Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
MUFON Eastern Region Director
President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310
New Jersey MUFON State Director Emeritus
Former Vice President of Medcor Inc
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Special reports are: Colonel Nell says Aliens are Real, Is Mars Our Ancestral Home Planet? Aliens Bodies Proved Real, China’s Space Plane, Ukraine Attacks Russia, NCAD, and Greska Carbon 60.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than seventy years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Reports
Colonel Nell says UAP/UFOs and Aliens are Real
The Police Force have been inundated with reports of UFO sightings over a three year peeriod.
In 2004, past and present government officials from the CIA, the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA), and the Pentagon gathered to discuss the possibility of releasing classified documents about UFOs to the US public. They landed on a resounding, “no.”
The decision was that the ramifications of releasing such information would be too unpredictable. However, in recent weeks a host of Washington D.C. insiders are calling for these alleged UFO reverse-engineering programs to be dragged into public view.
An exclusive conference for ex-government officials was held this past weekend at Stanford University, where they revisited the idea. Retired US Army Colonel Karl E. Nell. shocked attendees by calling for broad transparency on covert UAP (Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena) programs ‘on or before the conclusion of the decade.’
According to Col. Nell, the ultimate timeline for full disclosure would be October 1, 2030, although he admitted his timeline targets were ‘at risk’ of falling behind ‘Colonel Nell worked in the US Armies Futures Command and his last assignment was with the UAP Task Force where he learned a great deal about the f extra-terrestrials.
Colonel Karl Nell Says “Zero Doubt” Aliens Do Exist here with more proof such as Paul Heller the former Defense Chief of Canada. Non-human intelligence has visited Earth for eons of time.
US Air Force veteran Major David Grusch, previously called on Americans to ‘open ourselves to a future where truth, unity, technological advancements and a deeper understanding of our existence converge. Major Grusch told the assembled attendees: “Let us advocate for transparency, not for ourselves, but for the generations to come, as we embark on a journey toward a more enlightened and interconnected world.”
The conference comes amid a new slew of reports of extra-terrestrial activity and leaked footage, such as one video from a US Navy jet. These leaks, although seemingly harmless, are likely indicators of a much more complex reserve of information and evidence.
Cylinder over France July 22, 2016
Man records elongated glowing “tube” in the sky with infrared camera, and captures smaller orbs being released in a triangular formation from the object, and also a craft with 5 green spheres
Their top priority is to remain conscious of the ‘broad consequences’ of UAP “for the future of science, technology, economy, politics, law, religion, culture, and all other human institutions and endeavors.” Colonel Nell is no stranger to modernization and technological advancements as a ‘modernization advisor’ to the Army Futures Command engaged in the ‘most significant Army reorganization since 1973. Nell has spearheaded the development of remote-operated and unmanned robotic combat vehicles,
UFO sightings have cops swamped with almost 2,000 reports in the past three years.
Is Mars Our Ancestral Home Planet?
Mars Turns Green in the Summer
Mars has been in the headlines as NASA, world governments, SpaceX, and billionaires focus on arriving on the Red Planet. Mars is an absolute obsession, as “Mars mania marches on,” notes National Geographic.
But why? By NASA accounts, Mars is a cold, desolate desert that turns green in the summer. One could travel to the Atacama Desert in Chile and get a much more survivable Mars-like experience. What’s the draw to Mars, exactly? Is it, as Geographic suggests, that we merely don’t want to be alone in the universe?
It’s as if humans have a built-in drive to get to Mars.,
Elon Musk has said, “He is determined to voyage to the Red Planet by 2026, despite the dangers. One day, he hopes to establish a self-sustaining Martian civilization.”
Many species on Earth have the instinctual urge to return to their birthplace. To get there, they are capable of extraordinary feats of navigation and endurance.
According to ancient astronaut theorists, life on Earth may have originated on Mars billions of years ago. Now, we are hardwired to want to go back, even in its current desolate form. Nothing will stop us from getting to Mars.
NASA admits that near the equator Mars in the past was more Earth-like, but it lost its magnetic field for unknown reasons. Then, the solar winds stripped the planet of most of its atmosphere, but at the equator the temperature during the summer can reach 90 degrees.
