Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
MUFON Eastern Region Director
President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310
New Jersey State MUFON Director Emeritus
Former Vice President of Medcor
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Special reports are: Why do UFOs/UAPs have lights, Fostoria Ohio Underground Cavern, Green Mountain,
Millions of stars with many planets, Canada Studies UFOs/UAPs, Trump Wins. And Carbon 60.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers. Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special reports
Why do UFOs/UAPs have lights
Grant Cameron recently gave a lecture in Phoenix starting UFOs have lights who stated, “Our aircraft have navigation lights on them. Every plane has the same arrangement. It is illegal to fly without them. The plane does not need lights to power or direct the craft. The lights are there for safety – so people can see them. They signal a plane’s position, heading, and status.”
So why do UFOs have lights on them?
Comment: If we don’t need lights to power or steer our aircraft it is safe to assume that the lights have nothing to do with the propulsion of UFOs. This is especially true when one considers that the lights on the various crafts have many different arrangements – some make it look like a giant Ferris wheel – some have small lights all over the craft.
Are there alien abductions?
Comment: Except for a very small number of researchers most would concede that people are being abducted and picked up by the aliens.
When the aliens abduct people are there witnesses who see the craft doing it?
Comment: I know of only three cases and that is if you include the Travis Walton case, Fire in the Sky. The general theory is that they can cloak themselves or shut down the area where the abduction is taking place. (People commonly report that they cannot wake their spouse during the event.
It is like the person is turned off. People abducted on roads also commonly report that for some strange reason there was a long period of time when there were no cars on either side of the road, even when it is a busy highway.)
So why do UFOs have their lights on, and why are they seen during the day if they cloak themselves during abductions?
Comment: They want to be seen. When they perform abductions they don’t want to be seen. From 1947 to 1952 there were many UFO sightings, but NO CONTACT. The contactee’s did not appear until a few days after the detonation of the hydrogen bomb (an important milestone in history as for the first time with hydrogen bombs mankind had the power to destroy the world.) The first abductee did not come forward till 1961.
From 1947 till 1952 they just wanted to be seen. It was the first step in the plan to make people aware they were not alone in the Universe. If they didn’t want to be seen they would have turned off their lights. They can do that. There are many nighttime sightings where there are no lights. People report the object as it is blocking out the stars behind it by giving the object away. Daylight discs don’t have lights on them.
Loring AFB When UFOs appeared inside the nuclear weapons storage areas at Loring AFB, Wurtsmith AFB, Minot AFB, and Malmstrom in 1975, or when a number of objects appeared at Rendlesham in 1980 why did they not cloak themselves?
Comment: They wanted to be seen. They were making a point. They are making us aware. Consciousness is awareness. Therefore, they were making us more aware and raising consciousness.
Why do certain people see UFOs and others don’t?
Comment: They want the person to see. They want the person to tell others. The more people talk the more awareness increases. The more awareness increases the more consciousness rises.
Why did Jimmy Carter see a UFO? Why was the object lit up?
Comment: Was it a random event – wrong place or wrong time? Or was it a trigger to Carter who they knew would be President. Consider that Carter did much to advance UFO consciousness. He authorized two classified studies by the Congressional Research Office, sent his science advisor to NASA to try and open up a new UFO study, sent his Press Secretary to the FBI which suddenly started collecting UFO news clipping, assigned his friend Stansfield Turner to the CIA where lawyers were seriously combing for documents related to a UFO FOIA that had been filed, and green-lighted a study on extraterrestrial intelligence at the Stanford Research Institute. Most importantly, consider that over half of all the UFO documents filed under the Freedom of Information Act were released in the 4 short years of the Carter administration.
Why did Ronald Reagan see two UFOs that kept their lights on?
Comment: They knew Reagan would be president (in fact there is a story that Reagan interacted with an alien that told him to run for President). Reagan would initiate a second UFO documentary in 1983 which fell apart, he made major moves to control nuclear weapons, made many comments about aliens that really raised consciousness on a worldwide scale, and green-lighted a documentary called “UFO Cover-Up Live” that leaded a lot of information into the UFO community.
Are the objects real?
They don’t have to be. It might be easier to project a screen image which we know they can do then fly a craft around so someone can see it. Many sightings are not of objects flying around doing things. They are just objects sitting there. This indicates some sort of abduction screen image of just a screen image. Consider three.
A girl, Connie, along with her mother father and neighbor view a metallic object like a pyramid with the top cut off up close in broad daylight. It is so close she pleads with her father to invite them in for coffee and pie. After a number 0
Bud Hopkins and two other witnesses in 1964 see a daylight UFO that like the first two stories just sits there. It is close enough to see it is a metallic disc. It does nothing but sit there.
Why do UFOs have lights on them?
Comment: Appears to be some sort of gradual awareness program that has been going on for many years, and the type of UFO reported has changed as time went on.
It may even have started in the 1890s when objects like huge balloon air ships were seen all across America. Then 80 years ago foo-fighter objects (looking like Green Fire balls and some disks) were seen around WW2 aircraft. Next came the green fireballs in the SW United States. The US military investigated and openly admitted this was a real phenomenon. Those types of green UFOs stopped and have not been seen since although orbs are often reported.
Disc shaped objects replaced the foo-fighters and green fireballs and that pattern continued for years. In the last few decades triangles sightings have increased compared to discs. These triangles could be accounted for by military secret aircraft, but not all, as I already saw a triangle up remarkably close north of the American border in 1976.
Earth burned
Cataclysmic Event Dawns around 13,000 years ago, the Earth burned. Swarms of comet debris from the Taurid meteor stream had blasted the Americas and parts of Europe; the worst day in prehistory since the end of the ice age.
Many species of large animals were exterminated by the conflagration and ensuing cataclysms.
And those that survived the initial onslaught could do little against the floods, acid rain, and starvation that followed. People suffered too. Mankind was knocked backwards by this cataclysm into even more primitive stone-age ways of life, leaving sickly, frightened communities battling for survival.
Many years passed before the dust settled and the stars could be seen again. The sun and moon gradually strengthened and slowly the natural order of things returned. But this devastating cataclysmic event was not forgotten. Vegetation, and the animals that grazed it, could not live in the weak half-light of day or the starless black of night. And without them, life was bleak and hard.
Prehistory Decoded at Gobekli Tepe: From a Cataclysmic Event Dawns the Origin and Perhaps the End of Civilization
In the Fertile Crescent, modern day southern Turkey, the surviving Natufian tribes memorialized this great catastrophe by erecting Gobekli Tepe, the world’s first temple. The event had changed them – made them more fearful and religious. They prayed at their new stone temple for protection, deliverance, and anything else that might help. And they watched the sky, very carefully
. In the Fertile Crescent, modern day southern Turkey, the surviving Natufian tribes memorialized this great catastrophe by erecting Gobekli Tepe, the world’s first temple. The event had changed them – made them more fearful and religious. They prayed at their new stone temple for protection, deliverance, and anything else that might help. And they watched the sky, very carefully.
Turkey, the surviving Natufian tribes memorialized this great catastrophe by erecting Gobekli Tepe, the world’s first temple. The event had changed them – made them more fearful and religious. They prayed at their new stone temple for protection, deliverance, and anything else that might help. And they watched the sky, very carefully.
Jorge Martin, Puerto Rican ufologist reports that on March 29, 2012, former President of Cuba, Fidel Castro issued historical document of Reflections, entitled “The need to Enrich our Knowledge.”
The letter discussed several issues related to the dangers of the survival of humankind posed by the current warmongering race that some of the world powers are enforcing; and how the bearers of these actions tend to suffer from characters that lack culture and special knowledge. Interjected is the possibility of extraterrestrial life in the universe around us.
C astro stated, “When Pope John Paul II visited Cuba in 1998, I sat down to dinner with a spokesman of the Pope. I said, “I think there is a 99.9 percent chance there is intelligent life on other planets.’ A European article reads, “There could be thousands of millions of planets not much larger than Earth orbiting stars in our galaxy.
