Filer's Files

File’s Files Oct. 1 2024 Presidents UFO Statements

W19 20341

Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF

New Jersey State Director Emeritus

MUFON Eastern Region Director

President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310

New Jersey State Director Emeritus

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 Special reports are  Whistleblower Claims US/Alien Agreement Over, Aliens in the Capital in 1939, Presidents Comments on UFOs,  Peru Nazca Lines and UFO , Final Battle  Book, Pyramids, and carbon 60.

 The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

Special Reports

 Whistleblower Claims Alien Agreement Over

An alleged USAF intelligence insider has gone public with what he says is a 70-year history of the pentagon’s negotiations with non-human intelligence – and says that a huge escalation is imminent. Could the existence of aliens finally be proven? (

One of the most dramatic events in the history of mankind is set to take place in the coming months, according to claims from a UFO whistleblower. Charles McNeal alleges that he was recruited into a top-secret US Air Force intelligence unit tasked with maintaining a 70-year truce between the American government and an alien civilization.

This truce agreement, McNeal claims (without any proof of his credentials) on his YouTube channel, is set to come to an end at the end of September 2024. He claims that a planned series of events, including the partial – destruction of the state of Israel, a brief global conflict and a staged alien invasion using reverse-engineered UFO technology will soon follow. He also suggests that a gradual release of information through news outlets and fictional portrayals of extraterrestrial contact in films and TV has been part of a campaign to ready the world population for the shock of encountering an alien species. “This is known as the Public Acclimation Program,” he oddly states. He also suggests that a gradual release of information through news outlets and fictional portrayals of extraterrestrial contact in films and TV is a campaign to let the public know ET is here. This is known as the Public Acclimation Program,” he oddly states. by Taboola

Aliens in the Capital in 1939

Cordell Hull the Secretary of State

Cordell Hull the Secretary of State took his cousin the Reverend  Turner Holt  into the sub-basement of the US Capital building to show him and made him swear he would never tell anyone what he was about to see.

 Hull took Holt into a room that contained four glass containers where a child could easily fit.  In each of the containers was a creature of horrendous vintage. The aliens were likely Grays who have been visiting Earth for centuries. These dead creatures were  in a liquid in some sort of preservative. These were tiny hominoids only four feet tall.

Probably Small Gray Alien

According to Reverend Holt, Condell Hull told him that this had to be kept secret to prevent worldwide panic before revealing this information.

. . Hot asked his family to keep the information secret until he and Hull had  had died. And Holt” s children did just that Thanks to Insane UFO Encounters | Top 20 UFO Cases of ALL TIME

 President’s Comments on UFOs

During Truman’s time in the Oval Office, there was a rise in the sightings of ‘flying saucers’.

 As a result, Truman himself began to be interested in the idea.  In 1947, Truman flew to Dallas and is thought to have seen the alien bodies with Brigadier General  Ramey.  Truman and the Ramey’ became close friends  and often had dinner at the White H9use.  Ramey told his wife who I interviewed that  he was going to be the Commander of the Air Force but died from a heart attack before he could be nominated by Truman.

 In 1948, Truman called military experts to the White House to talk about UFO reports, and what that could mean. Colonel Robert Landy responded: “All manner of objects and things were being seen in the sky by people.” President Truman visited General Roger Ramey who had an alien pilot that was killed at Roswell .

 President Jimmy Carter

 President Jimmy Carter claims to have seen a UFO in Georgia in 1969. Of all the presidents, he went into the most detail about what he saw.

In his own words, he said: “There were about twenty of us standing outside of a little restaurant, I believe, a high school lunchroom, and a kind of green light appeared in the western sky. This was right after sundown. It got brighter and brighter.

 “And then it eventually disappeared. It didn’t have any solid substance to it, it was just a very peculiar-looking light. None of us could understand what it was.”

  Carter graduated from Annapolis and served in the Navy frequently spotting  UFOs so we were familiar     with  them and promised to reveal more information about them if he was elected President. He chose not to reveal more information after he was elected.

