Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
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I use Carbon 60 to help my back, knees, elbow and fingers joints, and dark spots on my skin and repair my gums. Carbon 60has long been known as a natural detoxifier but up until now has never been of this tiny size and orbit small enough to enter the millions of cells where many toxins are trapped and bring these cells back to health. Increase your speed, strength, healing, and vitality. Please tell them Filer sent you 303-521-4001 for our Here for a Special Offer!
Special reports are: Dead Sea Scrolls May Explain ET Situation, Atmospheric Colors Are Produced by UFOs, United States Space Command, Mars Trees, Ukraine sinks Russian Ship Carbon 60 and Strange Craft.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Colorado, Florida, Maine, Missouri, New Jersey, New Mexico, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Rhode Island and Wiscosin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over, France, Mexico, Papua New Guinea, England in the United Kingdom and Vietnam.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force and DOD investigated UFOs for more than forty years; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
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Special Projects
Dead Sea Scrolls May Explain ET Situation
The Shrine of the Book,
The Dead Sea scrolls consist of roughly 900 documents, including texts from the Hebrew Bible, discovered between 1947 and 1956 in eleven caves in Israel on the Northwest shore of the Dead Sea. The texts are of great religious and historical significance, as they include some of the only known surviving copies of Biblical documents. These manuscripts generally date between 150 B.C.E. to 70 C.E.. The scrolls are most commonly identified with the ancient Jewish sect called the Essenes. Perhaps the most famous Scroll is “The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness,” that seems to explain the extraterrestrial UFO situation.
The magnificent Shrine of the Book, a structure of the Israel Museum Jerusalem was built in the shape of flying saucer to house the Dead Sea Scrolls and to give emphasis to the UFO connection. The shrine was built to emphasize the famous Scroll of The War of the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. The white dome symbolizes the Sons of Light and the black wall behind it symbolizes the Sons of Darkness. The scroll describes the war between good and evil that is now being fought in space and will come to an end in the apocalyptic future creating peace on Earth. Some people claim this scroll and the shrine depict the ongoing war being fought above Earth by the Light and Dark alien forces.
Abductees often describe a similar battle shown to them on large screens where angels, UFOs and various UFOs, jets and nations are shown fighting. They are often told they will participate usually as medical personnel.
These scrolls contain a prophecy of two wars between the Sons of Light and the Sons of Darkness. The first is (the War against the Kittim) described as those who assist the wicked Belial who “violates the covenants”. The second war called the War of Divisions is described as the Sons of Light, the united twelve tribes of Israel, conquering the “nations of vanity.” In the end, all of Darkness is to be destroyed and Light will live in peace for all eternity. The text of the War of Divisions has seven stages, with each side winning three of the first six battles before final victory after 40 years. In the War each side will fight alongside angelic hosts and supernatural beings and final victory is achieved for the Sons of Light directly by the hand of God.
Atmospheric Colors Are Produced by UFOs Giving Energy to the Atmosphere
UFOs come in a variety of colors and shades. Some are dark or black others are white with various colors in between. Observers often report a metallic appearance as light reflects off their polished surfaces. Others see that the UFO itself is luminous and some UFO propulsion systems create multiple colors particularly as they gain speed or slow to a hover. Additionally, the UFOs may use lights like our own aircraft for illumination, search, and safety.
UFOs are often seen with a corona of light that is probably caused by an electrical discharge affecting the atmosphere around them. Light is produced within atoms of matter; when the atoms become sufficiently agitated by collision among themselves or by absorption of electromagnetic radiation; electrons are elevated out of their normal energy states and create light. Cameras that can pick up infrared light often are able to record UFOs even when not visible to the human eye.
The most likely candidates for color emission of the gases in our atmosphere are helium, neon, argon, krypton, and xenon.
Brilliant white UFOs likely represent limited ionization of all the gases.
The colors surrounding the UFOs seem associated with speed or the rate of acceleration. The silvery grey is seen when the object is traveling slowly. Then comes the vivid red and at high acceleration the white, green, blue and purple appear.
Some UFOs apparently develop huge amounts of energy similar to nuclear power plants and have the ability to create coronas or mists around the craft. Using atomic structure and spectroscopy the element responsible for the emission of photons of a particular energy and color can be identified. Glowing red or orange lights, sometimes reported as bright orange flames are probably the brilliant orange red of neon often seen in neon signs.
