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Photo from Tustin, California on December 27, 2012
In special reports, this week’s files cover: New Film “Stranger in the Pentagon”, Possible Life on Titan, Nearest Sun-like Star Tau Ceti has Five Planets, The Ring of Fire Is Roaring To Life, CHAMP – Lights Out, “Talking With Angels”, and ‘Dr. UFO’ Runs Paranormal Study Group in Hamilton, NJ.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arkansas, California, Colorado, Florida, Louisiana, Maryland, Michigan, Nebraska, Nevada, New York, Tennessee, and Texas.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, Denmark, Italy, Pakistan, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Filer’s Files are now being emailed to 12,950 addresses each week plus 500 copies are forwarded to more thousands. Consider forwarding them to your friends and neighbors.
Dedicated to 5 year old Georgie Filer V whose motto was “Be Happy” and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who drowned.
Special Reports
Amazing Happenings for 2013
Ring of Fire Heats up with Earthquakes
Expect Strong Sun Flares
New Government in Syria
Iran to be attacked and War in Middle East
Increased UFO Presence and Reporting
Greater Realization We Are Not Alone
New Film “Stranger in the Pentagon”
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The film is about Space Emissary Valiant Thor who lives at the Pentagon for 3 years during the Eisenhower Administration.
“Stranger at the Pentagon” is inspired by events from the book of the same name published in 1967. It remains a UFO classic to date. Author Dr. Frank E. Stranges met Commander Valiant Thor, an alien being and spiritual representative of the universe on Christmas Eve in 1959. Victor One Craft is shown here.
“The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a human-type alien by military officials. He met with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon for an hour, and then the alien was put on VIP status and shuttled back to the Pentagon.” –Harley Byrd, Project Blue Book, Division of United States Air Force
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Our story begins when Thor lands on Earth in his technological wonder “Victor One” on Saturday, March 16, 1957 at 8:00 AM. President Eisenhower, Vice President Richard Nixon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff–all rush to the Oval Office to meet with the extraterrestrial. When Thor explains his presence, the men ponder his endless technological possibilities. They contemplate their future strategy either using friendship or force to gain control. Thor’s three year invitation to reside at the Pentagon under VIP status begins.
A designated Vice General in the Joint Chiefs of Staff has plans to climb the military ladder. Thor is his goal. To attain what Thor knows will ensure the United States military supremacy. Thanks to Frank Chili
Possible Life on Titan
Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the only natural satellite known to have a dense atmosphere, and the only object other than Earth for which clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has been found. It is a planet-like moon with a diameter roughly 50% larger than moon. His planet has methane lakes that likely have life.
The Cassini-Huygens mission in 2004 discovered liquid hydrocarbon lakes in the moon’s Polar Regions that likely have methane based life. The atmosphere is dense and opaque.
During a Cassini flyby in February 2007, radar and camera observations revealed several large features in the north polar region interpreted as large expanses of liquid methane and/or ethane, including one sea (Ligeia Mare) with an area of over 100,000 km (larger than Lake Superior), and another incompletely imaged region potentially the size of the Caspian Sea.
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Lake on Titan Compared to Lake Superior
The surface is geologically young, although mountains and several possible cryovolcanoes have been discovered, it is smooth and few impact craters have been found. The atmosphere of Titan is largely composed of nitrogen; minor components lead to the formation of methane and ethane clouds and nitrogen-rich organic smog. Methane is formed during Methanogenesis a form of anaerobic respiration used by organisms that occupy landfills, termites, and various animals like cattle and deer. The methane indicates life is functioning on Titan.
Overall, the Cassini radar observations have shown that lakes cover only a few percent of the surface and are concentrated near the poles, making Titan much drier than Earth. The high relative humidity of methane in Titan’s lower atmosphere could be maintained by evaporation from lakes covering only 0.002 – 0.02% of the whole surface.
A flyby of Titan’s southern Polar Regions in October 2007 revealed similar, though far smaller, lake like features. It is uncertain if plants are a source of methane emissions.
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The climate,including wind and rain,creates surface features similar to those of Earth, such as dunes, rivers, lakes and seas (probably of liquid methane and ethane), and deltas, and is dominated by seasonal weather patterns as on Earth. With its liquids and robust nitrogen atmosphere, Titan’s methane cycle is viewed as an analog to Earth’s water cycle, although at a much lower temperature.
The satellite is thought to be a possible host for microbial extraterrestrial life or, at least, as a prebiotic environment rich in complex organic chemistry with a possible subsurface liquid ocean serving as a biotic environment. Thanks to NASA
Nearest Sun-like Star Tau Ceti Has Five Planets
By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Our nearest single Sun-like star hosts five planets – one of which is in the “habitable zone” where liquid water can exist, astronomers say.
Tau Ceti’s planetary quintet will appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics – was found in existing planet-hunting data. Image of Titan taken during Huygens’ descent shows hills and topographical features that resemble a shoreline and drainage channels.
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The study’s refined methods of sifting through data should help find even more far-flung worlds.
The star now joins Alpha Centauri B as a nearby star known to host planets.
Tau Ceti lies 12 light-years distant; Alpha Centauri B, just four. In both cases, the planets were found not by spying them through a telescope but rather by measuring the subtle effects they have on their host stars’ light.
An exoplanet is a planet that exists outside our Solar System
A few years later, the planet 51 Pegasi B was found orbiting a star similar to the Sun.
Over eight hundred of extrasolar planets have been found in the last several years. In the gravitational dance of a planet around a star, the planet does most of the moving. But the star too is tugged slightly to and fro as the planet orbits, and these subtle movements of the star show up as subtle shifts in the color of the star’s light we see from Earth.
This “radial velocity” measurement is a tricky one; stars’ light changes also for a range of other reasons, and requires picking out the specifically planetary component from all this “noise”.
Now, Hugh Jones of the University of Hertfordshire and colleagues have refined their “noise modeling” in order to subtract it, and thereby see the smallest signals hiding in the data – starting with Tau Ceti.
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“It’s a star on which we have a lot of data – an order of magnitude more data than we have for pretty much any other star,” Prof Jones told BBC News. The quintet includes planets between two and six times the Earth’s mass, with periods ranging from 14 to 640 days.
One of them, dubbed HD 10700e, lies about half as far from Tau Ceti as the Earth is from the Sun – and because Tau Ceti is slightly smaller and dimmer than our Sun, that puts the planet in the so-called habitable zone.
This artists’ concept shows one of what is now believed to be six planets around Gliese 667C
It is increasingly clear that in existing data from radial velocity measurements there may be evidence of many more planets.
On Monday, Philip Gregory at the University of British Columbia in Canada posted an as-yet unpublished paper to the arXiv repository, claiming to have seen three planets in the habitable zone of Gliese 667C, one of three stars in a triple-star system, 22 light-years away. It is also clear that in almost every direction we look and in every way that we look, there are planets around stars near and far. The catalogue currently stands at 854 confirmed planets, and is growing with every new publication.