President Ronald Reagan

Reagan and his crew allegedly once saw a spaceship take off at an incredible speed, a speed that an airplane physically could not operate at. In 1974, California Governor Ronald Reagan stated, “I was in a plane last week when I saw this white light.  It was zigzagging around.  I went up to the pilot and said, ‘Have you ever seen anything like that?’  He was shocked and he said, ‘Nope.’ And I said to him: ‘Let’s follow it!’  We followed it for several minutes.  It was a bright white light.  We followed it to Bakersfield and, all of a sudden, to our utter amazement, it went straight up into the heavens.”

 Reagan told reporter Norman C. Millar about the UFO he had seen personal research on UFOs and he had uncovered references to UFOs in Egyptian hieroglyphics. He took UFO reports every morning while in the White House.

Nancy and Reagan watched for one full hour less than mile away – out in desert – No Sound
Very Bright Circles made of Orbs that pulsate quickly 20 times per second –

 changes color and shape – Hovered – moved around – at least 2 circles appeared to land behind hill –
many circles  – moving fast pulsate- Bubble Very bright Aurora always surrounding circles – multi colors. –
– Reagan stated in the UN, Is not an alien force already among us?

 President Gerald Ford

 President Gerald Ford stated  “I strongly recommend that there be a committee investigation of the UFO phenomena. I think we owe it to the people to establish credibility regarding UFOs and to produce the greatest possible enlightenment on this subject.” Republican House Minority Leader of Congress, 1966.

 His home state of Michigan had numerous sightings some seen by numerous people that the Air Force investigators claimed was swamp gas causing a great uproar and Congress  decided to have h Hearings regarding UFOs.

 Editor’s Note: I wrote President Ford and asked about his interest in UFOs.  He stated, “During my public career while in Congress, as Vice President and as President he made various requests about UFOs. The official authorities always denied the UFO allegations. As a result, I have no information that may be helpful to you. The largest warship  and mightiest Aircraft Carrier with Laser Cannons is named after Ford.

  President Donald Trump

President Donald Trump

Trump claims he was briefed on UFOs during his presidency

 Former President Donald Trump said on a podcast that he had been briefed on UFOs during his time as president. The former president said he met Air Force service pilots who had chased UFOs …

When he left office certain UFO data was released. on Fox News’ Gutfeld! in response to a question from panelist Kat Timpf.

 Timpf asked Trump whether aliens were being kept at a classified U.S. Air Force facility in Nevada known as Area 51, popularly associated with claims involving secret government dealings with UFOs, which the Pentagon now calls unidentified anomalous phenomena (UAP).

 You know, I’ll tell you, it’s a funny thing because, I think that might be a question that I get more than any other question “It is the craziest thing.”  I will say this. I don’t think I’m a believer, but I’ve interviewed pilots Trump said..

“They were in the Oval Office, three or four pilots,”. “They said, all I know sir is there was a round object that was going four times faster than my F-22, which is a very fast plane,” he added. “And it wasn’t—it shouldn’t have been—it was round sir,” Trump recalled of the descriptions the pilots reportedly provided him of the unidentified object. Trump will release UFO information and started the Space Force to take over the defense of space. Claims he will  prevent World War 111.

 Peru Nazca Lines and UFOs

Ancient Andean Peruvian farmers domesticated and developed more than half the food the world eats today. More kinds of food and medicinal plants were systematically cultivated in Peru than any other area of the world.

Farmers Grew New Foods on Rolling Mountains

 Among them are potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peanuts, squash, peppers, papaya, cashews, pineapples, chocolate, avocados, mulberries, and strawberries. Often plants had to grow on terraces built by the Peruvians. So many and varied plants were so long domesticated in the Old World it is hard to realize they actually originated in Peru. The potato was first domesticated in the region of modern-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia between 8000 and 5000 BC. It has since spread around the world and become a staple crop in many countries. Spanish invaders of Peru in 1513 brought them to Spain. My question is “Did these foods originate from other worlds?”

Huge stones moved

 How were such titanic blocks of stone brought to the top of the mountain from the quarries many miles away? How were they cut and fitted, raised and put in place? No one knows how they built huge structures. There are archaeologists, scientists, who would have us believe that the dense, hard andesite rock was cut, surfaced and faced by means of stone or bronze tools. Such an explanation is so preposterous.

