Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
MUFON Eastern Region Director
President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310
Awarded Bronze Star in Air Force
New Jersey State Director Emeritus
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Special reports are: The Bible and Unidentified Flying Objects at Christmas, Energy from Ancient Menhir Monuments, New Jersey. big drones, and carbon 60
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than fifty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Reports
The Bible and Unidentified Flying Objects at Christmas
Bible and UFOs by Preacher BARRY DOWNING
At Christmas time it would be interesting to review some of the teachings of the Bible because I feel it is one of the most important books on Earth that describes, their occupants and give us information on why they are here.
The Bible states,” In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. And God made man in his image, in the image of God.” If he made us in the image of God it is likely he made other aliens in his image as we are.
According to the Bible you have a mortal body and soul and spirit that is immortal. The term soul is used 754 times in the Bible and we’re told the soul is the invisible spiritual part of man, a living organism. The Bible claims you have a soul, a life force that continues after death as outlined by Barry Downing in The Bible and Flying Saucers.
At the time we take our last breath the soul or spirit leaves the body and some people who have technically died, like my brother say they hovered above their own body for 20 minutes only to return to live again.
Many medical personnel claim to have seen the spirit leave the body at the time the physical body dies.
My wife who was helping her brother walk at the time of his death, felt his body become lighter as his spirit left, followed by his full weight. This time of year, we celebrate the birth of Christ who was announced by angels, and his star was seen in the east.
One of the key parts of the Bible explains the transfiguration of Jesus that illustrates why we celebrate Christmas. “And after six days Jesus took with him Peter and James and John his brother and led them up a high mountain. And Jesus was transfigured before them, and his face shone like the sun, and his garments became white as light. And behold, there appeared to them Moses and Elijah. And Peter said to Jesus, “Lord it is well that we are here; if you wish, I will make three shelters here, one for you, one for Moses, and one for Elijah.” He was still speaking, when lo, a bright cloud overshadowed them, and a voice from the cloud said, “This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well pleased: listen to him.” When the disciples heard this, they fell on their faces and were filled with awe.” (Matthew 17). The scene represents that Jesus glory shone out through His human form according to Unger’s Bible Dictionary and represents one of the most important events of His life on Earth.
To analyze the scripture from a Ufologist standpoint, we learn that Jesus takes three witnesses up a mountain where they meet two of the patriarchs of the Bible.The word cloud is likely a UFO.
Both Moses and Elijah who had been dead for hundreds of years meet with Jesus and are wearing clothes and are able to talk but are seen in a glorified state representative of those who have come into the Kingdom of God. Their souls or spirits are able to return to Earth alive. Of interest to us is that they are passengers aboard a bright cloud similar to ones often reported in these files. The word cloud or clouds are used 156 times in the Bible and describe anything that flies in the sky except birds or insects. The unidentified flying bright cloud we are told also carries God, who blesses Jesus, and gives his approval and blessing.
The Bible and Torah are filled with references to clouds, pillars of clouds or pillars of fire or flying rugs. The allusions to clouds in Scripture, as well as their use in symbolical language, can only be understood when we remember the climate.
where there is hardly a trace of cloud from May to the end of September. Clouds are referred to as showing the power and wisdom of God in their formation. (Psalms 135.6). I suggest that this story is true, that key figures in the Bible ride on a bright cloud or UFO. Perhaps messengers from Heaven continue to ride in UFOs looking for spirits or souls at the time of death of our bodies from Earth and take us to Heaven? We also learn that God tells us to listen to Jesus’ message. Apparently millions have believed and each year we celebrate the birth of Christ at Christmas that occurred some 2016 years ago. If we believe His message we are promised ever-lasting life. Of course, if the promise is untrue, we will all die. However, if it is true that our soul lives on, I’ll meet you in Heaven! Merry Christmas and public holidays around the world.
Jesus stated, “In my Father’s house are many mansions: if it were not so, I would have told you. I go to prepare a place for you.” Many scriptures describe Heaven as a planet in the Northern sky with God, angels, armies, land, structures, trees and animals.
Angels are described as superhuman beings who are messengers of God who travel to our world. Some have spiritual bodies but most appear as real beings with personal bodies that have feelings, passion, emotions and desires.
We are told angels come from a planet called Heaven and are given credit for many healings and the protection of many people throughout history.
The Bible records 104 appearances of angels to men on Earth and that one third of the angels rebelled against God and came to Earth to deceive man.
In the first chapter of Mathew in the New Testament, we are told the Holy Spirit visited the Virgin Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings you are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But, the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High.
In the first chapter of Mathew in the New Testament, we are told the Holy Spirit visited the Virgin Mary. The angel went to her and said, “Greetings you are highly favored! The Lord is with you.” Mary was greatly troubled at his words and wondered what kind of greeting this might be. But, the angel said to her, “Do not be afraid, Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you are to give him the name Jesus. He will be great and will be called the Son of the Most High. The Lord God will give him the throne of his Father David, and he will reign over the house of Jacob forever, his kingdom will never end”. Mary asked the angel, “How can this be, since I am a virgin?” The angel answered, “The Holy Spirit will come upon you, and the power of the Most High will overshadow you. So, the holy one to be born will be called the Son of God!” Luke 1-verses 26 to 35
Note: We can speculate Time Travel or advanced technology allows angels to travel from Heaven to Earth and carry out various missions. I have met people who have seen and talked to angels and have been healed by them. Many claim their lives were saved by angels. The allegations are often similar to stories about seeing extraterrestrials.
People often feel as if it would take a miracle for something to happen which would defy all odds — a meaningful coincidence — to quell our troubles. I have found these miracles can occur when people pray.
There are apparently angels who Guard us while others tempt us. The Bible claims that the angels are sent by the Father in Heaven who promises the greatest gift of all, ‘eternal life.’ I have studied the Bible, the Torah, the Koran and many ancient writings. The angels, the messengers of God, brought the Holy Scriptures to humans. Think of these ancient writings as not only religious but also as technical and historical documents .
UFOs could be God’s angelic host
Billy Graham the friend of most of our recent Presidents and has preached the Gospel to more people in live audiences than anyone else in history—nearly 215 million people in more than 185 countries. He wrote in his book “Angels, God’s Secret Agents”
“Some Christian writers have speculated that UFOs could very well be a part of God’s angelic host who preside over the physical affairs of universal creation.”
The Bible states, “That night shepherds were in the fields guarding their flocks of sheep and suddenly an angel appeared among them, and the landscape shone bright with the glory of the Lord. They were badly frightened, but the angel reassured them. “Don’t be afraid! I will bring you the most joyful news ever announced, and it is for everyone! The Savior-yes the Messiah, the Lord-has been born tonight in Bethlehem! How will you recognize him? You will find a baby wrapped in a blanket, lying in a manager! Suddenly the angel was joined by a vast host of others—armies of heaven-praising God: Glory to God in the highest heaven, they sang, “and peace on earth for all those pleasing him.” (Luke 2) The armies of heaven may actually describe UFOs that are often seen in large numbers.
Dr. Billy Graham says, “Angels have a much more important place in the Bible than the devil and his demons.” In Angels God’s Secret Agents” Dr. Graham combines the fascinating experiences of those who are certain they have been attended by angels with what the Bible says about angels from on high. Here is ringing assurance to all Christians that through angels God is present for His People. We can take comfort in the fact that, with the host of angels at God’s call, we are not alone. Dr. Graham looks also at how angels are to help people minister the message of the gospel of Christ. In the middle of the book he talks about Hebrews 11 where he believes angels helped and protected some people who accomplished amazing things for God.
Ancient Sumerian texts as well as the Bible reveal the existence of angels or Anunnaki, ‘Those who from Heaven to Earth Came.’ Only in recent years has modern science caught up with ancient scientific knowledge. Angels are depicted by many who have seen them often appear similar to the reports of Nordic aliens. While Draco’s or Reptilians are often identified with the Devil.
These angelic visitors are according to most of the great historic religious writings of mankind and much of Earth’s history revolves around these visitors from space who are often identified as Gods or angels. In Indian Vedic writings the topmost authority is known as Brahma, and he lives in the highest material planetary system, called Brahmaloka or Heaven. It seems reasonable to assume the most sacred writings of our ancestors are not simply myths, but are based on actual visits by angels, ET visitors, divas’ or whatever you choose to call them. They are often given credit for bringing writing, agriculture, and religion to Earth. Thousands of books, art and songs have been authored describing their interactions with Earth.