The Ring of Fire Is Roaring To Life
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Volcanoes all along the Ring of Fire are roaring to life. It seems like a new eruption is being reported every few days now while most of the world has been focused on other things, the Ring of Fire has been quietly waking up. Over the past couple of months, there has been a steady string of noteworthy volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. But because none of them have happened near a highly populated area, we really haven’t heard much about them in the news. But if activity along the Ring of Fire continues to increase, it is inevitable that a major event will happen near a major city at some point. When that happens, the entire world will be focused on the Ring of Fire once again. Most people don’t realize that approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire. The entire west coast of the United States sits along the Ring of Fire and a massive network of faults runs underneath California, Oregon and Washington. These states will have earthquakes at some point. So it is important to sit up and take notice when there are reports of increasing activity along the Ring of Fire.
Volcanic belts and/or plate movements run roughly along the rim of the Pacific Ocean. Coastal residents of four different continents realize that a major event along the Ring of Fire could fundamentally change their lives in a single moment.
When the Ring of Fire is very active, it is a very big deal. That is why so many people are alarmed that the Ring of Fire seems to be entering a period of increased activity.
When the Krakatoa volcanoes erupted and exploded in 1883, causing massive tsunamis and killing at least 36,417 people, while simultaneously destroying over two-thirds of Krakatoa Island. The explosion is considered to be the loudest sound ever heard in modern history, with reports of it being heard up to 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from its point of origin. The dust traveled around the world cooling the globe.
The following are 15 signs that the Ring of Fire is waking up as we head into 2013
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#1 Mount Lokon, Indonesia, has erupted more than 800 times since July.
#2 An “orange alert” had been issued for towns near the Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador.
#3 Lava is still flowing out of the Tolbachik volcano which is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
#4 Lava also continues to flow and ash also continues to rise from the Fuego volcano in Guatemala.
#5 On Tuesday, an ash plume more than 2.5 kilometers high had risen from the Paluweh volcano in Indonesia.
#6 There was an average of about 4 seismic events per hour at the Popocat-petl volcano in Mexico on Tuesday.
#7 Scientists recently discovered one of the world’s weirdest volcanoes on the floor of the ocean just off the coast of Baja, Mexico.
#8 Mt. Fuji Tokyo, Japan has been dormant for about 300 years, but in recent months there have been increasing signs of a possible large scale explosive eruption. A tunnel leading to Mt. Fuji collapsed on December 2nd, killing 9 people.
#9 Scientists are now warning that there is a very dangerous build up of magma at a large number of Japan’s 110 active volcanoes.
#10 A magnitude-6.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia on Monday.
#11 A magnitude-6.0 earthquake hit the New Britain region of Papua New Guinea on Saturday.
#12 A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck the Gulf of Alaska in mid-November.
#13 A magnitude-7.3 earthquake hit Japan earlier this month.
#14 There has been a substantial increase in earthquake activity in the Long Valley caldera region of California, and “magma is indeed moving down there”.
#15 More than 170 significant earthquakes were detected in one town in Chile with a red alert issued for a massive volcano that on the Chile and Argentina border.
All of those events occurred along the Ring of Fire. So why is all of this happening?
There is a significant proportion of Americans who see these phenomena through a theological lens, said Daniel Cox, research director at the Public Religion Research Institute It’s hardly a fringe belief. It’s nearly four in 10 Americans who are embracing this, Cox said. In the United States, a large percentage of the population is convinced that an increase in natural disasters is evidence that we are in the last days described in the Bible. In fact, one recent survey found that a whopping 36 percent of all Americans believe that the increase in natural disasters that we have seen in recent years is an indication that we are in the end times
CHAMP – Lights Out
Randy Jackson reports, Recent weapons flight test in the Utah desert may change future warfare after the missile successfully defeated electronic targets with little to no collateral damage. Boeing and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., successfully tested the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) during a flight over the Utah Test and Training Range.
Artist’s rendering shows a CHAMP flying over a target AFRL image
CHAMP, which renders electronic targets useless, is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target. Power is cut to a room of computers after being hit by a high-powered microwave pulse from a Counter-electronics High-powered Advanced Missile Project.
During the test, the CHAMP missile navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy, effectively knocking out the target’s data and electronic subsystems. CHAMP allows for selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets during a single mission. “This technology marks a new era in modern warfare,” said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. “In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive.” Thanks to Boeing and Bruce A Widaman
Super Man Movie has UFO
Man of Steel – Official Trailer #2 [HD] by WarnerBrosPictures apparently has this UFO as shown.
Movie will not be out for many months.
New Book “Talking With Angels”
Richard Tuminello writes, “Here I was, just an ordinary firefighter going on over 20 years of service and had witnessed so much tragedy. Especially after 9/11 I started to question my mortality, and my spirituality.” I wanted to know what was out there beyond. I journeyed to the Monroe Institute in Virginia where I learned Angels are everywhere and opened my mind, and journeyed into the astral realm.
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After attending a spiritualist church, I started to go to the services there and met Dee who was on their board.
My whole world started to shift and my consciousness was blown wide open and I was able to access worlds before unknown to me. I started to journey to these astral realms and share my stories with some friends and people from our church. This is where Denise comes in, and our spiritual adventure begins. Also our story of love, not only in the physical sense but in the spiritual, with the help of a group of Angels including Arch Angel Michael, some Star Beings, and Light Beings. We are able to accomplish so many things, assist in Dee’s healing, but the ultimate is the two of us becoming “One”. One heart, one soul, being two as one known as “Twin Flames”. Knowing this is the way it is supposed to be for all, for everyone and will be again someday. http://www.amazon.com/Talking-With-Angels-Richard-Tuminello/dp/1432744313#_
‘Dr. UFO’ Runs Paranormal Study Group in Hamilton, NJ
The Times of Trenton
He goes by Dr. UFO. For more than half a century, Pat Marcattilio of Hamilton has had his eyes to the sky.
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It’s just been a favorite topic all my life for some reason, he said. I guess I’d just like to meet some other people from other planets.
Hooked as a seventh-grader in 1955 by amateur astronomy, the emerging Space Race and the writings of Donald E. Keyhoe, a leader in the emerging world of UFO conspiracy theories, Marcattilio has parlayed his passion for the unusual and unexplained into a side gig as the president and founder of the New Jersey/Pennsylvania UFO Paranormal Study Group.
Since 1984, the group has been meeting at the Hamilton Township Public Library. The meetings have since swelled to twice-yearly conferences. In April, Marcattilio will preside over his 53rd Great UFO/ET Congress.
They come from all over Maine, New Hampshire, Florida, he said. We’ve had people from California, from South America, from Canada. We’ve had people from South Africa, Germany, France, and London. Mostly they’re all interested in UFOs, but now this year we’re just starting to get into paranormal and metaphysical consciousness, other things like that.
Attendance at the monthly UFO and paranormal study groups actually seems to be growing, with 37 people attending a meeting last month where one woman gave a talk on the healing properties of magnets, Marcattilio said. Researchers often attend or present findings on electromagnetic field scans from a supposedly haunted house or films of UFO sightings, he said.
There is a growing interest in cryptozoology, alien conspiracies, paranormal experiences and Ancient Aliens. Marcattilio said, The hobbies that once earned him more than a few strange looks are becoming more main stream. People are really starting to dig in and get excited about these subjects, he said.
Marcattilio has thousands of books devoted to astronomy, UFOs and what he calls Earth mysteries.