 The Andean culture may be the oldest in the world. Royal runners and couriers linked the four corners of the empire by running short relays at top speed, moving messages and sometimes delicacies such as fresh fish for the emperor’s table – as many as 250 miles a day. The main north south highway alone stretched 3500 miles. At Nazca just north of Lake Titicaca are clear markings that can be seen from space pointing to key ancient cities. The complexity and technology of these advanced civilization is not easy to explain. The Incas came much later.

 Lord Viracocha, the ‘creator of all things resembles a gray who came from space  The Nasca lines in Peru can be seen from space and point to key ancient cities on the west coast of South America such as Tiahuanaco. ,

Gate at Tiahuanaco

These sophisticated cities with huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons were moved and carved. Some showed carvings of apparent space vehicles that were found along the Andes Mountains that seem to represent supply vehicles coming from space.

 Many of the ancient leaders in Peru and Bolivia have exceptionally large heads, appear to be Caucasian and wore long robes that infer colonization from another planet or at the least a different species than the natives of South America.

The exceptionally elongated cranium the ancient leaders known as Dolichocephalous, suggest a far different past than the Indians of the Andes. Not only did they look different, but they also had advanced knowledge of astronomy, plant genetics biology and development, and construction techniques.

 Some anthropologists suggest the elongated skulls were the result of the Peruvian Indian practice of head-binding. However, two mummies of babies less than a year old (analyzed in England) … belonged to the Aymaraes tribe had elongated skulls. Additionally, an unborn seven month old fetus enclosed in the womb of a mummy of a pregnant woman had an elongated skull! The possibility exists that these are a different species or alien life forms that came to Earth.

 It goes unreported that tens of thousands of perfectly preserved mummies that have been recovered from Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and Chile, etc., are the remains of ethnic much taller European Caucasians with blond, red, auburn, dark brown and black hair The hair itself is, on average, 30% thinner than that of present-day Indians and is often wavy.

 The mummified people have the longer face dolichocephalic cranial index, whereas the Indian populations are classified as, predominantly Mongoloid.

The National Museum of the Archaeology in Lima, Peru has displays of ancient skulls that show evidence of brain surgery on beings with exceptionally large craniums. The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and became rulers and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and d construction techniques. Archaeologists from penetrating radar.

Tiahuanaco Building

Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s claims in his 50 year study “Tiahuanaco, is the cradle of American Man” that the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. prior to Egypt and Samaria. He bases this on calculations of archeoastronomy and sculptures of prehistoric animals found at the site. The construction sites are littered with stones weighing hundreds of tons. Throughout the Andes are amazing towns that include pyramids, temples and fortifications. Around 8,000 BC much of Peru and Bolivia were at sea level and rose to height of over 12,500 feet.

Lake Titicaca

Tiahuanaco located near Lake Titicaca is a mystery because of its extreme age and its peculiar stone technology that may be older than Egyptian or Sumerian construction.

 Miles-long geometric designs in the desert of Nazca, south of Lima, or a winged god in the north are evidence for Chamorro that past cultures not only mastered science and math but had an inkling that space might hold more than the sun and moon.

Arrows indicate   the direction to key ancient cities as seen from space

The Nasca lines in Peru can be seen from space and point to key ancient cities on the west coast of South America such as Tiahuanaco, where sophisticated cities with huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons were moved and carved. They showed carvings of apparent space vehicles that were found along the Andes Mountains that seem to represent supply vehicles coming from space.

 Nazca people created them to be seen by their gods in the sky. They can actually be seen from space and at least one Andes Mountain has been shaved off to allow for landings. Thousands of tons of earth and stone had to be removed to create an apparent landing zone.

The National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History in Lima, Peru has displays of large ancient skulls that show evidence of brain surgery on beings with exceptionally large craniums. The museum claims the skulls are deformities of  beings who were the leaders, pharaohs, kings, priests, and rulers all over the ancient world.

 The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and advanced construction techniques.