A few years ago, I had dinner with Zecharia Sitchin felt that only in recent years has modern science caught up with ancient scientific knowledge.
The Bible often mentions angels in glowing metal craft of the divine glory and brightness and the appearance of fire as in the Hebrew word ‘hashmal.’ The descriptions of Ezekiel (1:4, 8:2) clearly indicate brilliant highly polished glowing yellow like brass or electrum an alloy of silver and gold.
One Minute After You Die
Erwin Lutzer says, “Someone you know is about to pass away. Will they enter delight or horror? Many people spend more time planning for a vacation than preparing for eternity. The bestselling book, “One Minute After You Die” opens a window on eternity with a simple and moving explanation of what the Bible teaches about death.” Erwin W. Lutzer brings a biblical and pastoral perspective to the death. Perhaps it doesn’t seem real that we will still exist—fully conscious and alive—beyond the grave. But it’s true, and it calls for careful consideration. The world seems more dangerous now with Hamas, China, Russia, Iran. Ebola, ISIS, and the threat of nuclear war increasing.
The central doctrine of Christianity is that Jesus died to save sinners from eternal doom. Until we see ourselves as deserving of that fate, we will never understand the cross. The Bible tells us that one day we’ll stand before the judgment seat of Christ. But how often do we reflect on what that means? Many believe as long as I’m a good person, I’ll go to heaven.” Wrong!
Erwin Lutzer says, “A person must accept Jesus as Lord and Savior to get your ticket for Heaven.” For whosoever shall call upon the name of the Lord shall be saved.” Romans 10:13, He challenges you to thoughtfully re-examine your eternal destination—while there’s still time. Making wise judgments in an anything-goes world is the Christian’s mandate—and it’s not easy! Many religions and stories concerning death and recovery confirm that we possess a soul or an inner life-force, because you have an unlimited potential inside you. According to the Bible , “Your soul will continue to live on after death. My late friend
L t. Col. Wendell Stevens and William Sherwood , claim the reason angels have come to earth is to take the souls of believers to Heaven. John Lear and other insiders claim our soul, or our life force is the key to understanding UFOs. Your soul or life force that continues after the death of your body is the most valuable part of you. A simple belief in Jesus, may send you to Heaven and hopefully we’ll meet there.
“Angels in Starships” reports:
“The UFO object again moved through the sky to a point where it hovered over a group of trees. Now I can observe it better than before. On the upper part was a large dome, on whose highest point a dazzling white light that illuminated the disc and its surroundings completely.
T\he domes had small round windows around it, from which a similar light shone. This light was stronger, but rather than blinding the eyes, it seemed to evoke an overall pleasant feeling within me. I was drawn to this light as if under a spell and felt an unaccustomed joy within me which bestowed a blessing.”
From this luminous disc I heard the voice of Raphael speaking to me. “It is not the first time,” he said, “that we have met with men of Earth in this manner.
From everlasting, we have spoken with mankind from our space vehicles, flying discs and starships. In your holy scriptures you have read that the Lord spoke to men of Earth from out of a cloud; your present encounter is no different from that which was experienced by your forefathers throughout the ages’
Angels God’s Messengers from Heaven
UFO contact from Angels In Starships
Scientist Dr. Carl Sagan in his book, “Intelligent Life in the Universe” with I. S. Shklovskiĭ indicated Earth had likely been visited by extraterrestrial’s. He states: “Sumer was an early–perhaps the first civilization the contemporary sense on the planet Earth.
It was founded in the fourth millennium B.C. or earlier. We don’t know where the Sumerians came from. I feel that if the Sumerian civilization is depicted by the descendants of the Sumerians themselves to be of non-human origin, the relevant legends should be examined carefully.” (Page 456)
He goes on to ask, “What might an advanced extraterrestrial civilization want from us? “He answered his own question by stating, “One of the primary motivations for the exploration of the New World was to convert the inhabitants to Christianity — peacefully if possible — forcefully if necessary. Can we exclude the possibility of an extraterrestrial evangelism?” (Page 463) The most knowledgeable people in the UFO field frequently mention Religion is of prime importance in understanding our visitors. https://www.google.com/webhp?sourceid=chrome-instant&ion=1&espv=2&ie=UTF-8#q=intelligent%20life%20in%20the%20universe%20carl%20sagan.
For several years I have subscribed to Dr. Chauncey Crandall’s Heart Health Report that I found very informative. Now he has written an amazing book about how a doctor’s glimpses of eternity.
One quarter of all deaths is heart related. He sees firsthand those dying on earth, and what happens after death. Dr. Crandall a Cardiologist knows his patients well.
When they are dying, he sits at the bedside with them and holds their hands. He prays with them. Sometimes he can feel what they feel and see what they see. At other times his patients have near-death experiences and “come back” with astonishing descriptions of the afterlife
. In “Touching Heaven,” Dr. Crandall reveals how what he has seen and heard that has convinced him that God is real, and that we are created for a divine purpose, that death is not the end, that we will see our departed loved ones again, and that we are closer to the next world than we think.
Are you seeing these messages, these signs, and these gifts with spiritual eyes — or missing them with your physical ones? In “Touching Heaven”, you will see how to connect with God by seeing His marvels and by acknowledging His gifts. You will discover the power of spiritual touch — physically laying hands on someone’s forehead or shoulders.
You will read what it means to be “slain in the spirit” — when people often fall down in a gentle, graceful swoon or undergo other physical reactions after being touched by God’s Holy Spirit.
You also will see what the demonic forces of Satan can do to people — and how to use the Word against these dark powers of evil. Fortunately, darkness cannot remain where the light of heaven falls. You will see why, as a believer, you carry the power of heaven with you into every situation. Dr. Crandall says, “Use my experiences as a steppingstone on your own path to operating in the light of heaven. Believe me, you will be forever changed. God Puts Us Where He Wants Us for a Specific Purpose. While thirsting for my own “tribe” to minister to, I decided I would even quit medicine and go into full-time ministry — if that was what God wanted.”
But as I listened, I heard the voice of God tell me my work was with my medical patients. My role in life is to help heal them — and save them. I also felt the Lord prompting me to pray with them personally, if they would allow it. Only one patient has ever turned me down. And with just this single addition to my spiritual life, I’ve seen miracles happen. One patient, Earl, was in heart failure and waiting for a donor heart. He had been on intensive life support for months and couldn’t even lift his head off the pillow. After praying for him, the next day Earl was sitting up. His heart eventually became so healed that he never needed that heart transplant. I want to be clear: It was not me; it was the power of God, activated by prayer.”
I don’t question the presence of heaven anymore, and I hope after hearing of my experiences, you won’t either. You see, after everything I’ve witnessed, heaven is more real and tangible to me than ever. In Jeremiah, we are told: “You will seek Me and find Me, when you search for Me with all your heart.” And while I fight for the lives of my patients, I am no longer content to focus merely on their mechanical hearts and their physical well-being. Book: Touching Heaven – By Dr. Chauncey Crandall Adw3.hearthealthreport.com/Special: Yours for Only $4.95
“The more I study science, the more I believe in God.” – Albert Einstein
Albert Einstein’s name has become synonymous with the word “genius.” He was a theoretical physicist who is most commonly known for developing the theory of relativity and the most famous equation (E = mc2) for mass/energy equivalence. He won the Nobel Prize in Physics in 1921 and published more than 300 scientific papers.
The implications of these scientific finds would reinforce claims by other scientists and observers of having contact with ‘off-world’ human looking extraterrestrials.
The ‘off-world’ human looking extraterrestrials have been claimed to have provided some of the genetic material for human evolution, and claim they are in fact our ancestors. Genesis 6 states, “The Nephilim were on the earth in those days–and also afterward–when the sons of God went to the daughters of humans and had children by them. They were the heroes of old, men of renown.”
Most of humanity would consider this group of extraterrestrials to be ‘benevolent’ as described by ‘contactees’ such as George Adamski, George Van Tassell, Howard Menger, and Alex Collier who each explain the nature of their voluntary interactions with these human looking extraterrestrials. These “contactees” often provide physical evidence in the form of photographs, film and/or witnesses of their contacts with extraterrestrial races.
Naval Interest in UFOs
While the U.S. Air Force has always been associated with the study of the UFO phenomenon the Air Intelligence Division Study No. 203 with the help of the Office of Naval Intelligence presents the first important clue that the Pentagon was well aware of the phenomenon’s marine nature. This document is one of the rarest documents in the national archives linking the Office of Naval Intelligence to any association with the investigation of the phenomenon. This secret document of December 1948 records the observation that “Sightings have been most intense throughout the states bordering The Atlantic and Pacific coastlines”
It implies that a year ago the Navy created a special secret group to investigate strange aerial and marine manifestations. Study 203 represents the tip of an iceberg, of naval involvement with the phenomenon that has gone unrecognized for over a hundred years. UFOs didn’t invade America’s airspace from Canada or Mexico they appeared from the sea. A considerable collection of data indicates Naval experience with the phenomenon dated back to at least 1900.
Became an admiral Frank Schofield
The first journal to routinely publish reports about the phenomenon as early as the 1900’s was the U.S. Naval Hydrographic Office’s “Notice to Mariners’ and the first name given to the enigmatic phenomenon by that same office was “Celestial Phenomenon” seen at sea. Almost fifty years later the air force would call these same enigmatic objects “Unidentified Flying Objects”.
One account published in “Notice to Mariners” provides insight into an early serious naval interest in UFOs. Curious sightings of strange flying objects seen at sea are common in marine history.
The UFO sighting of Lt. Frank Schofield later promoted to admiral while aboard the USS Supply, off the coast of California on the 28th of February 1904 and reported in “Notices to Mariners”. Schofield’s account was: “The meteors appeared near the horizon and below the clouds, traveling in a group from Northwest to North directly toward the ship”. At first their angular motion was rapid and color a rather bright red. As they approached the ship they appeared to soar, passing above the clouds at an elevation of about 45 degrees. After rising above the clouds their angular motion became less, when they appeared to be moving directly away from the Earth at an elevation of about 75 degrees West. It was noted that the color became less pronounced than the meteors gained in elevation. When sighted, the largest meteor was in the lead, followed by the second in size and third in size flying in formation. The largest meteor had an apparent area of about six suns. It was egg shaped the sharper end forward. The after end was regular and in full outline”. “The second and third meteors were round and showed no imperfections in shape. The second meteor was estimated to be twice the size of the sun in appearance, and the third meteor about the size of the sun”.
“The near approach of these meteors to the surface and the subsequent flight away from the surface appeared to be most remarkable. The meteors were in sight for over two minutes and were carefully observed by three people, whose accounts agree as to details. “
This account is a typical marine UFO sighting in a massive collection of sightings except, the witness later would become Admiral Schofield, Commander In Chief, of the Pacific Fleet in the 1930s. The accountability and detail of the Schofield sighting could only confirm suspicions, collected from numerous historical marine reports that unidentified aerial objects were operating over the Earth’s oceans and seas.
When military personnel who have had UFO experiences rise to the highest levels of military hierarchy it would be prudent to expect that they would give the UFO reality exacting consideration throughout their careers.
It is likely a secret Naval project was formed later in the century to analyze the plenteous collection of worldwide UFO sightings is certainly magnified when Lieutenant Schofield’s UFO sighting, and his ascent in the naval hierarchy are considered. The rise of Schofield to CIC of the Pacific Fleet with a perception of an unusual marine phenomenon certainly should have influenced the development and direction of naval UFO investigations. Frank H. Schofield was in a position to have had a pivotal influence on the Office of Naval Intelligence concerning UFO investigations.Thanks to Hank Worbetz
Energy from Ancient Menhir Monuments
Cosmic Energy Research reports they have been studying ancient stone structures and their related places of power and energy. First, there were separate stones of various sizes, called menhirs, later followed by groupings of stones, then more sophisticated big circle structures like Knowth shown here and some pyramids are energy accumulators.
Archaeologists assume that menhirs were built for cult-related, agricultural, calendar, and astronomic purposes. From our research, it was discovered most of the menhirs were structures that created energy or were chosen because of their inherent power. Menhirs focus or accumulate energy. In order for a menhir to function as an energy accumulator, it must be insulated from the bedrock with suitable natural materials.\
Expert literature states how the ground under earth bulwarks were adjusted. In his work “Stones of Time,” on Page 91 Martin Brennan describes how the structure in Knowth has been insulated”. Layers of grass and clay are sandwiched with layers of slate and pebble-stone. Hundreds of menhirs are located on the American continent, the United Kingdom, and China. Quartz for example is thought to induce clairvoyance and is ideal for crystal gazing. The association with crystals and spiritual communication is worldwide. Granite often has innate radioactivity, electrical and vibratory characteristics.
When I visited Stonehenge, my family and I could feel the energy from the stones and thought we could hear the sound from the stones. This may be a type of healing energy or a method for communication, or even an anti-gravity system. The boulders at Stonehenge weigh 25 tons and more and the Blue Stones were brought from a hundred miles away from Wales or Ireland. Fiery balls of light and frequent crop circles are reported in the area.
In Maria’s book “Stonehenge’s Elongated Skulls”, the people with the long skulls built long structures and later Stonehenge, Avebury and numerous archeological sites. People with elongated skulls were rulers in Egypt, Sumer, and Peru and associated with royalty. The mummified remains of Pharaohs often have elongated skulls. Pharaoh Akhenaton and Queen Nefertiti in Egypt who believed in one God had elongated skulls.
Elongated skulls buried in graves Near Stonehenge
Maria had evaluated the remains of the elongated skulls and determined they were all murdered and their long lost history lost. Apparently, a group of invaders decided to eradicate the people of the elongated skulls after they settled the area for hundreds of years. She also discovered a Neolithic High Queen that was laid to rest in the largest and longest barrow ever constructed in prehistoric Britain. Her book explains the untold history of the elongated skulls and how it was hidden from the Western world. www.theaveburyexperience.co.uk.
It is thought the elongated skulls found in the Stonehenge area may not be human The skull shown with teeth was found at West Kennet Long Barrow not far from Stonehenge. The other picture is from NASA showing the skull or a sculptured rock from Mars that suggests Martians or other aliens had elongated skulls. Some areas of Mars have pyramids and Pharaoh like statues. The entire Stonehenge area has exceptional people with elongated skulls that may have come from Mars or some other planet attempting to reproduce similar structures on Mars. They built Silbury Hill the largest prehistoric man-made mound in Europe called the “Hill of the Shining Beings, We know that Mars atmosphere and water diminished with some type of catastrophe and that gravity there is much less than on Earth. Mars gravity is only one sixth of Earths and to launch a spaceship from Mars would be relatively easy compared to a craft leaving Earth.
Some of the people with elongated skulls were buried in the West Kennet Long Barrow a Neolithic tomb, situated on a prominent chalk ridge, near Silbury Hill, in Wiltshire, England. The construction of the West Kennet Long Barrow commenced about 3600 BC, which is some 400 years before the first stage Stonehenge, and it was in use until around 2500 BC.
Maria Wheatley states, “We have studied and understand the archaeology of Avebury; however, archaeology alone can never fully answer why such magnificent sites as Avebury, Silbury Hill and Stonehenge, barrows and Curses’ were skillfully crafted by our ancient ancestors. The prehistoric architects of ancient sites were acutely aware of the Earth’s magnetic energies, which they carefully integrated into the foundation plans of their monuments using long-lost technology. At Stonehenge, for example, certain megaliths, such as the Altar Stone, were positioned above a geometric earth energy pattern, known as geospiral, to harness the earth force, which perpetually charged the stone with magnetic energy. We can locate these enigmatic patterns in the ritual landscape and begin to sense their energetic power.”
Note: There is strong evidence that ancient humans worshiped disc shaped and cylinder shaped flying objects. American Indians in Ohio were buried in their mounds with small flat flint circular stones. Although writing has not been found, it is possible to infer that disc objects observed in the sky became objects of worship. Read more: http://www.ancient-origins.net/news-evolution-human-origins/initial-dna-analysis-paracas-elongated-skull-released-incredible#ixz z3t6YPw2Wd
While in the Air Force I chased a mile long Mothership over England based on the length shown on the ground and airborne radars. The ancient Britain’s would have been impressed like I was about the huge cylinder shaped craft and may have made designated landing places for the craft. Nearby is the Stonehenge Cursus a long rectangular earthwork that runs for about 3km (1.8 miles) on an east-west alignment and 400 feet wide.
It was built during the Neolithic period, around 3100BC, making it slightly earlier than the circular bank and ditch of the first phase of Stonehenge. Although similar Cursus monuments exist in England and many theories have been put forward, scientists do not know the purpose of these mysterious monuments.
Cylinder overlaid on Stonehenge Cursus
They generally survive 3000 years only as marks, and 6 foot ditches that are visible mainly from the air. Curses’ (plural ‘cursūs’ or ‘cursuses’) was a name given by early British archaeologists such as William Stukeley to the large parallel lengths of banks with external ditches which they thought were early Roman RACE courses, hence the Latin name cursus, meaning “course.” Cursus monuments are now understood to be Neolithic structures and represent some of the oldest prehistoric monumental structures of the British Isles and Europe landscapes.
Examples include the four cursuses around England. A notable example is the Stonehenge Cursus, within sight of the more famous Stonehenge. Note: There is strong evidence that ancient man worshiped disc shaped and cylinder shaped objects. It appears the cylinder craft landed in the cursus archaeological site since they have the same shape and size
Mothership photographed over Rhode Island
Vancouver reported 116 UFO sightings more than any other Canadian city. The city that once played host to The X-Files is also the best place in Canada to spot a flying saucer, according to the Canadian UFO Survey. That’s right: If the truth is out there, Vancouver is probably a good place to find it. Astronomer Chris Rutkowski said, “The sheer number of sightings – 1,100 in all of Canada last year – demands further research.
“Are we looking at a real phenomenon? Is there a psychological phenomenon accounting for all this?” said Rutkowski, who works with the Canadian UFO Survey. “Why do people persist in seeing something that supposedly shouldn’t be there?” Vancouver has been a UFO hot spot for years, according to the survey, and B.C. was second only to Ontario for sighting. About 300 UFOs were reported across the province, with sightings peaking between 10 p.m. and 11 p.m.
Mysterious aircraft are flying over New Jersey. Here’s what big drones are made for
NJ Drone Photographer- Dave Kotinsky — NJ Drone
I n New Jersey: Residents have reported seeing drones the size of small cars flying around at night; officials are unsure if they’re seeing anything unusual, or if these are drones at all.
But even if the New Jersey sightings turn out to be something else, large drones do exist. And they can have a wide range of potential applications for hobbyists, commercial users or the military, according to unmanned aircraft experts.” Ryan Wallace, associate professor of aeronautical engineering at Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University, told CNN. Drone sightings? Law enforcement officials, including the FBI, are still trying to confirm what exactly New Jersey residents are seeing and where they’re coming from — or if they’re drones at all, versus regular airplanes, flying normal routes, that people are misidentifying. “We have reports from the public and law enforcement dating back several weeks,” the FBI field office in Newark said New Jersey residents have described seeing drones flying overhead, sometimes in clusters. Drone sightings have been reported around Morris and Somerset counties, according to local officials. Both counties are in the New York metropolitan area Drones are reported over Maryland, Virginia, California, and a Congressman claims Iranian’s have a ship launching the drones. This was denied by the government. Story by Clare Duffy
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
by William G. Weber and George Filer Authors
The book covers some historical documented cases as well as those that touch us with modern technology today. As you read the chapters you will see the attempts to cover-up and even discredit witnesses to the actual ighing events.
The hope here is to provide subject matter to stimulate thought that perhaps we are not alone. Bill Weber, a former MUFON (Mutual UFO Network) State Director, who brings over 26 years of experience within the field of Ufology.
He has been a guest speaker on several radio shows, local TV and has presented his research at State and local conferences in Delaware, New Jersey, Connecticut and Pennsylvania. He shares some of his cases and research within this book to enlighten those who read it.
Both a Kindle Edition and Paper book edition
George Filer writes a complete story of the Alien found dead at McGuire Air Force Base.
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I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in authoring the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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