U23 2022
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
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I use Carbon 60 to help my back, knees, elbow and fingers joints, and dark spots on my skin and repair my gums. Carbon 60 has long been known as a natural detoxifier but up until now has never been of this tiny size and orbit small enough to enter the millions of cells where many toxins are trapped and bring these cells back to health. Increase your speed, strength, healing, and vitality. Please tell them Filer sent you 303-521-4001 for our Here for a Special Offer!
Special reports are: UFOs Disable U.S. Nuclear Missiles, ISS Attracts UFOs, Mountain Base in Nepal, Alien Hitchhiker Effect , Photo from Apollo 11 Moon flight of Alien Craft, ‘Naked Alien’ Photographed, B-21 Raider, We Can Modify the Weather, Greska Carbon 60, and Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Florida, Maine, Maryland, Midwest, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Tennessee ,and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Estonia, France, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors. Like my site? Spread the word!
Special Reports
UFOs Disable U.S. Nuclear Missiles
Captain Robert Silas
At the MUFON Conference I had a nice talk with Captain Robert Silas who was one of six former Air Force officers and a former enlisted man stepped forward in Washington last September to say that they’d seen or had been directly involved with UFO sightings at Malmstrom and F. E. Warren nuclear missile sites.
These sightings began at the dawn of the Cold War and continued through the 1970s. At this press conference, organized by UFO researcher Robert Hastings, these men told the media that they were encouraged not to speak of these sightings by their superiors, and in some cases, were required to sign secrecy oaths. Robert Silas who I talked with on Sunday, told me, he felt the UFOs were able to attack and knock out 800 kiloton nuclear missiles ”
He was able to obtain formally classified data about the sighting and cold now tell what happened on March 16, 1967, he was 60 feet below ground working a 24-hour shift monitoring a launch-control center outfitted with 10 nuclear Minuteman missiles. They were in charge of ten Minuteman Missile which each had an 8 Kiloton nuclear weapon.
Minuteman One Missile
“I got a call from the topside guard, telling me they were watching some strange red lights flying around in the sky, making odd maneuvers. They didn’t think they were airplanes because they were going amazingly fast, turning on a dime and not making a bit of noise.” Salas, the co-author of “Faded Giant”, was a first lieutenant in 1967, serving as a missile-launch officer while stationed at Malmstrom Air Force Base in Montana with Minuteman missiles. The security Police were very frightened of the UFO Activity. It was a critical situation. The missile lights turned from green to red indicating the missiles were undauntable. All our missiles were disabled, every single one of them. The missiles could not be launched if needed. This was an explicable situation. Salas thought we were under some sort of attack. There were no electrical problems but the ten Minuteman 1 missiles could not be launched.
It was definitely a UFO that shut down our missiles” It was right over our facility. Aliens Stop Nukes? |. Nick Pope investigates the story of nuclear missiles shutting down unexpectedly at the same time UFOs appear above an Air Force base. Only something unknown and very strange could disable the missiles. I believe it must have been extraterrestrial in its nature.
There was a critical situation with the Soviet Block five years after the Cuban Missile situation. The UFOs made no sound and had maneuverability far in advance of any earth tire craft, even if it were Soviet , I doubt they could shut our missiles down just flying above them. Salas worked for the Federal Aviation Administration in aircraft structures for 22 years and so he knows his aircraft and these were not normal aircraft. The electrical systems were not shut down in any way, and we had no electrical problems but something else shut down the missiles. Experts came into the area and examined the missiles for days trying to come up with reasons why the missiles failed. He Air Force and its contractors could not explain why these incidents happened. It was definitely a UFO that shut down our missiles. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vwzBO3LsGSQ
ISS Attracts UFOs
August 4, 2016 at 10:55 am GMT
An Astronaut revealed that when a UFO was picked up by ground radar he was warned to pick up his camera and take a video of the upcoming UFO. The distance from the ISS is revealed and told to get ready to film. The object is now in sight moving so quickly passed that he misses the craft. NASA of course denies that there was a UFO, it was a spot on the window, some sort of debris, and any excuse that can be thought up.
