Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
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Special reports on 747 Sighting of UFO Shows UFOs Are Real Says FAA Chief, Communist Chinese Warfare is Devious, C-60, and Strange Craft.
‘Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Delaware, Idaho, Illinois, Kansas, Louisiana, Maryland, Nebraska, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, South Dakota, Texas, Utah, and Washington.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, Columbia, Peru, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFOs are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
747 Sighting of UFO Shows UFOs Are Real Says FAA Chief
FAA Division Chief John Callahan
A thirty-year career and for six years Mr. Callahan was the Division Chief of the Accidents and Investigations Branch of the FAA in Washington DC. In his testimony he talks about a 1986 Japanese Airlines 747 flight that was followed by a UFO for 31 minutes over the Alaskan skies. The UFO also trailed a United Airlines flight until the flight landed. There was visual confirmation as well as air-based and ground-based radar confirmation. This event was significant enough for the then FAA Administrator, Admiral Engen, to hold a briefing the next day where the FBI, CIA, President Reagan’s Scientific Study Team, as well as others attended.
747and possible 2 UFOs
Videotape radar evidence, air traffic voice communications and paper reports were compiled and presented. At the conclusion of this meeting, the attending CIA members instructed everyone present that “the meeting never took place” and that “this incident was never recorded.” Not realizing that there was additional evidence, they confiscated just the evidence presented, but Mr. Callahan was able to secure videotape and audio evidence of the event.
Briefing on 747 Incident
Callahan states, “Now in the 747 they have radar in the nose that picks up the weather outside there. So, his radar is picking up a target. He sees this target with his eyes. And the target, the way he described it, was a huge ball with lights running around it. And I think he said it was like four times as big as a 747!”And the military man said something like, yeah, I see him 35 miles north of Anchorage.
JAL 747 and UFO at Upper Right
The UFO was bouncing around the 747. Locations of the Flight 1628 and subsequent incidents are shown. The first sighting occurred from point A to B, where Flight 1628 was escorted by two objects. A third object would have paced the cargo plane as it approached Eielson AFB, mirroring the evasive maneuvers initiated by its pilots. It would have disappeared near Mt Denali, as they approached Talkeetna for a landing in Anchorage. Two and a half months later, Flight AS-53 recorded an unidentified object near McGrath, and a military plane observed an object between Elmendorf and Eielson Air Force Bases.
Well, they ran through for the best part of 31 minutes.
Then the next day I got a call from someone with the Scientific Study Group [for President Reagan who was briefed ever day about UFOs], or the CIA, I not sure who it was, the first call. And they had some questions about the incident. And I had said, I don’t know what you are talking about, you probably want to call the Admiral [FAA Administrator Engen].
Well, a few minutes later the Admiral calls down and says, I have set up a briefing tomorrow morning at 9:00 am in the round room. Bring all the stuff you have. Bring everybody up there and give them whatever they want. We want to get out of it. Just let them do whatever they want. So, I brought all the people from the Tech Center. We had all kinds of boxes of data that we had them print out; it filled up the room. They brought in three people from the FBI, three people from the CIA, and three people from Reagan’s Scientific Study team I don’t know who the rest of the people were, but they were all excited.
One of the guys from the CIA, when we got done says, “This meeting never took place. We never had this meeting. And this was never recorded.”
At the time I said, “I don’t know why you are saying this. I mean, there was something there and if it’s not the stealth bomber, then you know, is a UFO. And if it’s a UFO, why wouldn’t you want the people to know? Oh, they got all excited over that.”
Radar picks up UFO
He said, “This is the first time they ever had 30 minutes of radar data on a UFO. And they are all itching to get their hands onto the data and to find out what it is and what really goes on. He says, “If they come out and told the American public that they ran into a UFO out there, it would cause panic across the country. So therefore, you can’t talk about it. And we are going to take all this data.”