Since his first experience spying a UFO over the night sky in Trenton in 1963, he’s personally witnessed at least 20 UFOs and had dozens of paranormal experiences in one house, starting with a black shadow he and his wife saw gliding across his kitchen one morning years ago, he said.
He believes the government has tamped down information and evidence on UFOs for years. But the experiences he and thousands of others have had can’t be denied, he said.
“We think there’s a conspiracy that’s holding back a lot of information on UFOs,” he said. “I know a lot of other people have seen them in their life, too.”
The New Jersey/Pennsylvania UFO Paranormal Study Group meets the first Wednesday each month in the downstairs conference room in the Hamilton library from 7 to 10 p.m. For more information, call Pat Marcattilio at (609) 631-8955. – NJ.com
Contact Erin Duffy at ed****@nj*****.com.
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Arkansas Bright Star
WHITE HALL — Around 3 AM, my girlfriend noticed a bright “star” that seemed to be moving towards the north on December 18, 2012. It was bright white with a bluish tint to it.
When the object noticed that we where outside watching it moved closer, allot closer. We saw another closer to the ground by the time the sun was coming up more stars began to show.
Allot of people witnessed these events to help prove what I’m seeing is real. They all agree that the object was moving around. It could be some sort of craft so I’m going to continue my investigation. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
California Rectangle
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THOUSAND OAKS — On December 11, 2012, it was late afternoon when I noticed an object heading SSE in a straight course and constant speed passing east of my location. Then the object appeared to gradually alter course toward the east when I lost sight of it. The object was silent and angular in shape having a box-like structure perhaps four times as long as the width. There were two rectangular features above which resembled flat plates slightly longer fore and aft that were red in color with a thin supporting structure which appeared black. I recall a thin black structure above the flat plates.
I’m a pilot and feel the object was not over 5,000 feet altitude and traveling less than 200 MPH. As a flying machine this is as weird as it gets. It certainly is unidentified. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
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TUSTIN — I took several pictures with my cell phone of the moon over the mountain when I was waiting at a stop light on December 27, 2012. I didn’t see the object until I saw it in one of my seven pictures.
My wife was with me in the car when I took the pictures and neither of us saw the object only a beautiful moon. I showed her the pictures on my cell phone the next morning and we both don’t know what to think. I have all of the pictures on my phone and they are time stamped and dated. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Triangle
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ARVADA On December 28, 2012. I saw lights but not standard aircraft navigation lights. I figured maybe it was a stealth jet, since it was flying low directly over me so I was able to see the shape of the craft from 6:25 to 6:40 PM. Plus the body of the craft was blacker than the sky and stood out. Its shape was like a slice of pizza with rounded corners.
The lights were on the bottom of the craft and vertical. No lights were on the wings, which aircraft are required to have. The lights on the top and bottom were red and the one in the middle was either light orange or yellow.
It was nighttime, but I could see its shape distinctly and it was quiet. My best guess would be that the object was between 10 to 20 football fields off the ground. It made a 45 degree turn heading southeast with no flashing lights.
We watched until it slowly dimmed to a faint red and then vanished into the sky.
Satellites don’t make a 45 degree turns.
Colorado, pictures, silent. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
Florida Light
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PLANT CITY I thought it was a star because it was hovering near a real star.
Then it took off on December 31, 2012.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Fighter Chases UFO
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NEW ORLEANS — It was December 14, 2012 when I saw a fighter jet chasing a UFO while I was outside on my porch when I noticed a strange event going on a 7:58 AM. I pulled out my phone and started taking photos. I think I may have some of the best photos of its kind.
I also have another photo I took December 21, at 11:58 PM, so called Dooms Day. The UFO hovered over me doing 5 mph it was so low if I had a rock I could have hit it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Orb
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ELDERSBURG — On December 10, 2012, about 4:20 PM, I was driving home from the gym, when and my granddaughter noticed a parachute in the sky. At first glance, I thought that it was one too, but after getting a better look I saw that it was not. We lost sight of it for about 30 seconds as we neared my house. Once on my street, we could see a bright white spherical shape object just below the clouds. This object seemed stationary, but the wind was gusting from the west at 15 mph. I took several photos with my cell phone, but I had a hard time locking on it. It seemed to be floating like a tethered balloon hovering against the wind. I could not see any tether line or flashing lights. I downloaded the pictures to my computer. Five minutes later, I went back outside and it was gone. A similar object was reported in Fredrick County on 12 December. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Orb
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MADISON HEIGHTS — It was just before 8 PM, on January 1, 2013, when I saw an orange planet flying in my direction and fly right in front of my face. It was orange and around a square mile in measurement glowing and pulsating like the sun. I took pictures and videotaped it on my cell phone but you can only see it glowing white. If I expand the picture, you can see an orange core. I showed my wife but it wasn’t visible anymore. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Great Photo of a Close Encounter UFO
McCOOK — “I was returning home when a storm formed overhead fairly rapidly on June 30, 2012, and I began taking pictures of the lightning and dark murky cloud cover.” I took several pictures in a short time and suddenly had my watch go haywire. The truck began to chug, and stop running, and my cell phone died all at once. Not thinking too much of it we got the truck running and my watch back to normal and we went on our way.
I looked at the pictures and found this thing in one of them. It was metallic and black, clearly cast in a shadow and reflecting light from the surroundings. I never saw it up close, so it’s a little fuzzy on what its speed, and size. It was moving extremely fast and was not seen my work crew.” Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org
Nevada Sphere
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ALAMO — A contact of mine who is a local resident of was walking near to the Windmill Ranch Hotel just outside Alamo when he spotted this sphere moving towards the west and the mountain range which you can see in the picture on September 29, 2012. Behind the mountains is Area 51 or Groom Lake. The contact recently came across the image and contacted me. He does recall seeing flashes in the sky which were also witnessed by the hotel staff. He cannot find any conventional explanation for this sphere. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
NEW YORK — I was at home on the phone with my boyfriend on December 28, 2012. I looked out the window and noticed a bright, red, glowing orb heading towards me. I immediately told him I was seeing a UFO. He didn’t believe me and told me to film it. I went to film it on my phone and could not do so while a call was in progress. I just hung up and started to record it. He called me back 14 seconds into the recording, so it was automatically stopped. I could still see the orb. It came to a stop and was hovering, I could hear no sounds. I told him I’d call him back, but by the time I looked down at my phone and back up, in probably five seconds, the orb had vanished. It was visible to me around 85/86th streets between 3rd and Lexington Avenues and was last spotted at about 89th and 3rd.
It seemed the orb moved in a slanted line, from SW (85/86th and Lexington) to NE (88th and 3rd). My feelings were that of excitement and awe, but also disappointment that my video was cut short by the call. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee White Light Cylinder
VIOLA — Traveling on Morrison Viola road about four miles from town, I observed a hovering white light in the sky that was brighter than the stars on December 12, 2012. There were airplanes in other directions. Object hovered while on the complete trip to a house in Viola, and once in the town of Viola. It was in the distance somewhat over the hills toward the Savage Gulf State Natural Area. As I got closer to Viola I could see the “edge” of the object which appeared to be a white elliptical object that could have been the side of a disc or oval. It appeared to be pulsating with different colors, with one bright light radiating through the “rim” or middle of the side. It hovered above us for two hours and thirty minutes. After two hours it shifted positions to more prominently over the Altamont TN/Savage Gulf State Natural Area direction. It appeared to change shape or “pulsate” in visibility. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights Group
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MAGNOLIA — On December 21, 2012, a trace of light appeared to be streaking downward from south to northwest. We have pictures of the object at 4:16 PM. We just looked closer at the photo and there is definitely a group of lights in the clear blue afternoon sky just NW of Houston. The large clusters of lights are in both pictures with the light tracers shooting out.
Note: The object in the photo appears to be quite strange and was seen by the witnesses so it is not a “camera anomaly.” Analysis indicates that this photo is authentic. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Fluorescent Color splash Triangle
BRISBANE — A horizontal red yellow blue light with a splash of color hung in the sky on December 18, 2012, at 1:30 PM. We followed it in the car. We can describe it as a rough triangle Fluorescent color patch in the sky. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
Canada Amazing UFO Objects Photographed
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LA MINERVE, QUEBEC — At first, I was outside when I noticed this really bright object above the horizon on Christmas, – December 25, 2012. I was at home in (near Mont-Tremblant), in the province of Quebec, looking over the mountains on the other side of the lake facing our house (south east direction). The sky was very clear; I could see the moon and many stars since we are in a rural country. Looking at the light source, I noticed it was pulsating and changing colors very fast. The light was hovering so I told my spouse who was able to witness the object.
The phenomena last for at least one hour slowly like a star would move due to earth rotation. We saw how the light was transforming, expanding and contracting and changing colors so we don’t believe it was Jupiter. We noticed smaller lights moving fast, away for the big one. With the zoom at 40X, we got all kinds of pictures of different colors! Around 9 PM, I contacted my brother who lives 30 km from us in Rivi-re-Rouge, QC. He could see the bright pulsating light too from his place! Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org
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CALGARY On December 26, 2012, about 8 PM, Brian Vike reports, “This photo was taken on a bright moonlight with very cold temperatures, about 20 degrees Centigrade of several colorful vertical shafts of light; with slow changes in intensity and color; eventually fading away in the Eastern sky. Here is a photograph that I took, looking northwest.
The Vike Factor Note: For an explanation as to the cause of these beautiful shafts of light can be found at a page at my blog. Mr. Frank Florian B.Sc., B.Ed from the TELUS World of Science
states, The vertical shaft of light was due to ice crystals. We just had a cold front move into the Edmonton area bringing temperatures down to below -20 Celsius and many individuals saw various atmospheric effects from the ice crystals that formed in the air, everything from Sun pillars and Parry Arcs during the day to light pillars off street lights and other bright light sources in the evening. Thanks to Brian Vike,
Denmark Two Objects
COPENHAGEN — I sat on a bench in a backyard and waited for my friend to arrive on September 15, 1990, and sat looking at the stars and an airplane! Suddenly another “airplane” appeared right next to the first one. I knew that this was not a normal airplane, because of its high speed, cannot stop and hover in a second! I pointed it out to my friend and asked him if he saw the same as me?!
These two “airplanes” began to fly together in shifts, change directions like two flies flying below a lamp. They would suddenly stop, start ‘zigzag’, stop again, then ‘zigzag’ again, hover and they both suddenly accelerated from 0-1000 mph in a split second. My friend also saw both airplanes as they split and flew towards the horizon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Light
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QUARTU SANTELENA — I was checking my mail box when I noticed a very bright red light crossing the sky on December 27, 2012. My wife was in the balcony at the 3rd floor and she also saw the light. I took my smart phone and start recording a poor quality video. I asked my wife to keep follow the light in order to help film. The light hid under some clouds, after it crossed the sky from W to E/SE. I’m totally sure it’s not a plane. It could be a meteo balloon but it flew too fast to be a wind-moved balloon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pakistan Orange Dots
KARACHI On December28, 2012, I saw two orange colored dots passing in front of the full moon. Then after some time I saw another orange dot passing. By the time the third dot appeared, the first one disappeared. It came from north heading towards south.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
South Africa Large red/orange light
JOHANNESBURG — I have been working in the aviation industry for the past 12 years, so I know aircraft so I know what we saw, was not an aircraft on December 20, 2012, at 9:20PM! I’m also have keen interest in astronomy and I know this was not ameteor fireball either!
I was standing outside, when I noticed a large street sized light moving fairly fast (about 6-8 seconds to cover an arc stretching 20 deg off the horizon from the West to 30 deg on the eastern horizon, 45 deg inclination) overhead. I immediately called my wife and she then had a couple of seconds to observe the object as well. The light was closer to red than orange, flashing slightly in intensity but never disappearing. No sound accompanied the object. It seemed like the light was higher than the lower cloud base which I would estimate at 1000′ AGL (5’500 AMSL) but still shone through. This thing was absolutely quiet. Whilst watching the light pass, a commercial airliner passed overhead and we had a brief moment where we could directly compare the light to the aircraft. The crew in that aircraft must have seen it too! You could clearly make out the shape of the aircraft as well with the various navigation lights. The light moved from the East towards a Western direction in an arching line, then out of sight behind tree cover.
I’ve never seen anything like this before! Yes, the red port light of an aircraft would fit the angle we were seeing this object, but it does not account for the size of it nor the manner in which it shone. It was like an ever so lightly flashing meteor fireball on a clear sky without the distinctive tail and accompanying bits breaking off from ablation. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
UK/England Light
DARWEN I saw a trail of light that spiraled extremely quickly ruling out a comet or meteor
on December 15, 2012, at 3:13 PM. I saw a light trail that was white and spiraled in direction. It came up over the roofline from a house across the road and up into the sky then came around and down to the right and then moved north of my position towards Blackburn and onto Scotland.
It appeared to be significantly high up in the sky maybe not even in our atmosphere and travelling at speeds maybe 10-20% of the speed of light very quick movement.
With how high up it appeared to be, the speed it was travelling and the brightness of the light it could have seemed closer than it actually was and could have been over Scotland or even further North. Due to the really bright white color and the speed it was travelling along with the weird path it took I have no possible explanation for it. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
Venezuela Disc
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CARACAS On December 18, 2012, at 6:00 Hour Local Time I took a picture with an iPhone from the balcony of my apartment located of Avila Mountain. When we took a look at the picture, we realized that something appeared unexpectedly that looks like an UFO. Note: The photos in two attachments are the same picture, but one has added some light to it. The object should be lit by the sun like the buildings making the photo questionable. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Happy Holidays like most people I could use your help. I have put together a DVD of the last fifteen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the few people who have sent $25.00 and more for donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files. In addition, I can keep all the reports I have received and receive a pro-rated refund on the unused portion of my subscription.
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I am offering fifteen years of Filer’s Files on a DVD with thousands of photographs and sightings for a donation of $50 that includes this year’s subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2012 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, Georgie Filer, and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
The film is about Space Emissary Valiant Thor who lives at the Pentagon for 3 years during the Eisenhower Administration.
“Stranger at the Pentagon” is inspired by events from the book of the same name published in 1967. It remains a UFO classic to date. Author Dr. Frank E. Stranges met Commander Valiant Thor, an alien being and spiritual representative of the universe on Christmas Eve in 1959. Victor One Craft is shown here.
“The landing of Valiant Thor was perhaps the first documented landing of a human-type alien by military officials. He met with President Eisenhower and Vice President Richard Nixon for an hour, and then the alien was put on VIP status and shuttled back to the Pentagon.” –Harley Byrd, Project Blue Book, Division of United States Air Force
Our story begins when Thor lands on Earth in his technological wonder “Victor One” on Saturday, March 16, 1957 at 8:00 AM. President Eisenhower, Vice President Richard Nixon, the Joint Chiefs of Staff–all rush to the Oval Office to meet with the extraterrestrial. When Thor explains his presence, the men ponder his endless technological possibilities. They contemplate their future strategy either using friendship or force to gain control. Thor’s three year invitation to reside at the Pentagon under VIP status begins.
A designated Vice General in the Joint Chiefs of Staff has plans to climb the military ladder. Thor is his goal. To attain what Thor knows will ensure the United States military supremacy.
Thanks to Frank Chili
Possible Life on Titan
Titan is the largest moon of Saturn and the only natural satellite known to have a dense atmosphere, and the only object other than Earth for which clear evidence of stable bodies of surface liquid has been found. It is a planet-like moon with a diameter roughly 50% larger than moon. His planet has methane lakes that likely have life.
The Cassini-Huygens mission in 2004 discovered liquid hydrocarbon lakes in the moon’s Polar Regions that likely have methane based life. The atmosphere is dense and opaque.
During a Cassini flyby in February 2007, radar and camera observations revealed several large features in the north polar region interpreted as large expanses of liquid methane and/or ethane, including one sea (Ligeia Mare) with an area of over 100,000 km (larger than Lake Superior), and another incompletely imaged region potentially the size of the Caspian Sea. Lake on Titan Compared to Lake Superior
The surface is geologically young, although mountains and several possible cryovolcanoes have been discovered, it is smooth and few impact craters have been found. The atmosphere of Titan is largely composed of nitrogen; minor components lead to the formation of methane and ethane clouds and nitrogen-rich organic smog. Methane is formed during Methanogenesis a form of anaerobic respiration used by organisms that occupy landfills, termites, and various animals like cattle and deer. The methane indicates life is functioning on Titan.
Overall, the Cassini radar observations have shown that lakes cover only a few percent of the surface and are concentrated near the poles, making Titan much drier than Earth. The high relative humidity of methane in Titan’s lower atmosphere could be maintained by evaporation from lakes covering only 0.002-0.02% of the whole surface.
A flyby of Titan’s southern Polar Regions in October 2007 revealed similar, though far smaller, lake like features. It is uncertain if plants are a source of methane emissions.
The climate”including wind and rain”creates surface features similar to those of Earth, such as dunes, rivers, lakes and seas (probably of liquid methane and ethane), and deltas, and is dominated by seasonal weather patterns as on Earth. With its liquids and robust nitrogen atmosphere, Titan’s methane cycle is viewed as an analog to Earth’s water cycle, although at a much lower temperature.
The satellite is thought to be a possible host for microbial extraterrestrial life or, at least, as a prebiotic environment rich in complex organic chemistry with a possible subsurface liquid ocean serving as a biotic environment. Thanks to NASA
Nearest Sun-like Star Tau Ceti Has Five Planets
By Jason Palmer Science and technology reporter, BBC News
Our nearest single Sun-like star hosts five planets – one of which is in the “habitable zone” where liquid water can exist, astronomers say.
Tau Ceti’s planetary quintet will appear in Astronomy and Astrophysics – was found in existing planet-hunting data. Image of Titan taken during Huygens’ descent shows hills and topographical features that resemble a shoreline and drainage channels.
The study’s refined methods of sifting through data should help find even more far-flung worlds.
The star now joins Alpha Centauri B as a nearby star known to host planets.
Tau Ceti lies 12 light-years distant; Alpha Centauri B, just four. In both cases, the planets were found not by spying them through a telescope but rather by measuring the subtle effects they have on their host stars’ light.
An exoplanet is a planet that exists outside our Solar System
A few years later, the planet 51 Pegasi B was found orbiting a star similar to the Sun.
Over eight hundred of extrasolar planets have been found in the last several years. In the gravitational dance of a planet around a star, the planet does most of the moving. But the star too is tugged slightly to and fro as the planet orbits, and these subtle movements of the star show up as subtle shifts in the color of the star’s light we see from Earth.
This “radial velocity” measurement is a tricky one; stars’ light changes also for a range of other reasons, and requires picking out the specifically planetary component from all this “noise”.
Now, Hugh Jones of the University of Hertfordshire and colleagues have refined their “noise modeling” in order to subtract it, and thereby see the smallest signals hiding in the data – starting with Tau Ceti.
“It’s a star on which we have a lot of data – an order of magnitude more data than we have for pretty much any other star,” Prof Jones told BBC News. The quintet includes planets between two and six times the Earth’s mass, with periods ranging from 14 to 640 days.
One of them, dubbed HD 10700e, lies about half as far from Tau Ceti as the Earth is from the Sun – and because Tau Ceti is slightly smaller and dimmer than our Sun, that puts the planet in the so-called habitable zone.
This artists’ concept shows one of what is now believed to be six planets around Gliese 667C
It is increasingly clear that in existing data from radial velocity measurements there may be evidence of many more planets.
On Monday, Philip Gregory at the University of British Columbia in Canada posted an as-yet unpublished paper to the arXiv repository, claiming to have seen three planets in the habitable zone of Gliese 667C, one of three stars in a triple-star system, 22 light-years away. It is also clear that in almost every direction we look and in every way that we look, there are planets around stars near and far. The catalogue currently stands at 854 confirmed planets, and is growing with every new publication.
See also: Tonopah Test Range Airport
The Ring of Fire Is Roaring To Life
Volcanoes all along the Ring of Fire are roaring to life. It seems like a new eruption is being reported every few days now while most of the world has been focused on other things, the Ring of Fire has been quietly waking up. Over the past couple of months, there has been a steady string of noteworthy volcanic eruptions and earthquakes that have occurred along the perimeter of the Pacific Ocean. But because none of them have happened near a highly populated area, we really haven’t heard much about them in the news. But if activity along the Ring of Fire continues to increase, it is inevitable that a major event will happen near a major city at some point. When that happens, the entire world will be focused on the Ring of Fire once again. Most people don’t realize that approximately 90 percent of all earthquakes and approximately 75 percent of all volcanic eruptions occur along the Ring of Fire. The entire west coast of the United States sits along the Ring of Fire and a massive network of faults runs underneath California, Oregon and Washington. These states will have earthquakes at some point. So it is important to sit up and take notice when there are reports of increasing activity along the Ring of Fire.
Volcanic belts and/or plate movements run roughly along the rim of the Pacific Ocean. Coastal residents of four different continents realize that a major event along the Ring of Fire could fundamentally change their lives in a single moment.
When the Ring of Fire is very active, it is a very big deal. That is why so many people are alarmed that the Ring of Fire seems to be entering a period of increased activity.