“Our new observations show that about 40% of the 160.000 million red dwarf stars have a ‘super-Earth” orbiting in their living zone, and there may be liquid water on the surface of the planet. “
UFO researcher Jorge Martin, states, In 2002, the renowned Cuban filmmaker Octavio Cortazar visited Puerto Rico and asked to meet with us at our magazine Enigmas Goals.
He gave e a copy of the first documentary ever made in Cuba entitled “UFOs in Cuba.” Octavio Cortazar further stated since President Fidel Castro opened the door with his letter about extraterrestrial life, he would reveal more of Castro’s statements.
John Paul II told Castro in 1998, The probability of life beyond Earth was a fact and discussed the observations of UFOs!
Castro saw the reality of extraterrestrial life when he visited the Soviet Union. Perhaps, as a result, we would deviate from the path of self-destruction which we currently are on.
Above: Photographic simulation of Fidel Castro’s visit to the Soviet secret Lab in which he was Fidel Castro’s shown the aliens and craft and the corpse of its crew.
Fidel Castro also gave Juan Mari Bras, a pro-Puerto Rico Independence leader information about the UFO matter. I asked Mrs. Trabal, What did Castro say to Attorney Juan Mari Bras?
Well-she-said, On one occasion we were talking about the UFO subject. Fidel Castro told us, before the fall of the Soviet Union, he had traveled to the USSR and the Soviet Authorities had taken him to a military base in which there was a special laboratory, and had showed him an alien spaceship, a disk they had captured. He also saw the body of a tall extraterrestrial being kept preserved in a special box-like machine or cryogenic freezer.
Juan Mari Bras had not spoken about this before because Castro had told him in confidence. Juan is a person of great integrity and would not say something like this if it was not true. Castro also told us; the Soviets told him they knew Americans had a similar lab and research center with crafts and alien bodies.
It is likely Castro was taken to the Plesetsk Cosmodrome where the Soyuz Rocket Cosmos-3M, are launched and is under persistent surveillance by alien crafts. This photo was taken by security officer Ghenady Korniev Vassili Zaitsev on January 5, 1992, at the Plesetsk missile center. The lab had several types of alien craft including cylinders and various types of saucers along with a mixture of dead aliens. An Italian newspaper reporter has also obtained similar information.
The other possible missile center where the alien craft could be stored is the base of Kapushtin Yar, in Astrakhan, Volgograd. Here there are several large hangars and an underground facility with several floors, in which Russian scientists could study alien technology of captured and crashed into alien spacecrafts. It is very possible that Fidel Castro saw the alien spaceship and the alien corpse at Kapustin Yar. Thanks to Jorge Martin.
Under these lines we are showing a sketch with data on some of the extraterrestrial spacecrafts that the Russian Government keeps at this research center, made by a confidential Russian source, which was delivered to Italian journalist and UFO researcher Constantino Paglialunga in 1997.
Green Mountains, Vermont Alien Base
The route encircles Vermont’s Green Mountains,
including Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield, and the famous mountain pass of Smugglers’ Notch. Reaching an elevation of 4,393 feet (1,339 m) above sea level.[3] Located in the northwest of the state. The area offers many recreational opportunities in all four seasons, both indoor and outdoor, including world-renown skiing and snowboarding, hiking, biking, and water sports to name a few.
A mail man called me to say he noticed UFOs flying in and out of the mountains
near the Canadian Border. He had been talking to the Border Patrol personnel who also frequently saw UFOs and they suggested he could call me. The mountains are not far from Mt. Washington where it’s believed the first UFO picture was made in the late 1800s. The route encircles Vermont’s Green Mountains, including Vermont’s highest peak, Mount Mansfield, and the famous mountain pass of Smugglers’
Notch. The area offers many recreational opportunities in all four seasons and apparently many UFOs are seen. Note some people feel the black mark is a dark spot on the mountain however a dark spot is more likely to be jagged and run up and down with gravity rather being horizontal.
This is the Oldest Known UFO 1870 Photo
If you look closely at this old stereoscopic image, you can see a dark, cigar-shaped object that seems to be flying in the clouds over Mount Washington, New Hampshire.
Wherever the image might have been over the years, it showed up on eBay one day in 2002. It was bought for $385, and soon after cropped to show a close-up of the cigar-shaped object and touted as “the oldest known UFO photo.” The owner, Samuel M. Sherman, said the photo would be submitted to scientists for detailed analysis, and the results were made available to the public.
T he photo hit the Internet like lightning, crackling from one UFO site to the next. Ryan Mullahy, a UFO writer, researcher and founder of the website NH UFO Research, saw it but wasn’t convinced: “As fascinated as I was by the photo, I didn’t think it was a UFO.” Mullahy set out to determine whether it was.
He says he does “real, classic research” on UFO reports to establish their authenticity so people can take the incidents seriously: “I don’t have a bias to prove a case true or not. I simply seek out information and put out what I find.”
When he started his research on the “oldest known UFO photo,” the only image available was a heavily cropped, low-resolution version on the Internet.
After six years of off-and-on digging, he found an important clue: a 2003 Weirs Times newspaper article unearthed by Kathy Brisendine, another UFO researcher. The article identified the photographers of the stereoscopic image as Amos Clough and Howard Kimball. The image had been taken in the winter of 1870-71 during a meteorological expedition, which he would learn later included a study of frost architecture.
Mullahy googled the expedition and discovered that the New York Public Library had a copy of the original high-resolution, uncropped photo (see above) in its digital library, along with a number of photos from the same set. After examining them closely, he decided his initial reaction was right: “The object in the photo is not in the cloud, but on the snow covered surface of the mountain itself. Thanks to New Hampshire Magazine Staff
Editor’s Note: By comparing the peak of the Mount Washington in and the clouds it is apparent the craft is in the clouds Note: If the object is in the clouds during the winter of 1870, it is flying. The top of mountain is covered with snow staring in October throughout the winter, but none is on the
cylinder. It is unlikely to be clean of snow unless it has some sort of heat to melt the snow like UFOs have. In 1870, gas, wood, or coal fires could produce enough heat to melt the snow which was unlikely to be available near the top of the mountain .It is my opinion this is a genuine UFO.
Fostoria Ohio Underground Cavern
FOSTORIA – George Ritter took video images over his two Corvettes of a UFO that was diving into his neighbor’s farm. His RCA VHS video camera regularly picks up UFOs landing and taking off in the farmer’s field. It is assumed that these craft operate in an underground cavern base since there are numerous underground caverns in the general area.
Birds and insects are usually portrayed in thirty or so frames of the video, while a UFO moving thousands of miles an hour is in only one or two frames. US military aircraft can also reach speeds of a thousand miles an hour and close up would appear as a blur.
Many of the objects filmed appear to be headed into the ground of the field behind this farm. The objects are captured on a non-digital RCA VHS video camera shooting towards the southeast in the afternoon sky. UFOs are flying at speeds near 1000 mph and appear to enter and leave the ground without affecting the crops or soil. Departing they quickly climb to higher altitudes apparently in an attempt to avoid accidents with commercial aircraft. George has noticed when the police radio announces crashes. on the Ohio State Highway not far away the craft quickly depart suggesting they capture the souls of those killed.
If the video is correct this area may contain an alien base. Seneca County, Ohio, not far from Lake Eire is known for its underground caverns. A dowsing expert from England believes that a large cavern exists below this farmer’s field that is located about thirty miles from Lake Erie. One of the largest caverns in Ohio also exists on the Southwest corner of the lake at a distance of thirty miles, but further east.
The caverns are believed to be made by the large ice deposit’s from glacial deposits’. The Quaternary Period began 2.6 million years ago and continues to this day. The Pleistocene Epoch, commonly referred to as the Ice Age, represents most of that period, ending about 11,600 years ago. Geologically rapid change leads to glaciers covering most of Ohio and large loads of sediment being deposited, altering the landscape.
The craft have the ability to enter and leave the field without leaving any notable indication they have been there. However, the frequency of the movement is at least once or twice a day. Movement may increase at night but is not generally observed. Thanks to George Ritter
Far side of the Moon Buried Hard Mass
The moon, our closest celestial neighbor, has captivated our imagination and fueled our creativity for ages. It’s been a recurring subject in art, literature, and science, consistently shrouded in mystery. However, we’ve made significant discoveries about the moon’s intricate geological history, which stretches back billions of years.
Thanks to China’s space program, we are beginning to understand the moon’s history better. The Chinese National Space Administration (CNSA) launched a groundbreaking mission in 2018 with the Chang’e-4 lander. This was the first spacecraft to land on the moon’s far side, often called its “dark side.”
In the years since its historic landing, Chang’e-4 has been diligently capturing vivid images of lunar impact craters while extracting invaluable mineral samples. These endeavors have illuminated the structures embedded within the top 1,000 feet of the moon’s surface.
Earlier this month, the world waited anxiously as the Chang’e-4’s discoveries were unveiled. The findings, meticulously documented in the Journal of Geophysical Research: Planets, provide a panoramic view into the geological layers that compose the top 130 feet (40m) of the lunar surface. Comprising dust, soil, and fractured rocks, these layers hold tales of cataclysmic events and evolving landscapes.
Canada Studies UFOs/UAPs
The Sky Canada Project was launched in the Fall of 2022 to study how Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP) reports from the public are managed in Canada and to recommend improvements. The Office of the Chief Science Advisor (OCSA) will focus on the Canadian process for capturing and treating UAP observations.
” A spokesperson from Transport Canada previously told that UAP-related reports “often fall outside the department’s mandate” and are “rarely” followed up on.
Aviation-related UAP reports can also be forwarded to the Royal Canadian Air Force “not typically investigate sightings of unknown or unexplained phenomena outside the context of investigating credible threats, potential threats, or potential distress in the case of search and rescue.”
Before the downing of the three unidentified objects in February 2023, at least four cases at least four appear to have met that criteria.
Documents viewed by CTVNews.ca show Canadians have also reported UFO sightings to the Canadian Space Agency and the RCMP. ‘We Are years behind the Americans’
With the Sky Canada Project, Canada will be following the lead of the U.S., where the subject is being studied by both the Pentagon(opens in a new tab) and NASA(opens in a new tab). A headline-grabbing June 2021 reports opening a new lab. Intelligence officials described recent military sightings, including UAP that appeared to “maneuver abruptly, or move at considerable speed, without discernible means of propulsion.” NASA is expected to publish its own UAP report in mid-2023(opens in a new tab).
Maguire said. “It is abundantly clear there is no co-ordination among government departments to analyze or investigate UAP reports. As of right now, there is extraordinarily little being done.”
“Working with a group of scientists focused on gathering instrumented UAP observations… would be desirable as a way of studying the UAP problem objectively and with sound methodology,” Rutkowski stated.
Maguire hopes developments like these will help break the stigma of reporting and studying UAP in Canada.
“The Chief Science Advisor’s team has the appropriate clearances to dig deep into the existing data and must be given access to everything,” Maguire told CTVNews.ca.
“If the Chief Science Advisor’s office is given complete access to all the information and intelligence our government currently possesses, and her report can publicly reveal it, we will be having a much different conversation. Canadians have a right to know what their tax dollars are being spent on.”
Paul Delaney is an emeritus professor of physics and astronomy at York University in Toronto.
Many of the cases remain unexplained and believe it’s a subject worthy of further scientific investigation.
Also unexplained are man incidents of crop circles, which have confounded farmers across Canada and Northern B.C. Charles Lamoureux, a Vancouver resident, claims he sees UFOs on a regular basis. “I see them every night,” he said. “I can pretty well tell what’s a satellite and not a satellite. If it’s not a satellite and way up in the atmosphere and it changes direction, there’s few things it could be.” He claims to have seen his first UFO three years ago and was entranced by the possibility of communication with beings not from earth. Lamoureux has since purchased a Yukon Night Vision Device, which he uses to peruse the night sky, searching for any sign of visitors from another planet “The more insight and fact finding that can be brought to bear on this subject the better,” Delaney told CTVNews.ca. “Credible observations can only improve our understanding of UFO/UAPs.”
Tied to UFO sightings are the mysterious crop circles which are spread across North America in virtually every year and places in Canada and the United States.
A nine-page presentation on the Sky Canada Project was provided to CTVNews.ca by a government source on condition of anonymity. The study into unidentified aerial phenomena by the Office of the Chief Science Advisor of Canada will culminate in the release of a public report by
Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau was provided a classified memo on the subject of “Unidentified Aerial Phenomena (UAP)” in February, CTV News has learned.
Obtained through a freedom of information request, the heavily redacted document offers a glimpse into how the Canadian government responded to the unidentified object that was detected and shot down over northern Canada’s Yukon territory(opens in a new tab) on Feb. 11. According to the “Secret” memo, the Yukon object was the 23rd so-called “UAP” tracked over North America in the first few weeks of 2023.
NORAD numbers of objects on a sequential basis, per year, to track every detected object that is not immediately identified; upon cross-examination most objects are found to be innocuous and do not meet the threshold for higher reporting or engagement,” the memo explained. “Object #23’s function, method of propulsion, or affiliation to any nation-state remains unverified.”
After decades of denial and dismissal by U.S. authorities, the Pentagon(opens in a new tab), NASA(opens in a new tab) and American lawmakers(opens in a new tab) are now investigating what they call “unidentified anomalous phenomena” or “UAP” – official terms for what are more commonly known as “unidentified flying objects” and “UFOs.”
“UAP #23” was one of three unidentified objects shot down by fighter jets
over North America earlier this year, immediately following the Feb. 4 downing of a suspected Chinese spy balloon. While the three objects have not been publicly identified, all were much smaller than the 200-foot-tall Chinese surveillance device. The three mysterious objects were probably research balloons or even UFOs.
Transmitted on Feb. 14, the “Memorandum for the Prime Minister” was classified “Secret” was sent to Trudeau’s national security advisor, Jody Thomas, On Feb. 11, the Yukon cylindrical shaped object was shot down by a U.S. F-22 fighter jet..
“NORAD Canadian CF-18 Hornets had been scrambled but the F-22s were better located based on time, space, and fading light,” the memo stated. “As additional UAP are detected, we will continue to keep you apprised.”
Due to harsh winter conditions and the remote mountainous terrain, efforts to recover debris were called off on February 17 “It is unknown whether it poses an armed threat or has intelligence collection capabilities,” the memo added. “The area in which the impact occurred is a known (caribou) migration route, Indigenous hunters may find the object.. “Thanks to Canadian TV News.
“Following the identification of the larger high-altitude surveillance balloon, NORAD adjusted our detection capabilities to give us better fidelity on seeing smaller, slower objects at various altitudes
Here’s the mysterious object shot down by U.S. Air Force F-22 over Yukon, Canada, in February of last year.
In a significant development, CTVNews.ca recently obtained this a photograph of a UAP. This grainy image (unclear whether it was taken from a Raptor during the intercept is part of a larger freedom of information request. A few UAPs are known to be in this shape, and it was likely sent to Wright Paterson
The object itself was described in reports as a “cylindrical” item with a metallic top and a dangling wire carrying a small payload. wire hanging below with a package “a cylindrical object […] “Top quarter is metallic, remainder white.” the Yukon shootdown was part of a rapid responses that saw three unidentified aerial objects destroyed between Feb. 10 and 12, by the North American Aerospace Defense Command,(NORAD) is a joint Canada-U.S. defense group.
” We were able to track and detect the object and identify the object.
“We have gone from a crazy few days where four objects were shot down, to nothing in the six months since,” Boyd said. “A federal aviation incident database shows that reports of unusual lights and objects in Canadian airspace have been filed for d
A federal aviation incident database shows that reports of unusual lights and objects in Canadian airspace have been filed for decades by police. Canada’s government’s top scientist had launched the Sky Canada Project, first official Canadian UAP study in 2022 and recorded 1100 sightings last year.
Green Mars
Activity on the Martian surface — and all this time, the rover has been exploring and investigating whether our reddish neighbor may have once supported microbial life. The 1976 Viking Rover showed numerous areas of green algae.
Perseverance took a nighttime mosaic image of the Malgosa Crest abrasion patch, at a location called the “Serpentine Rapids,” using its SHERLOCK WATSON camera. The image revealed white, black, and greenish spots within the rock. While these rocks’ composition remains a mystery, the unexpected find has scientists excited about what other hidden gems of green life.
Trump Wins
Trump Wins despite two attempted assassinations and the media against him spreading lies and more than a Billion Dollar Harris bankroll. Apparently Harris spent too much buying actors and important people to support her like Oprah Winfrey whose company Harri s spent a million dollars. Harris also spent up to $20 million on swing-state concerts Monday night, just hours before the VP’s spectacular election loss to Donald Trump of 312electoral votes compared to 226 for Harris. As of 6Nov. 7 ,votes and Harris had 67,957,895. Trump currently leads Harris by y 4.6 million votes.
BlBllue states for Harris, Red and pink for Trump.
There is concern that everyday staff and vendors won’t get paid amid reports the campaign is in debt by the Twenty million dollars. Members of the defeated Harris team told The Post that the concerts had a ruinous effect on the Democratic campaign’s coffers and that fact was no secret — with one planned performance by ’90s alt-rock goddess Alanis Morissette getting scrapped to save money.
The seven swing-state concerts on election eve featured performances by Jon Bon Jovi in Detroit, Christina Aguilera in Las Vegas, Katy Perry in Pittsburgh, and Lady Gaga in Philadelphia — with 2 Chainz joining Harris on Nov. 2, three days before the election, for an eighth concert in Atlanta. All costing 20 Million dollars.
Republican National Committee, took in only $375.3 million during this election cycle while arris’ campaign raised $1.2 Billion in this election cycle, according to a FEC filing released on Oct. 24.. During the last days of November Harris collected 5 times more than Trump. Apparently , most of the money went to the media in the swing states and did not convince enough people to vote or support Harris. “Bill, I don’t know if you know this, but the vice president of the United States is basically shoved in a broom closet for three-and-a-half years,/
The incumbent mayor of San Francisco lost Tuesday’s election to Daniel Lurie, a Levi’s heir and nonprofit founder, by more than 12 points. She has led the city for over six years as it battled against surges in deaths from drug overdoses
London Breed is about to join a growing club: Democratic mayors who’ve been ousted by voters fed up with their cities.
The incumbent mayor of San Francisco lost Tuesday’s election to Daniel Lurie, a Levi’s heir and nonprofit founder, by more than 12 points. Trump also won control of Congress with wins in the Senate and House.
Shellenberger Testimony 4 ridiculed the topic, claiming that talk of the phenomenon is due mainly to a small group of individuals in the grip of a rumor-based religion.9But critics say that AARO’s 63-page history of the US government investigation into UAPs since the end of World War II was riddled with factual errors and poor referencing, including to Wikipedia.10 And the document was missing historical information that appeared in the 117-page “UAP Timeline” document that
a former or existing US government intelligence officer created and which Public published last year.
Christopher Mellon, a former Deputy Assistant Secretary of Defense, wrote a lengthy rebuttal, concluding, “this is the most error-ridden and unsatisfactory government report I can recall reading during or after decades of government service.”12 Notably, AARO’s poor analytic tradecraft extends to recent, highly publicized UAP incidents reported by service members.13
Political leaders from both parties have vouched for the credibility of UAP
witnesses and whistleblowers. “I’ve interviewed solid people,” said former president
Donald Trump in September, “great pilots for the US Air Force, et cetera, they’ve
seen things that they cannot explain.”14
In June of this year, Trump said that the government has information about UAPs that it has not released. “I have access,” he said, “and I speak to people about it. I’ve had actual meetings on it. And they will tell you there’s something going on.”15 And, in his interview with Joe Rogan in October, Trump said the DOD or IC told him “a lot” about UAPs that has not been revealed.1
by William G. Weber and George Filer Authors
The book covers some historical documented cases as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover-up and even discredit witnesses to the actual sighting events.
The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone. Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who brings over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology.
He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows, local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it.
Both a Kindle Edition and Paper book edition
George Filer writes a complete story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.
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I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in authoring the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2024 by George A. Filer III, rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.