John Lenard Walson invented a new gadget capable of extending his amateur telescope resolution.
John Lenard Walson invented a gadget capable of extending his telescope resolution
Why does the ISS turn off the feed to the camera every time something comes up that’s interesting? Seriously, if everything has a prosaic explanation, why are we turning off the feed? ‘What was that NASA engineer? There were dead zones and we lost contact with the ISS?’ Oh, really? Even when sharing an orbit with Starlink and other satellites? Okay. But, the cameras themselves don’t shut off, right? They keep recording in real-time and that data is downloaded when you reconnect. We talked to the ground video tech person who explained he was told to cut off the feed on any UFOs/UAPs/Spaceships.
John Lenard Walson invented a gadget capable of extending his telescope resolution. https://www.gofundme.com/f/2n6cp7w
I assume when you’re in space, on an ISS ship that’s got a skin of aluminum thinner than a tuna can, and even a paint chip in orbit could punch a hole in your life support system, or put a dent in your but the bulletproof glass- you might want to know what’s in orbit with you. There should be cameras facing everywhere off the station, which should be on 24/7 and you might want as many eyes scanning for objects as you can get! Not just four high-definition cameras, but fifty!
Has the International Space Station inadvertently caught sight of an “Interstellar” Space Station hovering nearby? Or is a blurry streak that UFO hunters have found in new NASA footage filmed out the window of the space station merely a window reflection? Let the most likely explanation win.
On Sept. 11, YouTube user Danie Doria posted footage from the ISS’s live camera feed, which streams over the Web. In his annotated footage, he points out a faint, elongated white shape with a neat row of faint white dots next to it set against the blackness of space just below the curve of the Earth.
Ufologist Marc D’Antonio, chief photo and video analyst for the Mutual UFO Network (MUFON), says, “Basically when you’re looking at any object, if there’s a window between you and the object, the window is always suspect. Your first move in trying to identify the object is to try to eliminate that it’s a reflection,” D’Antonio told Life’s Little Mysteries. By his reckoning, this video doesn’t make it past that first elimination round. For one thing, the object in question is in a different plane of focus from Earth, he said. A camera set to focus on maximum distance would capture both the Earth and any other faraway object in the same focal plane. This implies the white blur is actually not far away, but instead nearby: a reflection hitting the camera from the window inches in front of it. Second, the fact that this object raised no alarm bells with the ISS crew or ground control suggests they’ve seen it all before. “It was simply assumed by the ground control folks that this was a reflection in the window, because most of them are,” D’Antonio said. [7 Things Most Often Mistaken for UFOs].
Scott Waring was looking at the ISS live cam and captured this unusual large UFO near the ISS. I would estimate from its size that it’s about 500 meters away from the ISS and could easily be as large as the space station itself.
The simple fact that this glowing UFO was visible so long, over 1 minute, and then vanished behind the ISS shows us that the object is between the Earth and the space station and is not a reflection on the window of the ISS. This confirms without a doubt that something was out there.
Sorry for my computer cursor circling the object, but I was excited. At the end of the video, I put a close up of the UFO. It seems to have four round glowing parts to it. The ISS was on the dark side of the Earth and the UFO was between the ISS and Earth itself.
The astronauts were actually talking just 2 min before and after, but it was about the air-conditioning on the ISS and how to fix some units so I didn’t want to bore the viewers with that long wait. Reference: UFO Sightings Daily the area. Scott C. Waring www.ufosightingsdaily.com
Mountain Base in Nepal
Cave entrance at top of photo, lake at bottom. Location of sighting at Kang Tanga Himalaya Mountain, Nepal Coordinates: 27°47’43.40″N 86°49’6.40″E
This is an excellent discovery by Mexico Geek of You tube. This is along the highest ridge
only visible with high end digital equipment. Meaning this could be a entrance way for UFOs to enter and exit, but a holographic wall is created to cover up so no one will notice it. It’s actually on the wall of a cliff, so that not the direction any climber would take.
Second, Google may have deliberately covered up this area so that we cannot see a top-secret government military facility. There are newer and more secret bases located around the globe. UFOs are frequently seen in Nepal.
Alien Hitchhi ker Effect
Hitchhiker Effect
I n September 2008 the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) initiated a $22 million, two-year contract with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Studies (BAASS) to scientifically study UFOs and their effects on humans. I n September 2008 the Defense Intelligence Agency (DIA) initiated a $22 million, two-year contract with Bigelow Aerospace Advanced Studies (BAASS) to scientifically study UFOs and their effects on humans using strange occurrences at the Skinwalker Ranch.. The Advanced Aerospace Threat Identification Program (AATIP)[1] was an unclassified but unpublicized investigatory effort funded by the United States Government to study unidentified flying objects (UFOs) or unexplained aerial phenomena (UAP).[ The program was first made public on December 16, 2017 by the New York Times. One area of investigation initiated by AAWSAP involved the (in)famous Skinwalker Ranch where multiple UFO sightings had taken place over decades as well as a plethora of anomalies that included cattle mutilations, sightings of orbs of different colors, discarnate entities, underground disturbances, and poltergeist activity. The phenomenon of ranch visitors bringing something home with them became the rule. Even ranch owner and BAASS founder Robert Bigelow reported numerous anomalies and unusual activity in his home for years after visiting Skinwalker Ranch. There are strange abandoned tunnels, mines, caves, and UFOs in canyons in Skinwalker Ranch territory where unusual creatures and manufactured rare earths have been found possible part of a buried UFO.
All five DIA military personnel deployed to the ranch experienced profound anomalies while on the property, and more importantly, all five “brought something home” with them.
Skinwalker Ranch,
“But the Hitchhiker Effect is not unique to Skinwalker Ranch,” stated researcher Dr. Colm A. Kelleher. The AATIP research team found that even close encounters with UFOs in locations unrelated to Skinwalker Ranch produced a version of the Hitchhiker Effect. This was not always the case but did occur especially when the experiences were followed and regularly interviewed by the AAWSAP team over long periods of time. For example, biotechnologist Ron Becker and his daughter were travelling outside Bend Oregon in May 2005 when his daughter noticed three blue-colored objects moving randomly in a field close to the highway. The objects quickly flew towards the vehicle, one went in front, one went through the car and flew across the dashboard, and the third entered Ron Becker’s shoulder, maneuvered through his thoracic area, and exited his shoulder as his horrified daughter watched. Ron Becker subsequently came down with a constellation of medical symptoms. Becker’s daughter, although shocked and disturbed by the incident, was not medically injured. When she returned to the home in Connecticut that she shared with her three college roommates, a paranormal frenzy seemed to erupt in the home with her friends waking up to find dark shadowy humanoid figures crouching over their beds and extensive poltergeist activity in the home, especially heavy footsteps traipsing up and down the stairs at night. Becker or her college friends had never experienced any activity in that home prior to her close encounter with the blue orbs. Darren Ritson provides further evidence that poltergeist contagion is possibly quite common and underreported. Previous Evidence of Transmissibility in 1973, when Uri Geller was undergoing tests of his psychic abilities at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL), a series of bizarre events began to unfold in the lab itself and at the homes of the scientists who were conducting the studies
As with Skinwalker Ranch visitors, many of the top secret researchers including Special Access Program (SAP) clearances that necessitated polygraph testing. Author Jim Schnabel, in his engaging history of American psychic spies (Schnabel, 1997), recounts the bizarre series of events that unfolded at the lab when scientists began to “measure” Uri Geller’s alleged psychic abilities. Writes Schnabel: “Peter Crane and others in the Livermore group quickly found themselves involved in more strangeness than they could handle. They were collectively possessed by some kind of tormenting, teasing, hallucination-inducing spirits. They all would be in a laboratory together, one of the fellows and his wife and children would be at home, just sitting around, when suddenly there would be a flying saucer in their rooms. Sometimes fantastic animals such as the large raven-like birds were seen traipsing through the yards of members of the group. Mike Russo and his terrified wife had a giant bird staring at them from the foot of their bed. Other scientists and their families saw orbs and black shadowy forms in their homes. Events occurred at Lawrence Livermore in 1973 and those of the homes of other Skinwalker Ranch visitors some 37 years later. In both, the central “victims” were individuals with highest level clearances and are/ were working in senior position levels in several government agencies. In both, an initial “psychic” trigger (Uri Geller to Livermore and Axelrod’s or Costigan’s visit to the ranch) plunged multiple people, and their families, into a netherworld where high strangeness events unfolded. In both, balls of light mythological animals, and birds manifested.. In both, black rectangles and other experiences appeared to be centered near bedrooms, hallways, and backyards of homes involved.. Thanks to Colm A. Kelleher
