December 10, 2018
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman Saw UFOs, Origins of Humans According to Ancient Sumerians Texts, The ENCODE DNA Project of the Human Genome, DNA Results of Elongated Skulls of Peru, Space Travel Shorter Time Period than Thought. Is there a Space War? Atlantis Findings, and The Seven Propaganda Techniques.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado. Florida, Montana, Oklahoma, Puerto Rico, Texas, Utah, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Argentina, Australia, Canada, Fiji, Haiti, Poland, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
Astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman Saw UFOs
In December 1965, Gemini astronauts James Lovell and Frank Borman saw a UFO during their second orbit of their record-breaking 14 day flight. Borman reported that he saw an unidentified spacecraft some distance from their capsule. Gemini Control, at Cape Kennedy told him that he was seeing the final stage of their own Titan booster rocket. Borman confirmed that he could see the booster rocket all right, but that he could also see something completely different.
During James Lovell’s flight on Gemini 7 transcript:
Lovell: Bogey At 10 O’clock High.
Capcom: This is Houston. Say again 7.
Capcom: Gemini 7, is that the booster or is that an actual sighting?
Capcom: …Estimated distance or size?
Lovell: We also have the booster in sight…
Orgins of Humans According to Ancient Sumerians Texts
Sumer, or the ‘land of civilized kings, flourished in Mesopotamia, now modern-day Iraq, around 4500 BC. Sumerians created an advanced civilization with its own system of elaborate language and writing, architecture and arts, astronomy and mathematics. Their religious system was a complex one comprised of hundreds of gods. According to the ancient texts, each Sumerian city was guarded by its own god; and while humans and gods used to live together, the humans were servants to the gods.
The Sumerian creation myth can be found on a tablet in Nippur, an ancient Mesopotamian city founded in approximately 5000 BC.
The creation of Earth ( Enuma Elish ) according to the Sumerian tablets begins like this:
When in the height heaven was not named,
And the earth beneath did not yet bear a name,
And the primeval Apsu, who begat them,
And chaos, Tiamut, the mother of them both
Their waters were mingled together,
And no field was formed, no marsh was to be seen;
When none of the gods had been called into being,
And none bore a name, and no destinies were ordained;
Then were created the gods in the midst of heaven,
Lahmu and Lahamu were called into being…
Sumerian mythology claims that, in the beginning, human-like gods ruled over Earth. When they came to the Earth, there was much work to be done and these gods toiled the soil, digging to make it habitable and mining its minerals.
The texts mention that at some point the gods mutinied against their labor.
When the gods like men
Bore the work and suffered the toll
The toil of the gods was great,
The work was heavy, the distress was much.
Anu, the god of gods, agreed that their labor was too great. His son Enki, or Ea, proposed to create man to bear the labor, and so, with the help of his half-sister Ninki, he did. A god was put to death, and his body and blood was mixed with clay. From that material the first human being was created, in likeness to the gods.
You have slaughtered a god together
With his personality
I have removed your heavy work
I have imposed your toil on man.
In the clay, god and man
Shall be bound,
To a unity brought together;
So that to the end of days
The Flesh and the Soul
Which in a god have ripened –
That soul in a blood-kinship be bound.
This first man was created in Eden, a Sumerian word which means ‘flat terrain’. In the Epic of Gilgamesh , Eden is mentioned as the garden of the gods and is l
Genesis 2 of the Bible states, “This is the account of the heavens and the earth when they were created, in the day that the Lord God made earth and heaven. 5 Now no shrub of the field was yet in the earth, and no plant of the field had yet sprouted, for the Lord God had not sent rain upon the earth, and there was no man to [c]cultivate the ground. 6 But a [d]mist used to rise from the earth and water the whole [e]surface of the ground. 7 Then the Lord God formed man of dust from the ground, and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life; and man became a living [f]being. 8 The Lord God planted a garden toward the east, in Eden; and there He placed the man whom He had formed.9 Out of the ground the Lord God caused to grow every tree that is pleasing to the sight and good for food; the tree of life also in the midst of the garden, and the tree of the knowledge of good and evil.”
Expert reveals ‘Shocking’ DNA Results of Elongated Skulls of Peru
DNA test results on the elongated skulls discovered in Peru have been released by a researcher investigating if the bones could belong to an alien race. The 3,000-year old Paracas skulls, with elongated craniums, have long been held up by UFO hunters as evidence of ancient alien visitations due to their extraordinarily huge foreheads.
Researchers Brien Foerster and L.A. Marzulli, initially thought the discovery would not fit into the “known evolutionary tree”. The Paracas skulls were discovered on the desert peninsula of Paracas, on the southern coast of Peru, by native archaeologist Julio Tello in 1928.
In 2015, discussing earlier DNA tests on the remains, he said: “The mitochondrial DNA (from the mother) presented mutations unknown to any man, primate or any other animal and the mutations suggested we are dealing with a completely new human-like being, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals or Denisovans.
Paracas is a desert peninsula located within the Pisco Province in the Inca Region, on the south coast of Peru. It is here were Peruvian archaeologist, Julio Tello, made an amazing discovery in 1928 – a massive and elaborate graveyard containing tombs filled with the remains of individuals with the largest elongated skulls found anywhere in the world. These have come to be known as the ‘Paracas skulls. In total, Tello found more than 300 of these elongated skulls, which are believed to date back around 3,000 years. A DNA analysis has now been conducted on one of the skulls and expert Brien Forester has released preliminary information regarding these enigmatic skulls.
It is well-known that most cases of skull elongation are the result of cranial deformation, or head binding, in which the skull is intentionally deformed by applying force over a long period of time. It is usually achieved by binding the head between two pieces of wood. However, while cranial deformation changes the shape of the skull, it does not alter its volume, weight, or other features that are characteristic of a regular human skull.
The Paracas skulls, however, are different. The cranial volume is up to 25 percent larger and 60 percent heavier than conventional human skulls, meaning they could not have been intentionally deformed through head binding/flattening. They also contain only one parietal plate, rather than two. The fact that the skulls’ features are not the result of cranial deformation means that the cause of the elongation is a mystery, and has been for decades.
An artist’s impression based on a Paracas skull. Photo credit: Marcia Moore / Ciamar Studio
Mr. Juan Navarro, owner and director of the local museum, called the Paracas History Museum, which houses a collection of 35 of the Paracas skulls, allowed the taking of samples from 5 of the skulls. The samples consisted of hair, including roots, a tooth, skull bone and skin, and this process was carefully documented via photos and video. Samples from three skulls were sent to the geneticist, although the geneticist was not given any information about what they came from until after the genetic testing, so as not to create any preconceived ideas.
The results of a DNA analysis of one of the skulls are now back, and Brien Forester, author of more than ten books and an authority on the ancient elongated headed people of South America, has just revealed the preliminary results of the analysis. He reports on the geneticist’s findings:
It had mtDNA (mitochondrial DNA) with mutations unknown in any human, primate, or animal known so far. But a few fragments I was able to sequence from this sample indicate that if these mutations will hold we are dealing with a new human-like creature, very distant from Homo sapiens, Neanderthals and Denisovans.
The implications are of course huge. “I am not sure it will even fit into the known evolutionary tree,” the geneticist wrote. He added that if the Paracas individuals were so biologically different, they would not have been able to interbreed with humans.
Watch the video interview with Brien Forester revealing new details about the genetic analysis.., ‘Thanks to Brien Forester https://www.express.co.uk/news/weird/918241/Aliens-UFO-Parac
The remains of a 1.5-year-old boy with a pronounced elongation of the skull have been found by archaeologists at a 2,000-year-old burial site in Crimea.
. The ENCODE DNA Project of the Human Genome
The human race has been the subject of severe intrusion, not only within our lives, liberties, and justices, but with our very own unique and precious DNA. It is postulated that over 97% of our so-called “junk DNA” is actual genetic coding of extraterrestrial life forms. This signifies that the “junk DNA” carries the history and family codes of our very own “star essence.” It continues to be debated whether our Divine Blueprint was created by some “Higher Power” or within that of a Petri dish. The bottom line is most of us unknowingly carry the keys to eternal freedom for all within our DNA, and yet we aren’t quite sure how to reach these Keys, commune with them, or bring them to full activating potential
A few months ago the ENCODE project (Encyclopedia of DNA Elements)
consisting of 400 scientists in 32 different laboratories studying “junk” DNA released their findings in 30 papers published in several different scientific journals (see Encyclopedia of DNA Elements and Nature ENCODE for more information). The sheer volume of information is amazing, consisting of hundreds of terabytes of data. The ENCODE project is devoted to making sense of the human genome. The sequence of the human genome was completed in 2000, but it only revealed the order of the individual components, called bases or nucleotides in the DNA.
The human genome is about 3,000,000,000 DNA base pairs long and the function of many of those components is still unknown. Some genes (packets of information in the DNA for making proteins) were known, but that only accounted for about two percent of the human genome. What about the other 98 percent? This became especially relevant when it was discovered that humans, as the most complex organism on the planet, only have about 20,000 genes and they are similar to genes in many other organisms.
Scientists knew they had to look elsewhere for the differences in DNA among organisms. In 2007 the ENCODE project released a series of papers explaining their findings from analyzing just one percent of the human genome. The scientists involved in the research said, “We are now seeing the majority of the rest of the genome is active to some extent.” Fortunately, this prompted more extensive research of the remaining 99 percent of the genome over the last five years. In the new study, ENCODE estimates that 80 percent of the genome is functional in the sense that it has “specific biochemical activity.” Mark Gerstein, an ENCODE researcher said, “It is like opening a wiring closet and seeing a hairball of wires. We tried to unravel this hairball and make it interpretable.” Most of the function is believed to be regulatory. In the simplest terms, the “junk” DNA is telling the genes when to produce their product (the protein). In summary, then, there is a large amount of evidence which suggests, but does not prove, that much DNA in higher organisms is little better than junk. Thanks to wikipedia.org/wiki/ModENCODE .–
Even Francis Crick the co-founder and co-discoverer of the structure of DNA, a Nobel Prize Winner stated, ‘An honest man, armed with all the knowledge available to us now, could only state that in some sense, the origin of life appears at the moment to be almost a miracle, so many are the conditions which would have had to have been satisfied to get it going.’
Crick reasoned that life could not have evolved from non-living chemicals under any conceivable earth conditions as claimed by evolution. He felt life did not originate on earth, and suggests a theory called Panspermia. That the seeds of life are all through the universe. This concept basically infers that life, DNA, virus, bacteria, bombarded from space aboard meteorites and comets. Some scientists claim we were created through evolution from apes, who have smaller brains and still exist with no apparent changes. Crick proposed, in a book called “Life Itself,” that some form of primordial life was shipped to the earth billions of years ago in spaceships—by supposedly ‘more evolved’ (therefore advanced) alien beings.
Note: Personally, I have seen the alien spaceships and tracked them on radar and have spoken with dozens of people including astronauts and key heads of state who conclude that extraterrestrials do visit Earth.
Lee R. Burger is director of paleoanthropolgy unit for research and exploration at the University of Witwatersrand in South Africa in his excellent book “In the Footsteps of Eve” states, “The fossil evidence for modern human origins in the critical time period between 100,000 and 200,000 years ago is, like archaics, frustratingly rare. In fact, the entire fossil evidence of anatomically modern-looking humans from around the world, and over 60,000, and over 60,000 years wouldn’t fill a card table.” Dr. Burger does not mention the possibility of alien intervention, however he points out the difficulty the task is for paleontologists to study the history of human development.
He explains, “Eighty percent of the fossil record is composed of teeth, because enamel on teeth are the hardest part of the body. The recovery of any complete bone of a hominid fossil is so rare that it is considered an exception.”
This is why there is so often controversy around discoveries that involved the naming of new species. The history of the human race is built on a series of assumptions and little real evidence. The assumption is that mutation caused changes creating increasingly complicated organisms. I suggest it is more likely that an advanced organism mated with a less advanced organism. Today breeding provides all types of dogs, horses, cows, in various colors and sizes. So far the dogs remain as dogs, horses remain horses and cows are still cows. They have not changed into other species. The apes, gorillas, and chimpanzees still remain after millions of years as their own species. Editors Note: Perhaps when aliens claim they mated with us or that God created us it is the truth.
Is there a Space War?
Harry Allen Jordan MFA writes, “Dr. John Kasher is a physics professor at the University of Nebraska in Omaha, and State Director for the Mutual Unidentified Flying Object Network of Nebraska. He was a consultant at Lawrence Livermore Labs in California and presently a summer consultant on plasma physics at Huntsville for NASA.”
Dr. Kasher (shown) and I have personally investigated over 50 cases related to UFO’s. These cases involve people from age 5 to 70’s. We have video tapes of private interviews, physical trace cases, and lab reports. Some of these cases involved events which occurred on the ground simultaneous with STS-NASA missions. There are uncut, unenhanced video tapes produced by live-real-time NASA select 6 camera shots taken aboard the space shuttle. Cameras aboard the shuttle are monitored, the video signals are delayed several seconds and sometimes minutes before being fed to public video feed networks.
Immediately after the STS-48 mission UFO mission flap in which Dr Kasher and I were involved, NASA began to delay the live feed. Their premise for altering the video coverage of each mission was that they didn’t want the world privy to the medical condition of the astronauts. This is pure hogwash as never has the medical condition of the astronauts been public knowledge through video monitoring to public channels. We have a copy of the original NASA directive which went out from NASA to all ground facilities the day after STS-48 the UFO flap.
The UFO’s which currently fly above the Earth are being fired upon by high performance craft using state of the art particle beam weapons.
The craft’s movement is shown in pink while particle beam shot is in white in the depiction. The UFO makes a sharp right turn to avoid being hit. The very character of a particle beam does not need an atmosphere to be seen; it imparts its own coherence upon the vacuum of space. We have video tapes of STS-missions as recent as STS-80 during the month of March 1997, wherein one can clearly see these beams coming up from the earth through the cloud cover below the space shuttle.
A particle-beam weapon uses a high-energy beam of atomic or subatonic particles to damage the target by disrupting its atomic and/or molecular structure. A particle-beam weapon is a type of directed-energy weapon, which directs energy in a particular and focused direction using particles with miniscule mass. Some particle-beam weapons have potential practical applications, e.g. as an antiballistic missile defense system..
The concept of particle-beam weapons comes from sound scientific principles and experiments currently underway around the world. One effective process to cause damage to or destroy a target is to simply overheat it until it is no longer operational. However, after decades ‘of R&D, particle-beam weapons are still in the research stage however reports of downed UFOs are received,
What concerns us most here from our personal field experience is that out of all our private interviews with eye witnesses not one instance of a negative or sordid nature has been told to us. Virtually all close encounters on the ground have been very passive, bizarre, and extraordinary to ordinary people. It is with great concern for our fellow Americans and citizens of the world at large. We question the reasons for why UFO’s are being fired upon.
What the federal government of the United States of America knows about UFO’s is not being shared. I question the current status of this posture and reasoning behind it. These matters might well be beyond knowledge of the Senate, Congress and perhaps even the President of the United States. If public hearings were held regarding these scenario’s there will be some red faces at the Pentagon and NASA regarding the issues of UFO’s and the reality of their occupants. Much decent law abiding Americans have had real experiences and are prepared to come forward to share proofs. The truth needs to be brought forward without further hesitation. Thanks to Harry Allen Jordan MFA—BFA USN Service Number 589-92-03 Thanks to Dr. Bob and Ryan Woods
Space Travel Shorter Time Period than Thought
Artist Depiction of Spaceship
The basis for the shortened trip in space is NASA scientist engineer’s Paul R. Hills book “Unconventional Flying Objects” with a forward by astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Hill obtained numerous UFO reports at Langley Air Force Base where I was stationed. NASA was picking up evidence for alien bases on the Moon and the Shuttle was video-taping UFOs. He developed a chapter on space travel with the appropriate math. He states the trip to, “Aloha Centuri, a triple star system 4.3 light years away made by accelerating at 140 g to a v/c of 0.9999 is accomplished from a standing start to a standing finish in 6 weeks.” He points out that aliens traveling from many of the 2000 known planets could reach here in less than two years, the time it took Sir Francis Drake to go around the world.
Hill states, “I hope I have made it clear that there is an important distinction to be made between the time experienced by the space traveler and the time which passes meanwhile on the home planet and on the planetary destination. The tremendous acceleration, speed, and energy capabilities displayed by UFOs make them well suited to capitalize on this distinction by the attainment of greatly reduced on board times realizable by approaching the speed of light. Even an approach to 90 % of light speed gets the job done for the nearer stars. Higher fractions of light speed give attractive time reductions for longer trips. Don’t be misled by countless statements in the literature that interstellar distances and the speed of light constitute some kind of barrier to space travel. There are only two paths to this conclusion:
- Nobody in the universe has the technology to approach the speed of light.
- Observer time is significant, and on board time is to be ignored.
Both paths are false ones. The confused second view is more common. Its proponents are using the observed time for light to travel as the shortest possible time for passage is totally false”. Pages 272 and 278. Thanks to NASA’s Paul Hill.
Editor’s Note: There are also strong indications large Mother ships are in this solar system and they have developed bases on the Moon, Earth, and on nearby planets.
Atlantis Allegedly Found in Sahara?
The famed lost city of Atlantis may have been found in a rather unlikely place – the Sahara Desert. Photo credit: Bright Insight/YouTube
According to a YouTube clip uploaded earlier this week that’s found a massive audience online, the remains of the ringed city Plato spoke of in the fourth century BC can be found in the African country of Mauritania.
And it’s been hiding in plain sight this whole time.
“We’ve been looking in all the wrong places for its location since everyone assumes it must be under the ocean somewhere, such as in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea,” says the host of Bright Insight YouTube channel, known only as Jimmy.
Instead he proposes a strange formation known as the Richat structure, or the ‘Eye of the Sahara’, is the mythical city’s true location.
He says it is not only the exact size and shape Plato said it was – 23.5km across and circular – but mountains he described to the north can be seen quite clearly on satellite imagery, as can evidence of ancient rivers, which Plato said flowed around the city.
Scientists are yet to figure out exactly what created the Richat structure, saying while it looks like a crater, there’s no evidence of any impact.
Plato said Atlantis was destroyed in a “single day and night of misfortune” and sank beneath the waves. The scientific record does show the Earth underwent significant climate upheaval around 11500 years ago, when Atlantis is alleged to have disappeared. Jimmy also points out satellite imagery that resembles the aftermath of a tsunami unlike anyone alive today would have seen.
“Doesn’t the entire region look like it was blasted by flowing water or a tsunami?”
As the video goes on, Jimmy manages to weave in Greek mythology, birth rates, plate tectonics and more, crafting a convincing argument that not only is Atlantis real, but above land and still visible today.
In recent decades, Crete, the Atlantic Ocean and even Antarctica have been thought to be the site of Atlantis. 38’ full-length documentary backing the Richat theory was released in 2011, but has only a tiny fraction of the views on YouTube that Bright Insight’s 20-minute clip has racked up in a matter of days.
The famed lost city of Atlantis may have been found in a rather unlikely place – the Sahara Desert.
According to a YouTube clip uploaded earlier this week that’s found a massive audience online, the remains of the ringed city Plato spoke of in the fourth century BC can be found in the African country of Mauritania.
And it’s been hiding in plain sight this whole time.
“We’ve been looking in all the wrong places for its location since everyone assumes it must be under the ocean somewhere, such as in the depths of the Atlantic Ocean or the Mediterranean Sea,” says the host of Bright Insight YouTube channel, known only as Jimmy.
Instead he proposes a strange formation known as the Richat structure, or the ‘Eye of the Sahara’, is the mythical city’s true location.
He says it is not only the exact size and shape Plato said it was – 23.5km across and circular – but mountains he described to the north can be seen quite clearly on satellite imagery, as can evidence of ancient rivers, which Plato said flowed around the city.
Scientists are yet to figure out exactly what created the Richat structure, saying while it looks like a crater, there’s no evidence of any impact.
Red Arrow Path of Tsunami
Plato said Atlantis was destroyed in a “single day and night of misfortune” and sank beneath the waves. The scientific record does show the Earth underwent significant climate upheaval around 11500 years ago, when Atlantis is alleged to have disappeared. Jimmy also points out satellite imagery that resembles the aftermath of a tsunami unlike anyone alive today would have seen.
“Doesn’t the entire region look like it was blasted by flowing water or a tsunami?”
As the video goes on, Jimmy manages to weave in Greek mythology, birth rates, plate tectonics and more, crafting a convincing argument that not only is Atlantis real, but above land and still visible today.
Most experts believe the tale of Atlantis was merely that – a tale. In recent decades, a number of places have been singled out as potential sites – including Crete, the Atlantic and even Antarctica.
A full-length documentary backing the Richat theory was released in 2011, but has only a tiny fraction of the views on YouTube that Bright Insight’s 20-minute clip has racked up in a matter of days. a YouTube clip
What Are the Seven Techniques of Propaganda?
By Morgan Crouch ;
What Are the Seven Techniques of Propaganda?
It’s easy to choose a side when lots of information on a subject you care about is tossed at you. Sometimes it’s true, it may even be false, but regardless, propaganda to push an issue both positively and negatively is everywhere. During World War I, the use of propaganda emerged along with the rise of modern media outlets. Propaganda — spreading ideas, information or rumors for a political purpose — was refined into an art.
In 1937, Edward Filene helped establish the Institute of Propaganda Analysis. The goal of this institution was to help educate the American public and to understand the techniques by which propaganda is spread. Filene and his fellow researchers identified seven techniques used by propagandists of the major TV News.
Name Calling
Using negative or discriminatory words, propagandists arouse suspicion and prejudice. The goal is to create an overall dislike of a group of people or person, so verbally attacking their beliefs, institutions, leaders or religion is fair game. Name calling is often used in ridiculing cartoons or writing.
Glittering Generalities
Using slogans or simple catchphrases, propagandists make generalized statements attractive to their audience. Usually these statements involve ideas of love, honor, glory, peace, family values, freedom, patriotism — anything general enough to inspire pride. These statements usually say very little, so they cannot be proved or disproved.
A transfer associates a revered symbol with an idea the propagandist wants to promote. If an idea can be linked with, say, a flag, it has a greater chance of winning popular approval. The stir of emotions makes it difficult for people to clear their minds and think critically.
A testimonial makes an association between a respected or authoritative person and the cause. The hope is that the respected person will lead others to follow his ideas. It is similar to a celebrity endorsement of a product.
Plain Folks
The goal of this technique is to convince the audience that the spokesman is like them and shares their woes and concerns. Using plain language and mannerisms, he is able to build trust by his followers.
This technique capitalizes on the human drive to be part of a crowd, a member of the winning team. By creating the illusion that widespread support exists, the propagandist hopes those who are on the fence will join the cause. If they refuse, this technique seeks to make them feel isolated.
Card Stacking
By using only those facts that support their ideas, propagandists can make it seem that their way is the only correct way. The aim of card stacking is for the audience to assume these facts are conclusive. By “stacking cards against the truth,” propagandists can control the beliefs of their audience.
The TV news told us this week what a great man and gentlemen President George Bush had been when he was president compared to the present one. I guess they forgot how they torn Bush apart at that time making him a one term president and greatly helped elect President Clinton .
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Object
Venice — I was biking when I noticed the fascinatingly bright object over the between myself and Catalina Island. I recorded about a minute of it before it blinked out of existence, I zoomed in 400x frame by frame.
1. It had structure with an odd/lumpy shaped oval/potato, the infamous ‘tic tac’ video comes to mind.
2. It was off shore, southwest of El Segundo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Orb
Canon City‘— I have proof of 90 degree turns in less than a minute. I’m trying to cooperate. If you don’t want to come to my Ranch than enjoy the YouTube previews. Video was taken on September 23, 2018. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Lights
Englewood — I was driving east on Foresman Road, going home at 4 or 5 am on December 2, 2018. I had an eerie feeling almost instinctively. At first glance, it was too small to be the moon and too large to be a star. I was the only car on the road scared of the unknown. It never moved, with a smaller object directly below it When I got to the end of the road I got some pictures, I am convinced that what I saw was nothing of this earth. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Montana Disc
Cospicua — On December 4, 2018, a huge oval-shaped object with central spherical dome hiding above clouds caught my eye from my rooftop. Observed for 7 minutes at 30 degrees elevation, 3 kms away from witness and at 300 meters above ground. Estimated size of oval is 250 meters in length and around 150 meters in width. Central spherical dome with a diameter of around 30 meters. Objects thickness from dome to tip was tapered from 10 meters to a slim edge. It made a whitish glow on the clouds beneath it which reflected its shape. Then the glow went off and the object disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Oklahoma Orb
Chandler – A light flashed in my face a times and I thought it was a headlight so I got up and looked out the window, No one was there and that’s when I noticed this light on November 1, 2018. It didn’t have flashing lights and didn’t make any noise like a plane. It was hovering and spinning for 20 minutes, then disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Puerto Rico Orb
Humacao — On December 4, 2018, at 5 pm i was looking up working on a school project when i observed this light for an hour, The round UFO moved once and disappeared. i was looking at the sky for a school assignment. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Objects
San Antonio — My residence is located under one of the flight paths for Kelly AFB and I regularly take photographs with a Nikon camera of military airplanes. On November 26, 2018 I was doing yard work in the morning and witnessed two Air Force Fighter jets with full after burners flying very low, and loudly, over my residence. The next day I downloaded the images and saw an object next to one of the jets. I noticed more objects in each of the photographs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Utah Disc
Provo – 1967 disc from Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens’s files now owned by Open Minds. Air Force Captain Harvey Williams was flying a C- 47 at 12,000 feet when he took this photo of a possible Alien Reproduction Vehicle 25 miles southwest of Provo, Utah. Allegedly the disc could operate near the speed of light by reducing the mass of the vehicle and withdrawing energy from the space environment. Thanks to Mark McCandish
Virginia Disc
Ashburn – On December 5, 2018, this is the second time I seen this UFO. The first the first time was back in March In 2018. The difference this time is that I saw two additional objects that were cigar shaped glowing very brightly to the north of the object. I was taking pictures facing the UFO, but after five minutes it was gone. I have 2 pictures of all three objects. MUFON CMS
Washington Lights
Port Orchard — Appears to be a large circular object in the morning sky leaning a contrail on December 6. 2018. My wife took these photos about 5:30 am. This is our view to the SE from our front window. This is neither the moon or sun. In the last photo there appears to be an outline of a large circular object ahead of the contrail that is beginning to break up and lose its circular shape. This has never appeared here before and was not there this morning. You tell me what it is. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Argentina Orb
Villa Dolores — I went to the backyard and saw a star brighter than normal so I zoomed in with my Nikon P900 camera and noticed that it was an UFO. It happened in Cordoba near the dam where many people see strange things. The object hovering with the 83x zoom with a coin shape changing color randomly. It flew southwest and disappeared. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Australia Gold Thing
Marden — I was parked at traffic lights about to turn right into Payneham Road and noticed a shiny object on September 3, 2018. To my right above Hookers Real Estate was a bright gold white thing. I thought it could be a helicopter glinting in the sun, but then it just vanished.
Melbourne – This is the most profound sighting I managed to capture from my phone on November 13, 2014.
I realize the picture quality is pretty bad as I only had an old Nokia camera. I left my house in Mill Park, about 5 pm I was in the passenger seat and noticed strange ‘rainbows’ appearing.
I got a photo of these 5 or 6 ‘miniature rainbows, all quite close together and just above tree-top height. After 10 minutes all but one had faded but a strange triangular object flew off and disappeared. MUFON CMS
Canadian Pilots See UFO
Baffin Island — A pair of pilots flying on November 24th at around 8:30 reported seeing a UFO that appeared to change colors in northeast Canada. According to a local media source, a Nolinor Aviation airliner was making a routine flight to a northern part of the island. A somewhat sparse report filed to the Canadian Civil Aviation Authority indicated that the pilots spotted something unidentified and that NORAD had been informed of the incident. Thanks to Coast to Coast
Fiji Light
Fiji — I was sitting outside cooling off from the summer heat on 29 November 2018 at 9.30 pm. I felt being watched and turned around and took several shots of the sky. I used flash and enlarged the image of the frame on my laptop and saw the conical shaped object in the sky. I was elated. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Haiti Lights
Labadee — I was on the deck of a cruise ship looking out at the city and noticed something moving back and forth in the sky with lights I called for my wife, and snapped a couple of photos, as it shot up really fast. It moved around and then was gone. It was dark except for the lights, a bright one on the bottom and three or four lights around the middle part. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Poland Lights
Gdańsk– I was in the office doing some photography of the city. and the camera caught the four lights. I didn’t see them. Photo was November 29, 2018. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Grey Orbs
Liverpool — I have attached a photo in this report!! If you look at the two big grey orbs, and then there is two more orbs in the clouds on November 2, 2018. Between the giant grey orbs, there are small orbs. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Winchester – The object(s) were not sighted at the time the image was taken. The photographer took a photograph in December 3, 2018 m of a rare double rainbow event from a moving train – which, upon later inspection appeared to show one main object in the sky, not far from the ground. One main object is seen on one image with a subsequent image showing possibly three other objects. The object appears to be cylindrical / barrel shaped and about 100ft above the ground.
The image was taken aboard a moving train at 1323 hours about five minutes north of Winchester station in Hampshire – UK.
The photographer has no interest in reporting the image – but has given permission for me to report the object and the image to MUFON.
These images remain Copyright Jez Hermer. They may not be passed to any entity outside MUFON and may not be copied or published without J Hermer’s express permission.
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-inceasing numbers.
I will be in Mt Shasta this summer and wish to encourage people to come and see this conference.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.