U18 2022
Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Greska Carbon 60
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I use Carbon 60 to help my back, knees, elbow and fingers joints, and dark spots on my skin and repair my gums. Carbon 60 has long been known as a natural detoxifier but up until now has never been of this tiny size and orbit small enough to enter the millions of cells where many toxins are trapped and bring these cells back to health. Increase your speed, strength, healing, and vitality. Please tell them Filer sent you 303-521-4001 for our Here for a Special Offer!
Special reports are: Both Supreme Allied Commanders Claim Aliens Are Here, Gorbachev Dies, Ronald Reagan and Russian Leader Gorbachev Promoted an Alien Invasion, A 3 GHz Signal Coming from UFOs? The Search for Human’s Original Home, Humans are not from Earth, Carbon 60, and Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Idaho, Nevada, New Jersey, North Dakota, Tennessee, Utah, and West Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Belgium, Canada, China, France, New Zealand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Both Supreme Allied Commanders Claim Aliens Are Here
Supreme Allied Commanders MacArthur Mountbatten and Mountbatten
General Douglas MacArthur stated, “The nations of the world will have to unite for the next war will be an interplanetary war. The nations of Earth must someday make a common front against attack by people from other planets” New York Times
General Douglas Mac Arthur, 1955. Supreme Allied Commander, South East Asia Command, in the Second World War In March 1947, Mountbatten was appointed Viceroy of India and oversaw the Partition of British India into India and Pakistan. He then served as the first Governor-General of India until June 1948. In 1952, Mountbatten was appointed commander-in-chief of the British Mediterranean Fleet and NATO Commander Allied Forces Mediterranean
Editor’s Note: It is interesting that two of the Supreme Allied Commanders of World War II went to their newspaper contacts to warn the public about the reality of UFOs and they may provide a threat to the nations of Earth. Strong rumors indicate they both saw crashed saucers and their occupants in India. One allegedly landed on the Admiral of the Fleet Earl Mountbatten’s estate in England. Prince Phillip assured me he and his uncle had strong interest in UFOs.
Gorbachev Dies
Mikhail Gorbachev 1931-2021
2 March 1931 – 30 August 2022) was a Russian and Soviet politician who served as the last leader of the Soviet Union. As the country’s head of state from 1988 to 1991, and President of the Soviet Union from 1990 until the country’s dissolution in 1991. Ideologically, Gorbachev initially adhered to Marxism–Leninism but moved towards social democracy by the early 1990s.
Gorbachev was born in Provolone, Stavropol Krai, to a poor peasant family of Russian and Ukrainian heritage. Growing up under the rule of Joseph Stalin, in his youth he operated combine harvesters on a collective farm before joining the Communist Party, which then governed the Soviet Union
In 1985 the Politburo elected Gorbachev as General Secretary, the de facto leader
The Soviet Union in 1991, mysteriously gave up its position as one of the world’s greatest powers and splintered into some 16 multiple nations. Ukraine is one of the nations that departed and Russia ‘attempts to bring back into s its severe fold. Mikhail Gorbachev made several public statements about the reality of a covert extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth.
Premier Mikhail Gorbachev
Whether inspired through his conversations with President Reagan, or through information provided by his own intelligence, Gorbachev had his own strong interest in UFOs. On February 16, 1987, in an important speech, at a conference at Grand Kremlin Palace in Moscow on the “Survival of Humanity,” Gorbachev stated, “At our meeting in Geneva, the U.S. President said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion. I shall not dispute the hypothesis, although it is early yet to worry about such an intrusion. It is much more important to think about the problems that have entered in our common home.”
Hundreds of reports of abductions were reported in the Soviet Union, astronauts were reporting UFOs, fighters were being launched to chase them, and while rumors persist Gorbachev himself was visited by an alien and given a stern warning. President Reagan ordered a massive buildup of the United States Armed Forces in 1981, directing funding to the B-1 Lance bomber, the B-2 Spirit bomber, cruise missiles, the MX missiles, and the 60 ship Navy.
