Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Www.nationalUFOcenter.com. Now receiving 3 to 4 million hits a month
Sending out 32,000 emails a week
In special reports, this week’s files cover: President James Earl Carter Saw UFO, Huge Mother-ships Indicate Extraterrestrial Life, F89 Found in Lake, Alien Raptors, Hunter Biden’s Story, Alien Contact, Abortion Suicides, Strange Craft and C-60.,
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, Arkansas, California, Michigan, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oregon, Tennessee, and Texas.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, France, Germany, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
News not carried on fake National TV News
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
President James Earl Carter Saw UFO
When Governor of Georgia at a Southern Governors’ Conference President Carter states, “I don’t laugh at people any more when they say they’ve seen UFOs. I’ve seen one myself. “It was the dandiest thing I’ve ever seen. It was big; it was very bright; it changed colors and it was about the size of the moon ….” We watched it for ten minutes, but none of us could figure out what it was. “One thing’s for sure, I’ll never make fun of people who say they’ve seen unidentified objects in the sky.” If I become President, I’ll make every piece of information that this Country has about UFO sightings available to the public and scientists.”
[Later, after he had been elected to the Presidency, he changed his mind.]Huge Mother-ships Indicate Extraterrestrial Life
Huge Mother-ships Indicate Extraterrestrial Life
Believed to be first photo of a UFO, courtesy of Sam Sherman.
Reports of large, cigar or cylinder shaped, aircraft carrier sized UFOs also known, as ‘Motherships’ appear to have started as early as 1870, with a wave of sightings in 1896-7 with sightings throughout the Midwest United States.
The first Zeppelin flew in 1900 in Germany. A wave of sightings was reported over England in 1909. During World War I hardly a night would go by without numerous reports of German Zeppelin activity over the UK, but the Germans only had one Naval Zeppelin and five Army airships in service when war was declared. Historian Dr. David Clarke claims that within a few months most of the Zeppelins had been destroyed or wrecked. German records reveal Zeppelin activity was very limited anywhere near the UK, yet pilots and other military personnel reported thousands of sightings of huge cylinder shaped airships over England.
Captain Stansfield of the trawler SS Ape and many of his crew on December 15, 1914, reported sighting a black airship. After the war airship records were read and all German airships were in their hangars due to bad weather. On September 6, 1914, Flight Commander C. E. Rathborne of the Felixstowe Naval Air Station, Suffolk, returned from an early morning patrol in his seaplane to make perhaps the first report of a UFO by a military officer. “At 5:35 AM, whilst on patrol, I sighted an airship steering south-southeast, with a silver-colored envelope on the horizon while flying at 1,300 feet, 27 miles south of Orfordness.” Scottish Command Intelligence estimated the total number of reports of “enemy signaling” to be as high as 2,000 during 1914 alone. By January 31, 1916, nine Naval Zeppelins had been built and were ordered to bomb central England.
The Zeppelin fleet over the North Sea.
The Zeppelin scares and rumors generated thousands of reports of phantom airships that, based on their records, seldom ever flew near England.
Based on the descriptions of cylinder shaped craft, it appears many of the reports may have been Mothership UFOs. Often English pilots would pursue the zeppelins across the sky but they had little chance of catching them. The zeppelins would be at a considerable altitude and the Zeppelin’s cruising speed was often comparable to that of the airplane chasing it. To make matters worse, if a pilot did manage to catch up to the airship, the zeppelins were bristling with machine guns.
The British National Archives has a World War II report discovered by UFO researchers David Clark and Andy Roberts from RAF 61 Squadron. Aircraft Commander J, Captain W/O Lever reports, “The object was seen by the entire crew of the above aircraft during raid on TURIN, the night of November 28/29th, 1942.
They believe it to have been 200-300 feet in length and its width is estimated at 1/5th or 1/6th of its length. The speed was estimated at 500 mph, and it had four pairs of red lights spaced at equal distances along its body. These lights did not appear in any way like exhaust flames; no trace was seen. The object kept a level course.
