Happy New Year
January 1, 2015
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General Twining – Discs Are Something Real and Not Fictitious, Mystery of the Black Triangles, Ancient UFO Relics, Conspiracy Theory on Oil, Comfort to Believers Whose Love Ones Have Died, How Western Media Enables Islamic Terrorism, Base on Moon, Message from Susan Johnson, and Ruins on Mars.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, Arkansas, California, Hawaii, Illinois, Louisiana, New Jersey, New Mexico, Ohio, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Tennessee, and Virginia.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Argentina, Australia, Brazil, Dominican Republic, France, Greece, India, Mexico, Spain, and in England, and Northern Ireland, in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Thanks for putting up with my weekly Filer’s File sent to you this last year.
Hopefully you enjoyed my thoughts.
Chuck Warren my webmaster and I send out over 20,000 plus emails each week.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Predictions for 2015.
Over 2000 UFO reports were recorded during the summer months in 2014. A greater number of reports and more brazen UFO activity will occur in the coming year. The news media and the US Congress will become more aware of the phenomenon. The Islamic State will grow stronger until the news media starts revealing the true facts concerning their activities. Expect increased terrorism.
With real U.S. unemployment according to the CIA at 23 percent, and the overwhelming debt the US and the world’s economy is very fragile with further depression a possibility. Low oil prices may help stabilize the economy. Continuing war and famine shall occur in the Middle East and Southern Asia. Extreme weather and earthquakes will continue.
Special Reports
General Twining – Discs Are Something Real and Not Fictitious
In 1947, General Nathan Twining wrote this now famous memo dated 23 September 1947.
Air Material Command Opinion Concerning “Flying Discs”
TO: Commanding General Army Air Forces, Washington 25, D.C.
ATTENTION: Brig. General George Schulgen AC/AS-2
- As requested by AC/AS-2 there is presented below the considered opinion of this command concerning the so-called “Flying Discs.” This opinion is based on interrogation report data furnished by AC/AS-2 and preliminary studied by personnel of T-2 and Aircraft Laboratory, Engineering Division T-3. This opinion was arrived at in a conference between personnel from the Air Institute of Technology, Intelligence T-2, Office, Chief of Engineering Division, and the Aircraft, Power Plant and Propeller Laboratories of Engineering Division T-3.
- It is the opinion that:
- The phenomenon reported is something real and not visionary or fictitious.
- There are objects probably approximately the shape of a disc, of such appreciable size as to appear to be as large as man-made aircraft.
- There is the possibility that some of the incidents may be
caused by natural phenomena, such as meteors.
- The reported operating characteristics such as extreme rates of
climb, maneuverability (particularly in roll), and action which
must be considered evasive when sighted or contacted by friendly
aircraft and radar, lend belief to the possibility that some of
the objects are controlled either manually, automatically or remotely.
- The apparent common description of the objects is as follows:
(1) Metallic or light reflecting surface.
(2) Absence of trail, except in a few instances when the object apparently was operating under high performance conditions.
(3) Circular or elliptical in shape, flat on bottom and domed on top.
(4) Several reports of well kept formation flights varying from three to nine objects.
(5) Normally no associated sound, except in three instances a substantial rumbling roar was noted.
(6) Level flight speeds normally about 300 knots are estimated.
General Twining was promoted to Chief of Staff of the United States Air Force from 1953 until 1957. Became Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff from 1957 to 1960, the first member of the Air Force to serve in that role.
Mystery of the Black Triangles
If there is a UFO reality, then why has no one blown the whistle? Informants in the U.K. have been talking about UFO’s and Flying Triangles because they see them every day. I have been a faithful subscriber to UFO rags from the U.K. for a long time. These magazines try to use a more down to earth approach as to which UFO’s are extra terrestrial and which aren’t. In the British UFO Magazines there is no question as to whether or not UFO’s exist. In order to understand what I am trying to tell you, you need to understand why Ufology in the UK is commonplace, you need to realize Britain’s UFO history. Britain has always been the center of “paranormal” anomalies with strange structures, ghosts, and intricate crop circles. You would think there would be unlimited investigations with all of these strange anomalies occurring. There are your amateurs and then there are some that are appointed.
