August 13, 2014
In special reports, this week’s files cover: Space Travel Shorter Time Period than Thought, New Iraq War, 1878 Texas UFO Sighting, Russian Intrusions, and Robbert v/d Broeke in Holland
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over: Arizona, California, Colorado, Connecticut, Florida, Idaho, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Maine, Maryland, Massachusetts, Michigan, Nevada, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, and Utah.
Sightings of UFOs were also reported in: Australia, Canada, India, Israeli, Mexico, Portugal, Russia, Thailand, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The weekly intelligence report provides you with information on the latest sightings and UFO news that you need to understand the world situation. The purpose of these files is to report the UFO eyewitness and photo/video evidence that occurs on a daily basis around the world and in space. These Files assume that extraterrestrial intelligent life not only exists, but my hypothesis is that the over a thousand UFOs reported each month represent technologically advanced spacecraft conducting surveillance of Earth. I personally became interested in UFOs when London Control ordered me to intercept one over England while flying for the US Air Force and Prince Phillip told me of his personal interest in UFOs. The US Air Force investigated UFOs for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
George A. Filer III New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
Special Reports
Space Travel Shorter Time Period than Thought
The basis for the shortened trip in space is NASA scientist engineer’s Paul R. Hills book “Unconventional Flying Objects” with a forward by astronaut Edgar Mitchell. Hill obtained numerous UFO reports at Langley Air Force Base where I was stationed. NASA was picking up evidence for alien bases on the Moon and the Shuttle was video-taping UFOs. He developed a chapter on space travel with the appropriate math. He states the trip to, “Aloha Centuri, a triple star system 4.3 light years away made by accelerating at 140 g to a v/c of 0.9999 is accomplished from a standing start to a standing finish in 6 weeks.” He points out that aliens traveling from many of the 2000 known planets could reach here in less than two years, the time it took Sir Francis Drake to go around the world.
Artist Depiction of Spaceship
Hill states, “I hope I have made it clear that there is an important distinction to be made between the time experienced by the space traveler and the time which passes meanwhile on the home planet and on the planetary destination. The tremendous acceleration, speed, and energy capabilities displayed by UFOs make them well suited to capitalize on this distinction by the attainment of greatly reduced on board times realizable by approaching the speed of light. Even an approach to 90 % of light speed gets the job done for the nearer stars. Higher fractions of light speed give attractive time reductions for longer trips. Don’t be misled by countless statements in the literature that interstellar distances and the speed of light constitute some kind of barrier to space travel. There are only two paths to this conclusion:
- Nobody in the universe has the technology to approach the speed of light.
- Observer time is significant, and on board time is to be ignored.
Both paths are false ones. The confused second view is more common. Its proponents are using the observed time for light to travel as the shortest possible time for passage is totally false”. Pages 272 and 278. Thanks to NASA’s Paul Hill.
Editor’s Note: There are also strong indications large Mother ships are in this solar system and they have developed bases on the Moon, Earth, and on nearby planets.
Provo – 1967 disc from Lt. Col. Wendell Stevens’s files now owned by Open Minds. Air Force Captain Harvey Williams was flying a C- 47 at 12,000 feet when he took this photo of a possible Alien Reproduction Vehicle 25 miles southwest of Provo, Utah. Allegedly the disc could operate near the speed of light by reducing the mass of the vehicle and withdrawing energy from the space environment.
Thanks to Mark McCandish at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZQfofTXIvb8&feature=player_embedded
The late Ben R. Rich, a UCLA School of Engineering alumnus (MS ’50) who is known as the “Father of Stealth,” is recognized as one of the best aircraft engineers in the world and led development of the heralded F-117 stealth fighter.
At an engineering conference in Los Angeles on March 23, 1993, Dr. Ben R. Rich stated to the future International Director of the Mutual UFO Network engineer Jan Harzan that “We already have in our possession the technology to take ET home.” This was in a conference room full of aerospace and computer engineers from many different UCLA School of Engineering alumni who worked for aerospace and software companies
Ben showed slides and went through the history of the Skunk Works. Showed pictures of U2 and SR-71 and drones that no one had seen before.-The last slide showed a black disk headed for space. Ben showed this and made the statement, “We now have the technology to take ET home”. During Questions and Answers afterwards he told the engineers that it was now possible to travel to the stars. There was an error in the equations which was corrected. The time of travel is fast, but he didn’t say how fast. Ben said he believed that security was too oppressive and that the time had come to develop this technology in the commercial world now that the cold war has ended. He died of cancer months later.
Iraq War
The U.S. is conducting airdrops with C-130 aircraft to aid to thousands of refugees driven from their homes onto Mt Sinjar by ISIS the Islamist State militants. Planes dropped food and other humanitarian supplies to the refugees accompanied by combat aircraft that conducted airstrikes against ISIS troops. ISIS is more than an Islamist jihad it is a group of ruthless mercenaries taking over much of Iraq and Syria.
US Marines and Special Forces using V-22 Osprey aircraft also landed on Mt Sinjar to help airlift some of the refugees.
President Obama said, “The terrorists that have taken over parts of Iraq have been especially brutal to religious minorities—rounding up families, executing men, enslaving women, and threatening the systematic destruction of an entire religious community, which would be genocide.”We find the U S again bombing in Iraq to prevent the overthrow of Iraqi Kurdistan that happens to control the sixth largest oil reserves in the world with ExxonMobil Oil, Chevron, Hess and Total Oil operations. The US is bombing to protect the Kurds and various religious minorities from being overrun and killed.
ISIS is calling itself the Islamic State, which was previously known as Islamic State in Iraq and the Levant. The energy markets are vulnerable to these events as ISIS already controls two key pipelines and ships oil out of Syria. ISIS is able to sell oil with the help of ARAMCO the Arabian American oil company. ISIS has seized large amounts of territory in Iraq and Syria and declared its own self-styled caliphate, highlighting the Iraqi government’s inability to ensure security under Prime Minister Nouri al-Maliki.
After its breakthrough two months ago, when ISIS routed the Iraqi army and seized the city of Mosul, the group has returned to the offensive this week, defeating Kurdish fighters and sparking a new refugee crisis, especially among the Yezidi communities near the Syrian border. The refugees fled to Mt. Sinjar.
Several predominantly Christian villages and towns fell into the hands of the militants, Yousif Thomas, the Chaldean archbishop of Kirkuk and Sulaimaniyah, said by phone today. Kurdish forces known as Peshmerga, who had been protecting the villages, retreated, allowing the militants to take over, Thomas said.
ISIS’ murderous rampage has Iraqi Christians, other ethno-religious minorities, and innocent civilians of all kinds under unthinkable pressure. As the Iraqi government melts away, civilians are trapped in high mountain passes, in towns, and on the borders, taking refuge wherever they can – if they can – to avoid execution or submission to ISIS’ twisted, nihilistic version of Islam.
National spokesman for Iraqi Christians and Chaldean-American businessman Mark Arabo said, “The evil being carried out by ISIS militants in Iraq now includes shocking beheadings of children,” and he praised President Barack Obama for authorizing an intervention in the crisis Thursday.
“They are systematically beheading children, and mothers and fathers. The world hasn’t seen an evil like this for a generation. There’s actually a park in Mosul that they’ve actually beheaded children and put their heads on a sticks,” Arabo told CNN’s Jonathan Mann. President Obama, who once campaigned as a pacifist, authorized airstrikes against ISIS positions all over Iraq.
ISIS releases film of killing soldiers
Over in Syria, ISIS defeated Syrian army units and took over parts of their base on Friday outside the northern city of Raqqa, as the radicals escalated their attacks on Syrian government forces. During the assault on the airfield, the ISIS fighters killed at least 270 soldiers, guards and staff and also killed at least 85 soldiers when they captured an army base in the province of Raqqa, the Observatory said. The fighters said they decapitated most of the soldiers and hung several heads outside the base gates. The Syrian army’s 17th Division was ambushed outside Raqqa when they withdrew from the area.
Western officials say the Syrian government has allowed ISIS forces to flourish while attacking less extreme rebels. President Bashar al-Assad has used the group’s rise to back his argument that Syria faces a militant Islamist threat. “The government wants ISIS to be strong enough for its propaganda purposes and until now has been hesitant to attack it,” one Western diplomat said, adding that any government offensives were launched because Assad needed to be seen as acting against the group.
At least 1,100 Syrian soldiers and pro-Assad fighters have been killed since ISIS intensified its attacks against government forces this month, the Syrian Observatory for Human Rights said. The Syrian Government is now launching four air strikes a day against ISIS.
Raqqa is already a stronghold of ISIS which has advanced in Syria and taken over swaths of territory in neighboring Iraq in what it has described as a bid to establish an Islamic caliphate. Since its lightning advance in Iraq last month, the group has confronted government forces in Syria more frequently whilst continuing to attack rival rebel groups fighting to oust President Bashar al-Assad.
The fact is that Sunnis are the majority in 85% of the Moslem world and they have taken control of most of the Sunni areas in Syria and Iraq. Their recent beheadings of Syrian Government troops and children has gotten the attention of many of the world’s leaders and a coalition will likely punish them with close air support and modern weapons for the Kurds. ISIS claims it does not take prisoners; it simply shoots or beheads them.
There is a strong chance of war in 20 nations between the two main branches of Islam. The disagreement between Sunnis and Shias dates back to 632 A.D. when the two main Muslim groups split over who should lead them after the Prophet Mohammed died.
Fast forward to 2014, and the struggle is about religion, politics and boundaries. The vast majority of the world’s 1.6 billion Muslims are Sunni, in countries like Egypt, Turkey, Syria, Iraq, Saudi Arabia, Indonesia, Jordan, Qatar and the United Arab Emirates. Shia Muslims are actually a tiny minority overall but in Iran, Syria and Iraq; Shias control the governments and are in charge. Thanks to AP le************@ch***********.com;
1878 Texas UFO Sighting
Denison — A second newspaper report on a strange airship was included in the Denison Daily News on January 25, 1878. A Texas farmer, John Martin, was credited with one of the first uses of the term “flying saucer.” Martin had actually seen a “balloon-shaped” UFO, but used the saucer term to describe the size of the object from his perspective. Martin’s sighting was January 2. What he saw was a dark object high in the sky. The object was moving closer to him all the while. Because the object maintained a dark color, there was speculation that the object was solid and backlit. The headlines of the 25th would read, “A STRANGE PHENOMENON.” A portion of the report is listed here:
“From Mr. John Martin, a farmer who lives some six miles south of this city, we learn the following strange story: Tuesday morning while out hunting, his attention was directed to a dark object high up in the southern sky. The peculiar shape and velocity with which the object seemed to approach riveted his attention and he strained his eves to discover its character.” “When first noticed, it appeared to be about the size of an orange, which continued to grow in size. After gazing at it for some time Mr. Martin became blind from long looking and left off viewing it for a time in order to rest his eyes. On resuming his view, the object was almost overhead and had increased considerably in size, and appeared to be going through space at wonderful speed.” There are a number of other American reports, along with much evidence from around the world going back to early civilizations which indicate flying apparatus were being seen in the skies. There seems to be little doubt that even before mankind had mastered the art of flying, someone, somewhere had. Of course, UFO reports can often times be explained by conventional flying objects, but what known craft could we use for an explanation in the mid to late 1800’s? The Wright Brothers had not yet created their new flying machine. NOTE: The above image is a rendering. Ken Pfeifer MUFON NJ www.worldUFOphotos.org
Russian Intrusions
There have been about 16 Russian forays in the Alaskan and North Canadian area in the last ten days. Two of the strategic missile bombers flew within 50 miles off the Northern California coast before turning away.
Russian planes often fly near our coasts but the increased number is unusual with the increased tension in Ukraine. The drills came a month after U.S. F-22sintercepted four Tu-95 Bear aircraft over the far western Aleutian Islands.
Meanwhile, the West’s conflict with Russia over Ukraine changed as Russia imposed sanctions of its own, banning most imports like food products. The relations between the United States and Russia are at their lowest ebb since the mid-1980s. Putin wants to reestablish the Old Russian Empire of the Tsars with the help of religion to defeat the decadent West. He is well aware that Communism was defeated on moral grounds with the Vatican’s’ help. Thanks to US Today.
Robbert v/d Broeke in Holland
Four filmmakers are documenting Robbert v/d Broeke taking anomalous photos (with video links) plus stills of various “creatures” who have appeared. U.S. filmmakers Dan Drasin and William Gazecki filmed Robert’s abilities to create images on film. Robbert has the ability to obtain a huge range of anomalous images using either film or digital cameras. Here are a few “stills” from a report about filmmakers videotaping Robbert as he photographs deceased people and unknown “creatures”:
Photo of Nancy Talbot’s July 4th MENSA lecture; (debunker Joe Nickell, who was present at the MENSA meeting, refused to attend Nancy’s lecture).
See links at the top of the BLT Research Home page for details: http://www.bltresearch.com
Sightings in the United States
Arizona Disc
Tucson — I snapped this photo looking eastward on Ajo Road and La Cholla Boulevard on July 14, 2014. I did not see the object personally, nor did I see any airplanes not even military jets from Davis Monthan AFB.
It appeared on my photo I took while pointing east, towards the city, with my iPhone 5s. If you look closely at the six lights above the stop lights, you can almost make out the shape of a large maybe mile wide object over Tucson’s AZ Southside. It resembles either a disc shape or a triangle above the city lights. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Note: It is likely these small lights are lens flares.
California Disc
Encinitas — I was taking my lunch break inside my car) when I decided to recline the seat on August 8, 2014, and saw a low flying cross-shaped object. It was transparent, outlined with a white border. Movement was a little bit faster than planes usually move. I could simply see sky through the outlined portion. Also, since I go surfing fishing, the shape somewhat reminded me of a shovel nosed guitarfish shown. I blinked twice and rubbed my eyes just to make sure that it was real. What a weird experience, but I did not get scared. I waved up, wishing that it is in fact an alien craft I thought aliens are here! Too bad I did not get a chance to snap pictures. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Santa Clara — While flying from San Jose to Mather Airport I noticed a reflective sphere out of my window on August 6, 2014. At first I thought it might be the moon, but it appeared to be metallic and hovered in the North West. Thirty seconds after I first saw it, I pulled out my iPhone 5 to take some pictures. There was some high level smoke from fires mixed with the clouds. After 15 minutes as the plane started to head north and I could see the moon in the South West out of the opposite windows. It was quite large and had a yellow/orange cast to it. The object appeared stationary and had a reflective silver metallic surface low on the horizon while the moon was larger and to the East at that time, glowing more yellow/orange. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Colorado Triangle
Colorado Springs — I was sitting on my deck watching the night sky on June 16, 2014, many Ufos were seen throughout June and July so I was watching for them. I saw an aircraft coming towards me and as when it was closer; I realized it was a massive black delta with two huge engines on the two tips of the rear end of the craft. It had a red strobe light on the bottom center of the craft. An F-16 was following close behind with afterburners. It was not in an aggressive posture and was basically following the thing. As it was directly over me I called my grandmother and she was able to see the last of the sighting as it flew north east and disappeared from sight. Being an air force brat I know my civilian and military aircraft. This is not of human origin. Above is a drawing of the craft. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Connecticut Trail
Waterbury – I was at thecemetery visiting a relative, and noticed something hovering at an 80 degree angle on August 9, 2014. It was in the middle of a blue sky, no clouds or stars around right before dusk. I thought it might be a plane but planes do not go up at that angle and there are no airports nearby. It appeared to elevate very slowly then moved horizontal and appeared to move away, within a couple minutes it was out of sight.
We were dumfounded and amazed so we tried to follow it with car but it went out of sight. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Florida Red Light
Marathon — Sitting on the water of the Atlantic Ocean on August 10, 2014, watching the super moon around 9:30 pm, a bright red object appeared over the adjacent island about 500 feet up. The object was pulsing red light in no set pattern. It appeared to be hovering at times while ascending. It made no noise and its flight pattern was erratic. I watched object for about 1 minute before it vanished. After watching it for a minute I realized it was definitely not an airplane. I was very excited. This is my second sighting in 15 years. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Idaho Moon like Light
Rexburg — On August 8, 2014, I went out to call in my cats, and I saw an oval light. I went in the house and got my Canon Power Shot A2200 camera and binoculars and took 59 photographs. But I do not have photographs of the most disturbing part of this. I was watching with binoculars as it began to take a different form. It began to look like an oval piece of the Moon, except it wasn’t the Moon. The Sun was just setting, but there was still plenty of light outside and I watched for over half an hour, as gave me a strange feeling of unease. There seemed to be more than one light that would all fade away completely. Then it would return. The last photograph that I took of it is, the best: it shows one large object shining light onto clouds above it. It was oval with a bright light at the base of it that just faded away to nothing. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Iowa Red Light
Maquoketa — On August 8, 2014, was the 3rd time we have seen this strange red glowing light at my friend’s house just south of Maquoketa in the country. It is always in the same spot very close right above a cornfield. Last night it disappeared over the horizon towards the east. We saw this two other times, a year ago a month or two apart. The first time that we saw the light there was red pieces, lights, whatever, falling off of it. In the first two times it just disappeared before our eyes. It doesn’t look like fire or meteor but is very red. I had called the news channel in Quad Cities, but nothing ever came of it. We are really perplexed as to what this is.
Note: The contrast was adjusted in the photo. I don’t have an explanation for this photo. It is interesting to note that the witness has seen this same light on other occasions. Thanks to William Puckett, Director Http://www.UFOsnw.com
Kansas Lights
Hays – I was leaving my parents’ house saying goodbye to my mother out in the front yard on August 8, 2014, when we saw a single spherical shape red/orange/yellow in color. It was at 10:40 PM, and the light emanated from pulsated randomly. The object flew along a path, then seemed to hover and its light steadily and quickly disappeared. The object then reappeared at 10:45 PM and 10:50 PM where it seemed to take the exact same path with the exact same characteristics. We waited to see if the object would reappear for a fourth time but it never did. We called my brother to come out and all three of us were able to witness the last event at 10:50 PM. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Kentucky V Object
Pendleton County — Glenn Pennington writes, “We are still experiencing nightly UFO visitations and the number of crafts seem to be increasing. I now have well over 40,000 pictures and thought I’d share a few as I haven’t sent any for a few weeks.”
Still not getting much help in documenting this massive event from the UFO Research Community, but plenty of people in the county are now seeing them and making local reports on Social Media. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maine Light
South Portland — On August 10, 2014, my husband and I went to “Bug Light” on the ocean front to take pictures of the Super Moon at lower left. When the moon emerged from the clouds around 8 PM I took pictures of it and of the lights across the water. When I got home and put the pictures on my iMAC, I had 5-6 pictures of UFOs. Some were large whitish spheres and one was a small light that I magnified and saw was a tear shaped object that looked like many other reported UFOs on Filer’s Files.
This is the second time spheres have appeared on my Maine coast pictures. The first I sent was on November 20, 2011 at Scarborough Beach. There is a very faint large sphere above and to the right of the Super Moon, as well. In the upper center shows a bell shaped UFO. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Maryland Moving Light
Perry Hall– Working on my laptop I saw a big lightning storm moving in from west when a light appeared in the clear skies of on August 2, 2014. I thought it was a toy remote control airplane, but it would have been very large at the apparent distance.
Wasn’t sure if it was an RC airplane could do that. I videotaped it on my cell phone. At the end it was going straight up behind a tree and didn’t look like a drone.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Massachusetts Spiral
Weymouth — The pictures were taken by a friend showing a huge spiral ufo in blue sky over the former Naval Base on July 7, 2014. There have been rumors of alien activity at the former Navy base. A spiral changed shape and reduces its size and appears to land on roof of old Navy hospital. It eventually leaves the roof area gaining in size. We went back to investigate several times and took a photo of an apparition coming out of the old hospital.
We were followed by men on bikes who were watching us with binoculars. Eventually we were approached by one who asked why we were there? Later a strange black helicopter made three passes above my home. It blasted me twice with some kind of device that vibrated my body and was sending me a warning. We have continued our investigation and have several pictures of unexplained phenomena. One civilian looking vehicle seen frequently has military dressed persons on board. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Michigan Orb
Ypsilanti — I was photographing the Thunder over Michigan Air Show at Willow Run Airport around 1 PM, of a P-51 Mustang that was performing and I was taking multiple photos in rapid succession. I did not see the object, but when I examined the digital photos I discovered an anomaly on one of the digital photos. I blew it up using Photoshop and contrast, and I see an oval shape.
My digital camera was set at ISO 400, shutter speed slowly to blur the propeller at 1/160, aperture stopped down to f/29. It is not a lens flare as the sun was behind me. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Nevada Blue Objects
Las Vegas — I was walking, taking pictures from my phone to the roundabout that is located at the Strip on July 27, 2014.
I did not see the ufo but appeared in my picture. I noticed next day while checking at my pictures.
I thought it was a reflection but I dont know what it could be. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Las Vegas — On 14/15 April 2014 I was taking pictures of the Blood Moon looking south towards Vegas with my Nikon Cool Pix 520 digital camera. My son, his friend and my wife and I did not see anything unusual. About a week later I downloaded the pictures and in the upper right corner I find what appears to be a Triangle vehicle. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Hampshire Light
Hampton — Was on vacation at the beach when we spotted what appeared to be a flare, rising up from the water on July 27, 2014. At 7:52 PM, However, after watching it for a few seconds, it became apparent it was not rising up, but rather coming from over the ocean and flying directly over us. After watching for about 30 seconds, I took my iPhone out and managed to get 17 seconds recorded.
Once the object had passed to the west, it dimmed and faded but I could still the silhouette of the object in the night sky, but it was too faint to capture. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New Jersey Sphere
Mercerville — I’m a retired law enforcement officer with multiple sighting experiences. While standing outside I observed a large bright white sphere in the NW sky overhead. It was about the size of 1/4″ to 5/16″ inch in diameter at arm’s length. It had a downward slope of 10 degrees. This sphere was perfectly round and a very bright white object. There was no trail. The object flew beyond the branches of the 50 foot tall tree covering about 60 degrees of the observable field of view to the NW. I lost view of it mid way in my tree. I have seen hundreds of meteors and many comets in my lifetime. This object moved slower than a meteor and shared no heating up characteristics like a body moving into the atmosphere. There were no stars visible and overcast around 2,600 K. This object appeared at a relatively low altitude below the cloud cover. Thanks to MUFON CMS
New York Sphere
Salisbury Mills — I was on my computer, in my living room on August 9, 2014, when I realized there was a floating light in the sky. I called over a family member to also see the light, when I realized… I had my phone! I took a photo and some video, and while I was filming, the light disappeared.
I am uploading this from my ipad, while the photos and videos were on my phone.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Ohio Flying Wing
Toledo — At 3:15 PM on August 7, 2014, I heard the roar of jets overhead probably from the 180th Fighter Wing of the Ohio National Guard (ONG) that was training this week. I saw two jets pass overhead at low altitude as we were just a few miles from the Toledo Express ONG base. One jet was about ten seconds ahead of the other. As the second jet passed, I saw through the tree canopy a much “higher” black fixed wing boomerang shaped craft traveling due east. The ONG jets were traveling due west. The black craft had a smooth semicircular front edge with tapered wing edges, and scalloped back edge. Due to the jets I could not tell if the UFO made any sound. There were no lights, emissions, and the shape of the craft was sharp at all times. It flew for about 5-7 seconds due east, then made a sharp smooth turn northeast and then was behind the sightline of my neighboring condo unit. At no time did the ONG jets appear to notice this craft or deviate from their standard flight paths back to their base. It seemed similar to some designs of non-publicly acknowledged “” I’ve seen. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Washington Woman Sees Mint Green Diamond Shaped Object
Everett — A 46 year old woman driving on I-5 at the 41st Street exit looking southwest over the city on August 3, 2014, at 2:13 AM. She saw a mint green diamond shaped object coming down and making a right angle turn heading south at cloud level and disappearing.
Picture: Driver came back to the location of the sighting and took this picture, and amended it with Photoshop to illustrate the object and buildings.
Note: I know this reliable witness who was sure that the object was not a conventional aircraft. The sighting occurred near the Boeing Everett Aircraft Plant. Thanks to William Puckett, Director http://www.UFOsnw.com
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Australia Disc and IR Filters
Port Macquarie — I was filming the sky due to a heavy chemtrail assault happening west over the mountains on July 29, 2012. When I was checking my footage later in the day I saw what appears to be craft of moderate size zooming in and out of the clouds.
It was a flat mushroom shaped craft with a dark grey metallic look with highly reflective surfaces. I think I was the only witness to this event.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Sydney – On July 27, 2014, Laszlo, a famous UFO researcher based in Australia that uses or infrared lenses (ir) during the day to catch UFOs. He has done this for many years and is an expert, so please take him seriously. IR is known to catch cloaked UFOs. I’ve tried it and it worked. Thanks to ufosightingsdaily.com
Laszlo states, “Thanks for watching my video that shows how I capture UFOs with an infrared (IR) filter fitted to my camcorder. The first thing before you starting searching the sky using the Automata focus, zoom in on a long distance object, then Lock the camera to manual focus. Works best without clouds. Sometimes the UFOs are not visible to the eye. Place the I R 850 Optical filter on your camcorder and turn your camera on the Night Shot, or Super Night shot position,” Daylight capture!” I use a SONY. DCR-TRV.530 Digital camcorder, and. Canon DM-GL.2.Digital camcorder. Fluorite 100X Digital zoom. Thanks to ufosightingsdaily.com.
Canada Lights
Brampton – On August 9th 2014, at 11:37 pm, my spouse and I were sitting on porch and saw an orange ball of flame between two planes heading east towards us. At first I thought it was a plane on fire that hovered as I tried to get a photo which revealed two lights. The lights started moving away and then it disappeared. It moved faster than any plane in a fraction of a second.
The strange thing is that my photo shows two star like dots that has a white glow, but we saw an orange ball of fire. The photo must have taken has the craft was pulling away. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Toronto — I was in my living room watching the Toronto Blue Jays game on television with my husband 5:02 pm, on August 9, 2014. When my husband drew my attention to the object in the distance moving straight up with a tremendous velocity I have never seen before.
I had been taping the game, so I could see it over and over to verify our first thought of an insect, was incorrect. This sighting is so quick, literally blink and it’s gone. Thanks to MUFON CMS
India Yellow Circular Object
New Delhi – On July1, 2014, at 7:47 PM, I was waiting in MCD Park facing east, and happened to look up. There was a pink colored cloud to my left. I saw a glowing moving object from my right to left. It perhaps had a black outline (circumference). -The sky was still clear & bright blue. An airplane has blinking lights, which appear like dots and the body of the airplane can be easily seen.
Whereas, this object, which was almost overhead, was just a glowing yellow circle about 8 mm to 10 mm in diameter. I could only see its bottom side – glowing yellow, with perhaps a black outline. I could observe it for 2 to 3 seconds as it moved from my right to left to the East-North-East. The left portion of my viewable sky had a pink colored cloud, covering about 35% of the viewable sky. It took seconds for it to move from the top of the viewable sky and then went behind the pink colored sky. There was no noise, no smoke, and no trail. I don’t know what it was.Thanks to MUFON CMS
Israel Disc
Dead Sea — This 30 second exposure shots were made on a tripod at midnight on December 15, 2009, at shore of the Dead Sea. I was calibrating my Nikon D90 DSLR and I didn’t see them in real time. I took another few shots hoping to get rid of those disturbing artifacts that were apparently were moving too.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Mexico Lights
Querétaro – I was in my car with my parents and an aunt when we saw a stationary strange light in the sky on July 9, 2014. I proceeded to park my car and started to observe the light and I realized it was a triangle shaped object with a red light in the center and a yellow light at each angle. After some minutes without moving, the triangular object took a straight-line path. The object emitted a sound just the same as a commercial airplane. The object was really close to me, so I decided to take some pictures with my cell phone. This is not the not the first time we saw objects like that.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Portugal Strange Light
Vila Nova De Corvo — My children called out to me to check out a light in the night sky on August 7, 2014. It passed by our home at some distance over the ocean. I saw a wobbling, rather slow moving light, heading northeast which is very unusual around here. It was moving at a relatively low altitude and I managed to take this picture as the light suddenly disappeared.
I was very surprised as I zoomed to see a light track produced by the light due to the shutter speed of 0, 8 seconds, which also showed a circular, disc-shaped object, seemingly moving erratically. Thanks to MUFON CMS
Russia Dark Ovals
Blagoveshchensk — I took pictures of the river on August 10, 2014.
When I looked through the pictures, I saw strange dark oval and round circles over the water. I think that this – a UFO.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
Thailand Light
Apparently the one who took the photo did not notice what is there nor those of paginaweb where the public just as pictures of lightning during an electrical storm.
A moving object is in the upper right hand corner.
I would like to investigate the photo to see if this trick-or 100% real.
Thanks to MUFON CMS
United Kingdom/England Fireballs
Oban — Was just getting ready for bed when my wife told me to look out of window at what she thought was a meteor on August 8, 2014. I thought different as the objects were in tandem one bright light closely followed by a smaller dimmer one also the objects where cruising across the sky not falling.
The objects then disappeared into the distance. I believe these objects were going too fast to be a lantern or plane plus the dimmer one following was too close to be two planes chasing each other.
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Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
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I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address. Please use this link to receive this offer.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2014 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Ma*******@ve*****.net
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Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
© Copyright 2014 National UFO Center by George Filer
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