February 4, 2019
In special reports, this week’s files cover: UFO Heading towards Door in Mountain Peak, The Five Human Colonies, and 1933 UFO crash near Milano, Italy, German Discs, Weather Control, and December UFO Sightings.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over California, Georgia, Kansas, Louisiana, Massachusetts, Missouri, New York, Texas, Virginia, and Wisconsin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Australia, Canada, Mauritius Island. England in the United Kingdom and Vanuatu.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Projects
UFO Heading Towards Door in Mountain Peak.
Note how rock wall appears to hinge outward and downward, forming a vertical opening on its left side.
I find it interesting that there is also a Mount Adam in the Wallkill River Valley of New York, south of Pine Island. I witnessed the lights of a craft enter that mountain near its peak on its southern side. Remnant steps (surviving glaciers) going up north side of mountain, indicated by alignment of tree tops, making pyramid at least 118,000 years old.
UFO lights seen entering near top of Mount Adam in 1994. Is this just a coincidence that UFO doorways occur near the tops of two mountains on either side of the United States, mountains named Mount Adam? http://www.garbagegangstersandgreed.com/blog/the-wallkill-river-the-cheechunk-canal-and-the-orange-county-landfill-a-brief-history
The Five Human Colonies
Apparently the Earth is kind of a testing ground for God or aliens. There are now five categories for data on race: 1) American Indian or Alaska Native. 2) Asian. 3) Black or African American. 4) Native Hawaiian or Other Pacific Islander. 5) and the White race.
Suisan writes. “I’m thinking-based on my own experiences-that they’re markers of at least five human colonies that were supplanted here by aliens.” There are 5 or more areas on planet with holes and stones in them in a very regular pattern, suggesting that they are some type of map or algorithms indicating a genome or genetic layout of a given race… They’re too regular and archeologists can’t find any known uses for them, ranging from tombs, treasure hunting/burial, mining and food storage to name a few.
The experiences that I refer to deal a lot with various colony ships and other planets. One such scene was who was in my 20’s of a planet similar to earth in the fifth dimension that had humans on it along with wild life. The wild life was average size of lions, tigers and smaller animals. There were animals the same size but totally different-like a cross between an opossum and a peacock (in color) another was a house cat. The animals were extremely aggressive and the humans were extremely docile and peaceful. A lot of the humans were constantly attacked. So, ‘we’ along with our alien alliances took a large group of these humans and placed them here on this planet-to see how their planetary identity or nature would adapt with this planets identity. Every being has both a planetary and universal identity matrix. The end result is a bio matrix that has to be compatible soul matrix in order for that incarnation reanimation to take place. The planetary identity dictates the nature of a given race of sentient intelligent beings and the universal identity determines its spirituality-which includes its multi-D interface (perception) if itself with creation. Well it worked except apparently not a lot of them are left. Hope this sheds light on the mystery-from an alien vantage point. We do incarnate here to do missions work.
Science channel: Aliens: The Definitive Guide ’When Aliens Attack
1933 UFO crash near Milano, Italy
William Brophy writes, “I was invited by Dr. Roberto Pinotti to the San Marino Republic UFO Symposium as a speaker to talk about the 1933 UFO crash near Milano, Italy and the 1942 Battle of Los Angeles which involve the tall blond Nordics who meet with President Eisenhower at Edwards AFB in 1954 and at Holloman AFB in 1955.”
On June 13, 1933, a bell shaped UFO crashed near Magenta, Italy just west of Milano.
The occupants were tall blond Nordics with oriental like features on their light blue eyes. The Italians called the UFO la Campania; the Germans called it Die Locked. Benito Mussolini the Prime Minister of Italy informed Pope Pius 11 of the crash and placed G. Marconi in charge of the special RS-33 Study Group, which later served as a model for our MJ-12 group. The Japanese told the Italians and Germans that those tall blonde-haired people were in their legends; this led to the Axis Alliance.
- New Documents “Will Revolutionize UFOlogy”!