Yellow and Red Lights Photographed Over Belgium and England
Center portions of the craft are often described as having a red glow that likely represents part of the propulsion system. Witnesses report the craft were wrapped in a blue haze or a glowing red mist. Also the UFOs are reported as gradually increasing amount of energy to the gases surrounding them as they appear to pick up speed. At some point, the atmosphere would absorb enough energy to become luminous and the craft appear to glow.
Further increases in energy transfer would activate the other gases in inverse order of their thresholds and their light would simply be added to that from xenon. Xenon is the most easily excited of the atmospheric gases, and creates spectacular “brilliant blue”, and “luminous blue” that is often reported by observers. The “orange-red” or “fiery red” color is the brilliant orange-red of neon, so easily recognized in neon signs. The combination of the green line of neon, 5401 A, with the blue of xenon would yield the often reported “bluish green” or it may come from hydrogen, 4861 A0. “Purple” would result from the blue of xenon and the red of argon
Blue color
Bluish green colors are probably the result of hydrogen atoms being excited by the UFOs.
It is strongly suspected, that xenon is responsible for the “blue”“, brilliant blue,” and “luminous blue Greenish blue to blue colors reported.
Blue or bluish ultraviolet are reported particularly by young people. Purple” would result from the blue of xenon and the red of argon
Bluish green colors are probably the result of hydrogen atoms being excited by the UFOs. It is strongly suspected, that xenon is responsible for the “blue”“, brilliant blue,” and “luminous blue Greenish blue to blue colors reported. Blue or bluish ultraviolet are reported particularly by young people. Purple” would result from the blue of xenon and the red of argon
Bluish green colors are probably the result of hydrogen atoms being excited by the UFOs.
It is strongly suspected, that xenon is responsible for the “blue”“, brilliant blue,” and “luminous blue Greenish blue to blue colors reported.
Blue or bluish ultraviolet are reported particularly by young people. Purple” would result from the blue of xenon and the red of argon
Green lights and flashes often reported, sometimes green glow or reported green flames from craft probably the green line of neon.
Green meteors reported are thought to be space craft entering atmosphere.
Red lights, with intense red glow probably results from neon or the red of argon. Luminous red colors do not appear to be lights covered by red glass like aircraft lights.
Red light thought to be Propulsion System
Glowing red orange lights, sometimes reported as bright orange flames are probably the brilliant orange red of neon often seen in neon signs.
Yellow, pale yellow lights are often reported. White lights can appear yellow at a distance due to atmosphere.
Green lights and flashes often reported, sometimes green glow or reported green flames from craft probably the green line of neon.
Mist or Fog Around Craft
The UFOs have the ability to create coronas of fog or mists and even clouds around the craft. Using atomic structure and spectroscopy the element responsible for the emission of photons of a particular energy and color can be identified. Witnesses report the craft were wrapped in a blue haze or a glowing red mist. Center portions of the craft are often described as having a red glow that likely represents part of the propulsion system. Also the UFOs are reported as gradually increasing amount of energy to the gases surrounding them as they appear to pick up speed. At some point, the atmosphere would absorb enough energy to become luminous and the craft appear to glow.
Editor’s Note: Who is threatening advanced US orbital systems? General Lance W. Lord former Commander, Air Force Space Command talking about the Chinese, the Russians or even UFOs? The fundamental fact confronting us is the existence of a thousand UFO sighting reports each month. Most MUFON investigators have concluded that the majority of the UFO reports are quite valid. The witnesses believe they see something real, external, artificial, and not a normal types of aircraft. We know that the best UFO reports are often observed by relatively experienced witnesses such as police, astronomers and military aircrews and both the U.S. Navy and Federal Aviation Authority have announced UFOs exist.
We have obtained previously classified Air Force documents signed by General Nathan Twining Commander of the Air Material Command stating: The phenomenon is something real and not visionary or fictitious.
