Filer's Files

Filer’s Files 8, 2021 ISS Views Alien Space Ships


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Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF

New Jersey State Director

MUFON Eastern Region Director

In special reports, this week’s files cover: President Thomas Jefferson and UFOs, ISS Views of Space Ships, UAP Expeditions, Water Planets Are Common,  Rover Lands on Mars in fake sky Color on March 1, 2021,, China’s Giant Ionosphere-Zapping Radar Is a Defense System, Genocide in China. Shadow Book and C-60 Carbon

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Florida, Georgia, Illinois, New Jersey, Tennessee, Texas, and Virginia.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Afghanistan, France, Germany, Portugal, Puerto Rico, and England in the United Kingdom.

The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.

Special Projects

Former US President Thomas Jefferson Was Informed About a UFO

History: 200 Years Ago, Former US President Thomas Jefferson Was Informed About a UFO Sighting

The unidentified flying object was seen some 200 years ago. Apparently, it “assumed the shape of a turtle and then that of a human skeleton” ascending and descending rapidly, according to mail which was reprinted in 2010 in The Papers of Thomas Jefferson: Retirement Series.

Thomas Jefferson was an American Founding Father and the principal author of the Declaration of Independence. He was a man who was informed about one of the first UFO sightings in the history of the United States.

Thomas Jefferson (April 13, 1743 – July 4, 1826) was an American statesman, diplomat, lawyer, architect, philosopher, and Founding Father who served as the third president of the United States from 1801 to 1809.

He had previously served as the second vice president of the United States between 1797 and 1801. The principal author of the Declaration of Independence. Former US President Thomas Jefferson

ISS Views of Space Ships

STS 88 mission in Dec of 1998. Captures UFOs

Scott C. Waring reports on April 18, 2015, I got into the http:/// index that looks like only people with passwords get in, or not. I got in, but the photos of these UFOs are 100% gone. I did find out these photos were taken during the STS 88 mission in Dec of 1998.
This is a screenshot of the start screen area. It takes you into other areas only for employees I guess, but nothing is here. The direct link to the photos is locked.
I found that links have been changed. Here is what I found that work under different URLs. Google tried to bury them. NASA tried to move them so they have proof they didn’t delete them forever… NASA!

UFO Sighting Photos leaked out of NASA-Johnson Space Center, 100% clear UFOs in high detail updated on May 8, 2017: Most photos on this post have been deleted for unknown reasons! I am replacing them as fast as I can find them on this site.

NSA, CIA and other black programs are out to scrub this info from the net. I won’t allow that. Below are new added photos and close ups. SCW

Aliens dock ship at ISS to have meeting on live cam,

Strmg shaped object appears to be attached to ISS on January 29, 2014, UFO Sighting News.

Updated: February 6, 2014, the full footage of the UFO was released by Streetcap1 of YouTube today. Many thanks to him for letting us view it. I will put the video directly below this sentence. SCW

This was caught by Streetcap1 of YouTube and yes its 100% real. I have followed this guy and his research for two years and he has never tried deceiving anyone. He, like me only seeks the truth. We also need to think about it being US military…is this Falcon Hypersonic HTV-2 made by DARPA that disappeared? Maybe it’s never been gone, but orbiting Earth. SCW

Here before us we see a long light yellow UFO parked alongside the ISS hull. There is no intent to hide itself or partly cloak, so we know the aliens and the astronauts on ISS know of this which makes us conclude…aliens and NASA had a meeting.

Abductees often claim to be taken aboard a huge mile long alien ship. They state they are taken into rooms with gray aliens but a human looking alien seems to be in charge. Looking out a port hole they can see the Earth from space.

I speculate it’s  just one of many, but to actually catch it on video is mind-blowing. This is not a glare…notice how the light changes and the UFO is a solid object near the ISS. It looks small, but it is about 10 meters across or more. I sure would like to be a fly on the wall during that meeting. SCW


When I asked Streetcap1 if he had any more footage of the UFOs he stated today: “Yes, it was there for some time. Kept the video short though as it does not move then they go to blue screen.”

