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Filer's Files # 50



UFOs have been reported in New Jersey, North Carolina, Alabama, Illinois,
Louisiana, Kansas, Colorado, California, Mexico, Ireland, Italy, and
Australia. Scientific evidence of UFOs damaging the paint on automobiles in
the US Northeast and Australia.


Charlene sent this e-mail, "I write you hesitantly and grudgingly, not
wanting to have talked about this outside my marriage, but my husband has
badgered me to report the event. I will therefore explain the incident on
condition of 100% complete anonymity. I am a 30-year-old professional
female, I'm not particularly interested in science, science fiction, nor have
I seriously entertained the idea of UFO's previously.

On November 7, 2001, at approximately 1:00 AM, I had just finished a lovely
dinner while visiting with my parents in a rural area. On my way home I was
driving along a dirt road, which cuts through farmland until it accesses the
main road. I was about half way along the access road when I noticed in
front of my car an area that could best be described as distorted, like heat
waves coming off a hot asphalt road in the middle of summer. (We live by the
way in the Northeast, so it was certainly less than warm in mid November.)
The headlights of the car began to flicker the radio, which I was listening
to keep me alert for the ride home crackled then died. The engine stopped
and I can only describe what happened next as a red glowing almost
translucent, like a red glowing stove element, somewhat irregular shaped
object appeared about 20 feet in front of my car, slightly to the left and
hovered about 10 feet off the ground. The object sort of just appeared like
it burst onto the scene from nowhere. I certainly did not notice anything
peculiar previously to the object appearing. The object was irregular in
shape, roundish but the edges were not well-defined and seemed to wobble or
change almost like a cartoon animation. The object also seemed to be giving
off sparks or something. The object maintained the same position for five
minutes, best described as, morphed, or changed its shape into a pillar like
shape, and its color went from translucent red to platinum silver and shot
straight up into the sky at incredible speed.

The car began functioning again, the radio came back on, and I continued home
convincing myself I had imagined the whole thing, that I was still sleepy.
When I got home I explained the whole thing to my husband. My husband went
out to check the car and noticed spots on the hood of the car where the paint
had bubbled as if burned. The radio functioned but the CD player and digital
clock no longer work. This was an odd experience to say the least and have
talked to no one about it but my husband. We don't know what to make of this
experience except that we are in agreement not to talk of this to anyone for
fear of ridicule or worse. I have been having nightmares ever since and hope
that perhaps by relating my experience can somehow alleviate some of the
stress this episode has caused. Since this episode I cannot drive alone at
night and even during the day prefer to be accompanied. The stress is
beginning to take a toll, a patch of hair on my head has fallen out, and I
suffer from headaches and sporadic shooting pains up my spine. I have sought
medical attention for the physical symptoms and they can find nothing wrong.
If the psychological symptoms don't subside I may seek professional help for
them as well although I do not want to have to relate this experience to
anyone. Thanks to Charlene.


Bonnie writes that on December 2, 2001, "I rose early, around 5:00 AM to run
before the day starts; I let the dog out, most mornings." It's predawn,
there is a full moon high in the sky, and to the east the sky is just getting
purple. The dog is doing her thing. The moon is so pretty I stare at it for
a bit, and under the moon is a thing, it's invisible in a night sky, but it
is outlined by the moon's glow. I try to make it a plane, but it has no
wings, no tail, and no nose. It is cylindrical, has flat ends, I think it
looks like a pole. As I stare at it, it starts to move like a blimp, slow.
It was lying horizontally under the moon, and it moves in jerky movements
(like a rubber band, hard to explain) until it is vertical. Then it stops.
Then a light came out of one of the ends, and it looks like a star.
Indistinguishable from the other stars. (had I not seen it I never would
have known). Then I believe I saw the first "shooting star" I've ever seen,
when it took off in a southeasterly direction, which from here is the
Atlantic ocean. The whole thing took place in a 15 minute span of time, at
no time did it occur to me to get a camera, or call a family member. Thanks
to Bonnie


SYLVA -- Gene writes that on October 8, 2001, at 10:00 PM, I walked to the
deck in front of my house, looked up at the sky, and saw directly over my
head a UFO flying south. The shape was a rectangle about 10 X 5 inches
traveling like an airplane wing, completely lighted in an orange yellow color
with flashing or rotating lights of blue and purple and a blood red bubble
which expanded and contracted on the right three inches of this object.
There was no sound and I observed this for 5 to 8 seconds. The next night at
about 10:00 PM, I walked out of the back door of my house and looked toward
the heavens and there straight above me was the same or another UFO like I
had seen the night before. This time it was flying from west which would
make the two sightings to intersect over my house here at in Western North
Carolina which is: 35 degrees 20 minutes north latitude 82 degrees 15 minutes
west longitude.

I had been talking to God regarding what the Magi or Wiseman saw that is
called a Star in Matthew, which they saw two times. Once in the land they
came from and then it accompanied them from Jerusalem to Nazareth where "it
stopped over the place where the Child was." I am not surmising anything
this just happened to me, and I was "overjoyed" just like the Magi were. By
looking up supernovae on the Internet, I got a picture with these colors by
searching "Barry Setterfield" who produced the video "The Christmas Star"
which a friend Dr. Silas Anderson gave me in 1984, which showed me that
Christ was born sometime in September or October. This showed me the date of
October 1st which I had underlined several years before in Genesis 8:5. The
colors in this picture are the same as I saw on the UFO. To see a supernova
with all its colors go to: then click on
Signs in the Stars. In Christ, Gene. Thanks to Gene


NORTH ALABAMA -- On December 2, 2001, the witness observed a slow moving
oblong shaped object metallic in color headed east at 1:35 PM. The object
made not no noise and disappeared in a flash.


LEBANON -- On December 4, 2001, and several previous nights at 10:50 PM on my
way home from work driving north on Route 4 towards Lebanon from Scott Air
Force Base and while driving east on new Route 50 to Carlyle I witness a ball
of light moving across the sky at a very high rate of speed. I can't tell
it's altitude or size. I drive at 65 mph and it comes into my view as I
leave the base and it is gone out of my sight before I reach Breese,
Illinois. The drive takes about 15 minutes. The object must cover about 300
statue miles in that time frame. It is first visible from the southwest
looking from Lebanon and last visible in the northeast over Vandalia from the
same vantage point.

((NUFORC Note: We have no idea what the witness has been viewing. However,
since the witness apparently has been in motion during his sighting, we feel
that he may have been witnessing a (stationary) celestial body, which gives
the impression that it is moving, given that the witness has been moving. PD))


SOUTH BOSSIER -- On December 1, 2001, the witness heard a tremendous roaring
sound, making his house vibrate, so he went outside on his deck to see two
large low altitude craft flying over at 8:45 PM. The craft were about 2,000
feet or less in altitude. They had a strange lighting configuration. Both
craft had very bright red lights in the center, and bright white lights on
front and back. It was a clear night for viewing. The craft had no wing
lights or small tail lights, just lights spanning the length of both craft!
They had no green light or other lights that FAA requires. The craft were
extremely noisy, rumbling and roaring, to the point, I feared a crash was
about to occur! They were in view for too long to be conventional jets,
judging by their size and altitude. Being so low and large, it was hard for
me to comprehend how they could stay airborne. There may have been more than
two, but when I went outside, only two were evident. Both were about the
size of B-52 bombers. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC


WINFIELD -- On December 1, 2001, the witnesses saw an object made up of
streaming light that was approximately 1 1/2 miles long that made no sound.
It was basically three streams of light that were blue in color. Two streams
were originating from the cylindrical objects at 10:38 PM. Within the light
streams were gold looking objects that on first observation looked like
sparks. Intermixed within the sparks and blue rivers of light were many round
shapes which were in reds and greens. These objects held formation. The
blue streams of light appeared to be a half mile long though it was difficult
to judge the size as it may have been very large and far away even thought it
appeared to be very low and close. The whole thing was humongous. I guessed
it to be 1 1/2 mile total length and moving at a very high rate of speed.
There was absolute silence as it glided through a cloudless sky. This was
preceded by two small light sources that looked like the eyes of the craft.
We were unable to make out any structure and could only clearly see the
streams of light. The light coming from "the eyes" was very contained and
had no light between them and the craft, and the light source did not create
a beam. They appeared to be totally independent. There appeared to be shades
of red, green and blue lights around the cylindrical objects that we could
see. When we switched off the headlights and engine to the car, it flashed a
green light in our direction.

Fifteen minutes prior to this sighting, we had noticed a light in the sky
falling straight down towards the earth that we thought was a meteor. We
were just southeast of Winfied when we saw this. We drove through Winfield,
and were about 5 miles north when we saw this craft. It came from the
southwest going rapidly to the northeast. From the inside of the car, the
view filled the whole windshield. At first it appeared to be two B-1b
Bombers flying in very close and low formation. I got out of the car because
I could not believe what I was seeing and realized there was no sound. We
watched intently for the next few minutes until it just disappeared behind
some trees. We headed in the general direction and never caught sight of it
again. We tried to use our cell phone but had a huge echo and a lot of
static. I am a recently retired Numerical Control Programmer for Boeing
aircraft in the tool engineering department.

Editor's Note: NORAD announced that moving from the southwest to northeast
pieces of a Proton rocket had disintegrated in Earth's atmosphere. NORAD has
had a sudden increase in the number of uncorrelated targets reaching one
hundred a day. The time difference between the two sightings is unexplained.

WICHITA -- At 10:20 PM, the witness spotted a formation of 18 to 20 bright
objects leaving contrails on December 1, 2001. An entire formation (18 to 20
objects) of very "hot" streaking objects moved across the sky from our
location moving from southwest to northeast. The "formation was led by two
very bright lights leaving streaks of orange/yellow contrails. The balance
of the objects (each leaving an orange very long very bright contrail)
followed. The only description I can think of to describe the formation was
like an almost dry paint brush run across a wall. The number of objects
tended to decrease as they proceeded northeast from this location in
Southwest Wichita.
((NUFORC Note: We suspect the witness is describing the reentry event that
occurred at approximately 2120 hours. (Mountain) on Saturday, December 01,
2001. Please see: Thanks to
Peter Davenport NUFORC


OKLAHOMA CITY -- Gary England Chief Meteorologist, KWTV NEWS 9, On December
2, 2001, at about 10:15 PM, my wife, two others and myself were in our car
traveling south. One of us pointed to the west and said, "What is that?" A
somewhat wild scramble to get out of the car for a better look, in the middle
of Meridian Avenue, followed that comment. For a moment, the fuzzy lights
appeared to be similar to the bottom side of an airliner. But in what seemed
like a split second, numerous streaks of bright light were silently blazing
across the western sky toward the north. Like so many of you who saw the
event, I had never seen anything that could compare to it. It was absolutely
beautiful as well as a bit scary for a brief period. I turned to my friend
and commented that I certainly hoped we were not observing incoming ICBMs.
As it turns out, a rocket was involved. It was a Russian Proton rocket,
called SL-2 system. It was launched from Baikonur Cosmodrome in Kazakstan at
2:04 PM Saturday afternoon and had placed communication satellites in orbit.
It then reentered the atmosphere and went into a never to be forgotten long
duration, fragmented bright burn across a crystal clear night sky. Gary is a
friend of Jim Hickman's and they have worked on several UFO cases together,
including the "Unknown Flying' thing. Thanks to Jim Hickman
[email protected]
Editors Note: A series of witnesses reported the reentry in detail indicating
the average witness is rather accurate in their descriptions. Two to 400 UFO
reports are received each month indicating that many are actual unknowns.


COLORADO SPRINGS -- On December 2, 2001, the witness observed eight Lights in
formation flying overhead. There were dots of white, blue and red. They
were in a formation pointing east. The brightest was below the moon with two
at 50 degrees forming a triangle. Off all three points there was a dimmer
light. Then in the north two more lights were over Denver. My brother and I
have viewed the R.W.B. for years. This the first time I've seen more than
two in the sky. Note at the proper angle the formation appears to be an Eye
of Ra pointing towards D.C. I have seen them for years and this is the first
time more than two have appeared. Thanks to NUFORC


SANTA ANA/GARDEN GROVE -- While driving in Costa Mesa (Orange County south of
Disney Land), at about 7:00 PM, I saw what appeared to be a lighted blimp in
the northern sky. It seemed to be somewhere in the air space southwest of
the Disney Land Area. As I was driving, I only saw the lighted blimp for a
few moments and at a distance but it appeared to be nothing else but a blimp.
I submitted this report because the object could very have been reported as a

ANAHEIM -- The witness a private pilot reports, "I was looking up towards the
North Star on December 4, 2001, when all of sudden I saw two formations of
lights in a triangle shape." Each formation was about 15 inches long. After
a few seconds they changed formation into one large triangle, and one object
was acting like a rover circling the whole triangle, then it added itself on
to the formation, and they disappeared into the distance. They were at a
very high altitude. I have never seen anything like this or reported
anything in my life. I come from a family of fighter pilots and airline
pilots, I have been around all kinds of planes and air shows my whole life.
The speed and maneuverability of these objects was something I haven't seen
before. If anyone else witnessed the same formations I would like to know.
They were flying directly Southbound away from North Star.

((NUFORC Note: We spoke with this witness, and he sounded quite level-headed
and sincere to us. We suspect that his report has no relationship to the
sighting from Santa Ana/Garden Grove from the same date, but two hours
earlier. Apparently, the movement of the objects was quite uncharacteristic
of migratory birds, aircraft, or any other phenomenon the witness is familiar
with. The witness identified himself as being a private pilot. PD)) Thanks


MOUNT POPOCATPÉTL -- Troy Allen notified me he is regularly observing UFOs
over Popocatpétl one of the tallest active volcanoes, located sixty
kilometers east of Mexico City. Troy is not located near the volcano but
monitors the volcano's observation camera. Troy noticed on November 27,
2001, around 8:00 AM there were dark objects circling the volcano. Their
speed and size ruled out birds or aircraft. Numerous UFOs have been sighted
and caught on the volcano's observation cameras. Over sixty UFOs were
spotted this summer alone. The volcano is active and often has cloud cover,
but the UFOs are comparatively dark and can frequently be seen through
clouds. They appear as dark specs but move like a powered craft. UFO s have
had an interest in the volcano since its December 21, 1994, eruption, ending
decades of slumber. Residents of the Popocatepetl area have also reported
seeing lights that "fly" over the volcano for several years. Troy says,
"After almost a year of repeated surveillance and a few thousand photos
later, it is my belief that the so-called UFO flying saucer phenomenon in
fact is a very real thing that is accruing throughout the world." Thanks to


DUBLIN -- On December 2, 2001, the witnesses observed a disk with red and
white lights on it that just seemed to hover to the west! As we stopped at
the traffic lights my Mam looked out the window and to her surprise she saw a
disk shaped flying object in front of her! The craft started moving and she
told all six of us to look out the window! As we looked out we all saw a
craft with a red lights and white lights on it! It just seemed to hover to
the west of the car! As we drove off it vanished out of sight! Thanks to


A slump has been confirmed in the number of UFO reports published by Italian
newspapers. This may be the result of the shift in mass media attention to
the dramatic news events occurring at the international level. In fact, only 42
clippings appear with reference to the UFO argument, these gathered over the
last month by the special agency Eco della Stampa for the Italian Center for
UFO Studies. There being a sharp drop compared with the preceding months
(monthly data from the last ten years are available on the C.I.S.U Internet
site: The trend was also reflected in
the number of sighting reports, which abruptly diminished during the second
half of September. The data relative to the month of October confirm
nonetheless the end of the summer wave) will be distributed by the C.I.S.U.
next week. This is the English translation of UFOTEL, a free phone/Internet
information service on UFOs edited weekly by Edoardo Russo for the Italian
Center for UFO Studies (Centro Italiano Studi Ufologici), at


BRISBANE, QUEENSLAND -- A report has just come into MUFON from a man
returning home from work in the suburb of Fernvale. On arriving just out of
Ipswich his wife contacted him by mobile phone to pick up some milk on his
way home. He stopped at a small shop at 7.35 PM, just this side of Brassall
fifteen minutes drive from his home in Fernvale. As he drove along he became
aware of a bright light on the horizon. He said that usually he drives at
around 100 kilometers per hour (60 mph) on this stretch of road, but found
himself doing 135 kilometers (80 mph). As he drove on, the light became
bigger as he got closer, it seemed to be stationery then as he got a little
closer his immediate thought was, that it was someone on a motor bike. As he
got closer still the color seemed to change from the color of a halogen light
to the reddish/orange. This light went over his car and was about 45 degrees
above the trees on the passenger side of the car, it seemed to keep abreast
with him, so he sped up. It kept just ahead of his car. When I asked him
how big this light was? He said, 'if you stretched out your arm it would be
about 8 inches in diameter,' he would gauge the height it traveled was about
20 feet above the trees.

He contacted his wife by mobile phone and asked her to go outside and look in
his direction at this object in the sky. She said that she watched it for
about five minutes before it flew in a south west direction. Malcolm claims
that he watched it for a good fifteen minutes. Malcolm had phoned me around
9:15 PM to report the incident. I asked him was anything different regarding
his car or clothes, skin etc. He asked me to wait while he checked out his
car. Malcolm came back to the phone rather puzzled, he found a type of dust
imbedded in his car on the passenger's side, roof and the front of the bonnet
(hood) also around the trim on the doors-when he shined a large spotlight on
the paint work he found that the colors were imbedded into paint work of the
car -- like a brown, creamy color and other colors seemed to glitter. When
he ran his hand over the paint work he found that the dust particles felt
like find sand paper. I asked him to scrape off some of the residue so that
we can have it examined. On questioning Malcolm - it would appear a time
distortion (lapse) had taken place. Usually it only takes him about 15
minutes to reach home from Brassall, the time he arrived home at 8:50 PM. It
would appear that he had an hour of lost time. Malcolm has been a truck
driver for many years. Up until now has never had any interest in or taken
notice of UFO's. A pretty down to earth chap. I will interview him
tomorrow. Thanks to Rev. Glennys Mackay, J.P. Continental Director MUFON


MUFON's Tom Deuley writes that we might be interested in the new "Popular
Science Magazine" for December 2001. There are two aircraft, either of which
the public would likely report as a UFO. One of these, on page 39, is
Boeing's X-45, an Unmanned Combat Air Vehicle (UCAV). It has completed
ground testing and is likely in flight-testing. The second one, on page 71,
had no name or designator mentioned, but has a wingspan of 38 meters, is
triangular, and can take off and land vertically, (hover). It is beginning
to appear that most of the black triangular UFOs are ours, but as I said - no
surprise. There is no telling how long these have been around. Thanks to
Tom Deuley


Mac Tonnies writes, "There is a decidedly unusual face formation located in
Iran. This artificial-appearing feature shares a striking, if superficial,
resemblance to the Face on Mars as revealed in its entirety by the Mars
Global Surveyor. The highly symmetrical base "platform" and tapered "chin."

The exact archaeological/geological history of Iran's peculiar "platform" is
presently unknown. As noted previously, NASA has written the Face off as a
"hill" based on one JPL employee's personal position that the Face "reminds"
him of a hill. JPL's "hill" is the perfectly natural-looking Middle Butte
formation, exposed by Lan Fleming of the Society for Planetary SETI Research.
If the formation in the Mideast is natural, it is obviously a far superior
example of bisymmetry occurring via normal geological forces than Middle
Butte. It appears Iran's "platform" is a deliberately sculpted monument, and
we are presented with the opportunity to see what a "Face-like" terrestrial
artifact has to tell us about the enigmatic visage on Mars' surface. Such
comparative anthropology is a crucial component in any attempt to assess
possible extraterrestrial artifacts. Thanks to Mac Tonnies and

Editor's Note: I have repeatedly told our readers that various features on
Mars appear artificial. Tunnels, buildings, walls, pyramids, water and
plants are evident. These could theoretically be natural on Mars, but they
are most likely evidence of life and cultural activities. This seems
particularly likely because of relationship and symmetry of the artifacts in
relations to each other. JPL who is charge of the exploration deliberately
misrepresents the Face and other features to the public. Even relatively
unimportant features such as blue skies are intentionally changed to red
skies, so the public remains unsuspecting. This inexcusable
misrepresentation of the space science data is deliberate. I ask why? The
logical answer is they have been ordered to hide the fact that there is life
in space and on other planets.


Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs that were caught on
recent Shuttle video footage. Jeff has over a hour-long tape of UFOs shot in
space. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the shuttle broadcasts from
space and is now an expert on NASA missions and even those onboard the
shuttle are unlikely to see what Jeff does. Using Jeff's directions you will
be able to learn the difference between space junk, ice crystals and real
UFOs. I feel confident we could go into a court of law and convince any jury
that there are UFOs moving at high speed around the Earth. Send $25 to: Jeff
Challender 2768 Mendel Way - Sacramento, California 95833-2011


Just in time for the holidays, the new UFO Store is open on our web site with
some of the best UFO books and paraphernalia available. Help support UFO
research by purchasing through us! Filer's Files is dedicated to uncovering
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MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports
subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL that costs only $30 per year by contacting
[email protected]. Mention that I recommended you for membership. Filer's
Files is copyrighted 2001 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers
may post the complete files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter
and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared.
These reports and comments are not necessarily the OFFICIAL MUFON viewpoint.
Send your letters to [email protected]. Sending mail automatically grants
permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to
keep your name, address, or story confidential. Caution, most of these are
initial reports and require further investigation.

Happy Holidays, George Filer

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