September 22, 2016
In special reports, this week’s file cover: Colonel Don Ware and UFOs, Peru Gave the World Wonderful Food, Peruvians Study UFOs, Black Budget Programs, and Nessie Loch Ness Monster Filmed.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alabama, California, Colorado, Florida, Missouri. New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, South Carolina, and West Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Brazil, Canada, France, India, Ireland, Norway, and England and Scotland in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
[paypal_donation_button align=”center”]George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Colonel Don Ware and UFOs
Donald M. Ware, Lt Colonel USAF (Ret), ten years Florida State MUFON Director and former Eastern Regional Director — then 18 years as a Director of the International UFO Congress. He discussed Underground bases, Alien-Human Hybrids, and the levels of consciousness to contact alien spirits. In this presentation at 108.30 into his discussion, Col. Ware mentions that he knew Navy Commander Grahame Bethune, that Grahame had informed Ware that he had flown Admiral Byrd to Antarctica in 1945. Admiral Byrd was tasked with finding out what was going on down there – but was sent home early. Col. Ware further states that he thinks Byrd was able to negotiate for US scientists joining with German scientists – who were already there working at an underground base – on sharing advanced technologies!
Ware states earlier in his presentation that the Germans did have disc technology dating back to scientific breakthroughs in 1929 – however it was when the Germans weaponized the discs by putting machine guns and cannons on the bottoms of the craft that an intervention occurred. Off Planet Visitors interceded stating – that this technology violated a prime directive – that it could not be used for purposes of warfare. The Visitors told the Germans that they could keep this technology but not for war – they were given the option of moving the discs to a base that the Germans had built in Antarctica which is what the German High Command – with Hitler’s approval – did.
There is no incentive for advanced species to even mingle with savage man who are constantly at war. Savage man is predatory in nature that reflects weak spiritual abilities and strong left-brain capabilities which they think only matters in this world. Any sufficiently advanced species would be able to create matter from energy of space (not necessarily a sun) so they do not need a planet nor any resources anywhere else! Why go somewhere (to get resources) when you can manufacture anything you want?
Some groups that mess around with humans are there for exploitation, the same as western civilization exploited native people of foreign lands of yesteryear. They have much to gain in such interactions but also risk being exposed and defeated if they are not careful. Why do you think we have not seen a powerful actual alien in their ship? They do not want to be seen due to the risk of being “discovered” then potentially could risk their operations. A lot more misinformation, clouds the minds of the masses for good reason as to prove cover for the truth as few can really accept it. I.e. mentally and spiritually immature. Large numbers of intelligent beings on other planets.
This seems to me to be part of a disclosure campaign with both Navy and Army aviation involved. Most people are not aware yet that between 1943 and 1945 the US Government, with the help of our British and Canadian allies and the Ambassador from Venus and 450 of his trained engineers built 500 round-wing planes with gravity motors in a hidden 300 square-mile valley in British Columbia, Canada.
This is much more easily understood after people read John B. Leith’s CIA disclosure books published past their intended date: Genesis for the Space Race a few months ago and The Man with the Golden Sword published in November 2014. Both available at Website and both on Amazon, with the Golden Sword book also on Kindle. Thanks to Don Ware.
Peru Gave the World Wonderful Food
Ancient Andean Peruvian farmers domesticated and developed more than half the food the world eats today. More kinds of food and medicinal plants were systematically cultivated in Peru than any other area of the world. Among them are potatoes, tomatoes, beans, peanuts, squash, peppers, papaya, cashews, pineapples, chocolate, avocadoes, mulberries, and strawberries. Often plants had to grown on terraces built by the Peruvians. So many and varied plants were so long domesticated in the Old World it is hard to realize they actually originated in Peru. The potato was first domesticated in the region of modern-day southern Peru and extreme northwestern Bolivia between 8000 and 5000 BC. It has since spread around the world and become a staple crop in many countries. Spanish invaders of Peru in 1513 brought them to Spain. My question is “Did these foods originate from other worlds?”
