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Filer's Files # 45



UFO WAVE HAS BEEN REPORTED IN TEXAS WITH OVER A DOZEN SIGHTINGS.  UFOs were also spotted in Connecticut, New York, Virginia, Florida, Tennessee, Wisconsin, North Dakota, Oklahoma, Colorado, and Norway.


GEOMAGNETIC STORM WARNINGS -- A powerful solar explosion and plasma hurricane on November 4th, sparked an X-class solar flare and hurled a bright coronal mass ejection toward Earth.  The expanding cloud triggered strong geomagnetic activity with flourescent red, blue, and green skies when it swept past our planet on November 6th at 8:50 PM. EST.  Sky watchers everywhere, even at middle latitudes where auroras are rarely seen, should be alert for Northern Lights while geomagnetic storms are underway.  Observers as far south as central California and Delaware have reported vivid shimmering Northern Lights.  For detailed information visit Space Weather at


JPL -- The Odyssey Spacecraft has started taking dips into the Martian atmosphere to get into position to map our neighboring planet.  The craft is aerobraking passing within 100 miles of the surface and hoping to detect the atmosphere of Mars.  The Odyssey will move lower to about 60 miles from the surface by January and is expected to maintain a 2 1/2-hour circular orbit when the aerobraking is complete.  New data is intended to map the distribution of minerals and chemicals across the surface and provide daily Martian weather reports.  It also will seek out frozen deposits of water that might help determine if life ever existed on the Red Planet.  Editor's Note: Insider data indicates they already know that life exists on Mars and they may start to reveal this data backed by the Odyssey findings. 


BRISTOL -- Resident reports UFO sighting - A Nicholas Drive resident reported to police Sunday that he saw an unidentified flying object about 1:00 AM Sunday, November 4, 2001, hovering near the Douglas A. Beals Senior-Community Center.  The resident said that while he was walking his dog, he looked up and something that looked like a bird with flapping wings -- but it was the size of an ultra light airplane and produced "a whirring, almost mechanical sound."  There were no other reports of anyone sighting the object.  The Bristol Press / CT Published: 11/5/01 Thanks to FarShores UFO News [email protected].


NEW YORK CITY -- It was a chrome like color, as big as a one story building, maybe about 250-500 feet in the air, and it glowed reddish black and left a whitish trail when it left on October 15, 2001, at 2:00 PM.  During this event, the object changed colors three of four times, between reddish black, to a very dark red.  It sounded like a whistle at first, but became silent and came on again.  It was similar to Morse Code.  I saw at least a dozen lights on it that where various colors.  I was talking on my cell phone at the time to my wife, telling her about this, and it was coming in kind of fuzzy.  Then I heard a noise coming from my cell phone, (Maybe a transmission) and then it went dead a couple of seconds later.  The noises I heard from the phone could have been a language, but I could not understand a word of it.  After my phone went dead, the UFO left a few seconds later.

POUGHKEEPSIE -- On October 13, 2001, this witness reports, "My wife, myself and two friends where driving back from a haunted hay ride at 12:45 PM saw a strange star.  We were driving south on the NY State Thruway on a very clear night.  I opened the sunroof and was looking at the stars when my wife said, "Look at that really bright star."  It was in the east and low on the horizon and was moving.  I asked my friend to pull over and got a good look at the moving light.  It was moving in odd formations.  So we thought it was a plane moving across the sky.  But after a minute or two it was still in the same spot, but moving up then to the left, right, down, it would even dim then become very bright again.  Then move in circular motions, and then dim out completely.  Then BAM brighten up again.  The shape of this thing was a triangle and very bright.  I don't know what it was, but it was something and I hope I have the opportunity to see it again.  Thanks to Peter Davenport Direc!
tor of NUFORC


HARRISONBURG -- On October 15, 2001, the witness was standing on his deck and noticed circular object off-white in color traveling at supersonic speed.  At 5:25 PM it was still daylight, the circular object solid in appearance but without any distinct markings was seen.  At first the witness thought it was a plane of some sort but then I noticed it didn't omit any sound.  The witness estimates that it was 3500 to 4000 feet high, and 50 degrees off the horizon.  It resembled the color of an off-white cloud.  The object was going northeast at supersonic speed because it was out of sight in no time.  When I first noticed the object, it was about the size of a nickel or quarter at arm's length.  As it traveled, it rapidly decreased in size until I lost it over the horizon.  Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC


HIALEAH -- NUFORC reports the witness says, "I saw the object over Miami on Saturday night, October 14, 2001, from 12:30 to 4:00 AM.  The object appeared like a star but was zigzagging in the night sky.  When I looked through my binoculars, I noticed that it appeared much like a jellyfish with two limbs and a light source inside.  I contacted a friend who lives ten miles west of me and he confirmed seeing the object in the west.  The object would disappear behind the clouds.  My family also described it as "a jellyfish-like object with two legs and a light inside."  I thought it looked more like a frog with two legs and with a light inside.  We all agreed that it looked and moved much like a kite would and not a weather balloon.  How could a kite fly well above the clouds?  Thanks to NUFORC


NASHVILLE -- At 9:40 AM, on October 26, 2001, my wife and I were traveling on I 24 and noticed two jets that appeared to be heading toward each other (for a possible collision).  One was heading east and one heading west.  Out of bewilderment, we continued to observe the planes.  After watching for approximately two minutes, suddenly, a bright silver appearing disc shaped object (the width of the jet stream itself) appeared between the two planes and swooped into the jet stream of the plane coming from the east and traveled the entire length of that plane's stream in approximately 2-3 seconds and disappeared.  As soon as the object disappeared, both planes veered away from their flight paths and turned to go in opposite directions.  Needless to say, in light of the attacks on Washington and the World Trade Center, we assumed the planes were military aircraft zeroing in on something picked up on radar.  Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC


WISCONSIN RAPIDS -- UFOWisconsin reports that Tony E. was driving on Highway 13 on November 4, 2001, from Pittsville when he witnessed a bright light, bigger than a falling star.  It moved faster than a falling star, coming straight down perpendicular to the horizon beyond or over the city of Wisconsin Rapids at 7:10 PM.  I was so far away, that it appeared to disappear behind some woods.  Thanks to Jenny Hoppe ICQ #950705 UFOWisconsin -  " Thanks to [email protected] (Jenny Hoppe), UFOWisconsin 
Jenny says, "Stop the planet, I wanna get off!"


SAINT LOUIS -- Dave Arnold writes, "This morning, Nov. 6, 2001, while viewing the news on KTVI Channel 2 St. Louis between 7 to 8:00 AM, I saw the following when cutting to a weather segment?  Behind the news anchor was a background video window (running at this point) showing the St. Louis downtown dawn sky, prerecorded as it was now 7:00 AM or later, looking east, which was a beautiful collage of colors, when an object came into view from the center-left of the screen and continued in a straight line horizontally across the picture reaching just beyond center of the screen left to right at which point the video froze.  The object appeared to be an elliptically shaped ball of light, white in color, with trailing tail.  It looked like a teardrop on it's side.  It traveled seemingly slow as it took nearly two seconds to move from left to where it was stopped.  Anyone viewing this newscast, if they chanced to look at this background video, could not have missed this.  It seemed as though the video was frozen at just the moment I was thinking "what the hell is that?" The image remained frozen and onscreen for another 3 to 5 seconds before they moved on to the next segment. I thought maybe you could verify this (or not) with KTVI.  [email protected] (dave arnold)


Brian Vike reports that on October 31, 2001, he received a report from a witness who was out for a midnight drive with friends.  Off to the east was the weirdest light at 12:02 AM.  We all saw it at one time, like it just appeared at once, and that was why we noticed it together!  It was going very slowly, almost hovering at times.  It had three colors of lights on it, in a strange formation, not like regular airplane lights.  It was so mesmerizing, so we stopped the vehicle and got out to stare at it.  It kind of gave us the chills, but we couldn't take our eyes off it.  It hovered for a while, and moved again slowly, up and down, then moved forward again.  The lights seemed to brighten up.  It wasn't like any planes that I have ever seen before.  The sky was clear and we saw the full moon on the other side of the sky.  It was a beautiful night, and freaky standing there watching this light formation with the Northern Lights dancing behind it.  We kept asking each other.  "What is it?"  I prefer to think it was something NOT of this world.  I kept saying, "Well beam us up and let's get on with it!"  Thanks to Brian Vike UFO Field Investigator [email protected] HBCC UFO Research, Box 1091 Houston, B.C.


LAWTON -- Kari a 24 year old reports this past June, she would sit outside her friend's house, because I love to look at the stars.  Around 10:00 PM, and I noticed to my left a bright glowing ball of light, thinking it might be a flare from the army base I really did not become startled at first, but then I realized that the army base was to my right and no where near the ball of light.  Then the ball of light started to move, but not falling down like a flare would but across the sky very slowly.  Then it just disappeared into thin air.  I ran inside, told my friend about it, and ran back outside.  Fifteen minutes later, it looked as if one of the stars were moving in the sky, but it was not moving about like a satellite, but more random like, kind of darting about the sky.  I know I saw something.  Later my friend Moniqua, whose house I was staying at, said that she was not surprised because she and her husband had a weird experience.  They were leaving late one night around 10:00 PM, when they walked out the front door a flash of light covered them, like it scanned right over them and then disappeared.  They said they walked back into the house and just sat there for ten minutes before talking to one another.  They just did not know what to think.  Thanks to Kari [email protected]


HOUSTON -- Robert Thompson who lives in the Willowbrook area reports that on October 25, 2001, I was up at 1:30 AM and saw what I believe was a UFO.  It didn't have any lights on it, but I was still able to see it very clearly traveling across the sky.  It was traveling west very fast and was oval.  It was very high in the sky.  It was the size of a quarter held at arm's length.  I would put my hand on the Holy Bible and swear to you that I saw what I said I saw.  I don't know what it was.  However, it was big enough to see in the dark night sky, and it truly frightened me.  In addition "NO" it was not an airplane.  Thanks to [email protected]

HOUSTON -- Beau writes, "I want to report sightings for the last four nights.  I've seen unexplainable lights in the sky.  Both my wife and I have seen them, also on two nights a friend saw them from another location five miles away.  The first night there was one about 30 degrees in the sky, and to the east of me over Spring, Texas.  We saw many light patterns from it with all colors.  It appeared to "get tall" then return to its original size.  Then it would hover from side to side and up and down.  We saw it for 40 minutes then went to bed, at 11:00 PM.  The second night we saw it again, 35 degrees up a little to the south from previous night.  I called my friend who saw it too.  Then he said he saw two and when I walked further away from trees I saw the second as well.  We watched it for 2.5 hours, until 2:00 AM.  The third night there was only one that I observed for thirty minutes from 12:00 to 12:30 AM.  The fourth night there were three in a pattern like a check mark. They took turns being "active."  We watched from 7: 30 to 9:30 PM.  My friend saw them and my neighbor too.  She had binoculars so I could see the colors a little bit better. They were brilliant colors of every shade, but mostly blue, purple, and green.  I went out again from 12:30 to 1:30 AM and the check mark shifted and inversed, meaning the low point of checkmark was now the high point.  Last night was a full moon too, and these "devices" still were plainly visible when the stars were not.  We called the local FOX weather desk; they reported no meteors or weather balloons etc.  These sightings in my opinion are definitely mechanical in nature and not stars or planets.  We were watching something bizarre.  Thanks to BEAU [email protected].

ADKINS -- We were standing outside on my front porch on October 14, 2001, when one friend noticed a bright light moving.  He first thought it was a star, but it began to move erratically at 6:00 AM.  He pointed out that it was unusually bright and had an odd shape.  We began to watch as the craft came closer towards us.  It was moving slow and seemed to be dipping and rising.  We grabbed our binoculars; we noticed it had a red light around a bright white light.  I thought it was two red lights, one on top and bottom, while my friend saw red on bottom and blue trailing.  Two of us saw a blue slow blinking light heading towards the main craft.  When it got near the craft, it suddenly headed straight down, leaving a blue tail like that of a comet.  We watched for about two hours until dawn, when we could no longer see it.

HUNTSVILLE -- I'm part of a marching band and we're from Houston.  We went to a competition in Huntsville October 28, 2001, and for our lunch break we headed back to the bus from the stadium and we saw a whole bunch of flying white things.  At first we thought they were birds but every 3 seconds they would disappear and then come back, and then disappear and come back, repeatedly.  It looked like a school of fishes, but in the sky.  There were two groups of them.  The whole band saw it.

AUSTIN -- On October 25, 2001, there was a firework like flash with a lighted point hitting another and creating a short spark shower.  It then disappears.
NUFORC Note: We believe the date of the incident might be October 31, 2001.

BUNA AND DEWEYVILLE -- Several friends and I saw a slow or nonmoving object almost due east from my house on October 25, 2001, at 1:30 AM.  It was flying at about 10 to 20,000 feet high, with a constant, very bright white light and alternating flashing blue, red, green, and maybe purple color flashing.  Sometimes two or more colors could be seen at once.  The object remained in its position for 30 to 40 minutes and seemed to move up in elevation very slowly.  There was no lateral movement seen.

SAN ANTONIO -- Last Friday night, at October 18, 2001, my wife and I traveled back to San Antonio from Victoria, Texas after a High school game.  My daughters are on the dance team and their buses were unloading at 1:30 AM.  I was talking to a friend of mine as we were standing by his truck, there were low streak looking clouds above us.  We were less than a 1/4-mile from downtown San Antonio.  We happened to be looking up for a moment and saw a turquoise luminous cigar shaped object streak across the sky.  It was as if a neon light has turned on for a moment and streaked across half the sky above us, then turns off then back on again.  This object was cloud high and confounded the two of us.  We both saw it at the same time but could not say what it was.  Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC


VAIL -- I hesitate to call what I saw a "UFO" but it is unidentified.  This morning, October 31, 2001, at around 6:15 AM, I stepped outside of my condo located in Avon just outside of Vail.  We are located on a small lake, and there are no real obstructions around me.  The Sun had not yet broken the skyline, we are at 7500 feet altitude, surrounded by mountains that reach above 11,000 feet, but we are not "closed in."  I saw a VERY bright light in the eastern sky that at first I thought was a morning star, except that the horizon was already lit up from the Sun.  The bright light was brighter than any star or planet that I have observed in the morning sky before.  It was located at approx. 60 degrees above horizon, if the horizon were flat.  Above it and to the left was another light, with the intensity of perhaps a star or planet.  They appeared to be far away, but not "far" as in the typical skyline.  Reflections were ruled out because the objects reflected toward dark (west) not toward the light source (Sun).  Neither object moved, so I assumed they were stars.  My husband can verify.  Just about then the clouds from the west were moving in, and our view was obscured.  For a moment or so I saw them again, about 5 minutes later, and the sky was already brightening up for sunrise.  I have observed skies all my life.  I was an air traffic controller in the military and use to seeing all kinds of lights, planes, and "spook" helicopters, (such as the Friday night right after the tragic events of Sept 11th when nothing else was flying). 

Editor's Note:  Mercury continues its fine appearance near Venus low in the East.  Saturn is near the moon.  They might have been too low for you to see.


PHOENIX -- On October 25, 2001, myself and another individual witnessed a flying triangular shaped craft flying about 1000 feet at a high rate of speed at 10:20 PM.  It had no lights coming from it and it seemed that the ambient light from the city was all that made it visible.  It quickly flew in and out of view, flying straight south and made no sound.  It had 5 or 7 white orbs on the under side in an arrow head shape consistent with its direction of flight. One half of each of the orbs protruded from the crafts dark, hardly visible fuselage.  It appeared translucent, 12 to 20 feet wide, and 15 to 23 feet long.  There was nothing in the objects flight path to obtain a good perspective.  Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC


TORONTO -- Nick Balaskas writes, "The metallurgy building just south of University of Toronto's Convocation Hall where you spoke at the Toronto engagement of 'The Disclosure Project' houses some very unusual metals known as shape memory alloys."  These unusual metals can be severely deformed into various shapes and then when heated will return to their original shapes.  These very specialized metals are now being studied at more metallurgy research labs.  Some of these same metals and their properties were demonstrated to an amazed public at a recent University of Toronto open house.  One application of such metal has already been used in eyeglass frames which return to their original shape (thanks to Roswell UFO crash technology)? After one sits on them by accident.  Thanks to Nick Balaskas 
P.S.  The maximum speed limit on Toronto highways is 100 (or 160 for Americans at the current exchange rate).


UFO Norway is picking up strange lights on their video cameras.  Check out for some very nice photos of various luminous phenomena in "our" atmosphere.  The Norwegian telescope camera seems to have captured a flying object near the Moon.  Thanks to Ole Jonny Brænne UFO-Norway [email protected] (nikos) See:


LONDON -- The Observer By Paul Harris states, Scientists and generals drew up a top secret report on Unidentified Flying Objects and then decided to cover up a wave of rumors and sightings that swept Britain in the 1950s.  The Ministry of Defense denied the existence of the UFO report, written in 1951 and later used to brief Prime Minister Winston Churchill, for almost 50 years.  But UFO historians Andy Robert and David Clarke have recently unearthed the six-page document as they researched a book on UFOs and the Cold War.  The report has been a 'Holy Grail' of British 'Ufology' and details the conclusions of a shadowy panel called the Working Party on Flying Saucers.  This group was the idea of Sir Henry Tizard, one of Churchill's most trusted scientific advisers during World War II and a key figure behind the development of radar.  But anyone looking for an elusive 'X-file' that confirms the existence of aliens will be disappointed.  The report concludes that all sightings were explainable by natural events, such as the weather or meteors, or were of normal aircraft.  But it does speak volumes about the scale of paranoia in Britain at the start of the Cold War.  From 1950 onwards, hundreds of UFO sightings were reported across Britain and were regular front-page news.  Leading public figures, including Lord Louis Mountbatten, came out with their belief that aliens were visiting Earth.  The phenomenon terrified the top brass on both sides of the Atlantic.  Generals were worried that reports of flying saucers could be used by the Soviet Union to disguise an earthly attack or that the sightings were giving the Russians a clue that Britain's radar network was faulty and easy to penetrate - which was actually true but unknown within the Soviet bloc.  'This was a time of great paranoia and fear.  The Government took a decision to throw a blanket over the UFO scare and say as little as possible about it,' said Clarke.  'There certainly was a cover-up, but what was being covered up was Cold War paranoia and our fears over our radar system. 

It was nothing to do with aliens.  Despite the official silence, the UFO scares did not die down.  In 1952, Churchill fired off a memo to his advisers in the wake of fresh UFO sightings in the United States.  'What does all this stuff about flying saucers amount to?  What can it mean?  What is the truth?'  Churchill wrote.  Tizard's report was then used to brief the Prime Minister on the perceived lack of real threat from UFOs in August of that year.  A few months later an order went out expressly banning all RAF personnel from discussing sightings with anyone not from the military.  In trying to underplay the sightings, Britain was following the lead of the United States, which had conducted several studies into its own UFO sightings and adopted a policy of official secrecy.  When the British report was presented, a top CIA scientist traveled over to the meeting to make sure the conclusions of America's closest ally fitted in. (snip) Thanks to [email protected], The London Observer Published: 10/ 21/01


James Parsons writes in the Star Beacon, "Comes now a story out of Roswell and Los Alamos which may explain the three flights made from Roswell Army Air Field to Los Alamos on July 9, 1947, a few days after the crash.  This story is from Carol Syska, former director of the UFO Museum at Roswell during 1999 and most of 2000.  Carol was a group secretary and division budget director at Los Alamos for almost 30 years.  She retired in 1988 and moved to Roswell, N.M., not far from the town where she was born and raised.  Carol first heard of UFOs when living in California in the early 1950s, resulting in an interest in UFOs in general.  One day at Los Alamos, she read that a report containing information about UFOs was available in the Lab library.  This sounded interesting to Carol.  She ordered the report.  She read this booklet titled, Project Blue Book, which contained some comments about wreckage from a crashed vehicle being sent for testing to Los Alamos.  At the time (1962), Carol worked at the Lab with the NonDestructive Test Group (NDT).  Her boss, a senior scientist, was head of NDT and had been with the Lab since the beginning of the Manhattan Project.  If testing had been done on crash debris, Carol's boss would know about the tests and the truth of the crash at Roswell.  Carol went to the man's office and showed the report to him.  She asked, "Is this true?"  Carol's boss, in a business-like manner, replied, "What is the level of your security clearance?"  Carol said, "Sir, you know as well as I do what it is."  (Carol told me that at the time she held a Q clearance.  A Q clearance is a very high National Security clearance.)  Carol's boss, after a pause, said, "Well, do you have the need to know?"  Carol said, "Guess not," and moved to the door.  Carol's boss said, "Just a minute."  After another pause, he added, "I would advise you to read everything you ever see about this subject."  Thanks to James Parsons Nov. Star Beacon full story at!

WILLIAM COOPER -- I regret to report the death of William Cooper who apparently died during a gun fight with police.  He was the author of "Behold A Pale Horse."  He told me how he had observed a UFO come out of the Pacific Ocean and later return after it flew over his submarine. Please pray for him, his family and the policemen.

PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO photographs available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham Bethune.  $10.00.  Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055.  CD OF FILER'S FILES for the last four years 1997 through 2000 is available for $25.00.  Both for $30.00.


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MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL for $30 per year by contacting [email protected].  Mention that I recommended you for membership.  Filer's Files is copyrighted 2001 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved.  Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites if they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared.  These reports and comments are not necessarily the official MUFON viewpoint.  Send your letters to [email protected].  Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name.  Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential.  Caution, most of these are initial reports and require further investigation. 
Regards, George Filer

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