14 2023
\Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
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Special reports are UFOs Are as Real says Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister, Some Alien Visitors are Dwarves, Hopi Indians Claim Flying Saucers and Space Travel Exist, and Strange Craft, Greska Carbon 60,
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over, California, Florida, Georgia, New Jersey, New Mexico, North Carolina Ohio, South Carolina, Texas, Utah, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, China, France, Mexico, Netherlands’, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force. Under Project Blue Book, the US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years; and we continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Reports
UFOs Are as Real says Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister,
Paul Hellyer
Paul Hellyer states, “UFOs are as real as the airplanes that fly over your head. I’m so concerned about what the consequences might be of starting an intergalactic war, I had to say something. The secrecy involved in all matters pertaining to the Roswell incident was unparalleled. The classification was, from the outset, above top secret, so the vast majority of U.S. officials and politicians, let alone a mere allied Minister of Defense, were never in-the-loop.” Statements as the University of Toronto, September 25, 2005
Paul Hellyer, also stated, “An unnamed former Canadian Chief of Emergency Measures revealed the astonishing story just before his death from a neurological illness.
Speaking at the “Hearing on ET Disclosure” in Brantford, Ontario, Canada, Mr. Hellyer explained that if he wanted to know about the workings of an alien space craft he would “ask the current chief of Emergency Measures”. Mr. Hellyer, who became a UFO expert after claiming to have seen proof of alien visitations while in office, said: “The reason I know is I interviewed the previous one, who is now deceased, and he went to Langley and the CIA asked if he would like to see one of these crafts.”
“They flew him to Area 51 and let him go inside one and observe it and make notes and this sort of thing. Hellyer revealed the claim to a panel of the world’s top UFO and alien investigators and experts on July 16, 2016. Thanks to Jon Austin Daily Mail. Paul Hellyer Canadian Defense Minister 1963-67, and Deputy Prime Minister in 1968.
Some Alien Visitors are Short
Gray Alien
Dwarves—Upon first exposure to UFO literature, the reader is prone to ignore any reference to the dwarves seen hovering or flying through the air, or to dismiss the story as totally beyond the UFO phenomenon. Maintaining mental tranquility during extensive reading, however, is not so easy. In the sample cases under study, UFO people were reportedly flying on numerous occasions, and these events must be objectively examined. A man in Venezuela saw an object in flight that landed near a bridge. He first thought it was a Great Blue Heron bird, but then saw that it was a little man with all the characteristics of the UFO dwarves. Upon being awakened by the shaking of his bed, another witness saw a small creature fly out an open window toward a dazzling light. (65) When a dwarf was disturbed by a racetrack employee while attacking a horse in a barn, he “zoomed” out the door. (66) These strange observations standing alone might be disregarded in the absence of the following ones, which specifically link the flying creatures to UFOs. The normal way that UFO people enter their craft is through a hatch or doorway in the side, by stepping into an elevator that has been let down from a hovering craft, or by climbing up a stairway on the underside.
Alien Flys into UFO
If it is too high or they are in a great hurry, they simply fly to it. A small creature dressed in shiny clothes seemed to “fly” as he moved toward a craft hovering less than 2 meters above the ground. It “opened up” and the creature “popped inside.” (67) Two creatures in white suits and helmets were seen in Canada to fly back into a large disc-shaped craft. (68) Two children in France saw “four little devils” that hovered, flew around a 2-meter sphere, then dived into it. (69) Only two days later in Venezuela with little chance of communication, a police officer saw a dwarf wearing a silver-colored, metallic-looking coverall. The dwarf lifted one foot, then the other, and flew up toward an object overhead and sailed into an open door. (70) The prominence of clothing in these cases should be noted. While these observations are truly baffling, they are elementary compared to the next two that, oddly enough, furnish a clue to comprehension. A twenty-three-year-old woman and her parents saw a strange little man surrounded by a bluish-yellow glow as he soared over the neighbors rooftops. (71) Here is a direct association between flying and luminosity.