The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and advanced construction techniques.According to the video on YouTube, two medical professionals took an early morning flight in a Cessna plane to observe the Nazca Lines in Peru, near the foothills of the Andes on New Year’s Day. . .In the YouTube video, at 3:28, the aircraft is flying through rain clouds, when suddenly a UFO appears in a hole in the clouds at left, about 20 to 30 feet from the plane.

‘  Eric Von Daniken maintains that the Nazca lines are runways of an ancient airfield that was used by extraterrestrials.

Editor’s Note: My theory is that the various animals and birds point to ancient cities used by the ancients. From the air the huge drawings on the ground become a map of the ancient world and provide a heading for the craft to follow to the ancient Peruvian cities

.For example ,the bird with the elongated peak points to Tiahuanaco one the ancient cities near Lake Titicaca and one of the largest sites in South America. Surface remains currently cover around 4 square kilometers and include decorated ceramics, monumental structures, blonde and red haired mummies and megalithic blocks.

  These claims are made by New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz, author of Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, who for the first time reveals the Left’s horrifying plan to turn America into a socialist Marxist  nation. The Presidential Election of 2024 may be our last. Final Battle exposes the real threat that Democrats pose to freedom. The rise of socialism and critical race theory, coupled with threats to the Elector. What he’s discovered will rock you to the core. You need to listen to him even more so because he was once a respected Leftist Democrat, a supporter of radical groups and a noted “liberal” journalist.
The Democratic Party’s Manifesto has copied the 1936 Soviet Communist Constitution that allowed Joseph Stalin to kill thee hundred thousand soldiers and 81 generals. They have let 13, thousand convicted ilegal immigrant  murders into the US according to U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) ICE

 “Empires and states rise and fall while everybody is watching. Although the watchers may be surprised when the actual collapse occurs, with the hindsight … “Democrats have conducted a sustained assault on the spirit of compromise that binds the union together and set the nation on the path to a one-party state.”

“An ominous warning about what the future may hold if the present course is not reversed. Don’t miss it.”—PETER SCHWEIZER

Democrats have conducted a sustained assault on the spirit of compromise that binds the union together and set the nation on the path to a one-party state.

Final Battle exposes the real threat that Democrats pose to freedom. The rise of socialism and critical race theory, coupled with threats to the Electoral College and Senate, an independent judiciary, and the integrity of the electoral system, now threaten to destroy the traditions that bring Americans together — the heart of our democracy.

Attacks on these quintessentially American customs codified by the Founding Fathers undermine the possibility of bipartisan solutions to common problems like viral pandemics and civil disorders. Americans now speak in different and antagonistic political languages, and the two parties are so polarized that the American way of life itself is at risk.

In his devastating exposé of the Democrats’ nefarious goals, New York Times bestselling author David Horowitz reveals the hallmarks of their strategies, including:

 In Dark Agenda: The War to Destroy Christian America, Horowitz warns that the rising attacks on Christians and their beliefs threaten all Americans — including Jews like himself. The liberal establishment and their radical allies envision a new millennium in which Christianity is banished, Horowitz argues. He says that Judeo-Christian values are at the very root of America’s democracy. Kill off such values and all of our freedoms could perish.

Horowitz examines how our elites — increasingly secular and atheist — are pushing a radical agenda particularly on the nightly news and movies.

  • How the left trashes Christian doctrines critical to the American Republic, much like radical Islam’s war on “infidel” cultures like ours.
  • Why the left fights to keep prayer and religion out of often failing  public schools, and how those efforts fly in the face of Founding Father Thomas Jefferson’s intentions.
  • How Barack Obama’s ultra-liberal agenda galvanized the anti-God, anti-religious left.
  • The violent and shocking manifesto of Planned Parenthood founder Margaret Sanger who advocated the use of dynamite to promote “revolutionary solidarity.”

Filled with stories that demonstrate the mind-numbing reasons behind the secular Left’s smug disdain for Christianity, Horowitz traces the history of religious liberty from the Founding Fathers to now. He shows how the Founding Fathers put aside their own skepticisms about God and religion to write The Declaration of Independence.