How were such titanic blocks of stone brought to the top of the mountain from the quarries many miles away? How were they cut and fitted, raised and put in place? No one knows how they built huge structures. There are archaeologists, scientists, who would have us believe that the dense, hard andesite rock was cut, surfaced and faced by means of stone or bronze tools. Such an explanation is so utterly preposterous that it is not even worthy of serious consideration. No one ever has found anywhere any stone tool or implement that would cut or chip the andesite, and no bronze ever made will make any impression upon it.” Hyatt & Ruth Verrill —-America’s Ancient Civilizations.
Eric Von Daniken, in his series of books beginning with Chariots of the Gods theorized that the Andean stone-works were build by Alien/Gods who visited the earth long ago, bringing civilization to primitive man. The scientific community simply snickered.
Whatever one thinks of his theories, he brought to the public an awareness of the many ancient monuments on earth that seem to defy rational explanation.
The Andean culture may be the oldest in the world. Royal runners and couriers linked the four corners of the empire by running short relays at top speed, moving messages and sometimes delicacies such as fresh fish for the emperor’s table – as many as 250 miles a day. The main north south highway alone stretched 3500 miles. At Nazca just north of Lake Titicaca are clear markings that can be seen from space pointing to key ancient cities. The complexity and technology of these advanced civilization is not easy to explain. The Incas came much later and took advantage of the knowledge left by the ancients.
Lord Viracocha, the ‘creator of all things resembles a gray who came from space The Nasca lines in Peru can be seen from space and point to key ancient cities on the west coast of South America such as Tiahuanaco, where sophisticated cities with huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons were moved and carved. Some showed carvings of apparent space vehicles that were found along the Andes Mountains that seem to represent supply vehicles coming from space.
Many of the ancient leaders in Peru and Bolivia have exceptionally large heads, appear to be Caucasian and wore long robes that infer colonization from another planet or at the least a different species than the natives of South America. The exceptionally elongated crania on the ancient leaders known as Dolichocephaloids, suggest a far different past than the Indians of the Andes. Not only did they look different, they had advanced knowledge of astronomy, plant genetics biology and development, and construction techniques.
Some anthropologists suggest the elongated skulls were the result of the Peruvian Indian practice of head-binding. However, two mummies of babies less than a year old (analyzed in England) … belonged to the Aymaraes tribe had elongated skulls. Additionally, an unborn seven month old fetus enclosed in the womb of a mummy of a pregnant woman had an elongated skull! The possibility exists that these are a different species or alien life forms that came to Earth.
It goes unreported that tens of thousands of perfectly preserved mummies that have been recovered from Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and Chile, etc., are the remains of ethnic much taller European Caucasians with blond, red, auburn, dark brown and black hair The hair itself is, on average, 30% thinner than that of present-day Indians and is often “wavy” (a unique European trait). In terms of physical anthropology, the mummified people have the longer face dolichocephalic cranial index, whereas the Indian populations are classified as, predominantly Mongoloid. Some of extended skulls suggest visitors from space or at least a very unusual species.
The National Museum of the Archaeology in Lima, Peru has displays of ancient skulls that show evidence of brain surgery on beings with exceptionally large craniums. The museum claims the skulls are deformities, but these alleged deformities exist in an exclusive group of beings who were the leaders, pharaohs, kings, priests, and rulers all over the ancient world.
The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and became rulers and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and advanced construction techniques. Archaeologists from Tiahuanaco have discovered an underground pyramid using ground-penetrating radar.
Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s claims in his 50 year study “Tiahuanaco, is the cradle of American Man” that the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. prior to Egypt and Samaria. He bases this on calculations of archeoastronomy and sculptures of prehistoric animals found at the site. The construction sites are littered with stones weighing hundreds of tons. Throughout the Andes are amazing towns that include pyramids, temples and fortifications. Around 8,000 BC much of Peru and Bolivia were at sea level and rose to height of over 12,500 feet.
Tiahuanaco (also called Tiwanaku) located near Lake Titicaca is a mystery because of its extreme age and its peculiar stone technology that may be older than Egyptian or Sumerian construction.
