Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
Awarded Bronze Star Medal
MUFON Eastern Region Director
President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310
New Jersey State Director Emeritus
Former Vice President of Medcor
W23 2024
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Special reports are: Exposing the Truth of Aliens in the Ocean, Was Earth Planted with Life, UFO Sightings in Ancient Contacts, UFOs Often Seen Overpower Stations,and Carbon 60
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special reports
Exposing the Truth about Aliens in the Ocean?
Congress’ Latest Hearing On UFOs/UAPs on November 14, 2024.
Timothy Cole Gallaudet, retired rear admiral with three-star commissioned officer, testified that it was clear that the U.S. Navy was aware of classified technology demonstrations taking place by UAPs and USOs
Gallaudet worked for the U.S. Department of Commerce as the Acting Under Secretary of Commerce for Oceans and Atmosphere and Acting Administrator of the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA).[As of 2024 he is the CEO of Ocean STL Consulting, LLC., and hosts The American Blue Economy Podcast.[3] Gallaudet is a prominent member of the UFO community.
He says he has seen footage of (UAP) and unidentified submerged objects (USO) while on active duty in the U.S. Navy, and has expressed support for Major David Grusch’s whistleblower claims in US Congress, calling for the “de-stigmatization” of the subject across science, the military and the general public.[5] He is on the advisory board of Americans for Safe Aerospace, which describes itself as a “military pilot-led nonprofit organization focused on UAP”.[6] He is a research affiliate with Avi Loeb’s The Galileo Project that searches for evidence of extraterrestrial technological artifacts.[7]
. Gallaudet served various naval assignments before returning to Scripps for his doctoral studies in 1997 r. He received his Ph.D. in 2001, then returned to active duty
. He worked on how farming in water could reshape the seafood industry. The mission of NOAA is to understand and predict changes in climate, weather, ocean, and coasts, to share that knowledge and information with others, and to conserve and manage coastal and marine ecosystems and resources.
Gallaudet is a prominent member of the UFO community and aliens living here on Earth have long been a topic of discussion, especially among those who claim to have witnessed unusual sightings of objects that may be of extraterrestrial origin. The latest Pentagon report on UFOs adds more fuel to this conversation, revealing hundreds of unidentified and unexplained aerial phenomena in.
Stunning expert witness testimonies that UFOs exist were heard on Capitol Hill at a public Congressional hearing of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability. In his retirement, Gallaudet has been candid about his experiences while on active duty observing now-verified video footage of UAP and unidentified submerged objects (USOs) captured by colleagues — and his aims to help de-stigmatize discussion of this previously taboo topic across the military. It is believed the Navy has recovered downed UAPs.
Gallaudet previously led Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command and served as Oceanographer of the Navy. He also deployed on multiple tours afloat during his career in uniform, and later served for about a year-and-a-half as the Senate-confirmed assistant secretary of commerce for oceans and atmosphere after retiring from the military in 2017.
Admiral Gallaudet, Luis Elizondo,Mike Shellenberger Michael Gold
Retired Rear Admiral Gallaudet was the first of four witnesses (on left)making extraordinary statements, at the hearing called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP): Exposing the Truth.
The Admiral said that information from whistleblowers about UAPs (formerly known as UFOs) indicated that their technology represents a “new realization that we are not the only advanced intelligence in the universe.”
“As a former science agency leader, I have always sought the truth in human knowledge and thought. Now that we know UAP are interacting with humanity, and these include unidentified submerged objects (USOs) in the ocean, we should not keep our heads stuck in the sand but boldly face this new reality and learn from it.”
What was the USS Theodore Roosevelt incident?
Confirmation that UAPs are interacting with humanity came for me in January 2015 when I was serving as the Commander of the Naval Meteorology and Oceanography Command,” the Admiral said.
Many expert witness testimonies that UFOs exist were heard on Capitol Hill at a public Congressional hearing of the Committee on Oversight and Accountability.