One man in particular is Nick Pope, who joined the British Ministry in 1985 and was involved in policy making during the Gulf War, and the Bosnian-Serb conflict. Pope was then moved in the summer of 1991. He was appointed to a new post at Whitehall Secretariat Air Staff, Department 2A. I guess you could call it the equivalent of the “X-files.” As with any classic “I don’t belong here” story Pope did not believe in the UFO hysteria, and was very skeptical about the Paranormal. After dealing with the reports from the “UFO” desk Pope was slowly changing his mind on the issue. After 3 years at the “UFO” desk Pope declared that UFO’s were a reality. He concluded that there was plenty of evidence to prove their existence. Pope was officially supposed to investigate whether or not these strange aircraft posed a threat to the UK’s defense. Unofficially He was expected to dismiss their existence. Pope decided it was up to him to tell the truth about UFO’s. Pope claims that his peers and the department labeled him a loose cannon and found him to be very suspicious.
They lost trust in him. But Pope stood by his story, analyzing all the data, and claiming that it all added it up to a case for the existence of UFOs. A lot of the M.O.D. workers began humming the Twilight Zone theme whenever he would walk into the room, and after the X-files made it to the UK they called him “Spooky.” After all of the ridicule, and after claiming that he felt UFOs posed a major threat to our defense systems, Pope was moved in 1994 from the M.O.D. to the financial department. The thing that is most frustrating is despite Pope’s entire candor; he is still bound by Britain’s official secrecy act. So is what Pope saying fact or fiction? Apparently it’s fact; UFO’s are being seen in Britain. Some say it can be explained, but Pope says that a technological threat of non-human origin exists. Some say it is Science fiction, Pope continues to investigate such claims, even though it really isn’t his job any more.
Since 1990 there have been over 4000 sightings of what is known as the “Flying Triangle” or “Silent Vulcan” Over Britain. In the early 90’s there were a similar number over Belgium, France, Holland and Germany, with fighters being sent up to intercept this unknown craft? With people seeing aircraft “as big as a football field and hovering silently” to “hovering craft that shoot off silently.” Another claim was the sighting of “a huge black triangle rising out of the water” it is one of Europe’s most enduring waves of sightings. Nick Pope wrote a book about many of these sightings including one over several Army bases in one night.
One of the more controversial cases is the Bentwaters -Woodbridge UFO case. The Bentwaters-Woodbridge bases are leased to the United States Air Force under NATO terms. The case is one of the creepiest ones I have ever heard. There were at least 30 witnesses who came forward to tell the story of what happened to USAF personnel and British Military in the Rendlesham Forest between the two bases, in December of 1980. The incident began when two USAF security personnel spotted unusual lights hovering over Rendlesham forest. The security staff was worried that a small plane was crashing in the heavily wooded area. According to Sergeant Larry Warren, who was stationed at Bentwaters, It looked like the plane hit and a fire was smoldering in the forest. A group of men set out to find the strange red glowing area. What the men came a upon was a triangular UFO. Airmen Steve Roberts and James Archer said that the UFO had a red light on top of it and blue and white lights at the middle and bottom. Archer then claimed he saw occupants inside the strange craft. He claimed that they did not appear human. There were also reports of Jeeps and several High-powered “Light all’s” abruptly died. Sgts. Larry Warren and Adrian Bustinza said that the energy just drained out. Animals were going crazy, and the men mentioned a yellow mist in the air. There was another strange anomaly in the area away from the clearing. It was transparent, elliptical like a see through aspirin tablet. It then filled with a bright pulsating mist and it emitted a rainbow of colored lights. There was film shot of the incident. And audio tapes made. However it was later confiscated and flown to Ramstein Air Force Base in West Germany. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Thanks to Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldUFOphotos.org
Ancient UFO Relics
Jerusalem — Paranormal Crucible states:
Remarkable ancient relics depicting a possible UFO have been discovered, that could totally rewrite Egyptian history. The artifacts, which were discovered in a former home of Sir William Petrie in Jerusalem, were allegedly taken by representatives of the Rockefeller Museum, shortly after the discovery became known. Paranormal Crucible site: http://theparanormalcrucible.blogspot.co.uk
A Crazy Conspiracy Theory on Oil
Saudi Arabia is gunning for the U.S. oil shale industry and the Soviet oil industry. Its commitment to continue to pump oil and force prices lower is one of the most brazen we’ve seen since the embargo that won OPEC its dominance. This is price fixing in the opposite direction: Push prices so low that US shale oil companies and other nation’s oil production are no longer profitable. Some experts think that level is around $42 per barrel for shale oil, but many countries costs are much higher. On the New York Mercantile Exchange, light, sweet crude futures for delivery in February CLG5, -2.22% fell to $55.84 a barrel while inventories rose 7.3 million barrels from the previous week to 387.2 million barrels signaling even lower prices. The American Petroleum Institute data showed a 5.4-million-barrel gain in U.S. crude stockpiles for the week ended December 19. Rising U.S. oil production due to the shale boom has been largely responsible for the glut in oil markets. Meanwhile, Nymex reformulated gasoline blendstock for January fell to settle at $1.51 a gallon.