This stone technology plainly contradicts what official archaeology suggests about the general state of development of the ancient peoples of South-America. Conventional historians assign the age of buildings of Tiahuanaco at around 600 B.C., or even later believing that a pre-Inca civilization, without benefit of the wheel, modern tools or even a written language constructed these architectural marvels. The ancient city of Tiahuanaco, Bolivia contains a pyramid and strange architecture that was built with the clear understanding of astronomy and advanced construction techniques. Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s before much of the early stones were carried off for building the Bolivian railway. Posnansky summed up his 50 year study in a four volume work entitled “Tiahuanaco, The cradle of American Man” first published in 1945. He explains his theories are based on his calculations of archeoastronomy claiming the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. Paleontologists tell us that mankind was living in caves and hunting animals for food, while a sophisticated city according to Posnansky was being built by moving an cutting blocks weighting as much as 400 tons. Additionally, the extraordinary development of dozens of types of food suggests advanced genetics techniques or the plants were brought from other plants.
Miles-long geometric designs in the desert of Nazca, south of Lima, or a winged god in the north are evidence for Chamorro that past cultures not only mastered science and math, but had an inkling that space might hold more than the sun and moon.
The Nasca lines in Peru can be seen from space and point to key ancient cities on the west coast of South America such as Tiahuanaco, where sophisticated cities with huge blocks of stone weighing hundreds of tons were moved and carved. They showed carvings of apparent space vehicles that were found along the Andes Mountains that seem to represent supply vehicles coming from space.
Cahauchi Pyramid
Archeologists and anthropologists have studied the ancient Nazca culture and the complex to try to determine the purpose of the lines and figures. One theory is that the Nazca people created them to be seen by their gods in the sky. They can actually be seen from space and at least one Andes Mountain has been shaved off to allow for landings. Thousands of tons of earth and stone had to removed to create an apparent landing zone.
ported that tens of thousands of perfectly preserved mummies that have been recovered from Peru, Mexico, Bolivia and Chile, etc., are the remains of ethnic European Caucasoids with blond, red, auburn, chestnut-brown, dark brown and black hair The hair itself is, on average, 30% thinner than that of present-day Indians and is often described as “wavy” (a unique European trait). In terms of physical anthropology, the mummified people have the longer face dolichocephalic cranial index, whereas the Indian populations are classified as, predominantly, Mongoloid physiology with the brachycephalic cranial index. The elaborately prepared mummies are of people of much taller stature than the average amongst the Indian populations and their blood groups are those of ethnic Europeans. . Some of extended skulls suggest visitors from space or at least a very unusual species.
The National Museum of the Archaeology, Anthropology, and History in Lima, Peru has displays of ancient skulls that show evidence of brain surgery on beings with exceptionally large craniums. The museum claims the skulls are deformities, but these alleged deformities exist in an exclusive group of beings who were the leaders, pharaohs, kings, priests, and rulers all over the ancient world. The Andean people claim these were the gods who came from outer space and taught them advanced knowledge of medicine, biology, astronomy and advanced construction techniques.
Many of the ancient leaders in Peru and Bolivia had exceptionally large heads, and were able to withstand low temperatures and high altitude in the Andes. Professor Arthur Posnansky studied the area in the 1930‘s before much of the early stones were carried off for building a railway claims in his 50 year study “Tiahuanaco, The cradle of American Man” that the site was occupied in 15,000 B.C. prior to Egypt or Samaria. He bases this on calculations of archeoastronomy and sculptures of prehistoric animals found at the site. The construction sites are littered with stones weighing hundreds of tons. Throughout the Andes are amazing towns that include pyramids, temples and fortifications.
Peruvians Study UFOs
LIMA — The Herald of all the officers in all the armed forces of the world, perhaps none has a more unusual job than Peruvian air force Commander Julio Chamorro: to investigate — and perhaps prove — the existence of UFOs. As head of the Office to Investigate Aerial Phenomena, Chamorro directs a seven-member team in charge of studying what he calls “anomalies that could cause problems with aviation.” Ostensibly, the office investigates planes that veer off course and hang gliders that steer too close to military bases, but that’s not the crux of the work. Of the hundreds of calls received each month by the office, Chamorro says at least half are to report UFO sightings. And Chamorro believes many are credible. ”There are several mysteries that we believe are highly important and which merit our full attention.”