I viewed this cylinder object on Naas’s Live ISS feed Tuesday May 28, 2019 at 12:32 am. I took this photo and blew it up that looks like might be a cylinder object perhaps a mother ship and not a reflection. I’d like to add that that someone reported seeing on the ISS camera recently that was round with holes inside it. This object appears miles long, although it is difficult to judge size in space. I did view another odd incident I believe was a day after viewing the cylinder. It was like a falling star on horizon… I was snapping a shot as NASA cut the live feed. Is this craft coming from the moon? Thanks to UFO Sightings Daily

UAP Expeditions

SOCAL Mission Statement: The mission of UAP Expeditions (an Oregon non-profit UFO organization) is to provide a free public service field-testing UAP related technologies. Our top notch team of physicists, research scientists and trained observers captures and records broad-spectrum evidentiary data from UAP sightings. Partnering with technology developers and entrepreneurs at no direct cost to them, our team tests new equipment and devices featuring multiple data capturing modalities. We hope to provide unassailable scientific evidence that UAP objects are real, UAP objects are findable and UAP objects are knowable.

UAPx plans to anchor off San Clemente Island during mid-November —the same time the TIC TAC encounters occurred and also when whale migration happens. A small crew of scientists and trained observers will use new UAP technologies to observe any would-be UAP.

The USS Nimitz Strike Group encountered numerous UAP in the Southern California Naval Operating Areas in December 2004.

The well-documented incident involved numerous eyewitness accounts from pilots, radar operators and technicians. In total, approximately 100  UAPs objects were observed flying in small formations of five to ten objects each. The successive formations of craft were initially detected in the vicinity of Catalina Island and were tracked by the USS Princeton’s SPY-1 radar, then fading from radar coverage in the vicinity of Guadalupe Island.

UF) or UAPs Chased from Catalina Island to Guadalupe Island

Guadalupe Island or Isla Guadalupe is a volcanic island located 241 kilometers (150 mi) off the west coast of Mexico’s Baja California Peninsula. The formations of craft maintained 28,000 feet at a rate of 100 knots. When approached by several F/A-18 Super hornets vectored in from the Nimitz, the objects were observed to behave like “some super capable flock of birds,” acting as though they simply wanted to be left alone as they “migrated” south.

The UAP appear with a certain frequency. Do the UAP appear in conjunction with gray whale migration from Catalina Island to Guadelupe Island? Maybe they are hunting food. Can we now observe UAP on our own terms? The UAPx Team Thanks to

Possible Alien Underwater Base

Possible Aliein Base off the coast of Mexico and Baha Californi

The first underwater edifice was spotted on July 15 by YouTube user MEXICOGEEK just off the coast of the Gulf of California and conspiracy theorists are already calling the remains of a massive alien city with possible pyramids. Measuring over 70 miles in length, the strange structure looks like it was constructed with geometric patterns in mind. Its symmetry and straight lines stretching for tens of miles seem to rule out any natural formation, favoring the intelligently-designed hypothesis.

Scott C. Waring UFO Sighting’s Daily ‘believes this alien base is connected to all the UFO sightings coming out of Mexico and the entire Central America. And US West

Coast “This base is huge and it’s no wonder why we hear about so many UFO sightings over Mexico,” he writes. “This base is just 45 miles away from the Mexican coast. The chances of this being an intelligently-made structure… I put that at 100 percent.”


Water Planets Are Common Credit: NASA/Ames/JPL-Caltech

This artist’s conception shows habitable-zone planets with similarities to Earth. From left: Kepler-22b, Kepler-69c, Kepler-452b, Kepler-62f and Kepler-186f. Last in line is Earth itself.

“Water worlds” are incredibly common throughout the Milky Way galaxy, a new study suggests. Alien life on water planets may have developed bases on the Earth. Many stories of UFOS involve the craft entering and leaving the water. Google Earth show underwater surfaces that suggest underwater bases and mining. The US Navy forbids its ships to go into certain places where UAPs are often seen.

Midsize alien planets — those two to four times larger than Earth — tend to harbor huge amounts of water, according to the research. Indeed, some of these exotic worlds are probably up to 50 percent water by weight. (Our seemingly wet Earth, by contrast, is just 0.02 percent water by weight.)

“Our data indicate that about 35 percent of all known exoplanets which are bigger than Earth should be water-rich,” study leader Li Zeng, a postdoctoral fellow in the Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences at Harvard University, said in a statement. “It was a huge surprise to realize that there must be so many water worlds.” [Gallery: The Strangest Alien Planets]

Editor’s Note: Many UFOs or UAPs are seen coming in or out of the water indicating alien bases are under water. These aliens may originate in a planet rich in water that has obtained space flight. Certain African tribes and Samarians claimed they were taught by aliens who were coming out of the water. There have been stories of Mermaids and Mermen for centuries often by the Captains of ships. Enki the epic water god helps humanity and plays a major role in Akkadian, Babylonian, and Mesopotamian history of the Atrahasis, which is the Mesopotamian version of the Great Flood.

                Enki was responsible for the creation  of those who would serve the gods. The gods were over worked and needed help. Enki along with Nammu created the human race. This race of humans multiplied quickly, and Enlil, the chief deity, became irritated. He was very compassionate in nature. His desire to nurture humans and favor their side over the gods, as well as a tendency towards solving rather than starting conflicts, balanced out his lustful deviance.

Underwater Mining

A 35 mile across terra-formed on the Pacific Ocean sea bed a hundred miles east of Taiwan appears to be mining operations and structures shown on Google Earth. At the bottom of the underwater floor are tubes similar to those found on Mars.

Face of Possible Marine Humanoids Underwater

Labeled Central Basin Trough 17,580 feet deep is an apparent carved face. That can be found on Google Earth under the word Trough 500 miles east of Philippines. The apparent carving of the face is similar to the faces found on Mars and indicates alien intelligence wanted to know how they looked and lives here on Earth probably underwater

Thanks to Google Earth


Using Google maps found these underwater mining


Pacific Ocean Underwater Mining

Underwater Mining 35 mile across terra-formed on the Pacific Ocean sea bed a hundred miles east of Taiwan appears to be mining operations and structures shown on Google Earth. At the bottom of the underwater floor are tubes similar to those found on Mars.

An alien life form living underwater would need various minerals to produce flying craft that have frequently been seen.

The bottom of the ocean has some of these precious minerals and it appears someone is mining at various points around the Earth.

 Rover Lands on Mars in fake sky Color Mars 

The Mars Perseverance Rover landed on Mars on February 18, 2021, and will search for signs of ancient microbial life, which will advance NASA’s quest to explore the past habitability of Mars. The rover has a drill to collect core samples of Martian rock and soil, and then store them in sealed tubes for pickup by a future mission that would ferry them back to Earth for detailed analysis. Perseverance will also test technologies to help pave the way for future human exploration of Mars.

Strapped to the rover’s belly for the journey to Mars is a technology demonstration — the Mars Helicopter, Ingenuity, may achieve a “Wright Brothers moment “by testing the first powered flight on the Red Planet.

Searching for Ancient Life, Gathering Rocks and Soil

  • There are several ways that the mission helps pave the way for future human expeditions to Mars and demonstrates technologies that may be used in those endeavors. These include testing a method for producing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, identifying other resources (such as subsurface water), improving landing techniques, and characterizing weather, dust, and other potential environmental conditions that could affect future astronauts living and working on Mars. MissionOverview

Searching for Ancient Life, Gathering Rocks and Soil

There are several ways that the mission helps pave the way for future human expeditions to Mars and demonstrates technologies that may be used in those endeavors. These include testing a method for producing oxygen from the Martian atmosphere, identifying other resources (such as subsurface water), improving landing techniques, and characterizing weather, dust, and other potential environmental conditions that could affect future astronauts living and working on Mars.

All address key astrobiology questions related to the potential of Mars as a place for life. The first three consider the possibility of past microbial life. Even if Perseverance does not discover any signs of past life, it paves the way for human life on Mars someday.


Editor’s Note: Each summer growing algae turns green on Mars in temperatures as high of 90 degrees near the equator. In 1997, NASA Scientist and Biospherics’ President and CEO, Dr. Gilbert V. Levin, announced his new conclusion that his 1976 Viking Labeled Release (LR) life detection experiment found living microorganisms in the soil of Mars. Objective application of the scientific process to 21 years of continued research and to new developments on Mars and Earth forced this conclusion. Of all the many hypotheses offered over the years to explain the LR Mars results, the only possibility fitting all the relevant data is that microbial life exists in the top layer of the Martian surface.

For some unknown reason NASA turns most photos red, here is actual color of blue sky taken in Viking photos. High ranking NASA personnel have told me there is life on Mars but it’s classified information.

This is the real sky color on Mars along with algae on various Viking rocks.

 Security and Policy Studies Paper

Pentagon Studies UAPs

Jack Sarfatti writes on 02/12/2020 17:11

EXECUTIVE SUMMARY: In June 2020, the Senate Select Committee on Intelligence unveiled the Unidentified Aerial Phenomena Task Force (UAPTF) at the Office of Naval Intelligence—a successor to the Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP). This paper dives down the rabbit hole with Defense Department insiders, scientists, and declassified material to find answers to a host of questions: Are mystery craft near-peer adversary platforms or exotic US platforms? What is the technology behind them? What kind of threat do they pose? What are the geostrategic implications? And what are we not being told? All good, Sherck a smart guy from

1979 yes.


                 Keith Wanser                           Jack Sarfati

 However, don’t lose sight that Keith Wanser and I have a very simple way to get anti-gravity in metamaterials at low energy by simply tweaking the relative phase between INPUT (G/c^4)S(x)Tuv(x) and OUTPUT Guv(x) where both the spin 0 scalar metamaterial susceptibility field S(x) and the EM stress-energy tensor inside meta-material Tuv had dissipative imaginary parts from inelastic pump photon-electro/ion scattering resonances.

Therefore, as shown in Ch 23 Volume One Feynman Lectures on Physics – just like the classical forced LRC oscillator.

Likely China is Controlling the Jet Stream Bring Storms

Weather TV reports the worst snow storms and cold in fifty years, lower temperatures than ever recorded in Texas and 3 million homes without electrical power causin the deth of seventh people.. Wake up people China broadcasts on State media they are at war with US.  China has the capability to affect the jet steam pushing or pulling it north into freezing air in Canada.

February 21 map 6z of 135 MPH of Jet Stream from Chan to US.

Jet Stream Crosses China and heads north into Canada and Dips Down to TexasChina ha the HAARP  Facilities and the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, building the largest single dish radio telescope, or racing other nations to the nuclear fusion finish line—experts think the new facility is more interested in military matters than discovering the secrets of Earth’s upper atmosphere. H.A.A.R.P.  refers to: High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program, an investigation project to understand, simulate and control ionospheric processes .The storms generally follow the jet stream of high wind so it appears China is changing the course of the jet stream to go North into Canada and then south into Texas an up to the Northeast t

Communist China has never stopped trying to destroy the U.S. Powerful particle accelerates can push or pull the Jet Stream up into the northern latitudes to bring cold air and snow to the U.S.

 Three Communist Chinese HAARO Facilities in the Gobi Desert

The jet stream has brought large snow storms caused by air chilled in Northern Canada being blown south with the jet stream into the U.S. after passing through China.” More snow than ever recorded throughout much of the US. The jet stream is a band of strong wind that blows in the upper level of the atmosphere and acts as a kind of boundary between cold air in the north and warm air to the south. The jet stream typically blows relatively straight west to east, but every so often a kink forms that changes its direction. This kink can occur naturally or by design perhaps in China. The shape of this kink is  unusual. We haven’t seen something like this in about 10 years and suggest a nation such as Communist China is controlling the jet stream. Chinese facility is similar to the US HAARP run by the University of Alaska in many ways but three times larger with much greater power’s.

In 2018  preliminary experiments – conducted in June, and ostensibly designed as a test-case for future related ionosphere research – had extreme effects.

In one of the experiments, the affected area of ionosphere disturbance reportedly covered 126,000 square kilometres (49,000 square miles). In another test, ionised gas in the atmosphere increased in heat by 100 degrees Celsius (212 degrees Fahrenheit).

“We are not playing God,” an unidentified researcher who asked to remain nameless told the South China Morning Post.

HAARP effecting the atmosphere and Ionosphere

The big difference is motivation: the main purpose of the facility is apparent in its incredibly strategic locations in the Gobi desert and one in the South China Sea. China could even use the new array as a transmitter for ELF radar to detect submarines at long range

Science Plus Military Equals Power China already leads the world in scientific output by stealing ours, and now its science is joining forces with its invigorated military ambitions. The new administration is leading us down a disastrous path of weakness.

There is speculation these facilities effecting the ionosphere  is  earthquake-producing, hurricane-causing super weapon that many conspiracy theorists fear, but it may be the beginning of a major power shift in the world.

         Three Chinese HAARP Facilities in Gobi Desert

         Biden dismisses Moslem Genocide as part of China’s ‘Different Norms’

February 17, 2021 |   8:24am By

President Biden is dismissing the genocide

Emily Jacobs reports President Biden is dismissing

the genocide against the Uighur population in China, dubbing the mass internment a “different norm” — despite the State Department this month responding to “atrocities” in the camps, following reports of systemic rape and torture.

The commander-in-chief made the remarks after being asked during his CNN town hall Tuesday evening about his recent conversation with his Chinese counterpart, starting his response by relaying Xi’s justification for the abuses.

“If you know anything about Chinese history, it has always been, the time when China has been victimized by the outer world.

Communist Chin’s President Xi ling and Vice President Biden

This when they haven’t been unified at home,” Biden began. “So the central — well, vastly overstated — the central principle of Xi Jinping is that there must be a united, tightly controlled China.”

Biden is sending millions of dollars to abort babies all over the world and in the US even after the babies are born in states like New York.

The Uyghur’s have traditionally inhabited a series of oases scattered across Northern China. Communist China has been accused of genocide and shocking human rights abuses over its treatment of the Uighurs.

Massacre of Moslems in China aims at nothing less than destroying Islam in Xingjian.

Human rights groups and international observers allege that around one million men and women from the mostly Muslim ethnic minority group have been detained in a sprawling network of “re-education” camps in the northwestern Xinjiang province.

The Chinese Communist Party has come under increasing pressure from the global community this month after a BBC report detailed horrific, first-hand accounts of systematic rape, sexual abuse and torture of female detainees. Allegedly they are worked hard with little food until they die and their body parts are sold on the medical market.

The Chinese Communist Party has come under increasing pressure from the global community this month after a BBC report detailed horrific, first-hand accounts of systematic rape, sexual abuse and torture of female detainees. The Chinese Communist Party has come under increasing pressure from the global community this month after a BBC report detailed horrific, first-hand accounts of systematic rape, sexual abuse and torture of female detainees.

Chinese lab probed in COVID-19 outbreak to receive US funds until 2024: report

How China became a notorious executioner with injections and firing squads


 No. 2 of The Seven trilogy

Shadows, Fred Ellis Brock’s second novel of The Seven trilogy, have been released. It is a cross-genre thriller involving kidnapping, murder, romance, and UFO conspiracies. It is published by Wyatt-MacKenzie Publishing. The third novel, Secrets, will be published in the summer of 2021. The first novel, The Seven, came out last June. Shadows and The Seven are available wherever books are sold, but if you’re looking online at places like Amazon, many books have “seven” and “shadows” in the title. Best to search for the author’s name. More information at

In Shadows, best-selling author Bill Sanders reluctantly returns to his hometown almost a year after an old Friend, Paul Watson, was murdered while the two were searching for Paul’s missing ten-year-old daughter. Paul had sworn to Bill that the girl was abducted by a UFO. Only after Paul’s death did Bill come to know that his friend was telling the truth. Bill also learns of the existence of an ultra-secret group called The Seven and its shocking role in the UFO phenomenon.

Bill also makes an astonishing discovery about his and Paul’s pasts with UFOs and aliens. This, along with a letter from a dead man about the earlier death of Bill’s wife, sets him on a collision course with The Seven.

UFO Sightings in the United States

Sightings are from MUFON CMS

Alaska Light

Wasilla – February 17, 2021, I have seen UFO’s and I have pictures. These are not fake pictures. Yes, they are UFO pictures. I have seen UFO’s all of this year. My sightings are in Wasilla, Alaska at night time around 7:30 PM to 9 PM.

Note: The object in the photo is not the sun because sunset was much earlier and it was not a bright star or planet because skies were cloudy. I also don’t believe that the object (light) is due to a reflection of ground lights because it is too low on the horizon. The witness has taken several other photos of bright light objects on various dates. Thanks to Will Pucket/

Arizona Light

Kingman — February 12, 2021. @ 8 pm was out back when two low flying craft past overhead. They were low enough that I was able to count 6 lights (3 white in front of 3 red) blinking in successions of 3 on the third blink it appeared brightest. Absolutely no sound which gave me a creepy feeling because they were so close. As the closest craft past overhead the other one furthest moved up and away fast in altitude as if to be over watch for the other that maintained an arcing path to the left over the entire city. As I watched the one craft still at a low altitude fly over Kingman I noticed a third craft very high towards the left view already positioned like the second I watched climb. After a few minutes of watching this craft move towards Vegas. I got my camera and tripod and filmed what I believe to be some of the other high craft that may or may not be part of the same group. I felt compelled to document this so I drew what I seen to share. Also, the video doesn’t have the same appearance of the craft that went overhead.

California Object

Long Beach –on February 15, 2021, while doing my exercise I paused to look and see a boomerang shaped craft about the size of two football fields. I thought it was too wide to be a military plane (and those make a ton of noise). I could not see a fuselage nor red or green lights at the ‘wing’ tips. The white lights it had remained constant. The outline towards the back was dim even before going off in the distance. The craft’s speed was consistent. I will attach an artist’s rendition of what I saw.

Colorado Triangle on Moon

Divide – on November 19, 2019, casually taking pictures on a family vacation to COLORADO & I kept seeing a dark object reflecting off the moon so I zoomed in to get pictures & was shocked what I got on film then I kept zooming in until it was clear I was seeing something strange & bizarre; there’s a glow of gases or fuels around it too, yellowish haze

Florida Lights

Orange City – September 15,, 2020 –strange reddish glowing objects seen in the sky so I took a couple of videos and some still shots over last couple months. The videos are from September 15, 2020, I work in a dirt pit on East French Ave. I do security 3 nights a week. Please let me know what you think. It’s not fire or smoke.

Note: The still images look like fire, but the witness said that no fires occurred. Thus far the witness has been unable to provide the video. If the video is received, it will be added to the report. The fire could be satellite lasers. Thanks to Will Pucket/

Georgia Light

Bishop – January 6, 2021, while driving home from work I saw an odd Tic-Tac shaped object in the sky, accompanied by 1-2 other lights to the top left (video 1). 12 days later while also coming home from work I spotted lights flashing from the same area .I return to the location to see a moving boomerang like object, which then vanishes, returns, and leaves again, leaving behind an odd orb like light followed by more lights. To see all of the flashing lights I posted the recordings to YouTube with slowed down versions for optimal viewings of the sighting.

Illinois Light

East Bloomington — February 14, 2021, around 10:30 pm my family and I witnessed a vertical beam of light from our back deck for about two hours. The beam was very bright and had a vertical dark line going down through the center which you could see pulses of a bright light running up and down it. There were other less bright vertical beams but they were only visible for a very short time. The actual beam never moved locations but would sometimes disappear and then reappear but always in the exact same spot. The weather for the day was very cold, wind chills in the negatives. The cloud cover was low and thick due to an impending snowstorm forecast for today (15th). Our regional airport is located just east of this beam a couple of miles. I know the location of the runways and the lights they use in bad weather and this was not that. This is paranormal or something natural occurring. It certainly didn’t look natural with the pulsating light inside it going up and down. I have about a two minute video I took from my Samsung A71 phone where you can see the pulsing.

New Jersey Saucer

Manasquan Passaic – on January 2021, I observed a UFO off the Manasquan, NJ coast… was stationary for a few moments then straight up it went straight up out of the cameras’  line of sight…..time duration was brief but long enough for me to observe for several seconds…..20 or so seconds

It appeared to look like this photo the ‘ A ‘ typical shape, two saucers like plates or coffee cup saucers stacked one on another and had a dome-shaped top

Tennessee Object

Nashville –on February 4 2021, I took pictures of Nashville skyline. When I cropped the picture I noticed an object in upper right corner in the picture. I immediately took a video because I could not see the object without looking thru the camera/phone. Initially I thought it was a reflective distortion from my windshield. After further review I noticed the clouds passing in front of the object and lights traversing on the object in the beginning of the video. I also noticed, from additional still photos, that the 2 whitish wing like structures changed positions from above the object to below the object before it vanished. It also seemed to be projecting something or that something was being projected.

Texas Objects

Vidor – on February 14, 2021, was viewing ISS satellite right around midnight New Years Eve and an object came into view. It went from right to left across screen very quickly. I was able to snap two photos before it disappeared off screen.

Ft. Worth — On November 1, 2020, I saw three white lights in the sky moving slowly as if attached to a craft.

Virginia Black Triangle

Aldie – on August 19, 2020, a black triangle object slowly rotating silently and drifting across sky

Worldwide UFO Sightings

Afghanistan Object

Kandahar — September 14, 2014, hypersonic flying object with aerodynamically features that cannot exist with actual physics fluid laws.
Propulsion not known, but probably magnetic.
No sound even being many times above sound speed.
Sound reverberation captured by the camera through a thick windshield where the camera was attached.
Digital hugs definition camera capture a video that human eyes were unable to capture it by itself.

France Lights

ST MAUR DES FOSSE – on February 5, 2021, there have been several sightings, in January from 18 to 23 February, 5 from 6 to 11:30 p.m. February 6 between 6.30 am and 8.30 am. Several very powerful lights, sometimes white, red, yellow and orange. Some stayed fixed,
others moved very slowly. No noise we have several videos and photos taken with the
cell phone. The coordinates were southwest 220.

Russia Object

Moscow — February 3, 2021, if you watch this RT News broadcast, you will notice two dark oval objects fly past. The objects seem to be flying so close they are almost stacked one upon the other. They are moving incredibly fast and I put it into slow motion at the end of the video to see them better. Sorry, no sound but honestly, it looks like aliens are trying to show up on the news. Ever since Obama was sworn in where CNN was broadcasting and they noticed an incredibly small and fast object shoot past behind them. More and more news casts are getting UFOs flying in the background…not by accident, but on purpose to expose the public to the truth slowly. It seems aliens are taking serous steps at getting caught in the news live broadcasts. Source video: Thanks to Scott C. Waring – Taiwan

UK/England Lights

Campbeltown – on February 15, 2021, just saw something flash past the Star link rocket booster, rewound and slowed down it looked structural. There is also 1 still that shows a strange looking shape.

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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.


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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.

Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law

Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.


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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar

Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.

Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said

The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to 



Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.

George Filer

MUFON Eastern Region Director Chief Editor National UFO Center Major USAF ret. Graduated BS from Bradley U and Masters's Degree from Central Michigan University

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