Today, he writes Donald Trump’s “genuine love for his country” has galvanized Christians to fight the secular war waged against them — as the president has become a lightning rod for the radical left. David Horowitz’s powerful new book brings vital insights into the war against Christianity and names the global radicals, leftist Democrats, and money-hungry fat cats of Hollywood and Wall Street responsible for it Dávid Horowitz delivers an impassioned plea for the restoration of political sanity in America, a perspective that made America great by respecting the faiths of our fathers and mothers.

“Churches, schools, and stores were closed in Democratic states and masks were worn, while Republican states were comparatively open and had lesser deaths.  One of the most important stories was how the Democratic Governors  pulled patients with Coved19  out of  hospitals and into old people’s homes  killing many thousands. In  New Jersey 8,113 residents have died from Covid in nursing homes and long-term care facilities, according to reports from the facilities. A running tally by the Associated Press shows that more than 68,600 residents at New York  nursing homes have died from the coronavirus,  New York was accused of reporting only fifty  per cent of the actual deaths. Republican voters tend to be older so killing old people apparently was the goal. Planned Parenthood who gives40 million dollars  to the Democrat and  election of Kamala  Harris and  repots over a million babies are aborted each year. One of the most intellectually compelling and rational defenses of Christianity’s role in America.” —Former  Governor Mike Huckabee

 Who Built the Pyramids?

UFO over Giza Pyramids

 The amazing pyramid of Khufu is perhaps one of the buildings of antiquity that has aroused most curiosity among people. Its construction method is unsubstantiated … Just how is it possible that the Egyptians were able to erect something so precise and technically difficult?

There may have existed an advanced race on Earth such as the stories of Atlantis. This fonder civilization may still exist flying UFOs and hiding on Earth. The Sumerians claim gods or Exterrestrials provided the advanced technology. Antarctica has numerous pyramids that suggests an advanced civilization existed there.

 Numerous famous people have visited structures on Antarctica with central heat and lighting indicating advanced technology/.


 Many people consider the great Pyramid of Giza to be one of the oldest, greatest, and most perfect, and scientific ‘monuments’ on the face of the Earth, created thousands of years ago. The stones weigh tons and you can’t put a thin credit card between the stones.  However, many people are unaware that the Great Pyramid isn’t only an architectural and engineering marvel, it is a geographical one too: It is located at the exact intersection of the longest line of latitude and the longest line of longitude. 

Additionally, a river flows beneath it, and it is thought to be a power station sending out communications.

According to experts, the Great Pyramid is the most accurately aligned structure ever created by human beings. It is said that the pyramid faces true north with a mere 3/60th of a degree of error. It is assumed that when it was initially raised that it was precisely aligned with the North Pole, the position of which has shifted slightly over time. But this isn’t even the most puzzling aspect of the geographical positioning of the pyramid.

Pyramid Power, the secret energy harnessed by the ancients, preserves food stuffs, amplifies thought forms, and increases sexual vitality

 As an author with a vivid imagination, I believe this latitude positioning is proof that it was constructed by an advanced ancient civilization. I believe the Pyramids weren’t tombs, but machines that generated energy by breaking water into hydrogen and oxygen long before the Pharaohs. Over one hundred shafts cut into the limestone bedrock over the Giza plateau brought in the water from the river Nile.

Newly discovered chamber in Giza Pyramid

Did a highly advanced civilization exist in prehistory? Is the Giza Pyramid a remnant of prehistory of an  alien technology? Then, what was the power source that fueled such a civilization? The technology of harmonic resonance claims renowned expert craftsman and engineer Christopher Dunn. In a brilliant piece of reverse engineering based on twenty years of research, Dunn reveals that the Great Pyramid of Giza was actually a large acoustical device by its size and dimensions, this crystal edifice created a harmonic resonance with the Earth and converted Earth’s vibrational energies to microwave radiation. The author shows how the pyramid’s numerous chambers and passageways were positioned with the deliberate precision to maximize its acoustical qualities. This may be the same technology discovered by Nikola Tesla and the solution to our own clean energy need

 Knowledge They Would Need to Know

 1) The builders possessed highly sophisticated knowledge of mathematics and geometry.

2) Had knowledge of the true dimensions of the earth to extreme precision.

3) Possessed exceptionally advanced technical instrumentation to site The Great Pyramid.