Not generally known is that in 1988, the Soviet Union under the leadership of Mikhail Gorbachev prepared and nearly conducted a nuclear massive submarine missile attack on the United States according to U.S Naval personnel. “At the age of 54, Gorbachev was elected to the General Secretariat by the Politburo on 11 March 1985. This was the beginning of a series of fundamental Soviet reforms.”
Russia and the US continue modernizing their anti-ballistic missile (ABM) system that is designed to counter ballistic missiles and is sometimes called the Star Wars System. Two ABM systems have been operational against ICBMs, the U.S. Safeguard system, which utilized the LIM-49 Spartan and Sprint missiles, and the Russian A-35 anti-Ballistic missile system which used the Galosh interceptor. The Russian system has been improved and is still active and is now called A-135 and uses the Gorgon and Gazelle missiles.
The U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Defense system is shown in the photo .
It does not use an explosive charge but launches a kinetic projectile that may be effective against UFOs. Both nations are spending billions to improve their Star Wars Systems and are jointly working together in space “The Secret KGB UFO Files” TV shows crashed UFO narrated by Roger Moore.
The testimony of Marine Corps Lance Corporal John Weygandt, who was part of the Disclosure Project, was sent to Peru in March 1997. He states, “So these craft were tracked from this particular radar and were logged. I’m confident that when I saw the craft in Peru, it had been hit by something. Something had taken it out.” UFOs often enter our atmosphere above the Arctic Circle and the U.S. Ground-Based Midcourse Interceptor site at Fort Greely, Alaska is ideally located to destroy incoming UFOs.
“A CNN reporter in Washington, D.C., the second time that Gorbachev came to America, was able to interview Gorbachev and his wife. When they got out on the street, they drove the security detail up the wall. And a CNN reporter asked Gorbachev ‘Do you think we should get rid of all our nuclear weapons?’ And his wife stepped in, and she said, no, I don’t think we should get rid of all our nuclear weapons because of alien spacecraft. Ronald Reagan and Russian Leader Gorbachev Promoted an Alien Invasion
Ronald Reagan and Gorbachev
Ronald Reagan’s historic speech warned of an extraterrestrial invasion during the 42nd Session of the United-Nations General Assembly in New York on September 21, 1987. The text of Ronald Reagan’s speech contains an explicit announcement of a future UFO alien invasion:
“In our obsession with antagonisms of the moment, we often forget how much unites all the members of humanity. Perhaps we need some outside, universal threat to make us recognize this common bond. I occasionally think how quickly our differences worldwide would vanish if we were facing an alien threat from outside this world. And yet, I ask you, is not an alien force already among us?” You can watch a video of this speech at: http://ufoweek.com
-That the Soviet Union was being attacked by triangle shaped FOs according to two KGB Colonels had disintegrating had been subtly apparent for some time, but the final act began at 4:50 pm on Sunday, August 18, 1991. Soviet Pres. Mikhail Gorbachev was at his dacha in the Crimean resort of Faros when he was contacted by four men requesting an audience. They were his chief of staff, Valery Boldin; Oleg Baklanov, first deputy chairman of the U.S.S.R. defense council; Oleg Shenin, secretary of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of the Soviet Union (CPSU); and Gen. Valentin Varennikov, chief of the Soviet Army’s ground forces. They were accompanied by KGB Gen. Yury Plekhanov, chief of security for party and state personnel. Their unexpected arrival aroused Gorbachev’s suspicions, and, when he tried to use the phone, it was dead. They had come to demand, in the name of the State Committee for the State of Emergency in the U.S.S.R., that Gorbachev sign a document declaring a state of emergency and transferring power to his vice president, Gennady Yanayev. They were taken aback when Gorbachev refused and rebuked them as treasonous blackmailers.
Gorbachev and his family were placed under arrest by Gen. Igor Maltsev, commander-in-chief of the Soviet Air Defense Troop while on vacation in Crimea… on August 19, 1991. The attempted coup was a failure when the people protesters began gathering around the Russian parliament building, and started erecting barricades Russian officials were not to obey the orders of the Emergency Committee
Tanks appeared on the streets of Moscow, and the city’s population immediately began attempting to dissuade troops from obeying orders… At 12:50 pm Russian Pres. Boris Yeltsin climbed atop a tank condemned the coup and issued a presidential edict declaring the coup illegal and “traitors.” At 5:00 pm.
Yeltsin appealed to the patriarch of the Russian Orthodox Church, Aleksey II, to condemn the coup. In Moscow, some elite tank regiments defected and assumed defensive positions . On August 21, the U.S.S.R. Supreme Soviet reinstated Gorbachev and annulled all the decrees of the Emergency Committee and all enterprises were under his government’s control. On August 24 Gorbachev resigned as CPSU general secretary.
Mikhail Gorbachev who has made several public statements about the reality of a covert extraterrestrial presence visiting Earth. He stated, ‘The phenomenon of UFO’s does exist, and it must be treated seriously.’ Perhaps Mikhail Gorbachev’s Kremlin speech in 1987 is the key to understanding why billions are being spent, when he said, At our Geneva meeting, the US President (Reagan) said that if the earth faced an invasion by extraterrestrials, the United States and the Soviet Union would join forces to repel such an invasion, I shall not dispute the hypothesis?”
According to the “Secret KGB UFO files” TV program craft were discovered after crashing possibly after a Soviet intercepts.
Besides numerous abduction scenarios, UFOs were destroying key Soviet installations, and intercepts of Soviet communications indicated fighters were being launched to ward off further UFO attacks. General Igor Malsev, Chief of the General Staff for Air Defense Forces (PVO), admitted that over a hundred observations of UFOs had been reported to him, mostly by pilots, on March 21, 1990. The Soviets were overly concerned about the attacks and the new threats provided by UFOs.
It is possible the 41st President George Bush sworn in on January 20, 1989, ordered the attack by UFOs that was set up by President Reagan as a method to defeat the Soviet Union without a nuclear war. President Vladimir Putin who was in the KGB at the time would know abbot the attacks.
Trail angle UFO attack to attack
In May 1990, shortly before the fall of the Soviet Union Gorbachev made a second more direct statement about UFOs. “The phenomenon of UFOs does exist,” he stated, “and it must be treated seriously.”
According to filmmaker and Russian ufologist Dr. Vladimir Avinsky, on September 13, 1990, just after midnight a Soviet radar station near Samara was attacked by a black triangular shaped UFO. It was about 50 feet in length on each leg of the triangle. A fire stated and the radar antennae seemed to melt. These extraordinary events were reported in the Red Star Military Newspaper. Dr. Avinsky provided these drawings of the attack.
Triangular craft attacking targets in Soviet Union on September 13, 1990
According to two Soviet KGB Colonels I met New York; the Extraterrestrials were well aware of the Soviet attempt[ to attack the U.S. with a massive ballistic missiles launched from dozens of submarines .The planned attack was narrowly averted by the U.S Navy. The aliens have a strong dislike for nuclear war in that it may make living on the planet intolerable. Shortly after the failed attack the Soviet Union was attacked almost nightly by triangle shaped UFOs and key installations were destroyed. According to the KGB Colonels, Gorbachev was visited by Exterrestrials who told him the world cannot have two Superpowers ready to destroy the Earth and the Soviets had been chosen to surrender and dissolve the Soviet Union. The attacks were the momentum for the Soviet Bloc countries to start to withdraw from Soviet rule and suddenly the Soviets seemed weak, and the Soviet troops were being removed from these nations. . By the summer of 1989 Gorbachev’s domestic reforms had run into serious trouble. The centrifugal forces in the “outer empire” stimulated and accelerated those in the “inner empire,” as the Soviet republics sought independence. As the center disintegrated and Gorbachev opened the political process with glasnost (openness), the old communist “barons” in the republics became nationalist.
It is possible the 41st President George Bush sworn in on January 20, 1989, ordered the attack by American UFOs that was set up by President Reagan as a method to defeat the Soviet Union without a nuclear war. President Vladimir Putin who was in the KGB at the time would know abbot the attacks.