Mars even turns Green in Summer due to mold and Algae. Navy and US Marines claim to have been to Mars and could breathe the atmosphere.
To escape, perhaps life traveled to Earth or seeded life via organic molecules on Martian meteorites or even spaceships.
Remarkably, there might be a physiological sign that Mars could be our original home world. “When astronauts actually go into space, their circadian rhythms, their body clocks change from 24-hour days to a 24.9-hour day; and that happens to be the exact rotational period of a single day on Mars,” says the author, Michael Bara.
Thus, Bara suggests it’s evidence humans going to Mars may be returning there after thousands of years. Notably, in many people, the circadian rhythm is closer to 24 hours, 11 minutes. On Mars, a day is about 24 hours and 40 minutes. Here on Earth, humans’ “body clock” may tend to cycle between 24.2 to 24.9 hours.
It sounds unreal, but some say astronauts and extraterrestrials currently have a base on the Red Planet. A few months ago, Haim Eshed, the Israeli Space Security Chief for 30 years, claimed ,”A secret underground base on Mars exists. There, American astronauts and ETs work together and have for years.” We remain open-minded. After all, mainstream news is now routinely reporting on real UFOs and Kamala has never got a single vote to be President.. Long, Ago, Eshed claims that the US government signed an agreement with extraterrestrials. If so, it might coincide with the stories about President Eisenhower in the mid-50s.
Tubes show up where soil is removed by wind
According to Philip Schneider, a structural engineer with a high-level security clearance, Eisenhower made a pact with three alien species. (Schneider died under highly suspicious circumstances.) Eshed suggested that the common use of U.S. spacecraft may be the milestone when ETs deem humanity worthy of further contact.
A Martian base is inevitable. According to Nick Pope, former UFO investigator for the UK Ministry of Defense. “I think the next few years are going to be absolutely pivotal in Mars resea rch. We are seeing mission after mission and again, we might wonder, why?” said Pope. As humans venture out into space, we’ll need a base. “Is it because when humanity expands out into the cosmos, we are going to have to have a planetary base? Mars is a good place for that,” Pope continued.
A Martian Open pit mine with huge marking YHWH sign, cut into the plains of Lunae Planum. at 5° South and 297° by European Space Agency color photo.
The word YIH is frequently used in Chinese and Israeli words generally for first or last names. It seems to imply science or knowledge. Its meaning to Marians is unknown. Huge signs probably showing ownership. The symbol Y and an H can be made out on the YHWH, mining sign. “Yahweh is the national God of Israel. Many men who are sick in Naval Hospitals claim to have been to Mars. It has for some time been accepted by the scientific community that a group of meteorites came from Mars. As such, they represent actual samples of the planet and have been analyzed on Earth by the best equipment available. In these meteorites, called SNCs, many important elements have been detected. Magnesium, aluminum, titanium, iron, and chromium are relatively common inside he meteorites along with life forms. Dr Michael Sala reports “This is the full audio of Captain K’s testimony where he claims that he served for 17 years of a 20 year tour at a secret military base on Mars protecting five human colonies run by the Mars Colony Corporation. “It is unknown if these stories are true but several sailors in Navy Hospitals also claim similar stories of being on Mars.”
.Editor’s Note: I do know from Jet Propulsion Lab personnel that the public is cleverly fooled about many areas on Mars showing real structures and that the sky is actually blue. Certainly, it’s common sense that humans would need a base, on Mars
Similarly, former Air Force weather observer and contactee Charles Hall claims there has long been an alien agreement with the government. In exchange for exoplanets to colonize, the Tall White extraterrestrials wanted help building bases for their occasional use, claims Hall.
Former Canadian Defense Minister Paul Helyer claims some of the tall whites can be seen in our various cities such as Las Vegas and working in key industries..
Recently, researchers published a study that enormous lava tubes on Mars would make suitable temporary hideouts for astronauts. Similar tunnels on the Moon may also serve as protection from radiation. Perhaps, astronauts may find life is already taking shelter there? NASA high ranking persons assured me that there is life on Mars, but it is classified.