The discovery of some documents from the fascist era of Italy opens up new horizons for research on UFOs, and compels students of this subject to amend the official history of the flying saucers. Under “Il Duce”, Mussolini, there was a secret government commission of enquiry, known as the RS/33 cabinet, which studied the UFOs. Then a second series of documents, were posted in March-April 1996, were sent by “MR. X” to the top Italian ufologist Dr. Roberto Pinotti, Director of the Italian UFO research journal NOTIZIARIO UFO. The sighting of a flying cigar over the Venice and Mestre on the morning of August 17, 1936, was reported showing a “cigar” – described as “torpedo-shaped” – along with two spheres beside it, one of which resembled the planet Saturn, being pursued by a fighter aircraft. It was an *original document* – not a copy – about a UFO sighting long before the subject of UFOs existed! (More than ten years before Kenneth Arnold. G.C.)
Three telegrams from the Milan office of the Stefani Agency (the Fascist A.N.S.A.), which gave instructions, *on the order of Dictator Duce Mussolini, to recuperate a flying saucer which had landed on June 13, 1933. There was also a Senatorial letter describing in detail the strategy to be followed after the craft had been recovered; i.e., censorship of the newspapers; arrest of the eyewitnesses; elaboration of a series of conventional explanations for the UFO (i.e. *sonde* balloons, meteors, perihelia) to be fed to the public via the Brera Astronomical Observatory Milan n.
It was discovered that the RS/33 CABINET had been a top-secret study commission, created in the bosom of La Sapienza University in Rome following upon the recuperation [sic] of the UFO. Headed by the physicist Guglielmo Marconi (known for his belief in Martians, After Italy’s accession to the Berlin-Rome Axis, by arrangement with Hitler this material was all subsequently to be passed to the Nazis (
The Varese newspaper, the *Cronaca Prealpina*, of June 20, 1933, gave the first report, emphasizing that forms of life on Mars were in contact with men of Earth – the
existence of agreements between Hitler and Mussolini (shown) for the study of alien technology, agreements that had been made in 1938; these documents were: an Agency Stefani message from Florence containing an interview with the Fuhrer Hitler when he was visiting Italy. Marconi claimed he could develop a *death ray*, which, so Mussolini said,
I had one day, by remote control, halted all automobile and aircraft engines as far away as Ostia – a weapon which, by virtue of 1938 agreements between Mussolini and Hitler, would
Evidently reappear in the following year at Essen, Germany, causing a *total blackout* of the city according to the account given by the American ufologist Leonard Stringfield in his book UFO SIEGE (1977. It is likely the Fascists and the Nazis managed to achieve “back- engineering” from the UFO of 1933? The Fascist UFO Files nevertheless has a very special importance for it demonstrates the existence of a governmental commission on UFOs *before* the official birth of UFOlogy itself
“If at the end of the 1930s, the Italians were beginning to hear of German experiments with disc-shaped aircraft (which we do know existed and which certainly *were* test-flown), then is it surprising that many Italian scientists may well have suspected that any weird craft seen flying over Italy in the years from 1933 to 1936 might well also have been *German*? And then later, during WWII, they might logically have suspected that they were seeing “secret weapons of the enemy Allies”?
“Mussolini” himself was a keen flier, and held a pilot’s license. Who else among the leaders in WWII did that? Well, it seems that as Germany tightened her grip on Italy, the Germans were able to *command* the Italians to hand all the alien craft’s evidence over to them! Remember the remarkable German success in building at least two types of “saucer-shaped” multi-jet aircraft
Roberto Pinotti, probably the best Italy’s UFO researcher confirms that it is 100% certain that the “Fascist UFO Files” are completely genuine. Thanks to the Flying Saucer Review, Volume 46/3, autumn 2001, pp. 13 – 17 and http://www.ufoevidence.org/documents/doc1885.htm
It is believed the Italians gave the Germans access to the alien craft and they were able to back engineer the craft to develop the so called Foo fighters often reported by allied bombing aircrews. The key was the advanced propulsion system. MUFON reports that apparently four years after the crash a UFO was filmed over Czechoslovakia. I’m an ardent history buff. I was watching WWII in Color tonight and noticed something strange. Hitler is entering Czechoslovakia in May 1, 1937 and is being filmed. In the archival footage I noticed a UFO. I rewind several times and can’t believe no one has noticed this before. Throughout is leadership Hitler often warned of greatly advanced weapons that would bring victory to the Nazi’s?
A UFO is observing this historical event
The Vril Society members were supposedly the first group to attempt the back engineering of an extraterrestrial spacecraft. A German writer, John Von Helsing, describes the discovery of a crashed saucer in the Black Forest, near Freiburg, in 1936 and says that this technology was taken and combined with the information the Vril Society had received through channeling and was made into a further project called the Haunebu. There are various stories of crashed saucers in Europe that are difficult to prove or deny.
In April of 1945, the 1st Armored Division captured the Machete Aviation Facility where the 1933 Magenta UFO was kept and it was brought to the United States. My father Lt. Col. William J. Brophy was a B-29 bomber pilot with the 231 Air Base Group at Alamogordo, NM and witnessed the Trinity Bomb. He told me the silver-plate B-29 bomber was named after the Los Angeles 1942 disks.
One month later on August 16, 1945, my father helped his commanding officer Col. Maurice A. Preston recover an oval shaped UFO with three very strange small light grey aliens with praying mantis features on their eyes and face. The UFO had destroyed a communications tower belonging to Stallion Site in the crash near Walnut Creek in San Antonio, NM. My father told me President Eisenhower met with the tall blonde-haired people involved with the 1933 Italy crash at Edwards AFB on February 20, 1954. Eisenhower invited Cardinal John McIntyre to the meeting since Pope Pius 11 had told Roosevelt about the Nordic 1933 Magenta, Italy crash. Thanks to William Brophy
Adolf Hitler’s control over Nazi Germany was strictly limited when it came to developing super weapons from highly advanced technologies found by secret societies, which explored the world to locate and develop technologies that could easily have changed the course of the Second World War.
Cosmic Disclosure, secret space program whistleblower, Corey Goode, describes more of what he read on “smart glass pads” containing classified information he was given access to during his 20 year service. He discloses extensive world-wide expeditions conducted by German secret societies to find advanced technologies built either by ancient human civilizations or by extraterrestrial visitors.
Goode claims that knowledge of these advanced technologies was concentrated in the Himalayan regions of India, China and Tibet. German secret societies, and later the Nazi SS, sent expeditions to these regions where they found ancient scrolls and books, and relocated these back to Germany along with some of the local monks and scribes who could interpret them.
These expeditions began immediately after the First World War, and peaked in the 1930’s when Hitler’s Nazi Party came to power, according to Goode. He describes the Thule, Vril and “Black Sun” as the main German secret societies involved in these expeditions.
While there is extensive literature about the role of the Thule Society in Hitler’s rise to power, there is less known about the Vril and “Black Sun” (German Schwarze Sonne) societies. The Thule Society was created on August 17, 1918, and the Vril Society formed soon after as an off-shoot. The latter was formed by female mediums that used their psychic skills for communication with ancient subterranean or extraterrestrial civilizations.
In his book, The Black Sun: Montauk’s Nazi-Tibetan Connection, Peter Moon describes that Black Sun society as comprising leading figures from Heinrich Himmler’s SS.
According to Goode, the Black Sun society cooperated closely with the Thule, Vril and other secret societies in forming the breakaway German faction in Antarctica and South America. The implication is that while the Black Sun society was formally linked to Himmler’s SS, its primary loyalty was to the Thule, Vril and other secret societies.
This leads to a fascinating conclusion. Himmler believed that the SS Black Sun society had successfully infiltrated the German secret societies, and would share the secrets of the latter’s advanced space and technology programs underway in Antarctica and South America. This led to Himmler’s and Hitler’s firm belief that super weapons would eventually be developed and released in time to win the war. Instead, a decision had probably been made by the Thule, Vril and other secret societies to sacrifice Hitler’s Nazi regime, and the Black Sun did not pass on the technologies.
In the book, Insiders Reveal Secret Space Programs and Extraterrestrial Alliances, evidence is presented that the first antigravity space craft were built by the Vril Society with the support of wealthy Thule Society members, and later official Nazi support. Evidence is presented that Vril flying saucer prototypes were actually found in Germany and relocated to the U.S.
Contrary to conventional historical scholarship that Hitler was Nazi Germany’s absolute ruler, Goode paints a very different picture based on what he read on “smart glass pads”. Real power was concentrated in the hands of the German secret societies who decided what technologies would be released for the Nazi war effort.
As the Second World War unfolded with increasing Nazi defeats, Goode claims that the German secret societies were not interested in helping Hitler reverse the tide of the war:
Colonel Harld Watson Foreign Technology Division was in charge of the unit that flew the captured German craft to France that were loaded on an aircraft carrier and brought to the US.
Donald M. Ware, Lt Colonel USAF (Ret), ten years Florida State MUFON Director and former Eastern Regional Director prior to George Filer — then 18 years as a Director of the International UFO Congress. He discussed Underground bases, Alien-Human Hybrids, and the levels of consciousness to contact alien spirits. In this presentation at 108.30 into his discussion, Col. Ware mentions that he knew Navy Commander Grahame Bethune, that Grahame had informed Ware that he had flown Admiral Byrd to Antarctica in 1945. Admiral Byrd was tasked with finding out what was going on down there – but was sent home early. Col. Ware further states that he thinks Byrd was able to negotiate for US scientists joining with German scientists – who were already there working at an underground base – on sharing advanced technologies! Files 39 -16
Ware told me that the Germans did have disc technology dating back to scientific breakthroughs in 1929 – however it was when the Germans weapon zed the discs by putting machine guns and cannons on the bottoms of the craft that an intervention occurred. Off Planet Visitors interceded stating – that this technology violated a prime directive – that it could not be used for purposes of warfare. The Visitors told the Germans that they could keep this technology but not for war – they were given the option of moving the discs to a base that the Germans had built in Antarctica which is what the German High Command – with Hitler’s approval – did.
There seems to be a disclosure campaign with both Navy and Army aviation involved. Most people are not aware yet that between 1943 and 1945 the US Government, with the help of our British and Canadian allies and the Ambassador from Venus and 450 of his trained engineers built 500 round-wing planes with gravity motors in a hidden 300 square-mile valley in British Columbia, Canada.
This is much more easily understood after people read John B. Leith’s CIA disclosure books published past their intended date: Genesis for the Space Race a few months ago and The Man with the Golden Sword published in November 2014. Both available at www.timestreampictures.com and both on Amazon, with the Golden Sword book also on Kindle. Thanks to Don Ware.
German Discs
There are piles of reports of British and US pilots being tracked by fireballs which danced around their aircraft while driving their electronics systems crazy. At the end of WWII, three weeks before the U.S. went to Peenemünde to nab the V-2s and the scientists, including Wernher von Braun, the Brits went into the underground redoubts of the Nazis in Austria, the Black Forest and Thuringia. The results were three top secret trains, one of them 8 miles long (that one train alone was 655 box cars and flat cars). The trains took the stuff, some of which was too large to fit in box cars and had to be covered by tarpaulins on its way to the coast of Brittany (France), there to be loaded on board ships, taken through the Panama Canal up the coast to Vancouver, B.C., and from there by train 100 miles inland to the newly constructed surface facility of the A. V. Roe Company, which took over the research and development of the wingless jet powered saucer craft.
150 pre-fab factory buildings were sent from England to the same site. By 1947 it was dug completely underground for security reasons to protect from prying Russian over flights An underground facility with vertical shaft, still exists cobwebbed and silent about 150 miles East of Vancouver, British Columbia.
When the war ended, many German scientists were engaged by the USA to head their space program. But what of the German discs? Many such as William Tomkins believe that massive German U-boats transported many of them to a secret base in the Antarctic. That is when the US military kicked into action sending Admiral Byrd in his men to the frozen north. The battle that ensued saw heavy losses by the American’s but there are very few reports as to what actually happened there.
Weather Control
High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP).
Dozens of records of freezing temperatures are being broken by a freezing cold wave. I suggest enemies using weather modification, disease; financial disruption, natural disasters, and terrorism are attacking US and its allies. These attacks are hard to prove and but very effective. For example what is causing the severe drought in California? Russian equipment is diverting the rain clouds to Mexican crop growing operations. This winter devastating snow and cold weather hit much of the Midwest and Northeast with cold coming from Siberia. Chicago reported – 55 below zero wind chill. The weather control also brings larger and more devastating tornadoes and floods to the US and other allied countries.
Several countries such as China, Russia have large scientific teams studying weather alteration and the ability to make catastrophic modifications. The Beijing Weather Modification Office is part of China’s nationwide weather control effort, believed to be the world’s largest; it employs 37,000 people nationwide putting silver iodide or dry ice into clouds. We seem to falling behind in the weather control race, aircraft modern such as the C-17s and C-5s could drop chemicals into Tornado forming clouds and greatly weaken their potential destruction. Dr. James E. Mc Donald’s a famous ufologist’s weather studies showed how weather modification could occur with devices like HAARP. (SHOWN ABOVE.)
He wrote that the government in the USA has failed to properly support basic scientific research since in weather modification in the mid-1970s. China and Russia are working together to create something similar to the officially-released purpose of the American High Frequency Active Auroral Research Program (HAARP). Five experiments launched in June with the purpose of modifying the ionosphere above the Earth for both communication and military purposes. They were able to modify a zone more than 310 mile above a small Russian town called Vasilsursk, according to Chinese media. During the modification, the small town experienced an electric spike, which carried 10 times more negatively-charged subatomic particles than other regions.
A second experiment heated that portion of the atmosphere – a portion roughly half the size of Great Britain – more than 200 degrees Fahrenheit, due to particle flux. Those particles were shot into the ionosphere from a Soviet-Era atmospheric heating station in the small town called Sura. It was also utilized during the Cold War. This was done by an array of high-power antennae designed to spike the higher levels of the atmosphere with a large amount of microwave radiation. According to the Chinese report, the peak power of these waves was 260 megawatts, which is enough juice to light a small city.
Measurements of it were taken by an orbiting Chinese electromagnetic surveillance satellite called Zhangheng-1. It was able to switch to a “burst mode” to collect data samples every half-second..
While this experiment has raised a lot of controversy, the facility from which it was launched was built in 1981 for this expressed purpose. Control of the ionosphere and for clandestine communications and detection of things ranging from submarines to natural resources, according to a Popular Mechanics article, which called the Chinese chase for a HAARP of their own a chase for weapons instead of science.
Small electrical and temperature changes in the Polar Jet Stream in China or Russia can create large changes in the jet stream when it hits the US. Weather weapons that are able to change the trajectory of the Polar Jet Stream can create record low temperatures that have been recorded in the US during the last week of January. 2019.
High-energy microwaves, such as those recently discharged by Russia and China in Russia allow the controller to manipulate communication and weather patterns. The Soviets used it to enhance submarine communication, the Americans were accused of using it for everything from manufactured earthquakes and tsunamis to weather manipulation” In reality, they can penetrate ground or water as deep as 328 feet and even disrupt satellite communication.
Dr. James E. Mc Donald’s a famous ufologist’s weather studies showed how weather modification could occur with devices like HAARP. He wrote essays:
On the Electrical Conductivity of the Lower Stratosphere, Trans. Am. Geophys. Un. 34, 529 (1953), http://physics.princeton.edu/~mcdonald/JEMcDonald/mcdonald_tagu_34_529_53.pdf
December 597 MUFION Sightings
CMS continues to amass sighting reports from around the globe. In November 2018 there were 597 sightings reported to MUFON through CMS from the following countries; United States 403, United Kingdom 54, Canada 32, Chile 31, Australia 10. France 10. Ireland 7, Germany 7, and Spain 6.
Strange Craft
Strange Craft: The True Story of an Air Force Intelligence Officer’s Life with UFOs
U.S. Air Force Major George Filer belongs to the generation of pilots and airmen who first became aware of the strange aircraft showing up in the Earth’s atmosphere after World War II. These men – military professionals who flew planes, commanded ships, served as radar operators and air traffic controllers at air fields around the world – began to whisper amongst themselves about encounters with suspected extraterrestrial aircraft.
During secret debriefings at U.S. bases, pilots and air crew told their commanders of seeing strange lights at night and in the daylight, groups of saucer- or cigar-shaped craft that easily paced them just a few yards off their plane’s wingtip. Award-winning investigative reporter John Guerra spent four years interviewing Filer, a decorated intelligence officer.
From objects in the skies over Cold War Europe to a UFO over flight during the Cuban Missile Crisis to strange lights over the DMZ during the Tet Offensive, Filer leaves nothing out about his Air Force UFO encounters, providing Guerra all the amazing details of his six decades investigating extraterrestrials and their craft.
Filer’s most memorable case – the shooting of an alien at Fort Dix Army Base in 1978 – is fully recounted for the first time in this book. Filer – who readers have seen on countless UFO documentaries – is also a member of the Disclosure Project, the famous panel of military experts, astronauts, and scientists that urges the U.S. government to release all it knows about UFOs to the public. Then, in the fall of 2017, the Pentagon released the F-18 gun camera footage of what can only be described as an extraterrestrial vehicle outperforming U.S. Navy fighters off San Diego. For the first time, after decades of denying what its intelligence officers, pilots, base commanders and air traffic control personnel know to be true, the military finally admitted to what Filer describes in this incredible book.
by John L. Guerra (Author)
New from $14.95 click on this link: https://amzn.to/2SmCKMy
UFO Sightings in the United States
California Object
Object was sighted on December 22. 2018. It was reported a month later.
Georgia Orb
Lithonia –It was around 9 at night. I was walking down my driveway (west) after rolling a trash can to the street. The shy was cloudless, which made me notice the stars. As I walked slowly looking at the stars, I noticed a light moving at about the same speed I was (west) I then came to a dead stop to observe it.
As I stopped, it continued. At this time I could see an outline of a small triangle, and felt immediately like I was about to cry. The object continued for about 2 seconds, then stopped.
I felt almost as if I had been looked in my soul. It then took a sharp left, a sharp right, and then flew away with speeds so fast I could not begin to estimate. I then ran inside the house and told my mother.
That was the end of it. Observation was on September 20, 2918.Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Kansas Object
Garnett — I stopped to take pictures of the sunset I snapped 6 to 10 photos when I got home I was looking through them to pick one that was good and one of the photos had this object in it I was standing in the same place and I snapped all of the photos within a matter of about 10 seconds. I did not notice the object with my eyes I only noticed it when I returned home and look through my pictures but out of several pictures I took only one had this object the rest were clear and my camera lens was cleaned off. Photo was taken on September 1, 2017.
Louisiana Lights
Dubach – I saw two military planes blacked out and a strange helicopter so I decided to try to get the helicopter on video and noticed the second plane or possibly the same come from the direction I filled the orb on January 30, 2019. But when I saw the stars were blinking I thought it was cool so I chose a dark spot where the lights weren’t affecting the camera and at two minutes in to the video I see about ten seconds after it appears a orb zipping around on my phone so I look where I’m filming there is no object to be seen I am holding the phone rock steady because I have a horizon bar on my screen so I kind of start to think the military planes are there for a reason my mom witnessed the helicopter with me also I tried to pass it off as a bat but they don’t go over there usually only by the lights so I really have no idea what I caught on cam because I couldn’t see it with my eyes but the blacked out military planes leads me to believe that I saw a UFO. CMS
Massachusetts Orb
Salem — Was on my way to Starbucks and I was looking at the moon, I Saw what I thought was a plane but was moving very fast, it appeared blurry and orange. All I saw the object do was move silently towards the horizon. I was very exited upon seeing it because it tweaked my interest. I Lost sight suddenly, I looked away (to my friend) for less than 3 seconds, looked back and it was gone.
Photo was taken on December 10. 2018… Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Missouri Light
I was at Brookfield McDonald’s and I was taking pictures of the sun I didn’t even realize that I had gotten the shape or the object on my pictures I was shocked when I got home and I’m looking at the pictures that I took if you look at the tree is not moving just a little Dot moving everywhere telling from one side from one side of the camera to the other side I hope you find this is amazing as I did I have more pictures of you like to see them. Photo was taken March 3, 2018. Thanks to MUFON CMS.
New York Red Light
Brocton — My self my 3 year old son, and my wife’s uncle went outside in the early spring of 2014 (as best as I can remember, dates and times are approximate) at approximately 10:30 pm we went outside to see the international space station fly over. It was a cool spring night with a clear sky and zero cloud cover, little or no wind. After we observed the fly over we stayed outside and chatted in the driveway for a bit. After about a half hour I noticed a red light through the woods across the street in the direction of Lake Erie to the north at about horizon level above the shore line. The woods are part of Lake Erie state park and there is a rocky cliff at the edge of the woods that drops straight off to the rocky beach below (30 ft) we watched it as it moved through the trees toward us very slowly and gained some elevation until it was about tree top level.
Once it rose above the trees I could see it was a basketball sized sphere glowing red orange, not very bright just a glow. It moved very slowly and just sort of drifted toward us at just above tree top level until it was over the road very close to us then headed in a westerly direction above the road. It was close enough for me to hit it with a rock if I threw one. I would say 30 to 40 foot away. I could see underneath it and could tell it was not a Chinese lantern; it had no hole or opening at the bottom. The light did not flicker at all just a solid dull glow. I pulled out my cell phone to take a picture and my battery was dead. Just due to being run down, I don’t believe the object had any effect on it. It moved horizontally along the road for about 100 ft the moved at a 45 degree angle upward at the same slow speed until it was out of site. I’ve included some photos of its flight path, where we were standing and its approximate size and height compared to the trees. These are NOT photos of the object just me showing you where it appeared in relation to where we stood and saw it. When I first thought it was a person with a military flashlight with a red signal lens on it until it began to move upward. Then when it was above the trees I thought it was a Chinese lantern until I was almost under it and saw that it was not. Our feelings were just that of curiosity, no fear, my son was asleep on my shoulder, me and my wife’s uncle stay for about 15 more minutes talking about what the heck it might have been.
Texas Light
Houston — I saw three objects floating in a consistent path from southeast to the northwest at a slow speed. All the same speed, then one went faster than the others and left at slightly higher speed. I got my phone and recorded two of the objects while then focusing in on one of them to zoom in as much as I could and followed it as far as possible before it disappeared behind the trees.
The objects looked to be spinning, one in particular as I was focusing on, and changing shape while reflecting sunlight. The object reminded me of water on the space shuttle that was spinning around in a blob like manner. Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Virginia Orbs
Norfolk — I was on my way to work and I noticed a very bright object appear very high in the sky it was way high up. My first impression was what is coming in from space? It reminded me of that bright light in Russia how it first looked. As it descended it changed color and shape. Initially it had a trail when it first appeared but that disappeared very quickly. I thought it was a weird cloud, and then maybe a rocket but it was going the wrong way (toward earth). As I was driving over the bridge I watched it intently and took 5 pictures trying to capture it while I was driving. It got brighter and bigger and started glowing greenish white VERY ROUND. I was like what the hell is that? (I could see other people on the bridge looking up also) So it came from space very quickly and then just hovered over the bridge/naval base glowing so brightly. Very distinct in the sky! I was thrilled, thinking finally I am seeing a UFO! There is no doubt in my mind. It was not a plane, not a helicopter, not a reflection or anything like that. I drive across that bridge every day and I see military stuff all the time. THIS was not THAT. I lost sight of the object as I went under the water in the HRBT. When I came back out the other side it would have been directly behind me so I could not see if it was still there.
Wisconsin Light
My mother was visiting for my sister’s graduation. My father and sister had taken a trip to Rome, Italy, for her graduation present, whilst my mom stayed with me at my Dad’s house for a week or so. One of the day’s we had gone grocery shopping, and on the return trip, I had told her that the weather was exceptionally nice out, and that I felt that there was going to be UFO activity later on that night. After having dinner and watching some television, I told my mom that we should go outside and look at the sky. It was a very clear night, absolutely no clouds, very little light pollution, many stars and constellations visible. My mom and I had started out in the front yard, walking on the grass, slowly making our way to the cul-de-sac. As I started to become discouraged for not seeing anything, I looked to the north and saw what I thought was a planes bright headlights and immediately dismissed it as a plane, when my mom turned towards and pointed at it and said my name with a questioning of what it was. As I looked back at the light, I began to tell her it was only a plane but didn’t finish my sentence, as the light had rapidly started to descend and expand to possibly five, maybe ten times its original size. I then took out my phone, and started to record the very short 26 seconds of video. When I started recording, the multi-color changing sphere of light was coming south towards us from the north, and had then taken a 90 degree sharp turn heading towards the lake (east). We then followed it to the backyard before disappearing; it started to repeatedly blank out, before dissipating in thin air. As we then were in the backyard, I started to point out to my mother what seemed to be stationary stars, starting to move out of place, across the whole sky. After witnessing several more of these, the activity came to an end, on the account what seemed to be military planes started to come in to the area, flying around the lake.
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Orb
HOBART — We were on vacation to Tasmania, Australia, when my aunt decided to take a photo at dawn near the place we were staying at. We only noticed the object in the picture after the fact, so cannot say it was witnessed in person on February 27, 2017..Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Canada Mars Photos
Actually, I don’t know where to go to give you some images from Mars…
So I came here. Thanks to MUFON CMS.
Mauritius Island Object
Bel Ombre — I was on duty at shanty Maurice hotel situated on the south west coast of Mauritius Island on the 08/10/2017 as usual when I was looking at the sky to see the weather in order to set additional tables outside the Rhumshed restaurant. When I looked up in the sky I saw square shape object staying still in the very windy sky. At first I thought it was a kite then I said how the kite can stay still in such a windy weather. Then I saw like an aura surrounding the object. I asked my colleague if she could see the same and she said yes. I asked her what is this she said she had no idea maybe ETs and laughed. I picked up my mobile phone which is an HTC 728G desire and started filming. Then the object started to change shape and splitting into two mysterious shapes.
Note that after the hotel fencing there is deep sea. I never wanted to show this to anyone but some few days ago one of my neighbors showed me something he saw in the sky and it was like an orb staying still in the night sky. I showed him mine and he was really shocked. I took 3 pictures and I have footage. At a point I wanted to see it with my own eyes and I stopped filming and at last it disappeared. Can anybody explain please?
Thanks to MUFON CMS.
United Kingdom England Cylinder
It was lunch time I had been playing on the school field the bell rang to call us in as I left the field I noticed a friend in the corner of the yard I walked over to him said hi and asked him what he was up to and he said watching that ufo up there pointing at It. I looked up to see a giant black cylinder With yellow rectangular segments along the side it didn’t make any sound and was moving slowly I couldn’t believe my eyes we stood
there mouths wide open for five minutes or so my friend had been watching it for four or five minutes before me . When the teacher tried to move us on into class we pointed it out to her and she ushered us in quickly telling us it’s nothing. I’m nearly 48 years old now and this is the first time I have talked about it.
Vanuatu — UFO
Taking pictures around the garden for practice then noticed a UFO when I checked the pictures later. I know the area and I know the aircrafts that fly in Vanuatu and this was nothing seen before. It was also flying very low, less than eight stories high.
I have a picture taken moments before and no UFO and I have a picture taken after with the UFO. I shoot in raw so I have the original data for it all. Photos were taken on March 6, 2018.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
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I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-inceasing numbers.
I will be in Mt Shasta this summer and wish to encourage people to come and see this conference.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.