 High Precision Placement of the Great Pyramid.

There is simply no way that the precise positioning of the Great Pyramid was due to chance. And it is doubtful also that it was built as a local project purely  for the local populous or Pharaoh. Indeed, located exactly where it is upon the earth reveals the remarkable intent of the builders their aim being to achieve a very elegant mathematical connection between the pyramid itself, and the earth form.

Perhaps the first interesting thing that one discovers about the Great Pyramid is that it is perfectly oriented to the four points of the compass – only being out by 3 arc minutes – a discrepancy of less than 0.06 percent.

 The Great Pyramid of Giza is the largest Egyptian pyramid and allegedly built in 2570 BC as the tomb of Fourth Dynasty pharaoh Khufu although no remains or artifacts exist within the pyramid. Egyptians claim it was built in twenty years that most researchers find very hard to believe. Twenty years is just too little time to complete something so precise, so important and so great.  3 million stone blocks weighing up to 60 tons, were transported from different quarries that were 100s of kilometers away.

The names of the builders of Giza are as yet uncertain. A number of old texts and tomb inscriptions refer to builders and artists of the Old Kingdom but do  not specifically refer to work on the Pyramids.

The following tools and techniques are generally thought to have been used by builders during the old Kingdom: copper chisels, transporting causeways, ramps, sledges, roller, mud brick construction embankments, levers, plumb rules, set squares, ropes, saws, dolomite pounders, tubular drills, and wooden molds. Of all these tools, only one plumb rule, one square, and a number of stone dolomite pounders have actually been found.

Simple Tools Available could not build the pyramids

 The actual techniques used for quarrying, transporting, and placing large stone blocks have been pondered and debated, but have not, as yet, been empirically demonstrated.

 We cannot forget that they did not have traced roads, and that the wheel had not yet been invented. So new discoveries indicate a branch of the Nile River was dug to bring the stones up to the pyramid location. The ancient Egyptians cut stone blocks with such precision that even the most advanced saws that we have today would not be able to match the accuracy of ancient Egyptians. Many Egyptologists stress that there are marks that have been left on the surface of some of the blocks that raise interesting questions. The advanced techniques suggest help from extraterrestrials oral advanced ancients.  It has been  demonstrated by researchers that the pyramid builders used a material, 50 times stronger than diamond to cut and shape the giant stone monuments and sarcophagi seen across Egypt, but what kind of material is 50 times stronger than diamond? Today, researchers are unaware of a material of similar characteristics. Yet, these giant blocks of stone were so precisely cut and placed into position that we today, with modern technology are not able to reproduce that ancient Egyptians did thousands of years ago. So, what kind of technology did the ancient builders possess? The force of water was apparently used  to float the huge blocks up the sides of the Pyramids. Bing Videos

Flat Plateau were  built before Pyramids

The Giza plateau was flattened the surface of in such a way that between the ground level separating a pyramid of the other, there is only one centimeter in error.

But here are more interesting details. In addition to the huge stone blocks, the Egyptian pyramids were covered by 27,00 0whit  tiles of blocks polished to perfection. These tiles were placed one by one on the surface of the monumental construction. These huge pieces of rock had a weight of around 16 tons each. Now the question is, how did the ancient builders move so much weight? It would be interesting to mention that today, in a construction process where you need the transport huge blocks of stone, giant machines are used which are able to move only certain blocks of stone due to their weight. This only demonstrates that the original pyramid builders had access to advanced technology that helped them achieve such incredible feats of engineering, design, and architecture.

 Giza Pyramids imitates the three main stars in the Belt of Orion.

 Egyptian pyramids were supposedly built by Egyptians in about 3000 BC, as attempt to imitate the stars in the Belt of Orion.

 They were not exactly at the correct angle to match up with the pyramids unless the location of the stars is traced back to the belt when it was exactly aligned with the pyramids in 10,500 BC. Allegedly no civilized humans were living on the earth at that time.

     Sitting next to the  Giza pyramid is the Sphinx’s lion body with this human head that looks tiny sitting on top and was likely carved out of lion’s head. The water erosion on the Spink also indicates it was built in 10,500 B.C., probably to celebrate the constellation of Leo the Lion rising directly behind the sun.

