October 7, 2016
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Dr. Jacques Vallée “Passport to Magonia,” UFOs in Ancient Art, Iraqi Minister of Transportation Claims and Ancient ET Space Port.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Missouri, Nevada, New Jersey, New Mexico, Pennsylvania, Texas, and Virginia.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Brazil, Canada, Germany, Peru, Portugal, and England in the United Kingdom.
[paypal_donation_button align=”center”]The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 million hits a month
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Special Projects
Dr. Jacques Vallée “Passport to Magonia”
Dr. Jacques Vallée in his excellent book, “Passport to Magonia” shows that legends can often be reduced to UFO sightings and abductions. I had the privilege of meeting Jacques Vallee’s after his lecture in Princeton University many years ago. His resume is an impressive one. Born in France, he was trained in astrophysics, and is a former principal investigator on computer networking projects for the Department of Defense. He first became interested in the UFO problem in 1961 while working on the staff of the French Space Committee, where he witnessed the destruction of tracking tapes of unknown objects. The following year, Vallee came to the United States and began working closely with Dr. J. Allen Hynek, the Air Force scientific consultant on the UFO problem. I had the privilege of visiting with Dr. Vallee in Princeton and feel he has valid arguments for alternate explanations for alien activity that implies different alien capabilities.
Dr. Vallee is widely recognized as the premier investigative scientist in the realm of UFO research today. In addition to authoring numerous articles and books, Vallee served as Steven Spielberg’s advisor during the making of “Close Encounters of the Third Kind,” and was the real-life model for the character portrayed by Francois Truffaut.
He stated, “We are dealing with a yet unrecognized level of consciousness, independent of man but closely linked to the earth…. I do not believe anymore that UFOs are simply the spacecraft of some race of extraterrestrial visitors. This notion is too simplistic to explain their appearance, the frequency of their manifestations through recorded history, and the structure of the information exchanged with them during contact.”
Human beings are under the control of a strange force that bends them in absurd ways, forcing them to play a role in a bizarre game of deception.
In reading older books, Vallee had noticed a curious correspondence between stories that were hundreds of years old and those he was investigating in the late 1960s.
Flying fairy in balls of light
When the underlying archetypes are extracted from these rumors, the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy-faith of Celtic countries, the observations of the scholars of past ages, and the widespread belief among all peoples concerning entities whose physical and psychological descriptions place them in the same category as the present-day Infonauts. In May 1955, Dr. Vallée sighted an UFO over his home in Pontoise, France. However, by 1969, Vallée concluded the extraterrestrial hypothesis was too narrow and ignored too much data. Dr. Vallée began exploring the commonalities between UFOs, religious movements, angels, fairy-folk, and multidimensional visitation. This hypothesis represents an extension of the extraterrestrial hypothesis ETH where the alleged extraterrestrials could be potentially from anywhere. The entities could be multidimensional beyond space-time, and thus could coexist with humans, yet remain undetected. He feels UFOs are real, represent a previously unrecognized phenomenon, and that the facts do not support the common concept of “space visitors.”
Passport to Magonia, which changed our understanding of the UFO phenomenon by connecting documents and data from earlier centuries that related to incidents in the modern era. Among the numerous parallels between UFOs, folklore, and religious traditions were tales of fairies, elves, leprechauns, apparitions, and strange creatures.
In Celtic regions, witnesses described seeing fairies who were accompanied by strange oval objects from the sky, and these beings were also known for abducting people– not unlike modern reports of alien abduction, he pointed out. A ninth century account from the Archbishop of Lyon, France dealt with three people who were said to emerge from a flying ship– villagers thought they came from a magical land called Magonia that was beyond the clouds. Vallee spoke of how UFO phenomena seems to straddle different layers of reality, and what witnesses actually observe may be modulated by their individual consciousness. People in Asia view the phenomenon as part of nature, and the alien beings hailing from a different plane, rather than another planet, he added.
Passport to Magonia, which changed our understanding of the UFO phenomenon by connecting documents and data from earlier centuries that related to incidents in the modern era. Among the numerous parallels between UFOs, folklore, and religious traditions were tales of fairies, elves, leprechauns, apparitions, and strange creatures. Vallee now seemed to be backing away from the extraterrestrial hypotheses and advancing the radical view that UFOs are paranormal in nature and a modern space age manifestation of a phenomenon which assumes different guises in different historical contexts.
In Celtic regions, witnesses described seeing fairies who were accompanied by strange oval objects from the sky, and these beings were also known for abducting people– not unlike modern reports of alien abduction, he pointed out.
A ninth century account from the Archbishop of Lyon, France dealt with three people who were said to emerge from a flying ship– villagers thought they came from a magical land called Magonia that was beyond the clouds. Vallee spoke of how UFO phenomena seems to straddle different layers of reality, and what witnesses actually observe may be modulated by their individual consciousness. People in Asia view the phenomenon as part of nature, and the alien beings hailing from a different plane, rather than another planet, he added.
Fairy Folk Art Journal;
An Encyclopedia of Fairies (Briggs, 1976) gives many examples of fairy abductions. The similarities between fairy abductions and UFO abductions is also interesting to note. People who claimed interactions with fairies generally reported marks on their bodies consistent with reports of alien abductions. Fairy abductions and UFO abductions also exhibit striking similarities to activities of incubi and succubi. Almost always a thick drink is given to the abductee. The victim is paralyzed and then levitated away. The fairies traveled in circular globes of light which is also commonly reported in UFO abductions. Another similarity to the UFO abduction scenario is the Bigfoot type creature which was called a “bogie” in fairy lore. Many so-called fairies and aliens look and act a lot like what have been described throughout history as demons. Many faerie-tales contain dream-like situations, where the laws of physics are suspended and the experienced reality is different than the usual five-sense reality. It’s no accident that the tales are often described as trippy. They can be seen as basically describing events from a participatory altered state of consciousness, that have then gestated and formed into oral faerie-tales, before being fossilized into literature by folklorists at various times in the 19th and 20th centuries. The point is that there is a tradition stretching back thousands of years of beings abducting humans and their offspring; these beings fly in globes of light, can paralyze their victims, induce amnesia about the event, force strange drinks on their victims, have sex with them and, in many cases, ultimately drive them to madness, physical ruin, or even take over their bodies for their own use. This possession can be permanent or semi-permanent. (Possession takes place after a long period of wearing down of the will through repeated forced encounters which generally include draining of energy through sexual contact.)
Psychological state that calls for outside intervention of some kind?
In this regard French ufologist Jean-Francois Boeded, in his book Fantastiques rencontres au bout du monde (1982) suggested that we should conceive of sightings as starting long before the actual experience. He points to many cases in which witnesses had premonitions that something was about to happen, or for some reason they went home by a different route, or took an unaccustomed walk. Somehow, it would seem, the witnesses were being prepared for the experience they were about to undergo.
This phenomenon is part and parcel of the alien abduction, vampire and possession syndromes. When possessing entities have been questioned during exorcism about how they selected a target for possession they often reply that the subject was chosen before he was born. In most cases, line of contact and the gradually building assault can be traced back to childhood. It could be said, in general, that the process of possession has already begun before either the target or those around him are aware of the signs.
In most cases there is a sensation of the presence before an actual encounter takes place. The scenario described is quite common in many abduction cases.
Jacques Vallee: says. “I’ve seen things that shouldn’t have been there when I was tracking satellites at the Paris observatory.
I saw them visually as part of a team, and that’s really what started my research. Obviously, I had heard of UFOs before then, but I always thought that if there were UFOs astronomers would see them and would tell us, but my first job as an astronomer left me disillusioned. I was part of a team that was tracking satellites for the French Space Committee. We found ourselves tracking objects that were not satellites, and were not anything else recognizable either. One night we got eleven data points on one of these objects on a magnetic tape and wanted to run the tape through a computer and compute an orbit and see the thing again. To this day, I can’t tell you that it wasn’t some piece of technology that somebody had. It could have been some very bizarre piece of human technology, but what intrigued me was that the man in charge of the project confiscated the tape and erased it. That’s really what got me started, because I suddenly realized that astronomers saw things that they did not report.”
The important part of Confrontations is really in the last few chapters that deal with field investigations that Jeanine and I did in Brazil. We went to Brazil specifically to check stories of people being hurt by exposure to the light from UFOs. We spent about two weeks in the interior of the country going from village to village and talking to people. We just barely scratched the surface but in ten days we spoke with fifty people who had been hurt by those beams, some of whom had seen these objects just a week before we arrived.
Were they seeing the same kind of technological craft?
Jacques Vallee: Pretty much. There was a whole variety of objects, but the ones that emitted these beams were classic in terms of shape. They were boxy, rectangular objects that either didn’t make a noise or made nothing more than a hum, like the noise a refrigerator makes. They came over at night, and the beam was a light that not only burned them but pinned them down. When we asked people in Brazil about the phenomenon, we discovered that they didn’t see it as something that comes from another planet, but something that comes from another spiritual plane. That’s the way they put it, but they offered no further explanation than that. They seemed to be just as puzzled by it as a scientist would be. There was this one fellow who was blind and had developed psychic powers, and I tried to push him. I asked him what kind of spirits he thought he was encountering, but he was very straightforward and humble. He said he could invoke the gods of his tradition, but these things were something else. It was like, “yes, these things exist, but they are beyond my reach.”
In our culture, that explanation would be regarded as even more absurd than the activities of extraterrestrials.
Lady wounded by alien light.
Jacques Vallee: It is absurd, just like the explanations by our culture are absurd. But absurdity doesn’t mean meaningless. The absurd is a signal that has a property of taking you out of your normal thinking process and making you aware of other forms of thinking that you didn’t know existed. It’s forcing you to perceive reality at a different level. And what type of mental state is that creating in these villagers?
Jacques Vallee: Terror. The day after an encounter witnesses were very often extremely weak and could hardly walk. They would be taken to a doctor if there was a doctor close by. I spoke with some of the doctors, one of whom had treated thirty-five such cases in the mouth of the Amazon. What do you think of that? That’s such a concentrated activity in one area.
Jacques Vallee: I think the way that we get into trouble studying UFOs is that we mix up the different levels involved. We mix up the physical level, the psychological level, and the mythological or social level. I want to clearly identify these three levels because we need a different type of mythology to deal with each level and each set of events. At the physical level, all we know now is that there are material, physical objects, at least part of the time. They leave traces; they interact with the environment; they throw off heat and light and probably pulse microwaves in very interesting ways. They contain a great deal of energy. I’ve included some energy calculations in Confrontations.
I think we’ve made a lot of progress in the last few years in understanding the psychological and physiological level. There are some very clear patterns that range from sunburns to conjunctivitis. Sometimes temporary blindness occurs. Sometimes witnesses report a form of paralysis in which they have no control of their muscles during the time when the object is there. I think this has obvious medical implications that are very interesting. The witnesses are often disoriented. In Confrontations, I cite a case I investigated in which the people thought they were driving north when they were driving south. Such confusion in space and time too often contributes to scientists concluding that the witnesses aren’t reliable. We don’t know a lot about the effect of pulsed microwaves on the human brain. One effect might be hallucinations. You may end up having witnesses telling you incredible stories because they were subjected to very strange psychological side-effects of something that was really there. I don’t think that most of the UFO community is ready to deal with that. And I don’t think the scientific community is ready to deal with that. Then there is a third level, the mythological or sociological level. At that level, the physical reality of the actual UFO is totally irrelevant.
Jacques Vallee is one of ufology’s major figures – and also its most original thinker.
Vallee, who holds a master’s degree in astrophysics and a Ph.D. in computer science from Northwestern University, was an early scientific proponent of the theory that UFOs are extraterrestrial spaceships. His first book, Anatomy of a Phenomenon (Henry Regnery, 1965), argued eloquently that,
“Through UFO activity … the contours of an amazingly complex intelligent life beyond the earth can already be discerned.”
In Challenge to Science – The UFO Enigma (Regnery, 1966) he and Janine Vallee (who is a psychologist by training, with a master’s degree from the University of Paris) urged the scientific community to consider the UFO evidence in this light.
But by 1969, when he published Passport to Magonia, Vallee’s assessment of the UFO phenomenon had undergone a significant shift. Much to the consternation of the “scientific ufologists” who had seen him as one of their champions, Vallee now seemed to be backing away from the extraterrestrial hypotheses and advancing the radical view that UFOs are paranormal in nature and a modern space age manifestation of a phenomenon which assumes different guises in different historical contexts.
“When the underlying archetypes are extracted,” he wrote, “the saucer myth is seen to coincide to a remarkable degree with the fairy-faith of Celtic countries … religious miracles… and the widespread belief among all peoples concerning entities whose physical and psychological descriptions place them in the same category as the present-day ufonauts.”
In The Invisible College (E.P. Dutton, 1975) Vallee posits the idea of a “control system.” UFOs and related phenomena are “the means through which man’s concepts are being rearranged.” Their ultimate source may be unknowable, at least at this stage of human development; what we do know, according to Vallee, is that they are presenting us with continually recurring “absurd” messages and appearances which defy rational analysis but which nonetheless address human beings on the level of myth and imagination.
“When I speak of a control system for planet earth,” he says,” I do not want my words to be misunderstood: I do not mean that some higher order of beings has locked us inside the constraints of a space-bound jail; closely monitored by psychic entities we might call angels or demons. I do not propose to redefine God. What I do mean is that mythology rules at a level of our social reality over which normal political and intellectual action has no power.” Website
FOs in Ancient Art
Visoki Decani Monastery Kosovo, Yugoslavia Scene from Crucifixion of Jesus Christ of Christ painted in 1350
Iraqi Minister of Transportation Claims Ancient ET Space Port
The opening of a new airport in Iraq, the country’s Minister of Transportation claimed that ancient aliens once used the same location for their spaceships! Speaking to the press, Kazem Finjan may have inadvertently blown the lid off of UFO secrecy when he declared that the current airport sits on the site of history’s first airport from 5000 BC at Dhi Qar.
Finjan told reporters to read the work of Zecharia Sitchin or H. G. Wells if they did not believe him. The official went on to detail how the location of the airport was a preferred spot of the Annunaki because its weather conditions made it ideal for launches to other planets. Throughout Finjan’s speech, his colleagues appear to be nonplussed by his statements, but there are a handful of moments which suggest they were more amused than amazed by the revelations.
That sentiment seems to have been captured by Iraqis who saw the press conference as one journalist called Finjan an imbecile while an academic suggested that he was allowed to speak for so long because no one wanted to be the person who stopped him. One particularly cruel critic contended that the Transportation Minister is evidence that the Iraqi government is rife with “fools, hashish addicts and the most worthless of humanity.”
That harsh rebuke is certainly open to debate amongst Iraqis as is the veracity of Finjan’s claims, since they do not appear to come from any inside information pertaining to ETs in Iraq’s distant past and, instead, were informed primarily by the work Sitchin. Therefore, while the scene may look eerily similar to what one might expect from ‘official disclosure,’ the incident might be better characterized as simply a Sitchin fan detailing what he’d read in the legendary researcher’s books.
Of course, Finjan could someday get the last laugh if the Annunaki ever decide to return to Earth and opt to use their own airport in Iraq as a landing pad. Thanks to Coast to Coast Source: Express.
MUFON Sightings during September
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In September 2016 there were 652 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; United States 466, Canada 62, United Kingdom 38. Iran 15; India, Australia, and Germany each had 8 sightings.
The National UFO Reporting Center had 529 reports in September.
UFO Conferences
FRINGE New Jersey is pleased to announce that MIKE CLELLAND, author of THE MESSENGERS: Owls, Synchronicity and the UFO Abductees, will be appearing as part of FRINGE’s Autumn 2016 Conference, taking place Saturday, Nov. 5, 9 a.m. to 5 p.m., in the Hilton Garden Inn, Hamilton New JERSEY.
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Light
Huntington Beach — I had just got done surfing with my buddy, and saw this white light that looked like a shooting star do three huge massive circles and then just come to a complete stop over my the Edison power lines on October 3, 2016. I called my family out who were hesitant to believe me until they saw it take off real quick and come straight back. Then we saw a couple other unknown objects in the sky meet up with it and it was like it was a mother ship just spitting out a bunch of tiny red lighted objects. Then we saw another object that had gotten super bright and flared up for at least 18 seconds then went back to flashing colors and then vanished. The other mother ship kept vibrating pulsating and at times taking in objects. Towards the end it got farther away and then just stayed put for awhile you could still see it and blinking. I went inside to eat came out and it was gone. I have an eerie feeling that it might have to do with the recent earthquake activity in California. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Triangle
Broomfield – I was walking from my apartment complex to the gym on September 30. 2016, My apartment complex is elevated and dimly light resulting in low light and saw a triangle shaped aircraft. It was moving rather slow no more than 50 yards above me silently. It was hard to completely make out its shape but it looked as if it had two wings with three lights on each side with the third light of each wing joining at the peak of the triangle. There is a private airport a half mile away so I’m quite used to the sound of aircraft landing nearby. This aircraft was headed directly south while the private airport is located southeast. I have had multiple experiences with other-worldly entities but none of these encounters were like this one. The craft was not interacting with me until it faded from view. The craft looked EXACTLY like the image I have attached. Thanks to MUFON Cm
Ellicott — Walked out in yard with dog in rural eastern Colorado on October 2, 2016, when I noticed a dark grey almost black Triangle object in sky between two layers of clouds. It stayed in same spot as the clouds were moving below and above it in different directions. The triangle stayed in the same exact spot for three minutes then slowly faded away. The object I saw looked kind of like the shape of a Star Wars Star Destroyer. I know it wasn’t a plane, but it looked designed, big time.
“Power lines were near and it was hovering 2,000-3,000 feet above some interstate transmission lines. If any cows are butchered out there, I sure want a Steak from it! All I know is clouds don’t make symmetrical straight edges on two sides. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Triangle
Tampa — I was out front with my telescope and my mom when I first saw the UFO on September 8, 2016. My mom was looking at Saturn. I was looking north and I was looking at a large UFO. I grabbed my mom off the telescope and pointed at the UFO. She instantly saw the UFO and started yelling in excitement. After both of us watched the craft for 20 seconds I banged on the window for my stepdad to come outside and he also saw the craft. We watched the UFO hover over our heads heading south until it faded off to nothing. There were a total of 13 lights that were lit up on the craft (6 on each side of a V shape and one at the point of the V). The craft was slowly spinning. Thanks to MUFON Thanks to MUFON CMS
Missouri Orb
Saint Louis — Stepped out in backyard at dusk and looked to the east/northeast toward St Louis City less than 10 miles away when I first noticed unusually bright and larger than normal light just hovering on September 27, 2016. So I grabbed my strobe flashlight and laser pointer-as soon as I flashed the object it began putting on a color light show. I then I grabbed my iPhone to record video. During analysis of the video I noticed incredible colors and icons changing in split seconds. Towards end of video there is a smaller color changing craft approaching the larger original craft-then they took off to the north in an instant. This isn’t the first time I have witnessed these lights Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Flying Object
I was flying back from Spokane to St. Louis after a weeklong National Trust for Historic Preservation National Conference. We stopped in Las Vegas to catch the next plane on November 2, 2012. After leaving Las Vegas we were in the air for a little while, then right past a huge lake, I don’t know the name of it but it’s not far from Las Vegas, I saw something. I was looking out the window when something shiny caught my eye. I already had my camera out because I was taking photos, so I snapped a photo as fast as I could. The object witch looked like a stereotypical UFO was side by side with the plane I was in but about 500 feet away; it then sharply dipped diagonally below the clouds. I did not say anything to the people with me because I did not want them to think I was nuts. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Barbell
Freehold — I exited the rear of the store, and noticed an unusual light approaching on May 28, 2016. It made no sound and I brazenly asked it on to come closer. It did and that’s when it hovered over the Raceways horse stables and that’s when I decided to try and catch it on my phone camera.
Later while showing a co-worker, it disappeared from the screen. It did that a couple of times even on his phone when I sent it to him. We both were dumbfounded thinking either aliens or government knew I had it and didn’t want it exposed. Since then I’ve been looked at as if I were dreaming it all up. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: Possible lens flare.
New Mexico Orb
Deming — I was driving from Las Cruces to Arizona, I noticed the object shining above the mountain as I topped out of the river bottom on September 28, 2016. I watched the object until I passed it and it was behind me. At first I thought it was a hot air balloon but it never seemed to move, either horizontally or vertically.I continued to watch the object, thinking it would move and lost sight of it when I got past the area where it was directly south of me, which would have been about 10 miles west of Deming, NM. I uploaded the photos in the same order that I took them in, over about a 15 minute period as I was driving. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Pennsylvania Lights
Pittsburg — When I was walking on the street alone, suddenly a light caught my eyes, and I looked up on October 1, 2016. At first I thought it’s a helicopter, but soon I realized it’s not because it made little noise and something unusual. I tried to take photos, however, unfortunately I forgot to turn off the flash, and the object began to change direction and flew away. It looked like a modern warplane but much quieter. As I searched on Google how to report, the object went out of my sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Texas Lights
New Braunfels — While camping with my good friend and his wife (who are old navy veterans), we saw and began to observe orange lights rising from the horizon. On October 2, 2016, coming over the western hills in a very odd fashion were reddish orange lights that were brighter than airplane lights. These were not distinct flashing lights like
aircraft, but appeared to be pulsating like a fireball or very bright engine thrust, It was ascending sporadically with maneuvers with bursts of movement before flashing a few times then diving down. This was followed by 3-4 more of the same ascending reddish lights; however none of the others appeared to dive or fall like the first. The lights stopped after 20 minutes or so. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Virginia Lights
Charlottesville — I took a photo last year in April and it reminds me of what my wife took a picture on October 3, 2016 coming into Virginia. Jacquelin Smith, in her experiences of what she witnessed over and around her house in November of 2013, calls anomalies like these, lights that squiggle. She defines squiggling as when a starship becomes like a long fluid tube of continuous light which can loop around itself and through itself. It can create various kinds of geometry and what appears to be a knot. It sure looks as though these lights are squiggling. Thanks to Dan Johnson.
Washington Lights
Long Beach — A man was outside having a cigarette and saw two groups of orange orbs to the west over the Pacific Ocean on September 24, 2016. There were two orbs to the south and 6 or 7 to the west hovering… (The orbs looked like a constellation.) Then three of the orbs flew into a triangular formation. The witness then took a video. Then another orange orb approached at a rapid speed from the north. Skies were clear and there was little wind at the time of the sighting.
Note: The orbs are not Chinese lanterns. They do not flicker and also the movement in different directions would eliminate Chinese Lanterns as an explanation. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Website
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Disc
Brisbane — My brother and I had gone out onto the balcony with a glass of wine on May 10, 2016. The sun had gone down but the sky was clear and cloudless except for a funny mist with blinking lights. At first we saw a series of compact lights shrouded by a misty cloud on an otherwise completely clear night. It looked like a cloaked UFO. It had lights above and below in a disc shape, like a hamburger bun. They were blinking in and out and so was the mist. Eventually after about 15 minutes it completely blinked out. It didn’t move from its initial position but video shows it was hovering in position. We immediately thought it was a cloaked UFO, or one that was trying to cloak itself but was malfunctioning. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Brazil Lights
Baturité — Just when I noticed a large explosion without sound, a light rand, which attracted me and so I started gravar.
Só could see that the triangular UFO began to expel a ball that came down toward the ground.
Thanks to MUFON CMS https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=78-Iua4Du6c
Prudentopolis — On September 27, 2016, the Brazilian UFO Magazine received an e-mail from Rodolfo Schier informing on the appearance of a possible crop circle in the city of Prudentopolis, 200km from Curitiba, capital city of the State of Parana. A video was also sent by a local resident, Mr. Tito Santini, showing this possible crop circle. Santini is the owner of the farm where this same phenomenon happened last year (October 6th) and was also investigated by the UFO Magazine.
Initial analyses on video and photos received pointed to a strong possibility that the circle was authentic. A. J. Gevaerd Editor of Revista UFO (UFO Magazine) (Website)
Canada Orbs
North Bay — I was on my deck outside when I noticed an object moving very fast and making abrupt turns in different directions on September 25, 2016. I kept my eye on it for quite some time. It would turn fast then zoom up into the air very fast much faster than a passing plane. I took a video of the ufo but I did catch something. I just don’t know what it is. I’m interested to know what I saw since I’ve never seen anything like it. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Germany Disc
Munich — I had just arrived for Oktoberfest and walked around taking photos with my phone on 29th September 2016.
The next day, I was checking my photos and I noticed one of them which I didn’t remember to have taken. I think it was taken when I was changing the normal camera of my phone to the frontal camera and caught this photo of something similar to a UFO Blimp. I didn’t see the object during the Oktoberfest, just the next day in the photo. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Peru Humanoid
Pachacamac, Lima — Witnesses at a gas station reported appearance of a humanoid on August 22, 2016, at 3:30 AM.
Fernando Távara, MUFON Peru, investigated this case, interviewed witnesses, obtained the original video and came to the conclusion that the object is a helium balloon of «Bugs Bunny» cartoon character. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Triangle
Oeiras, Lisbon – On October 5, 2016 at 9:30 pm, I happened to look at the sky and see a big and totally quiet craft heading south in a straight line with three very dim yellowish lights in a triangle formation. There was another light near the forward tip of the triangle slightly offset to the side in formation creating the appearance of a very big silent dark triangle moving through the starry sky completely silent at a speed of about 400 knots. This is a place where aircraft heading for Lisbon airport fly overhead making a lot of noise and blinking a lot of lights. I use Flight radar 24 sometimes to track them for curiosity and nothing was flying above at this time.
This seemed like a big dark triangle, moving in straight line in complete eerie silence with non blinking dim yellow lights. It was at least double or triple the size of a commercial aircraft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
UK/England Triangle
Newcastle – I was on the beach taking photos of the sunset and a storm over the Irish Sea on September 29, 2016. I took several photos and when I returned home and looked at the photos I noticed the green light in the sky. It appeared to come through the clouds and descend downwards the sea. My photo’s show this in various stages, I felt shocked and of what the photos depict coming through a storm cloud and then down towards the beach. I was not aware of this whilst taking the photos initially. I am hoping you will give me an idea as to what it is. Thanks to MUFON CMS
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
© Copyright 2015 National UFO Center by Charles Warren & George Filer
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