The only ones that see a UFO in the TV programs are the rednecks out in the country that are going coon hunting or alligator hunting at night. You don’t find anybody with any kind of smarts or some professional individual saying hey, last night let me tell you what I saw. They don’t display that in the United States. So, if you talk about seeing a UFO, you are putting yourself in a funny kind of category. That’s probably one of the reasons why you don’t hear about it anymore. But as far as I’m concerned, I saw a UFO chase a Japanese 747 across the sky for over half an hour on radar.
747 and giant Mothership
I’ve been involved in a lot of cover-ups with the FAA. When we gave the presentation to the Reagan staff, I was behind the group that was there. And when they were speaking to the people in the room, they had all those people swear that this never happened. But they never had me swear it never happened. And it always bothered me that we have these things going on and when you see something or you hear something on the radio or TV, the news, that it’s put down as it’s not there. I have a hard time saying nothing.
It still bothers me that I’ve seen all this, I know all this, and I’m walking around with the answer, and nobody wants to ask the question to get the answer. And it kind of irritates me a little bit. And I don’t believe our government should be set up that way. I think when we have something like this, that you can probably find out more about what’s going on in the world [by not covering it up].’
For those people that say that if these UFOs existed, they would someday be on radar and that there’d be professionals who would see it, then I can tell them that back in 1986 there were enough professional people that saw it. It was brought down to headquarters, FAA headquarters,
Washington D.C. The Administrator saw the tape of it. The people that we were debriefing, the Scientific Study team they’ve all seen 30 minutes of a UFO on radar.
FAA’s Anchorage, Alaskan Building
Early January of 1987, I received a call from the Air Traffic Quality Control Branch in FAA’s Alaskan regional office, requesting guidance on what to tell the media personnel who were overflowing their office. The media was requesting information about the UFO that chased a Japanese 747 across the Alaskan sky for some 3 minutes at flight levels between 30,000 and 35,000 feet on November 7, 1986. Somehow, the word had got out.
What UFO; when did this take place; why wasn’t Washington Headquarters informed?” I asked. “Hey, he replied, “Who believes in UFO’s? I just need to know what to tell the media to get them out of here.” The answer to that question was easy: “tell them it’s under investigation. Then, collect all the data – the voice tapes and data disc for both the facility and the military. Send then overnight to the FAA Tech Center in Atlantic City, New Jersey.”
Japan Air Lines flight 628, a cargo jet with a pilot, co-pilot and one crew member, was just north of Anchorage, and it was about 8 pm when the pilot first reported the UFO. He described it as a huge ball with lights running around it. He said it was about four times bigger than a 747, and he saw it with his own eyes. So did the other two crew members. Over the course of three minutes, the UFO jumped miles in a few seconds, changing places to different spots around the 747, in one sweep of the radar scope.
JC: Now in the 747 they have radar in the nose that picks up the weather outside there. So, his radar is picking up a target. He sees this target with his eyes. And the target, the way he described it, was a huge ball with lights running around it. And I think he said it was like four times as big as a 747!
And the military man said something like, yeah, I see him 35 miles north of Anchorage.
The pilot reported the UFO was bouncing around the 747, The military radar operator would cut in and say, “He’s now at 2 o’clock, moving to 3:00” and he would confirm the position. The military controller has height-finding radar, and they have long-range radar and short-range radar. So, if they don’t catch it on one of their systems, they catch it on the other. And if you listen to the military operator, at one time he said, “I have it on the height radar and my range radar,” which indicated that they had a target on his system.
Drawing of the huge Mothership UFO Compared to the 747
They ran through for the best part of 31 minutes. If they [the UFOs] can travel that far, that distance with that type of machinery, who knows what they could do here for the health of the nation, the people, the cancers we could cure. They must know more than us to be able to travel at that speed.
I’ve got a videotape, voice tape, the reports that were filed that will confirm it all and I’m a high Government official in the FAA. I was a Division Chief. I was only three down from the Admiral.
Japan Air Lines flight 628, a cargo jet with a Captain Terauchi as pilot e, co-pilot and one crew member, was just north of Anchorage, and it was about 8 pm when the pilot first reported the UFO. He described it as a huge ball with lights running around it. He said it was about four times bigger than a747, and he saw it with his own eyes. So did the other two crew members. Over the course of three minutes, the UFO jumped miles in a few seconds, changing places to different spots around the 747, in one sweep of the radar scope. Here is Captain Terauchi’s drawing of the sighting.