Social Contagion Model, an interesting paper by Ben Green, and Thibaut Horel, published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2017 showed that gunshot violence follows an epidemic-like process of social contagion that is transmitted through networks of people by social interactions. The objective of the study was to evaluate the extent to which the people who will become subjects of gun violence in Chicago can be predicted by modeling gun violence as an epidemic that is transmitted between individuals through social interactions. According to the results, “social contagion” accounted for 63.1% of the 11,123 gunshot violence episodes in Chicago; subjects of gun violence were shot on average 125 days after contact with their “infector,” the person most responsible for exposing the subject to gunshot violence. Some subjects of gun violence were shot more than once. The authors write: “Our findings suggest that the diffusion of violence follows an epidemic-like process of social contagion that is transmitted through networks by social interactions.” In other words, the transmission of violence, although not an infectious entity, follows a predictable social contagion model that is amenable to analysis and, subsequently, to intervention. Regardless of the epidemiological model utilized (infectious agent or social contagion), the central point is that the AAWSAP program on Skinwalker Ranch was the first to unmask a transmission-like phenomenon that was occurring in individuals who visited the ranch, and that this transmission is probably amenable to analysis utilizing standard infectious disease or social contagion modelling. Further, in some cases, the transmission into some households was correlated with the emergence of autoimmune disease in family members. Hence in these post-Skinwalker Ranch contagions, if social contagion is the appropriate modelling template, then social contagion in these cases has biological consequences. Social Contagion Model An interesting paper by Ben Green, Thibaut Horel, and Andrew V. Papachristos published in the Journal of the American Medical Association in 2017 showed that gunshot violence follows an epidemic-like process of social contagion that is transmitted through networks of people by social interactions.
The objective of the study was to evaluate the extent to which the people who will become subjects of gun violence in Chicago can be predicted by modeling gun violence as an epidemic that is transmitted between individuals through social interactions. According to the results, “social contagion” accounted for 63% of the 11,123 gunshot violence episodes in Chicago; subjects of gun violence were shot on average 125 days after contact with their “infector,” the person most responsible for exposing the subject to gunshot violence. Chicago has 600 killings up to November 1, 2022. The authors write: “Our findings suggest that the diffusion of violence follows an epidemic-like process of social contagion that is transmitted through networks by social interactions.” In other words, the transmission of violence, follows a predictable social contagion model that is amenable to analysis and, subsequently, to intervention.” Regardless of the epidemiological model utilized the central point is that the AAWSAP program on Skinwalker Ranch was the first to unmask a transmission-like phenomenon who visited the ranch, and that this transmission is probably amenable to analysis utilizing standard infectious disease. Further, in some cases, the transmission into some households was correlated with the emergence of autoimmune disease in family members. Hence in these post-Skinwalker Ranch contagions, if social contagion is the appropriate modeling template, then social contagion in these cases has biological consequences. colmkelleher-edgescience.pdf (theblackvault.com).
Editor’s Note: any people have commented that the Satan or evil is at work. Satan is not acting in isolation but seems to have an organized, mobilized, rebel army, perhaps even a hierarchy. Bible Revelation 12:7–10 states:
Michael and his angels fought against Satan, and Satan and his angels fought back. 8 But he was not strong enough, and they lost their place in heaven. 9 The great Satan was hurled down—that ancient serpent called the devil, or Satan, who leads the whole world astray.