Air Force Space Command operates satellites sensors that are able to pick up unidentified flying objects that are entering and leaving our atmosphere called Fast walkers.” Several UFOs coming in from space are picked up each week. Several more are tracked taking off and leaving the atmosphere heading for space
United States Space Command ( SPACECOM)
On June 18., 2020, President Donald Trump announced that he would momentarily be signing a directive for The Department of Defense to create the sixth branch of our military. What will be known as Space Force is
responsible for military operations in outer space specifically all operations 100 kilometers (62 miles) above mean sea level. U.S. Space Command is responsible for the operational employment of space forces that are provided by the uniformed services of the Department of Defense
John W. “Jay” Raymond U.S. Space Force commander,
Chief of Space Operations, Gen. John W. “Jay” Raymond said during a speech in Australia that effective operation in space is the cornerstone of a nation’s security, its economic vitality and global stability.
“Space has become necessary to our modern way of life… From navigation to precision timing, banking, agriculture, and much more, we all make use of space assets every day, and our reliance on space is only going to increase over time,” Raymond said at the 2022 Air and Space Power Conference held in Australia’s capital, Canberra. On March 23, 2022
Space today is more crowded and dangerous than ever before, as dozens of nations are now active in the domain. space is no longer the “benign” environment it once was, he said, pointing out that space has evolved into a universally acknowledged warfighting domain and potential conflict zone.
A few years ago, I still couldn’t talk about space as a warfighting domain—but the actions of a few nations in space have made this all too clear: we can no longer operate under the illusion that our assets in space—which we rely on heavily for our security as well as for our way of life—will remain safe from potential adversary action.”
That is also the reason that close collaboration with space-faring nations such as Australia is so important, he said. In a significant development, Australia announced on the same day Raymond spoke that it had officially established its own Defense Space Command, a major new part of the Royal Australian Air Force, with a singular focus on the space domain.
“We are partnering with more and more nations on national security space. And we deeply value our partnership with Australia. By standing together, we bolster deterrence, decreasing the chances of aggressive acts both in space and in the other domains.
In 2014, Australia and the United States joined with Canada and the United Kingdom, formally agreeing to a Combined Space Operations Memorandum of Understanding. That agreement, Raymond said, allows each nation “to get smarter on the current and future space environment, and to enhance our military-to-military relationships.”
Additionally, the U.S. and Australia cooperate in the Advanced Extremely High Frequency system, which is a constellation of communication satellites that provide services to the U.S. and Australia, as well as to Canada, the Netherlands, and the United Kingdom. “Our pacing challenges have set an extremely fast pace, and we’ve got to move faster to stay ahead. Working with allies and partners is how we are going to do that,” he said. “We are stronger together.”
Direct Ascent Anti-Satellite (DA-ASAT) m
Dickinson provided an overview of challenges presented by Russian and Chinese counter-space testing, such as Russia testing a destructive Direct Ascent Anti-Satellite (DA-ASAT) missile on Nov.15, 2021, and China conducting the first launch of a fractional orbital platform with a hypersonic glide vehicle.
“In 2021, the PRC increased on-orbit assets by 27%,” Dickinson said. “Their recent counter-space capability demonstrations include the DN-1 and DN-2 Direct Ascent Anti-Satellite tests and the Hypersonic Glide Vehicle test. In January, the recently launched SJ-21 “space debris mitigation” satellite docked with a defunct PRC satellite and moved it to an entirely different orbit. This activity demonstrated potential dual-use capability in SJ-21 interaction with other satellites.”
Dickinson explained USSPACECOM is committed to deterring the use of competitor counter-space capabilities within the framework of the Department of Defense’s Integrated Deterrence initiative. And, if called upon, the command is capable of providing options to protect and defend against such threat.
The United States Space Force has finally shed light on the mysterious spacecraft known as X-37B, which has puzzled many for years since 2010. X-37B’s secret mission is.
To carrying out research about space radiation and energy. X-37B will also be conducting tests that could potentially allow drones to stay in the skies for a long time anywhere in the world. The officials also revealed that the spacecraft will bring payloads to convert solar energy into radio frequency microwave energy that could be brought back to Earth.
Caption on photo reads, A notional spacecraft in orbit over the Earth.
GETTY https://www.forbes.com/sites/fredkennedy/2020/07/22/its-time-to-equip-the-us-space-force-with-the-ability-to-project-force/?sh=6027d0804518
The energy produced will then be used to provide power to any place on Earth or to neighboring satellites or spacecrafts. X-37B will launch at Cape Canaveral Air Force Station in Florida this week on an Atlas V rocket. As to how long this spacecraft will stay in space, it is likely that X-37B will be in orbit for more than two years. Air Force Secretary Barbara Barrett stated that the upcoming mission will see the spacecraft perform more experiments than its previous missions.
In other related news, a recent report reveals that there may have been UFOs present during the Apollo 9 mission back in 1969. Prominent alien hunter Scott Waring analyzed photos of space taken by the three astronauts from the mission; Commander James McDevitt, Command Module Pilot David Scott, and Lunar Module Pilot Rusty Schwikert. Mr. Waring analyzed the photos taken by the astronauts and spotted what he believes is a fleet of UFOs passing by in front of the Moon
Space Command’s mission is: “To conduct operations in, from, and through space to deter conflict, and if necessary, defeat aggression, deliver space combat power for the Joint/Combined force, and defend U.S. vital interests with allies and partners.”
Although kept secret it is believed that advanced space craft are part of the new Space Command designed to deliver space combat power.
United States Space Command has two subordinate components. The Combined Force Space Component Command is responsible for planning and conducting global space operations, while also providing space effects to the other combatant commands and U.S. allied partners. Joint Task Force–Space Defense is responsible for conducing space superiority operations. I have been to Vandenberg Space Force Base is huge and observed their large launch space sites. SpaceX launch facility is also there.
Vandenberg Space Lunch facility
- Combined Force Space Component Command (CFSCC), Vandenberg Space Force Base, California
- Combined Space Operations Center(CSpOC), Vandenberg Space Force Base, California
- Missile Warning Center(MWC), Cheyenne Mountain Space Force Station, Colorado
- Joint Overhead Persistent Infrared Center(JOPC), Buckley Space Force Base, Colorado
- Joint Navigation Warfare Center(JNWC), Kirtland Air Force Base, New Mexico
- Joint Task Force–Space Defense (JTF–SD), Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado
- National Space Defense Center(NSDC), Schriever Space Force Base, Colorado
Service components
As a unified combatant command, Space Command has a number of service components that provide forces to it.
There are tens of thousands of objects in Earth orbit that pose a potential threat to satellites and launches. Space Situational Awareness (SSA) refers to keeping track of objects in orbit and predicting where they will be at any given time.
North America’s early warning system has been upgraded and in their 22,300 mile geosynchronous orbits, satellites help protect the United States and its allies by detecting missile launches, space launches and nuclear detonations. These satellites also regularly pick up UFOs/UAPs
Several hundred Fast walkers within our atmosphere are tracked worldwide each month. The new satellites should be able to track many more Fast walkers with their improved infrared sensors designed to detect heat from missile and booster plumes against the earth’s background.
Insider’s report there is a great deal of excitement as the Fast walker’s UFOs sometimes trigger the early warning system setting off alarms that missiles have been launched. Computers keep track of over 6,000 satellites and pieces of debris in space. The Fast walkers are also referred to as Uncorrelated Targets indicating they are not in the data base for objects in space. The Individual Target Event Database which is unclassified should be made available to MUFON and the Filer Research Institute so we can correlate ground based and aircraft sightings with satellite data.
The new Space Based Space Surveillance (SBSS) system is a constellation of satellites and supporting ground infrastructure that improve the ability to detect and track space objects. The SBSS contractor, Boeing, characterizes some orbiting space objects as, “Potential future threats to the United States’ space assets.
The Space Situational Awareness Group SBSS has revolutionized the nation’s space situational awareness with enhanced performance by providing around-the-clock visibility to detect distant space objects without interference from weather, atmosphere or daylight.” A series of “pathfinder” satellites of the SBSS system are in place. By U.S. Space Command Public Affairs
Space Force website shows these craft without claiming they exist.
New Space Fence Now Actively Monitors Orbital Debris as Small as a Marble
U.S. Space Force Declares Sophisticated Radar System Operational, Protecting National Space Assets in Low Earth Orbit
Today, the orbital region known as low Earth orbit (LEO) is crowded with active satellites and often UFOs. It’s also cluttered with millions of pieces of debris thanks to frequent collisions and deterioration of defunct satellites and rocket boosters. Traveling at speeds upwards of 15,000 mph, that debris threatens not only commercial satellites, but also military assets that help protect nations around the world.
The U.S. Space Force’s newest radar system, the Lockheed Martin-built s designed to detect, monitor and characterize objects as small as a marble in LEO. It’s not a fence in the literal sense. Space Fence is a highly advanced ground-based radar networked with existing systems to detect far more debris, and with greater accuracy. The radar system’s capabilities are a major improvement in the quantity and quality of orbital information.
Space Fence, is located on Kwajalein Island in the Republic of the Marshall Islands, monitor significantly more resident space objects than the 26,000 recorded the current space catalog.
“Space Fence is revolutionizing the way we view space by providing timely, precise orbital data on objects that threaten both manned and unmanned military and commercial space assets,” Gen. Jay Raymond, said, “Our space capabilities are critical to our national defense and way of life, which is why Space Fence is so important.”Space desace Fighter being developed is as small as a marble could have a disastrous impact if it collides with any one of the space-based technologies the U.S. Government and industry depend on to provide communications, GPS navigation, weather forecasting and more.
Mars Trees
Mars Trees Similar to Socotra Island Vegetation
Green color added.
Trees on Socotra Island off the coast of Africa. Are like the vegetation on Mars
This photo from Mars shows clouds forming within a crater. Recently the clouds have produced snow indicating some type of atmosphere on Mars. NASA records summer temperatures on Mars reaching above 90 degrees Fahrenheit.
Mars Cloud image credit: NASA/JPL/MOLA Located at -78.8N, 320.0E released 2006-01-26 http://themis.asu.edu/zoom-20060126a Red color added.
Sun’s Activity High
Our Sun is a huge ball of electrically-charged hot gas. This charged gas moves, generating a powerful magnetic field. The Sun’s magnetic field goes through a cycle, called the solar cycle. Every 11 years or so, the Sun’s magnetic field completely flips that now occurring. This means that the Sun’s north and south poles switch places. Then it takes about another 11 years for the Sun’s north and south poles to flip back again.
Solar flares are a sudden explosion of energy caused by tangling, crossing or reorganizing of magnetic field lines near sunspots.
The surface of the Sun is a very busy place. It has electrically charged gases that generate areas of powerful magnetic forces. These areas are called magnetic fields. The Sun’s gases are constantly moving, which tangles, stretches and twists the magnetic fields. This motion creates a lot of activity on the Sun’s surface, called solar activity.
Sometimes the Sun’s surface is very active like during the recent months.. The amount of solar activity changes with the stages in the solar cycle. Solar activity can have effects here on Earth, so scientists closely monitor solar activity every day. A geomagnetic storm triggered by a large burst of radiation from the sun has disabled least 40 of the 49 satellites newly launched by SpaceX as part of its Starlink internet communications network, the company said. When charged particles from a CME reach areas near Earth, they can trigger intense lights in the sky, called auroras. When particularly strong, a CME can also interfere in power utility grids, which at their worst can cause electricity shortages and power outages. Solar flares and CMEs are the most powerful explosions in our solar system.
The incident was believed to mark the largest collective loss of satellites stemming from a single geomagnetic event, and was unique in the way it unfolded, Harvard-Smithsonian astrophysicist Jonathan McDowell said on Wednesday.
Ukraine sinks Russian Ship
Ukrainian officials said on Thursday that they sank the Orsk, a large Russian amphibious vessel, off Berdyansk, Ukraine, earlier this week. Russian military authorities had expected the Orsk to boost their logistics capabilities in the Berdyansk port, according to comments from an officer of the Russian Black Sea Fleet which were translated by NBC News.
Berdyansk is about 40 miles (64 km) west of the Black Sea city of Mariupol, which Russians are destroying with artillery.
Ukrainians claim they are pushing the Russian forces back around Kyiv. The Russian offensive along the coast seems to be doing well and has taken several minor cities and nuclear power plants’.
Russian Navy ship has likely been destroyed after an explosion and fire on board. The vessel in question was the Project 1171 Alligator class landing ship Orsk, while another two Project 775 Ropucha-II class landing ships, Tsesar Kuniko and Novocherkassk, were seen departing the port, at least one of them also on fire. There have been claims made that the Ukrainian Armed Forces launched an attack on the Orsk, potentially using one of their Tock (SS-21 Scarab) short-range ballistic missiles (SRBMs).
At 7:45 AM local time a significant explosion was noted aboard the Orsk. Soon after, the other two landing ships left the port with one on fire but fairly quickly extinguished.
Both Ropucha class LSTs were damaged with burning material on their decks. Designed for beach landings, they can carry a 450-ton cargo. The ships have both bow- and stern-doors that open for loading and unloading vehicles,
— H I Sutton (@CovertShores) March 24, 2022
However, it’s unclear what was aboard these vessels and to what degree they had been unloaded at the time of today’s incident. The Alligator class is able to transport up to 425 troops as well as 20 tanks or 40 armored vehicles, or other cargoes.
The size of the explosion and intensity of the fire aboard the Orsk was such that there have been some claims it was loaded with ammunition at the time. The dramatic inferno does show some evidence of what looks like ammunition ‘cooking off’ — unfired weapon ammunition exploding prematurely due to the intense heat.
Stalled advances, logistical issues and jets being forced to resort to flying at night has characterized the last week of the Russian invasion of Ukraine.
British intelligence reports claim that Russia has suffered “limited overall gains” due to strong Ukrainian resistance.
Ukraine gane up its nuclear weapons because the US and NSTO guaranteed peace and safety/ When Russia took Crimea Obama sent blankets. Ukraine is asking for real help with planes, tanks, anti-aircraft missiles which so far have not been sent. Zelensky asks NATO for weapons to ‘prevent the deaths of Ukrainians
US President Joe Biden went to Poland to discuss the crisis with his Polish counterpart Andrzej Duda.
President Biden Suggest U.S. troops are going into Ukraine
President Joe Biden in Poland on Thursday said that the US and NATO would respond if Russia uses chemical weapons in Ukraine.
President Biden speaks to members of the 82nd Airborne Division at the G2A Arena,Friday, March 25, 2022, in Jasminka, Poland. (AP Photo/Evan Vucc
Biden, visiting U.S. 81st Airborne troops in Poland,.” You are the finest Fighting force in the history of the world. He talked about how average Ukrainian citizens are “stepping up in the fight against Russia. Biden stated, “You’re going to see when you’re there – some of you have been there – you’re going to see women, young people, standing in the middle, in front of a damn tank, saying, ‘I’m not leaving.’
Biden gave a speech in Warsaw, Poland on Saturday saying, ‘Russian President Vladimir Putin cannot remain in power.’ “For God’s sake, this man cannot remain in power!’
UKRANINIANS WERE HAPPY with his threats.
Although ignored by the US fake TVs, Biden’s words were heard loud and clear in Russia and by Putin that could start a world war that US troops were going into Ukraine and the U.S will try to remove Putin..
White House Officials denied Biden’s words and indicated U.S. troops are not entering the fight , we will not use chemical weapons, and the U.S is not calling for a PUTIN regime change
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and aviators who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book, by John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arizona Green Orb
Tucson on March18, 2022, saw a bright full moon Friday and took a picture with my iPhone camera. When I looked at picture there is a blue orb in the image. When I click on the live photo the orb can be seen leaving the frame at high velocity.
California Object
El Cajon on March 25, 2022, I was taking pictures of the mountains that show this one the shape or whatever it was. I saw it later in the photos and seemed unusual.
San Jose on March 18, 2022, I saw these strange lights and I had forgotten I also took some pictures that show the object spinning,, glowing, and flashing in a weird random manner. The object has long lines connecting the bigger orbs. I followed them until they got behind a cloud and vanished.
Colorado Light
Clifton on March 27, 2022, I was looking up to the sky like always since am a truck driver. So when I spotted the ship hovering because I had Lasik surgery to help see at night. It took off at light speed thatit was incredible .
Florida Object
Davenport on March 11, 2022, it was a round gray object going west as the sun was setting and the rays of the sun were hitting the cloud so I took a picture. Later, I noticed the UFO in my picture.
Maine lIGHTS
Orland on March 21, 2022, my girlfriend and I let the dogs out and we noticed a bright light so I videoed it at 1:10 am. It was the craziest stuff I’ve ever seen. I know a decent amount about all aircraft.
Missouri Lights
Weldon Spring on March 10, 2022, I spotted an object that was very large and fast come over my roof, descend towards the woods and turn SW towards the back woods. Because night vision is on CCTV is in black and white, I cannot determine the color. I have worked closely with the Assistant Director for Missouri Mufon on cell phone videos of Fast Movers so when she saw this one, she said that this object has structure to it and that it should be analyzed.
Nevada Light
Las Vegas on March 13, 2022, maybe someone can give me a logical explanation based on pictures and videos. I contacted the FBI and Nellis AFB to see if anyone wanted to view the actual video of possible is secret weapons tech,. I truly think I e captured the best civilian UFO/UAP footage using Samsung Galaxy S20 FE. Basic phone, but awesome 30X zoom kicked in. Let me know if interested.
New Jersey Object
Vernon on January ‘ 6, 2022, I saw what I assumed was a plane descending at a distance, then as I drove closer I saw it was flying towards me approaching a tree line on a slight incline,. The object was at least 60 feet or more. It was about 40-50 ft high, rather very big. It began to hover, no longer flying. It hovered over the top of the tree line as I approached closer and closer. It was like a band that went around the center of it, between the body of it…and the slightly domed top. It was more oblong than rounded on top, like a water ship would have. The lights seemed like they were going off in sequence, as the band appeared to rotate with each series of lights changing. The body of it was dark like steel, but reflective enough that I could see the material of it. Nott shiny, but slightly reflective dark metal. My stomach was shaking as it departed..
New York Lights
Poughkeepsie on March 18, 2022, we looked up because we heard a plane and there was a Tic Tac above the plane toward the back when the plane was no longer visible the tic tac made zero noise.
Ohio Object
Wycliffe on March 10, 2022, moon did not look right and stars were too low and were in a line when I looked in the sky that night. Then the blue and white at the tip just appeared. It stayed for a long time.
Oregon Object
Milton-Freewater on August 28, 2021, my partner and I were driving home when she said loudly, “What’s that? It looked like trash in the air. I refused to believe in anything outside of established science. It hovered less than 100 yards to the east scaring us., I parked being a bear hunter for over 30 years I got a scope to look through and as I raised it to my eye the object was no more. This thing was huge made no sound. I captured the UFO but it was huge and looked small in my picture.
Rhode Island Light
Bristol on March 16, 2022, at 10:15 pm on the evening of May 2nd, 2020. I watched a bright red light moving from the toward the Northeast above neighboring homes. It was silent 500 feet above me moving at a steady and fast pace until the light faded away and disappear.
Wisconsin Object
Fond du lac on March 13, 2022, I was getting ready to go into Piggy Wiggle grocery store when I saw this silent object as the sun was setting. The object stayed there for 10 minutes and I went into the store and when I came out it was gone.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
France Lights
Jessy on March 21, 2022, I took a video where you can see a mass moving at a fairly high speed seen at the height at which I filmed it that goes from left to right and then rises gently.
Mexico Sunset
Pacific Ocean on February 1, 2022, on a cruise ship I took a picture of the sunset and this is what appears blocking the sun.. Flip video did not show this a moment earlier through the window, but did show it directly over the rail when there was nothing between me and the view?
Note: I believe that this is an artifact as the result of taking a video directly into the Sun. I have seen this before, but I don’t know for sure what causes it. The video is not shown as it shows no movement of the black object (camera artifact). A still image extracted from the video is shown. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Papua New Guinea Light
Rabaol on March ,19 2022, I found object on iPhone
UK/England Lights
‘Sowerby bridge on March 26, 2022, all I saw was a really bright circle like the North Star moving around the sky. It wasn’t a plane no flashing lights and it did not leave a trail and it was not falling to earth .
Vietnam Object
Ho Chi Minh City on March 21, 2022, I was put for a walk with my 8 year old son and he pointed, “Dad! Look at that!” Against the night sky there was a silent dark gray “V” chevron shape moving towards us with 9 dim pinpoint orange-ish lights on the underside. Air shimmered around the front, side and trailing edges, like roiling water on the wake of a ship. He said he saw a cube-shaped object closely trailing the craft. We watched the object pass over the Saigon river moving north.
Note: The 2nd graphic from top was described by the witness as a photo of the object taken from a site on the internet. I believe that it is a sketch overlaid on a real photo of the sky. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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222 Jackson Road
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.