Dr. Tim Gallaudet, a retired Rear Admiral U.S. Navy, was the first of four witnesses making the extraordinary statements Wednesday at the hearing called Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena (UAP): Exposing the Truth.
The Admiral said that information from whistleblowers about UAPs (formerly known as UFOs) indicated that their technology represents a “new realization that we are not the only advanced intelligence in the universe.”
“As a former science agency leader, I have always sought the truth in human knowledge and thought. Now that we know UAP are interacting with humanity, and these include unidentified submerged objects (USOs) in the ocean, we should not keep our heads stuck in the sand but boldly face this new reality and learn from it.”
“During this exercise, I received an email on the Navy’s secure network to six Vice commanders from the operations officer of Fleet Forces Command. The email was addressed to all subordinate commanders, and the subject line read in all capital letters: URGENT SAFETY OF FLIGHT ISSUE.”
“The text of the email was brief but alarming, with words to the effect: “If any of you know what these are, tell me ASAP. We are having multiple near-midair collisions, and if we do not resolve it soon, we will have to shut down the exercise.””
“Attached to the email was what is now known as the “Go Fast” video, captured on the forward-looking infrared sensor onboard one of the Navy F/A-18 aircraft participating in the exercise. The now declassified video showed an unidentified object exhibiting flight and structural characteristics unlike anything in our arsenal.”
This message was above the Top Secret special access program that the six three star Admirals did not have clearance for telling them UAPs were disrupting a Naval exercise and causing possible safety to aircrews and ships’ and the exercise may be cancelled. Six vice admirals had received the message which was sent in error because their security clearance did not include this level of
Editor’s Note: Special access programs (SAPs) in the U.S. Federal Government are security protocols that provide highly classified information with safeguards and access restrictions that exceed those for regular (collateral) classified information. SAPs can range from black projects to routine but especially-sensitive operations, such as COMSEC maintenance or presidential transportation support. In addition to collateral controls, a SAP may impose more stringent investigative or adjudicative requirements, specialized nondisclosure agreements, special terminology or markings, exclusion from standard contract investigations (carve-outs), and centralized billet systems.
The review, provided by the Department of Defense, covers incidents the government refers to as unidentified anomalous phenomena, or 757 UAP rather than UFOs, from May 1, 2023, to June 1, 2024. Aliens in the Ocean, AARO reports , hundreds of cases were linked to “prosaic objects,” such as balloons, birds, and unmanned aerial systems. While AARO thoroughly investigated these cases, hundreds remain unsolved.
The U.S. military has its own concerns about these unknown objects possibly interfering with aircraft safety. Two reports highlighted “flight safety concerns,” and three reports “described pilots being trailed or shadowed by UAPs. MUFON also has reports of near head on collisions with UAPs, that were nearly avoided at the last possible second by the UAP.
How to share information with AARO or report a UAP?
Military and DoD civilian personnel should report through their command or service in accordance with GENADMIN Joint Staff J3 Washington DC 191452ZMAY23 “Unidentified Anomalous Phenomena Reporting and Material Disposition.”
Civilian pilots are encouraged to promptly report UAP sightings to air traffic control. AARO receives UAP-related Pilot Reports (PIREPs) from the Federal Aviation Administration.
General public – We will announce when a reporting mechanism is available for others Tim Gallaudet, Luis Elizondo, Michael Shellenberger and Michael Gold testified although I felt Vice Admiral Gallaudet was most important.
The implication of the email was to clear: the author was asking whether any of the recipients were aware of classified technology demonstrations that could explain these objects. Because DoD policy7 is to rigorously deconflict such demonstrations with live exercises, I was confident this was not the case. The very next day, the email disappeared from my account and those of the other recipients without explanation. Moreover, the Commander of Fleet Forces and his operations officer never discussed the incident again, even during weekly meetings specifically designed to address issues affecting exercises like the one in which the Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group was participating.