Chamorro said. “If we can arrive at definitive conclusions, our work will be highly beneficial to Peru and all of humanity. Just think about the technological advances if we can definitely prove the existence of spacecrafts.” Chamorro estimates that 60 percent of Peru’s population has seen an unexplainable event in the sky. Most of the calls he receives can be explained, but he says about a dozen each month are credible sightings with no easy explanation.
Example is the video taken in Chulucanas, Piura, at the end of 2001. Chamorro says it shows a huge ship sitting in the sky for nearly two hours. ”The ship made no noise and did not move. You can see the shape, which includes even windows,”
Chamorro said. Chulucanas has a long history of UFO sightings, he added. Chamorro’s office was officially organized seven years ago, but the Peruvian government’s interest in UFOs goes back decades, and there is archaeological evidence that ancient cultures were also hooked on other-worldly phenomena.
Chilca also has its own tiny piece of ancient UFO history. In the town’s museum, Rueda keeps a minuscule swath of Incan textile wrapped in brown paper for safekeeping. The textile depicts an oddly shaped nonhuman figure with antennas. Rueda says the figure is similar to the extraterrestrial being supposedly found in Roswell in 1947 and which forms the core of UFO attractions that put the town on the map. ”This proves that we are not the first people to sight UFOs here. The ancient Peruvians who inhabited Chilca also had sights and possibly contact,” he said.
Chamorro says sightings form part of Peru’s culture, and even the government has gotten in the act on and off over the years. In 1955, Carlos Paz founded Peru’s Institute for Inter-Planetary Relations to study UFOs. Paz is a mythical figure in the international UFO community and assumed the role of quasi-diplomat from Peru to civilizations beyond the solar system.
Black Budget Programs
Collective-evolution reports Edward Snowden; a former intelligence contractor has leaked documentation that proves the existence of clandestine black budget operations (programs that are extremely classified dealing with technology, information and more.) The United States has a history of government agencies existing in secret for years. The National Security Agency (NSA) was founded in 1952, its existence was hidden until the mid 1960’s. Even more secretive is the National Reconnaissance Office, which was founded in 1960 but remained completely secret for 30 years.
We are talking about Special Access Programs (SAP). From these we have unacknowledged and waived SAPs. These programs do not exist publicly, but they do indeed exist. They are better known as ‘deep black programs.’ A 1997 US Senate report described them as “so sensitive that they are exempt from standard reporting requirements to the Congress.”
The Washington Post revealed that the “black-budget” documents report a staggering 52.6 billion dollars that was set aside for operations in the fiscal year 2013. Although it’s great to have this type of documentation in the public domain proving the existence of these black budget programs, the numbers seem to be too low according to statements made by some very prominent people. There is a lot of evidence to suggest that these programs are not using billions of dollars, but trillions of dollars that are unaccounted for. Here is a statement given by Canada’s former Minister of National Defence, Paul Hellyer in 2008:
It is ironic that the U.S. would begin a devastating war, allegedly in search of weapons of mass destruction when the most worrisome developments in this field are occurring in your own backyard. It is ironic that the U.S. should be fighting monstrously expensive wars allegedly to bring democracy to those countries, when it itself can no longer claim to be called a democracy when trillions, and I mean thousands of billions of dollars have been spent on projects which both congress and the commander in chief no nothing about(2)
We are talking about large amounts of unaccounted-for money going into programs we know nothing about. There have been several congressional inquiries that have noted billions, and even trillions of dollars that have gone missing from the Federal Reserve System.
On July 16, 2001, in front of the house appropriations committee, Secretary of Defense Donald Rumsfeld stated:
The financial systems of the Dartment of Defense are so snarled up that we can’t account for some $2.6 trillion in transactions that exist, if that’s believable. We don’t really hear about black budget programs, or about people who have actually looked into them. However, the topic was discussed in 2010 by Washington Post journalists Dana Priest and William Arkin. Their investigation lasted two years and concluded that America’s classified world has: Become so large, so unwieldy and so secretive that no one knows how much money it costs, how many people it employees, how many programs exist within it or exactly how many agencies do the same work.
Another person was aviation journalist Bill Sweetman. Within the Pentagon, he estimated that 150 special access programs existed that weren’t even acknowledged. These programs are not known about by the highest members of government and the highest ranking officials in the military. He determined that most of these programs were dominated by private contractors (Lockheed Martin, Boeing, etc.) and that he had no idea as to how these programs were funded.
These programs include advanced space ships craft like TR-3 Manta.
Dwight Eisenhower, former five stars U.S. general and President of the United States also warned us about secrecy and the acquisition of unwarranted influence within the “Department of Defense” with his farewell speech:
In the council of government, we must guard against the acquisition of unwarranted influence whether sought or unsought, by the military industrial complex. The potential disaster of the rise of misplaced power exists, and will persist. We must never let the weight of this combination endanger our liberties or democratic processes.
The only other president that blew the whistle on secrecy beyond the government was President John F. Kennedy referring to the military industrial complex:
It appears some of these black budget programs deal with UFOs. Documents from the NSA prove that UFOs and extraterrestrials are of high interest to the agency and over whelming evidence suggest that these black budget programs deal with matters beyond our world. Garry McKinnon has also shed light on this fact, as have thousands of previously classified documents and statements from high level government and military personnel.
Nessie Loch Ness Monster
An amateur photographer visiting Loch Ness has captured an incredible image that some have said is the most convincing Nessie picture ever! A whisky warehouse worker by trade, Ian Bremner visited the legendary site in Scotland to snap a few photos of the area’s natural beauty. Similar to other Nessie ‘sightings,’ it was not until Bremner got home and looked closer at his photos that he spotted the incredible sight of three distinct humps emerging from the water. “When I saw it on my screen I said ‘what the hell is that?,'” he marveled to the website The Scotsman.Normally a skeptic that the legendary creature exists, Bremner conceded, “I’m starting to think there is something out there.” Indeed, the remarkable photo constitutes one of the best Nessie images ever taken. It provides a possible tantalizing glimpse of just what Nessie may be. Thanks to Website
UFO Sightings in the United States
Alabama Lights
Huntsville — I was taking pictures of the Harvest moon on September 16, 016, when an image started to appear around the moon. It was really bright and started moving. I started snapping pictures and saw many images of fast lights and moving objects that I could not explain.
I do not know what was captured in the photos, but I do feel they are unexplained and may be useful for research. Thanks to MUFON CMS
California Triangle
Hollister — A dark shaped craft follows an airliner, and appears similar to what I witnessed on September 10, 2016
At 9:43 pm in Clayton, it is seen descending and appears to enter into the earth. https://youtu.be/0wlBFeAGprU Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Disc
Florence — I was at Pathfinder Park with my wife and daughter, and took a photo of the landscape/on September 16, 2016. I framed my shot and saw a black spot on the photo preview within a couple seconds. I immediately returned my attention to the sky to try to see what it was I captured. My wife, daughter and I scanned the sky but none of us could find anything. My iPhone camera captured something. I also checked the lens to see if there was anything on it and it was clear. I also had my attention focused to this point in the sky and I should have seen birds or bugs flying around. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Rocket Explosion
Cape Canaveral — September 01st, 2016, @ 0907 HRS. (EDT)—The Space X second stage missile caught fire and exploded, just as a very peculiar object, captured on video, is seen to move through the launch area. SpaceX CEO Elon Musk revealed that the company has not ruled out an ‘unknown object’ as the cause of their recent rocket explosion.
At this writing, not much is known about the fast-moving object, but it appears to be very peculiar, and highly anomalous. A professional driver in Florida, who was carefully reviewing a CNN video in slow motion, and noticed the object streaking across the screen. The rocket’s payload, an Israeli-built communications satellite for Facebook due to launch on Saturday, was also destroyed,
In addition, preliminary photo analysis, provided to us by Mr. Gene Weed, of video footage he witnessed appears to be a solid, dimensional object. Mr. Gene Weed claims the object is a solid rounded rectangular object, with dark energy bands under the object. Study it carefully, and you can see a solid object above the dark bands. The object was observed flying away to the right after the explosion, in later frames. The publisher missed it. Thanks to Peter Davenport Website SpaceX film.
Hawaii Light
Kapaa — I was home alone reading and had an urge to go out and take photos of the sky on July 24, 2016. Weeks earlier I had seen some strange red lights in the sky but I had no phone. This time, I decided to take my phone and be ready. I could not see anything really clearly as it flickered and zipped back and forth. I have a series of photos of trails, but one shot, it came out really well.
At the time I was unsure what I had seen and it was not until I went back inside and looked at the photos in the dark that something odd showed up.
I have always wanted to see a UFO and I actually am thrilled that the photo turned out. . Yesterday I was doing my everyday Kawaihau walk before dinner and the sunset was great. I took a bunch of photos and it seems I caught something again. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Orb
Jonesburg — Received a phone call from my father that a friend had spotted what they believed to be a UFO in the sky on September 19, 2016
That person had witnessed it being stationary for hours and we did at work as well. Thanks to MUFON CMS
O’Fallon – Similar object photographed on September 19, 2016.
New Jersey Disks
Cologne — I was driving west on Cologne Port Republic Road, near NAAFAC in Absecon NJ and stopped to take pictures of a rainbow in the clouds on June 27, 2016.
There were also unusual cloud formations. I was looking through photos yesterday and never noticed these two shiny objects in the lower left quadrant before.
I can’t determine what they are or if they have any significance. If you have any opinions I would love to hear them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Mexico Orb
Espanola — I am an avid believer in ancient astronaut theory. On September 17, 2016,
I was reading Facebook posts about the strange light in the sky everyone in the area was talking about it. Fearful that I had missed my once in a lifetime opportunity to see a UFO. I ran outside and it was a stationary orb. I witnessed it change colors from blue to white to red to orange in disbelief. I called my husband at work and he told me it was real. Local news feed says it was a weather balloon that I could track. So I did but to my surprise the “path” recorded on the “weather balloon” was nowhere near northern New Mexico. Once again they are blaming a weather balloon but are we really going to buy that story again; let’s believe in the obvious and the proof. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
New York City — This is a tourist photo taken with a mobile phone. I do not have any explanation to justify the strange lights on the top of the picture on August 27, 2016, at 9:50 AM EDT
Note: The lights appear to be a reflection. At this time it is not known if the photo was taken indoors or outdoors. This question has been submitted to the witness. Any updates will be posted. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
South Carolina Light
Myrtle Beach — I was sleeping and something woke me up at 3:30 am on September 4. 2016.
I saw multi colors that I think it was a UFO. It came towards me, moved to the right, and then moved to the left, and backed up.
My hair was standing up on my neck, I was scared. I watched for over an hour, it was still there when I went back to sleep. Thanks to MUFON CMS
West Virginia Light
I was at Stonewall Resort, and three workers and I were heading to the top of the hill to get our machinery out for the morning job. It was pretty dark out and I looked up and noticed a bright light moving in the sky. I pointed it out asking what the heck it was, and one of our guys said it’s an airplane. I disagreed, airplanes have different lights. It looked like a solid light moving in a straight direction, but shifting side to side as well. I grabbed my phone and zoomed in as close as I could to get an image. We went back to work since the sun was coming up and this wasn’t my first UFO encounter. The single light was actually four lights, Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Brazil Orb
Sao Paulo – I was in a parking lot around 8 PM in Santo Andre and saw a clear beautiful full moon on September 17, 2016. So, before I entered my car, I decided to take a picture of the moon with my Nokia Lumia 1020 camera and adjusted ISO to 4000 and took two photos. In the first one, there was this object – not visible with the naked eye: huge, white, with a kind of different texture borderline, almost like a spiral. In the second picture it was simply not there.
Not sure what it was, but it really intrigued me. If anyone can, please, take a look and tell me if this is possible in a photo, I would really appreciate it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Canada Sightings
Grand Forks, Alberta – My husband took a video of my sister climbing a tree on July 15, 2016. He recorded using a slow mode feature for comic reasons.
After watching the video afterward, a black disk could be clearly seen moving swiftly across the sky at lower right.
