“A black cylinder shaped UFO was recorded in two videos over Brazil last week. The craft seems to moves silently and slowly but rolls end over end at times. The second video seems to have higher detail of a craft without seems or openings,” reports Scott Waring author of UFO Sightings Daily
Date of sighting: December 18, 2013
Location of sighting: Segni dal Cielo, Brazil
There are numerous reports of cigar shaped UFOs in the history of the subject.
The Chiles-Whitted UFO encounter occurred on July 24, 1948 when two American commercial pilots reported that their Douglas DC-3 had nearly collided with a strange torpedo shaped object flying near them.
It was an important UFO sighting for several reasons: it was perhaps the first that occurred at close distance (allegedly within a few hundred feet); and it was reported by two very experienced pilots, Clarence Chiles and John Whitted. Both pilots had been decorated for their service as airmen during World War II, and both were regarded as valuable, respectable employees of Eastern Air Lines. Chiles, in particular, was highly esteemed by his peers and by his employer.
It was a pivotal case for the personnel of the U.S. Air Force’s Project Sign, and was a main reason they championed the extraterrestrial hypothesis as the best explanation for UFOs.
In 1948 over Japan, the radar of a F-61 Black Widow detected a target below the aircraft. While the aircrew tried to intercept it, the pilot saw the object, which appeared as a stubby cigar; then the object accelerated and disappeared. That sighting is known as the Fukuoka Incident.
In December 1957 during tbe Levelland UFO Case numerous people describe seeing a glowing, egg-shaped object and a cigar-shaped object which caused their vehicle’s engines to shut down. The incident began late on the evening of November 2 when two immigrant farm workers, Pedro Saucedo and Joe Salaz, called the Levelland police department to report a UFO sighting. Saucedo told police officer A.J. Fowler, who was working the night desk at the police station, that they had been driving four miles (6 km) west of Levelland when they saw a blue flash of light near the road. They claimed their truck’s engine died, and a rocket-shaped object rose up and approached the truck. According to Saucedo, “I jumped out of the truck and hit the dirt because I was afraid. I called to Joe but he didn’t get out. The thing passed directly over my truck with a great sound and rush of wind. It sounded like thunder and my truck rocked from the flash…I felt a lot of heat.”
In 1967, in the Falcon Lake incident a man is reported to have been burned by the exhaust of a landed cigar-shaped object. The Falcon Lake Incident is a reported unidentified flying object (UFO) encounter near Falcon Lake, Manitoba, Canada claimed to have occurred on May 20, 1967 by Stefan Michalak. The story was featured in an episode of Unsolved Mysteries. According to authors Chris Rutkowski and Geoff Dittman, Michalak, a resident of Winnipeg, Manitoba, had taken a short vacation in Whiteshell Provincial Park to prospect veins of quartz near Falcon Lake when he spotted two cigar-shaped objects descending, one of which landed near him. Michelak says he saw a door open and heard voices from inside the object, after which he tried to make contact in English and other languages but got no response. He claims to have burned his hand while attempting to examine “colourful glass” found around the object and seen a grid-like exhaust vent that expelled gas that burned his clothing.
On 6 March 1982, spectators at a football match at the Morenão stadium in Campo Grande saw a cigar-shaped object with lights at each end flying overhead. At that time, Ademar José Gevaerd was teaching chemistry in Maringá, Paraná state. Convinced that the object was a flying saucer, and hearing of other sightings at the same time in Sao Paulo, Paraná, Argentina, Bolivia and Paraguay, he decided to undertake a deeper study of UFOs
In 1993 Residents of Sasolburg South Africa observed a craft arriving from the direction of Vereeniging. The craft departed in a flash in the direction of Parys, but returned some three minutes later. The craft, similar in appearance to a water droplet, was observed to change colour and shape. With time individual lights were distinguished, and the body was determined to be cigar-shaped. While contained in a yellowish to orange glow, it emitted a downward blue light, before once again departing in a flash, upwards. A nearby town resident claimed to have found imprints of a small craft’s landing gear some two months later.
In 1995, a 300–400 foot long cigar-shaped UFO with rotating strobe light followed an America West Boeing 757