This is a silhouette of the spaceship. We could see because of the lights around the center. This is the same size as two aircraft carriers.
Pilot’s drawing of UFO
After receiving the data from Alaska almost two months later, I briefed my boss Harvey Safer and the FAA Administrator Admiral Engen, and Safer and I went to the FAA Tech Center to observe the playback.
The FAA had developed a program capable of recreating the traffic on the controllers’ scope, or plan view display. I instructed the FAA specialist to synchronize the voice tapes with the radar data so we could hear everything the controller and pilot said. I videotaped the radar display. Later that day, I requested that the FAA automation specialists plot the radar targets along the route of flight and explain what each target was doing. I videotaped the resulting chart. The printout and radar play back displayed primary targets in the vicinity of the 747. These target returns were displayed about the same time and place as the pilot advised viewing the UFO.
Captain Terauchi as pilot
Both the radar and manual controller observed the primary target. The military controllers also viewed the primary target on their radar and identified it as a “double primary.” The pilot and crew viewed the target on their radar and were able to see the huge UFO at the same time as it approached their aircraft.
If this craft had been a Leer jet or military aircraft at the wrong altitude, that would have been clear. The FAA has procedures that cover tracking unidentified aircraft violating another’s airspace -but it has no procedures for UFOs. Back at FAA headquarters, I gave Administrator Engen a quick briefing and showed him the video. He set up a briefing with President Reagan’s scientific staff and told me my function was to give them a dog and pony show and hand this event off to them, “since the FAA does not deal with UFO’s.“I brought along a copy of the video and all the data print outs available at the time. One of the scientists asked several questions, such as, what is the range of the radar, what is the frequency of the radar, what is the band width, what is the formula for the height equipment, etc. I was impressed with the response from the FAA experts.
After receiving the data from Alaska almost two months later, I briefed my boss Harvey Safer and the FAA Administrator Admiral Engen, and Safer and I went to the FAA Tech Center to observe the playback.
The FAA had developed a program capable of recreating the traffic on the controllers’ scope, or plan view display. I instructed the FAA specialist to synchronize the voice tapes with the radar data so we could hear everything the controller and pilot said. I videotaped the radar display.
Later that day, I requested that the FAA automation specialists plot the radar targets and the radar play back displayed primary targets in the vicinity of the 747. These target returns were displayed about the same time and place as the pilot advised viewing the UFO. Both the radar and manual controller observed the primary target. The military controllers also viewed the primary target on their radar and identified it as a “double primary.” The pilot and crew viewed the target on their radar and were able to see the huge UFO at the same time as it approached their aircraft.
Here is part of the communication between Captain Terauchi of JAL and ground controllers:
6:19 PM local time: The pilot of JAL1628 requested traffic from the ZAN (FAA Air Route Traffic Control Center, Anchorage) Sector 15 controller.
6:26 PM: ZAN contacted the Military Regional Operations Control Center (ROCC) and asked if they were receiving any radar returns near the position of JAL1628. The ROCC advised that they were receiving a primary radar return in JAL1628’s 10 o’clock (left-front) position at 8 miles.
6:31 PM: JAL1628 advised that the ‘plane’ was ‘quite big,’ at which time the ZAN controller approved any course deviations needed to avoid the traffic.
Captain Terauchi as pilot
Captain Terauchi revealed this was his third sighting of UFOs. JAL downgraded him to a desk job.
If this craft had been a Leer jet or military aircraft at the wrong altitude, that would have been clear. The FAA has procedures that cover tracking unidentified aircraft violating another’s airspace -but it has no procedures for UFOs. Back at FAA headquarters, I gave Administrator Engen a quick briefing and showed him the video. He set up a briefing with President Reagan’s scientific staff and told me my function was to give them a dog and pony show and hand this event off to them, “since the FAA does not deal with UFO’s.” At the end, one of the three people from the CIA said, “This event never happened; we were never here; we’re confiscating all this data and you are all sworn to secrecy.” “What do you think it was?” I asked the CIA person. “A UFO and now they have over 30 minutes of radar to go over,” he responded. “Well let’s get a Twix out and advise the American public that we were visited by a UFO,” I suggested. “No way, if we were to tell the American public there are UFO’s they would panic,” he informed me.