Today, NASA is partnered with SpaceX, which beat out two other private companies to win a $2.89 billion contract to get astronauts to the Moon. If successful, it will be the first time NASA astronauts will walk on the Moon since 1972. Eventually, NASA hopes to fly people as well as supplies to the Moon and beyond.
Space X Launch Center Vandenberg AFB
Effectively, NASA shifted both the cost and risk to the private space-flight company. Recently, SpaceX founder Elon Musk made some interesting comments . A casual Musk spoke with Peter Diamandis, who is launching a competition with a $100 million prize. The XPRIZE Carbon Removal competition is the largest incentive prize in history to tackle the biggest threats facing humanity on Earth: climate change and rebalancing Earth’s carbon cycle.
“Going to Mars is dangerous, it’s uncomfortable, and it’s a long journey,” said Musk. Then, Musk suggested dying for the glorious adventure would all be worth it. “You might not come back alive, but it is a glorious adventure, and it will be an amazing experience. “Yeah, honestly, a bunch of people will probably die in the beginning.”“It’s tough going over there.”
Terraforming Mars
Today, Mars is barren, but there are plans to terraform the planet. Perhaps, it will return it to its more Earth-like conditions from the distant past.
If Elon Musk has his way, the planet could be warmed by exploding nuclear bombs over the Martian polar ice caps. Then, the radiation created would escape into space, he suggests. One almost sees a pattern of recklessness. Otherwise, scientists have ideas to redirect comets or asteroids to hit Mars. So, maybe it’s not so crazy? For ancient astronaut theorists, such an idea may have been carried out by extraterrestrials in Earth’s past. In short, Mars’ current state is the opposite of Earth today. While we have too much carbon dioxide due to our activities, the Red Planet does not have nearly enough to create beneficial global warming. Currently, NASA’s Perseverance Rover’s MOXIE experiment aims to change what little CO2 there is on Mars to oxygen. Since the amount would be so small, a more feasible plan may be to export oxygen-creating extremophile microorganisms from Earth. Some 2.5 billion years ago, it was similar cyano-bacteria that created our oxygen-rich atmosphere.
NASA’s Perseverance Rover’s MOXIE
Unfortunately, NASA determined in 1976 that using microorganisms to create a breathable atmosphere might take thousands of years. Moreover, since Mars has lost its magnetic field, it would be a lost cause anyway. Therefore, the first problem is fixing Mar’s magnetic field. But how?
Interestingly, according to the Planetary Society: “While we don’t have the technology to churn the core of a planet faster to revive its magnetic field, NASA’s Chief Scientist Dr. Jim Green and his colleagues have theorized that a magnetic field placed at point called L1 between the Sun and Mars, where their gravities roughly cancel out, could in theory encompass Mars and protect it from the solar wind.”
Currently, Green says scientists can already place a weak field at the stable Sun-Mars L1 Lagrange point. (2,000 Gauss) So, if they can figure out how to make the magnetic field stronger ( more like 10,000 Gauss), it could work.
Typical Tube likely hosts Martians
Again, talk about saving the Martian atmosphere hankers back to the ancient astronaut theory. To save the atmosphere on their home planet, the Anunnaki came to Earth to mine for gold. Then, they used the gold in some unknown way to protect their atmosphere. Perhaps, they were creating a protective magnetic field? Maybe it’s not so far-fetched after all?
Martians May be living in these tubes that could handle New York City.
Rich Richard Buchli D.V.M. writes, “We have here what appears to be a huge network of closed tubes. These tubes range from 500 to over a thousand feet in diameter. Just think of what could be transported within such a network. Temperatures reach 90 degrees around the equator in the summer months.
If all went well, then Mars might become more Earth-like again. However, due to the lower gravity, conditions would likely be similar to living in the Himalayan Mountains, cold with thin, oxygen-low air. Interestingly, there are signs of lost ancient cultures in the Himalayas here on Earth. Likewise, Martian conditions in the higher altitudes of Chile and Tibet coincide with frequent UFO reports.
Barry DiGregorio, who works at the Center for Astrobiology at the University of Buckingham UK, claims , “NASA is hiding fossil footprints of extraterrestrial activity on the surface of Mars. ETs found conditions there just perfect. We don’t know what is happening within the tubes that could hold cities”.
Mars has a series of pyramids like those built on Earth
Considering everything, it seems like a better bet to restore the environment here on the Blue Planet before we head on over to the Red one. Nevertheless, seeing astronauts on Mars seems inevitable in our quest to find other life in the universe. As when we arrived on the Moon, humans will become the extraterrestrials, if not Martians returning home. by Ancient Code Team
Editor’s Note: A civilization on Mars is likely to have gone underground because of meteorite bombardment. Subway tubes would likely be used to transport water, atmosphere, and supplies between underground facilities. The bombardments of meteorites probably made Earth and Mars more habitable by modifying their atmosphere. When a meteorite enters a planet’s atmosphere, extreme heat causes some of the minerals and organic matter on its outer crust to be released as water and carbon dioxide that traps more energy from sunlight to sustain liquid oceans. NASA scientists informed me that life exists on Mars but it is classified as Secret.
This photo was taken by the Mars Land Rover Opportunity that landed in a flat plain called Meridiani Planumet.
Opportunity rolled into an impact crater named Eagle 22 meters in diameter. Virtually all of the NASA photographs that we have from the Jet Propulsion Website are simply ‘digital reproductions’ of the original rover photographs. Most all been tampered with to some degree to erase any indication of life…
1976 Viking Landers Detected Organics on Mars
Lin Edwards writes, “A boulder-strewn field of red rocks with green lichen growth stretches across the horizon in this self-portrait of Viking 2 on Mars’ Utopian Plain. (3 September 1976) Image:” NASA
(PhysOrg.com) — In 1976 the NASA Viking Landers took samples of soil on Mars and tested successfully for signs of organic carbon.
Tank like object filmed on Mars
Then, in 2008 the Phoenix Lander discovered perchlorate in the Martian arctic soil. Perchlorates are well known as powerful oxidizing compounds that combust organics, but their presence in Martian soils was not suspected in the 1970s.
Lin Edwards writes, “A boulder-strewn field of red rocks with green lichen growth stretches across the horizon in this self-portrait of Viking 2 on Mars’ Utopian Plain. on 3 September 1976) Image:” NASA
In 1976 the NASA Viking Landers took samples of soil on Mars and that indicates the samples contained 1.5 to 6.5 ppm organic carbon, while those from landing site 2 contained 0.7 to 2.6 ppm organic carbon. The clear conclusion of these (and other) recent findings is that Mars is not a “dead” planet where little ever changes. Rather, it’s one with cycles that appear to produce not only methane but also sporadic surface water and changing dune formations. But the reasons for the disappearing organics are pretty well understood. Without much of an atmosphere to protect it, the Martian surface is bombarded with ultraviolet radiation, which can destroy organic compounds.
Editor’s Note: I spoke with Dr. Gilbert Levin who designed the Viking Lander laboratories tests for life on Mars assured me they found life on Mars.. We both agreed that Mars has life and for some reason JPL is reluctant to admit it, and is only slowly releasing crucial scientific data to support Mars life? In the Viking Lander tests the Martian soil was heated sufficiently to vaporize organic molecules and the resultant gases and vapors were analyzed by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. Chlorohydrocarbons were found at landing site 1 and 2, but they were dismissed at the time as terrestrial contaminants, even though they were not found at the same levels in blank runs by NASA scientists. .
Despite the findings of microbial life on Mars it was thought the public should be kept from the knowledge. Other Mars scientists agree there is life on Mars but the information is classified Secret. Thanks to NASA and Dr. Gilbert Levin
Alien Bodies Proved Real
Jaime Maussan, a Mexican journalist and longtime UFO enthusiast, they are one of the most important discoveries in the history of humankind.
Scientists Claim mummified bodies are real Aliens
But for many scientists these two tiny, mummified bodies with elongated heads and three fingers on each hand, images of which were beamed around the world this week when they were presented to Mexico’s Congress, are an already-debunked – perhaps criminal – stunt.
MUFON reports that in early 2017 several “unusual” bodies and parts of bodies were examined after being given to the Inkari Institute in Cusco, Peru in 2016. The location of the find as well as the name of the discoverer have been kept secret to prevent grave robbing. All of the bodies are hominid, still have all of their internal organs but have only three fingers and three toes. The bodies have all been preserved for perhaps thousands of years.
Some of the bodies which are only two feet tall, are believed to be reptilian and have a skeleton structure similar to a frog. They died about 1,100 years ago. Their DNA does not match anything on record. Mexican Alien Body. Recent research claims the bodies ae real and not made from separate parts. The structures are molded together.
China’s Space Plane
An amateur space photographer has managed to do the unthinkable-Felix Schöfbänker has captured a photo of the Chinese space plane.
The plane a copy of o the United States own space plane
Schöfbänker captured the elusive photo using a 14-inch telescope setup and image rendering software. The space plane launched back at the end of 2023 on its latest mission, and nobody is quite sure what it is doing or how long it will remain in orbit around the Earth.
Ukraine attacks Russian Reinforcements
Ukrainians also cut a key Russia Roads and Railroad line from Moscow. The Soviet-era Urengoy-Pomary-Uzhgorod pipeline brings gas from western Siberia via Sudzha in Russia’s Kursk region. It then flows through Ukraine to the Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovakia and Austria.
Ukraine attacked Russia on August 6th and has captured several hundred miles of Kursk, Russia.
Russian forces on Aug 13, struck back at Ukrainian troops with missiles, drones and airstrikes in actions that one senior commander said had halted Ukraine’s advance after the biggest attack on sovereign Russian territory since the war began.
Thousands of Ukrainian soldiers smashed through the Russian border, that Russian President Vladimir Putin said was aimed at improving Kyiv’s negotiating position ahead of possible talks. . Russia is attacking Ukraine power stations and the capital.
Ukraine has also brought bulldozers and cranes to build defenses. Ukraine attacked a Russia air base is located 69Kilomrters away and blew up a Russian ammo dump and have destroyed strategically important bridges on the Seym River in the Kursk region. Russian reinforcements using roads have been exposed to heavy bombardment. The objectives and limits of the Ukrainian advance are becoming clearer.
Ukraine has captured a key Russian metering Pipeline that carries gas to Check Slovakia and Hungry.
Russian soldiers outnumber Ukraine troops seven to ten.
A drone knocked down a Russian helicopter for the first time in any war. Ukraine’s soldiers have AI software but are now under attack from Russian forces. Moscow has increased its attacks on cities.
The Air Force’s next-gen fighter has moved into a critical new phase
Concept art from the Air Force Research Laboratory from 2018 showing a potential next-generation fighter concept, or F-X. Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall said June 1 that the Next Generation Air Dominance program has now entered its engineering and manufacturing development phase. (AFRL)
The Air Force’s secretive and highly classified Next Generation Air Dominance fighter program has started its crucial engineering and manufacturing development phase.
Secretary Kendall said the Air Force began early experimental prototyping on NGAD in 2015,. This was essentially an X-plane program, he said, designed to develop key technologies needed for the production program.
Delays in Lockheed Martin’s F-35 program and Boeing’s lackluster performance on its own defense efforts could be driving recent—and unexpected—comments from Air Force leaders that it might not build a next-gen fighter jet.
Aviation observers were thrown for a loop when service chief General David Allvin declined to commit to building the future air dominance aircraft Air Force Secretary Frank Kendall also recently told Aviation Week that budget constraints are forcing the service to relook at its plans for NGAD.
“Just to be clear, the deliberations are still underway. There’s been no decision made. We’re looking at a lot of very difficult options that we have to consider,” Allvin told reporters Friday when asked about the program’s future. The service said it would pick a winner for NGAD this year, with Lockheed and Boeing in the running, but now that leaders are hedging on the program, it’s unclear if that goal still holds.
The Air Force may be waffling on NGAD because it’s dealing with a “truly miserable choice,” said Richard Aboulafia, managing director for Aerodynamic Advisory, an aerospace consulting firm.
“Boeing, which still hasn’t replaced the worst senior management team in history, even though it intends to do so, and has a dismal track record, at best, with just about everything in recent years. Or Lockheed Martin, which has absolutely no incentive to execute on this in a cost effective way,” Aboulafia said.
If NGAD were canceled, the Pentagon would likely fly Lockheed’s F-35 jets longer—generating even more money for the defense titan.
“They have no incentive. At the end of the day, there’s a lot of [research and development] going into F-35 Block 4 and other improvements, and a lot of R&D that would need to go into NGAD. They’re conflicted, at best,” Aboulafia said.
This could also be deliberate messaging from the Air Force to Lockheed, which hasn’t been delivering F-35 jets for almost a year due to hardware and software delays with new technology for the jet. The Air Force also may be rethinking its overall concept of operations to rely on B-21, CCAs, and stand-off weapons rather than a traditional aircraft,. But given emerging technologies, it’s still unclear what air dominance is exactly going to look like in the future.
Since the Air Force probably doesn’t trust Boeing enough to handle NGAD, and Lockheed is the only game in town for next-generation combat aircraft, the service could be telling the F-35 builder to “give us something to work with here on Block 4. When you’ve cleared up that absurd mess, you’ll get this too. But we don’t like it and we don’t like your execution on things,” he said.
The NGAD effort is now envisioned as a “family of systems” incorporating several elements, including a handful of autonomous drone aircraft accompanying the manned aircraft in formation.
It typically takes the Air Force’s acquisition programs almost seven years to reach initial operating capability from the beginning of the EMD phase. Although the service has already been working on NGAD for about that long, because it just recently started work on the EMD phase, it will still be several more years before the program will reach IOC.
. “We think we’ll have capability by the end of the decade.”
But NGAD could also be the most expensive aircraft program in history. Each piloted aircraft under the program would likely cost several hundred million dollars apiece.
Kendall also indicated in his remarks Wednesday he wants the Air Force’s acquisition programs to move more quickly to production. “What we tend to do is do a quick demo, and then we have to start an EMD or development program and wait several more years, because we didn’t start the developmental function. We should go right to development for production and get there as quickly as we can.” Thanks to Defense News
Iran is expected to launch attacks on Israel
Iran has vowed to retaliate for the killing of a Hamas leader in Tehran in late July with explosives , an attack for which it has blamed Israel
Some 99% were intercepted by Iron Dome and other defenses,” said Israeli Rear Adm. Daniel Hagari,
Saturday’s and April 14, 2024, the Iranian strike on Israel was huge by any standard. Tehran launched more than 170 explosive-laden drones, 120 ballistic missiles and 30 cruise missiles. The damage could have been catastrophic, but 99% were intercepted,” said Rear Adm. Dan Hagari. “That success was due to Israel’s Iran Dome, and by US and UK air-defense system and Jordan. American, British and Jordanian warplanes played an especially important role in downing drones.
The Iran nuclear agreement, is a landmark accord reached between Iran and the US and several world powers in July 2015, gave Iran Billions. . Apparentl,y the billions given to Iran to stop producing nuclear weapons was wasted. Now that Iran apparently has some nuclear weapons it is possible they may Launch them on Israel.
Israel in the past has always destroyed the nuclear capabilities of Iraq, The Israeli Air Force conducted Operation Opera and Operation Orchard, destroying the Iraqi and Syrian nuclear reactors in 1981 and 2007, respectively, and the Stuxnet malware that severely damaged Iranian nuclear facilities in 2010.
Iran has apparently buried its nuclear facilities, but if Israel believes they will make a nuclear attack they will likely attempt to knock out Iran’s capability. Both countries are aware these actions would start a major war in the Middle East that could spread into a World War.
Five US aircraft carriers are going to the Middle East area and two are already off the coast of Yemen. Soon each will have ninety jets able to attack Iran, plus Air Force aircraft at Turkey and Italy.. Is the President willing to retire with a war to keep Democrats in office?
by William G. Weber and George Filer Authors
The book covers some historical documented cases such has the death of an alien as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover-up and even discredit witnesses to the actual sighting events.
The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone. Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who brings over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology. He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows, local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it.
Both a Kindle Edition and Paper book edition
George Filer wrote the story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2024 by George A. Filer III, rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually