Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronaut Gordon Cooper saw UFOs,
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I use Carbon 60 to help my back, knees, elbow and fingers joints, and dark spots on my skin and repair my gums. Carbon 60has long been known as a natural detoxifier but up until now has never been of this tiny size and orbit small enough to enter the millions of cells where many toxins are trapped and bring these cells back to health. Increase your speed, strength, healing, and vitality. Please tell them Filer sent you 303-521-4001 for our Here for a Special Offer!
Special Reports are Japan’s Former First Lady Miyuki Hatoyamaan Abducted, F89 Disappearance, Virginia Interceptors, Most UFO Sightings Are Near Water, UFO Observational Evidence Is Very Important, Canada Encounter, World Leaders Condemn Biden, And Strange Craft
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Illinois, Maryland, Nebraska, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, Chili, Czech Republic, Greenland, Myanmar, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Japan’s Former First Lady Miyuki Hatoyamaan Abducted
Hatoyama Miyuki, born June 28, 1943) is the wife of former Prime Minister of Japan Yukio Hatoyama was an actress in the all-female Takarazuka Revue during the 1960s. She quit the troupe and her stage career when she was in her mid-20s and moved to the United States.
Hatoyama has authored several cookbooks. Among her books authored is Spiritual Food, which focuses on macrobiotic recipes. She has since published another book titled Very Strange Things I’ve Encountered.
In the book, she claims “While my body was asleep, I think my soul rode on a Triangular shaped UFO and went to Venus. It was a very beautiful place, and it was very green.”
Miyuki met her future husband, Yukio Hatanaka in San Francisco, while Yukio was a student at Stanford University. Miyuki and Yukio married in 1975 and the couple has one son, Kiichiro, who is currently an engineer.
F89 Disappearance
F-89 Interceptor Disappears in 1953. Yukio Hatanaka is a former Japanese politician who served as Prime Minister of Japan from 16 September 2009 to 8 June 2010. He was the first Prime Minister from the modern Democratic Party of Japan.
One well known example of aircraft loses to a UFO was the F-89 C Scorpion with tail number 51-5853A, piloted by 1st Lt. Felix Moncla Jr, with Second Lt. Robert L. Wilson as the Radar Intercept Officer. I spoke with a radar operator who worked in the Air Defense Command radar site on November 23, 1953. During the evening, radar picked up an unidentified target over Lake Superior and alerted the 433rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Truax Field, in Wisconsin.
Red is flight of F-89
Lt. Moncla in his F-89 C all-weather interceptor was scrambled and instructed to intercept the target. The F-89 diving steeply down intercepted the target at 8,000 feet, and radar operators watched as the “blips” of the UFO and the F-89 merged on their scopes, in an apparent collision, and disappeared. No trace of the plane was ever found. You can visit Lt. Moncla’ s memorial headstone at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Moreauville, Louisiana, which reads:
t. Felix Moncla a Lt. Robert Wilson
Two F 89 aircraft from the 433 Fighter Interceptor Squadron was lost the same day on 23 November of 1953. Shortly after noon an F-89 Scorpion, from Truax Air Base in Madison, Wisconsin with Lt. John Schmidt, and Capt. Glenn Collins aboard, took off, witnesses below reported hearing an explosion, and then the jet crashed into a marsh in the Arboretum, killing the crew. Less than six hours later radar operators on Michigan’s Upper Peninsula spotted a UFO in restricted air space over the Soo Locks at Sault Ste-Marie. An F-89c flown by pilot Lt. Felix Moncla and 2Lt. Robert Wilson was the Radar Intercept Officer was scrambled to intercept a large UFO that headed west over Lake Superior… Lt. Moncla’ s last words from the cockpit were, “I’m going in for another look.” The radar operator claims “The F-89 jet was followed on the radar screen until its image merged with the UFO blip, – then it was lost. The odd radar image seemed to show the UFO swallow the F-89. There was an apparent collision or capture no trace of the plane was ever found. The U.S. Air Force claimed the F-89 was launched to intercept a Royal Canadian Air Force C-47, and the fighter jet had collided with the Canadian transport plane. The Canadians deny any of their planes were over the lake on that date or were involved. A headstone at Sacred Heart Catholic Cemetery in Moreauville, Louisiana, which reads:
Editor’s Note: Assuming the radar report is correct that the two craft merged over Lake Michigan it is quite possible thy crashed together or that the UFO captured the F-89. I have seen huge UFOs that could easily fit a dozen F-89s inside or hang it on the outside. During 1953 the Air Force lost 2075 planes according to General Benjamin Chidlaw.