On September 28, 1990, cosmonauts on board the Mir Space station saw a UFO over Newfoundland. Astronaut Genady Manakov states, “It was a great, silvery sphere and it was iridescent. It was much larger than a huge ship and had a regular shape, but, perhaps an enormous, experimental sphere, or something else”.
The Soviet Union gave up its position as one of the world’s greatest powers and splintered into multiple nations. The collapse of the Soviet Union, on December 31, 1991. The former superpower was replaced by 15 newly independent countries: Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Estonia, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Ukraine, and Uzbekistan.
Warsaw Pact Outlined in Red Defects From USSR.
Also,Warsaw Pact countries were allies of the Soviet Union were Albania Bulgaria Czechoslovakia German Democratic Republic, Hungary, Poland, Romania were formally declared “nonexistent” on July 1, 1991, at a final summit meeting of Warsaw Pact leaders. Deployed Soviet troops were gradually withdrawn from the former satellites,
Officially it is stated the Soviet Union collapsed because of economic problems, but from its beginning it always had serious financial problems and its huge oil production was coming online. I suggest UFOs participated in the collapse of the Soviet Union to protect their interests.
Boris Yeltsin came to power on June 12, 1991, and was elected president of Russia becoming the first popularly elected president, and completing the fall of the Communist USSR and essentially ending the Cold War.
Margaret Thatcher reminded us, ” President Reagan won the Cold War without firing a shot.” I feel he had help from our visitors in UFOs. In his last public announcement Reagan revealed, “When the Lord calls me home, whenever that may be, I will leave with the greatest love for this country. ,
Shortly after Poland’s electorate voted the Communists out of government in June 1989, Gorbachev announced that the Soviet Union would not interfere with the internal affairs of the Eastern European countries. By October, Hungary and Czechoslovakia followed Poland’s example. The second act of the drama began in the fall of 1989 with peaceful revolutions in Eastern and Central Europe and the fall of the Soviet “outer empire.”
As one historian noted, in Poland communism took ten years, in Hungary ten months, in East Germany ten weeks, and in Czechoslovakia ten days to disappear. In Romania — the bloody exception to the rule of peaceful transition — the end came with the execution of Nicolae Ceausescu and his wife on Christmas Day. The Eastern Bloc. Charter 77 (Czechoslovakia) Solidarity (Poland) Kazakh rebellion (Romania) January Events (Lithuania) The Barricades (Latvia) April 9 tragedy (Georgia) Black January (Azerbaijan). The collapse of the Warsaw Pact a year later plus the 1990 Treaty on Conventional Armed Forces in Europe [that substantially reduced Soviet superiority in conventional forces in Europe resulted in a stronger Western alliance — so strong that the US could redeploy forces from Europe to the Persian Gulf for use against Iraq.
President George H. W. Bush and Secretary Gorbachev
At the of Malta Summit on December 2 and 3, 1989, both the leaders of the United States and the Soviet Union declared the Cold War over. just a few weeks after the fall of the Berlin Wall. It was their second meeting following a meeting that included Ronald Reagan, in New York in December 1988.
My history of the world is quite different from that of the news media. Perhaps the real history will be revealed some day.
A 3 GHz Signal Coming from UFOs?