His lack of follow-up was concerning. As the Navy’s Chief Meteorologist at the time, my primary duty was to reduce safety-of-flight risks. Yet, it was evident that no one at the Flag Officer level was addressing the safety risks posed by UAPs. Instead, pilots were left to mitigate these threats on their own, without guidance or support. I concluded that the UAP information must have been classified within a special access program managed by an intelligence agency — a compartmented program that even senior officials, including myself, were not read into. Last year’s UAP hearing before this oversight committee confirmed that UAP-related information is not only being withheld 10 from senior officials and members of Congress, but elements of the government are engaging in a disinformation campaign to include personal attacks designed to discredit UAP. The “Go Fast” video4, captured on the forward-looking infrared sensor onboard one of the Navy F/A-18 aircraft participating in the exercise. The now declassified video6 showed an unidentified object exhibiting flight and structural characteristics unlike anything in our arsenal. The implication of the email was clear; the author was asking whether any of the recipients were aware of classified technology demonstrations that could explain these objects.
Because DoD policy is too rigorously deconflict such demonstrations with live exercises, I was confident this was not the case. The very next day, the email disappeared from my account and those of the other recipients without explanation. Moreover, the Commander of Fleet Forces and his operations officer never discussed the incident again, even during weekly meetings specifically designed to address issues affecting exercises like the one in which the Theodore Roosevelt Strike Group was participating.
This lack of follow-up was concerning. As the Navy’s Chief Meteorologist at the time, my primary duty was to reduce safety-of-flight risks. Yet, it was evident that no one at the Flag Officer level was addressing the safety risks posed by UAPs. Instead, pilots were left to mitigate these threats on their own, without guidance or support. I concluded that the UAP information must have been classified within a special access program managed by an intelligence agency — a compartmented program that even senior officials, including myself, were not read into. Last year’s UAP hearing before this oversight committee confirmed that UAP-related information is not only being withheld from senior officials and members of Congress, but elements of the government are engaging in a disinformation campaign to include personal attacks on anyone designed to discredit UAP whistleblowers. For the remainder of my government service, including my time as an Under Secretary of Commerce and NOAA Administrator, this incident disturbed me. It highlighted a dangerous culture of over-classification, where even pressing safety-of-flight issues could be swept aside under the pretense of secrecy.
Having never signed a non-disclosure agreement regarding UAPs, and now, as a private citizen, I have become an advocate for greater transparency from the U.S. government and continue to speak out to validate the credibility of witnesses and other former government and military UAP whistleblowers. I do this for several reasons. First, there is a moral imperative. We know from last year’s UAP hearing and recent statements and publications by credible whistleblowers that UAP, NHI, and their Technology of unknown origin (TUO) represent a new realization that we are not the only advanced intelligence in the universe. Unelected officials in the U.S. government do not have an exclusive right to this knowledge about the nature of reality. The American people have a right to that knowledge. There is a public safety requirement for more government UAP transparency. The safety of flight concerns regarding UAP are not limited to the military, and that is why I support Ryan Graves’ organization Americans for Safe Aerospace, which is calling for legislation requiring the FAA establish UAP reporting procedures.
There is a national security need for more UAP transparency as well. In 2025, the U.S. will spend over $900 billion on national defense, yet we still have an incomplete understanding of what is in our airspace and water space. I add the term “water space” because UAP have been observed in the ocean and are known to exhibit trans medium travel through the air-sea interface. These are often referred to as unidentified submerged objects (USOs). Whether aerial or undersea, UAP are operating unhindered in our seas and skies, and American taxpayers have a right to know why our military’s massive budget is inadequately addressing this national defense deficiency. Additionally, more government
UAP transparency has the potential to yield socioeconomic benefits25 through increased open research.26 Our present understanding of physics is not capable of explaining many observations of UAP, and more research might lead to unimaginable advances in energy, transportation, medicine, agriculture, not to mention the paradigm shift that NHI represent in areas such as astrobiology, psychology, sociology, and international relations. Such research is the mission of Harvard University’s Galileo Project, which I support as a research affiliate. Finally, and perhaps the most important reason, the failure of the Executive Branch to share UAP information with Congress is an infringement on the legislative branch that undermines separation powers and may be creating a constitutional crisis.
Even the most sensitive Special Access Programs must be reported the Gang of Eight, and all compartmented programs must be reported to the Senate Intelligence Committee. Any and all past failures by DoD and IC components to report UAP programs and activities are not only illegal but would have undermined Congress by preventing it from exercising its legislative and oversight responsibilities over one of the most vital issues of our time. Those responsibilities cover a wide range, from defense and intelligence, foreign affairs, appropriations, to science and technology.
Moreover, Congress may not have known for decades to ask nominees to cabinet-level and other Executive Branch positions about UAP during their confirmation hearings, despite the DoD’s and IC’s knowledge and efforts related to UAP. Were Congress to have been left out of the loop on any other issue in this fashion, it would be considered an absolute outrage. We have barely begun to consider the harm done to the Legislative Branch and thus, too, the American people by apparent UAP secrecy. I hope that not only this committee, but Congress considers the grave damage done to our system of government and contemplates action to halting it once and for all. For example, e, while I was preparing for this hearing, former DoD official Chris Mellon contacted me to seek my assistance in sharing with Congress the details of a case involving satellite imagery of UAP from 2017 that has still not been shared with Congress. He has also brought the specifics to the attention of AARO and says he is confident the new Director of AARO will honor requests for access by the oversight committees.
I would be happy in a closed setting to provide the dates involved if that would help the committee to formulate a specific request for access. The foundational issue is one of governance and public accountability. The continued excessive secrecy surrounding UAPs has not only hindered our ability to effectively address these phenomena but has also eroded trust in our institutions and compromised the safety of both military and civilian aviators. While recent initiatives, such as the establishment of the All- domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO), NASA’s UAP study team, and research efforts by institutions like Harvard and Stanford, are positive steps forward, they are only the beginning. A more comprehensive approach is urgently needed—one that acknowledges the broader implications of UAP transparency across public safety, national security, and the socioeconomic opportunities that open research could unlock. Therefore, I recommend Congress take the following action which I believe would receive bipartisan support: (1) Establish proper oversight of the Executive Branch’s management of UAP programs, information, and materials.
The first step should be to invite the director of DoD’s All Domain Anomaly Resolution Office (AARO) to provide various committees a briefing on U.S. government UAP reporting to date. Additionally, AARO needs to explain the inaccuracies and incompleteness31 of AARO’s first historical records report32 so that the Congress can understand: (a) if AARO is failing to meet its Congressional mandate, and (b) under what authority AARO has conducted this and other examples of disinformation. I say this as a first-hand witness to such disinformation. During a meeting with the then acting AARO director and his senior staff earlier this year, I was the object of an hours-long influence operation which attempted to convince me of the validity of the severely flawed historical records report, question well known UAP reports such as the
U.S.S. Nimitz “tic tac” encounter, and disparage several former government authorities who have published and spoken publicly about their knowledge of U.S. government UAP programs. If AARO is attempting to repeat the illegal and unethical DoD disinformation efforts involving UAP in the past, Congress should be gravely concerned. The next step should be to invite the Director of National Intelligence and the National Security Advisor to discuss their predecessors prior statements overtly acknowledging the existence of UAP. Does the government’s current reluctance to disclose information about UAP democratic institutions and ensure the nation’s security? Congress should pass these provisions of the UAP Disclosure Function as well as other UAP legislation awaiting action by Congress.
These recommendations are endorsed by the UAP Disclosure Fund, which I support as a strategic advisor. (3) After the UAP Disclosure Act is passed, consider strengthening it in a future reauthorization with additional provisions to establish a government approach to UAP. Currently, activity regarding U.S. government UAP information is occurring within a handful of departments and agencies (DOD, IC, NASA, DOE).
