Major George A. Filer III ret. USAF
New Jersey State Director
MUFON Eastern Region Director
In special reports, this week’s files cover: General George Brown and UFOs, Does the Genetics of Blonde Hair Prove Alien Visitation?, Peru Nazca Lines UFO and Andes Mountain Runway Shaved, Spacecraft propulsion System, Underground Water Empire, Atomic Bombs are not as Effective Has Planned Parenthood
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Arizona, California, Illinois, Missouri, New Jersey, New York, Ohio, Oklahoma, Washington, and Wisconsin.
Unidentified Aerial Phenomena sightings were reported over Canada, Italy, Russia, South Africa, and England in the United Kingdom.
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
Forward these files to your friends and neighbors.
Special Reports
General George Brown and UFOs
I don’t know whether this story has ever been told or not. They weren’t called UFOs. They were called enemy helicopters. And they were only seen at night and they were only seen in certain places. They were seen up around the DMZ in the early summer of 1968. And this resulted in quite a little battle. And in the course of this, an Australian destroyer took a hit and we never found any enemy, we only found ourselves when this had all been sorted out. And this caused some shooting there, and there was no enemy at all involved but we always reacted. Always after dark. The same thing happened up at Pleiku at the Highlands in ’69.
General George S. Brown, USAF Chief of Staff, Department of Defense transcript of press conference in Illinois, October 16, 1973. I briefed General Brown daily while in Vietnam.
Does the Genetics of Blonde Hair Prove Alien Visitation?
One of the most prevalent alien descriptions is of Nordics with blonde hair and blue eyes.
Numerous people have claimed to see the Nordics such as the former Canadian defense minister Paul Hellyer and numerous abductees. Nordics are found all over the world and claimed they are our ancestors and not apes.
– 4000 year old Mummy found in Tarim Basin, China
Genetics is based on the fact that living things inherit traits from their parents so it has been used since prehistoric times to improve crops and animals through selective breeding. Based on recent genetic information carried out at three Japanese universities, claim the date of the first blonde hair in Europe has been isolated to about 10,000 years ago during the last ice age. Before then, Europeans mostly had black hair, which is predominant in the rest of the world.
Natural lighter hair colors occur most often in Europe and less frequently in other areas of the world. In northern European populations, the occurrence of blonde hair is very frequent.
The hair color gene MC1R has at least seven variants in Europe giving the continent a wide range of hair and eye shades. Just how such variety emerged over such a short period of time in one part of the world has long been a mystery.
Both the father and mother would need to be blonde as dark hair is dominant. Also dark eyes are dominant over blue. According to the new research, if the changes had occurred by the usual processes of evolution, they would have taken about 850,000 years.
But modern humans, emigrating from Africa, reached Europe only 35,000-40,000 years ago. Science claims that blonde hair is the result of mutations, but my hypothesis is it may be the result of alien visitation.
19 Variations of Blonde also red hair is mixture of brown and blonde
According to David Reich, blond hair has ancient roots in Asia where hundreds of pyramids are found. It is assumed the blondes built the pyramids. The derived allele responsible for blond hair in Europeans likely evolved first among the Ancient North Eurasians.(Eastern European Hunter Gathers) The earliest known individual with this allele is a Siberian fossil from Afontova Gora, in south-central Siberia. Two alleles for each gene are inherited, one from each parent. Paired alleles (one on each of two paired chromosomes) that are the same are called homozygous, and those that are different are called heterozygous. In heterozygous pairings, one allele is usually dominant, and the other recessive.
Geneticist David Reich said that the derived SNP for blond hair entered continental Europe by way of a massive population migration from the Eurasian steppe, by a people who had substantial Ancient North Eurasian ancestry. Alleles at the top
Historical documents from Asia, indicating an ancient presence of blond haired people there. These include the famous mummies of the Tarim Basin. Analysis of his extravagant clothing suggested international origins. According to David Reich, blond hair has ancient roots in Asia. The earliest known individual with this allele is a Siberian fossil from Afontova Gora, in south-central Siberia. Geneticist David Reich said that the derived SNP for blond hair entered continental Europe by way of a massive population migration from the Eurasian steppe, by a people who had substantial Ancient North Eurasian ancestry.
