Jack in all seriousness, which makes more sense? We have alien technology or we learned how to make it look like we do? How do you confuse everyone into believing the BS? Introduce impossible patents and hope people bite on them instead of using the secret patent process that they use all the time. Mike Turber <mi********@gm***.com> wrote:, Well Mr. Time Traveler I may be a moron in your eyes but remember who was the first to leak exactly what these objects actually are. So mudslinging aside let me know if you, and guests on this list, would like to know the next item up for bids on the price is wrong. Sometimes morons have info that intellects need
Pais is the puppet. I know who the puppet master is. Ask yourself why they would publish and/or allow this info to be released in a simple FOIA request? What is the real reason behind all these patents? Follow the yellow brick road…..Best Regards, Mike Turber
Editor’s Note: I have been informed there is effective radar spoofing technology that will paint a fake craft on the radar screen. However this technology has no effect on photos, video, or visual sightings. Also the technology is not effective against all radars. Conversely UFOs may not appear on all radars. Russia and other countries have similar technology.
Jack Sarfatti writes, “I am quite willing to entertain the possibility that all the Navy videos are fake or are misinterpreted.” However, you are accusing Commander Fravor, Kevin Day and other US Navy military of intentionally lying. Fravor and other Navy pilots had visual close encounters. Your account below about Fravor is not what I heard him say about seeing incredibly fast accelerations. Leave that all aside; I am talking about the entire UFO phenomenon not specifically those fuzzy videos.
JACK SARFATTI wrote: Didn’t you see my email from yesterday why totally demolished this nonsense? It’s a bunch of crap in the Navy people who are behind it or either incompetent or it’s some kind of disinformation operation, in any case it’s a scandal and it needs to be investigated of course it won’t be under Biden’s fake admin run by China’s Xi Jinping. Only a complete dunce who doesn’t understand elementary physics will be fooled by this kind of nonsense. The only thing good about it is what they say about the military threat of such technology know how which I have but the Navy doesn’t.
Mike Turber wrote Navy “UFO Patent” Documents Talk of “Space-time Modification Weapon,” Detail Experimental Testing. The Navy spent three years and considerable sums of money testing the “Pays Effect” and may have transferred the program to another agency.
US Navy’s ‘UFO Patents’ files reveal experiments for a ‘Space-time Modification Weapons’ ‘
Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais.
The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted the experiments, exploring the work of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais. ‘UFO patents’ had been vouched for by the head of the Navy’s aerospace research enterprise. Navy was filing them as Chinese entities worked on similar technology advancements
The inventions are enabled through the ‘Pais Effect’ – a theoretical physics concept based on the ‘controlled motion of electrically charged matter’. Approximately $466,810 was spent conducting experiments for the project between the Fiscal Years 2017 and 2019
The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted the experiments, exploring the work of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais – an aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy
A U.S. Navy file dubbed the ‘UFO patents’ has revealed how military scientists spent hundreds of thousands of dollars on experiments involving nuclear fusion and electromagnetic fields as part of research into devastating future weapons. The documents claim a ‘Space-time Modification Weapon’ could make the Hydrogen bomb seem like a ‘firecracker.’
The Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division (NAWCAD) conducted the experiments, exploring the work of Dr. Salvatore Cezar Pais – an aerospace engineer who works for the U.S. Navy.
The head of the Navy’s aerospace research enterprise said Chinese entities were working on similar technology advancements, the War Zone reports.
Figure 1 shows an image from Pais’s ‘Craft Using an Inertial Mass Reduction Device’ patent
Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG)
Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act contain hundreds of pages about the Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program and the tests, photographs and other related material associated with it. The program was referred to as ‘The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG).
Dr. Pais’s inventions are enabled through the ‘Pais Effect’ – a theoretical physics concept that is based on the ‘controlled motion of electrically charged matter (from solid to plasma) via accelerated spin and/or accelerated vibration under rapid (yet smooth) acceleration-deceleration-acceleration transients.’
Documents released through the Freedom of Information Act contain hundreds of pages about the Naval Innovative Science and Engineering – Basic & Applied Research Program and the tests, photographs and other related material associated with it. The program was referred to as ‘The High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG)
As a result, according to Pais, incredibly powerful electromagnetic energy fields can ‘engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level.’ This can lead to revolutionary changes in power and propulsion, quantum communications, energy production and weaponry.
These documents mention how Pais’s Plasma Compression Fusion Device patent could be used to design the ultra-powerful ‘Space-time Modification Weapon.’