Sometime after the briefing, the detailed FAA report which included extensive interviews with the pilot and crew, the chart prepared at the Tech Center; and facility voice tapes arrived at my office and were placed on a small table waiting for the CIA to request more data. The material stayed there until I retired two years later, and I’ve had it ever since.
On the night of November 17, 1986, the sighting of at least one of the UFOs was confirmed by FAA and U.S. military ground radar. Thanks to Steven Greer, Leslie Kean, and John Callahan
Communist Chinese Warfare is Devious
Arsonist enjoying the Wildfire
I fought Communism in Vietnam, Israel, and Yemen through much of my life and I know they are very clever and devious and underhanded. They are much smarter than most of our politicians. Generally successful sabotage against the U.S is not revealed and considered classified information so you have to watch the news for destruction, fires and lives lost. They may be natural disasters but often they involve sabotage and arson.
I believe Chinese Communist Party of China is using every trick and geoengineering method possible to destroy the U.S.
These include Geoengineering methods, weather Control, satellite direct energy weapons, and bio-warfare. China builds advanced weapons systems using American chip technology from Phytium Inc.
The HAARP and weather control threat has been called a conspiracy theory by the mainstream fake media and by most government officials, but we controlled much of the weather in 1968 and the Chinese have 39,000 weather control personnel in Shanghai alone near their HAARP facility. ttps://climateviewer.com/2018/08/02/weather-control-directed-energy-weapons-fires-rage-worldwide/ttps://climateviewer.com/2018/08/02/weather-control-directed-energy-weapons-fires-rage-worldwide/
During a Senate hearing on May 20, 2014, David Walker, Deputy Secretary of the Air Force for science, technology and engineering, dropped a bombshell in answer to a question asked by Lisa Murkowski in relation to the dismantling of our $300 million High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP) in Alaska.
Walker said,” This is not an area that we have any need for in the future” and it would not be a good use of Air Force research funds to keep HAARP going. “We’re moving on to other ways of managing the ionosphere, which the HAARP was really designed to do,” he said. “To inject energy into the ionosphere to be able to actually control it. But that work has been completed.”
This is not the first time a public official has acknowledged that HAARP and weather control is not only possible, but has been and continues to be used as a “super weapon,” as evidenced by a statement in 1997 by former U.S. Defense Secretary William Cohen, where he said “Others [terrorists] are engaging even in an eco-type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves… There are plenty of ingenious minds out there that are at work finding ways in which they can wreak terror upon other nations…It’s real, and that’s the reason why we have to intensify our [counterterrorism] efforts.” https://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/air-force-bombshell-admits-they-can-control-weather-haarp
Many believe HAARP was created and has been used for weather control, with enough juice to trigger hurricanes, tornadoes and even earthquakes and comments such as this bring about the question of whether conspiracy theorists are more on target than anyone has admitted to date.
Why the Chinese did not allow domestic travel from Wuhan, China but allowed millions of Chinese people to travel from Wuhan to all other parts of the world carrying
COVID 19 killing millions of people, which allowed the coronavirus to spread worldwide killing half a million Americans. They had an effective vaccine a year earlier than the US and claim only 15,000 Chinese died due to their advanced medical ability. The Chinese have taken virtually every technology developed in the US and often improved on it including all types of aircraft and missiles.
Five HAARPs (H) Facilities Japan’s Fukushima Earthquake and Tsunami (EQ)
The Chinese Communists have developed at least five HAARP like facilities, three in the Gobi Desert, one near Shanghai, and a similar facility on the Hainan Island in the South China Sea. Some are also likely mounted a HAARP on a ships and are able to move to key locations and conduct geoengineering. Virtually everything we have like missiles, aircraft, weapons they have been copied in larger numbers. and built in China with improvements.