Illustration of Mother-ship in World War II
The crew saw the object twice during the raid and brief details are given below. After bombing, time 2240 hours, aircraft height 11,000 feet. The aircraft at this time was some 10/15 miles southwest of Turin traveling in a northwesterly direction. The object was traveling southeast at the same height or slightly below the aircraft. After bombing, time 2245 hours, a/c height 14,000 feet. The aircraft was approaching the Alps when the object was seen again traveling west-southwest up a valley in the Alps below the level of the peaks. The lights appeared to go out and the object disappeared from view.”
“The captain reports that he saw a similar object three months ago North of Amsterdam. In this instance it appeared to be on the ground and later traveling at high speed at a lower level than the heights given above along the coast for about two seconds; the lights then went out for the same period of time and came on again, and the object was still seen to be traveling in the same direction.”
Rhode Island Mothership
Cumberland — Mothership photo was taken by Joe Ferriere a radio announcer with his Pho-Tak 620 Reflex camera on July 3, 1967, 7:15 PM. He took seven photos of the Mother-ship with 620 films. The belly hach opened up and disc aircraft were launched.
British author Nick Redfern states, British Military records reveal that a fleet of flying discs — called ‘Foo Fighters’ — were launched from huge cigar-shaped Mother craft during B-17 daylight raids over Germany in 1943. The huge aircraft-carrier sized Mothership cut through a flight of B-17 bombers launching its discs in front of the B-17 amazed aircrews.
George Adamski allegedly took this photo showing the launch operation from the Mother-ship.
During the 1950s and 1960s so called Mother-ships were seen in fairly large numbers. These are exceptionally large craft usually cylinder or cigar shaped craft although some are reported to be disc shaped. The Mother-ships are essentially modern-day aircraft carriers.
They are usually described as being hundreds to thousands of feet in length, and were often reported launching smaller disc shaped craft. The operations were similar in size and complexity to launches and recovery of craft like our own aircraft carriers. Usually these operations would be seen in the early evening with recovery of the scout discs occurring later in the evening. The scout disc craft apparently carried out abduction operations, scavenging for food and minerals. The disc shaped craft have often been reported above power lines or power stations. We can speculate that they are able to recharge their propulsion systems using electrical power. Occasionally, these operations cause power outages. These Mother-ships suggest an extraterrestrial origin for such large craft.
Astronaut Photography of Mother-ship from Earth
Photo Courtesy of NASA
The region above where Mother-ship was near Greenland over the Atlantic Ocean. ISS Astronaut Photography of Earth from the NASA website where this photo was studied. Below is enhancement of above Mothership traveling above the atmosphere?
Object appears metallic with dark rings at both ends. Analysis and discovery of unusual features was by Steve Tobias UFO Researcher USAF Veteran
Mars Images Suggest Life
Russian Colonel Dr. Maria Popovitch whose husband Pavel is a general and cosmonaut claims, “The last transmissions from the Soviet Phobos 2 satellite was an image of a gigantic cylindrical Mother-ship photographed on 25 March 1989.
Mothership over Mars taken by USSR
After that last frame was transmitted to Earth, the probe mysteriously disappeared. One transmission showed an oblong like a marquise shaped shadow on the surface of Mars. According to Dr. John Becklake of the London Science Museum the shadow is something that is between the spacecraft and Mars. He stressed that the object was seen by both the optical and the infrared (heat seeking) cameras. The spindle shadow is inconsistent with any possible shadow cast by the moon Phobos and is similar to a giant, hovering cylinder- shaped mother craft.
Cylinder craft are also being observed flying over the Mar’s Rovers on a fairly regular basis.