‘Under uniquely defined conditions, the Plasma Compression Fusion Device can lead to development of a Space-time Modification Weapon (SMW- a weapon that can make the Hydrogen bomb seem more like a firecracker, in comparison)’ the documents read.
High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator
An overview of Dr. Salvatore Pais’s ‘High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator’ technology
‘Extremely high energy levels can be achieved with this invention, under pulsed ultrahigh current (I) / ultrahigh magnetic flux density (B) conditions (Z-pinch with a Fusion twist).’
The NAWCAD explained that the technology has ‘National Security importance in leading to the generation of thermonuclear Fusion Ignition
.A 2018 quad chart for the High Energy Electromagnetic Field Generator (HEEMFG) project. $466,810 was spent conducting experiments for the project between the Fiscal Years 2017 and 2019. Photographs from one of the spin tests performed
He devices that were tested seem to have been preliminary versions of Pais’s HEEMFG model. They used spinning capacitors to ‘demonstrate the experimental feasibility of achieving high electromagnetic field-energy flux values toward the design of advanced high energy density / high power propulsion systems.’
The documents also highlight that the HEEMFG could be continued by the Naval and Air Force Research Laboratories
Note: We worked closely with the Russians chasing the UFOS.
Mars Rat?
A Mars rock bears a passing resemblance to a rat is scuttling across the Internet with gusto, even inspiring some fans to set up a Twitter account in its name.
Martian Minerals found in Antarctic
Scientists boring more than a mile deep into Antarctic ice have unearthed a mineral that’s rarely seen on Earth but found in abundance on Mars. The yellow-brown mineral, called jarosite requires both water and acidic dust conditions to form, according to NASA — conditions that are hard to find now on the Red Planet. Nonetheless, after the Opportunity rover first discovered jarosite on Mars in 2004, the mineral turned up in several Martian locations, leaving scientists to wonder how the mineral became so common, Science reported.
Some theorized that, when ice covered the planet dust containing the required minerals — iron, sulfate and potassium, may have been trapped inside.
“Mars is such a dusty place — everything is covered in dust,” study author Giovanni Baccolo, a geologist at the University of Milan-Bicocca.”. But while ice could have provided the wet environment needed for acidic dust to transform into jarosite, scientists have never actually seen dust and ice chemically reacting to form the mineral.
On Earth, jarosite is a rare mineral that crops up in mining waste exposed to air and rain, near the vents of volcanoes. Baccolo and his colleagues never expected to find the mineral in Antarctica, but when the team pulled a mile-long (1,620 meters) ice core from the ground, they found trace particles of jarosite, smaller than grains of sand, buried in the deepest layers of the ice.
—6 reasons astrobiologists are holding out hope for life on Mars
After examining the particles with an electron microscope, the team deduced that the jarosite had formed in pockets within the ice. These ultra-thick slabs of jarosite may have formed on Mars because it is far dustier than Antarctica, providing more raw materials to form jarosite, Baccolo noted. “This is just the first step in linking deep Antarctic ice with the Martian environment,” he said. Editor’s
Note: The Martian dust containing the required jarosite minerals may have come to Earth from Mars in a meteorite or even a space ship.
Worst Storm in Years Hits Midwest and East
Storms Caused by Jet Stream Weather Manipulation
The most intense cold snap to affect the United States descended upon parts of the Midwest and East last week and is expected to linger through this week. New York City’s Central Park had a storm total of 17.2 inches. The storm’s maximum snow total so far is 33 inches in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. The greatest additional accumulations Tuesday were in northern New England.
New Yorkers were digging out from under piles of snow that shut down public transport, canceled flights and closed vaccination sites. It was the city’s biggest snowstorm in five years. Thirteen states were covered in snow and another storm is expected Sunday.
The storm is the 16th-biggest snowstorm on record there dating back to 1869. “The storm’s maximum snow total so far is 33 inches in Nazareth, Pennsylvania. The core of that cold air mass was shunted southward by the jet stream.
Weather Model – Global Jet Stream Wind and 250 mb Pressure February 1, 2021 chart
Weather Model – Global Jet Stream Wind and 250 mb Expect unusually cold temperatures and large snow storms caused by air chilled in Northern Canada being blown south with the jet stream into the U.S. after passing through China.” The jet stream is a band of strong wind that blows in the upper level of the atmosphere and acts as a kind of boundary between cold air in the north and warm air to the south. The jet stream typically blows relatively straight west to east, but every so often a kink forms that changes its direction. This kink can occur naturally or by design perhaps in China. The shape of this kink is a little bit unusual. We haven’t seen something like this in about 10 year and suggest a nation such as Communist China is controlling the jet stream. http://www.stormsurfing.com/cgi/display_alt.cgi?a=glob_250
The US Midwest and East has been suffering from massive cold and snow storms. It is my opinion we are in a weather war with massive cold weather being diverted from Canada to the US. This flow is very unusual bringing the cold temperatures jet stream flow across the top of the world.