A Bridgewater puzzling piece of footage from Massachusetts shows a peculiar white object hovering in the sky of angel wings. The curious anomaly, was filmed earlier this year The UFO appeared overhead “on a clear evening” and “”move very slowly. Coast to Coast AM co************@e..com
Photo from Apollo 11 Moon flight of Alien Craft
Alien Craft
There are several interesting stories that have surfaced about UFOs and the Moon Flights. The Science Channel gave a more exciting version. It is true that the Apollo 11 crew spotted an unidentified object moving with the spacecraft as they approached the Moon. They contacted mission control to confirm this mystery object was not Apollo 11’s large rocket upper stage, which was about 6,000 miles away. The astronauts concluded that they were seeing one of the small panels that had linked the spacecraft to the upper stage. The ejected panels could continue moving relatively close to the Apollo spacecraft. Aldrin now feels his remarks were taken out of context to imply they had seen a UFO to make the program more exciting. His entire explanation about identifying the panels was cut from the broadcast, giving the impression that the Apollo 11 crew had seen a UFO.
The Science Channel, and the astronauts can only speculate on what was in the photo. The TV program suggests. that Aldrin and his crew saw an alien spacecraft. Newly released recordings from Jodrell’s Lovell telescope, show the Russian craft crash-landed onto its surface at 15:50 on July 21, 1969. In 1979 Maurice Chatelain, former chief of NASA Communications Systems confirmed that Astronaut Neil Armstrong and Buzz Aldrin had indeed reported seeing UFOs .Chatelain believes that some UFOs may come from Titan
‘Naked Alien’ Photographed In Part Of Montana Known For UFO Sightings
Alien Jan 5, 2022
Hunters often times set up cameras on trees deep in the woods to see what kind of wildlife lives in the area, but one in Montana captured a very strange creature – so odd that it might not be from this planet.
It was snapped by Donald Bromley’s camera deep in the woods of Redgate in Deer Lodge, Montana and it shows an eerily-shaped gray humanoid. The area where it was photographed is a hotspot for paranormal activity. Bromley told the local news station that there are often “UFOs, lights in the sky, unexplainable things” there. Among the strangeness is in the area, cars mysteriously stall on the roads for no reason.
Bromley spoke about the image, saying he first thought it was just a person but, “The more I look at it was just odd, it was out of place and everything just matches the alien persona the bigger bulbous head, you can tell he has no clothes, it’s kind of a transparent being.” By Dave Basner
B-21 RaiderAircraf Release
When it comes to delivering America’s resolve, the B-21 Raider will be standing by, silent and ready. We are providing America’s warfighters with an advanced aircraft offering a combination of range, payload, and survivability. The B-21 Raider will be capable of penetrating the toughest defenses to deliver precision strikes anywhere in the world. The B-21 is the future of deterrence. 10 Facts About Northrop Grumman’s B-21 Raider
Northrop Grumman B-21 Raider Delivers Data Sharing and Cloud Firsts Northrop Grumman, U.S. Air Force enter into industry-first data rights agreement and prove operations and sustainment data migration to the cloud. Northrop Grumman to Unveil the B-21 Raider Northrop Grumman Corporation in partnership with the U.S. Air Force, will unveil the B-21 Raider during the first week of December.
Meet the Raiders
On April 18, 1942, 80 men and 16 B-25 Mitchell medium bombers set off on what some said was an impossible mission, to change the course of World War II. The actions of these 80 volunteers, led by Lt. Col. Jimmy Doolittle, were instrumental in shifting momentum in the Pacific theater and setting the stage for victory at the Battle of Midway.
B-25 Launch from USS Hornet
These men, dubbed the Doolittle Raiders, launched 16 B-25s off the flight deck of the USS Hornet, despite the plane not being designed for carrier operations. The raid acted as a catalyst to many future innovations in U.S. air superiority from land or sea. That bold, innovative and courageous spirit of the Doolittle Raiders has been the inspiration behind the name of America’s next generation bomber, the B-21 Raider, in development now by the U.S. Air Force and Northrop Grumman. Tanks to https://www.northropgrumman.com/what-we-do/air/b-21-raider/meet-the-raiders/
We Can Modify the Weather
Severe weather updates: Mother,and eight year old son killed after dozens of tornadoes rip through South The National Severe Storms Laboratory NSSL Site Information – NOAA’s reports, “The most destructive and deadly tornadoes occur from super cells, which are rotating thunderstorms with a well-defined radar circulation called a mesocyclone. (Super cells can also produce damaging hail, severe non-tornado winds, unusually frequent lightning, and flash floods.) Tornado formation is believed to be dictated mainly by things which happen on the storm scale, in and around the mesocyclone.”