The destruction or disappearance of military aircraft during interceptions of UFOs continued apace.” As General Benjamin Chidlaw, former commanding general of the Air Defense Command told Robert C. Gardener (ex USAF) in 1953: “We have stack of reports of flying saucers. We take them seriously, when you consider we have lost many men and planes trying to intercept them.” Leonard Springfield, the former Air Force intelligence officer and later a UFO investigator was told by a reliable source in the 1950s that the “Air Force was losing about a plane a day to the UFOs.” The facts are that numerous UFOs exist and attempts to shoot them down have generally been unsuccessful.
UFO F-106 Interceptors
I was stationed at Langley Air Force Base and flew tankers and C-130s. I played bridge with several pilots from the 48th Fighter Interceptor Squadron. One pilot crashed his plane the following day.
Langley Air Force Base, Hampton — I was in the Air Force in the 48th Fighter Interceptor Squadron when late one night in March of 1972, at about 8:00 PM, a blimp appeared on radar that caused our two-armed aircraft to be scrambled. The planes were out about an hour, when one of the pilots began screaming over the radio that they were confronting a UFO. It was an orb and seemingly clear. The ranking officer ordered to fire missiles at the UFO. The squadron was put on immediate lock down! The armed Security Police immediately escorted the operator who developed the gun camera film.
When the two aircraft returned to base, the pilots came inside. One was clearly in shock, and just kept repeating, over and over, “A dam flying saucer! We fired at it, but they just went right through it”. Several men in AF long coats, entered the building and immediately began debriefing both pilots in the command post. A man in glasses came into my shop and asked me, if I had spoken to either pilot. My response was, “No.” The next morning both pilots had been transferred during the night. One went to the Pentagon the other was assigned out west. I never saw either pilot again, or film from the nosecones of their aircraft was confiscated. My immediate NCOIC, told me to keep my mouth shut if I didn’t want to be reassigned. So, I kept quiet.
According to US Defense Department figures, from 1952 until the end of October 1956, there were 18,662 major accidents of Air Force and Navy military aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Of this astonishing four-year total of 18,662 US jaircraft losses, most involved fast new jets (such as those scrambled in UFO interceptions), of which 56.2 per cent were found to be caused by pilot error; 8.1 per cent by ground-crew or other personnel failure; 23.4 per cent by failure of parts and equipment in the aircraft; 2.8 per cent by various unsafe conditions, and 9.5 per cent (1,773) were due to unknown factors. Thanks to Timothy Good new book, “Need to Know” P.172
F-86 Sabre Frequently Lost
Comments: When I chased a UFO, we exceeded the red lined aircraft air speed by 20 knots. In the excitement of the chase, it is easy to exceed aircraft capabilities and often some part of the aircraft may fail. Many stories are told of firing missiles and making direct hits on the UFOs that were unharmed only to have them return the fire and destroy the interceptor
UFO Observational Evidence Is Very Important
British UFO
Jack Sarfattti writes “Let me be very clear all this observational evidence is very important, and I applaud the efforts of those who gather it. A theoretical physicist is like a defense lawyer. My job is if tic tac reports are true, how are we to understand it? I have solved that problem with elementary physics – with Keith wander’s collaboration on important details. This is no mystery. Elizondo, Mellon, Davis et-al are misleading the pentagon not intentionally perhaps. Therefore, they are damaging us national security because Vladimir Putin’s men take my ideas very seriously on this issue and they are running with my ball. They are not stupid.”
Note: The Soviet’s would pay big money to get any UFO data while they wouldn’t pay much for our latest aircraft data.
Hawaii UFO Looked Like a Wayward Missile
MAUI — On August 15, 2006, we saw bright slow-moving objects moving and then vanishing. Right next to them we would see what looked like a falling star following the vanishing. Then we saw two “flashes” in the sky. No lights, no stars, just flashes, they looked like explosions not meteorites, as they were occurring at the same spot for about 2 minutes. Then, we noticed the two flashes were moving closer to each other until they were upon each other. The flashes seemed to increase and there were moving lights as well around the general location, unlike anything I’d ever seen. Thanks to Kathryn and Lee Guilmette Chin.Hilo — On August 15, 2006, a silver tubular flying object buzzed Hilo Airport on the Big Island and looked a lot like a missile. Officials at the Pohakuloa Training Area told the Honolulu Star-Bulletin that there were no military exercises involving missiles taking place when the object was spotted Tuesday. Witnesses told the newspaper the silver object emitted a vapor trail; but had no apparent fins or markings on it and was very loud. The object didn’t threaten any air traffic. Thanks to the Honolulu Star-Bulletin.
UFOs Often Underwatered
UFO Comes Out of the Water
Coastal areas and Great Lakes over the interior, except for Colorado, New Mexico, and Arizona have numerous sightings near water. The concentrations of sightings would indicate that the UFOs have under water bases off our coasts and perhaps lakes or rivers in the Rocky Mountains. I have tried to contact people who spend time at sea such as fisherman. Many have observed UFOs often taking sea life.
I and my son and many of my neighbors have seen UFOs in or over lakes in the New Jersey area.
Ron Hannivig reports he has two credible, separate reports of UFOs diving into small lakes up in the Thompson/Ararat Township, Pennsylvania. I personally saw one come out of a small lake in 1980. In past years, thousands of people visited Wanaque Reservoir in North Jersey to watch UFOs come in and out of the water. They had beautiful blinking spinning lights kind of like plasmas or UFOs.
Canada Encounter
Disc 25 feet in Diameter
Mike Plunkett writes, in 1967 Canadian Stephen Michalak of Winnipeg, Manitoba decided to relax by doing some prospecting in the Whiteshell Provincial Park. A mechanic by trade, Michalak had been an amateur geologist had found several quartz veins near Falcon Lake that were associated with silver deposits. Up early on May 1, 2021, 19th, Michalak had located a vein of the precious material after only a few hours of prospecting, stopped for a quick lunch break, then resumed his digging.
Shortly after noon, he heard geese flying overhead. Looking up to catch a glimpse he was caught off guard to see two elongated red glowing objects, one of which was slowly descending. The closer it came it took on a disc-like appearance. He watched in awe as the 1st object hovered defiantly in the air while the second object settled down on a large rock 150 feet away. The hovering disc then quickly changed color from red to orange, then grey as it disappeared in a cloud bank.
Michalak stood transfixed in the same spot for some 30-minutes, in that time having the presence of mind to quickly sketch the landed saucer. Overcome with curiosity, and sensing no immediate threat, Michalak approached the craft. An opening suddenly appeared by the time he was within a few yards of the vehicle. Able to see into the craft from that vantage point, he saw what appeared to be an array of colorful lights like a lit Christmas tree. At the opened doorway of the craft, Michalak heard what he took for some type of spoken communication in a foreign but indistinct language. Peering cautiously inside, he noted a series of panels emitting lights. Looking around he saw no pilot or sign of life. The strange sound that he took for language had stopped the moment he had peered inside the craft.
Disc 25 feet in Diameter Developed Sudden Heat
Suddenly fearful, he backed out of the doorway a split second before three panels suddenly closed in an unexpected fashion, closing, and eliminating any sign of the doorway. Examining the exterior of the craft, he reached out to touch it. He described it as highly polished colored glass with no breaks or seams in its surface. When he contacted the craft, his glove was melted from its heat. Suddenly a vented opening about nine inches tall by six inches appeared. Heat emitted from the strange vent caught Michalak’s shirt and set it afire. Removing his shirt quickly he was overcome by extreme pain.