EXETER New Hampshire — Adam Dolge writes, “There was something odd in the sky last week, something that caused a Navy veteran with 10,000 hours of flight experience to have his own close encounter. The former flight engineer, who wished to be identified only as “David”, said of the experience, “this was like nothing I’ve ever seen before.” What the retired Navy chief petty officer said he saw on July 20, 2005, could only be classified as a UFO, an unidentified flying object. It was a bright and sunny afternoon, about 3:15 p.m., and David was outside and at bottom of his glass he saw a large cigar-shaped object hovering in the sky. David said windows were equally spaced around the object; however he didn’t see anyone or anything inside. The size of the object was enormous. He said it was about the size of two USS Nimitz aircraft carriers.
New Hampshire Huge UFO sighting
The image above is a colorized version with windows inserted of July 3, 1967, 7:15 PM,
. “But, the instant I put my glass down, I said, ‘that’s not a blimp.'” The object moved from west to east, very slowly for something that size, he said. His initial instinct was that the object was moving at about 100 knots, but something that big shouldn’t be able to stay in the air if it’s going that slow, he said. The object began changing colors from bright silver to an orange-ish red. Thanks to Brian Vike
George Adamski allegedly took this photo showing the launch operation from the Mother-ship.
During the 1950s and 1960s so called Mother-ships were seen in fairly large numbers. These are exceptionally large craft usually cylinder or cigar shaped craft although some are reported to be disc shaped. The Mother-ships are essentially modern-day aircraft carriers.
They are usually described as being hundreds to thousands of feet in length, and were often reported launching smaller disc shaped craft. The operations were similar in size and complexity to launches and recovery of craft like our own aircraft carriers. Usually these operations would be seen in the early evening with recovery of the scout discs occurring later in the evening. The scout disc craft apparently carried out abduction operations, scavenging for food and minerals. The disc shaped craft have often been reported above power lines or power stations. We can speculate that they are able to recharge their propulsion systems using electrical power. Occasionally, these operations cause power outages. These Mother-ships suggest an extraterrestrial origin for such large craft.
F-89 Jet Fighter Found in Lake Superior
Port Huron – Divers from the Great Lakes Dive Company claim to have located a US Air Force F-89 Scorpion jet fighter that disappeared in 1953, over Lake Superior. The F-89 with tail number 51-5853A was piloted by 1st Lt. Felix Moncla, Jr, with Second Lt. Robert L. Wilson as the Radar Intercept Officer. The divers using sophisticated side scan sonar have located two possible aircraft and a third unidentified object in deep water. The wreckage of the plane and object that the F-89 collided with it until now has never been found.
I spoke with a radar operator who worked in the Air Defense Command radar site on November 23, 1953. During the evening radar picked up an unidentified target over Lake Superior. Kinross Air Force Base nearby alerted the 433rd Fighter Interceptor Squadron at Truax Field, in Madison, Wisconsin, and an F-89 C all-weather interceptor was scrambled. U.S. Air Force accident report records indicate that the F-89 was vectored WNW, then W, climbing to 30,000 feet. While on a westerly course, the F-89 was cleared to descend to 7,000 feet, turning ENE and coming steeply down to the unknown target from above. The last radar contact placed the interceptor at 8,000 feet, 70 miles off Keeweenaw Point. The F-89 was trying to intercept and investigate an unusual radar blip when it crashed. Radar operators watched as the “blips” of the UFO and the F-89 merged on their scopes, in an apparent collision, and disappeared. No trace of the plane was ever found. The U.S. Air Force claimed the F-89 was launched to intercept a Royal Canadian Air Force C-47, later the fighter jet had collided with the Canadian transport plane, but the RCAF then, and the CAF today deny any of their planes was over the lake on that date.
The same day an F-89 from the same squadron crashed and also had some kind of catastrophe that didn’t give the crew time to eject. Despite repeated engine changes, problems persisted, compounded by the discovery of structural problems with the wings that forced a refit of 194 -A, -B, and -C models. When I chased a UFO we flew faster than the red lined speed limit of our aircraft during the thrill of the chase. The underwater F-89 is missing a wing.