Weather Control is not new.
President Johnson used weather control in 1968 dropping silver oxide on the North Vietnamese roads to slow their movement of supplies.
The South China Morning Post in 2018, revealed that a me scientists believe it could have more alarming uses such as causing natural disasters like hurricanes
me scientists believe it could have more alarming uses such as causing natural disasters like hurricanes.
China is massively expanding its weather-control project, and is aiming to be able to cover half the country in artificial rain and snow.
Chinese radar facility on the island of Hainan, China’s southernmost point. Described as a “high-powered incoherent scatter radar,” this installation will bounce radio waves off the Earth’s high-altitude layer of charged gas called the ionosphere. China has built the world’s most powerful particle accelerator, building the largest single dish radio telescope, or racing other nations to the nuclear fusion finish line—experts think the new facility is more interested in military matters than discovering the secrets of Earth’s upper atmosphere. Most powerful radar that can punch holes in the ionosphere. It is felt the equipment can affect the space weather.
China has been branded the world’s worst executioner as the state kills thousands of people every year using firing squads, lethal injections, and mobile death vans. The true numbers of those killed by the Communist Party are thought to be exceptionally high – but thy are state secrets.
The fires and high temperatures are affected by odd Jet Stream Pattern and bring smoke to the Eastern US.
HAARP Facilities Heat the Middle Atmosphere and affect the Jet Stream
There is evidence the jet stream is moving in ways that do he most damage to the Western US bringing three weeks of exceptionally high temperatures and strong winds that help feed the fires. One of, if not the, worst heat wave in the region’s modern records impacted the Pacific Northwest of the United States and western Canada during late June 2021. China has used the HAARP facilities to push and pull the jet stream that passes through China and is pushed north into Canada the US bringing record cold temperatures. Causing the jet stream to move south and pick-up record-breaking heat domes near the equator. The severe drought in the Wes is not an accident of nature.
HAARP putting Tremendous Energy and high pressure into Jet stream
HAARP has been blamed by conspiracy theorists for a range of events, including numerous natural disasters. That includes weather warfare, earthquakes, and hurricanes’ The idea behind Weather Control is simple, when you see and experience a strong thunderstorm, with a lot of lightning and thunder, what fact about this storm strikes you the most? Are you not impressed by the powerful display of energy that you witness? Energy is the primary ingredient behind nature’s storms.
Dr. Begich explain this concept, “This invention provides the ability to put unprecedented amounts of power in the Earth’s atmosphere at strategic locations and to maintain the power injection level, particularly if random pulsing is employed, in a manner far more precise and better controlled than heretofore accomplished by the prior art. The jet stream flows over China and they are likely to change its course and create high pressure in the atmosphere when it reaches the United States. There has r been three unprecedented heat domes this year causing record breaking temperatures well over a 110 degrees Forethought. It is unusual to have one heat dome per year displaying evidence that China is controlling our weather.
.High pressure in the middle layers of the atmosphere acts as a dome or cap allowing heat to build up at the earth’s surface.
There is a high-pressure system, stronger than ever observed in the United Stats.
The Jet Stream brings the heat and the weather from China. HAARP machines apparently can increate the high pressure system over the U.S. Even if the Intelligence officials are aware of the sabotage it is unlikely it will be revealed. Expect a long period of unnatural extreme heat.
Everything in China is directed by the Communist Party for example Chinese pharmaceutical companies are often run by generals to make fentanyl and meth for profit. Three million people mostly Moslems are in Chinese Communist’s concentration camps with smoking crematoriums. The Chinese have built the largest Military in the world copying our best equipment and making improvements.
The Chinese Communist’s even seem to even control the US evening television news that is very favorable to China. I have I watched every night for years and on Monday they reported China hacked the Microsoft Exchange but never mention the major hacking during the election. China has recently sunk Philippine fishing boats and murdered 20,000 Indian troops according to India News reports on the border but not on US news.
Some 8,000 wildfires occurred in California, many started by lightning, but many people see beams of light coming from the sky that may belong to Chinese, Russia, or Iranian Directed energy satellites.
