Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
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In special reports, this week’s files cover: President Ronald Reagan UFO Believer, Are We Supposed To Be Seeing These Space Ships? Russian plane hit by a UFO, Israel Iron Dome Can’t Defeat a Thousand Rockets, the Secrets Book and Carbon 60.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Minnesota, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, Washington, and Wyoming.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Denmark, France, Germany, Puerto Rico, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFO’s is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFO’s publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
President Ronald Reagan UFO Believer
President Ronald Reagan had personally sighted a UFO when Governor of California and closely followed UFO reports when President He stated in his famous speech at the UN General Assembly in September 1987 the following: Significantly “In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond.” I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside of this world. And yet I ask – is not an alien force already among us? Reagan’s last question reveals that he did not believe that an alien invasion scenario was something that lay ahead in future decades.”
Aliens would interfere with nuclear weapons not because they are dangerous to life here or elsewhere, but because nuclear weapons are a threat to what the aliens wish to collect from Earth.
Ballistic missiles have been shut down by UFOs in both the Soviet Union and the United States. It has been well documented that for 60 years or more, UFOs have been monitoring nuclear weapons facilities, and in some situations have actively interfered with nuclear weapons. Many UFO researchers have interpreted this as a sign that extraterrestrials were trying to warn humanity of the global threat posed by nuclear war. There is also reports of aliens attempting to clean up harmful radiation and even preventing explosions. Indeed, numerous individuals claiming to have been contacted of abducted by extraterrestrials since the 1940s have made a similar point. Many UFOs are seen at the site of nuclear power plants particularly when radiation is involved such at Fukashima, Japan. Keep in mind that many of the greatest civilizations in human history have been formed, basically to counter a common enemy. When you look at the great world powers of the globe today, you find a lot of them formed because of the fear of a common enemy.
It was a contingency humanity had to grapple with in the immediate moment – an extraterrestrial presence was already among us. Global unity was an imperative to deal with all the implications of such a presence! It appears that Reagan was secretly briefed about extraterrestrial life, and some of the threats this posed to humanity.
Star Wars Was More Effective than Known Shooting Do own UFOs
It appears he was really warning the world about classified alien secrets withheld from the global public and launched the most expensive defense program to protect humankind? The Ballistic Missile Defense (Star Wars) can be effectively used against UFOs. A false flag alien invasion scenario was first revealed by Dr. Werner Von Braun, a founder of the US Apollo Space Program, to Carol Rosin shortly before the former’s death in 1977. What however would be the case if Reagan’s warning was authentic, and extraterrestrials are already here? I know there is much closer cooperation between nations when chasing and confronting UFOs. The news media doesn’t seem to have any reliable inside information concerning this entire field of research or has been told not to report.
Are We Supposed To Be Seeing These Space Ships?
What is John Lenard Walson videotaping with his proprietary telescope video cam technique? Are these just satellites or ET spacecraft or, are we seeing large and very sophisticated spacecraft for the first time that we AREN’T supposed to see?
Walson received the following comment about one of the videos: MIT scientist writes, “Hello again And, again, my congratulations on your superb astrophotography. MIT Lincoln Laboratory is the group which has built some of the things you are seeing. Much of what they do is what used to be the Star Wars project, which no doubt involves some of your objects. They examined crashed UFOs held at Wright Patterson AFB and likely back engineered these craft.”
USS Nimitz and Tic-tac UFO
The military personnel who are encountering these phenomena tell remarkable stories. In one example, over the course of two weeks in November 2004, the USS Princeton, a guided-missile cruiser operating advanced naval radar, repeatedly detected unidentified aircraft operating in and around the Nimitz carrier battle group, which it was guarding off the coast of San Diego. In some cases, according to incident reports and interviews with military personnel, these vehicles descended from altitudes higher than 60,000 feet at supersonic speeds, only to suddenly stop and hover as low as 50 feet above the ocean. The United States possesses nothing capable of such feats.
Early Warning Satellites
Initial Anti-missile Warning Satellite
A missile warning satellite spots the launch of a ballistic missile and immediately relays that information to the ground, enabling the targeted country to retaliate, take cover, or possibly shoot down the missile. The first missile warning satellites were born in the early days of the space race, when the 1957 Soviet launch of Sputnik atop its converted intercontinental ballistic missile (ICBM) reminded U.S. generals that the country had become increasingly vulnerable to attack. The U.S. military knew that an ICBM launched from the Soviet Union to the United States would take about 30 minutes to reach its target, but in the 1950s, American radars located on overseas bases in Norway, Greenland, and Great Britain could spot an ICBM only after it had travelled half its distance. This meant that, at best, the United States would have only 15 minutes to get their strategic bombers, like the B-52 Stratofortress, off the ground.
Three B-52 Stratofortress Had to Launch in 15 Minters after Horn Warning
This was not enough time, and the generals realized that most of their bombers would be blown up before they ever lifted off the runway.
A year before Sputnik, a few scientists and engineers proposed using infrared sensors aboard aircraft to spot the hot exhaust of Russian ICBMs soon after they blasted off. They proposed placing these sensors on high-flying U-2 spyplanes flying around the edge of the Soviet Union. But this plan required a lot of planes flying all the time and would have been expensive, and the plan was not approved by the Air Force.
In 1956, Joseph Knopow, an engineer at Lockheed Aircraft Corporation, proposed putting an infrared sensor on a telescope aboard a spacecraft flying in low-Earth-orbit. This spacecraft could spot the hot exhaust of a rising ICBM once it lifted clear of the clouds and increase warning time of an ICBM attack from only 15 minutes to more than 25 minutes. But because satellites are constantly moving around the Earth, as many as 24 satellites would be needed so that several would be positioned over Russia at any one time to spot the missiles. The Air Force adopted this proposal and named it MiDAS, for Missile Defence Alarm System.
The Air Force launched its first MiDAS test satellite in February 1960, but it did not reach orbit. The next several test launches suffered various problems, many of them pertaining to the spacecraft and not its telescope. But committees of scientists asked to evaluate the MiDAS system were sceptical that the telescope’s sensors would ever work. In particular, they were concerned that sunlight reflecting off of clouds would confuse the infrared detectors and register as false alarms.
A second group of test satellites, known as Program 461, was launched in 1966. These satellites had more powerful telescopes capable of spotting cooler solid-propellant rockets like the American submarine-launched Polaris missile. These satellites were more successful than their predecessors and finally proved that the concept could work. But the requirement for a large number of satellites meant that the program would be expensive, and Department of Defence officials cancelled it.
In 1966, a high-level scientific committee determined that a satellite with a big infrared telescope and located in geosynchronous orbit could spot an ICBM launch. The chief advantage of operating in such a high orbit was that only a few satellites, rather than the dozen or more needed for a low-altitude system, were needed to observe all the primary launching sites because each satellite could now see virtually half the Earth. The Air Force abandoned the low-altitude approach and selected satellite maker TRW and sensor manufacturer Aerojet to build the new satellites. This project was soon named the Defence Support Program, or DSP. The first DSP satellite was launched in 1971 into an improper orbit, but the spacecraft itself worked and proved that the technology worked. DSP proved to be a very successful military satellite program.
DSP Satellite
Ever since Ever since 1971, the U.S. Air Force has been launching bigger and more powerful DSP satellites into orbit. The 14th satellite launched entered service in 1989 and was the first of a new class of satellites named DSP-1. In 1992, a DSP was launched from the Space Shuttle. The satellites are barrel-shaped, with four solar panels on extendable panels at their rear. They spin in orbit for stabilization. They have a large telescope that is mounted at an angle at their front end and which sweeps across the face of the Earth six times every minute, meaning that they can detect, or “image,” an infrared heat source, such as a missile, every ten seconds, tracking its trajectory.
Initially two ground stations were built to receive their data, one near Denver, Colorado, and another in Alice Springs, Australia. The Australian site was classified because the Australian government feared public opposition. It was closed in 2001, and now all missile warning data is relayed to the Colorado station.
DSP controllers soon discovered that the satellites could spot other heat sources besides land and submarine-launched missiles. These included forest fires, surface-to-air missiles, and even military aircraft using their afterburners. The U.S. Navy began to use DSP satellites to warn of Soviet bomber attacks on its aircraft carriers. Other intelligence agencies used this information as well.
By the 1980s, the United States began operating infrared sensors on top-secret satellites in highly elliptical orbits that carry them high over the northern part of Russia and low and fast over the southern hemisphere. These sensors augmented the existing early warning system and also focused on specialized targets, such as the anti-ballistic missile system around Moscow.
Like with most military space technologies, the Soviet Union lagged behind the United States by several years. The Soviet Union launched its first missile warning test satellite in 1972, and its first operational satellite in 1977. The Soviet satellites, named Prognoz, operated in highly elliptical orbits that were highly inclined to the equator. These orbits, also known as “Molniya” orbits after the first Soviet communications satellite to use them, enabled the satellite sensors to view a missile above the horizon of the Earth against the cold background of space, which is easier than viewing it against the warm Earth background. But because the satellites are always moving, more of them are needed and the Soviets required a “constellation” of nine satellites to provide full coverage of American ICBM launch sites. This still left other areas of the globe uncovered, like the oceans that hide U.S. missile submarines. The large constellation size, combined with the short lifetimes of the satellites, meant that the Soviets had to launch up to seven satellites in a single year to keep the system running. After the Cold War ended, the Russian government was no longer able to maintain the system and during the 1990s only about half of the constellation was operating at any one time. During the mid-1980s the Soviets began launching missile warning satellites to geosynchronous orbit, like the DSP, but they launched far fewer of these satellites and Western space experts believe that these satellites, called Oko (or “Eye”) have not been very successful.
SBIRS architecture.
DSP has been tremendously successful during the Persian Gulf War in 1991 it provided effective warning of the launch of Iraqi Scud missiles against Saudi Arabia and Israel. But the basic satellite design and its sensor technology are obsolete. This led the U.S. Air Force to begin developing a replacement. After a frustrating series of stops and starts, by the late 1990s the Air Force was developing two different types of satellites, known as SBIRS-High and SBIRS-Low. (SBIRS, pronounced “sibirs,” stands for Space-Based Infrared System.) The SBIRS-High satellites will replace DSP satellites in geosynchronous orbit. Unlike their predecessors, they are three-axis stabilized and their sensors “stare” at the ground continuously rather than sweeping over a specific point every ten seconds, thereby providing much more accurate data. SBIRS-Low satellites, if built, will operate in low Earth orbit and track missiles as they fly above the horizon, offering much more accurate information on their trajectories. Such information is necessary for an effective anti-ballistic missile defense.
Star wars Ground Station Reloadable Terminals
The Star Wars System was helpful in shoting down certain UFOS.The satellites developed precise location, velocity and acceleration data on the enemy vehicles. The planned interceptors can engage threats at ranges beyond the capabilities of their associated radars. Using data generated by SMTS, these interceptors can use that excess capability to negate attacking missiles far from friendly forces and population centers. This shoot-look-shoot option reduces interceptor inventory requirements. Early intercepts made possible by SMTS extend the boundaries of the defended area some three to five times.
SMTS can precisely cue ground radars; allowing them to limit operations until a hostile missile is within their range. This reduces the threat from homing anti-radiation missiles — likely players on modern battlefields. The constellation provides global surveillance for ballistic missile launches within seconds.
Patriot Missile system Firing
The Patriot system gained notoriety during the Persian Gulf War of 1991 with the claimed engagement of over 40 Iraqi Scud missiles, and are likely effective against some UFOs. The system was successfully used against Iraqi missiles in 2003 Iraq War, and has been also used by Saudi, Israel, and Emirati forces in the Yemen conflict against Houthi missile attacks. The use of weather modification technologies that former Secretary of State William Cohen confirmed as existing in 1997. The “weather modification technologies”. Dr. Salla is referring to include directed energy weapons which, by the evidence, have been used in scalar, weather warfare and seismic false flag operations such as December 26, 2004 (Boxing Day) Indonesian Tsunami, the Haiti earthquake of January 12, 2010, and the Chile earthquake of February 27, 2010. It is assumed that much of the bad weather in the US is because Communist China is controlling the jet stream sending it further north into Canada causing unusual cold weather and lack of rain in the West.
Reptilians Allegedly at War with Humanity
UFO’s are being seen all over the world and high ranking Government, Air Force, Army, Navy officials are now coming forward as witnesses to the UFO, Extraterrestrial and free energy secrecy that has been withheld from the public for many years.
An artist’s conception comparing reptilians to humans!
Reptilians – also called Reptoid, lizard people, reptiloids, saurians, or draconians – are supposed reptilian humanoids, which play a prominent role in fantasy, science fiction, and ufology. The idea of reptilians was popularized by David Icke, a conspiracy theorist who claims shape shifting reptilian aliens control Earth by taking on human form and gaining political power to manipulate human societies. Icke has stated on multiple occasions that many world leaders are, or are possessed by, so-called reptilians. I have no firsthand knowledge of these Exterrestrials but numerous religious books speak of similar beings.
William Tompkins in his book, “Selected by Exterrestrials” who had the highest Navy clearances and worked for numerous aviation companies and reveals numerous secrets states, “The Reptilians have created a background of hell on Earth. The methods and purposes of these devil creatures have been implementing for the last several thousand years has been extremely hateful. They are not benevolent beings coming down to save our planet. But you left out a massive one, “They farm us and clone us. We must stop accepting the excuses they give and understand the truth of what they have done to humanity for 30,000 years. Some of those bastards take out our organs on production lines, sometimes when we are still alive.” Page 359
William Tonkin personally told me of the existence of reptilians and I’m aware of a weapon system shooting down certain Exterrestrials craft. Tomkins claimed they spread a gas from the air that encouraged people to spend their time on sports, sex and other propaganda to ignore what the extraterrestrial were doing. When the government became aware of certain aliens they built large space ships designed by Tomkins to destroy the anti-Et UFOs. I’ve known several people who claimed they saw the crashed ships after they were shot down. Tomkins worked for TRW and they built all kinds of effective lasers since the early 60s. Allegedly friendly aliens helped us with the advanced technology to built effective space lasers some a hundred feet long and spaceships to carry them. Some 747 aircraft will alls carry a 26 foot laser that could defeat the alien shields. Allegedly, there is an alliance with several allies to defeat the UFOs.
A depiction of a Navy craft carries a chemical laser that obtains its energy from a chemical reaction. Chemical lasers can reach continuous wave mega power that can allegedly destroy alien UFOs.
Russians Claim UFO hits Aircraft
Damaged Wing
Russians claim forty pilots had encounters with UFOs. One pilot narrowly avoided a complete disaster has the UFO hit his aircraft’s wing and damages it. Another claimed his craft was hit by a bright light coming from a UFO that disenabled his plane. Soviet Missile bases were attacked in the Ukraine in 1962 and the missiles suddenly became active and seemed prepared to launch. Codes were entered and the missiles were ready for launch until the UFO vanished and the missile operators could shut them down to avoid World War 111. The US spy plane is thought to be the new SR-72 Mach 6 aircraft, which is replacing the Blackbird stealth jet that the US has previously used. It was used to spy on Vietnam, North Korea and the Soviet Union with the new jet thought to be able to travel over 4,600mph.
Israel Iron Dome Can’t Defeat Two Thousand Rockets
Iran Dome Destroys 85% of Gaza Rockets
The Israeli military said Hamas militants have fired more 1,650 rockets into Israel since the conflict began, with 200 of them falling short and landing inside Gaza. “More than a thousand rockets have been fired towards Israel and the Iron Dome missile system built in Israel had an 85 percent to 90 percent interception rate despite the Hamas terrorist organization attempting to overwhelm the system”.
Iranian Built Rockets Fired by Hamas from Gaza
Israel Defense Forces spokesman Lt. Col. Jonathan Conricus, a military spokesman, said “Two infantry brigades were sent to the area, indicating preparations for a possible ground invasion into Gaza to wipe out the rockets”. The new President seems weak and is being tested by Iran and Humus for his resolve to support his ally Israel that would never happen under the previous administration. Expect more tests from around the world like the hacking off the oil pipeline in the US. The Iran Dome system is destroying numerous rockets but many are falling and killing people in Israel. The Israeli Air Force has retailed bombing suspected rocket sites in Gaza. The long range rocks are built in Iran. 100+ killed in Gaza, 6 killed in Israel as conflict escalates Palls of gray smoke rose in Gaza, as Israeli airstrikes leveled two apartment towers and hammered the militant group’s multiple security installations, destroying the central police compound. Relatives gather outside the damaged home of Nadine,16, and Khalil Awaad, a father and daughter who were killed by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, May 12, 2021. (AP Photos/Heidi Levine) more.
Rocket Damage Kills several Israeli Women
relatives gather outside the damaged home of Nadine, 16, and Khalil Award, a father and daughter who were killed by a rocket fired from the Gaza Strip, in their village of Dahmash near the Israeli city of Lod, Wednesday, May 12, 2021. (AP Photos/Heidi Levine) In Israel, barrages of hundreds of rockets fired by Gaza’s Hamas rulers and other militants at times overwhelmed missile defenses and brought air raid sirens and explosions echoing across Tel Aviv, and other cities. While the rapidly escalating conflict has brought images familiar from 2014 Israel-Hamas war, the past day has also seen a startling new factor: A burst of fury from Israel’s Palestinian citizens in support of those living in the territories and against Israel’s recent response to unrest in Jerusalem and its current operations in Gaza.
Hamas Media Tower Destroyed by Israeli Fighter Bomber
Thanks to the Daily News.
New Secrets Book
SECRETS, by Fred Ellis Brock, the third novel of The Seven trilogy, is out. A cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, and UFO conspiracies, it brings to a climax the struggle of Bill Sanders and Morgen Remley to stop The Seven, a super-secret group trying to overthrow the U.S. government. From New Mexico to the White House, the action is nonstop. The first two novels, THE SEVEN and SHADOWS, are available wherever books are sold. The publisher is Wyatt-MacKenzie. More information is at www.fredellisbrock.com.
(Note: Amazon has hundreds of books with “seven,” “shadows,” and “secrets” in the title. Search for the author’s name. The books will pop right up.) From a review of THE SEVEN in the Arizona Daily Star: “Is the idea of extra-terrestrial visits really as far-fetched as we think? In this debut novel, Fred Ellis Brock speculates on just how far government intelligence might go to keep an unsuspecting populace in the dark. Journalist and best-selling author Bill Sanders didn’t reach the top of his profession by being gullible, so he’s understandably skeptical when a boyhood friend claims his daughter has been abducted by aliens. But old loyalties run deep, so Bill reluctantly agrees to check it out — digging up the facts is his specialty, after all — and to his surprise they simply don’t add up. Even more disturbingly, people connected with his investigation are inexplicably turning up dead”.
“In a lively plot that gallops across a landscape of disinformation and treachery, Brock’s hero peels away layers of artifice to arrive at the shocking heart of the intrigue. This is the first volume of a planned trilogy featuring Bill Sanders and his close encounters with “The Seven.” “Like his protagonist, … Brock is a journalist who has worked for major dailies including the Wall Street Journal, the Houston Chronicle and The New York Times, and has authored best-selling books on financial planning.”
Filer Will be Speaking May 22, at 2 PM
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Payson – on April 8, 2021, round orb, dense with beam both above and below the object. Edges of object were very bright. Also one that defies description in shape. These photos were taken at varies times from 8 April 21 8:42 PM to 7 May 21 at 8:15 PM. There were no aircraft or cars in the area when these trail camera photos were taken. Additionally there was no moon out at these times. These photos were taken with a MOULTRIE trail camera. Also my horse was in the area and she seemed to take no notice of any of these objects. The area of these photos was approximately 100 feet long by approx. 40 feet wide.
Fresno – May 5, 2021, my wife called me outside to look at what she is recording in the sky. I stopped counting at 30 because I was checking everything out. they looked like a string of stars in a line heading from south to north. Note: SpaceX has already sent 1,500 mini satellites into low orbit.
Denver – on April 28, 2021, Star Cruiser #705C (c)
Daytona Beach – May 9, 2021, We watched as shiny objects expelled the cloud like poufs in photo! They were just in front of us and we drove directly under them. No plane in the area. No sound!
Faribault – on April 29, 2021, light flashes nonstop more like a tube type object the speed was very high.
Las Vegas – on April 24, 2021, I did not see with my own eyes. I was taking pictures and saw it on my picture or the next day. No one who was outside with me or anyone else stated they saw anything. I did not see anything when I snap the picture I was taking a picture of the Eiffel tower.
New Jersey – May 8, 2021, this is the second time it has appeared over Jersey City.
Las Cruces – on March 8, 2021, too much to type. Please contact for full story on both sightings which happened within one month’s time. Not sure this is any type craft?
Steubenville – May 8, 2021, could not see it with our eyes or on a normal camera only with the IR camcorder and had no noise and appeared to be rapidly spinning fast enough to make it look like two eyes.
New Cumberland – May 8, 2021, I took a break from my bike ride to take a couple photos of my bike. When I was looking at the photo later and noticed a dark object. When I zoomed in on the photo it looked like a classic UFO shape. This object is not present in the second photo. This photo is located within about a half mile of an airport and within a mile of a military base. It was very windy and I do not believe it’s a drone.
Salt Lake City –May 1, 2021, I was driving back to work from my Lunch Break when I saw what looked to be shiny Balloons in the Sky but then they were behaving a little odd for Balloons, when I looked harder I thought maybe they could be Birds but they were disappearing and reappearing, dancing and making shapes, they seemed to be like orbs not birds. There was about 10 of them moving oddly in the sky, so I pulled over and took a video.
Gold Bar – May 4, 2021, it was a long vertical row of lights like lined up dots about 7″ with my hand . The object was larger than the length of my hand going to the southeast very fast solid lights. It was going so fast it was out of my sight within a minute. We are 60 miles from the cascade Stevens Pass and it went past the mountains within minute. I see a lot of unexplained things.
Note: It appears that the witness did some editing to brighten up the photo because at 9:25 PM it should have been dark. There are some other lights in the photo, but the witness doesn’t mention them in her report. Thanks to Will Pocket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite
Olympia – on April 14, 2021, I took this picture as I was starting out on a walk in Priest Point Park. I could see something through the screen so there are a series. These are several. Please let me know what you think! Response of Witness to Explanation That the Object Was a Reflection: I figured that might be what it was, but then a couple of friends said it might be a UFO. One was ‘certain’ so I thought I’d send it along. Take care and thank you so much for checking it out. Note: The apparent object is likely a reflection and not a real object.
Glenrock July 17, 2019 was driving to my mother in laws and stopped to take a few pictures of the approaching storm. I didn’t realize I caught a UFO following the storm. The photos were taken over Glenrock WY the photos are zooming in on the original.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Melbourne – May 1, 2021, looking back over some photos my son took, before flying out of Melbourne Airport, we noticed a strange artifact in a few of the images.
I assumed it was some kind of camera glitch, but then we found our friends phone had pictures with the same thing in them. The IPhone in live mode took a few videos.
Toreby L – on May 9, 2021, decided to record storm clouds forming and by accident I did see a flying object which I cannot see with naked eye, I presume. It’s because it was moving very fast. It it’s a in a second video, but what I saw is unexplainable .
Leers – “on April 11, 2019, very often in the morning I film the rising sun, I saw an object on the right side of the sun that comes out on the left side. I saw in the eye of my camera but on the photo it is not clear because the camera hasn’t focused. I observed it clearly as it was really huge. I have several times seen a vessel”.
San Juan – March 13, 2021, I like to follow the airplanes due to I live right by their path and after I noticed the object across the airplane I decided to start to take photos of the object.
Slough – May 10, 2021, I was taking pictures of the sky I didn’t notice anything until I saw a small black spec and enlarged it. it could be a bird but it’s odd and though I would post in case.
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.