Great Lakes Dive Company representative Jimenez claims that the plane is mostly intact and lying upright in deep water and in searching the general vicinity of the wreck, we found an unidentified object that apparently hit the F-89. One wing of the aircraft is missing and is likely the point of contact. Jimenez declined to identify the other object. A documentary on the history, search and discovery of the F-89 and the mystery object is being filmed. (
Alien Raptors
Derek Tyler writes this is what the Raptors look like. In the, a figure of one is standing beside one of the original Raptors from the age of dinosaurs, for comparison.
They are traditionally quite happy to dine on humans, but it is reported that their Queen has looked down the two main possible timelines for the future and seen that their long-term prospects are better if they stop targeting us and work with us instead. Their spacecraft are cigar shaped, with a red light at each end and a flashing red light in the middle. The Raptors appear like a humanoid reptile is likely to look.
Hunter Biden’s Story
The Delaware Computer repair shop owner, John Paul Mac Isaac, told The New York Post a man who he cannot identify left the Mac Book Pro in April 2019 that was owned by Hunter Biden the son of Vice President Jo Biden. He never returned, and Mr. Isaac eventually took custody. He gave a download of the contents to the FBI and lawyer Rudolph Giuliani who provided the data to the N.Y. Post. Allegedly his investment firm was given one and one half Billion dollars by China. The hard drive also held explicit sex scenes involving drugs and criminal activity according to the FBI.
Gulani’ss lawyer, told Fox News on Wednesday that the hard drive contains 40,000 emails, thousands of text messages, photographs and videos. Hunter Biden’s attorney has not disputed that his client used the laptop.
Reportedly the FBI found evidence of this crime with proof the laptop computer belonged to Biden and was not a Russian disinformation plot..
The emails allegedly contained evidence of pay-to-play corruption where Hunter Biden sold access to Joe Biden whereby Joe Biden manipulated foreign policy to financially benefit his son and his business partners.
This lie about the laptop being part of a Russian disinformation campaign collapsed for good when Fox News broke the bombshell story that the FBI subpoenaed the laptop from the Delaware computer store where it was dropped off for repairs and never picked up as part of a money laundering investigation.
Fox News exclusively reported, “The FBI’s subpoena of a laptop and hard drive purportedly belonging to Hunter Biden came in connection with a money laundering investigation in late 2019, according to documents obtained by Fox News and verified by multiple federal law enforcement officials who reviewed them.”
Fox News also put the fake news media nonsense about the laptop not being the original source of the emails to bed by naming the FBI agent who signed out the laptop as well as the investigation code.
“Multiple federal law enforcement officials, as well as two separate government officials, confirmed the authenticity of these documents, which were signed by FBI Special Agent Joshua Wilson. Wilson did not immediately respond to Fox News’ request for comment,” Fox News also reported.
Fox News reported, “The document has a ‘Case ID’ section, which is filled in with a hand-written number: 272D-BA-3065729.”The FBI cannot open a criminal investigation unless there is a strong predicate to suspect illegal activity.. “The FBI cannot open a case without predication, so they believed there was predication for criminal activity,” a source told Fox News. “This means there was sufficient evidence to believe that there was criminal conduct.”
The source continued that since an investigation was opened and a subpoena was issued, that meant the FBI had a strong reason to believe there was evidence of a criminal scheme on Hunter Biden’s laptop.
“If a criminal case was opened and subpoenas were issued, that means there is a high likelihood that both the laptop and hard drive contain fruits of criminal activity,” the source added. The FBI came into possession of this laptop in December 2019.
That meant while impeachment was taking place and the Democrats were claiming Donald Trump invented the fact that Joe and Hunter Biden needed to be investigated for corruption, the FBI hid the fact that it opened a money laundering investigation that touched on Hunter Biden’s business activities.
The FBI had evidence that would prove President Trump’s innocence.