What if the U.S. is sacrificing its own oil industry in order to sabotage Russia’s economy and its ability to wage war? The ruble tumbled to a record low for a second day; prompting speculation Russia’s central bank intervened to slow the rout as weaker oil prices worsen the outlook for an economy verging on recession…
The Russian economy relies heavily on its oil and gas industry that is the economy’s engine, and without them, Russia flounders. After flexing its muscles in Crimea and conducting provocative fly-overs across Europe, Russia was looking as if it wanted to regain its status as a world superpower. It’s possible that the US and Saudi Arabia who are allies against the Islamic State have joined to reduce oil prices to curtail Russia’s dreams of regaining the Ukraine. A weak Russian economy means a weak Vladimir Putin.
Saudi Arabia was going to fight to keep its market share and low prices keep competitors from taking over. Russia, Iran, Venezuela, economies are hurt the most. Saudi Arabia’s market share could be the lynch pin to averting the next world war. How’s that for a conspiracy theory?
“For Putin, even $120 a barrel for oil is a problem because, with his system of rule, he can’t survive without the revenue from raw materials growing every year.” If Russia slips into recession, or defaults on its obligations, support for Putin could drop before Parliamentary elections in December 2016. Thanks to Macro Money Strategist
Comfort to Believers Whose Love Ones Have Died
13 Brothers and sisters, we do not want you to be uninformed about those who sleep in death, so that you do not grieve like the rest of mankind, who have no hope. 14 For we believe that Jesus died and rose again, and so we believe that God will bring with Jesus those who have fallen asleep in him. 15 According to the Lord’s word, we tell you that we who are still alive, who are left until the coming of the Lord, will certainly not precede those who have fallen asleep.16 For the Lord himself will come down from heaven, with a loud command, with the voice of the archangel and with the trumpet call of God, and the dead in Christ will rise first. 17 After that, we who are still alive and are left will be caught up together with them in the clouds to meet the Lord in the air. And so we will be with the Lord forever. 18 Therefore encourage one another with these words. 1 Thessalonians 4:13-18New International Version (NIV)
How Western Media Enables Islamic Terrorism
Raymond Ibrahim writes, “As the West experiences a rise in the sort of terror attacks that are endemic to the Islamic world—church attacks, sex-slavery, and beheadings—it is only natural that the same mainstream media that habitually conceals such atrocities “over there,” especially against Christians and other minorities under Islam, would also conceal the reality of jihadi aspirations “over here.”
As The Commentator reports:
The level of the media groveling after the tragic and deadly saga in Sydney, Australia or the beheadings of Christian children has been astounding. At the time of writing, the lead story on the BBC website is of course about that very tragedy, in which an Islamist fanatic took a random group hostage in a cafe, ultimately killing two of them. He did this in the name of Islam. But you wouldn’t get that impression if you started to read the BBC’s lead story, which astoundingly managed to avoid mentioning the words Islam, Islamic, Islamist, Muslim, or any derivations thereof for a full 16 paragraphs. The New York Times, which led by calling the terrorist, Man Haron Monis an “armed man”, waited until paragraph 11.
In the Guardian’s main story – whose lead paragraph simply referred to a “gunman” — you had to wait until paragraph 24.If you’d have blinked, you’d have missed it. In the wider media, reports about Muslim fears of a “backlash” have been all but ubiquitous. If these are the lengths that Western mainstream media go to dissemble about the Islamic-inspired slaughter of Western peoples, it should now be clear why the ubiquitous Muslim persecution of those unfashionable Christian minorities is also practically unknown by those who follow Western mainstream media.
As with the Sydney attack, media headlines say it all. The 2011 New Year’s Eve Coptic church attack that left 28 dead appeared under vague headlines: “Clashes grow as Egyptians remain angry after attack,” was the New York Times’ headline; and “Christians clash with police in Egypt after attack on churchgoers kills 21” was the Washington Post’s—as if frustrated and harried Christians lashing out against their oppressors is the “big news,” not the unprovoked atrocity itself; as if their angry reaction “evens” everything up. Similarly, the Los Angeles Times partially told the story of an Egyptian off-duty police officer who, after identifying Copts by their crosses on a train, opened fire on them, killing one, while screaming “Allahu Akbar”—but to exonerate the persecution, as caught by the report’s headline: “Eyewitness claims train attacker did not target Copts, state media say.”
Television seldom mentions Jihad, but carries propaganda stories of white police officers killing blacks, never mentioning 93 percent of blacks are killed by other blacks. TV showed photographs of younger and innocent looking young men killed who were now very threatening in appearance. They constantly blamed the police for killing unarmed men but seldom mentioning why juries that included blacks had exonerated the policemen. The way the stories are handled by the news media encourages demonstrations, riots, and fires that are covered in amazing detail. via FrontPage Mag
NASA Employee Leaves Top Secret Photos of Base on Moon on Desk While Press Takes Photo
Arm of NASA scientist at top of photo with moon base circled
Lightened Blow up of Moon base
Message from Susan Johnson
Susan Johnson writes, “I need help finding a specific person. I was given a very specific directive by my people to connect with this person. As I have already tried Starborn support blog and Face book page to no avail, I am reaching out to you, hoping you can post it on Filers Files and she will see it and contact you or me. I was told to do this over the holidays.”
(This is a picture of a planet changing into a sun. I was shown this by my people on our ship and asked to post this so that the other person out there, whom also drew the same picture, will contact me directly. I was shown this on the ships monitor. If you see this and drew the exact picture several months before; contact me at su*****@ao*.com or call me at 305-572-3205, as you are the other one I’m to make contact with before leaving here.
I was shown this image on the control monitor of one of our ships, an orange sphere ship-Cygnus X-1, class, commonly sighted around earth. I had 3 of my crew members standing behind me. As I looked at the image, Ysoron said “Susaron, you are to post this on the most visited social media. There is another person on Earth from our group that will recognize it and contact you. Then two of you from our group will be in contact with each other. She will recognize it as she was given the same image and told to draw it.” When I asked ‘What is this, the earth turning into a sun?’ They said, “It doesn’t have to go that way. As we are master energy creator beings, we have options based on Earths’ condition once it reaches phase 3 of 4 of the 5thD’. We can speed up the process, slow it down or cancel the sun conversion process altogether. But Jupiter will be activated into a star that is mandatory. Merry X-mass and Happy New Year. Thanks to Susan Johnson
Ruins on Mars
Tank like structure on Mars
This amazing NASA image has numerous strange objects in it. What appears to be a pickup truck, a car ramp, mechanical objects an enclosure or remnants of a circular tank structure and various other fascinating objects are seen. One of the mechanical objects looks like a water heater, and the other is very unusual. NASA indicates they are rocks of unusual shape. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=S5920t3zZUs NASA image PIA17766
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Arizona Cylinder
Tucson — Taking photographs of beautiful sunset. I saw it in the picture when I snapped it.
A missile or something else? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Arkansas Christmas Light
Black Rock — My partner and I were observing the night sky on December 25, 2014, and saw a single light off to the east that was considerably brighter than the stars and double a star’s size. I joked to my partner about it being the same bouncing white light I saw a few weeks ago. We noticed it was moving and watched it for over an hour. It had a small companion red light that bounced around all sides of light. The main white light itself would move very slowly towards us but shift side to side as appearing to be caught in a wind current. It kept slowly bouncing and weaving with solid main light. It was 3000 to 5000 feet high but I’m not sure. Commercial airplanes would fly behind it. It moved opposite and faster than stars and flew directly west towards our house. We watched for over 1.5 hours before we went to bed. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Lights
Cupertino – I saw a bizarre light in the night sky on December 23rd, 2014, that was definitely not a plane or a star because it was moving left and right, up and down, much like a dragon fly. I watched for close to an hour and decided it must be the reflection from a search light. Then I saw it again tonight in a different place, to the direct south of my location. I witnessed it change shapes, and pulsate with different blue, white, orange and reddish colors. I am totally amazed. I took pictures but the camera on my phone didn’t turn out that well. I’m curious if anyone else reported a UFO in the San Jose?
Oakland — On the evening of December 24th, 2014, at 11:10 pm I had just pulled up to my residence, and noticed an extremely unusual bright light that looked like a “mini-sun.” I could clearly see the stars in the background. This object “re-acted” to my horn honking and my calling my wife outside, it changed its direction and “floated” in my direction. I never let my vision lose sight of the object, as my wife came outside with the camera and I was able to take a picture of the object. It’s kind of grainy, with an orange “blip” on the lower right corner of the picture. The object headed in the direction of the Oakland International Airport, and the flight controllers had to see it. There is no way this object was manmade as I know aircraft. This object flew right over me, its center was bright blue, the outer edges were like orange-yellow, and it was the most beautiful thing I’ve ever seen because it was alive. This “object” wasn’t one of ours. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Hawaii Christmas Red Lights
Maui — My wife and I returned from dinner to the Maui Beach Hotel and were looking at the sky and saw reddish orange golf ball sized objects flying in a straight slanted line in the upward direction on December 25, 2014.
These objects vanished after a while. We also showed them to a person in the hotel. He thought those were Chinese lanterns. I feel they were UFOs. First I saw three and then two. I recorded the video using my iPhone. Please ignore the small green objects as these are flies. But do focus on the orange objects. I always wanted to spot ufo’s. Maybe this is one such sighting.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Illinois Lights
Chicago — I was walking south, and took pictures of the Wrigley Building north of the river on Michigan Avenue on December 24, 2014, but did not see the object until I saw the photos.
I looked at the photos I took with my cell phone and this is what I got. I did not see the object. The Wrigley building is stories and high, so it was higher than that. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: Orb may be a reflection of the bright light on the camera lens.
Louisiana Disc
Gonzales — It was Christmas night my boyfriend and I were driving back from New Orleans after seeing Christmas in the Oaks. We were on the interstate in Gonzales when my eye caught movement in the sky. It was slowly coming towards us at a distance, but stopped and hovered in the night sky. It reminded me of a stingray at first because it was an odd shape. I mouthed, “What is that?” It was very large and dark and had a dome on the top of its disc like structure. I only realized it to be a UFO when I saw many dimly lit circular lights at the bottom of it. On top of the dome was a bluish color light. I said, it was a UFO. I believe there was one in front of us, and we drove underneath it. I will never forget what I saw and I had a good view for 30 seconds of the shape. UFO’s are very real. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Christmas White Disc/Orbs
Clark – I was in my car and at the intersection of Raritan Road and Lake Avenue and saw something incredible on December 25, 2014. I jumped out of my vehicle and started videotaping for a minute as it flew above the tree line of Oak Ridge Golf course. It hovered on a straight flight path NE before changing direction to NW. The object was a stark white disc/orb on the top with a red/orange glowing bottom. It was almost like a diamond/square. I was feeling adrenaline as I have a flight path for Newark International Airport over my house. This disc was not near the normal flight path and was quite low and moved very slowly. It then made a hook NW and disappeared quickly into the dark night. I will upload the video later. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tabernacle — While walking in my driveway at 10:50 pm, on December 26, 2014, I observed a brighter than normal star to the left of the constellation Orion, in the clear southwest sky. I had reported similar sightings in March and April of this year. It quickly changed directions constantly and pulsated in various colors very rapidly. I noticed a similar anomaly that was extremely bright, in the southeast.
No other stars had obvious movement and pulsating colors. I got my cell phone and captured both anomalies on video. My two daughters, age 16 and 8, also saw them. The extreme distance and speed traveled by both objects was apparent. The photos reveal the many colors that both objects exhibited. I’m a certified NJ Field MUFON Investigator. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Disc
Cleveland — I It occurred during the filming of the “Captain America; Winter Soldier” movie sequel on June 1, 2013 at 12:05 PM. I was cast as a background actor car driver and a security guard. It was during one of my driving scenes that I took a picture of a UFO. Something inconspicuously appeared unifying the clouds. I said to myself, “What if they are real”, meaning other intelligent E.T. life forms. I took three quick pictures with my phone camera. I did this between shooting scenes on the “Memorial Shore Way” bridge where over 100 movie people working. My picture clearly shows an object flying horizontally, then suddenly changes directions, and descends directly into Lake Erie.
The UFO was disk/oval shaped, with a small dome on the top displaying a vivid bright white color. The picture clearly indicates several UFO’s descended into Lake Erie. Also, in two of the pictures there appears to be a wormhole or portal distortion of air and space. NOTE: The UFO photo was retrieved from UFO Evidence website; it is virtually identical to the UFO in my picture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oregon Disc
Plush — Four days ago I was going thru some old photos and in one image I had taken on June 6, 2011, I noticed what I thought was a speck on my screen. I enlarged it to 100% to get a better look and was startled to see what looked like the standard disc shaped UFO.
As I was taking the picture, I didn’t notice anything unusual in the sky or audibly. I do remember that it was very calm, no wind at all. This is the second time within last three years I’ve experienced UFOs. I wrote to MUFON a couple of yrs ago about a photograph taken in Yachats early one morning which I later found contained two oddly shaped, highly reflective silvery objects in the sky, over the ocean. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Numerous Lights
Slow and low flying moving flickering lights unidentified objects on December 21, 2014. One by one they slowly just melted away and the others followed. Counted about 35 plus. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Eire – I took a 14 second video of object in sky on October 28, 2014. I didn’t check video until later. When I did check it I notice a craft that looked like plates dropping objects. I submitted 2 videos in the short clip it appears that the craft is dropping objects that show up in the second video. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee Disc
Johnson City — From top of Radio Tower on Buffalo Mountain facing SW while watching the sunset, I took multiple pictures on December 27, 2014. I did not notice the objects with a “green glow.” until one day later. I have enhanced the pictures for a closer look; it appears this green glow has a solid base in a shape. Within one minute (2 pix later) in Image 2, this same green glow is closer to us. At first, it appeared in the woods on a hilly mountain. Then appears in front of the tree line where we parked our cars at the bottom of the tower. We were trying out a new HAM radio with another operator who reported disturbances for 25 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Object near Moon
I randomly take pictures of the moon so I think these were taken on the night of the blood moon on October 8th, 2014. However the moon is so bright that this might be a different night. I can provide that data once this is looked at. I thought nothing of the speck in the photograph until I blew it up and saw a brilliant spiral light and some type of bright object next to the spiral. I’ll send the original picture and a 400% zoomed photograph of the object in questions. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Wisconsin Object
Port Washington — I was taking pictures from a bluff on November 10, 2014. Ship looks man made to me. Reminded me of the starship Enterprise shape but as you can see by the picture quite different. I did not find the ship in the picture until I was home and reviewing them. Blew up this frame and realized this was not anything I had seen ever before; using Nikon 7100 with 55-200 lenses. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Reports
Argentina Disc
City of Buenos Aires – I was taking two photographs of the storm on December 12, 2014, and days later, I realized that there was an unknown object in the photos.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia ISS Visitor
Sydney — We looking at the live stream of the International Space Station (ISS) on December 28, 2014 at around 9.40 PM when the ISS was about over France, we saw the camera move and focus towards the object. Someone from the ISS was moving the cam to look at this object. The object had small blue lights and my daughter saw a red light as well. I was joking and said that was an alien ship.
The camera, after a minute focused on the object then turned away. When the live stream reappeared, we heard a voice with a Russian accent that said: “Computer rebooted as requested“. The object was moving at the exact same speed the ISS. When it appeared to the screen, it is when the camera moved and looked for it. Clearly, there must be other people who saw that? Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Lights
São Pedro da Aldeia — My kids and I have had a lot of opportunities of viewing these type of events, but this one was the most clear. There is a tree beside my window and another house in the background that could be used for your analysis on May 11, 2010. It flashed while we observed it and when I decided to take the pictures I was convinced that I could do it because of its hovering and changing direction. Please take a minute to observe and tell me what you see.
The first is a crazy line and the second shows an incredible stop time of the object. I thank you in advance for your work. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Light
Naramata — Looking out the windows at Okanagan Lake, with the moon above, and this very unusual large light beneath it. I noticed the object immediately and grabbed my camera and began taking photos as the object began moving rapidly due south. It was a large round light sitting below the moon. The speed was 75% faster than a commercial jet.
It moved due south along the lakeshore in the direction of Penticton. The object appeared round but in the last photo it looks different — elongated and with two smaller lights, one on either end. I conclude this was a “UFO” because of the large size and rapid movement. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Chile Orbs
A fleet of four UFOs were videotaped over Chile on December 17, 2014,
UFO Sighting News. VIDEO
Colombia Planetarium Says UFO was a Balloon
Bogota — 1st off, of course a planetarium says it’s a balloon. Most planetariums around the world get funding from NASA and they fear repercussions of the scientific community if they say something is a UFO. Sure I see a line under this craft, but it does not look like a string or ribbon, nor could you see a string from such a distance on December 19, 2014. Also reports from the eyewitnesses say it moved erratically. UFOs are intelligently controlled and often move that way. Balloons move in straight lines with little or no deviation from their path. UFOs can and often do make clouds to hide inside. Many UFOs have been seen with smoky trials behind them. I myself witnessed 20+UFOs make four cloud tunnels in the sky. SCW
Inexplicata states, “Dozens of people looked skyward for several minutes watching an object that flew around erratically in the vicinity of Bogotá’s Zona Rosa on December 19, 2014. People thought they were seeing an UFO, and took an endless number of photographs. The Bogotá Planetarium reported it was a balloon mistaken for a UFO using the 8-inch telescope on 12 December 2014.” http://www.inexplicata.blogspot.ca [Translation (c) 2014, S. Corrales, IHU with thanks to Guillermo Gimenez, Planeta UFO. Photo credit Mauricio Giraldo.]
Dominican Republic Green Christmas Light
This event was seen by three persons. I was the principal, who called out the strange light on the north coast of the Dominican Republic, on December 25, 2014. It seemed like a very large fireball, green, which fizzled and disappeared. It was not fireworks since they do not travel horizontally, nor are they so large. Besides, fireworks are prohibited in this country. It was the size of an airplane and must have been at least three kilometers away in a clear sky tonight. It was very strange, no noise and so large and bright green. It was not an airplane. Thanks to MUFON CMS
France Sphere
Hyères les palmiers – Walking on the beach I beheld the stars with a telescope for at least an hour and saw flashes in the clouds. Then five minutes later while I beheld before me a view of the illuminated green sphere on the ground and in return a reddish sphere that was 15 meters high on July 13, 2009. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Greece Daylight Objects
Athens – Spectacular daylight display above Athens. In video objects are moving and blinking off and on. Center large light remains on continuously. I can’t think of any specific law or scientific phenomenon that could readily explain it. It seemed to me that the light was caused by reflection of light from shiny objects, but what those objects are is a mystery. I saw no unique, defining shapes in the round dots. I did notice that the winking lights seemed stationary relative to one-another for a while, and one group seemed to approximate a portion of the constellation “Cygnus the Swan.” Thanks to Frank Chille https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9LCe5S4jt3w
India Lights
Mangalore, Karnataka – I was on the terrace of my flat and simply noticed the sky on November 29, 2014. I thought it was an UFO that flew in a straight path emitting colors of light.
Afterwards it disappeared by fading in the sky. I took a photograph as it faded in the sky at the top of my flat. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Orb
La Mission Baja – I observed at 4 AM flying from SE to NW very fast straight line path on last April 2014. I had trouble sleeping so was looking out window when I observed the orb for 45 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Spain Fast Light
Viladecavalls — We were driving in the countryside on December 24, 2014, when, the light appeared behind us on the southeast horizon in a clear sky. It seemed distant plane, but with no navigation flashing aircraft lights. It was a constant white light moving faster than any aircraft. He crossed the sky from southeast to the west and disappeared behind Mount Montserrat in only 3 or 4 seconds. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/ England Lights
Manchester – Tercermilanio News States:,” On November 17, 2014, John Hindley 35 observed a strange saucer-shaped object that flew over the Pennines a mountainous formation in southern Scotland and northern England. Analyze the images and compare this case with a photograph taken at the zoo Animaya in Merida, on December 4, 2014, where you can see an object of the same characteristics. Thanks to UFO Sighting News.
UK/Northern Ireland Light
Belfast — On 12th December 2014, I was walking my son to school at 8.55 am and looked up to the north sky and seen a U-Shaped or Horseshoe-Shaped light in the sky. It stayed there for about 60 – 90 seconds but I didn’t have my phone on me to take a picture. When I turned round, it was gone. I came straight home and contacted the Northern Ireland UFO Society and reported what I seen, Shonie Owens the person I was dealing with, checked to see if anything was in the sky at the time and she came back with nothing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2014 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
© Copyright 2014 National UFO Center by George Filer
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.