  When I visited the Sphinx, it was obvious there are heavy signs of water erosion all over the Sphinx indicating it was likely ten thousand years. Old. The erosion may have been carved by wind. 1t. The Egyptians kept very careful historical records but there are no records of them building the Sphinx or Giza pyramids.

 The accuracy with which the pyramids are oriented north is simply stunning, considering that the ancient Egyptians did not leave any record of such geodetic knowledge in their ancient texts. But if the ancient Egyptians did not have such knowledge thousands of years ago in different scientific fields, so how is it possible that the pyramids are oriented so well?

 There is another feature that makes the Great Pyramid something even more spectacular. The faces are not smooth, but they form two vertical planes which make up an angle of 27 minutes. Therefore, the great pyramid of Egypt does not have four sides but eight. With all of these characteristics, the ancient builders of the Pyramids of Egypt wanted to point out the equinoxes and solstices.

            Impressively, the pyramid sits right on top of the Earth’s geographical center and is perfectly aligned with the constellation of Orion! It has eight sides, and this makes the Great Pyramid of Giza to be the only eight-sided Egyptian pyramid!

 To catch on the details, it can only be seen from the air, either at dawn or sunset on the spring and autumn equinoxes. Once the sun casts shadows on it, then the eight-sided pyramid will be visible.\

The interior of the pyramid is as incredible as the outside. Inside the Pyramid, the air is very dense, and if you enter the great pyramid with a flashlight or cameras to record the inside, you would be surprised to find out that the batteries run out very quickly.

All of these incredible aspects make us reconsider whether the ancient Egyptians were actually capable to erect such monuments. Did they have the necessary knowledge and technology to calculate and construct these amazing monuments or are we missing something? Sophisticated equipment has detected a hidden chamber that has never been entered in the Giza pyramid, No Queen or King wren found in the clear chambers.

 It is possible that the pyramids were built by a civilization that predates the ancient Egyptian. Our guide within the pyramid who was a Greek Archeologist claimed a much more sophisticated civilization built the pyramids and Egyptians are aware of It but refuse to release the information.

 A far more advanced civilization that passed on, prior to the Egyptian civilization, their knowledge and technology, merging and passing on their beliefs and culture. Martians or other ETs may have traveled here bringing the building secrets.

 Whoever built these incredible structures deserves all the credit and respect, since these incredible monuments have been able to withstand the test of time.

Numerous famous people have visited structures on Antarctica with central heat and automatic lighting indicating advanced technology. Pyramids were bruit all over the world in ancient times.

 Pyramids exist all over the world and even under the sea suggesting many are thousands if not millions of years old.

 Antarctica and even Mars has numerous pyramids that suggests an advanced civilization existed there.  Numerous famous people have visited structures on Antarctica with central heat and lighting indicating advanced technology/.

 Mars also has pyramids indicating Martians also built them and could have come to Earth due to problems on Mars. .

 Ancient Egyptian Tunnesl

Editor’s Note: Whether or not sub terrene tunneling machines have been used, or are being used, for super underground  tunneling is a question I cannot presently answer.

  However, a friend who won the Best New Jersey Teacher Award was given a tour of Egypt’s ancient archeological sites the public never sees, that included tunnels that were guarded by soldiers with machine guns.

 She stated the tunnels were perfect with unbelievable accuracy and amazingly smooth that went on as far as you could see.

 She felt they must have been built by ET or an advanced race in the distant past. Egypt has underground rivers that are under the Giza pyramids and run for hundreds of miles..


by William G. Weber and George Filer  Authors’

The  book covers some historical documented cases as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover-up and even discredit witnesses to the actual sighting events.

 The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone. Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who brings over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology.

 He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows, local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it.  Both a  Kindle Edition and Paper book edition

 George Filer authors a complete story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.

 Support Earth Changing Research

 I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in authoring the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.

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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2024 by George A. Filer III, rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to


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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting people Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually



George Filer

MUFON Eastern Region Director Chief Editor National UFO Center Major USAF ret. Graduated BS from Bradley U and Masters's Degree from Central Michigan University

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