Filer's Files

Filer’s Files #33 – 2017 CIA We Have Been Contacted

August 13, 2017

In special reports, this week’s files cover: CIA We Have Been Contacted, Mexico Hovering Solid Oblong Craft, Global Wave of Animal Mutilations, Scotland 5,000-year-old Slab of Stone, Tombs in Ireland Shaped Like Discs, Egyptian Pyramids in the Grand Canyon, Message from the Light Team, and Solar Eclipse on August 21, 2017

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Alaska, Arizona, California, Colorado, Illinois, Iowa, New Jersey, New York, South Dakota, Tennessee, Texas, and Washington.

Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Jordan, Korea, Latvia, Mexico, Spain, and England in the United Kingdom.

The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

George A. Filer III

New Jersey State Director

MUFON Eastern Region Director Now receiving 3 million hits a month

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Special Projects

CIA We Have Been Contacted

Mexico Hovering Solid Oblong Craft

Palenque — Elliot Lemmon writes: I live in New Zealand and my father who is a professional director of photography was filming a BBC series called “Spirits of the Jaguar” back in 96 when he along with 2 or 3 others had the sighting. What really blows me away is that sighting was in Palenque, Mexico and the apparent interest the UFO had either in the people viewing it or


King Pacal’s tomb/pyramid. Basically, they were setting up their equipment, camera, etc. for the day shoot. It was only 4:00 or 4:30 AM, so still dark, so unfortunately there was no way of filming the event. After realizing there was a small light on the horizon over the jungle in Palenque my father and others become curious. Eventually the light came silently zigzagging towards them.

They were directly at the bottom of the Temple of Inscriptions setting up. As the light came closer it suddenly sped up and zoomed towards their position, where it “stopped on a dime” in my father’s words. He had no belief what so ever in their existence and never really looked at the evidence, despite my pleads!

Now this light had stopped directly above them and its luminescence went out to reveal a solid oblong kind of shape, perhaps a couple thousand feet up and the size of a large truck. My father described it as pretty much brick like. The crafts light came back on and it shot off to the horizon again at impossible speed! One of the things my father still finds hard to fathom is the complete silence of the craft. Thanks to Elliot Lemmon. Editor’s Note: The carved stone grave vault cover of King Pacal’s Temple/Tomb shows him apparently sitting in a rocket or UFO taking him into space.

Who Is Doing This?! Global Wave of Animal Mutilations 

© Photo: Pixabay

Who or what is mutilating animals the world over? Declassified files show the US Federal Bureau of Investigation has investigated thousands of instances of cattle disfigurement across the American Midwest since the 1970s, to no avail. A leading expert in the field isn’t sure either – but he has told Sputnik the explanation certainly isn’t humdrum.

While skeptics will surely opt to blame the international wave of brutalized bovines on natural disasters, sadistic pranks or similarly sick, wanton hijinks, proponents of conspiratorial and/or otherworldly explanations for the disturbing acts are quick to point out the attacks are often carried out with surgical precision.

Farmers worldwide, most notably and recurrently in US states such as South Dakota, Colorado, Kansas, and Nevada, have for decades had the unpleasant experience of discovering their treasured, lucrative beasts dead with various organs — including eyes, noses, tongues, hearts, livers, anuses, and genitalia — excised with laser-like accuracy. © PHOTO: UFONUT.COM

Sightings of attacks on cattle

Moreover, the FBI documents make clear even the US’ best investigative minds were seemingly stumped at the ultimate source of all the carnage. In many cases residents reported seeing crafts — whether thoroughly terrestrial helicopters, or UFOs — circling areas where cattle later turned up sliced up.

Such phenomena prompted concerns among researchers that the mutilations were being carried out and covered up by the government for some nefarious purpose or other — although as the wave of mutilations occurred concurrently with a worldwide obsession with flying saucers, some believe the mutilations’ origins to be otherworldly.

Linda Moulton Howe, founder of, states the same pattern of “bloodless excision” has been documented in all kinds of domestic and wild animals.

Death Without Commitment: Where Are All the Aliens? Sleeping,

He believes the lack of gallons of blood near the animal, no apparent signs of animal struggle and the highly specific nature of the mutilations (for instance, precise cuts on the hide, and tongues cut out at the base) suggest the animals can only have been kidnapped and maimed by an intelligent agency — and the crushed rib cages and broken limbs often evidenced point to them having fallen some way to their final resting place. Yet more eerily, in some cases he has reviewed, scavengers won’t even touch the carcass.

As for what is mutilating these ill-fated creatures, Mr. Zukowski won’t speculate, but he says the evidence strongly points to a non-human rather than human source. In the majority of cases he has investigated, witnesses have seen “balls of light” near the land from which animals have been abducted, and in some cases apparent spacecraft. He also believes the unmarked helicopters seen at some sites are indicative that the US government is running its own investigations into the happenings. As for whether there could be a mundane explanation, Mr. Zukowski is unequivocal — “absolutely not!”

“We’re talking about something that was alive just hours before, with no symptoms of being ill, then later found with horrific damage. Who is doing this? I have my thoughts, which makes these investigations extremely dangerous, because you don’t want to be in the right place at the wrong time — it could happen to you. There have been some human mutilation cases too!” he adds.

This bloodcurdling singularity is not exclusive to the US.

Mr. Zukowski not infrequently receives emails from investigators based in other countries asking for help, including Australia, New Zealand, Dominican Republic, and the UK.

He notes some UK mutilations have made it in to the mainstream media, including mutilated lambs in Beddgelert, Gwynedd, mutilated rams in Plwmp, Dyfed, and mutilated deer, foxes and badgers near Shropshire and mid-Wales. Furthermore, every June, ewes go missing in Bleddfa, Powys.

Nick Pope, who investigated UFOs and other mysterious phenomena for the UK Ministry of Defense between 1991-1994, says it’s difficult to judge the true extent of the phenomenon, as the insurance industry has a policy not issuing payments to farmers if they suggested their slain animals had been killed in a mysterious, unknown way.

As a result, farmers and veterinary physicians generally “colluded” to describe any mysterious animal deaths as being the result of dog attacks. This made it difficult for him to investigate cases further.

“The cattle mutilation mystery is extremely disturbing, and there are many different theories, including predator activity, Satanists, secret military experiments, and extraterrestrial activity. The theory about military involvement makes no sense, because government scientists already have a facility where animal testing is carried out, so they would have had no need to conduct additional, illegal testing. However, I was not able to find a definitive explanation during my government work,” Mr. Pope told Sputnik.  Thanks to Jeff Rense

Note: Balls of light are frequently reported around cattle mutilations. When flying our aircraft it was hit by ball lightning that floated through the plane indicating powerful electrical forces. The Earth releases electrical charges during tectonic stress known as Earth Lights and 1.4 billion flashes of lightning per year strike the Earth. A bolt of lightning can reach temperatures of roughly 30,000 kelvins (53,540 degrees Fahrenheit). Brent McRoberts of Texas A&M University says lightning accounts for 80 percent of all accidental livestock deaths. A stroke of lightning can contain 20,000 or more amperes of current.

Not generally realized is that a positive bolt of lightning comes up from the ground to meet the negative bolt from the thunder cloud. And when that hits the earth, that electricity spreads out in the ground and can be potentially deadly. There also may be spontaneous ignition of inflammable gases rising up in no great volume from the lower strata.


Medieval observers believed that fiery dragons came out of the earth and attacked cattle. Perhaps they were observing the Earth lights that are known to exist and are often seen before and during earthquakes. They may have been more perceptive then we give them credit for. We can speculate that Earth lights have strong electrical energy that comes out of the ground that attacks the cattle with a strong electrical charge throughout its body. Precise cuts or laser like cuts could be made by high voltage on the hide. The soft organs, tissue, and blood could be burned up as described during cattle mutilations.  Unusually high temperatures in the Earth lights should be tested. Dead cattle could be tested for electrocution. As the lights ascend they may be able to carry the cattle into the air.

Scotland 5,000-year-old Slab of Stone

Archaeologists in Glasgow briefly excavated a slab of stone that contains incised swirling geometric decorations.

The 5000 year old Cochno Stone, which measures 43 feet by 26 feet (13 by 8 meters), contains swirling decorations, also called “cup and ring marks.” The stone and its decorations have been known to people in the area since at least the 19th century. Decorations similar to these swirls have been found at other prehistoric sites around the world; however, the examples incised in the Cochno Stone are considered to comprise “one of the best examples” of such art in Europe, according to the University of Glasgow, which led the new study.

The stone slab was fully unearthed in West Dunbartonshire by Reverend James Harvey in 1887. By 1965, the stone had been vandalized with graffiti and damaged by the elements, so a team of archaeologists buried it beneath the dirt in order to protect the artwork. This summer’s two-week re-excavation allowed archaeologists to use modern-day surveying and photography techniques to better record the artwork.

The meaning of the artwork is still unknown, said Trophy, adding that the vast amount of data gathered this summer may, in time, allow archaeologists to better understand the artifact. It may be describing flying objects in the sky.


This could be a Mothership launching small discs like I chased over the UK.

While archaeologists had to rebury the swirling prehistoric artwork in order to protect it, Trophy said he hopes that one day it will be possible to create an area where the rock art can be permanently revealed for both tourists and people in the local area to see. Trophy said in the statement. “Perhaps in the future, this site could be turned into a major tourist attraction in Scotland, with a visitor center — who knows?” Thanks to Live science[Gallery: Aerial Photos Reveal Mysterious Stone Structures

Tombs in Ireland Shaped Like Discs

Knowth area tombs have been designated a World Heritage Site by UNESCO. Fourknocks is a Passage Chamber Tomb built about 5000 years ago. It is located 10 miles southeast of Newgrange, Ireland.   The name Fourknocks may be from the Irish Fuair Cnocs meaning  the Four Tombs (Four Hills). Only the main tomb pictured above has been excavated and is open to the public.

Kerbston 5 could also represent a UFO. The shape of the mound structures seems to show the wrap around aspect of the typical UFO disc. The burial sites often contain small discs or models about a foot in size. Great passage mounds, dolmens, stone circles, standing stones, alignments are all an important feature of the landscape and likely indicate religious worship in some form. It would be reasonable to assume the UFOs were seen floating overhead and were associated with the recycling or transmigration of souls as explained in ancient Egyptian and Vedic writings. The ancients who lived relatively shortened lives were often concerned with the soul’s journey to paradise. Although, the actual beliefs are not known, belief in a soul and everlasting life, being carried to heaven or paradise is practically universal. There  is evidence UFOs were seen and took the souls to heaven in many scriptures and drawings. Thanks to and

Egyptian Pyramids Allegedly in the Grand Canyon

It’s rather surprising but several pyramid like structures and tunnel city caves indicate some 50,000 + Egyptian like peoples existed in the US Grand Canyon 3600 years ago. This pyramid is known as

Zoroaster Temple. Zoroaster was in Egypt when times were hard and was becoming a Poor Nation. But Zoroaster’s first name had been (Joseph) because he had a God that was higher in the Heavens than their Sun God named Ra that knew what the Pharaoh’s dream meant.
He built a big Boat that had Wings (Sails) that would carry many people and found more Grain and Gold for the Egyptians. When he came back to Egypt in his boat loaded with gold and grain, the Pharaoh made him the Ruler of Egypt and called him Zaphenat-Pa’aneah.


Tower of Ra.

The Hopi Indians told the Grand Canyon Park Rangers that this was the Tower of Ra. A few eroded Egyptian Hieroglyphs can still be seen on the Tower of Ra.
In the Grand Canyon Haunted area many places have Egyptian and Hindu names such as the Cheops Pyramid, the Buddha Cloister, Buddha Temple, Manu Temple and Shiva Temple. Indicating a relationship between these places and the alleged Egyptian discoveries in the Grand Canyon?
The Arizona state archaeologist said the early explorers had just liked Egyptian and Hindu names, but it is true that this area was off limits to hikers or other visitors, because of dangerous caves. Indeed, this entire area with the Egyptian and Hindu place names in the Grand Canyon is a forbidden zone – no one is allowed into this large area. We could only conclude that this was the area where the vaults were located. Yet today, this area is curiously off-limits to all hikers and even, in large part park personnel.
The Smithsonian Institute does not seem to want to reveal evidence of advanced American cultures, evidence for ancient voyages of various cultures to North America, evidence for extraterrestrial alien visitation, the evidence that tends to disprove the official system of belief that is now the history of North America.

The Smithsonian Archaeologist think that that this unfinished Egyptian Pyramid in the Grand Canyon is a burial Tomb because there is a entrance Tunnel that is blocked a few feet inside the Pyramid.. The National Park Service will not allow the Archaeologist to excavate any of the Pyramids in the Grand Canyon. These ruins may hold proof of alien visitation or at the very least advanced civilization that can move 50,000+ people from Egypt some 15, 000 miles away, half way around the world and erect massive structures.
The Tunnel Complex that Mr. G. E. Kinkaid found was a massive Burial Chamber. The Mummies were placed in the burial chamber walls on large stone blocks.
The Egyptians began coming to the Grand Canyon according to the Carbon Dating of the mummies bones around 1600 BC. The Smithsonian’s Board of Regents still refuses to open its meetings to the news media or the public. If Americans were ever allowed inside the ‘nation’s attic’, as the Smithsonian has been called, what skeletons might they find? http://www.crystalinks.comgc_egyptconnection.html

NASA Photos from Mars

Frank Jacobs has found some astounding images of Mars that indicate precision cuts on stone of ancient archeological ruins.
The cutting of the granite is similar to that found on Earth in the building of the pyramids at Giza, Egypt. Speculation suggests Martians left Mars and came to Earth.

Mars image found by Frank Jacobs shows likely remains of a hidden city. Life apparently existed on Mars and the archaeological remains are available for all to see who wish to take the time to investigate the images. See the trailer Packing for Mars. Thanks to NASA images.