Sabotage of US
As an Intelligence Officer I look for evidence of sabotage. Many people report seeing beams of light coming from satellites.
U.S. Rep. Marjorie Taylor Greene of Georgia speculated that the real culprit behind the November 2018 wildfires in California may have been laser beam from space. The West Coast is burning, and insurers are fleeing. Since February the Western half of the U.S. has been facing a record-breaking wildfire season. In California, wildfires have now burned over 4 million acres — double the destruction that the 2018 wildfires caused. So far, 8,400 buildings have been destroyed in California wild land fires
The U.S. Department of Interior states as many as 90 percent of wild land fires in the United States are caused by people lighting the fires The remaining 10 percent are started by lightning or lava.
Beams of light coming from space started the Dolan fire in California. Cars have been burned melting glass and metal that does not normally happen with wildfires. Towns have been burned to the ground while the forest around them is untouched by fire.
According to Verisk’s 2019 Wildfire Risk Analysis 4.5 million U.S. homes were identified at high or extreme risk of wildfire, with more than 2 million in California alone.
2020: By December 18, 2020, there were about 57,000 wildfires compared with 50,477 in 2019, according to the National Interagency Fire Center. More than 10.3 million acres were burned in 2020, compared with 4.7 million acres in 2019. Five of the top 20 largest California wildfires fires occurred in 2020, according to CalFire’s list. Wildfires in California have burned a record 4.2 million acres, damaging or destroying 10,500 structures and killing 31 people.
Wildfires are occurring all over the US and in many other democracies like Australia.
The West Coast is burning, and insurers are fleeing, and a few people are committing arson and sabotage are caught. Since February the Western half of the U.S. has been facing a record-breaking wildfire season. In California, wildfires have now burned over 4 million acres — double the destruction that the 2018 wildfires caused. In 2020, 8,400 buildings have been destroyed in California alone.
Through much of September, at least a thousand or more nd eight large wildfires each of 100,000 acres and were burning in Washington and Oregon, with 3 in Washington and 5 in Oregon. This was unprecedented for those two states, which combined only saw a total of 26 large fires from 1997 to 2019. Deaths: 46 (32 in California, 11 in Oregon, 1 in Washington, 2 in Colorado), numerous towns destroyed
Wildfires on July 22, 2021, two lines of fires from NW to SE
There is some evidence that the fires might be started by satellite. Many of the fires in the past are on a line from west to east and shortly after satellites pass over. People claim to see fire coming down from space. California had 8,194 wildfires in 2018 costing $10,380. millions for just one campfire. Thousands of wildfires per state is common indicating these are not all accidental wildfires.
YouTube video of direct energy weapons coming from sky setting fires.
We know China has Direct energy weapons, laser, infrared, mirror, and satellites that can magnify the sun passing over the US. Douglas MacKinnon of the Daily Sun writes, “China’s space supremacy could wipe out our satellites and send us back to the Stone Age. As you read this, the Communist People’s Republic of China continues its military program to identify and target every single satellite in Earth orbit needed by the United States for its survival.” https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=9mYISCNn&
Houses are burned but forest is not suggesting Satellite are causing fires. Many people report seeing the beams prior to the fires,.
Insiders claim since 2017 – 2021there has been a large increase in the wildfires suggesting a deliberate plan to sabotage the US. Many homes are destroyed away from any wildfires indicting fire from the sky. That should be of concern to the political and military leadership of the United States and those of our allies particularly since we have proof of Chinese espionage and sabotage in many other areas.
For example, China spread the COVID-19 from Wuhan all over the world but restricted all travel in China. The developed their vaccine was ready at least a year before ours. China claims their advanced medical system kept Chinese deaths down to 15,000 compared to 600,000 US deaths and they claim COVID 19 virus was wiped out of China by June of last year. Communist media reminds the Chinese people they are at war with the US.
My experience has been as an Intelligence officer to listen carefully to what the politically motivated intelligence leaders say and believe the opposite. China is much stronger than they will admit and every logical and diabolical trick they can create is used to defeat the US. Their Chinese companies are run by generals to dream up ways to defeat democracies.
Strange Craft
The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at airfields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing UFOs off their plane’s wings. Award-winning investigative author John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFOs over during the Cuban Missile Crisis to lights over the DMZ in Vietnam Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters,
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. As a member of the Disclosure Project, military experts, astronauts, and scientists urge the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public.
Filer describes his UFO encounters in this incredible book. By John L. Guerra. https://amzn.to/2SK3SIQ
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
California Object
Fairfield – on March 30, 2021, it was white I don’t know why but I felt it knew we were watching it.
Delaware Disc
Milford – March 2, 2021, the game camera took a picture of a black round disk.
Note: There was no lights on the object and there is some grayness on the picture that could be a camera anomaly. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Idaho Light
Filer – on July 17, 2021, pulsating lights only half of shape could be seen by naked eye. Oval without lighting markers. Pulsing the whole time while suspended.
Illinois Lights
Rock Island – on July 3, 2021, I witnessed a triangle shaped UFO up close as I traveled west on I-80. I traveled toward ball of light, filming for 30 minutes. At 10pm this ball of light descended toward me fast with a fluorescent green glow. At an altitude of 100 feet and 200 yards away it slowed and crossed my path as I got this photo.
It was triangle shaped ship with 3 bright lights of every color swirling like plasma. I chased it and managed to get nearly beneath it again. I drove around Rock Island tracking this object, but it disappeared.
Kansas Object
Emporia — on June 29, 2021Tic Tac sighting.
Maryland Object
Annapolis –on April 19, 2021, this is hard to describe so I made this sketch. It was at 5:30 am the triangle flew over.
Nebraska Object
Omaha in early spring we were driving to Council Bluffs at 9 pm when I saw this disk and asked my dad to stop the car. He didn’t but we were able to see it for an hour when we got home.
Ohio Object
New Richmond – on July 18, 2021, my wife and I were coming down our driveway and she said she saw a light in the sky. We began to video tape the light. It moved southeast then hovered changing shape, glowing ball then a triangle.
Oklahoma Object
Tulsa –on July 20, 2021, we saw a dark grey hovering object with a rear ghoulish orange light. At first the light began to dim and then brighten twice before fading away.
South Dakota Object
Rapid City – on July 18, 2021, we were in the backyard when a wobbly black disk flew overhead.
Texas Light
Lubbock – on July 17, 2021, thought this could be drone but too bright and too far away. I do have video.
Utah Object
South Ogden ‘’ on July 15, 2021, nearly flat, donut looking object traveled across the sky, like a balloon, but it was way faster and there was no wind.
Washington Lights
Forks – on July 19, 2021, I was riding my horse that has often spooked by low aircraft, so I was watching the sky when I saw a UFO. It was a few miles away coming towards me silently but changed directions and the horse was o.k.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Object
Calgary – on September 6, 2019, I saw flames like a large comet descending that stopped and hovered into multiple glowing balls. They joined and separated.
Columbia Light
GPalermo Magdalena –– on April 6, 2021, next to the Puente Pumarejo bridge on the Magdalena River. I was taking pictures of a “sun halo.”
Note: The bright spot in the photo is not a real object. It is a lens flare as the result of taking a photo of the Sun. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Peru Light
Lima – November 16, 2016, half-cylindrical stationary light observed in southwest at 6 pm. I went to the roof to see it move towards me, despite the scare. I continued recording.
South Africa Object Drawing
Velddrif – on July 15, 2021, it was 100 meters from me at 4 am while taking my dog out. I live on the west coast, and I made a sketch of what as flew silently overhead.
UK/England Lights
London –on November 18, 2018, I finished work around 6pm, and observed a Laser show near Heathrow airport. My brother and I saw these astounding fast lights. I was told this is a laser light. But laser light comes with a trail from point A to B and there was no trail.
Telford, England – on July 18, 2021, after viewing my photos later I noticed the UFOs
I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2021 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net and sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women, Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick, my grandsons who both drowned. These files could not be published without the help of my beloved wife who cooks, cleans, washes, etc., and handles the finances. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually!