In special reports, this week’s files cover: Genetic Analysis of a Hair Root from a Reportedly-Alien Blond Female
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Connecticut, Florida, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Tennessee, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Genetic Analysis of a Hair Root from a Reportedly-Alien Blond Female:
DNA by the Anomaly Physical Evidence Group, May 2000
Bill Chalker writes, as we enter the 21st century, on this little planet at the outer edge of a spiral galaxy, we hear almost daily some new report of strange, exotic aircraft flying through our skies. Those craft have been seen clearly (and sometimes photographed) by ordinary citizens, military personnel or police, on many occasions over the past 50 years. They have left direct physical evidence in terms of landing traces, radar images, and inhibitory effects on power supplies, in dozens of well-documented cases. Many serious workers believe that such craft may be occupied by visitors from other worlds, because they display a wide range of advanced technologies which exceed greatly what we are capable of today. However, relatively few people have ever come into direct contact with a living being not from Earth, and even fewer have been able to provide plausible evidence of a biological close encounter. Thus the genetic analysis of a shed hair from a reportedly-alien blonde female, as reported here, may be of some interest as the first investigation of its kin
Alien Females
Recovery of the Sample This strange hair was collected from a suburb of Sydney, Australia in July of 1992, following an apparent close encounter between a young man, Peter Khoury, and two almost-human females in early daylight in his bedroom. One visitor was reportedly tall and blond with thin sparse hair, while the other was of medium height and Asian with dark black hair. A tall blond alien has been described also in many other cases: see for example Men in Black (1997) by Jenny Randles, or Fire in the Sky (1978) by Travis Walton. Although certain details of Peter’s 1992 encounter remain unclear, a thin blond hair was found afterward in a location almost impossible to miss, since it was wrapped tightly about the young man’s foreskin. Hence this particular sample could not have been recovered erroneously from a pillowcase or bed sheet, as a normal human hair. Furthermore, it’s clear thin morphology makes it quite unlike any normal human hair, both in color and in thickness. Finally, Peter has seemed continually honest and consistent in his reporting of this episode, over the past 8 years. He would have no easy way of finding a long, thin colorless hair in Sydney; nor does he have any knowledge of hair forensics. The Khoury family comes from a priestly, Christian Maronite background in Lebanon. Peter’s first encounter with a non-Earthly craft was in a small coastal town of Lebanon in the summer of 1971. At age 7, he and eight other children were playing on a rooftop, onto which Peter walked last through a heavy door. He then saw all his friends “frozen” like statues in front of him, while a silent egg-shaped craft hovered above. All eight children and Peter later found themselves on the ground after some time had elapsed, with no memory of the intervening period.
Peter Khoury
Much later in Australia in July of 1988, Peter was asked by his brother to enter a side room in his father’s house, so that his brother could watch TV in the main room. Immediately after entering that side room, Peter felt a “pins and needles” paralysis, and saw a variety of robed non-human aliens in front of him. Two 7-foot humanoids informed him telepathically to “stay calm, do not be afraid, it will be like the last time”; and then inserted a needle into his head which caused him to lose consciousness. Meanwhile, his father and brother were put to sleep in the main room for many hours. Still later in a different house in Sydney in July of 1992, Peter had a daylight encounter with two almost-human females as noted above, which resulted in the recovery of a clear, thin head hair of length 15 cm. Another brief encounter with non-human aliens was noted in November of 1996, when he was apparently carried late at night through a mirror by teleportation. All four episodes from 1971 to 1996 show a long-term periodicity of 4.25 years.
A Strange Egg-Shaped Craft?
How might those aliens have reached Peter’s house, which lies in an outer suburb of Sydney, without attracting undue attention to themselves? In June of 1996, Peter noticed a strange object in the night sky near his home, and went quickly to get a camera to photograph it. That egg-shaped object also seems to rotate by 90o, in the few seconds between successive photographs. In the left-hand film, the egg-shaped craft is elongated to the upper left; whereas in the right-hand film, it is elongated to the upper right. Roswell, New Mexico in 2010
One possibility, therefore, may be that such aliens can travel almost undetectably at night in silent egg-shaped craft, which may be nearly invisible when seen against a dark night sky.
Could he somehow be imagining the events of 1988, 1992 and 1996, due to a shock from his childhood encounter of 1971? If so, he would have had to inflict several large, surgical-like scars on himself, without any instruments to do so. Thus, all four episodes seem to have left direct physical evidence on Peter’s lower right leg, in the form of four punch-biopsies of diameter 8 mm.
Such large, round, hairless scars could not easily be self-inflicted, for two reasons. First, punch biopsies are seldom performed by Earth doctors, due to the intense pain of taking a core sample, plus the need for tight stitching afterward, and a long time of 2-4 weeks to heal. By contrast, all of Peter’s scars remain unstitched, and one healed itself in 6 hours while his wife watched. (It would be a boon for medical science to elucidate the mechanism of such rapid wound healing.) Second, punch biopsies when performed here on animals are carried out using a simple cylindrical tube-like blade that is inserted directly in or out. By contrast, Peter’s punch biopsies (like those of many abductees) show fine-structure around the outer edges, where 6-8 thin wires have been inserted to prevent torsion, while twisting the central tissue as for a corkscrew.
Preliminary Analysis of the Upper Hair Shaft Given so many supporting data, which suggest that Peter might be testifying correctly about his multiple encounters, and also about collection of a strange hair sample, we decided to make DNA analysis of that hair a high priority. We therefore assembled a team of highly competent (if anonymous) biological scientists to carry out such work, with the substantial cost paid fully from the investigators’ own private funds. First, high-resolution photographs of the blond “alien” hair by dark field microscopy showed a pronounced mosaic structure, owing to the near-absence of melanin, and confirmed that it was a variant form of human hair. Next, in order to make sure that our DNA methods were working well (before studying the root); we analyzed a 2 cm portion of thin blond hair shaft, which was cut from just above the root. That hard hair shaft required extensive grinding to its release its DNA; no contaminating DNA was found on any outer part. Studies by PCR (polymerase chain reaction) were then used to deduce the identity of all DNA released from cells on the inside. Those studies revealed an unusual mitochondrial DNA of Chinese genetics, with a rare mutation 16,108 C-to-T, plus four other mutations 16,129, 16,162, 16,172, 16,304 in hypervariable region I (HVRI). One could perhaps collect the black hairs from 100 Chinese in Sydney, and find one example of such rare DNA.
Yet since the blond “alien” hair never came into contact with any local Chinese, and since it is optically clear rather than black, that scenario seems unlikely. Nor does laboratory contamination provide a plausible explanation, since careful controls were performed at every step. Alternatively, we might have amplified DNA from the second alien who visited Peter in 1992, if that Asian-like female tied a head hair from her blond friend about the young man’s foreskin. Yet why could we not recover Chinese DNA from the outside of that hair, if the Asian female handled it? Our preliminary study therefore left two anomalies: (1) how could Chinese mitochondrial DNA of a rare type be found within any hair which is optically clear? (2) How could such rare DNA be collected from the foreskin of Peter Khoury, unless it was left there by an alien female as he says? In order to resolve these anomalies, we undertook further investigation of soft root tissue from the same hair, which generally contains more DNA.