Allegedly HAARP units in Russia, or China, can disrupt the world’s weather patterns. There is strong evidence our weather is being manipulated or GeoEngineered. Weather modification is resulting in the extreme conditions that we are witnessing with unusual early cold and snow this winter. It appears to be designed to physically harm the US, Canada and Western European Nations.
China launched the world’s largest weather-control machine, with the ability to modify the weather in an area similar to the size of Alaska in 2018. China has never shied away from doing things on a massive scale and this is yet another example of the Chinese Communist military government working on an unprecedented scale.
China’s state-owned Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation after invading Tibet are implementing a plan to send thousands of rain-inducing machines across the Tibetan Plateau to increase rainfall along the region.
The Tibetan Plateau is the source of much of China’s water, running down from the mountainous highlands via the Yangtze, Mekong, and Yellow rivers into the fertile Chinese farmlands.
The South China Morning Post recently revealed plans for a new Chinese radar facility .Described as “high-powered incoherent scatter radar,” this installation will bounce radio waves off the Earth’s high-altitude layer of charged gas ionosphere and may be affecting the jet stream.
Although the project is in step with the county’s other mega-science projects—like planning the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, building the largest single dish radio telescope, or racing other nations to the nuclear fusion finish line—experts think the new facility is more interested in military matters.
China and Russia have modified an important layer of the atmosphere to test a controversial technology for possible military application, according to Chinese scientists involved in the project. A total of five experiments were carried out in June that caused physical disturbance over an area as large as 49,000 square miles. Creating extreme weather conditions is a “bloodless tool of war,” and there is good chance both Russia and China are using it. Beijing has 37,000 people working on whether manipulation and there is more personnel all over China.
During tests in Vasilsursk, a small Russian town experienced an electric spike 310 miles high with 10 times more negatively charged subatomic particles than surrounding regions that can cause jet stream anomalies. An experiment on June 12, the temperature of thin, ionized gas at high altitude increased more than 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit). It is though this action can change the jet stream direction to create cold and disastrous weather patterns over the US. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/world/china-and-russia-band-together-on-controversial-heating-experiments-to-modify-the-atmosphere/6
One of the Russian HAARP ionosphere heater installations can routinely manipulate the jet stream. There is growing evidence heating the ionosphere it is used to manipulate weather systems.
Dr. Nick Begich writes, “HAARP will zap the upper atmosphere with a focused and steerable electromagnetic beam. It is an advanced model of an “ionosphere heater.” Chinese weather modification heating system
The ionosphere is the electrically-charged sphere surrounding Earth’s upper atmosphere. It ranges between 40 to 60 miles above the surface of the Earth. Put simply, the apparatus for HAARP is a reversal of a radio telescope; its antennas send out signals instead of receiving. HAARP is the test run for a super-powerful radio wave-beaming technology that lifts areas of the ionosphere by focusing a beam and heating those areas. “Weather modification is possible by altering upper atmosphere wind patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.” From Angels Don’t Play this HAARP: http://haarp.net/
Russia has more HAARP ionosphere heater installations than any other country and is likely manipulating the jet stream that flows around the world.
HARP Faciliry
Electrical engineer Brooks Agnew began researching the secretive Project HAARP in 1997 for the documentary Holes in Heaven, and learned that the technology was capable of weather manipulation, and possible use as a weapon. “HAARP alters the climate by heating the ionosphere and pushing it out into space, leaving voids that are filled in by the stratosphere and troposphere, and allowing for the jet stream to be redirected,” Agnew explained.
There is a mountain of data including already conducted experiments, satellite imagery which points solidly to the conclusion that cold, snow storms, and tornadoes are being engineered by the jet streams. See more at: http://www.haarpstatusnetwork.com/#sthash.8Xu5rSjQ.dpuf
Taiwan reports large incursion by Communist Chinese air force
Four Shenyang J-16 fighters coped from US. F-15s
Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on troops to “put all (their) minds and energy on preparing for war What China actually did was cheat, steal, and duped us on their
way to prosperity by building a mighty treasure chest of technology and money in trade with the U.S. On January 23, 2021, a formation Chinese Communist H-6K bombers and Four J-16 fighters flew into Taiwan’s Air Defense Identification Zone.
Taiwan’s air force deployed missiles and fighters to “monitor” the incursions almost daily. President Biden’s newly sworn-in administration on Saturday reaffirmed the US’s “rock-solid” commitment to helping Taiwan against Communist China.
Taiwan’s Colonel Lee Ching-shi told Reuters their jets usually go up armed with guns, Sidewinders and Taiwan-made Sky Sword missiles when reacting to Communist Chinese jets and they can respond “at any time”. Taiwan has designed and built the F-CK-1A fighters but has asked the US to provide more modern aircraft. The Taiwan Air Force has about 600 aircraft compared to more than 3000 Communist aircraft.
China, which claims Taiwan as its own territory, has conducted almost daily flights over the waters between the southern part of Taiwan and the Taiwan-controlled Pratas Islands 276 miles south of Taiwan in the South China Sea in recent months. Taiwan’s Air Force is well trained, but has far fewer combat aircraft than China and has strained under the pressure of almost constantly having to scramble in recent months, responding to stepped up Chinese activity near the island.
H-6K bombers t
Chinese bombers simulated an attack on a US Navy aircraft carrier in the South China Sea
The same day, a large force of Chinese military aircraft, including fighters and bombers, flew past Taiwan and into the waterway. The Chinese aircraft conducted 6 days ago The McCain Destroyer sailed through the Taiwan Straits for the first time since Biden became President.
Jan 26, 2021 · Three days after President Joe Biden took office, the Chinese People’s Communist Army Air Force a powerful formation of new H-6K bombers toward Taiwan. The same day, the U.S. Navy sailed…
Chinese H-6 Bombers Heard On Radio Confirming Orders For …
USS Theodore Roosevelt.
13 Chinese combat aircraft, (including eight H-6 bombers) entering Taiwan’s ADIZ last Saturday and were carrying out a mock attack on USS Theodore Roosevelt.
A total of 28 aircraft, including as many as eight PLAAF (People’s Liberation Army Air Force) H-6 bombers, “intruded” into Taiwan’s ADIZ (Air Defense Identification Zone) between Jan. 23 and 24, 2021.
The package of 13 Chinese combat aircraft, (including eight H-6 bombers) entering Taiwan’s ADIZ shortly after Biden took office .China has conducted potential attacks on Taiwan while its ally Iran has conducted attacks of Saudi Arabia. Biden says he supports Saudi against Iran but has stopped supporting Saudi in Yemen. It appears they feel Biden is weak and will not help defend these countries. www.forbes.com/sites/davidaxe/2021/01/25/shortly…
Jan 24, 2021 · Thirteen Chinese combat aircraft (including 8x H-6K bombers, 4x J-16 fighters and 1x Y-8 Anti-Submarine Warfare aircraft), followed the following day by 15 aircraft (2x Su-30, 4x J-16, 6x J-10, 2x Y-8…
Jan 25, 2021 ·A nuclear-powered attack submarine usually also accompanies American aircraft carriers. Against this force, the Chinese military mustered some.
Shenyang J-16 fighters with Possible UFOs on Chinese TV
of its best warplanes On Saturday, eight H-6K.Made a practice run to attack the carrier. Obviously either side could decide to shoot to protect themselves. Naturally fake Nightly TV News appears to ignore the story since Chinese billions buy advertising.
Jan 30, 2021 ·the same day, a large force of Chinese military aircraft, including fighters and bombers, flew past Taiwan and into the waterway. and conducted a simulated attack on the US Navy aircraft.
Chinese state media on Monday threatened to attack the “frenzied” United States over “anti-China decisions” made by Trump to support Taiwan.
Tibet was invaded in the Battle of Chamdo and Taiwan is next. China will soon have a world-leading military as its Army and Navy are larger than the U.S
The Chinese Dream is a set of personal and national goals and ideals to be the world’s greatest power promoted by the Chinese society and by Chinese Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping since 2012.
Communist Party General Secretary Xi Jinping since 2012.
It is used by journalists, government officials, and activists to describe the role and goals of the Communist Chinese nation.
In April 2019, the Chinese state media declare the Chinese People’s War against the US. Xi Jinping General Secretary of the Communist Party ordered the destruction of churches and temples and essentially made himself god and developed the corona virus in the Wuhan Laboratory.
Since then Philippine fishing boats have been sunk, 20,000 Indian military personnel have been killed by China and the corona virus has been spread around the world with China developing a vaccine a year ago.
Paramount leader “Isaac Stone Fish, founder of Strategy Risks said, “The United States is comparatively less strong vis-a-vis China under Biden than a few years ago, and China is likely to continue to close that gap.” China relations and the coming “duel of the century” for economic, military, and cultural dominance in the world.
The goal is to surpass the US in every way using every method imaginable such as stealing technology, spying, sending its space ships to the moon, conducting bio warfare with the corona virus, and conducting weather manipulation. Xi declared in2017 that China is raising quickly to world superpower status, capable of challenging the US economically, politically, and, militarily, too. Chinese President Xi Jinping has called on troops to “put all (their) minds and energy on preparing for war” in a visit to a military base . Xi Jinping warns Biden of ‘new cold war’ if US keeps up protectionism. China’s president, Xi Jinping, has sent out a warning to Joe Biden that he risks a new cold war if he continues with the protectionist policies of his predecessor.
In an address to the virtual World Economic Forum event, Xi called for a multilateral approach to solving the economic crisis caused by Covid-19 and said the pandemic should not be used as an excuse to reverse globalization in favor of “decoupling and seclusion”.
China is on its way to becoming the only nation that can challenge the US on the military front is China so Biden warns Russia. Not to interphone in elections. Three days after President Joe Biden took office, the Chinese People’s Liberation Army Air Force sent a powerful formation of new H-6K bombers with YJ-12 anti-ship missiles toward Taiwan. Four J-16 fighters protected the bombers. There are more than 200 H-6s I m China.
The dispute with China has left relations frayed with a constant threat of a violent flare up that could drag the US into the fray.
Many Soldiers and police with their back turned as Biden drives by on day is explained ha watching the thousand peopling in the inauguration crowd
Don’t expect the fake TV nightly news to keep you up to date even on the 40 Executive Orders the President has written, all of which hurt jobs and many cases kill millions by sending large amounts of money around the world for abortions. He also opened the borders to illegal immigrants where large numbers will be raped and die inside overheated trucks. The illegal immigrants are forced to carry large amount of illegal drugs to US cities where nearly a 100,000 will die from drug overdoses. Although he claims to be a Roman Catholic he is acting against the word of God. Thanks to REUTERS, Utubue, and Navy
#2 in SEVEN Trilology
Shadows, Fred Ellis Brock’s second novel of The Seven trilogy, has been released. It is a cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, romance, and UFO conspiracies. It is published by Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing. The third novel, Secrets, will be published in the summer of 2021. The first novel, The Seven, came out last June. Shadows and The Seven are available wherever books are sold, but if you’re looking online at places like Amazon, many books have “seven” and “shadows” in the title. Best to search for the author’s name. More information at www.fredellisbrock.com.
In Shadows, best-selling author Bill Sanders reluctantly returns to his hometown almost a year after an old Friend, Paul Watson, was murdered while the two were searching for Paul’s missing ten-year-old daughter. Paul had sworn to Bill that the girl was abducted by a UFO. Only after Paul’s death did Bill come to know that his friend was telling the truth. Bill also learns of the existence of an ultra-secret group called The Seven and its shocking role in the UFO phenomenon.
Bill also makes an astonishing discovery about his and Paul’s pasts with UFOs and aliens. This, along with a letter from a dead man about the earlier death of Bill’s wife, sets him on a collision course with The Seven. Cell: 520-288-2104 www.fredellisbrock.com
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS and zoomed in
California Object
Alpine – on January 9, 2018, I was driving and wanted a shot of the sunset. Only later did I notice this super fast moving thing. It’s a live shot with my iPhone, so you can slide frames and see how fast it is moving when compared to the car below it moving in the same direction it passes it in a blink of an eye. I was driving approximately 60mph oh the 8 Freeway west.
San Diego – January 28, 202
1, caught this on our outdoor security camera was taken at 7:06 PM, so maybe you can explain what it is? It was definitely something that you don’t see every day.
Note: This bright object could be a regular aircraft, but it is difficult to see any blinking lights characteristic of aircraft. Also the object appears to be possibly two objects moving in unison. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Colorado Objects
Denver – January 31, 2021, I observed 3 large white objects traveling at a high rate of speed. They maintained their formation and had long tails. The best description is that they looked like cloud tear-drops at
10:45 A.M. in the morning. I observed these very large objects appear to “fall” to move east at a high rate of speed. They maintained their brightness and formation until I lost sight of them.
Florida Lights
Miami – On November 29, 2020, I felt the need to take photographs, but never realized anything until I got home and saw a cigar shaped craft drop out of the sky. I tried to video but was unable to capture anything. You can’t see anything until you zoom in.
Minnesota Disc
Coon Rapids – on June 16, 2020, I was doing grounds work at school when it started raining for about 25 minutes and I noticed the sun shining. There is an opening in the clouds and took a picture of it. Later that evening I was telling my wife about it and showed her the picture when she noticed a dark spot in the picture. I zoomed in on the image and can’t tell if it’s a UFO?
Montana Light
Ferndale – January 30, 2021 –took this video at 10:20 PM, and I saw the light above the Bigfork Gun Club on the east side of the Swan Mountain Range.
Note: It appears from the video that the object is rising. The object also appears to be quite large. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
New Mexico Lights
Albuquerque – January 30, 2021, my sister and I were outside looking at the stars and I noticed this thing in the sky that looked weird. The lights were blinking in the shape of a triangle that was moving. I took pictures of the blue it lights on my phone.
Truth or Consequences – on December 27, 2020, object changed shape.
New York Lights
Phelps — On November 1, 2020, I first saw it with my grandson as this huge thing came up from behind the house, where there is a huge Pond.
I took a short video and still am, positively, 100% sure we saw a UFO with 2-3 s orange color orbs. It shot off; at nana seconds speed and was gone.
North Carolina Disc
Raleigh – January 30, 2021, this is from Face book. Where a good friend took a picture of her kids on her roof. Afterwards, she notices the object in the top left. It looks a lot like the objects captured by the Navy. I don’t know what the object in the photo is.
Ohio Object
Sidney – January 19, 2021, driving on Dingman Slagle Road in Port Jefferson it was playing cat and mouse with us. We were chasing it and we were able to get close driving 95 miles an hour to keep up. It ended up back where we first found it. I got out of the car and took 13 photos and 5 videos on my cell phone.
Oregon Lights
Keizer – January 30, 2021, took a photo of the moon and later when I looked at the picture I noticed the lights in the sky. I don’t know what it was or how long it was in the sky
Tennessee Disc
Mt. Juliet – January 25, 2021, this is my first UFO experience, which took place between 6:00 a.m. and 6:30 a.m. at my home about 12 miles east of Nashville. I got up and looked out the east window and saw a very large bright white-blue light on the distant horizon. After a few minutes, I noticed six star shaped points with three at the top and three at the bottom moving fast, toward Nashville.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Lights
Croydo – on February 5, 2021, in the video it is hard to tell what these lights are, but I swear to you I know what a plane and helicopter looks like and that was not one. I took my dogs out and heard this very loud humming/aircraft noise and I see the circles of red and green literally above me. It has continued to come back and forth and I can still hear it and it has been about 25 minutes.
Canada Light
Hanilton – on February 4, 2021, I’ve seen this 3 times in the same location and once an hour away from my home. Begin feeling anxious and irritated each time I hear a loud humming/pulsating noise which drives me to notice the object.
Check Republic
Havířov – September 22, 2020, I’ve experienced more light poses and I’m just enjoying them and I don’t need to shoot them. I had the greatest experience with a friend in 2016; we had the opportunity to enjoy the black triangle “tr3b/ at a height of 30 meters. And since then I have experienced dozens of posing. It has something to do with the vibration you live with. T the attached photos are funny.
New Zealand Objects
Auckland – on January 22, 2021, at 10.52pm we observed 7-10 single orange glowing round lights, the size of a small car, travelling at a steady, fast rate, at low altitude which veered off and disappeared.
Also included are 2 photographs taken on November 2nd, at 2.51pm (NZ time) that show a moving triangular object. When zoomed in they look to be 3 diamond shaped objects in a triangular formation.
Oman Object
Muscat — on the evening of 30th January 2021, I was capturing the rise of the moon on a remote beach. Later I was surprised to notice an identified DNA shape.
UK/England Objects
Stoke on Trent – on December 22, 2020, a Black plume of smoke was seen south east of the city centre either going up or down
Horsham – January 31, 2021, I have seen this object before but I didn’t have my camera. I decided to film it, but only managed to get 2 minutes before my camera run out of battery. I do not know what this is, I hope it is a UFO as it changes shapes and has electric vibes all through it.
The video is pixilated.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files C/O George Filer
222 Jackson Road
Medford, NJ 08055
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.