When the Krakatoa volcanoes erupted and exploded in 1883, causing massive tsunamis and killing at least 36,417 people, while simultaneously destroying over two-thirds of Krakatoa Island. The explosion is considered to be the loudest sound ever heard in modern history, with reports of it being heard up to 3,000 miles (4,800 km) from its point of origin. The dust traveled around the world cooling the globe.
The following are 15 signs that the Ring of Fire is waking up as we head into 2013
#1 Mount Lokon, Indonesia, has erupted more than 800 times since July.
#2 An “orange alert” had been issued for towns near the Tungurahua volcano in Ecuador.
#3 Lava is still flowing out of the Tolbachik volcano which is located on the Kamchatka Peninsula.
#4 Lava also continues to flow and ash also continues to rise from the Fuego volcano in Guatemala.
#5 On Tuesday, an ash plume more than 2.5 kilometers high had risen from the Paluweh volcano in Indonesia.
#6 There was an average of about 4 seismic events per hour at the Popocat-petl volcano in Mexico on Tuesday.
#7 Scientists recently discovered “one of the world’s weirdest volcanoes” on the floor of the ocean just off the coast of Baja, Mexico.
#8 Mt. Fuji Tokyo, Japan has been dormant for about 300 years, but in recent months there have been increasing signs of a possible large scale explosive eruption. A tunnel leading to Mt. Fuji collapsed on December 2nd, killing 9 people.
#9 Scientists are now warning that there is a very dangerous build up of magma at a large number of Japan’s 110 active volcanoes.
#10 A magnitude-6.1 earthquake struck off the coast of Sulawesi, Indonesia on Monday.
#11 A magnitude-6.0 earthquake hit the New Britain region of Papua New Guinea on Saturday.
#12 A magnitude-6.5 earthquake struck the Gulf of Alaska in mid-November.
#13 A magnitude-7.3 earthquake hit Japan earlier this month.
#14 There has been a substantial increase in earthquake activity in the Long Valley caldera region of California, and “magma is indeed moving down there”.
#15 More than 170 significant earthquakes were detected in one town in Chile with a red alert issued for a massive volcano that on the Chile and Argentina border.
All of those events occurred along the Ring of Fire. So why is all of this happening?
There is a significant proportion of Americans who see these phenomena through a theological lens,” said Daniel Cox, research director at the Public Religion Research Institute “It’s hardly a fringe belief. It’s nearly four in 10 Americans who are embracing this,” Cox said. In the United States, a large percentage of the population is convinced that an increase in natural disasters is evidence that we are in the “last days” described in the Bible. In fact, one recent survey found that a whopping 36 percent of all Americans believe that the increase in natural disasters that we have seen in recent years is an indication that we are in the end times”
CHAMP – Lights Out
Randy Jackson reports, “Recent weapons flight test in the Utah desert may change future warfare after the missile successfully defeated electronic targets with little to no collateral damage.” Boeing and the U.S. Air Force Research Laboratory (AFRL) Kirtland Air Force Base, N.M., successfully tested the Counter-electronics High-powered Microwave Advanced Missile Project (CHAMP) during a flight over the Utah Test and Training Range.
Artist’s rendering shows a CHAMP flying over a target AFRL image
CHAMP, which renders electronic targets useless, is a non-kinetic alternative to traditional explosive weapons that use the energy of motion to defeat a target. Power is cut to a room of computers after being hit by a high-powered microwave pulse from a Counter-electronics High-powered Advanced Missile Project.
During the test, the CHAMP missile navigated a pre-programmed flight plan and emitted bursts of high-powered energy, effectively knocking out the target’s data and electronic subsystems. CHAMP allows for selective high-frequency radio wave strikes against numerous targets during a single mission. “This technology marks a new era in modern warfare,” said Keith Coleman, CHAMP program manager for Boeing Phantom Works. “In the near future, this technology may be used to render an enemy’s electronic and data systems useless even before the first troops or aircraft arrive.” Thanks to Boeing and Bruce A Widaman
Super Man Movie has UFO
Man of Steel – Official Trailer #2 [HD]
by WarnerBrosPictures apparently has this UFO as shown.
Movie will not be out for many months.
New Book “Talking With Angels”
Richard Tuminello writes, “Here I was, just an ordinary firefighter going on over 20 years of service and had witnessed so much tragedy. Especially after 9/11 I started to question my mortality, and my spirituality.” I wanted to know what was out there beyond. I journeyed to the Monroe Institute in Virginia where I learned Angels are everywhere and opened my mind, and journeyed into the astral realm.
After attending a spiritualist church, I started to go to the services there and met Dee who was on their board.
My whole world started to shift and my consciousness was blown wide open and I was able to access worlds before unknown to me. I started to journey to these astral realms and share my stories with some friends and people from our church. This is where Denise comes in, and our spiritual adventure begins. Also our story of love, not only in the physical sense but in the spiritual, with the help of a group of Angels including Arch Angel Michael, some Star Beings, and Light Beings. We are able to accomplish so many things, assist in Dee’s healing, but the ultimate is the two of us becoming “One”. One heart, one soul, being two as one known as “Twin Flames”. Knowing this is the way it is supposed to be for all, for everyone and will be again someday. http://www.amazon.com/Talking-With-Angels-Richard-Tuminello/dp/1432744313#_
‘Dr. UFO’ Runs Paranormal Study Group in Hamilton, NJ
The Times of Trenton
He goes by Dr. UFO. For more than half a century, Pat Marcattilio of Hamilton has had his eyes to the sky.
“It’s just been a favorite topic all my life for some reason,” he said”I guess I’d just like to meet some other people from other planets.”
Hooked as a seventh-grader in 1955 by amateur astronomy, the emerging Space Race and the writings of Donald E. Keyhoe, a leader in the emerging world of UFO conspiracy theories, Marcattilio has parlayed his passion for the unusual and unexplained into a side gig as the president and founder of the New Jersey/Pennsylvania UFO Paranormal Study Group.
Since 1984, the group has been meeting at the Hamilton Township Public Library. The meetings have since swelled to twice-yearly conferences. In April, Marcattilio will preside over his 53rd Great UFO/ET Congress.
“They come from all over” Maine, New Hampshire, Florida,” he said. “We’ve had people from California, from South America, from Canada. We’ve had people from South Africa, Germany, France, and London. Mostly they’re all interested in UFOs, but now this year we’re just starting to get into paranormal and metaphysical consciousness, other things like that.”
Attendance at the monthly UFO and paranormal study groups actually seems to be growing, with 37 people attending a meeting last month where one woman gave a talk on the healing properties of magnets, Marcattilio said. “Researchers often attend or present findings on electromagnetic field scans from a supposedly haunted house or films of UFO sightings, he said.
There is a growing interest in cryptozoology, alien conspiracies, paranormal experiences and Ancient Aliens. Marcattilio said, “The hobbies that once earned him more than a few strange looks are becoming more main stream. “People are really starting to dig in and get excited about these subjects,” he said.
Marcattilio has thousands of books devoted to astronomy, UFOs and what he calls “Earth mysteries.”
Since his first experience spying a UFO over the night sky in Trenton in 1963, he’s personally witnessed at least 20 UFOs and had dozens of paranormal experiences in one house, starting with a black shadow he and his wife saw gliding across his kitchen one morning years ago, he said.
He believes the government has tamped down information and evidence on UFOs for years. But the experiences he and thousands of others have had can’t be denied, he said.
“We think there’s a conspiracy that’s holding back a lot of information on UFOs,” he said. “I know a lot of other people have seen them in their life, too.”
The New Jersey/Pennsylvania UFO Paranormal Study Group meets the first Wednesday each month in the downstairs conference room in the Hamilton library from 7 to 10 p.m. For more information, call Pat Marcattilio at (609) 631-8955. – NJ.com
Contact Erin Duffy at ed****@nj*****.com.
Sightings of UFOs in the United States
Arkansas Bright Star
WHITE HALL — Around 3 AM, my girlfriend noticed a bright “star” that seemed to be moving towards the north on December 18, 2012. It was bright white with a bluish tint to it.
When the object noticed that we where outside watching it moved closer, allot closer. We saw another closer to the ground by the time the sun was coming up more stars began to show.
Allot of people witnessed these events to help prove what I’m seeing is real. They all agree that the object was moving around. It could be some sort of craft so I’m going to continue my investigation. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
California Rectangle
THOUSAND OAKS — On December 11, 2012, it was late afternoon when I noticed an object heading SSE in a straight course and constant speed passing east of my location. Then the object appeared to gradually alter course toward the east when I lost sight of it. The object was silent and angular in shape having a box-like structure perhaps four times as long as the width. There were two rectangular features above which resembled flat plates slightly longer fore and aft that were red in color with a thin supporting structure which appeared black. I recall a thin black structure above the flat plates.
I’m a pilot and feel the object was not over 5,000 feet altitude and traveling less than 200 MPH. As a flying machine this is as weird as it gets. It certainly is unidentified. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
TUSTIN — I took several pictures with my cell phone of the moon over the mountain when I was waiting at a stop light on December 27, 2012. I didn’t see the object until I saw it in one of my seven pictures.
My wife was with me in the car when I took the pictures and neither of us saw the object only a beautiful moon. I showed her the pictures on my cell phone the next morning and we both don’t know what to think. I have all of the pictures on my phone and they are time stamped and dated. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Triangle
ARVADA – On December 28, 2012. I saw lights but not standard aircraft navigation lights. I figured maybe it was a stealth jet, since it was flying low directly over me so I was able to see the shape of the craft from 6:25 to 6:40 PM. Plus the body of the craft was blacker than the sky and stood out. Its shape was like a slice of pizza with rounded corners.
The lights were on the bottom of the craft and vertical. No lights were on the wings, which aircraft are required to have. The lights on the top and bottom were red and the one in the middle was either light orange or yellow.
It was nighttime, but I could see its shape distinctly and it was quiet. My best guess would be that the object was between 10 to 20 football fields off the ground. It made a 45 degree turn heading southeast with no flashing lights.
We watched until it slowly dimmed to a faint red and then vanished into the sky.
Satellites don’t make a 45 degree turns.
Colorado, pictures, silent. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
Florida Light
PLANT CITY – I thought it was a star because it was hovering near a real star.
Then it took off on December 31, 2012.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Louisiana Fighter Chases UFO
NEW ORLEANS — It was December 14, 2012 when I saw a fighter jet chasing a UFO while I was outside on my porch when I noticed a strange event going on a 7:58 AM. I pulled out my phone and started taking photos. I think I may have some of the best photos of its kind.
I also have another photo I took December 21, at 11:58 PM, so called Dooms Day. The UFO hovered over me doing 5 mph it was so low if I had a rock I could have hit it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Orb
ELDERSBURG — On December 10, 2012, about 4:20 PM, I was driving home from the gym, when and my granddaughter noticed a parachute in the sky. At first glance, I thought that it was one too, but after getting a better look I saw that it was not. We lost sight of it for about 30 seconds as we neared my house. Once on my street, we could see a bright white spherical shape object just below the clouds. This object seemed stationary, but the wind was gusting from the west at 15 mph. I took several photos with my cell phone, but I had a hard time locking on it. It seemed to be floating like a tethered balloon hovering against the wind. I could not see any tether line or flashing lights. I downloaded the pictures to my computer. Five minutes later, I went back outside and it was gone. A similar object was reported in Fredrick County on 12 December. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Orb
MADISON HEIGHTS — It was just before 8 PM, on January 1, 2013, when I saw an orange planet flying in my direction and fly right in front of my face. It was orange and around a square mile in measurement glowing and pulsating like the sun. I took pictures and videotaped it on my cell phone but you can only see it glowing white. If I expand the picture, you can see an orange core. I showed my wife but it wasn’t visible anymore. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nebraska Great Photo of a Close Encounter UFO
McCOOK — “I was returning home when a storm formed overhead fairly rapidly on June 30, 2012, and I began taking pictures of the lightning and dark murky cloud cover.” I took several pictures in a short time and suddenly had my watch go haywire. The truck began to chug, and stop running, and my cell phone died all at once. Not thinking too much of it we got the truck running and my watch back to normal and we went on our way.
I looked at the pictures and found this thing in one of them. It was metallic and black, clearly cast in a shadow and reflecting light from the surroundings. I never saw it up close, so it’s a little fuzzy on what its speed, and size. It was moving extremely fast and was not seen my work crew.” Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org
Nevada Sphere
ALAMO — A contact of mine who is a local resident of was walking near to the Windmill Ranch Hotel just outside Alamo when he spotted this sphere moving towards the west and the mountain range which you can see in the picture on September 29, 2012. Behind the mountains is Area 51 or Groom Lake. The contact recently came across the image and contacted me. He does recall seeing flashes in the sky which were also witnessed by the hotel staff. He cannot find any conventional explanation for this sphere. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Lights
NEW YORK — I was at home on the phone with my boyfriend on December 28, 2012. I looked out the window and noticed a bright, red, glowing orb heading towards me. I immediately told him I was seeing a UFO. He didn’t believe me and told me to film it. I went to film it on my phone and could not do so while a call was in progress. I just hung up and started to record it. He called me back 14 seconds into the recording, so it was automatically stopped. I could still see the orb. It came to a stop and was hovering, I could hear no sounds. I told him I’d call him back, but by the time I looked down at my phone and back up, in probably five seconds, the orb had vanished. It was visible to me around 85/86th streets between 3rd and Lexington Avenues and was last spotted at about 89th and 3rd.
It seemed the orb moved in a slanted line, from SW (85/86th and Lexington) to NE (88th and 3rd). My feelings were that of excitement and awe, but also disappointment that my video was cut short by the call. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Tennessee White Light Cylinder
VIOLA — Traveling on Morrison Viola road about four miles from town, I observed a hovering white light in the sky that was brighter than the stars on December 12, 2012. There were airplanes in other directions. Object hovered while on the complete trip to a house in Viola, and once in the town of Viola. It was in the distance somewhat over the hills toward the Savage Gulf State Natural Area. As I got closer to Viola I could see the “edge” of the object which appeared to be a white elliptical object that could have been the side of a disc or oval. It appeared to be pulsating with different colors, with one bright light radiating through the “rim” or middle of the side. It hovered above us for two hours and thirty minutes. After two hours it shifted positions to more prominently over the Altamont TN/Savage Gulf State Natural Area direction. It appeared to change shape or “pulsate” in visibility. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights Group
MAGNOLIA — On December 21, 2012, a trace of light appeared to be streaking downward from south to northwest. We have pictures of the object at 4:16 PM. We just looked closer at the photo and there is definitely a group of lights in the clear blue afternoon sky just NW of Houston. The large clusters of lights are in both pictures with the light tracers shooting out.
Note: The object in the photo appears to be quite strange and was seen by the witnesses so it is not a “camera anomaly.” Analysis indicates that this photo is authentic. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Fluorescent Color splash Triangle
BRISBANE — A horizontal red yellow blue light with a splash of color hung in the sky on December 18, 2012, at 1:30 PM. We followed it in the car. We can describe it as a rough triangle Fluorescent color patch in the sky. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
Canada Amazing UFO Objects Photographed
LA MINERVE, QUEBEC — At first, I was outside when I noticed this really bright object above the horizon on Christmas, – December 25, 2012. I was at home in (near Mont-Tremblant), in the province of Quebec, looking over the mountains on the other side of the lake facing our house (south east direction). The sky was very clear; I could see the moon and many stars since we are in a rural country. Looking at the light source, I noticed it was pulsating and changing colors very fast. The light was hovering so I told my spouse who was able to witness the object. The phenomena last for at least one hour slowly like a star would move due to earth rotation. We saw how the light was transforming, expanding and contracting and changing colors so we don’t believe it was Jupiter. We noticed smaller lights moving fast, away for the big one. With the zoom at 40X, we got all kinds of pictures of different colors! Around 9 PM, I contacted my brother who lives 30 km from us in Rivi’re-Rouge, QC. He could see the bright pulsating light too from his place! Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldufophotos.org
CALGARY – On December 26, 2012, about 8 PM, Brian Vike reports, “This photo was taken on a bright moonlight with very cold temperatures, about 20 degrees Centigrade of several colorful vertical shafts of light; with slow changes in intensity and color; eventually fading away in the Eastern sky. Here is a photograph that I took, looking northwest.
The Vike Factor Note: For an explanation as to the cause of these beautiful shafts of light can be found at a page at my blog. Mr. Frank Florian B.Sc., B.Ed from the TELUS World of Science
states, The vertical shaft of light was due to ice crystals. We just had a cold front move into the Edmonton area bringing temperatures down to below -20 Celsius and many individuals saw various atmospheric effects from the ice crystals that formed in the air, everything from Sun pillars and Parry Arcs during the day to light pillars off street lights and other bright light sources in the evening.” Thanks to Brian Vike,
Denmark Two Objects
COPENHAGEN — I sat on a bench in a backyard and waited for my friend to arrive on September 15, 1990, and sat looking at the stars and an airplane! Suddenly another “airplane” appeared right next to the first one. I knew that this was not a normal airplane, because of its high speed, cannot stop and hover in a second! I pointed it out to my friend and asked him if he saw the same as me?!
These two “airplanes” began to fly together in shifts, change directions like two flies flying below a lamp. They would suddenly stop, start ‘zigzag’, stop again, then ‘zigzag’ again, hover and they both suddenly accelerated from 0-1000 mph in a split second. My friend also saw both airplanes as they split and flew towards the horizon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Italy Light
QUARTU SANTELENA — I was checking my mail box when I noticed a very bright red light crossing the sky on December 27, 2012. My wife was in the balcony at the 3rd floor and she also saw the light. I took my smart phone and start recording a poor quality video. I asked my wife to keep follow the light in order to help film. The light hid under some clouds, after it crossed the sky from W to E/SE. I’m totally sure it’s not a plane. It could be a meteo balloon but it flew too fast to be a wind-moved balloon. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pakistan Orange Dots
KARACHI – On December28, 2012, I saw two orange colored dots passing in front of the full moon. Then after some time I saw another orange dot passing. By the time the third dot appeared, the first one disappeared. It came from north heading towards south.
Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
South Africa Large red/orange light
JOHANNESBURG — I have been working in the aviation industry for the past 12 years, so I know aircraft so I know what we saw, was not an aircraft on December 20, 2012, at 9:20PM! I’m also have keen interest in astronomy and I know this was not a meteor fireball either!
I was standing outside, when I noticed a large street sized light moving fairly fast (about 6-8 seconds to cover an arc stretching 20 deg off the horizon from the West to 30 deg on the eastern horizon, 45 deg inclination) overhead. I immediately called my wife and she then had a couple of seconds to observe the object as well. The light was closer to red than orange, flashing slightly in intensity but never disappearing. No sound accompanied the object. It seemed like the light was higher than the lower cloud base which I would estimate at 1000′ AGL (5’500 AMSL) but still shone through. This thing was absolutely quiet. Whilst watching the light pass, a commercial airliner passed overhead and we had a brief moment where we could directly compare the light to the aircraft. The crew in that aircraft must have seen it too! You could clearly make out the shape of the aircraft as well with the various navigation lights. The light moved from the East towards a Western direction in an arching line, then out of sight behind tree cover.
I’ve never seen anything like this before! Yes, the red port light of an aircraft would fit the angle we were seeing this object, but it does not account for the size of it nor the manner in which it shone. It was like an ever so lightly flashing meteor fireball on a clear sky without the distinctive tail and accompanying bits breaking off from ablation. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
UK/England Light
DARWEN – I saw a trail of light that spiraled extremely quickly ruling out a comet or meteor
on December 15, 2012, at 3:13 PM. I saw a light trail that was white and spiraled in direction. It came up over the roofline from a house across the road and up into the sky then came around and down to the right and then moved north of my position towards Blackburn and onto Scotland.
It appeared to be significantly high up in the sky maybe not even in our atmosphere and travelling at speeds maybe 10-20% of the speed of light very quick movement.
With how high up it appeared to be, the speed it was travelling and the brightness of the light it could have seemed closer than it actually was and could have been over Scotland or even further North. Due to the really bright white color and the speed it was travelling along with the weird path it took I have no possible explanation for it. Thanks to Peter Davenport, Director National UFO Reporting Center http://www.UFOcenter.com
Venezuela Disc
CARACAS – On December 18, 2012, at 6:00 Hour Local Time I took a picture with an iPhone from the balcony of my apartment located of Avila Mountain. When we took a look at the picture, we realized that something appeared unexpectedly that looks like an UFO. Note: The photos in two attachments are the same picture, but one has added some light to it. The object should be lit by the sun like the buildings making the photo questionable. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Support Earth Changing Research
Happy Holidays like most people I could use your help. I have put together a DVD of the last fifteen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Frankly, I need your help to put out these weekly wrap ups of the weeks most important sightings. I spend about 50 hours a week preparing the files. Only a few people who have enjoyed the files for years have chosen to provide a donation. I would greatly appreciate your contributions to help sustain my production, reporting and research efforts. I want to thank the few people who have sent $25.00 and more for donations to Filer’s Files for this year. When you send in a subscription, please include your latest E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. What are they doing to humans and animals?
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I am offering fifteen years of Filer’s Files on a DVD with thousands of photographs and sightings for a donation of $50 that includes this year’s subscription. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filers Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, Georgie Filer, and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
© Copyright 2012 National UFO Center by George Filer