He watched the saucer take off and ascend into the clouds and a vacuum of air could be felt as it left the ground. He found himself in immediate need of medical attention, his chest badly burned and suffering from a sudden spell of dizziness. Before leaving the area, he tried to make a landmark by piling up debris and rocks. Suffering from a bad headache, he quickly broke into a cold sweat and violently vomited. He eventually made his way to the highway and was found by the police who transported him to a local hospital where he was treated for his severe burns, dizziness, and debilitating headache.
Stephen Michalak was a hardworking, reliable, and honest man not given to tall tales. The burns on his chest are a matter of public record. His health declined sharply in the years after his claimed strange encounter. A subsequent visit to the location by the local authorities in the days and weeks after the alleged event showed a distinct sharp increase in radiation levels in and around the spot where the craft had allegedly landed.
By late June 1967, the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) had taken an interest in Michalak’s claims. They could not identify the site on their own, and on June 1st Michalak accompanied them. On June 26, Michalak had located the site and recovered personal belongings he had left there. The RCMP obtained soil samples which they tested for radioactivity. On July 28, Michalak and RCMP officers together identified a semicircle on the rock face at the scene, 15 feet in diameter, where the moss had been somehow removed. There were traces of radiation in a fault in the rock across the center of the landing spot. No trace of radiation was found around the outer perimeter of the circle or in the moss.
Michalak’s Burns from UFO
World Leaders Condemn BidenThe location of Michalak’s encounter was investigated by the RCMP, the Royal Canadian Air Force, Condon Committee, as well as other respected government and civilian UFO groups. There was nothing left to investigate, yet nothing was found to debunk his story. It should be noted that Michalak paid all his own medical expenses.
He later wrote a booklet of his alleged experience at Falcon Lake.
Stephen Michalak is one of the few people to claim physical injury from contact with a UFO. Today, his account of the encounter at Falcon Lake is widely considered legitimate. Stephen Michalak died in 1999 at age 83. Today the Canadian Government identifies the Falcon Lake case as unsolved. Thanks to RSR UFO Files http://ringsidereport.com/?p=9746light
British Parliament holds Biden in Contempt
Joe Biden’s disastrous handling of the defeat in Afghanistan and his remarks on the debacle continue to reverberate around the world. NATO countries urged the U.S.. to stay in Afghanistan. The British Daily Telegraph reports that America’s closest ally and Parliament are roundly condemning Biden and holding him in contempt n its headlines questioning its relationship with the United States. World leaders are speaking out about their disappointment with the security situation in Afghanistan. British Prime Minister Boris Johnson going so far as to pin the blame on President Joe Biden and the United States.
“Nobody wants Afghanistan once again to be a breeding ground for terrorist attacks and we don’t think it is in the interests of the people of Afghanistan that it should lapse back into that pre-2001 status,” Johnson told Sky News.
” Trudeau said. “We are heartbroken at the situation the Afghan people find themselves in today.” Trudeau said the “security and safety” of Canadians in the country remain his top priority, as the country moved to suspend diplomatic operations in Afghanistan and shuttered its embassy in Kabul.
Meanwhile, Australian Prime Minister Scott Morrison said his government would “redouble” efforts to evacuate people in Afghanistan that have aided the Australian effort in the country.
It seems obvious that there should have been an exit strategy pulling out of the Middle East knowing the Taliban do not fight in the winter. It’s like you can’t reverse Trump’s border policies without implementing new ones or defund the police without having a new system already in place.
Unprecedented Dishonor: Many nations Hold Biden in Contempt for ‘Shameful, cowardly, and ‘Catastrophic’ Afghanistan Withdrawal costing the lives of thousands.