Methods for DNA Extraction and Analysis by PCR Our methods for DNA extraction remain almost the same, except that we omitted treatment of all hair-root extracts with phenol/chloroform, because they seem free of any melanin which might inhibit PCR. Also, we first extracted soft tissue from around the root by a 20oC wash for 30 minutes in guanidinium buffer; then we extracted the residual hair shaft by a 55oC wash for 2 days, followed by freeze/thaw and grinding. Thus, the soft root-tissue and hard hair-shaft were extracted separately as independent samples for PCR. Our PCR methods also remain the same, where both the left and right-hand sides of mitochondrial HVRI (hypervariable region I, nucleotides 16,020-16,400) were amplified for 37 or 33 cycles respectively; while one small nuclear region which codes for CCR5 was amplified for 40 cycles. Other nuclear regions gave no amplification, because the 8-year-old hair DNA is apparently too degraded to do so. Recall that mitochondrial DNA is present in any cell at a level 200-500 times that of nuclear, and hence is the more easily detected in an aged sample. A putative “yowie” hair was tested in parallel with the blond “alien” hair, but yielded no ape-like DNA. Still, that yowie hair serves as a good control for possible laboratory contamination, since it was amplified with the same solutions and at the same time as the blond hair. Only very-weakly amplified products, almost identical to a European consensus, were obtained from the “yowie” hair. Hence, there is apparently little contamination by mitochondrial DNA from local sources in our protocol, except for consensus European at a very-low level as noted in Table I. A PCR test for nuclear CCR5 also showed no contamination from any local source.
New Results on Mitochondrial DNA from the Blond “Alien” Hair Root Our new results on the blond “alien” hair may be summarized as follows: its mitochondrial DNA appears to be of two kinds, depending on whether we analyze the hard hair shaft or else the soft root. Thus, from the lower hair shaft we obtain again the same Chinese mitochondrial DNA, which shows a characteristic substitution 16,304 T-to-C. But from soft root tissue, we obtain a novel Basque-Gaelic mitochondrial DNA, which shows a rare substitution16,255 G-to-A, along with several other characteristic substitutions 16,223 C-to-T, 16,278 C-to-T, and 16,294 C-to-T (Piercy, R. et al. , International Journal of Legal Medicine 106 , 85-90, 1993;
Table I. New results on mitochondrial DNA from a blonde “alien” hair root Sample Mitochondrial sequence variation Number of clones outside root-tissue 16,223, 16,255, 16,278, 16,294 6/7 lower hair-shaft 16,304 3/6 upper hair-shaft 16,108, 16,129, 16,162, 16,172, 16,304 6/6
All base changes are A/G or C/T in standard numbering. In each case, a majority of clones show the characteristic sequence, while others show very close to a European consensus. One clone shows 16,249 as for Peter Khoury, and may be due to his handling of the hair in 1992. The outside root tissue and lower hair shaft were measured only from 16,210-16,400, while the upper hair shaft was measured fully from 16,020-16,400.
By comparison with all other human sequences which have been determined (Mitochondrial DNA Concordance, http://shelob.bioanth.cam.ac.uk/mtDNA), we find that the four substitutions found here for a blond “alien” hair root, definitely place that female within the general range of Basque-Gaelic genetics. Thus, two of the four substitutions 16,223 and 16,278 are found together in 3% of Caucasians from the U.K. or northern Spain (Piercy e t al. , 1993), or in roughly 10% of the blue-eyed, blond Caucasians who inhabit northern Scotland and the Orkney Islands.
Examining next only those people who contain both 16,223 and 16,278, we find that even fewer (1% in the U.K. or 0.5% in northern Spain) contain an additional substitution at 16,255. Finally, no one in the current database contains a fourth substitution at 16,294, in combination with the other three. Yet 16,294 can be found along with 16,223 or 16,278 in some individuals. Recent studies of the Y chromosome (Hill, E. et al., Nature 404, 351, 2000) enable us to pinpoint the location of our blond “alien” genetics more closely. Thus, it seems that the western Irish and Basque share a rare Y-chromosome haplotype known as “hg 1”, not found commonly anywhere else in the world. The geographical distribution of “hg 1” seems to match well the geographical distribution of mitochondrial DNA from our blond “alien” hair; which suggests that both kinds of genetic variation may have spread from western Ireland, by population expansion into Scotland and northern Spain. Thus, the rare Basque-Gaelic DNA as found within soft root tissue taken from this “alien” hair is clearly consistent with a blond, blue-eyed racial type. How could alien DNA enter the human race, as a trace component of its total gene pool? We will discuss below the possible introduction of alien DNA into ancient Ireland by interbreeding; as well as the anomalous detection of Chinese mitochondrial DNA within a hard shaft of the same sample.
PCR Test for Nuclear CCR5 Let us turn next to the possibility of recovering some information about single-copy nuclear DNA from our “alien” hair. Most tests for nuclear genes gave no amplification, by comparison with human controls. However, one test for a small deletion known as delta-CCR5 gave a promising smear of bands, when tested over a large size range of 158-190 bp. Therefore, we repeated the test for deltaCCR5 using a small size range of 58-90 bp.
The gene CCR5 is very important in human genetics; because it confers immunity to AIDS-HIV when deleted (HIV virus enters the cell through a pore formed by CCR5 protein).
PCR results for delta-CCR5 using the blond “alien” hair are shown above
The mutation delta-CCR5 may confer resistance to other viruses as well, for example smallpox or myxomatosis. This 32-bp deletion is quite rare, and found mainly in people of northeast European or Jewish descent, with an estimated origin just 5000 years ago.
.. Two human controls on the right show either a large band of size 90 bp (lane 4), which indicates normal CCR5 on chromosomes; or else a large band plus small band of sizes 90 or 58 bp respectively (lane 5), which indicates one normal CCR5 and one deleted. The vast majority of modern humans show a single band of 90 bp, while a few people show two bands of 90 or 58 bp. Very few people (less than 1%) from Scandinavia, the U.K., northern Spain or Ashkenazi Jews show a single band of 58 bp, which indicates deleted CCR5 on both chromosomes. In order to be viral resistant, a person must contain two copies of deleted CCR5, so that no protein will be available to let viruses enter the cell. Now on the right-hand side of the above photo, we can see that every PCR sample from the blond “alien” hair shows two small bands of size 58 or 50 bp: a preliminary water-wash (lane 1, weak), soft root-tissue (lane 2), or hard hair-shaft (lane 3). Compare these bands with lane 4 (two normal CCR5), lane 5 (one intact plus one deleted CCR5), or lane 6 (no DNA). It appears then, that the blond alien female might contain two deletions for CCR5, making her viral resistant. At the very least, our samples seem to show no contamination by local human DNA, which would produce a band of 90 bp. We tested our primers on other samples, but none gave two short bands as shown above.
The book “Hair of the Alien” provides greater detail. Here we have performed the first detailed genetic analysis of a tissue sample from a plausibly alien source, namely the hair root of a reportedly-alien blond female. One may be assured that the scientists who have conducted this study are of the highest quality, and have published many papers in top journals on various aspects of DNA and its analysis by PCR. We have been limited mainly by the poor quality of sample: an 8-year-old hair root, which yields relatively, little, mitochondrial DNA and almost no nuclear. Given a trace of fresh blood from that blonde alien, or even a fresh hair root, one might have been able to analyze her entire genome, and make a genomic library available to biologists worldwide. But that promising scenario will never be the case, so long as sample collection and scientific research are hampered for political reasons. Is that any different from today, where followers of Einsteinian relativity refuse to consider numerous well documented UFO reports, which might imply anti-gravity propulsion, or travel faster than light? Or where followers of Darwin refuse to consider reports of almost-human species from space, which might imply that man, did not evolve from the apes? The blonde “alien” hair as studied here does not prove unequivocally that other near-human species exist, but it does raise important questions for further research. First, given the odd circumstances of recovery of such a hair, one is entitled to wonder why any tall, blonde alien would tie her hair tightly around a young man’s foreskin, so that it would be found and studied in detail. And why might she have chosen that particular young man over all others for such a close encounter?
Odd Recovery of a Thin Colorless Hair Peter Khoury shows an intriguing family history, since he comes from a priestly line of the ancient Maronite religion in Lebanon, where “Khoury” means priest. Also, he grew up near the famous Temple of Baalbek alleged to be a base for space travel, 15 miles from where he had his first close encounter in 1971. Paranormal encounters with children seem surprisingly common, based on much anecdotal evidence from family or friends of APEG, who report contacts as early as 1957 in Australia or 1963 in Alexandria (often with punch-biopsy scars to support their case). Twenty years later, after moving to Australia, Peter reported that several non-human aliens entered a side room in his father’s house one night in 1988. To Peter, they were “gentle looking” and of both sexes. Those aliens performed various medical tests on him, such as drilling a tiny hole in his skull, or taking a punch biopsy from his lower leg. Four years later in 1992, two almost-human females appeared in Peter’s bedroom in early daylight. Those women, whom he thought at first were normal human intruders, may have taken a sperm sample for breeding, based on the soreness felt afterwards; and they left their mark by wrapping a long head-hair from the tall blond tightly around his foreskin.
Seen from an open-minded perspective, the most logical scenario would seem to be that higher creatures not from Earth have been following Peter’s genetics for many years, or perhaps many generations; and that the almost-human females he met in 1992 may have taken advantage of such information (e.g., a planetary database of human genetics), to select for certain favorable traits in their own reproduction. We have no reliable information about where the non-human or almost human aliens come from, nor how they entered Peter’s house in 1992, nor how they put his father and brother to sleep in 1988. Yet the clear implication is that humanoid or near-human life forms can be found elsewhere in our galaxy; and that at least some of them are close enough to us genetically to interbreed without any fertility barrier. Indeed, the tall blond alien reported by Peter Khoury in 1992, bears a close resemblance to the short blond alien reported by Antonio Villas Boas in Brazil 1957. Could Peter have faked recovery of the blond “alien” hair in order to support his case? If so, he would have had to fake four punch-biopsy scars on his lower leg, as seen in many abductees; and he would have had to provide an anomalous hair which is as thin and clear as nylon fishing line. In fact, Peter was not even sure that his sample was actually a “hair”, until investigated in 1998 by dark field microscopy for its mosaic structure ( IUR Spring 1999). Nor has Peter at any point received favorable publicity or money for his story.
Ancient Interbreeding Between Blond Aliens and Local Humans? In support of Peter’s account, we have found over several years of careful study, that the blond “alien” hair contains two kinds of rare mitochondrial DNA, neither of which could be recovered easily from anyone in Sydney. First, soft scalp-tissue from the root contains a rare Basque-Gaelic mitochondrial DNA, with sequence changes at 16,223, 16,255, 16,278 and 16,294 relative to a human consensus. Such DNA has not been found anywhere else in the world, apart from 0.5% of Caucasians in northern Spain and the U.K. A double substitution 16,223-16,278 is common among blond, blue-eyed people of northern Scotland and the Orkney Islands, while 16,255 and 16,294 are less common substitutions within the same genotype. Finally, this particular mitochondrial variation seems to correlate well with haplotype “hg 1” for the Y chromosome, which shows a high concentration in western Ireland and northern Spain. If our results are true, they would imply that distant ancestors of the blond aliens, who visit Earth today, may have interbred with local humans long ago. Hence, an “alien” genotype may have entered the human gene-pool thousands of years ago, before the Gaelic people migrated to Ireland, Scotland, northern Spain and Iceland.
How could such a major event go unrecorded in human history? In fact, the historical records from ancient Ireland do record a whole series of invasions: see Lebor Gabala Erren or “The Book of the Taking of Ireland”, compiled in 1150 A.D. The most relevant of these might be an invasion in 1000 B.C. by the mysterious Tuatha de’ Danaan or Tribe of Danu, who were “expert in the arts of pagan cunning”. These tall, blond or red-haired strangers supposedly interbred with the locals, while teaching them many useful skills. The Lebor Ga bala records their dramatic entrance to Ireland as follows: “In this wise they came, in dark clouds from northern islands of the world. They landed on the mountains of Conmaicne Rein in Connachta, and they brought a darkness over the sun for three days and three nights. Gods were their men of arts, and non-gods their husbandmen.” Evidently the Tuatha de’ Danaan were advanced enough to arrive in western Ireland near modern Connacht by air; and they were divided into two social classes: “gods” as teachers of medicine, smithing, communication, music or druidry, and “non-gods” as farmers or shepherds. Although no one knows what the Tuatha looked like, we see today depictions of their female leader Eriu as a tall attractive woman with pale white skin, high forehead, long red hair and large slanted blue eyes (see also Alien Base, 1997 by Timothy Good). If the Tuatha cross-bred with local humans, they would have left hybrid descendants who look somewhat like themselves. Do not the western Irish and their Gaelic relatives today, often show a high forehead, blond or red hair, and blue eyes? The Irish claim to have the oldest civilization.
Finally, the mitochondrial DNA as found in our “alien” hair and its related haplotype “hg 1”, both cluster around modern Province Connaught where the Tuatha supposedly landed. Further evidence as to the nature of the Tuatha de’ Danaan might be obtained by genetic testing of the tall, fair-haired mummies found at Taklamakan in the western Chinese desert. Those mysterious mummies date to 1200 B.C., and bear European motifs on their arts and clothing. Preliminary analysis of just a few samples from Taklamakan shows a substitution 16, 278 C-to-T (Francalacci, P., The Bronze Age and Early Iron Age Peoples of Eastern Central Asia, pp. 537-547, 1998), which is precisely the same as that found among blonds of northern Scotland and the Orkney Islands, and also in our “alien” hair root. Red Stars on below map.
What Do Modern Geneticists Believe? As an aside, how might modern geneticists in our leading universities view these same data? Firstly, it must be noted with some discouragement, that they are highly dismissive of all UFO-related phenomena, and so are unlikely to take such evidence seriously. Secondly, most of them follow Darwin’s model from 1860, where it is assumed that modern humans evolved in isolation on this little planet Earth, from some unidentified lower primate. Thirdly, many of them believe that modern man evolved in Africa or the Near East 200,000 years ago, from whence he spread in the Neolithic Period to other places such as Spain or Ireland. The present experimental data therefore do not fit within their world view, because they do not believe in UFOs, nor in the almost-human species that seem to inhabit them.
(Recall how it was impossible for scientists of the 18th century to believe in meteorites or dinosaurs.)
Red Stars show areas where blonde hair is similar to that found on Khoury
For example, one professor of human genetics at Oxford has just offered his services over the Internet (http://www.oxfordancestors.com), to trace people’s lineages back through time using their Y or mitochondrial DNA. He assumes that all modern humans migrated into Europe from the Near East, and that they descend from just seven women! By that view (news release of April 20, 2000), a female ancestor of the Irish Gaels would look something
like the model Carla Bruni: as tall with long blond-brown hair, slanted blue eyes, a high forehead, long thin nose, and prominent chin. However, not all geneticists agree with him: see Barbujani, G. et al., American Journal of Human Genetics 62, 488-491, 1998, or Simoni, L. et al., AJHG 66, 262-278, 2000. Nor does his proposed model include historical evidence from the Lebor Gabala, that modern Gaels are a cross between the Tuatha de’ Danaan who came from northern islands, and Celtic Milesians who came from Spain. We would agree that the ancestor of modern Gaels might have looked like Carla Bruni: but did she really walk or sail to Ireland from the Near East, tens of thousands of years ago, after being an African ape further back in her germline? Or more plausibly, was she a cousin of the blond aliens who still visit Earth today?
Advanced Cloning Technology Among The Blond Aliens? Now somewhat anomalously, our blond “alien” hair also shows for two portions of its hard shaft, a different mitochondrial DNA of Chinese genetics, with substitutions from the consensus at 16,304 (this study), or all of 16,108, 16,129, 16,162, 16,172 and 16,304 (last study). Such a result, even if experimentally confirmed, seems confusing. If that hair shaft really contains Chinese mitochondrial DNA, why is it not black as for all Asian hair, including hair of the second alien reported in 1992?
An important point to note here is that the color (melanin) of any hair comes from a gene in its nucleus, not from its mitochondrion. Normally the nucleus of any cell matches closely its own mitochondrion, in terms of color and racial type. However, we have just learned on Earth how to perform simple cloning techniques, so that the nucleus of any cell may be transferred to a different cell with a different mitochondrion. For example, clones of “Dolly the sheep” contain the same nucleus as the original animal, but a different mitochondrion. This is analogous to “grafting” in plants, where the upper part of some fruiting tree may be joined onto a more durable rootstock, with slightly different genetics. Our data seem to favor a hypothesis, where the blond alien at some point in her life may have received implants of new hair, by cloning techniques which are just now being developed on Earth as cures for baldness (Hoffman, R., Nature Biotechnology 18, 20, 2000). That would explain why her root tissue shows the mitochondrial DNA of a blond, blue-eyed racial type, while her hair shaft (although clear) shows a different kind of mitochondrion. Transfer of blond nuclear DNA to a Chinese hair cell in tissue culture would produce such a result. Recall from Peter’s encounter with the blond alien, that her clear thin hair was very sparse, while the dark hair of her Asian friend resembled a “wig”.
Are the Blond Aliens Genetically Resistant to Viruses? Our studies of the nuclear gene CCR5 seem far more provocative. If authentic, our PCR bands imply that the blond alien might be homozygous for delta-CCR5, and hence genetically resistant to viruses such as HIV or smallpox. That would have profound implications for the nature of our relation with human-like species elsewhere. The recent origin of delta-CCR5 in man suggests a “breeding mutation” rather than natural selection, as a possible mechanism of appearance. Thus, one must delete both CCR5 genes at once to achieve a viral-resistant phenotype, which makes a spontaneous origin hard to believe. Could such a double deletion have been induced by germline genetic engineering, as a way of making a whole alien species viral resistant? Alternatively, if delta CCR5 arose on Earth only recently by random mutation, why did this valuable phenotype not show itself first in apes, or in primitive countries such as India or China where smallpox is rife? How could resistance to HIV have been achieved by natural selection 5000 years ago, if HIV came into man only recently in1955? Today we see delta-CCR5 almost exclusively among people of northeast European descent, as well as Ashkenazi Jews (Martinson, J. et al., Nature Genetics 16, 100-103, 1997.
The origin of that mutation dates to 5000 years ago, and it is associated with a blond, blue-eyed racial type. Could such a mutation have been introduced into local humans, by cross-breeding with some blond alien species in ancient Ireland or Scandinavia?
Conclusion to conclude, this genetic analysis of a reportedly-alien, thin blond hair, has raised a number of important questions for further work. It generally supports the reality of such extraterrestrial contacts, in a Sydney suburb in 1992 and perhaps elsewhere, owing to the rare morphology of such a hair, plus the rare nature of DNA sequences obtained. Had that hair been a common Earth artifact, it would have shown up early in the investigation. We cannot prove it is an alien hair, yet Occam’s Razor supports that notion. Where else in Sydney could Peter Khoury have obtained a long, clear, exceptionally-thin head hair, which shows Basque-Gaelic DNA in its root, but Chinese DNA in two parts of its shaft. What could be more elegant and simple, than to find DNA as a genetic molecule all through the galaxy? People who wish to donate research money for this purpose should contact Bill Chalker at 118 Cardinal Avenue, West Pennant Hills, NSW, who coordinates the “Anomaly Physical Evidence Group”.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at air fields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters, Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book. By John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
San Luis Obispo — I caught these 4 discs at 4.01 pm on a picture, just a few miles north of San Luis Obispo. My son caught the same 4 discs at 5.30 pm north of where I took my picture, 1.5 hrs later. He caught them on a short video, maybe 50 miles north of where I took my picture. On his video the 4 dots are easily seen without enlarging the picture. So between us, we have 2 pictures showing the same 4 discs and the pictures are taken 1, 5 hrs and 50 miles apart. Both pictures were taken from the train between Los Angeles and Seattle on June 26 2019.
Connecticut Lights
Milford — My mother and I spotted this UFO hovering over a state park in Milford, CT at about 8:35pm on August 18th, 2019.
The object was a flat diamond shape with green and red blinking lights, 1 light in each corner of the diamond shaped ship, which means there were 4 bright red and green colored lights, as well as what looked to be some kind of flame that a rocket would have in the back to power the UFO.
We were driving past it in the car and I looked back and it took off in a heartbeat.
Florida Object
UFO outside of earth and multiple objects observed. NASA removed all access to the feed and now they only put pre recorded videos.
Don’t know why no one has said anything about this massive object which has been outside of earth for quite some time.
Country sized UFO outside of earth as if on standby. Pictures were taken on July 17, 2019
Michigan Rectangular Shaped Object
Howell — I saw a rectangular shaped object. It looks like it had a series of 4 or 5 lights in row with the one the farthest to the left being much brighter and a clear color. At times it appears to be a green or a blue color. It stayed very stationary and I was able to see it for at least an hour. Much cloud cover came into the sky. When I first spotted it, there were some clouds out and it appeared to be much closer than the clouds. For several minutes the sky became very clear and it was very easy to see. August 14, 2019 –Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
New Jersey Orb
Rahway — Flashed and moved in multiple directions. Also stayed in one spot while changing positions. Not sure if the exact elevation degree.
Pictures were taken on August 15, 2019.
New York Objects
Minerva — I was fishing with two friends at the Hudson River in the Adirondacks on August 1, 2019. We thought we were alone, but suddenly there was a large crowd of people in rafts coming down the river as well as a pedal-driven train tour along the railroad tracks. My friend took a picture of the crowd, but on looking at one of the pictures later, there is a very strange image. It appears to show a possible ring-shaped object flying over the bridge, with a jet trail. I am a paranormal investigator with the TAPS Family, so my friend sent it to me for my opinion. The only thing I can come up with for a natural explanation is that it could possibly be a water droplet on the lens. But I thought you guys would have more experience looking at such photos than I so I would be interested in your opinion. There are no other such anomalies. https://www.google.com/maps/@43.7974889,-74.0514814,227m/data=!3m1!1e3 Object shaped like a six rotated and flew over my job. It made no sound lights strobed after every rotation.
It looked like black metal. I have photos and video. Pictures were taken on June 16, 2019.
Tennessee Triangle Lights
Drummonds — Triangular shaped craft just hovering over a local power substation on highway 51 in Atoka behind the gas station. This happened on September 20, 2018, and scared me.
Texas Orb
Medina — Six consecutive pictures of a flying orb changing shape from picture to picture. Pictures were taken on April 4, 2019.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Object
Perth — I was just out the front of my house in Balga, Perth, taking the cat out for a walk. Looked up and seen a white dot come shooting out from the side of the clouds and then just stop like it hit a wall. Ran inside to grab the Nikon P900 with full 2000mm zoom, and caught this on video. It’s spinning around and changing shape. It was above the clouds. I ran back in to get the tripod and came out and it was gone. Pictures were taken on August 11, 2019.
PS the plane you can hear in video is a Cessna.
New Zealand Object
Richmond — I did this time-lapse recording today as I get this UFO often. I will put the 3 frames of it on here. I have also added a picture of the Alien I think is flying this craft. Look to the left of the truck and he is sitting there. This picture is from a different event however I do think it is this Alien. Pictures were taken on August 18, 2019. Note: Alien is not visible.
UK/England Object
Hebden Bridge — This object was glowing intensely and the light from the craft was spinning around the black spot so fast that it didn’t look like it was spinning at all if that makes sense? It was like a black hole or vortex. Also it reminds me of those objects shown in the ‘Tether Incident’ NASA footage. The light was contained and what I mean is that my vision did not get distorted when looking directly at the orange and white light. It was dark outside and the craft did not light up its surroundings..
This craft was in line with the roof of my house as it slowly glided along and lowered itself to where I could now see the top and side that was pure white light,. Still I could see no physical part to it but on the side of the craft were two little red lights flashing back and forth from within the white glowing light. The craft eventually glided slowly past my house and then it made a sharp left turn, glided across the valley and up over the hillside. It then disappeared into the clouds. This all happened in 2008 in the early hours and was still dark outside.
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-inceasing numbers.
I will be in Mt Shasta this summer and wish to encourage people to come and see this conference.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.