The reconnaissance RB-47 aircraft obtained electronic transmissions from UFOs on July 17, 1957: It should be noted that the ECM equipment was not radar. It did not emit a signal and then pick up reflected echoes off of an object. Rather, it detected electromagnetic signals that were actually emitted by an UFO. And see Robert Hastings’ book “UFOs and Nukes”
The book, “Exempt from Disclosure” the Los Alamos Tech Report (Ebben Craft # 2, from the Los Alamos source says the following:
“During recent tests, it was determined that Ebben 1 (Craft) sent out an electronic signature of super-high radio-frequency electromagnetic pulses. The pulses are in the 3 GHz region of the electromagnetic spectrum.” Page 158: “Microwaves though are a very useful range of frequencies; at one particular frequency (3 GHz for atmospheric air) they can create spin-resonance in the electrons of atoms of the gases in the surrounding air. Electron spin resonance-ESR raises the normal mode “lower energy” state of the electron up to the higher energy state, the visual effect of which is an emission of light photons of various colors . The craft could power a small city.().” http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electron_paramagnetic_resonance,
The Search for Human’s Original Home
TESS Satelite
The Transiting Exoplanets Survey Satellite (TESS) was launched April 18, 2018 and will discover thousands of exoplanets in orbit around the brightest stars in the sky. In a two-year survey of the solar neighborhood, TESS will monitor more than 200,000 stars for temporary drops in brightness caused by planetary transits. This first-ever space borne all-sky transit survey will identify planets ranging from Earth-sized to gas giants, around a wide range of stellar types and orbital distances. No ground-based survey can achieve this feat. It is expected to discover thousands of exo-planets one may be Heaven or the original home of humans. TESS has identified over 5,200 candidate exoplanets of which 180 have been confirmed so far, along with numerous Earth like planets Thanks to NASA
Sumerian Anunnaki Came to Earth
These ancient tablets hold the secrets of our true history because they contain evidence of the oldest recorded events in history. By looking at the original tablets, some dated thousands of years before the Bible, which were utilized to make up our borrowed stories. The Sumerian was one of the first cultures of humankind. It was developed between 5300 BC and 2000 BC; it is still one of the most advanced civilizations known to have existed on Earth. Researcher Zecharia Sitchin claims the cuneiform text describe an alien race named the “Anunnaki” who came to the earth from an undiscovered planet in our Solar System, beyond Neptune called Niburu.
Expert says You’re Aliens— We Were Brought to Earth of Thousands of Years Ago in Rockets
Humans Are Aliens
The Bible states, “Then the Lord God formed the man of dust from the ground and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life, and the man became a living creature. And the rib that the Lord God had taken from the man he made into a woman and brought her to the man. Therefore a man shall leave his father and his mother and hold fast to his wife, and they shall become one flesh.” Genesis 2: 21=24
What if humans are the aliens we’ve been looking for all along?” According to experts, humans were most likely crossbred with another species, perhaps from the star system Alpha Centauri, which is one of the closest solar systems to Earth, in the distant past, giving birth to modern humans.
Genesis 6:4 reads as follows: “The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.”
In the ancient Sumerian city of Kish used to be, archaeologists found one of the oldest ancient documents on the planet, the tablet of Kish written in 3500 BC. The Sumerian king list states that Kish was the first city to have kings following the flood.
Many scientists agree that compared to other species on earth, humans are rather strange. For example, a baby horse when born is able to walk and function almost independently, but a human baby cannot do, which makes us quite helpless. In other words, we are born before being neurologically ready for life.
O Positive 38 % and A Positive 34% A Negative 6%
Our species has paid an expensive price with back and Lumbar pain a sign that according to many experts that we may be from another planet. Curiously, other animals on Earth do NOT have this problem. It’s as if only humans are affected. Furthermore, as noted by Robert Sepher, our modern DNA sequencing, demonstrates that humanity , isn’t just ONE single ‘race’ that descended from Africa, but a hybridized species, with a far more enigmatic truth behind it all. Genesis 6:4 reads as follows: The Nephilim were in the earth in those days, and also after that, when the sons of God came in unto the daughters of men, and they bore children to them; the same were the mighty men that were of old, the men of renown.
Many questions have been raised in the discussion about Rh negative blood. If mankind did, in fact, evolve from an ancient African animal ancestor, theories state that everyone’s blood would be compatible, but , this is not the case.. There are 612 primate (monkeys, apes) species and subspecies recognized by the International Union for Conversation of Nature (IUCN), and not one has Rh-negative blood indicating these human did not develop from animals”. Where did Rh-negative blood come from? And why is it that a Rh-negative mother carrying Rh positive children tries rejecting her own offspring? One possible theory suggests that humanity is not one race, but a hybridized species.
The book was written by Robert Sepehr, “Species with Amnesia: Our Forbidden History” tells us that highly advanced civilizations have been on Earth before us, just to be destroyed by some great global catastrophes. Sepehr argues that for each race that has died out, another has taken its place, with a selected few holding on to the memories and sacred knowledge of the past race. We are in fact only just beginning to rediscover the profound wisdom of past civilizations yearning to reclaim our forgotten past. –
The Highest Percentage of RH Negative Blood is 20% in Red
The Basque people of Spain and France have the highest percentage of Rh-negative blood. About 30% have Rh negative blood and about 60% carry one (r) negative gene.
Professor Milton Wainwright from the University of Buckingham Centre for Astrobiology and his team inspected and analyzed parallels between manganese oxide rock varnish biological contents on Earth and on Mars. They theorized that it not only pointed to the existence of extraterrestrial life, “but to complex and civilized beings watching our planet.”The aliens have been seeding Earth since the beginning of time and are now watching us? “Russian scientists say alien life may exist on the surface of the ISS”
A Missing Planet May Be a Clue
In the Asteroid Belt between Mars and Jupiter, scientists have noted there appears to be a missing planet. It is thought the Asteroid Belt was formed by an exploding planet that severely damaged Mars whose Martians escaped to earth? Could we be descendants from an alien race that previously occupied another planet? Those aliens could still be living among us, either unrecognized or in hiding? An advanced civilization flying UFOs is being reported daily in our skies. Perhaps the UFO crews escaped danger on their own planet and are now hide on Earth. Venus or Mars and some moons may have life.
The Labelled Release experiments which Professor Dr. Gilbert Levin designed for the on Mar’s Twin Viking Landers in 1976 detected living microbes and his recent proposal for high-resolution images of rocks cracked open by the Curiosity rover, and growing acceptance that Mars is not a sterile planet.
Humans are not from Earth
According to one expert, it means that we are the aliens we’ve we been looking for all along. A new theory proposed by Dr. Ellis Silver states that there are several tell-tale signs present in the human race that suggest human beings did not evolve alongside other life forms on Earth. The book called ‘Humans are not from Earth: a scientific evaluation of the evidence’ is basically a resume of theories for and mostly against man’s evolution on Earth. In the book, leading environmentalist and ecologist Dr. Ellis Silver goes through an evaluation of thirteen leading hypothesis and seventeen factors which suggest HUMANS ARE NOT FROM EARTH. Mankind is the most highly developed species, yet is surprisingly unsuited and ill-equipped for Earth’s environment: harmed by sunlight, a strong dislike for naturally occurring foods, ridiculously high rates of chronic disease, and more said Dr. Ellis in an interview. ‘Humans might suffer from back pain because our species initially evolved on another planet with a lower gravity such as Mars.. ., Newborns have large heads and make it difficult for mothers to give birth, which can result in fatalities for both mother and child.
According to Dr. Ellis, Neanderthals were most likely crossbred with another species, perhaps from the star system Alpha Centauri –which is one of the closest solar systems to Earth— in the distant past, giving birth to modern humans. According to Dr. Ellis, there are millions of people around the globe who ‘feel’ that they do not belong on Earth. “This suggests that mankind may have evolved on a different planet, and we may have been brought here as a highly developed species. One reason for this is that the 53 factors that prove we could not have evolved on Earth.
This is a page from the book Humans are not from Earth
In China there are a hundred pyramids thousands of years old with the remains of blue eyed blonds buried nearby. White skin humans were first developed at this time. ‘Dr. Ellis concludes that mankind evolved elsewhere and was transported to Earth (as fully evolved Homo sapiens) between 60,000 and 200,000 years ago.
Texas Object in Cemetery
San Antonio, Texas on August 7, 2022, an object that appeared on my photograph that I did not see when I took the photo. It clearly shows a ship like that is rounded and visible with wings. I took the photo in a cemetery and flash moves up to craft suggesting soul or other parts are taken from body. There is a bright flash between the craft and a grave. It is possible the craft is picking up the soul or other parts of dead people. Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection and the life; he who believes in Me will live even if he dies, and everyone who lives and believes in Me will never die.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Lights
California Object on August 27, 2022, I found a series of videos, all of the same suspicious yellow lights in the sky.
I’m almost certain myself this must be a UFO.I called up ABC News who was adamant it was a drone.
Colorado Lights
Longmont on September 5 , 2022. I was outside looking at early morning stars and see this light anomaly appear that looked like a fireworks. The trailing sparks were not burning away. My wife and I saw a string of silvery-gold lights, A 3 second slow exposure and made the lights appear as a single line.
Florida Lights
Miami on September 11, 2022. I took this picture at the airport as I am a Crew Chief for 13 years. The picture show 2 glares and the “animalities” are far away, different shapes.
Idaho Light
Boise on September 5 , 2022. seemed like the trail of a comet as it shimmered the same way. But then I realized it was a solid, consistent shaped object traveling slowly but steadily across the sky..
New Jersey Lights
On September 14, 2022, on Monday location of sighting was in New Jersey, thousands of eyewitnesses saw a craft.
Westfield on August 10 , 2022, I first heard a pulsating sound and just over the trees the point started to appear then more of the triangle craft came into view. I stood in this incredibly bright light watching it slowly glide over me with lights on each point. Side panels were lit as it glided off 70 feet over me.
Nevada Object
Devil’s Lake on August 21, 2022, a solid glowing long light which didn’t change shape and didn’t pulse. It wasn’t a heat/flame trail from a missile or falling star. It traveled across the sky for 12 seconds then gone.
North Dakota Lights
Devil’s Lake on August 21, 2022, a solid glowing long light which didn’t change shape and didn’t pulse. It wasn’t a heat/flame trail from a missile or falling star. It traveled across the sky for 12 seconds then gone.
Tennessee Disk
Lobelville on August 29, 2022, set up a trail camera after 2 helicopters flew a hundred feet over my house and later caught a disk with a dome. (UFO). A month or two later my camera caught a few UFOs avoiding being hit with several rockets being shot at them from the ground .
Utah Object
Cedar City on September 3 , 2022, I took pics of my garden and saw an object but it looked farther away.
We live right up to the edge of Three Peaks Park in Iron County.
West Virginia Light
Glen Fork on August 12, 2021, took four photos of this bright object from 11:50 PM to 12:20 AM. Note: The witness did not say anything about the object. The object could be Jupiter that was visible and quite bright at the time that the photos were taken. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Object
Peterhead on September 5 , 2022. I was outside looking up and saw two objects stationary in the sky. A helicopter flew near, so I called my wife,. They slowly moved west and disappeared but the other went in front of a cloud where I was able to see it.
Belgium Object
Tournai on August 20, 2022, after a PAN, it lit up and looked like a big cigar and turned off and continued in its west direction.
Canada Lights
on August 29, 2022, I got out of my semi truck, I looked up and saw lights going across the sky. It was a clear morning, just before sun rise at 5:37 AM, I thought it was a meteorite breaking up, they were moving at the exact speed east. I captured some footage.
China Light
Shenyang on March 15, 2022, I see a bright object in the western sky just after sunset. I notice it’s been stationary for at least
France Object
Solomon Bridge on May 15, 2021, this photo was taken between Pont Salomon and St Ferréol d’Aurore, my attention was drawn to this cloud that looks like a UFO. It began to move slowly before dissipating.
New Zealand Lights
Hampton on March 8, 2022, while my partner and I were watching a UFO documentary, my partner looks out the window to see glowing lights tracing a path across the sky. Initially we only saw 3, but then 2 more started catching up.
UK/England Object
London on September 3, 2022, we are at the 8th– floor window from Princes Gate, and we witnessed a Tic Tac shape UAP moving in a way that is not possible. It was white, glowed, and hovered over Horse Guard Parade area near Buckingham Palace and then flew east before shooting into the sky.
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files C/O George Filer
222 Jackson Road
Medford, NJ 08055
Products and Books
Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings
Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings on Amazon.com
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.