Historical documents from Asia, indicating an ancient presence of blond haired people there. Analysis of his extravagant clothing suggested international origins.
Young blonde girl of the Hmong, China people
A team of multi-national archaeologists have discovered the 2,500 year old mummy of a blond warrior 35 years old, in the Altai region of Mongolia. The Hmong people were historically recorded with blonde hair and blue eyes by the Chinese since ancient times. Their light phenotypes made it easy for Chinese distinguish them
Chinese historical documents describe blond haired, blue-eyed warriors among the Xiongnu, a nomadic equestrian culture from Mongolia The Shiwei people were a Mongolic-speaking ethnic group who were blond-haired and blue eyed. Blond hair can still be seen among people from the region they inhabited, even today. One of the e first stories we hear of blondes in ancient writing are two poems about an Egyptian queen who dedicated a lock of her blonde hair to Aphrodite, goddess of love who was also called Venus.
The Egyptian queen here is Bernice II, who, shortly after her marriage in 246 BCE to the king Ptolemy III Euergetes, had vowed to shear off a lock of her hair if her husband, who had gone off to Syria on a military expedition, came back home safely.
After Ptolemy’s safe return from war, the queen’s ‘blond’ lock of hair was duly shorn off and dedicated to Aphrodite in her temple—only to disappear and then miraculously reappear as a constellation in the heavens right next to the lights of Virgo and savage Leo,. That is what both the Greek and the Latin poems say, highlighting the passionate love of the queen for the king. Interesting the constellation was known for varied light a flashing light.
The part of the story that centers on the constellation itself is retold in many sources the mythological foundations of storytelling about such a constellation known as Ariadne’s Garland are actually most ancient, going all the way back to the Minoan-Mycenaean era.
Sandro Botticelli’s The Birth of Venus, painted in 1485.
The hair of Ariadne is blond, as we see it described in Catullus, while the hair of Bernice is likewise blond, the blond hair of the Egyptian queen Bernice matches not only the blond hair of the Minoan princess Ariadne. It matches also, I argue, the blond hair of the Egyptian queen Nitōkris. The Egyptian historian Manetho, who lived in the third century BCE queen Nitōkris ruled toward the end of the 6th Dynasty, in the late third millennium BCE. Nitōkris was the most noble and beautiful of all the women of her generation. She was fair skinned in complexion she erected the third pyramid. She ruled for twelve years.
Greeks conceived of a voluptuous blonde they named Aphrodite. One story of Aphrodite’s birth suggested she was the daughter of the king of the gods, Zeus, and the sea nymph Dionne. The young goddess, as she emerged from the sea on to the barren, dry land, witnessed a miracle: green shoots and flowers springing up beneath her feet. This sublime force is being described to us not just as the goddess of mortal love, but as the deity of both the cycle of life and life itself. The Romans worshipped her as Venus and responsible for the rise of the Roman Empire. Allegedly Venetians are often blonde.
The consensus explanation for the evolution of light hair is related to the requirement for vitamin D synthesis and Northern Europe’s seasonal deficiency of sunlight. Lighter skin is due to a low concentration in pigmentation, thus allowing more sunlight to trigger the production of vitamin D. Its speculated high frequencies of light hair in northern latitudes are a result of the light skin adaptation to lower levels of sunlight, which reduces the prevalence of rickets caused by vitamin D deficiency
The darker pigmentation at higher latitudes in certain ethnic groups such as the Inuit and Eskimos is explained by a greater proportion of their diet is seafood that is high in vitamin D. However, all the countries where blondes are prevalent also eat seafood and the Finns, Swedes and Norwegians immigrated to the Scandinavian area only in comparatively recent times after the ice receded.
Sir Francis Crick, who along with James Watson discovered the double-helix structure of DNA. He found it so complex that in his book, “Life Itself”, Crick proposed that the basic genetic structure of bacterial DNA was seeded from outer space. It was just too complicated to have developed by chance. The great majority of sequences could never have been synthesized at all at any time.
Sir Francis Crick
Mutations that result in the addition of extra DNA that is needed for light skin, blue eyes, and blonde hair are called insertions. I suggest that the amazing change of humans to light skin, blonde hair, and blue eyes could only occur with the insertion of additional DNA into numerous humans during a relatively short period of time by our visitors from space. I doubt that mutations can satisfactorily explain a population of blue/green eyed and blonde Homo sapiens from Asia, Europe, North and South America and Africa. The worldwide distribution of blonde hair and blue eyes suggests flight of some type of craft in ancient times. Widespread blonde hair and blue eyes are evidence for proving the insertion of DNA by an outside cause. Evolutionary biologist Jared Diamond writes in “Race Without Color”, “Evidence of natural selection of color dissolves under scrutiny”.
Millions of people have seen UFOs, it is logical to assume their intelligent astronauts are changing humans in important ways.
Ancient caves have drawings of UFOs. Various Sumerian, Babylonian texts thousands of years older than the Bible, give significant detail on the aliens from space called Anunnaki and their intervention into human affairs. Genesis 6 states, “The sons of God came in to the daughters of men and they bore children to them producing giant offspring called Nephilim”; heroes of old, men of renown” (Genesis 6:4).
One of the types of aliens often reported by abductees is the tall blue eyed blonde aliens called Nordics, who seem to meet the description of the aliens involved. Science should look for evidence that we are the result of interference from outside Earth and not mutants from the primordial soup. The aliens seem to treat us like they are veterinarians keeping their flock in good shape and upgrading humanity as needed.
The Genesis Apocryphon, one of the texts uncovered among the Dead Sea Scrolls, also contains references to the angels interbreeding with human women. These Sons of God are often reported to be tall, blonde with blue eyes.
Ancient Sumerian and Hebrew texts clearly show that the common understanding was that aliens from space had committed fornication with women.
In Scandinavia, Odin was the Father of all the gods in Nordic countries and is pictured wearing a winged helm or a floppy hat. He can travel to any realm within the nine Nordic worlds. His two ravens fly over the world daily and return to tell him everything that has happened. The goddess Sif the wife of Thor is described as blonde.
In the history of Homo sapiens there were hundreds of thousands of years when mutations could have created blonde hair, but did not. They occurred when our ancestors reported visitation from space and drew images of discs on cave walls. The actual genetic history of the human race is likely the key to proving the Earth has been visited by aliens from space. Many of our ancient scriptures and writings claim this is the case.
My blonde wife with Lithuanian father
In Lithuania where the Baltic Sea begins, blondes were first reported; the father god was Perkūnas, the God of Thunder, and Justice, who controlled the rain, mountains, and the sky. Perkūnas pursued his opponents in the sky on a chariot made of red iron, harnessed by red, white, and black horses. The Lithuanian deity of horses and chariots Ratainyčia used a flying ratai or wheel .On is heavenly chariot Perkūnas appears in the shape of a gray-haired old man with a beard of many colors, and possesses many weapons including an ax, a sword, and lightning bolts.
One theory is that that early men found blonde hair more attractive. Canadian anthropologist Frost published a study in 2006 in the journal Evolution and Human Behavior that says blonde hair evolved very quickly at the end of the last Ice Age by means of sexual selection. Blonde women stood out from their rivals at a time of fierce competition for males made scarce due to long, arduous hunting trips. This hypothesis argues that women with blonde hair posed an alternative that helped them mate and thus increased the number of blondes. A theory propounded in The History and Geography of Human Genes (1994), says blonde hair became predominant in Europe in about 3,000 BC, in the area now known as Lithuania, among the recently arrived Proto-Indo-European settlers, and the trait spread quickly through sexual selection into Scandinavia. The theory assumes that men found women with blonde hair more attractive.
Blonde hair is most frequently found around the Baltic Sea and their darkness increases regularly and almost concentrically around this region. Because of emigration and invasion from northern Europe, there are a number of blondes in Southern and Eastern Europe. Blondes are also found all around the world because of migration to North and South America, Australia, New Zealand, South Africa, etc.
Blonde hair in Europeans is associated with lighter blue, green, or gray eye colors. Strong sunlight also lightens hair of any pigmentation to varying degrees, and causes many blonde people to freckle, especially during childhood. Blondes are also reported among Indigenous peoples in Peru, South America known as Cloud People. Blonde hair is most common in Caucasian infants and children and tends to turn darker with age.
Mandan North American Indians who claim they are descended from White Men with Blonde Hair, Blue Eyes who came in a big flying canoe, that come to rest on a high mountain after a great flood that destroyed everything on earth
. Aphrodite in Greek Mythology is the goddess of love and beauty and also had “golden hair”.
Darius the Great of Persia (550-486 BCE) left this monument. Darius held the empire at its peak that included Egypt and parts of Greece. There appears to be a winged UFO carved into the wall with a rider with much taller men with lighter colored hair waving to the craft.
In European folklore, fairies valued blonde hair in humans. Blonde babies are more likely to be stolen and replaced with changelings, and young blonde women are more likely to be lured away to the land of the fairies According to Francis Owens, Romans literary records describe a very large number of well known Roman historical personalities as blonde. In addition, 250 individuals are recorded to have had the name Flavius, meaning blonde, and there are many named Rufus and Rutilius, meaning red haired.
The following Roman gods are said to have had blonde hair; Amor, Apollo, Aurora, Bacchus, Ceres, Diana, Jupiter, Mars, Mercury, Minerva and Venus. Emperor Nero had light blonde hair and blue eyes. In contemporary popular culture, it is often stereotyped that men find blonde women more attractive than women with other hair colors. Blondes allegedly have more fun. Perhaps we can thank our visitors for giving us a more colorful world. I married a beautiful blonde and have two blonde daughters. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Blonde
Nordic aliens with superior craft and abilities were likely treated as gods. Nordic aliens also referred as Blondes, are a species of humanoid extra terrestrials that are found in various parts of the Galaxy.
Nordic aliens are believed to have been originated from Pleiades star cluster which is around 400 lights years away from the planet Earth. Nordics have human like appearance and have a height that ranges from 5.5 feet to 7 feet. The average height of males is 2 meters while that of females is about 1.7 meters. They are generally muscularly built and may have a longer head that the humans. The average weight of the Nordic aliens generally ranges from 120 to 240 pounds. Nordic aliens generally have powerful eyes, that are light blue or green and other colors have been reported. They generally have a pale white colored skin. They are known to be silent watchers of the planet Earth and thereby help human beings to become aware about the behaviors that can lead to a catastrophe situation. These extraterrestrial beings usually communicate with the help of telekinesis and telepathy and may have psychic powers. The ships follow their verbal instructions. The lung size of these aliens is larger than that of the humans. The female Nordic aliens have the capability to get pregnant at any time during the year. They are seen around 25% of total abduction cases. It has been found that Nordics have some sort of connections with the Angels. Update 10 2010.
Peru Nazca Lines UFO and Andes Mountain Runway Shaved
Nazca Bird peak pointing to
According to the video on YouTube, two medical professionals took an early morning flight in a Cessna plane to observe the Nazca Lines in Peru, near the foothills of the Andes on New Year’s Day. .In the YouTube video, at 3’28, the aircraft is flying through rain clouds, when suddenly a UFO appears in a hole in the clouds at left, about 20 to 30 feet from the plane and seemingly on a collision course. The grey disk rapidly changes course and disappears back into the clouds, all within the space of a couple of seconds. Subsequent slow footage and still frame analysis of the incident clearly shows a flying saucer-shaped object. Is it possible the UFO was an alien craft navigating above the mysterious Nazca Lines? http://www.theepochtimes.com/n2/content/view/51073/
Archeologists and anthropologists have studied the ancient Nazca culture and the complex to try to determine the purpose of the lines and figures. One theory is that the Nazca people created them to be seen by their gods in the sky. They can actually be seen from space and at least one Andes Mountain has been shaved off to allow for landings. Thousands of tons of earth and stone had to be removed to create an apparent landing zone.
Eric Von Däniken maintains that the Nazca lines are runways of an ancient airfield that was used by extraterrestrials.
My theory is that the various animals and birds point to ancient cities used be the ancients. From the air the huge drawings on the ground become a map of the ancient world and provide a heading for the craft to follow to the ancient Peruvian cities. .
For example the bird with the elongated peak points to Tiahuanaco one the ancient cities near Lake Titicaca and one of the largest sites in South America. Surface remains currently cover around 4 square kilometers and include decorated ceramics, monumental structures, blonde and red haired mummies and megalithic blocks.
Spacecraft propulsion System
Jack Sarfatti writes, the importance of dissipation in controlling both warp/wormhole metric engineering and efficient tabletop detection of gravity waves Sarfatti
The core piece of the architecture, however – the cornerstone of the framework – is the ‘aero-spacecraft’s’ propulsion system suitable for creating a Black Hole weapon or a Stealth Cloak system, or a Force Shield that can protect against Swarms of UAVs and other types of ballistic threats or against any type of impulse weapons
The importance of dissipation in controlling both warp/wormhole metric engineering and efficient tabletop without the need for Kip Thorne’s LIGO.
In meta-materials with artificial quantum dot, split ring resonators et-al depending on scale, we can control the ratio of inelastic dissipative to elastic reactive scattering of the input Frohlich pump photon against the EM multipoles of the meta-atom to be what we need changing in time – hence the phase modulation. Each meta-atom has an equivalent nonlinear LCR forced circuit i.e. parametric amplifier/oscillator modes of operation.
The core piece of the architecture, however – the cornerstone of the framework – is the ‘aero-spacecraft’s’ propulsion system suitable for creating a Black Hole weapon or a Stealth Cloak system, or a Force Shield that can protect against Swarms of UAVs and other types of ballistic threats or against any type of impulse weapons
A unified system: advanced propulsion + ‘fully conscious AI’+ generation of arbitrarily large gravity warp fields for arbitrarily small amounts of stress-energy tensor current densities.
In the mid-1990s, the engineering of an Alcubierre-type propulsion system was deemed impossible practically because of the need for unfeasible amounts of energy to fuel it – the equivalent of a Jupiter-sized mass.
Advances in metamaterials technology, however, and a new kind of mathematics – provided within this proposal – hold out the promise of an engineering pathway to an aerospace craft that exhibits two essential characteristics: ‘fully conscious AI’ and breakthrough propulsion physics.
- In ‘active mode’, the spacecraft realises the Alcubierre propulsion drive by controlling the way it warps space-time to produce its own zero-G-force geodesic motion. It does this by inducing a controllable, stable ‘far-from-equilibrium long-range quantum coherent state’ (in the back activity loop described above) in the Frohlich pumping system/metamaterial (airframe) by varying the strength of the non-radiating confined electromagnetic near-fields across the craft’s structure to produce a directional ‘warp-drive’/‘anti-gravitational’ effect. Minimal amounts of energy are required due to the high efficiency of the metamaterial lattice’s electromagnetic susceptibility resonant responses to the Frohlich pump electromagnetic field.
- In ‘passive mode’, the craft is able to fully sense its surroundings (the metamaterial multi-scale quantum dot lattices within lattices “fractal” structures acting as a surrogate for the Hameroff microtubules. The system’s fully conscious AI is a key, defining feature of the concept, giving rise to a vehicle that is both fully conscious of its surroundings and fully reactive to them in terms of decision-making.
If the negative meta-material resonances are suitably designed, the proposed aerospace can generate an exterior anti-gravity universal effective force shield aka a quasi “white hole”
True, fair enough. The transverse vs. longitudinal distinction actually has nothing to do with it.
It’s about where the wave excitations are coming from. Gravitons, gluons, and photons (gravitational waves, strong waves, and electromagnetic waves) travel in spacetime. Phonons are *typically* vibrations of a crystalline lattice, it’s the motion of atoms, not the “atoms of spacetime”.
I do believe there is approximate truth to the notion that massless fields in spacetime move at the speed of light. This is what is taught in special relativity, at least.
Underground Water Empire
Long Beach opening in the continental shelf
In the late 70’s I was living in Southern California and one fall morning in November, I had a business appointment in Long Beach California. I was was driving up the Interstate 405 from Orange County where I lived at the time. Happened to be listening to a news talk radio station broadcasting out of Los Angeles. The host was doing a program on unusual phenomena & opened the phones to callers. A call came in about 9:15 AM from someone who recently had left the Navy. He had been part of a crew of a submarine that was returning from duty in the Pacific about a year & half previous – I made that to be perhaps 1976 or 77.
Anyway this individual was stationed at the control or command center of the sub. When they approached the Naval Port at Long Beach they picked-up (via sonar) something they have never known or experienced before – they picked-up an opening in the continental shelf very near to the Long Beach facility. The Captain radioed in this info and asked if he could be given permission to enter & explore as the opening measured large enough for the sub to pass into it.
The Captain was given the green light to go forward but given explicit instructions to maintain strict radio contact with Long Beach at all times. The sub entered into the opening in the Continental Shelf & shortly thereafter found itself in an immense subterranean underwater cavern! The caller stated that the sonar soundings indicated that it was extremely wide and perhaps 100+ feet from top to bottom of this cavern. The sub continued going East underwater until it was some 30 miles East of Los Angeles while still underwater! It was at that point that Long Beach asked for the sub to stop going East and to return back the way it had entered the underwater cavern. The captain was asked by the Naval Command Center if he could just reverse the sub, to back it out – the captain replied he didn’t need to back out as he could easily turn the sub around inside the enormous cavern – going out to return to base nose first. Well, needless to say the host of the radio program was speechless, having never heard anything along the lines of this caller’s disclosure. The caller would not divulge his name, nor his rank but he swore his story was true and that he was told when they returned to base to not discuss this finding by that submarine crew.
As a follow-up to this amazing story, I happened to learn of the disclosure by another Naval member some ten years ago. This time a captain (that’s how he referred to his rank while in service) who stated that he was tasked with taking a submarine into an aforementioned underwater opening in a cavern near Long Beach. This captain claimed he had personally experienced this event sometime in the middle 90’s wherein he piloted a sub almost directly under Las Vegas Nevada utilizing a subterranean cavern of immense proportions! The distance was almost 300 miles that the sub traveled East from Long Beach CA to almost directly under Las Vegas. It was when the sub reached Vegas that it was ordered to return to Long Beach. The captain further stated that the underwater cavern did not end but continued permitting even further movement underground/underwater in a Eastern direction! Again, this captain would not give his name nor the type/number of the sub he commanded. He was no longer in-service and he too was advised not to ever discuss his experience. I have no idea if either of these two individuals ever knew one another nor each other’s stories but they sure are fascinating!
More revelations to come.FrankChilie
Atomic Bombs not has Effective Has Planned Parenthood
Editor’s Note: When I almost died when my main artery was punctured and my body filled with blood during an operation I was taken to the Pearly Gates in a dream and told I had died. But a person dressed in a robe said in a loud voice, “I could live if I would help save the more than a million aborted babies in the US each year.
I accepted his offer and noticed he was very upset. The Bible tells us he uses angels, drowning, fire, famine, and plague when gets upset with humans.
The Hiroshima atomic bomb toll was 90,000 to 15,000 dead, while killed and wounded in the Nagasaki atomic bomb was 75,000. A total of 225,000 were killed in the two atomic bombs dropped on Japan in World War II. Each year five to six times the number killed in the atomic bomb attacks on Japan can be compared to the 1,3000,000 babies aborted with hearts beating according to the Planned Parenthood last year. Since Roe vs. Wade genocide has taken the lives of 40 million babies 40,000,000 with their hearts beating in the United States, more than six times the number of Jews that Hitler gassed in his death camps.
Genocide is generally considered one of the worst moral crimes a government (meaning any ruling authority), can commit against its citizens or those it controls. The Planned Parenthood Clinics should be referred to as death camps where forty million babies are cut up and the parts sold on the open market according to recent court cases. Protecting Women’s Rights to murder their babies up to include after birth in New York and Virginia seems barbaric.
Planned Parenthood is funding Democrats with $45 million for the election. I wonder how many scientists, doctors, singers have been killed? Literally hundreds of workers in the clinics have quit giving amazing stories of cruelty. Black women were more than 3.5 times more likely to have an abortion than white women (CDC). Planned Parenthood is given $616.8 million in taxpayer funding, in 2019 and has $1.6 billion in total revenue/ I have no trouble with birth control procedures but recently Democratic Federal Judges slapped down heart beat laws in six states that limited abortion to six weeks when the baby’s heart starts beating. The laws were initially passed in Alabama, Georgia, Louisiana, Mississippi, Missouri, and Tennessee.
The country is in daily riots over the white police killing 14 blacks many during an arrests. If black lives really matter why no riots against the 8,000 blacks killed each year by blacks and hundreds of thousands aborted black babies each year. It seems the high abortion rate is not lost on young black men who slaughter each other. Each day 2700 babies will be murdered, your vote will help stop it. http://www.aasc.ucla.edu/cab/200708230009.html.
UFO Sightings in the United States
Sightings are from MUFON CMS
Arizona Light
Kingman — Spotted and recorded from window seat of United 5042 Prescott to LAX
for approximately 10minutes.
Showed the flight captain one of the still shots on my phone and asked if he saw this earlier and if he had any ideas what it might be?
His reply was that it was the mirror reflection of the solar plant.
California Object
Lemon Grove — On September 6, 2020, I took a picture of the sky and sent it to my mom. I noticed an object in the picture that is unidentified. I sent it to my dad who has 25 years military experience and he told me to send it to MUFON
Mt. Shasta — Smoke was too thick to see Mt. Shasta. But when looking at the photo it looked clear and the object was in the photos. Pictures were taken from a moving car on I-5 near the Black Butte that is a cluster of lava domes overlapping a satellite cone of Mount Shasta. Witness was trying to take pictures of the smoke, but when looking at the photos the object was on them instead. Pictures taken on August 25, 2020,
Illinois Object
Chicago – On September 5, 2020, I caught something in a photo that I never saw. I am sending this so maybe you could identify it, tell me what it is. I’ve sent a second photo I took. It was about 6 minutes after, for perspective. I also attached a close up from using the edit feature on the iPhone.
Missouri Object
Des Peres – On September 9, 2020, I was driving 270S to Manchester when I first saw these odd cloud formations. At first glance they looked like trash bags about 50 feet off the ground.
The big one kept circling and would stop around 180 degrees. The big one looked like the shape of an airplane without wings. I don’t think was a drone. The big one changed between white and storm color several times but appeared fluffy on top and sides but almost a defined shape on the bottom of a squared off surface. I’m a storm chaser but this had a different gut feeling.
New Jersey Black Mass
Kearny — Saw a black mass in the sky below the clouds flying across the sky heading west, no sound, and no clear shape. Thought maybe it was a group of balloons but there was no shimmer. Photos taken on May 16, 2016.
New York Orb
Millos — The UFO flew out of the strange chemtrail then it vanished then came back then it was gone. I added a slow motion video to the footage so it would be easier to see the craft. Video was taken on September 5, 2020
Ohio Object
Troy — UFOs hovering just above light clouds in Troy, Ohio in early evening hours of August 30, 2017. Noticed in sky as I exited Wal-Mart. Loaded groceries in my car and watched object remain stationary for a handful of minutes and took cell phone picture. Rather uneventful.
Oklahoma Orb
Hobart — I saw a bluish orb hovering around the moon. I took some photos.
Note: A check of astronomical tables shows that the planet Jupiter was very close to the Moon on Aug 29, 2020. Thanks to Will Pucket/www.ufosnw.com/newsite/
Washington Lights
Bellevue– On August 28, 2020, I was walking my dog and I gazed upward to view the stars. I witnessed two objects, which looked identical to other stars; move together in a synchronized manner. They were positioned ‘side by side, they both made one full rotation, at the same speed, in a circular pattern and then one stopped moving, while its partner sped off in a NW direction at the speed of your average satellite. I have witnessed other ‘stars’ moving up, down, side to side, and in semi-circles n the southern sky at about 10:30 PM.
Wisconsin Orb
Barron — A friend took a picture of a craft in the sky glowing red. The craft hovered for about 5 minutes and then took off fast. Picture was taken in September 8 2020. Photo courtesy of MUFON.com
Worldwide UFO Sightings
Canada Object
Kamloops – On August 31, 2020, as I got into my car at 5:47 pm I had the urge to take some pictures. Upon later examination an object came into view over the medical building with a tiny object next to it. The next picture shows it way larger flying straight up with two emanations coming out of each side? Final picture shows it morphing into a disk shape?
Toronto — I just wanted to capture bright full moon on September 3, 2020. When I checked the photo later, noticed something else was also in the frame. It looks nothing like an airplane or anything I’ve ever seen.
Italy Object
Vatican — Never noticed flying disc while shooting scores of photos from Rome’s Pincio Promenade looking towards Vatican City. UFO only appeared during photo review after returning from travels. Clearly a disc less than 100 feet in diameter in upper left of picture on October 11, 2007.
Russia Light
Moscow — These objects pursues one person since 2016 year. At that time there were 2 objects and they were hanging above our dwelling much closer. Now only one object appears almost every day from 1:00 am up to 5:00 am and injures this person’s health. It applies unknown radiation against this person. The object attacks the basic 7 chakras of human body. As the result this person is without aura and her health is crashed seriously.
South Africa Lights
Cape Town — Friday night 4th September 2020, I witnessed technology we do not know about. I saw it tonight at 20:05:30 to 20:06:10. Tina walks into the lounge and points out that the camera is showing a car in front of the farm entrance gate. The Nature conservation sign has been vandalized. I arrive at front gate there moments later to find that it two chaps Nature conservation doing patrols. I greet them and noticed tracer fire with no trail in the sky. There are white lights moving in a straight line cutting through the atmosphere and disappearing back into it a few stars further. About 50 to a hundred white very small lights were moving through the sky
London – On September 2, 2020, the object consisted of 4 separate “panels” that together appeared to form a rugby ball shape or the Xbox logo. I zoomed in closer into the photo and noticed they appeared to be different sizes, with the largest one seem to have two “nodules” on it. I’ve included the original photo and a montage of my efforts to zoom into the photo
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Our outreach relies on the generosity of our supporters. Join us today. I have put together a DVD or flash drive of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Buy a Great DVD
I have put together a DVD of the last twenty years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings that will explain the phenomena and the importance to your life and your family. Additionally, I have included my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
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Filer’s Files C/O George Filer
222 Jackson Road
Medford, NJ 08055
Products and Books
Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings
Filer’s Files: Worldwide Reports of UFO Sightings on Amazon.com
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Our research is uncovering amazing truths by solving challenging projects deemed too difficult by other firms. We have had some success in finding missing persons. We could use your help in getting more results from our research. I have put together a DVD of the last seventeen years of Filer’s Files for you with hundreds of great photographs and UFO sightings. Additionally, I have decided to include my book within the DVD that includes George Ritter’s exciting abduction story told by Linda Moulton Howe. Broadcaster David E. Twichell joined me to write the book. We are asking for a donation of only $50 that includes next year’s subscription and our book. Please include your e-mail address and mailing address.
Have been digging through the giant DVD you sent recently. As a relatively recent joiner, I was unaware of the years’ worth of consistent reports of the same types of objects all over. This has been very educational. Just wanted to thank you for all you’ve done.
Bruce W. Freeman
Attorney at Law
Sign me up right now for Filer’s Files.
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Filer’s Files is copyrighted 2015 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post the COMPLETE files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name, and list the date of issue. These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to Majorstar
Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name or e-mail confidential. CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Majorstar
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women; God Bless Our Troops, and Georgie, Elizabeth, and Victoria Filer, and Eddie Pedrick. May the Angels be your guide and take you to paradise.
Put another way, a young person in the U.S. is nearly 11 times as likely to die in a swimming pool than in a school shooting. Few public officials would say pools are doing a poor job protecting swimmers, but the statistics suggest that we need “more lifeguards at pools, as opposed to guards at schools,” Fox said
The Filer Research Institute feels the scientific study of UFOs is for the benefit of humankind and is an important endeavor. The US Air Force investigated UFOs publicly for more than twenty years under Project Blue Book; and I continue this advanced research. I believe the God of the universe has spread life throughout the cosmos and UFO’s are visiting us in ever-increasing numbers.
CAUTION MOST OF THESE ARE INITIAL REPORTS AND REQUIRE FURTHER INVESTIGATION. If you wish to stop receiving these files, please send a message to Ma*******@ve*****.net.
Filer’s Files salutes our fighting men and women Georgie Filer and Eddie Pedrick my grandsons who both drowned. We pray that God will bless those who read these files spiritually.