Filer's Files

Filer’s Files Oct.15 2024 Ancient UFO Sightings

W20  2024


Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF

MUFON Eastern Region Director

President Air Force & Space Association NJ 310

New Jersey State Director Emeritus

Former Vice President of Medcor

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 Special reports are: 1639, John Winthrop recorded UFO Sighting, UFOs Reported in Ancient History, This experimental Lenticular Reentry Vehicle,  Huge Space Craft headed for Europa, UFO Hits Airliner over China,  MUFON September Sightings, Babies Lives Matter and Carbon 60

The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.

1639, John Winthrop recorded the First UFO Sighting

On March 1, 1639, Winthrop opened his diary in which he recorded the trials and triumphs of his fellow Puritans as they made a new life in America. As the governor of the Massachusetts Bay Colony put pen to paper, he began to recount a most unusual event that had recently caused a stir among the English immigrants.

Winthrop wrote that earlier in the year James Everell, “a sober, discreet man,” and two others had been rowing a boat in the Muddy River, which flowed through swampland and emptied into a tidal basin in the Charles River, when they saw a great light in the night sky. “When it stood still, it flamed up, and was about three yards square,” the governor reported, “when it rained, it was contracted into the figure of a swine.”

Over the course of two to three hours, the boatmen said that the mysterious light “ran as swift as an arrow” darting back and forth between them and the village of Charlestown, a distance of approximately two miles. “Diverse other credible persons saw the same light, after, about the same place,” Winthrop added.

The governor wrote that when the strange apparition finally faded away, the three Puritans in the boat were stunned to find themselves one mile upstream if the light had transported them there. The men had no memory of their rowing against the tide, although it’s possible they could have been carried by the wind or a reverse tidal flow. “The mysterious repositioning of the boat could suggest that they were unaware of part of their experience. Some researchers would interpret this as a possible alien abduction if it happened today,” write Jacques Vallee and Chris Aubeck in Wonders in the Sky: Unexplained Aerial Objects from Antiquity to Modern Times. READ MORE: Interactive Map: UFO Sightings Taken Seriously by the U.S. Government

Some have speculated that the curious glow could have been an “ignis fatuus,” a pale light that can appear over marshland at night due to the combustion of gas from decomposed organic matter. If Winthrop’s report was correct, however, the light was not rising from the swamp but shooting across the sky, making that explanation unlikely.

Men may have seen an actual UFo with liights

 An odd sight returned to the skies of Boston five years later, according to another entry in Winthrop’s diary dated January 18, 1644. “About midnight, three men, coming in a boat to Boston, saw two lights arise out of the water near the north point of the town cove, in form like a man, and went at a small distance to the town, and so to the south point, and there vanished away.”

Winthrop’s sensational account of “a great light in the night” was witnessed by a group of “sober, discreet” and “credible persons” over Muddy River in Boston — a trickle of a creek that today wraps around American sports landmark

UFOs, it turns out, have mystified Americans since the earliest days of colonial settlement.

The first known UFO encounter in America was recorded in 1639 by pious Puritan and prolific journal-keeper John Winthrop.

 “John Winthrop’s journal has long served as a cornerstone of Massachusetts historical scholarship,” the Massachusetts Historical Society writes in a recent look at Puritan’s UFO sightings. “He diligently recorded the events of his life, along with the trials and tribulations of the people of the Massachusetts Bay Colony during the first 19 years of its existence. “John Winthrop’s journal has long served as a cornerstone of … historical scholarship.” — Massachusetts Historical Society

 Few Americans were more serious than Winthrop. He was a devout Christian and an industrious nation builder. Despite the hardship of carving a new civilization from the wilderness, and governing a new society, he dutifully kept almost daily records of life in the colony for nearly two decades. One 2005 biography is titled “John Winthrop: America’s Forgotten Founding Father.”

English colonist John Winthrop. A week later, Winthrop wrote, another unexplained celestial event occurred over Boston Harbor:

“A light like the moon arose about the N.E. point in Boston, and met the former at Nottles Island, and there they closed in one, and then parted, and closed and parted diverse times, and so went over the hill in the island and vanished. Sometimes they shot out flames and sometimes sparkles. This was about eight o’ clock in the evening and was seen by many.”

“About the same time, a voice was heard upon the water between Boston and Dorchester, calling out in a most dreadful manner, ‘Boy! Boy! Come away! Come away!;’ and it suddenly shifted from one place to another a great distance, about 20 times. It was heard by diverse godly people. About 14 days after, the same voice in the same dreadful manner was heard by others on the other side of the town towards Nottles Island.”The First Alien-Abduction Account Described a Medical Exam with a Crude Pregnancy Test.

Unlike the 1639 UFO, Winthrop had an explanation for the latest luminescence over his “city upon a hill.” The governor noted that the bizarre spectacle was seen near the location where a vessel captained by John Chaddock had exploded months earlier, after a sailor accidentally ignited gunpowder aboard the ship. The captain was not aboard at the time, but the blast killed five crew members.

Winthrop noted that rescuers had recovered the bodies of all the victims except for the man believed responsible for the calamity, a sailor who professed the ability to communicate with the dead and who was suspected of murdering his master in Virginia. The hand of the devil was thought to have taken possession of the body, and it was the haunting voice of the sailor’s ghost that was said to have accompanied the strange vision of Ye Olde UFO that mystified Boston.

 UFOs Reported in Ancient History’s

 The Persian king Darius the Great in 500 BC apparently saw a UFO and had this representation of the god Ahura Mazda carved in stone claiming the god had made him King.

Persian king Darius I (reigned 522–486 BCE) and Ahura Mazda \was the greatest of all gods. The wing may be an example of  an UFO, since the early Persians thought their gods flew in from a great planet called heaven.

He is the supreme being in GA Rothman (heaven), the uncreated spirit. Beyond, apart and without him, there is nothing in existence including humans. He is changeless, moving all while not being moved by anyone, has no equal, and no one can take heaven from him. He favors… The Sumerians who lived  south of Persia  worshipped the Anunnaki who were from space and allegedly made Homo Sapiens (humans).

 Egyptians also worshiped various gods The tombs of the pharaohs were constructed thousands of years ago. Egypt has invited billionaire Elon Musk to visit the country and see for himself that its famous pyramids were built by or with the help of aliens..

Elon Musk tweeted Aliens built the pyramids,’  which was retweeted more than 84,000 times. To me the Great Pyramid of Giza was too complex to have been built without help based on its geographic position, construction techniques and what is not shown to the public of smooth walled tunnels going on for hundreds of miles.

It appears that UFOs have been here for an extended time. Egyptian hieroglyphics suggest they appeared in Egypt


Britannica states,  Horus, in ancient Egyptian religion, a god in the form of a falcon whose right eye was the sun or morning star, representing power and quintessence, and whose left eye was the moon or evening. Notably he was  “Son of Re” (the sun god) and a “Perfect God,” both introduced in the 4th dynasty (c. 2575–2465 BCE), when the great pyramids were constructed. The epithet “Son of Re” placed the king in a close but dependent relation with the leading figure in the pantheon.  | Britannica states,  Ho Ramses II making an offering to Horus, at Abu Simbel

 “For, behold, the LORD will come with fire, and with his chariots like a whirlwind, to render his anger with fury, and his rebuke with flames of fire.” Isaiah 66:15 ]

 It was written about 100 BC. There are many descriptions in the Bible of clouds carrying people, lights from heaven, and the glory of the Lord’s, power, and chariots of fire and whirlwinds that describe aerial vehicles that could be the UFOs we see today.

 I  have interviewed several people including military pilots  that have described a white or humming blue beam coming from the craft. One helicopter pilot who flew out of Fort Stewart Army Base in Georgia told me he was directed to intercept a UFO. When he approached it was hovering 100 feet above a home and a blue beam was shining down lighting up the area. When he got near the UFO it flew away and he was told not to reveal his story.

In this painting, the Angel of the Lord announces the birth of Samson to Manoah’s wife. The Angel states, “Why do you ask my name it is beyond understanding and then. “As the flame blazed up from the altar toward heaven, the angel of the LORD ascended in the flame.” Judges 13 -20F.lames  or bright light soften are reported from UFOs


Some UFO crews claim they are angels from heaven. UFOs are frequently reported in Religious writing.

India’s UFOs were clammed to have mercury spinning t at high speed on the outer ring of the craft

UFOs continue to be sighted in unusually large numbers indicating the world is under scrutiny by watchers, guardians, angels, extraterrestrials, or whoever they are. My research has indicated there are several groups of aliens visiting Earth with different intentions, their motivations may be quite different, and sometimes they appear to be fighting one another. Most religions of the world agree in the concept of Sons of Light and Sons of Darkness that is good angels and evil ones, good aliens and bad.