It’s reasonable to conclude that in ‘real time’ this disk must have been moving extremely fast! Hence, the reason we did not see it while we were recording my sister. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Scarborough, Ontario — On September 2, 2016, on afternoon work break in our parking lot I witnessed a slow bright white flashing ufo close to my position at about one thousand feet altitude. I was shocked after watching for thirty seconds of its brightness. I started to film it at 3:13 pm and after a minute yelled for a co-worker to see it. He ran up beside me and he saw it and we watched it head east flashing on and off. After three minutes we both lost sight of it. In reviewing the pictures, I found four that captured the intended object out of over 20 pictures illustrating this white flashing light was star shape. Thanks once again for Filer’s Files and I appreciate your time and interest into the matter. Thanks to Paul Shishis
France Three Orbs
Corbeil Essonne — I write this post to share one of my three UFO experiences in September 1996. When I was young in the 70s’ my dad told me about all the sightings he was reading in the newspaper and he always tell me there is life up there. I was 30 years old and was living in Paris and drove to Corbeil Essonne. As we arrive at the entrance of town at 6:00 PM, we were stuck in heavy traffic. Suddenly right in front of us is a several hovering dim lights that are way too low to be a plane. The dim light on left side became the same size of the first one and the one on the right became the same size. The three lights stood still for ten seconds, and the two lights on both sides dim out and disappear. Than the middle light becomes bigger and extremely bright and all the houses around us become lit up. The light became very small and starts moving at incredible speed and disappears in the clouds. The local newspaper, “Le Parisian Essonne edition” asks witnesses to come to their gendarmerie office and to testify the sighting. I am a CGI guy so I made a simulation of the sighting Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Disc
Jamnagar — My friend and I went to Lakhota Lake in the middle of the city and we sat on bench to click some pictures on May 24, 2016. No one reviewed the pictures until today the 16th of September 2016, when I saw something tiny above my head in the picture that I posted on Instagram. It was something round with silver like surface while its bottom was darker and a bit thicker.
It had no wings on it and I was stunned. It seems to be an UFO as it was hovering unlike any aircraft. There are no helipads in the city. Its shape is more like a UFO shown on TV. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ireland Flying Object
I took the film with my car CCTV camera during travel on November 15, 2015.
The film was not converted and this is a true copy. The object is seen in slow motion and will be seen well in close pictures from the film. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Norway Disc
Gaustadtoppen – On July 8, 2016, two pictures were taken in Norway this summer at a place called Gaustadtoppen. It looks like someone may have been throwing a stone and taken a picture, but the reporter said that he did not.
Note: The object in the photo appears disk shaped, but enlargement shows it is not a perfect disk. The object could be a bird or insect that was found in the background of the photo and was not seen. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
UK/England Lights
Hergest Ridge, Kington Rural — There was a sighting shown in Colorado on George Filer’s Files web site today and the photo is included with these pictures. Attached are some of my pictures from a video of a similar object to that plus some of it when it was a diamond shape.
The diamond shape is not lens aperture as the diamond shapes do not occur central in the frame, they are at the top and in corners, which would not be possible if the shapes were not actually in these locations.
These were from March 2016, taken over the England and Wales border looking towards Hergest Ridge, which is a historic area.
Note: Only one image sent by the witness is included in this report. Some of the images sent by the witness look similar to the above photo taken in Silt, Colorado. The diamond shaped image is only included in this posting because the witness specifically references it in his report.
The witness is referring to the following sighting listed on George Filer’s Files #38 Nationalufocenter.com:
Kirkcaldy — Between 1 am and/2 am I went outside to look at the moon which was unusually bright on September 8, 2016. I see two objects about 5″ apart from my perspective with star-like appearance. They are moving apart but with the same trajectory towards the moon. They are almost directly above me and zigzagging at 90 degrees every second, but keeping the same trajectory from my perspective zigzagging by 1/2 mm.
I watched them for a few minutes then I went indoors. I have seen satellites and these were not them. They were very far away and very bright which would mean they were extremely large for me to see them. I don’t know if the moon was illuminating them. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
© Copyright 2015 National UFO Center by Charles Warren & George Filer
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