- Hunter Biden business associate’s text messages indicate meeting with Joe Biden and messages proving a portion of the money was given to the Chairman that is assumed to be Joe Biden.
Tony Bobulinski’s TV ‘show not carried by major TV News
Hunter Biden’s e-business partner Tony Bobulinski was warned “don’t mention Joe” in a 2017 text exchange which emerged following Bobulinski’s bombshell statement to The Post.
He is expected to appear in the Senate and FBI to testify and has already appeared on TV numerous of times and turned his phone over to the FBI . The former business partner on Thursday directly implicated Joseph R. Biden in his son Hunter’s foreign deals to cash in on his father’s political position.
Hunter Biden’s business partner played key role in meeting between Chinese businessmen, Obama staff Vice President-elect, Sen. Joe Biden, D-Del., stands with his son Hunter during a photo.
A former business partner on Thursday directly implicated Joseph R. Biden in his son Hunter’s foreign deals to cash in on his father’s political clout. “It was made clear to me that Joe … A high-powered delegation of Chinese communist industrialists was able to gain access to senior Obama White House officials during a 2011 U.S. visit thanks to Devon Archer, Hunter Biden’s principal business partner, newly disclosed emails show.
The emails show that the Archer-Hunter Biden team was using the White House and Hunter’s father, then-Vice President Joseph R. Biden, as springboards for lucrative deals in China that followed. He frequently flew on Air Force 2 plane with his father.
SEE ALSO: FBI investigating possible Russian connection to purported Hunter Biden laptop: Reports
Hunter resigned in April 2019 from the board of Burisma Holdings, the Ukraine natural gas company where he served with his business partner, Devon Archer. Burisma hired Hunter Biden after his father was named the White House’s point man on Ukraine. He and Mr. Archer earned millions of dollars from Burisma, a Senate report released last month found. Allegedly, Russian Moscow mayor’s wife gave Hunter for four million dollars for unknown favors. Finally, Joe is the real Manchurian candidate as he is owned by the Communist Chinese government and has already sold us out to them. Washington Time, Fox News, and New York Post
Book 2 Alien Contact Parading Shift
Volume 2 of the Alien Contact series. Sequel to the #1 Best Sellers Alien Contact: The Difficult Truth. A unique, compelling and cutting-edge manuscript which contains previously-unpublished information, photographs, analysis and discussion of many aspects of the alien contact phenomenon, including a thorough debunking of Darwinian human evolution, America’s secret underground bases on Mars, why disclosure will not occur in the near future and much more. This book provides a valuable, unbiased resource for those who wish to learn the truth about alien contact, both the good and the bad. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Alien+Contact%3A+%3A+Paradigm+Shift&cvid=4331cc5dc2b644668982cb30c2de8ea9&FORM=ANAB01&PC=HCTS
“Twenty Twenty percent of woman who had abortions actually attempt suicide’.
A Million Black and White Babies Lives Matter Each Year
A study, conducted by David C Reardon of the Since Roe vs. Wade decision by the Liberal Supreme Court sixty one million (61000,000) innocent and defenseless babies have been killed, ten times more Jews than Hitler killed. All US officials have the responsibility it to protect unborn living babies. Destiny has taken Ruth Ginsberg’s life and given the Supreme Court a Conservative new member in Amy Barrette to stop or limit the Genocide.
“Planned Parenthood bragged a million three hundred babies were murdered last year. And they appeared under oath in court on Sep 04, 2019, and admitted supplying the cut up body parts of children in the womb to for-profit brokers like Stem Express. “I have been receiving dire warnings that the killing of a million babies a year must stop and, God, Mother Nature or aliens is taking a born life for each unborn baby. The coronavirus plague, fires, hurricanes earthquakes, high temperatures, drought, and tidal waves are just the beginning.
Elliot Institute studied 173,000 American women who either had abortions or carried to term. Reardon was described in the New York Times Magazine as the “Moses” of the “post-abortion movement”.
Reardon found that women who aborted were 154% more likely to commit suicide than women who gave birth. Another survey cited by David Reardon in his book Aborted Women, Silent No More (Springfield, IL: Acorn Books, 2002) stated, “Up to 60% of women who had abortions had subsequent suicidal feelings, with 28% actually attempting 364,000 suicide ‘per year… Help stop one million women from attempting suicide in the next four years!- Elliot Institute is a national nonprofit organization dedicated to research, education and outreach regarding the effects of abortion on women, men, families and society.
Eliot Institute
Aborted Women, Silent No More is the book that is redefined the abortion debate, bringing post-abortion issues center stage.
A comprehensive review of the aftereffects of abortion, this book documents:
- The physical and psychological after effects of abortion
- Complete testimonies of 20 aborted women
- A detailed national survey of 252 aborted women
It is a definitive work. Focus on the Family’s Librarian’s World recommends it as “an excellent resource recommended for all libraries.
An expose’ of the unscrupulous abortion merchants.” – Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist. Cuts through platitudes gives exploited women an expose’ of the unscrupulous abortion merchants.” – Cal Thomas, syndicated columnist. Cuts through platitudes gives exploited women a voice.” – National Catholic Reporter
“Or you can contact us at el*************@gm***.com or (217 525-8202 to place an order. Thanks for your interest! When you g to final judgment you may be asked, “Why did you kill me mother”.
Strange Craft
The True Story of Major George Filer an Air Force Intelligence Officer and flyer’s Life with UFOs.
Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere. These men – military professionals began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
Award-winning investigative reporter John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base/ McGuire AFB in 1978 – is fully recounted. UFO information, for the first time, after decades of denying what its intelligence officers, pilots, and air traffic control personnel know to be true, the military finally admitted to what Filer describes in this incredible book. By John L. Guerra (Author) click on this link:
Stop the Pain and Regain Youth with c-60.com
Greska’s Carbon-60 is a Breakthrough health technology. Strengthen your immune system during this pandemic, attain high clarity, d increased longevity.
Greska’s Carbon-60 is a Breakthrough health technology. Strengthen your immune system during this pandemic, reduce pain rejuvenate muscles and organs attain high clarity, and increased longevity.
I used C=60 to heal my wrist, thigh, keeps and even a toothache. Carbon has long been known as a natural detoxifier but up until now ha never been of this tiny size and orbit small enough to enter the millions of cells where many toxins are trapped and bring these cells back to health. Increase speed, strength, healing, and vitality. Tell Filer sent you 303-521-4001 www.C-60.com
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arizona Light
Sedona – On October 20, 2 20, my Oculus all sky camera was running all night in hopes of capturing an Orionid Meteor. In the morning as I reviewed my video I noticed this string of 5-6 lights that appeared than vanished. I slowed down this video to 1/8 normal speed and booster contrast a bit and brightened the video and a still from it I made.
Arkansas Lights
Huntsville — On October19,2020,
This video was taken from a game camera on our family hunting property. Notice the quick change of direction at the very end of the video. The deer in the video moves it’s head upward causing the video to start. I’m presuming the “UFO” did not make noise because the deer did not look up as it flew over.
California Object
I will not divulge my identity nor my exact location. However, I will let you know this happened in Southern California. On January 20, 2020
I fell asleep while watching TV. I awoke at about 2 AM to the sound of someone talking on TV. It wasn’t very loud and I thought that I should turn off the TV. Then, I noticed something moving out of the corner of my eye. I turned to look and saw a black mass hovering over our table in the kitchen area. It was completely silent. Panic set in. I was petrified at what I saw. I could not breathe nor move; I was frozen in fear. I tried to get out a scream, but couldn’t. I tried and tried then eventually I found myself screaming over and over again. My wife, who was asleep in the other room, ran into the living room. While she was entering the room, I saw the black mass in our kitchen shrink and then disappear completely. Unfortunately, my wife had just missed it.
Note: This is an interesting case and one for the Xfiles. It is certainly a paranormal eve. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Michigan Light as
Brighton — I was looking up at the sky since there are animal traps on my roof to catch the flying squirrels in my attic. The moment I looked up to view the trap, I saw come over my house a completely white object with 2 shapes to it on October16, 2020. O ne end was rectangular, and one end was rounded. The sky was blue with no clouds. This object sped up a little, then slowed down, the sped up a little, then slowed down and then stopped. It then disappeared. The total time span was about 15 seconds. There was absolutely no sound.
New Jersey Object
North Wildwood – On September 30, 2020 my boyfriend were taking a few pictures of the moon over the ocean from our porch. Like we do on many occasions. But we never had the anomalies that we had on this particular night. We are not sure what they are but feel it is worth a look. I am providing the unedited photos and the photos with anomaly circled.
Air National Guard Base –My mother & I went to visit my Mothers Brother, Jack at the Air National Guard Base in New Jersey at night on a weekend in the summer of 1962 or 63, I think! After going outside, we observed a glowing white Orb moving slowly toward the Base & went behind the tower. We waited to see it come out the other side but it didn’t come out of the other side but suddenly, it shot straight up at astonishing speed into the sky, out of sight! I was about 12 or 13 years old at the time but we never reported the sighting because we thought it might be something connected to the Base & who would believe us anyway! But, since watching your show Hanger 1
New York Dark Objects
Mary — Three 3 black orbs and helicopter.
Photo courtesy of MUFON.com
Taken on Oct 16, 2020
Ohio Cylinder
Waverly –– October23, 2020,
it was a white cigar shaped object flying in a straight line with no sound no visible appendages.
Oregon Lights
Newberg – On October14, 2020, 6:09 am Newberg Oregon. I took my 2 dogs out to pee. I noticed the stars out; it was still dark outside, cold and clear with some light thin clouds in the sky. I noticed some star constellations, they were very bright. Orisons Belt, then I looked left and saw one of the dippers. Then looked toward the west and saw over 30 stars in a row. A straight line and the line were moving. An example is an open strand of pearls and if you were pulling them in a straight line. They were moving toward 30degrees. There was a cloud I could not see through, a thin cloud. I was not able to see them once they moved behind the cloud. I told my husband in a frantic tone “there are UFO’s in the sky” I ran downstairs to film. I tried videoing the lights, 3-5 times, but it was so dark and they were not showing up. Maybe with good photo editing, they can be seen. Anyway, my husband ran outside and watched as the last 20-30 were heading into the cloud bank. What was really strange (it was all strange) the last light was not at the same distance as all the other lights before it in line. It was “falling behind”. Then it got light out within a few minutes and it was over.
Tennessee Flame
Nolensville – On October18, 2020, me and my family observed a glowing gold object with a flame line top. It looked a bit like the comet hale bop but it was more defined and pencil like in shape. It was glowing/blazing very bright. At first I thought it might be a comet but I couldn’t find anything online about that. We tried to take pictures of it and the cameras on our phones behaved strangely and we couldn’t get a good shot. While we were trying to fix the problem it disappeared right in front of us. It briefly reappeared for a minute a few minutes later and disappeared again. There were some clouds but the object appeared to be in front of the clouds illuminating them. Earlier we had gone for a drive and had a strange experience where it took us an hour and a half to get to Shelbyville from our home and only 45 minutes to get back. We remarked on how time felt strange and how it seemed like it took so much longer to get there. We did not stop either way as it was just a drive. It didn’t make sense for it to be so vastly different as the route was basically the same. My husband made a comet t that perhaps it was aliens. We returned home at 5:00 pm and saw this strange object at 8:00 PM. I did get some crappy photos of it when it appeared again the 2nd time but the color on the photoA does not match what we saw. It was a Brilliant gold color- with an orange cast- very vibrant. The photos makes it appear white and it was not that color.
Texas Lights
Willis – On October 21, 2020, this was a perfect triangle that I have seen over multiple evenings and have hours of video and pictures taken from my iPhone 11 X Pro. This was also seen on one of the nights by three other people that were with me. Two nights with my wife I used a heavy duty flashlight last night, after and it responded in kind by flashing its lights in response to me
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australian Moon Lights
Newcastle — Darren Delaney, Newcastle NSW Australia
Photos of the moon taken on September 8,,
Canada Disk
Co roach — On October1, 2020,
A coworker had stopped to take a picture of the drilling rig he was working on, South of Coronach, Sask. at the Westmoreland Coal mine. After he took the picture, he looked at it to check the quality. He noticed the object in the upper right and a second to the left of the derrick. He had shown me the picture in September, after we had a conversation about the possibility of extra terrestrial life. I asked if anyone else saw the picture or the objects, and he told me “No”. I then asked if he had reported it. He told me he didn’t say anything for fear of being ridiculed. He told me that he didn’t see or hear anything in the sky before or after he had taken the picture. I asked if there were any planes or vapor trails in the sky and he said “No”.
France Light
Vannes — I go out on my terrace and raise my head to heaven, I believe hallucinated and immediately call my wife after different. Research, I concluded the first day everything was in a single file for about fifty objects, but the day after tomorrow rebel but this time objects have random speeds and changing directions on April 25, 2020.
Germany Lights
Idsten — On Saturday evening (approx. 0750 AM) October17, 2020,
I spotted a glowing object flying above our hometown valley from my balcony. I immediately called my wife and daughter to come and see it. We observed the object flying in circles above the valley.
My wife went in to get our spyglasses. Through the spyglass we could very clearly see that the glow came from an object above the clouds. I tried to film the object with my mobile but it was impossible. We informed my mother who lives just a few streets away to see it as well. She came and saw it.
My wife then got our night vision equipment, a spyglass with night vision used for deer stalking. Through this device we could see that there were actually two objects flying in circles. I then placed my mobile phone camera in front of the ocular of the night vision equipment and was actually able to film it. I sent the videos to our elder daughter who lives in Wiesbaden and she told us that she saw three lights hovering over Wiesbaden on her way home from work. She even talked to people in the streets about It.; hence, there must be more witnesses.
UK/England Flashing Light
Bellevue, Washington (Over Cougar Mountain): September 20, 2020I saw the same thing as posted on your site Sept 11, 2017 over Bellevue/Cougar Mountain on Sep 20 this year. Has this sighting been solved or identified? I have a few photos. See one of them above.
Additional Details Provided by Witness: I saw it in person. It made no sound and was moving east. I was standing at around 1,400 feet when I took photos. In photo with tree, lower left is corner of one story house/roof. My wife and I both saw and each took photos. The photos were from mobile phone cameras. I am guessing that the object was 15 feet long. The four “wheel” looking appendages did not pivot or change angle. It remained upright, that is with four “wheels” oriented as they are in photo. The interior of the “wheels” looked silver. It did not produce its own light and just seemed to reflect sunlight. There was no exhaust or discharge of any kind. The “Body” looked mostly red. I am guessing it was traveling at 30 MPH. It did not turn or change direction. There was very slight wind at time. (Clearly it was moving under its own power.) I saw no tow plane or anything else in the sky. The path was over a very densely populated area and just south of I-90 (though would have been visible looking up from that interstate). My first thought was that it was a massive drone or a flying cartoon car (LOL). I still have no idea. I asked friends who work at Amazon in Seattle for any Intel on beta tests for drones or the like, but came up empty.
Note: The witness is referring to the sighting of an erratic moving strange shaped craft in Seattle, WA. The object is very strange and I don’t think it is a balloon or drone. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.