 It is my opinion that the ancient writings give us some understanding of our visitors and often their visits have often been interpreted in religious terms. The data is essentially truthful based on the understanding of technology thousands of years ago. A typical Nordic alien could easily be thought of as an angel, while reptilian looking aliens would likely be considered as demons.

Perhaps it would be useful at this time of year to step back and look at our world through alien eyes. It is quite likely our threats to the environment, nuclear disasters, tribal wars, and high crime rates are considered a serious threat to other life forms in the universe since we now can travel .

  Paul states, “At midday, O sir, I saw on the way a light from heaven, brighter than the sun, shining all around me and those who were journeying with me. “And I said, ‘Who are you?’ And the Lord said, ‘I am Jesus whom you are persecuting.” Now stand up for I have appeared to you to appoint you as my servant and my witness.” Acts 26 -13-16.

 God has the ability to make light or carry someone to Heaven, but He may choose to use technology. Someone describing light or flight several thousand years ago has few words in his vocabulary to describe what is happening. It’s even difficult today to describe a light that shines down from the sky that can lift a person, freeze his body, or blind his eyes.

 How does the pillar of a cloud or the beam of light lift things up using the laws of science? In Sci-fiction television such as Star Trek the actor would say, “Beam me up Scotty.” My hypothesis is the beam of light or a pillar of the cloud that lifts may use circular particle accelerator. Ezekiel in the Bible describes a wheel in a wheel that may be a clue of how it works.

  The beam of light could be a beam of molecular ions, molecules with one electron removed, that travel from the vessel to the ground. Science is just now starting to understand the technology described in the Bible and by abductees of how beams of light could lift a person or heavier objects into a hovering craft.

 UFOs propulsion systems have strong electrical fields that can power a small city. They have been used to turn off automobile engines and lift automobiles. The blue beam photo is courtesy of  Ed Walters a contractor in Gulf Breeze, Florida,

 Ed told me the beam was sucking up stones, leaves, and debris and just missed his wife. Ed Walters’s leg was caught in the beam and he claimed it felt frozen, like it was nailed to the floor. With the help of his wife Frances shown here he was able to gently pull his leg out from under the beam. Gravity may be overcome inside the beam that seems solid. This beam or tube of high speed molecules has an inner beam ring just inside the outer beam circle.

 These two beams are like a slightly smaller tube inside a larger tube. The outer beam circle or tube is like “glass” and the inner beam circle or tube is the fan. The inner beam of molecules does not blow on the individual, but flows down the inside of the outer beam, bounces off the ground, develops air pressure and sucks the individual up into the UFO.

 I interviewed a lady in Pensacola Beach, Florida who told me they shot the beam at me. It knocked me out a little but not completely, then it shut off then a second beam came on and it lifted me up to the UFO and it was a humming blue beam. I was unconscious most of the time aboard the craft and saw others being examined. She parachuted as a hobby and when they returned her, she had a similar feeling to jumping out of an aircraft. Near the ground she had a similar feeling to an opening shock of the parachute. She awoke later thinking it might have been a dream, but she was in the wrong bedroom with her pajamas on backwards

 This experimental Lenticular Reentry Vehicle  (LRV)

` In the 1950s and early 1960s, the U.S. military and NASA experimented with designs that resembled flying saucers. , but apparently had problems with them.

Four of these  LRV projects were declassified in 1999 and destroyed at McDill Air Force Base. . If you saw a flying disc back in the day near one of these bases, it might have been one of these unique aircraft.

The Air Force is continuing to develop a  UFO with Pais who was formerly an aerospace engineer for the Naval Air Systems Command’s Warfare Center Aircraft Division before transferring to the Air Force this year. Known for his high-concept, futuristic inventions, the engineer filed several patents on behalf of the Navy, including for a compact fusion reactor that could practically generate limitless energy without consuming a lot of power to do so.

             His experimental craft is no less mind-boggling. Inspired by UFOs that were seen in American airspace before, the craft is a hybrid aerospace-underwater vehicle that can fluidly switch between two different mediums. According to Pais, the technology works by generating high-energy electromagnetic fields, which he claimed can allow one to manipulate the “quantum vacuum” that underlies the universe.

 If Pais were correct, a craft enveloped by a high-energy electromagnetic force field could move through air or water with virtually no resistance. In turn, the craft could travel at incredible speeds through both mediums, functioning as both a submersible vehicle and a supersonic stealth aircraft. Crews would be encased in a Faraday cage to shield them from intense electromagnetic forces.

Pais remarked that the technology would “engineer the fabric of our reality at the most fundamental level.” While some experts expressed skepticism – science writer Brett Tingley said that the craft had no basis in reality – his ambitious project apparently convinced some defense chiefs.

 He was reportedly handed over $500,000 to conduct research on the concept. Internal emails from the Pentagon also revealed that there was at least one experimental demonstration of the technology. (Related: Navy patents suggest American military possesses alien technology.)

 UFO Hits Airliner over China

Chengdu — UFO hits airliner in midair over, China in June 2013, as reported by UFO Sightings Daily. The website is authored by Scott C. Waring who was with the United States Air Force and is now in Taiwan.

 “According to the Aviation Herald, the aircraft (registration B-2856) was performing flight CA-4307 from Chengdu to Guangzhou on 4th June 2013, when a large bang was heard from the nose section of the aircraft and the aircraft performance worsened”.

 “The Boeing 757 was returned to Chengdu for safety reasons and post flight examinations confirmed that the aircraft collided with a foreign object.”

 “A bird strike has been ruled out (due to lack of blood, feathers or other remains) and  theories about the object have ranged from a chunk of ice to UFOs.”

Chinese  aircraft its Large object in sit

  Date of sighting: Oct 4, 2024, over Hualien, Taiwan similar to UFO that hit plane. This UFO was seen just a few days ago. It was not a cube or sphere but more of a hexagon shaped craft. This UFO is remarkably similar in size, shape and color of the ones seen in recent US military released UFO videos over Iraq and Afghanistan.  The UFO is turning at a perfect speed, not slowing, not speeding up. It is hovering in place and Hualien is a huge earthquake area, which could mean the earthquakes are caused by an underground alien base 5km below Hualien city. The opening and closing of doorways allow UFOs to enter and exit, however, would cause earthquakes. For me, this is 100% legit. Tha ks to    Scott C. Waring

Huge Space Craft headed for Europa

 NASA’s about to launch a huge spacecraft to a world harboring voluminous seas.

Planetary scientists suspect Jupiter’s moon Europa contains an ocean at least twice the size of Earth’s. The Europa Clipper probe — which is the length of a basketball court and the largest craft the agency has sent on a planetary mission — is slated to blast to this distant realm on Oct. 10. Before the launch, NASA released a new detailed view of the moon’s cracked surface, which shows why for decades researchers have been drawn to this tantalizing place.

 “It’s perhaps one of the best places beyond Earth to look for life in our solar system,” Cynthia Phillips, a NASA planetary geologist and project staff scientist for the space agency’s Europa Clipper mission, told Mashable.

     On O ct. 2, NASA shared view that  was taken from data gathered by the Galileo mission in 1998. It shows a close-up of Europa’s chaotic landscape, which is evidence that something below the moon’s thick icy crust — like an ocean — is stoking lots of change and deformity. Salty water may escape to the surface along fractures, leaving telltale reddish colors on Europa’s ground. And irregular chunks of ice have likely been created by relatively recent surface movement.

  September MUFON  UFO Sightings

 Most impressively there were 13 Landings, Hovering, or Takeoffs reported and 2 Entities observed.


Georgia 9

Michigan 9

Connecticut 8

Arizona 8

Oklahoma 7

Minnesota 6

Kentucky 6

Nevada 6

Maryland 6

Oregon 6

Wisconsin 5

Tennessee 5

South Carolina 5

Iowa 4

Kansas 4

Missouri 4

Alabama 4

Utah 4

Louisiana 4

Arkansas 4

West Virginia 4

Mississippi 3

North Carolina 3

Virginia 3

Idaho 3

Massachusetts 3

New Mexico 3

Alaska 2

Vermont 2

New Hampshire 2

New Jersey 2

South Dakota 1

Delaware 1

North Dakota 1

Montana 1

Hawaii 1

Strange Craft

The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II.  These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.

 During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.

 From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,

 Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.  Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra.

Support Earth Changing Research

I have put together a flash drive of the last twenty-two years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me in authoring the book. We are asking for a donation of $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.

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When you send in a subscription, please include your E-mail address. Do not miss the latest images of UFOs from Earth and Mars. Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files. Send check or money order to: George Filer, 222 Jackson Road, Medford, NJ 08055.

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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2024 by George A. Filer III, rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to


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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and manages the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually



George Filer

MUFON Eastern Region Director Chief Editor National UFO Center Major USAF ret. Graduated BS from Bradley U and Masters's Degree from Central Michigan University

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