Typical Tornado damage
When I was in Vietnam in 1968, the Air Force extended the Monsoon season by over a month by cloud-seeding with silver iodide crystals using two C-130s and two F-4s on the Ho Chi Minh trail. I encourage the Air Force to use weather controlling tactics to protect American lives and property.
I suggest tornadoes can be tamed and potential flooding storms spread out. For example, the Chinese, in August of 2008, used 37,000 people to seed clouds aiming for a dry Olympics. Hundreds of teams used anti-aircraft guns to shoot shells of silver iodide into approaching cloud masses and kept Beijing dry.
The most common chemicals used for cloud seeding include silver iodide, potassium iodide and dry ice (solid carbon dioxide). Liquid propane, which expands into a gas, has also been used. This can produce ice crystals at higher temperatures than silver iodide. After promising research, the use of hygroscopic materials, such as table salt, is becoming more popular. Surplus Harvard T-6 aircraft were fitted with racks under each wing containing 32 railroad fuses that were impregnated with silver iodide were ignited individually or all at once, depending upon the threat. In coordination with ground units, the aircraft would lay a plume of silver iodide in front of approaching cumulonimbus clouds (CBs) with noticeable effect. Large, active CBs were reduced to nothing. Heavy hail storms were reduced in intensity.
A C-5 Galaxy aircraft can carry a standard: payload of 240,000 pounds of dry ice or chemicals that could serious effect a mesocyclone. Maximum payload capacity of the C-17 is 170,900 pounds with a service ceiling of 45,000 feet. Even drones could be used to tame.
Below is radar readout of the May 20, 2013, tornado. The actual tornado early in its track is located in the southern reddest hook near the bottom of the image. Craft inserting cloud seeding chemicals would likely stop the tornado formation.
Red is mesocyclone that can be picked up on aircraft radar
Recent theories and results from the VORTEX 2 program suggest that once a mesocyclone is underway, tornado development is related to the temperature differences across the edge of downdraft air wrapping around the mesocyclone. Storm spotters look for low bands of ragged bands of low cumulus clouds extending from the main storm tower usually to the southeast or south. The presence of inflow bands suggests that the storm is gathering low-level air from several miles away. If the inflow bands have a spiraling nature to them, it suggests the presence of rotation.
The beaver’s tail is a smooth, flat cloud band extending from the eastern edge of the rain-free base to the east or northeast. It usually skirts around the southern edge of the precipitation area. It also suggests the presence of rotation. (Possible attack point)
A wall cloud is an isolated cloud lowering attached to the rain-free base of the thunderstorm. The wall cloud is usually to the rear of the visible precipitation area. A wall cloud that may produce a tornado usually exists for 10–20 minutes before a tornado appears. A wall cloud may also persistently rotate (often visibly), have strong surface winds flowing into it, and may have rapid vertical motion indicated by small cloud elements quickly rising into the rain-free base. (Possible attack point)
As the storm intensifies, the updraft draws in low-level air from several miles around. Some low-level air is pulled into the updraft from the rain area. This rain-cooled air is very humid; the moisture in the rain-cooled air quickly condenses below the rain-free base to form the wall cloud. (Possible attack point)
The rear flank downdraft (RFD) is a downward rush of air on the back side of the storm that descends along with the tornado. The RFD looks like a “clear slot” or “bright slot” just to the rear (southwest) of the wall cloud. It can also look like curtains of rain wrapping around the cloud base circulation. The RFD causes gusty surface winds that occasionally have embedded downbursts. The rear flank downdraft is the motion in the storm that causes the hook echo feature on radar. (Possible attack point)
A condensation funnel is made up of water droplets and extends downward from the base of the thunderstorm. If it is in contact with the ground it is a tornado; otherwise it is a funnel cloud. Dust and debris beneath the condensation funnel confirm a tornado’s presence.
Coordination between radar, ground observers, and airborne aircraft equipped with suitable chemicals such as dry ice has the potential to disrupt the tornados. An excellent comprehensive list of questions and answers about tornadoes can be found here: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/faq/tornado/
NSSL is working to simulate tornadoes in computer models to better understand how they form and behave. The Air Force could gain tremendous support from the American people if they could calm the Tornadoes. Thanks to NSSL.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Lights
Novato Petaluma on November 11, 2022, Six white lights with a very small green and very small red light on either end flew over my car. No discernible body or wings at p.m. going east. a Photoshop image but not Starlink.
Florida LighS
Clearwater on November 22, 2022, I was trying to take a photo of an flying Eagle I missed the bird but got a picture of a strange squeamish shape that in the next photo appeared to look like an huge eye with fuzzy edges.
Maine Light
Wells on October 12, 2022, I saw a dark shape above the tree line with two bright lights. I was hovering above the tree line. Did not have camera with me but I am a digital artist. So I studied this UFO until I can recreate it later”.
Maryland Lights
Bel Air on November 19 , 2022, Out in field with 2 other friends we saw at hovering lights that turned to a slant for about 1 minute, than just vanished. I had time to call my mom while it was still there.
Midwest Orbs
On the morning of Monday, November 7th, NUFORC received a seemingly quite credible report from an airline 1st Officer, who reported having witnessed, together with the aircraft’s pilot, a very dramatic display of lights over the Midwestern United States during the prior evening. Moreover, several other flight crews reported the same event over their backchannel, and apparently discussed the event extensively over the course of 20-25 minutes. Thanks to Peter Davenport National Reporting Center\
Missouri Light
Fenton on November 22, 2022, I was out walking my dog. There were two objects In the sky and the first one moved out of site in a matter of seconds. The second stayed stationary for 25 minutes with different sections before it shot out of sight.
New Jersey Triangle
Monroeville on September 15, 2022, black triangle with T-pattern white lights, and red search light. I was driving 70 mph on Route 40 at 8:10 PM, with UFO but couldn’t keep up. Video got nothing., but UFO was like this one from Belgium.
New York Light
N Bellmore on September 14, 2022. I was taking the garbage out about 11;15 P.M/ when I happened to see something quite bright but as it moved it seemed to burn through the cloud’s as it moved.
Ohio Lights
Miamisburg on September 15, 2015, the lights are very tiny you can barely see them but they’re going around and you can see the emissions coming off in my backyard right above the trees . I shot the picture as it took off.
Tennessee Lights
Walland on November 20, 2022, at 10:30 PM. I was at home, and noticed that the stars were unusually bright. I took many pictures of. them but have no idea what it was. Light was reflecting off of the side of it.
Washington Lights
Longview on November 12 , 2022, I was driving, and I pulled over because my phone started tripping out. I looked up to where saw a white light flash of a UFO looked again to my right and seen this.. No idea what it is.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Object
Adelaide Sydney on November 11, 2022, witnessed an object approach a Virgin Boeing 737. Then shot straight up with speed. The object appeared to be round with a cone like bubble
Canada Object
Saskatchewan on June 5th 2021 I took 5 pictures of the gravel road with thick bush on both sides. Above the tree line was a UFO that that I didn’t see until I looked at the photos when I arrived home
Estonia Objects
Maardu on June 24, 2019, I took photos of a glowing cloud and UFOs was captured in the photos which could not be seen with the naked eye! Glowing cloud is more like a trace of acceleration.
France Object
Centrale De Golfese on November 2022, the object behaved like an airplane tip of the wing and when I saw it again, it was going south. A black streak emanated from it. At first I thought of an acrobatic plane, but unlikely.
UK/England Lights
Canock on July 1, 2002, the boomerang shape object was hovering directly above four of us, increasing its altitude to 15,000 feet, The white lights highlighting the boomerang shape turned off leaving an orange chevron emission that soon disappeared..
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files C/O George Filer
222 Jackson Road
Medford, NJ 08055
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Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings
Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings on Amazon.com
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2022 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.