The same relationship was reported for the taller UFO people when a strange being 2.l0-m tall was seen hovering in the air near a bright object; his body emitted a peculiar glow. (72) The bodies of two dwarves appeared to glow with lights of changing colors as they emerged from a landed vehicle in New York. (73) The idea that the bodies were emitting light has probably been confused by the witnesses with luminescence of the clothing and the atmosphere surrounding the creatures. Three giants, 3 meters tall, wore luminous clothing as they came out of a huge machine over 10 stories high. (74) A minister in Ohio saw a silhouette wearing a luminous suit near his house. (75)
Apparently, the type of propulsion system used by these people for personal flying is the same as that employed to drive their vehicles. It would seem that the “shiny” quality of their clothing, the sheen or the radiance, is a necessary adjunct to the system, making the clothing most unusual and possibly explaining the lack of buttons, fasteners, and seams. With some kind of electromagnetic system involving the surface of the clothing, the discontinuities created by fasteners and seams would be undesirable. A gap between trouser cuffs and shoes seems to be avoided by making the shoes integral with the standard coveralls. Similar care to preserve extraordinary smoothness also applies to the surface of the vehicles. Some other aspect of flying may have been involved in two isolated observations. Two boys in Brazil, ages 9 and 11, saw a luminous sphere at treetop level from which descended a tall being gliding down to the ground along two vertical beams of light. Since strong beams are frequently aimed downward from UFOs, they could have been extraneous to the descent for the being flew back up to the sphere without their benefit.(77) A more distinct indication that the light beams were important occurred in Venezuela about three years later. Two beings came out of an oval object through a system of light beams, and they returned to their craft “as if carried by the light.” Two men saws the aerial performance of at least three of the UFO people probably encompasses a use of light beams that is entirely unique. had symbols on their shoulders that looked like UFOs with stars round them. What really caught our eyes were the silver barcodes embedded in their hands! They did not look like they were just stuck to the top of their hands, they looked embedded
In the previous section, it was observed that UFO people did not wear special equipment to protect their bodies against strong gravity. h. It now becomes clear, however, that their remarkable clothing could well serve as a device to relieve the body of burdensome gravitational forces. If it is capable of offsetting the body weight entirely for the purpose of flying, it could also serve to offset any desired fraction of the body weight to facilitate walking in an abnormally high gravity.
Numerous examples of UFO people being seen as brightly luminous while walking on the ground, instead of flying, are ample indication of that usage. One very small creature was even seen quietly walking the streets of Chaclacay, Peru, leaving a luminous trail, a feature commonly associated with the vehicles and understandable in that context.(80) It appears that the clothing furnishes protection against gravity, and on that basis, the argument becomes admissible that the UFO people originate in gravity that is less than that on earth. James M. McCampbell UFOLOGY
Editor’s Note: Let us assume for the sake of argument that people have been cloned. My research has led me to believe that Darwin’s Theory of Evolution is in error and that man’s uniqueness was created and planned. Darwin indicates we somehow by chance called natural selection we developed from primordial soup to highly intelligent humans. In his day, he was unable to see the intricacies of even a single cell. Under a high-power microscope if we look closely, we find unbelievable design and function. If we take New York City and look at its roads, communication, transportation, electrical, power, computers, wiring, water systems and surround that with a plastic shell, you have an idea of the complexity each cell. Additionally, that cell can reproduce itself regularly. I suggest this is not done by chance, that even the simplest cell has a design and creator. Our earliest scriptures say, “And God said, “Let us make man in our image, after our likeness.” Genesis 1-26. This statement clearly indicates interference and creation of mankind perhaps by God’s messengers. When we start to look for proof, of these statements the DNA of homo sapiens has large gaps and giant leaps that would not logically occur be evolution. We can find monkeys, apes, and other primates that are obviously greatly inferior to humans. There are over 300 physical traits that set us apart from our cousins, like our ability to stride upright, our helpless infancy, and prolonged childhood making us dependent on our parents. Above all we have dual or divided brains much larger than hominids and apes.
Darwin claimed, nature never over-endows a species beyond the demands of everyday existence. Yet our brain is far beyond the demands of everyday existence, and our artistic and mathematical capabilities cannot be explained by natural selection. We must then look logically for evidence of manipulation, intervention or creation. Nordic Aliens claim they are our ancestors. There are also five different human races. Many ancient beliefs such as the American Indian believe they each were brought to Earth from other planets.
Lascaux Cave, France Hall of the Bulls with UFOs.
Cavemen frequently drew UFOs in their cave art above exact replicas of Bison, and deer. Aimé Michel did a study of cave art and reports at Las Chimeneas (Santander, Spain) is a cigar-cloud and its attendant discs. At Altimira, Niaux, and La Cullalvera, discs are shown in flight.
We also have drawings in caves from 20,000 years ago with unidentified flying objects. I suggest there is more evidence for space visitors in rock carvings than there is in the relatively few fossils remain for evolution. We are entering a new era with new and amazing discoveries. The radar returns, video and photographs taken almost daily of UFOs indicate something amazing is our skies!
Hopi Indians Claim Flying Saucers and Space Travel Exist
PRESCOTT — Daily Courier article by Richard W. Kimball, “An old American Indian rock carving near Mishongnovi, Arizona accurately describes the existence of “flying saucers” and space travel, according to a Hopi Indian leader. In the summer of 1970, the late Chief Dan Katchongva, in the company of his counsellor Ralph Tawangyawma and interpreter Caroline Tawangyawma, went to the city of Prescott to learn more about the rash of UFOs recently seen in that area. The residents of that central Arizona community said they saw hundreds of flying saucers in the night sky over the city for more than two weeks prior to the Hopi leader’s arrival. Katchongva, who died in 1972, said he believed the sightings were intimately connected to Hopi prophecy. The traditional Hopi chieftain had long been interested in UFOs because he believed they were a part of Hopi religious beliefs. The existence of the saucers justified an old Hopi prophecy that a “Day of Purification” was soon to arrive.
It would be a day when all wicked people and wrongdoers would be punished or destroyed. Contact with flying saucers would signal the first step of a massive migration northward by Indians from Central and South America, Solem said. Chief Katchongva told reporters that the petroglyph on the Hopi Reservation shows a definite connection between the Indians and visitors from space. “We believe other planets are inhabited and that our prayers are heard there,” he said. “The arrow on which the dome-shaped object rests, stands for travel through space,“ Katchongva said in explaining the rock carving. “The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape (drawing) represents purity. Those Hopi who survive Purification Day will travel to other planets. We, the faithful Hopi, have seen the ships and know they are true,” he said. “We have watched nearly all of our brethren lose faith in the original Hopi teachings and go off on their own course. Near Oraibi the Plan of Life was clearly shown and we know that those who have forsaken the original teachings will pay with their lives when the True White Brother comes,” he went on. The Hopi prophecies say they will be divided three times. The first division occurred in 1906 when Chief You-kew-ma [Yukiuma] and his followers were forced out of the ancient Indian town of Oraibi to begin a new community in Hotevilla, he said.
The Hopi maiden
“The second division took place in 1969 when Paul Solem came and contacted the flying saucers, and they flew over and whispered their message. Shortly before Mr. Solem came, Titus Quomayumtewa saw a flying saucer and the Kachina that piloted it. “Paul Sewaemanewa saw the saucer years before when he had made his prayer rites,” Katchongva said. “These two men are of the faithful. We know we are to be divided once more and few will be left just before our True White Brother arrives with the matching pieces of stone tablet. Many Hopi men wear their bang haircut that represents a window from which they continue to look for the True White Brother,” he added.
[Editor’s Note: When Dan Katchongva “died” his body was never found. He was last seen walking up into a small valley where a UFO had just been seen. Thanks to the Prescott Daily Courier, 12/24/95 and Bill Hamilton Skywatch International, Inc http://www.skywatch-research.orgAncient Barrows and Burial Mounds
Tokyo, J apan Burial Mound
All around our world there are numerous ancient disc shaped burial barrows, tumuli, or mounds that were built to bury our ancestors. When I flew for the Air Force, I noticed many mounds from the air in many parts of the world. Ohio, West Virginia, Illinois, Florida, the Middle East, and United Kingdom have many examples that still exist. Thousands were built in America, and 18,000 were built in Britain 5000 years ago in the Bronze Age.
A Smaller Hopewell Indian Mound with 9,000 flint discs in Ross County, Ohio
This mound was dug into in 1891, and thousands of silica/limestone flint discs were found in the remains of Indians. The flint models were mined in Indiana Quarry where beach ball sized models were buried. After they were dug out the models were carved into the shape of discs and carried 250 miles to Hopewell. The manufacture and transport of roughly 10,000 pounds of discs proves the Indians felt they were of great importance. The Indian religions believed their soul would remain after death and the flints would help transport them to Indian heaven with their key god Kevas.
Both in Great Britain and America thousands of flint discs have been found inside the American Indian and British burial mounds. Recent evidence has also uncovered an ancient alphabet that appears to have been used throughout the ancient world. The burial barrows are constructed to a precise plan, where the periphery of a circle is marked by posts and stakes and is called a palisade. Now, 5000 years later, the barrows still maintain their basic structure unless destroyed by grave robbers or modern construction projects. Within this palisade the dead were buried and a discoid shaped structure that were built to look remarkably like disc shaped UFOs. Not only was a disc shape used in construction but also, each dead body was buried with its own carved disc. Sometimes these small discs came from a hundred miles away and were often carved or chipped from flint stone. Archaeologists claim these disc barrow builders were worshippers of the sun and moon.
I asked investigator John Thompson his opinion. He stated, our ancestors saw “things” in the sky and intuitively, but probably incorrectly and as modern man is doing, decided that Gods from space were/are visiting us. They, however, and more astutely than us, made the death-heaven connection. Why bury models of UFOs with themselves if they didn’t think that these entities “aboard them” were not connected to the so-called spirit world they were entering? It’s obvious they saw a link between what they observed in the sky and where they believed they were going after dying. So we can hypothesize that our ancestors, like Ezekiel who saw a UFO in the sky, probably worshipped or at least prayed that these craft would take them to heaven or at least keep their souls alive.
Discs are clearly depicted in the 2,500-year-old palace of Darius at Perseopolis in Iran. I think we can assume the depictions of disc craft are accurate and it makes good sense to assume they were in our skies in ancient times. These UFO discs have been depicted in 18,000-year-old ancient caves in France. The Egyptians believed a metal craft with a metal door carried the souls of the dead who had led a good life. Many of the objects found in the barrows carry out the disc theme and its importance to the people. Clothing and capes were fastened over the upper chest with a disc measuring two inches in diameter. Jewelry, early armor and even the chief structures of worship carried out the disc theme. Stonehenge itself covered by wood would make a nicely shaped disc. Ancient sites such as New Grange in Ireland, believed to be the world’s oldest structure is shaped as a disc.
Passage Tomb at New Grange, Ireland built in 3200 BC is 600 years older than the Egyptian pyramids.
It is similar in appearance to the Mound of Kinowth and both have a disc shape with a rim and representations of windows that faithfully imitate the real object. If the ancients intended to imitate either the moon or the sun their structures would look very different. Almost everywhere in the world myths, customs, and religion claim their individual ancestors came from space. I suggest the history of the world is very different if we recognize the importance of disc UFOs.
Many tribes in Meso America have the same legends of extraterrestrials or star people giving humans ancient knowledge, writing and advanced methods of construction. Often there were warnings and prophecies about how humans will end up if we don’t change. Mayans, Aztecs and Hopi Indians tell of the
Were Discs Worshipped in Ancient Times?
Stonehenge had Large Numbers of wood Covering roof making it appear has a disc.
The June 2008, National Geographic Magazine states, The people who built Stonehenge had discovered something hitherto unknown, hit upon some truth, turned a corner—there is no doubt the purposefully placed stones are fraught with meaning. But what in fact do they mean? Despite countless theories offered over centuries no one knows.” Page 36.
I theorize that Bronze Age man worshipped disc and cylinder UFOs. I personally chased a huge cylinder-shaped UFO over Stonehenge while in the Air Force and they have been reported throughout history. Even my namesake King George III had his sighting. Assuming things (craft) were over the area in ancient times they would appear as sky Gods and worthy of worship
Carl Sagan stated in his book, “Intelligent Life in the Universe”…”I believe that efficient interstellar spaceflight to the furthest reaches of the Galaxy is a feasible objective for humanity. If this is the case, other civilizations, eons more advanced than ours, must today be playing in the spaces between the stars.” (Page 449.) Astronomer Ian Crawford reports his diffusion model leads to “full galactic colonization” in 5 to 50 million years (Scientific American, Nov. 2000,). “Several million years is a long time in comparison to a human life span, but it is short in comparison to the life span of main sequence stars”. Enrico Fermi, the famous physicist, questioned in 1943, called: Fermi’s Paradox. “Where are they?” Extraterrestrials should have colonized Earth long ago, but they are not here.” My answer is, “Look up, they are here.!
“Mothership launching twelve discs over Japan ”
Each week for over twenty years in Filer’s Files, I have provided evidence that our Earth is being visited by probes from other civilizations. While I was on active duty in the US Air Force, London Control directed us to investigate and intercept a large UFO. As we intercepted the UFO, I saw it on my radar and visually just before it flew into space at incredible speed. There are thousands of similar stories where aircrews, ground and airborne radar operators have observed UFOs.
It’s time for scientists to start looking at the incredible evidence collected daily around the world. NASA Space Shuttle videos are a good place to start. In my opinion we are not alone. The National Geographic carries a drawing of the Salisbury Plain Stonehenge area showing disc shaped burial mounds and cylinder-shaped barrows. From the air the burial mounds appear like a Mothership cylinder launching disc shaped mounds. The Bronze age culture began to flourish 5000 years ago with an extreme interest in the heavens. Archaeologists describe the burial mounds as Disc, Bell-/Disc and Saucer barrows. The mounds vary in size from 20 to 100 feet and have the same shape and structure as standard UFOs seen today and painted on the walls of caves 20,000 years ago. Perhaps the most interesting are the cryptic trenches like the Cursus that are numerous in Britain that are similar to the cylinder UFO I saw over the Stonehenge area.
Kenneth Brophy in British Archeology Magazine tries to make sense of some of Britain’s largest and earliest prehistoric monuments. He states, “Cursus monuments are among the most impressive yet mysterious prehistoric sites in the British Isles. Their sheer size – gigantic even by today’s standards – exceptionally early date, and apparently inscrutable function make them a particularly fascinating subject for study and speculation. These long, narrow earthwork structures date from the Neolithic – many from the early part of the period about 6,000 years ago – and are thus some of the oldest monumental buildings in the world. They have been found across the country from southern England to north-eastern Scotland and stand beside some of the most famous archaeological sites in Britain and Ireland, such as Stonehenge, and Newgrange. Cursus monuments are essentially very long and relatively narrow rectangular enclosures, with a near continuous boundary of an interior bank and an exterior ditch. The only breaks in this boundary are the `causeways’, or possible entrances. The ends of a Cursus are either squared-off or rounded. Size is perhaps their most amazing characteristic. Many Cursus are several kilometers long..” I suggest Cursus was made to worship or encourage the huge Motherships to land.”
Timber monuments that preceded Stonehenge were built in the shape of discs which are often launched from the Motherships.. Additionally, small discs twelve inches in diameter are frequently found within the burial mounds often held by the bodies. . New archaeological evidence found by the Stonehenge Riverside Project indicates the area was used as a burial ground from its earliest beginnings in 3000 B.C. Burials continued at Stonehenge for at least another 500 years when the giant stones which mark the landmark were put up.
A large portion of the objects found within the mounds have discs and cylinder shapes such as shields ,and jewelry.
This picture was taken of Stonehenge on June 25 , 2023, We were driving past Stonehenge, so I took some pictures on my phone. The first one was with the window shut. Then we opened it. Traffic was slow for looking at the stones. I took photos one second apart approximately. We didn’t see UFO until later when we looked at pictures.
Stonehenge was built with some eighty bluestones with weights up to nearly five tons. Gerald s. Hawkins, Professor of Astronomy calculated that some 210,000-man days were needed to drag and ship the bluestones from Carnal, Wales to Stonehenge—a crow-fly distance of 135 miles. The bluestones are thought to have healing abilities. When I personally visited Stonehenge I had a feeling of wellbeing and awe and discovered a carving of a knife on one large stone.
The bluestones from Llangrock Mountain also have the appearance of being deliberately hewn to simulate a wavering cloud-like effect that is strikingly similar to the cigar-cloud phenomenon. Basically, the bluestones represented or symbolized the cloud-cigar. Even today Stonehenge is probably the most popular visiting area in England for UFOs and crop circles.
Hopi Indians Claim Flying Saucers and Space Travel Exist
American Indian rock carvi of Alien Ships
PRESCOTT — Daily Courier article by Richard W. Kimball, ” American Indian rock carving near Mishongnovi, Arizona accurately describes the existence of “flying saucers” and space travel, according to a Hopi Indian late Chief Dan Katchongva, , went to Prescott to learn more about the rash of UFOs recently seen in that area. The residents of that central Arizona said they saw hundreds of UFOs in the night sky. Katchongva, , said he believed the sightings were intimately connected to Hopi prophecy that a “Day of Purification” was soon to arrive.
It would be a day when all wicked people and wrongdoers would be punished or destroyed. Contact with flying saucers would signal the first step of a massive migration northward by Indians from Central and South America, Salem said. Chief Katchongva claims a definite connection between the Indians and visitors from space. “We believe other planets are inhabited and that our prayers are heard there,” he said. ”
The arrow on which the dome-shaped object rests, stands for travel through space,” Katchongva said in explaining the rock carving. “The Hopi maiden on the dome-shape represents purity. Those Hopi who survive Purification Day will travel to other planets. We, the faithful Hopi, have seen the ships and know they are true,” he said.
[Editor’s Note: When Dan Katchongva “died” his body was never found. He was last seen walking up into a small valley where a UFO had just been seen.] Thanks to the Prescott Daily Courier, http://www.skywatch-research.org

The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
MUFON Conference in Cincinnati August 25-28,,2023
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
n June 15, 2022, I have been capturing crazy objects I just go outside and record. This is my third UAP report that I have submitted in a few days. I believe they) are always occupying the airspace.
Twenty-nine Palms
Twenty-nine Palms
June 24, 2022, I heard dogs barking for 10 minutes. I sensed something, looked up, and saw a huge cigar shaped craft 200 yards long. I called my wife and kids, and son took a picture,
Florida rainbow
Patrick Air Force Base on June 24, 2022, wife and I both took pictures of rainbow had multiple orbs on our cameras that we didn’t see before. Pictures taken 15 minutes apart.
Georgia Object
Gainesville on June 26 , 2022, I caught on my camera two strange objects appeared to be some type of black cloud dome shaped object. I had my night vision camera shoot three separate spot light flashes
New Jersey Light
Somerdale, NJ on July 11, 2023. I was sitting on the back deck outside and my little sister yelled over to look up at the bright thing in the sky!. I started recording immediately a UFO / UAP slowly descends,. It’s zigs-zagging. There’s a helicopter down below blinking before the UFO falls or lands? Multiple military Chinook type helicopters spotted within minutes. I recorded within a few minutes of the UFO sighting a Chinook style military helicopter descend and take the same flight path as the UFO/U AP object.
New Mexico Light
On June 16 , 2022, looks like a tic tac, with something attached to the top and rear of the object, it flew into clouds and brightened up as it disappeared in the cloud
North Carolina Object
On July 7 , 2023, saw this that is not a helicopter or a plane? Had like a propulsion light below it? Took photos and noticed other things around it that I didn’t see before the picture was taken?
Ohio Object
Columbus Grove on July 4 , 2023, at 1:15 a.m.. I was observing the moon wink my telescope and saw a round object fly over. I have seen UFO in last 4 weeks.
South Carolina Light
Myrtle Beach on June 21 , 2022, UFO sighting over Atlantic Ocean of reddish lights.. They would always appear 8 or 9 times as one light first and then turn into 5 lights in a straight line.
Texas Objects
Canyon June 29, 2023 disc flying in the sky.
Utah Object
On July 12, 2023, I was participating in an ATV tour of Skin Walker Ranch, I was standing on the mesa, and saw the “triangle”, Later I noticed the orb UFO hovering over the triangle. It was using the clouds as concealment.
Washington Lights
On January 1, 2022, they were motionless for maybe 3-5 minutes then one by one they disappeared.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Object
‘Sussex inlet on June 22 , 2022, I looked up and saw this weird thing moving through the sky so check the video
Brazil Light
Curitiba on May 23, 2023, my friend took a picture of the moon, and when she saw an orb immersed in a disc that was invisible to the naked eye, and was visible only in the photo
China Object
Beijing on July 1 , 2023, I was taking photos near some tall skyscrapers. It was round and dark colored, but I saw later view of the photos that it reflected light.. It was quite high up in the sky for 5 minutes.
Beijing on July 1 , 2023, I was taking photos near some tall skyscrapers. It was round and dark colored, but I saw later view of the photos that it reflected light.. It was quite high up in the sky for 5 minutes.
France Light
Solomon Bridge on June 17, 2023, this photo was taken near Montségur, we saw this object while we were driving on Saturday, in the afternoon
Mexico Lights
Cozumel on June 28, 2023, I was on Carnival Cruise and 4 bright lights appear in front of the ship and they were 2 and 2 beside each other. One took off and stopped. The other 3 were just round lights.
Netherlands Object
On July 11 , 2023, there was a thunderstorm coming up and thought to make pictures of the lighting. After viewing the pictures. I spotted above the tree something in the clo
On July 11 , 2023, there was a thunderstorm coming up and thought to make pictures of the lighting. After viewing the pictures. I spotted above the tree something in the cloud.
UK/England Objects
Leeds July 3, 1970, I was 14 looking through my window, I saw 2 grey cigar shaped objects, stationary side by side hanging in the sky. What I saw 54 years ago could have indeed been UFO’s
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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MUFON Conference in Denver July 8-10, 2022
Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2022 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.
There is frequent sighting in the English Channel, England, and further south in France/ Newton Abbot Deven — I sat in the garden sky watching on April 23, 2020. The sky was clear with no planes. I sat there looking around the sky with my Nikon P900 camera when a Royal Navy helicopter flew over the area, I took some photographs as the helicopter flew over the horizon where I spotted a saucer shaped object that was moving at speed across the sky. When I zoomed in, I could see its violet color. I quickly took a photograph at 1:36 PM as it accelerated away at great speed. There is very compelling evidence of alien craft in our skies. I regularly see UFOs around this area, and the aliens have underwater bases.