Other elements of national power are needed, and future provision of the UAP Disclosure Act should identifying a department whose cabinet secretary will serve as the lead for U.S. UAP issues and coordinate a whole of government approach to UAP policy, research, and disclosure. The need for a whole government approach is endorsed by the Stanford University associated Sol Foundation, which I support as a senior strategic advisor. In closing, I would like to share my personal reasons for speaking out on the topic of UAP. As a former science agency leader, I have always sought the truth in human knowledge and thought. Now that we know UAP are interacting with humanity, and these include unidentified submerged objects (USOs) in the ocean, we should not keep our heads stuck in the sand, but boldly face this new reality and learn from it. Secondly, I have dedicated my entire career to the national security and economic prosperity of our country. Failure to share with the American people what is known about UAP leaves them in the dark on the biggest issue to confront human civilization to date. When has ignorance ever advanced society? Lastly, at a time when leaders on the nation’s biggest stage leave much to be desired, I feel it is my obligation to show moral leadership on the issue of UAP disclosure. And by that, I mean providing top cover for the courageous men and women who have come out as witnesses and whistleblowers to expose the truth. My speaking out has encouraged others to do the same, and it is my hope that over time, the number of your constituents who want to know the truth about UAP will increase to such extent that the Congressional action I have just recommended will be accepted. Related video: 3 UFOs That Science Still Can’t Explain (Dailymotion)
Was Earth Planted with Life
The Grand Canyon may rewrite the textbooks on the Cambrian Explosion—a key turning point in Earth’s history when there was a sudden boom in complex life and the emergence of all the major animal groups seen alive today.
This is the conclusion of a U.S. team of researchers, led by the University of New Mexico and the Utah State University, who studied the “Tonto Group”, a 0.3-mile-thick collection of five rock formations that are exposed along the sides of the canyon.
“The Tonto Group of Grand Canyon holds a treasure trove of sedimentary layers and fossils chronicling the Cambrian Explosion some 500 million years ago,” paper author and Utah State University geology professor Carol Dehler said in a statement.
At the time the Tonto Group was being laid down, sea levels were rising, covering the submerged land with emerging marine life. However, the team has determined that the traditional model of this process—developed from a previous study of the Tonto Group in the 1940s—oversimplified this process.
The Grand Canyon. A fresh analysis of rocks exposed in the side of the canyon is changing an 80-year-old textbook model and our understanding of the Cambrian Explosion. Meinzahn/iStock / Getty Images Plus
The Tonto Group, Dehler said, is teaching us “about sea-level rise and the effects of catastrophic tropical storms—probably more powerful than today’s devastating hurricanes. “This occurred in a world without land plants and during a period of very hot temperatures when the Earth was ice-free.
“Sea levels were so high that sediments like the Tonto Group were deposited atop most continents in environments that allowed rapid expansion of animal diversity of Earth.”
The very same rocks in the Grand Canyon were used nearly 80 years ago by the geologist Eddy McKee to form the classic geological model for the advance of seas across continents—a phenomenon dubbed “marine transgression.”
Under the McKee model, marine transgression involves gradual deepening and corresponding changes in sedimentary environments.
According to the team, however, instead of one major transgression with only minor regressions (where the water recedes), there are in fact five sedimentary sequences. Did God. Aliens or nature plan thousands of different kinds of life on Earth.
UFO Sightings in Ancient Contacts in the Americas
The Maya had memories of several white gods, or culture heroes that may have been Nordic aliens. The first being Itzamna was amongst the oldest and most important gods in the Mayan religion who came across the ocean. Itzamna was. He was a teacher. Later twenty men arrived, the chief of whom was called Colcolcan. They all wore flowing robes and sandal shoes. Each had a long beard, and their heads were bare. They instructed the people in the arts.
A tribe immediately to the west of the Maya were visited by another white man, called Votan and he taught the people how to cultivate maize and cotton and invented hieroglyphic signs. It is likely that the great white culture-hero of the Mexicans, Quetzalcoatl — the feathered serpent — could have been Greek or Sumerian or even from the stars.Stone and rock carvings plus examples of pottery all point to the inescapable fact that the ancient inhabitants of the Americas were acquainted with almost every race in the world prior to 300 BC. Evidence from North, Central and South America of Old-World inscriptions, common words and customs, architectural styles and artifacts link the two. A hoard of Roman coins has been discovered in Venezuela, and a Roman pottery head was found in Mexico, and dated for stylistic reasons to the second century A.D. In Maine, a Roman coin has recently surfaced, while a botanist claims to have identified two of the plants depicted on a Roman fresco in Pompeii as an American fruit, the pineapple, and an American vegetable, a species of squash.
From the depths of the Well of Sacrifice at Chechen Itza, Mexico scuba divers have recovered a wood and wax doll, bearing the Roman script. Elsewhere a stone sarcophagus was unearthed at Palenque by excavators who liken it in the style of the Phoenicians.
In 1966, Manfred Metcalf claims to have picked up an inscribed stone in Georgia, now known as the Metcalf Stone. It bears text remarkably similar in nature to Cretan Linear writing. ’
A coin found in 1957 by a small boy in a field near Phoenix City, Alabama, was identified later as coming from Syracuse, on the island of Sicily, Italy dating from 490 B.C. In 1976 an ancient coin was found in the town of Heavener, Oklahoma. It was identified later as being a bronze Tetradrachm, originally with a silver wash, now missing. It was struck in Antioch, Syria, 63 A.D., and according to Dr. Barry Fell, “The profile is of Nero, with the Greek inscription on the obverse saying, ‘Nero Caesar Augustus’.”
In 1936, Dr Charles Elvers excavated a stone pendant in Gallo Canyon, New Mexico. It was pear-shaped, about three inches long with a hole at the top. On one side is the crowned figure of a man holding a crooked or serpent-like staff in his right hand, and seemingly climbing a slope while looking over his right shoulder. On the other side is an elephant head, a triangle, cross and circle, plus two six-pointed stars. These symbols were commonly used in the archaic Sumerian linear scripts.
In Illinois next to a river there is a buried mound with the remains of an Egyptian Pharaoh. Early this century, a Brazilian rubber-tapper called Bernardo Ramos was working in the Amazon jungle when he noted that on many of the rocks there could be found ancient scripts carved deep into the stone. He found that the greater part of them resembled, often in detail, the ancient writings of the Old World and compiled a catalog of nearly 2000 such scripts.
Other jungle graffiti has been linked to the Semitic, Indus, Phoenician, Punic, Brahmi and other peoples.
Gate of the Sun with Alien Carving
The famous Gate of the Sun leading into the city of Titicaca 4000 years ago has an ancient god from space carved on it. Further evidence in South America suggests strongly that a Sumerian colony established itself around Titicaca, in what is now known as Bolivia.
According to legend the first Inca, Manko-Kapak, appeared in Lake Titicaca and tradition held that the Incas were red or brown-haired. A characteristic alien to American Indians but many mummies discovered there confirm this fact.
Huge blocks of stone found at Tiahuanaco, Bolivia
Were once held together by copper and even gold rivets. This was a method of building-construction almost identical to that used in Assyria and Eritrea thousands of years ago. The colony even used solid stone wheels, just like the ones in use by the Sumerians themselves and were thought to have transported the huge stone blocks in this manner.
The tribes living around Lake Titicaca are called the Uru and elders retain memories of people of their tribe being scarified under the foundations when Tiahuanaco was built. The Incas conducted mummification and, like the Sumerians, placed a metal disc in the mouth of a corpse. The disc was an indication the aliens arrived in discs and would carry the souls of the dead to paradise.
Many of the ancient skulls are exceptionally large and are designed differently from human craniums. Lima’s Museum of Anthropology is lined with thousands of elongated craniums. They also built pyramids and obelisks, while using cups, plates, spoons, and goblets much like those in the Old World. Likewise, both the Sumerians and the Incas held the rainbow as sacred, and each carried their notables around in litter. While at a temple in Chavin, Peru, an ingenious system of air conduits still carries fresh air to every room in the building and a similar system has been discovered in the Cretan palace at Knossos, Crete.
Phoenician warships had a convex stern and were propelled by a large single-masted square sail and two banks of oars (a bireme), had a deck, and were fitted with a ram low on the bow and could have sailed throughout the world.
Professor Marcel F Homet, an archaeologist visited the Amazon region to view its antiquities and made many amazing discoveries. From inscriptions found on the painted rock, the Pedra Pintada, professor Homet recorded symbols well-known in the Old World, such as the swastika, the double axe, the spiral and also the sun symbol.
. Thousands of artifacts have been recovered over centuries from hundreds of locations, and from many countries of the Americas. Ships or UFOs brought artifacts to the Americas.
. I have read that the ancient Hindus of India texts refer to flying machines called Vimana and that the Hindus use the Swastika as a good luck symbol; is it possible that there is a link between the founders of the Hindu culture and UFOs?
Often depicted as flying chariots or celestial aircraft, vimanas have ignited imagination and spurred debates about ancient technological advancements for centuries.
Vimana,” is the order of deities who served Mahavira, the Jain Tirthankara (religious teacher).
China Claims Aliens sending UFO Probes Here
Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory
Michael Cohen reports, “One of the heads of China’s famous Purple Mountain Astronomical Observatory, Prof. Wang Sichao, has gone public admitting the UFOs are real and aliens are visiting Earth and that the observatory has observed their craft many times ”“The admittance of UFO reality was made yesterday within an official speech entitled tellingly ‘China’s UFO truth’. This news has been extensively reported in China. The key points that Wang Sichao have disclosed are that:
- Aliens are visiting Earth on R & D expeditions
- These UFOs are probes manned by robots.
- These craft travel at eighty percent speed of light.
- These crafts have been seen by the observatory many times at between 150 and 1500 kilometers above Earth.
- The aliens might use Nuclear fusion to propel their craft
- 39 years of work at Purple Mountain Observatory has led Wang to believe these craft use Earth’s gravity to maneuver and stay aloft
Wang Sichao also said he disagreed with Stephen Hawkings recent comments and declared that these aliens appear peaceful and require nothing materially from us as they can create their own materials using advanced technology. In the event that these aliens do not come in peace, he stressed that they are not gods and have flaws and thus we can possibly defend ourselves.
Michael Cohen states, “The Purple Mountain Observatory was the station that observed the now well-known UFO during last year’s eclipse. The entire text of the speech by Wang Sichau clearly shows that the stuff we have been saying about China and other places regarding UFOs over the last few years is not just ‘made up tabloid news’ but fact” snip. Thanks to Michael Cohen m.*****@al********.com
UFOs Often Seen Overpower Stations
Saucer materializing over a power plant.
Pittsburgh, Gordon James Gianninoto sent me the attached photo of a saucer materializing out of a cloud over a power plant. These show that saucers over power plants are not unusual, and probably recharge their batteries by doing so. That may mean that such saucers. are not interplanetary, but local, planetary, and depend upon a ‘mothership’ for transportation beyond Earth.
A FO was reported hovering a power plant on November 15, 2024, near Pittsburgh. Numerous reports indicate UFOs attempt to take electricity from lightning in clouds, from power lines and actual power plants around the world. http://www.earthfiles.com/news.php?ID=1739&category=Environment
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
Support Earth Changing Research
I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in authoring the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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When you send in a subscription, please include your E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files. Send check or money order to: George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055.
Here are the links to our book on Amazon.
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2024 by George A. Filer III, rights reserved.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting people Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.