Former The View co-host Meghan McCain described President Joe Biden’s handling of the U.S. military withdrawal from Afghanistan as “embarrassing” and “shameful.” Meghan McCain says Biden is ‘unfit to lead’ amid Afghan turmoil: ‘An international crisis of our own creation’ Fox News
On Thursday, and daughter of the late Sen. John McCain said she has “been physically ill” and filled with “pure rage and anger” since the withdrawal of U.S. troops.
Megan McCain
McCain had strongly campaigned for Biden’s election , a f close family friend of Biden but now she argued the way Afghanistan unfolded was “one of the greatest foreign policy catastrophes of my lifetime.”
“I am furious our President was so incompetent not to see what every expert on the planet could have seen coming,” she wrote. “I am furious for my friends and family who have been fighting in these wars. I am furious seeing our allies and innocent Afghan citizens who trusted us are being left to be slaughtered or so desperate to escape the pure evil the Taliban will bring in that they are falling out of f—— planes. This is not who America is, this is not the values this country was founded in.”
McCain, 36, continued, she insisted that “the shame, dishonor and embarrassment the Biden administration has brought to our country will take generations to undo. Not to mention our standing in the world and the cruel reality that the likelihood of another significant domestic terror attack has now risen to the highest levels since 9/11 and will usher in Isis 3.0.”
“I am furious our President was so incompetent not to see what every expert on the planet could have seen coming,” she wrote. Afghan citizens who trusted us are being left to be slaughtered or so desperate to escape the pure evil the Taliban will bring in that they are falling out of f—— planes. This is not who America is, this is not the values this country was founded in.” ..
She insisted that “the shame, dishonor and embarrassment the Biden administration has brought to our country will take generations to undo. How many are being killed in the interior of the country and in the streets of Kabul.? Afghan Christians are totally vulnerable with no political power. They have no-one to appeal to. Some 229 Christian missionaries have been sentenced to death eliminate women ‘s education throughout the country.
They don’t even generally qualify for special immigrant visas to the United States and expect to be slaughtered.
Taliban and AL Qaeda Capture Afghanistan
The Taliban are calling the shots and are keeping allies from entering Kabul Airport and frequently firing their weapons.
Taliban are going house to house killing Christians, Army and police, and interpreters. The US Administration is not going after its people like both the French and
British Special forces are going into Kabul and recovering both British and Americans. The biggest humiliation in the history of the United States.
We went in Afghanistan to defeat Al-Qaeda an Islamist group founded between 1988 and 1990 by Osama Bin Laden and Mohammed Atef and is believed responsible for attacking New York City on 9/11 and now can do it again. Al-Qaeda has been gaining strength and will likely continue to conduct arson as many of the 40.000 fires already set in the U.S. this year.
Why Did the Afghanistan Army stop fighting? The Afghan Army was taught to fight with good intelligence and with 90% of the US close air support that Biden stopped last month in probably the biggest mistake of the entire war. He also stopped the small Afghan Air Force.
A good Afghan unit was surrounded in a Taliban force and was holding well when resupplied early last July by commandoes. For a month they used up their ammunition, food and water and were eventually defeated. This was well known throughout Afghanistan and the various War Lords gave up their cities rather than fight because they had no air support air intelligence.
In the end, President Biden got all the troops out by July Fourth, but a small force that was there to guard the U.S. Embassy.
Trump left 2500 US soldiers that were pulled out by July 4. Well, not only did the U.S. withdraw all the forces from Afghanistan, but we also took out all the contractors that were there to help the Afghans with their maintenance and their logistics of their vehicles and helicopters and airplanes. We stopped providing, in any meaningful sense, all the close air support, the air support that the Afghan military was accustomed to having when they fought the Taliban. Then also, we stopped with some of the other intelligence-sharing mechanisms as well. This really left the Afghan army high and dry and unable to fight effectively.
the Taliban sensed this, and they decided to act. You already alluded to the timeline here, during about 72 hours, the Taliban captured essentially the whole country without barely a shot being fired. This was an insurgency that for the past two decades was unable to capture even one of the 34 provincial capital cities in Afghanistan, but then out of nowhere, they sweep across the whole country and they’re sitting in the presidential palace in Kabul. It’s an utter disgrace and an extreme loss of prestige of the United States that President Biden allowed this to happen. I seriously wonder if his plan seems to be to destroy the United States
Tom Tugendhat, UK chairman of the Foreign Affairs select committee, who served as a British soldier in the Afghanistan war. “The tragedy of Afghanistan is that we are swapping that patient achievement for a second fire and a second. war.”https://www.the-sun.com/news/3467120/taliban.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book. By John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
Laguna Niguel – on July 24, 2021, witnessed these objects while walking the county park, at first, they were almost directly above me floating downward. They moved away to the north that is when I decided to take some pictures with my mobile phone. There was with no sound, no props, no lights and floated up and down like hang gliders, there were several 5 or 6 maybe more. They were not hang gliders, or drones. It was saucer shaped with a circular dome under the saucer, in that same picture there is another cigar shaped object to the left above the trees.
Colorado Lights
Thornton on July 4, 2021, I noticed one dot of light slowly, dropping straight down then out of sight! That’s when these three lights appeared from the same direction, joined by a fourth within a few seconds! There were silent abrupt changes in direction as well as very clear flame trails!
Connecticut Lights
Hartford – on August 10, 2021, these objects are not fireworks, and it looks like they were shooting at one another like they were in a big battle.
Delaware Object
Hagelstad – on August 15, 2021, about 11:00 hours I suddenly noticed a strong flash in western direction. This repeated at intervals of seconds. I estimated the distance in the range 10 – 20 km. At first there was air turbulence around the location of the flash. The flashing object then continued to move at the same altitude in a general southerly direction. The flashing and flare did not subside.
I got my 8x binoculars and could see that it was a solid object. One side flashed in the sunlight; the other side showed a brown-black color. a good 10 meters in diameter for a sphere. Sincerely Hubert Muckel Colonel (ret)
Florida Object
Cocoa – on June 30, 2021, there are sound waves in the photos, a tower that evaporated and then doubled, many flying objects. There are no towers or wires in the area. A source or beam was coming down at the same time.
Illinois Light
East Peoria – on July 15, 2021, this photo was captured on a Trail Camera with a coyote in the lower left and an object in the air. We did not sight the object, the camera did. Note: The apparent object could be due to a lens flare or reflection. Thanks to Will ucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite.
Maryland Object
Lavale – on August 11, 2021, about 8:55pm I was watching the sunset while waiting in line. I noticed a low oval cloud much lower than the high streaming clouds. It was somewhat dark on the bottom but appears bright on the upper portion. I took a quick photo with my Android phone that shows a definite outline of a pearl-like object. It flew SW against the wind and the object disappeared.
Nebraska Light
Sioux City – on August 14, 2021, my wife and I were enjoying the sunset by the Marriot waterfront. I took a picture of the bridge and notice a light in the picture so that I zoomed in and saw this object.
New Jersey Lights
Lawrence Harbor – on August 14, 2021, I brought my grandkids to a festival and when I got home and looked at my 30 pictures, I noticed this strange white object in one.
Trenton – on August 13, 2021, while out watching meteor showers I spotted this object southwest of Stony Plain at about 12:57 A.M. It was the largest thing I have ever witnessed, moving very slowly, then turned east. The body was cylindrical with a v shape top. I woke my wife to witness it. It was just t like standing silent in a vacuum.
New York Lights
Brooklyn – on August 9, 2021, recorded from cell phone which turned off for no reason. Giant blue UFO ejecting smaller UFOs
Queens – on August 18, 2021, flew left to right at low altitude. Flew over my house four times in College Point
Ohio Object
Medina — on July 17, 2021, I was with my niece and nephew outside enjoying the sunset at 8:40pm. I heard a passenger jet coming over heading to Cleveland Hopkins Airport. I was able to capture on video, a white glowing Tic Tac object following the jet.
Pennsylvania Object
Smithfield — on August 13, 2021, taking pictures of a lightning storm using my iPhone and enhanced the image and discovered object changing shape and moving in all directions. It changed shape from spherical to square.
Wisconsin Objects
Milwaukee – on August 15, 2021, I witnessed these 2 objects spinning around each other. Initially they hovered, then moved west, then up and away, out of sight. They are seemingly red bodies with amber lights. I’m a mile from a Great Lake. Photos are from a Canon Rebel and telephoto lens.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Triangle
Stony Plain — on August 15, 2021, while out watching a meteor shower at 12:57 A.M. I saw largest thing I have ever witnessed, moving very slowly first from the south, then turned east. The body was cylindrical with a V shape top. The dark body was visible but was cloaking as you could see stars through it. I woke my wife to witness a large blinking octagon shaped lights were on each end of it, then was gone in a huge blast of light.
Green Island Cove – on August 9, 2021, this is a remote part of Newfoundland near the ocean. As I drove south on The Viking Highway, I noticed a high-level aircraft, that wasn’t moving. As a private pilot, I noticed it had a vapor trail, that is created by thrust. I pulled over as moved upwards at a 45-degree angle until I couldn’t see it any longer.
Chile Disc
Constitution — on September 22, 2017, I saw chrome color metallic object passing over Quivolgo Nursery. I have more than 300 photos that verify and demonstrate a UFO flight route over Constitution at the same height, flying north to
Czech Republic Light
.Zlín – on July 9, 2021, my boyfriend and I wanted to watch the stars and noticed a star glowing and flickering, but then it began to move slowly. I believe it was a UFO. We took the binoculars and at that moment we both saw the movement clearly. I decided to make a video of it; so, I took the binoculars, pressed it to my phone, and zoomed to the maximum. Seeing with my own eyes something, that could really prove their existence and have a record of it is an indescribable feeling.
Greece Tic Tac
Athens, Glyfada – on August 15, 2021, observed a Silent Tic Tac shaped craft fly past silent and slowly without wings, tail, lights, or windows. It was flying slow so. I was able to record on my iPhone 7. This is the second time I’ve seen this identical craft. Navy depiction of craft
Greenland Object
Photo of e large strange, shaped object taken by pilot.
60 Miles East of Greenland – in June 2021, at 5:30 PM GMT. The photo was taken from 36,000 feet making the object perhaps miles across. Notice the shadows on the icebergs going beneath the object and the swirl in the ice flow as if the object had moved. I was the pilot flying the aircraft for a major US airline and spotted object that caused disturbance in the ice flow. I’ve had many other pilots look at the picture some intelligence and MIT types and no one thinks it’s natural. The upper surface is smooth and gray and less reflective than ice. Other huge icebergs can be seen around with the reflective edges. It looks likes it is just above the icebergs”. The two uniform “intakes” or shadows on the top are also quite interesting. I am a former Air Force pilot, and this was very strange.
Note: The aircraft was flying to the west at 539 MPH at an altitude of 36,000 feet. The first officer was also an ex-Air Force pilot. The pilot has provided the date of the sighting, but it is not published in this report to not reveal the identity of the pilot and first officer.
Myanmar Light
Yangon – on May 22, 2021, I saw a small white flying thing when I looked beside the moon. It flew from north to south, so I took videos. As long as I was taking video, it became smaller and disappeared.
South Africa Triangle
Johannesburg – on January 3, 2015, being an avid amateur astronomer, I am familiar with the night sky, and assume that this was a UAP. I was in the process of setting up my telescope gazing south when I realized that a large section of the sky was completely “blacked out” due to an enormous triangle shaped object. The triangle was completely black, seamless, silent, and like liquid mercury. Intermittently it became translucent, allowing the stars to shine through. When directly above me, it completely blacked out the visible sky. It then proceeded to disappear in a northerly direction. https://uforsa.co.za/black-triangle-in-pretoria/
UK/England Light
Whittingham – on August 8, 2021, I took photos and videos
Support Earth Changing Research
I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in writing the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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August Conference August 27 to 29, 2021 in Las Vegas
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2021 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and handles the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually