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Filer's Files #24 -- 2001



UFO REPORTS CONTINUE TO COME IN FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD. Australia, Korea, India, and US have numerous reports. Illinois has a series of UFO reports. New Jersey, Pennsylvania, Florida, Minnesota, Oklahoma, Oregon, California, also report UFOs. More data on Mars and Roswell.


SMITHSONIAN'S NATIONAL AIR AND SPACE MUSEUM -- Sir Arthur C. Clarke, probably the world's most famous space author, spoke by phone from Sri Lanka on June 6, to the Wernher von Braun Memorial Lecture Series. He told the audience he believes that new images of Mars clearly show the red planet dotted with patches of vegetation, including trees. He feels this fact may spark new exploration of Mars. He and director Stanley Kubrick joined to produce "2001: A Space Odyssey." Clarke claims to have studied images from Mars taken by the now-orbiting Mars Global Surveyor on his home computer. Clarke encourges everyone to have a really good look at these new Mars images," Clarke said. "Something is actually moving and changing with the seasons that suggests, at the very least vegetation." There is something akin to Banyan trees in some Mars photos.

Editor's Note: I personally have also studied these images and agree with Sir Arthur Clarke that there are signs of vegetation evident in the photos. I had experience in photo interpretation while in the Air Force and I think the water at the Martian Poles is melting in the spring and creating some kind of vegetation as it moves towards the equator. The color and branches appear similar to trees. In addition, there also appear to be structures, possible earth moving equipment, tunnels, and other indications of Martian Life. Having traveled to many of our Earth's pyramids, the D&M Pyramid on Mars is particularly intriguing. The five-sided pyramid reveals a structure that is contradictory with the surrounding geology. Neither volcanic nor other geomorphologic processes are likely to create a natural mechanism for the formation of an equilateral five-sided pyramid. Further like our own pyramids the structure is situated in a complex surrounded by other likely structures. The pyramid is only part of the larger Cydonia complex. The structures have a similarity to the ancient Kingdom of Kush in Sudan. We can speculate the Cydonia complex may represent some type of fortifications or religious compound. The corners of the D&M Pyramid appear to point towards the city at Cydonia and the Mars face. The pyramids on Earth are known to be structures built by intelligent beings, it seems logical that intelligence was needed to build or shape the D&M Pyramid. Additionally, the possibility of a tunnel complex on Mars creates even more interesting questions. The intricate relationships are so numerous that I must agree with Sir Arthur Clarke that the highly sophisticated designs indicates life on Mars.


NEWARK -- On April 11, 2001, I was in my backyard on a beautiful night, when I decided to look up and noticed a bright red object very high in the sky. At first it started moving very slow towards my direction, but stopped right above as though it were looking at me. It then started making left and right turns at forty-five degree angles. One time it stopped directly above my head as though it were studying me. This all took place within an hour and a half, and then it took off so fast that my eyes couldn't keep up with its speed. It was bright red and made a humming sound. I couldn't tell if it was made of metallic or any other kind of material. I knew it wasn't an aircraft just by the way it looked. The witness indicated the sighting stunned him. Thanks to John Schussler Director of MUFON


WARREN -- We were returning from the hospital on June 1, 2001, on old Route near 193 when I thought I saw a UFO or something to the north. I had the feeling we were being followed. I've seen a UFO come out of an explosion in the sky and a craft go down by the power lines near the OHIO/PA line. I've seen everything. My father was driving me toward Brookfield, but I've never felt like I was being followed like this before. I just thought I was stressed out since on the 7th my husband passed away. It was really weird. At about 3:00 PM I felt this hand grab my right biceps, I turned around, and nobody was there. Stress can play tricks on you. I don't know, was it stress that made me feel the hand? Thanks to June.


TAMPA BAY -- Luann Marek remarks, "I have seen many UFOs." I lived in upstate New York on a reservoir and I've had many sightings. My husband and I even saw one go into another dimension. We thought it was going to hit the tree and us, but it just vanished! I realize a lot of what people are seeing is our military's new/secret equipment and it makes me proud to be an American. However, there is something else going on that isn't "normal." Since moving to Florida three years ago, I saw "green sparks" falling over the golf course where I live. A month ago in May, my husband called for me to look at a plane flying southwest with a small silver ball near the right wing. I was afraid it would cause an accident. This silver ball stayed with the plane until the sun's reflection made it no longer visible or it disappeared. What's interesting is that I found an article of someone reporting just such a ball flying just off the right wing of the plane he was on. His UFO was triangular, from my viewpoint on the ground; mine looked more oblong or rounded. Thanks to Luann Marek. [email protected] (LMarek)

ST. LUCIE -- F-18 Crash -- Bland Pugh Florida State Director writes that Tom Shelton, MUFON Field Investigator of Port St. Lucie reports that supposedly a F-18 US Navy Fighter flew straight into the ground and was engulfed by the earth leaving a large crater. Apparently, it was nothing more than an aircraft crashing. He reports he read articles on a local radio station website and that was what he reported. If there is anything else to the crash it will be reported, for now that's all there is to it. Thanks to Bland Pugh NUFON


BOLINGBROOK -- On May 17, 2001, a dark gray sphere hovered in one place in the sky for a while. At 6:00 PM, as it hovered it kind of wobbled, then flew up higher in the sky and took off really fast in the direction of Lake Michigan.

PALATINE -- At 2:17 PM on Saturday, May 19, 2001, two people saw a cigar shaped metallic object extremely high above the scattered clouds. The witness reports, "My friend first sited it but we didn't know what it was." It flew directly over us and gleamed in the sun as it was moving at a very high speed. The shape was an elongated oval. From our perspective it looked somewhat like a missile or something that we could not identify. We watched this object for approximately two or three minutes.

ALSIP -- I was walking home from my aunts looking at the stars on May 19,2001, and saw some unusual light in the sky. It looked like thunder and lightning but there were too many different colors. I've seen some crazy stuff in the past but nothing like this. After the lights stopped, a glowing shape just flew off before I could make out the shape. I believe our government is hiding this from us because they probably think humans and aliens wont get along. I believe that ever since the Roswell crash the UFO's today are trying to find that one ship. If the government is covering up UFOs, I think that mankind should know the truth.

BUFFALO GROVE -- The witness reports that she observed a Flying Triangle to the north on Wednesday, May 30, 2001. She was standing on her porch at 10:50 PM, and noticed the UFO with a light display of three distinct circular shaped lights at the rear. It was a soundless vehicle. The object flew west and disappeared at a very high speed into the horizon. The object was flying at a low altitude--less than the planes that are descending to land at O'Hare Airport. The craft moved northwest at an estimated height of less than 10,000 feet, at more than ten times the speed of an average airplane. The witness reports this was her first sighting! Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC


Craig Lang writes that he received an e-mail from Aerielle Louise, regarding the Minnesota Talk Radio Network. A caller on the Bob Davis Show - am 1500, at ten minutes to midnight -- reported seeing an orange UFO in the northwest sky on May 18, 2001. It was sending out shooting sparks from the bottom of the object. Eventually it split in two and disappeared. The caller said that he was sure it was not a meteor. It was in sight for at least long enough to stop his car, get his camera, and shoot some footage. The witness has it on film and is sending a copy to Bob Davis. Aerielle Louise writes, "He's a friend of mine and I'm sure that he'd be willing to share. Thanks to William I. McNeff MUFON Minnesota SD, Aerielle Louise, and Craig Lang [email protected]


Larry Resel, MUFON State Section director for Southeastern Colorado writes, "My contacts told me of an event near Pumpkin Center on May 28, 2001, at 5:00 PM, two hours before a huge storm. He is retired military intelligence, so this makes this more interesting! He spotted 4 to 5 black vans, with blacked out windows, and no identifying marks parked along the side of the highway. He stated, there were 25 men dressed in blue fatigues, the likes he had never seen! As he drove on to the east, he spotted a very large unmarked white semi-tractor trailer. He thought this was a communications vehicle. Thanks to Larry Resel [email protected]


SAPULPA -- NUFORC reports, "It was a floating craft that shot away like a rocket when it departed (unlike an airplane) on May 18,2001" At 10:35 PM, two ships were seen that were gray black in color with lights around them. The lights flashed in a chaser mode very different from normal aircraft lights. The objects made a light humming noise like a back massager. I saw these craft floating over the local grocery store. They just floated there for about five minutes and shot off like a rocket. Nothing that I saw came out of or went into the craft, but I could definitely tell it was not an airplane. Thanks to NUFORC


HILLSBORO --On May 21, 2001, at 9:00 PM as the Sopranos came on TV, my wife's son said, "Look at that light. oh my God look at that, THAT IS NOT A PLANE Son said, "Look at that light,Oh my God look that's not an airplane." At first it looked like a plane south of Famington Road, but the light suddenly got wider like ten airplane landing lights side by side! It was flashing as bright as an arc welder's torch and looking like a giant crack in the sky. Then it got small and dim once again. It faded out and came on again with a dim red light that pulsed dim then bright. It was moving very slowly towards the original spot, then it started to glow brighter, and the red light faded. It kept dimming out and then appearing in another spot and then flashing very brightly like sparks in an arc weld at maybe 2000 feet. I ran for my video cam and started to film. The object was a revolving black circle or spot that went around it and the whole thing started to change colors like a lava lamp of very bright rainbow colors. Often the lights were almost too bright to look directly at. This whole color thing lasted for only a few seconds. I got my camera and drove to Farmington, and headed west at 206th Street. I stopped after turning left onto a side road and could see it about 5 miles away blinking red. I stopped to get a better video and it got dim and then produced a very bright white burst of light that made me gasp! I drove on but couldn't get closer and finally lost it, but we have the video. Thanks to Peter Davenport NUFORC

PORTLAND -- Derek Sims writes, "I was just outside at 2:10 AM on June 7, 2001, and was watching the moon when I saw a blue light flash across the sky." It was moving east over Portland and was moving fast. At first I thought it was a meteor, but when I saw it flash again further east, I thought meteors don't blink like that. This is my first possible UFO sighting. How exciting. Thanks to Derek Sims [email protected] (Derek Sims)


William Hamilton wrote: I just returned from the Hi-Desert of Yucca Valley and Joshua Tree. I stopped in to say hello to an old friend who lives near Goat Mountain to the East and beyond that is the 29 Palms Marine Base. My friends say they have seen a flying black triangle that has a blue glow around it and is hard to see against the night sky. It can do 90-deg turns, had a helicopter escort, and seems to be coming from the North Base at Edwards. Orange-amber orbs just like the videotaped Phoenix Lights have also been seen "flying" around. These are not flares. That is also true of the orbs in the Phoenix Lights, as I have said repeatedly. Flares are not round like coins. They are fires and they do flicker and smoke. Their principal purpose is to illuminate the night. Orbs do not illuminate. The Flying Triangle sometimes carries orbs and makes an excellent penetrator since it is very stealthy. Other craft have been seen, but they are not ours. They look just likethe old scout bell ships that used to be seen out there. I haven't seen one of those since 1957. They are very distinguishable as they always have three hemispherical pods on the undercarriage. Thanks to Bill Hamilton Executive Director Skywatch International Inc.

SAN FRANCISCO -- Ken reports, I feel the need to report a strange sighting on May 29, 2001. My dog woke me up at 3:20 AM whining and he never does that. I got up and let him outside at which time I noticed an object in the sky. It was not moving when I first saw it, but seemed fairly bright with a white light. Directly underneath there was intermittent flashing bright light which seemed to move to different locations underneath. The object was completely silent but began to move slowly north until it passed out of sight over a nearby hill. The object was perhaps a quarter mile away when I first saw it and was relatively low in altitude. I have never experienced such a thing. I am an Engineer employed here in the Bay Area and can only assume that what I saw was either an incredible military technology or truly something beyond our abilities. I hope someone else noticed. Thanks to Ken [email protected]


MUFON Headquarters reports that AMIT V CHHABRIA from India State Chhattisgarh city Raipur writes, " I got your address from NASA site and I'm sending you this letter because on June 5, 2001 at 22.38 hours Indian time a strange thing happened. I was with three of my friends: Sunil Aswani, Abhisar Daftari and Ravi Gill. We were outside the city limits just enjoying the moon light when suddenly I saw a strange thing coming from the south. At first, we thought that it must be a star or asteroid, a plane, a helicopter, or a missile, but it was none of them. There was no sound and no smoke as would have been the case if it had been a helicopter or a missile. If it had been a star it would not move as fast as it was moving. The thing I am talking about may be a UFO as it was at first coming so close. It was very close to the ground and was shinning very brightly. It was colored bright yellow and orange. Suddenly it started to stop and it seemed like it was moving upwards. It went up and up. We stayed there for about tem minutes, but no other strange thing happened. "I thought this should be told to NASA, as this is not a common thing for us," she said. Thanks to Amit v Chhabria [email protected] and [email protected].


Thomas M. Olsen writes that the Korea Herald of June 6, 2001, carried an article about the frequent UFO sightings. On September 4, 1995, a "Load-type" UFO was filmed by a newspaper reporter in Gyeonggi Province. In February 1998, a saucer-shaped UFO was filmed in Busan. On April 9, 2001, another TV cameraman captured a rod-shaped UFO on film. On May 5, 2001, a TV cameraman catches unidentified flying object on film in Cheong-ju, Chungcheong Province. Whether you believe in aliens or not, mysterious objects have been seen buzzing the skies of Korea. A simple Internet search will reveal hundreds of Korean UFO home pages, but no crashes or abductions. But that doesn't mean you can shelve your camera. Seo Jong-han has dedicated 20 years to studying, tearing apart, and occasionally verifying the twenty or so UFO photographs that crop up every year. Apart from his day job as computer game developer, Seo is a member of the Korea UFO Research Association (KUFORA), a small group of analysts that subjects each reported sighting in Korea to close, computer-aided scrutiny. "Korea has a long history of UFO sightings. During the Korean War, both American and Korean pilots reported encounters with flying saucers. (snip)

Seo says a UFO can be distinguished from an airplane or weather balloon by its rapid movement, its ability to turn on a dime and accelerate almost instantly. This violation of the laws of physics, he says, is what leads most scientists to view UFOs as a phenomenon rather than an object of study. Those who manage to get a rapidly moving object on film should not be disappointed if it doesn't look like a flying saucer. There are over ten identified classes of UFOs, some believed to be from different planets. Among the most common UFO types reportedly seen across the country is the cigar, "load," type, also referred to as the "mother ship." There's also a "ball" type, triangular type, "clover with a dome" type, "round with a dome" type and "half a sphere" model. A Korean Web site,, lists even more UFOs. Thanks to Thomas M. Olsen By Burke Josslin Staff reporter ( [email protected]


SYDNEY -- I am the Acting Director of AUFORN for New South Wales. We have been extremely busy lately with lots of reports on bright orange lights appearing up and down the east coast of New South Wales. Some have been seen coming out from National Park Lands and others from the Ocean. Others having been reported flying low over peoples farm houses further west from the coast. It always seems to be very busy during this time of the year. What's happening in your neck of the woods? Our organization is extremely busy now, we have just scored a two month UFO exhibition at a museum, we're pretty excited. It will be running through December. I don't know if this is the first time a UFO network organization has had an exhibition of this type. We are going to have guest speakers on the agenda throughout those months and arrange a Conference at the same time. Thanks to Karen B. [email protected]


Niel Morris from the University of Manchester in England writes that further analysis of the Fort Worth photos taken in 1947 by James Bond Johnson in General Ramey's office reveal the images are not similar to the so called faces in a cloud. The Roswell Photo Interpretation Team (RPIT) encourages you to visit our web sites so we can prove it. The images also have a 'striking resemblance' to the descriptions of the debris made by observers. In addition, some of the components we've seen in the Ft Worth photos are almost exactly the same debris as in the "Alien Autopsy" film, that also shows debris from an UFO crash site. The team has looked at the Ft. Worth photos very closely and there is no evidence that the material on the floor in General Ramey's office is a weather balloon as claimed by the Army Air Force.

The items shown in the images I've just posted on the RPIT website are most certainly not part of the remains of a ML307 radar target device that were often attached to the weather balloons. These are just a handful of the 'hard' anomalies found to date. Bond Johnson's recounting of an incident that happened fifty years ago may have various interpretations. Yes, Bond's story has changed over the years as he himself has researched the minor part he played in the Roswell story. He recounted his story to me both by email and in person when we met on his trip to the UK, in all these instances he was consistent in what he said. In some mitigation, I must observe that in that very first interview it is quite obvious Bond is very confused regarding many of the points. A July 9, 1947, news report has been unearthed by a member of the RPIT team from Canada that supports Bond's statements.

The report was sourced from a Routers report and gives a statement from General Roger Ramey read to the Routers reporter by a Major Kirton FWAAF, Kirton quotes Ramey as saying. "It looks like a hexagonal object covered with tinfoil or other shining material suspended from a balloon of about twenty feet in diameter." This portion of the description is very similar to that given to the FBI Dallas office, again by Kirton but it's worth noting the foil material is _not_ positively identified just as "tinfoil." Ramey's quote continues. "It is possibly a weather balloon flown at the highest altitude but none of the Army men at this base recognize it as an Army type balloon." The report then goes on to give Irving Newton's ID of the wreckage as a radar target. You will note the report again closely tracks the description Kirton gave to the Dallas FBI and which we find in their teletype to FBI headquarters timed at 6:12 PM, but we also know that at 5:30 PM, Major Kirton was giving the Dallas Morning News the full blown "balloon" cover story.

We must then presume that Routers received their report before this time and speculating, before Ramey received his orders from McMullen to "get the press off the Army's back" as Colonel DuBose recalled. There are two very significant points made in the Routers statement that I have not seen elsewhere and which now support Bond Johnson's later recounting that Ramey did not know what the debris was, or as he recounted it to me, Ramey shrugged his shoulders when asked "general, what is this stuff" and replied along the lines of "dammed if I know." The two points I refer to are firstly that phrase "tinfoil OR OTHER SHINING MATERIAL," (my caps) The addition of "other shining material" implies they were even unable to identify the foil like material as "tinfoil." Secondly, the clear statement as quoted from Ramey that, "none of the Army men at this base recognize it as an Army type balloon." We could not have it spelled out clearer. At some time between the debris arrival and inspection and the later timed "debunk" statement to the Dallas Morning News, General Ramey and the rest of the resources to hand at 8th Air Force Headquarters Fort Worth were _unable_to_identify_the_debris_ brought from Roswell _and_ that this early report supports Bond Johnson's later testimony of those fragmentary memories he has of the time spent in General Ramey's office. Even though he _has_ backtracked on his first statements, it seems that when given time to reflect his later "refreshed" testimony now has support in the historical record by this statement to Routers, in all probability given within a short time of his actual visit to Ramey's office that afternoon of the 8th of July 1947. Thanks to Niel Morris [email protected]

Editor's Note: The people I talked to at the Disclosure Project felt that the Roswell crash was an alien craft. They have looked at it from many different positions from within the government, so I think RPIT is on the right track. The general feeling is it was probably heel shaped and made of very lightweight metallic materials. The photos taken by James Bond Johnson are the best evidence available that something happened at Roswell. Major Marcel claims he saw alien writing on some of the debris in General Ramey's office. I think I can also see the alien writing but decide for yourself. RPIT and Neil Morris have done a great job in analyzing the debris.


0n Friday night, June 15, 2001, I'm scheduled to speak at the Rhode Island Chapter of the Mutual UFO Network, MUFON at Cranston Senior Center, 1070 Cranston Street, in their Ceramics Room, next door to City Hall. The topic is the forgotten alien at Fort Dix McGuire Air Force Base and the Disclosure Project.


David E. Twichell writes, "The ancient astronaut and Biblical UFO hypotheses are not new. However, no one seems to want to take the matter to the next logical step. If Ezekiel's, "wheel within a wheel," and Moses', "pillar of fire and cloud," were forerunners of today's UFOs, then the Star of Bethlehem and the brilliant cloud to which Jesus ascended must be treated in the same vein. When Biblical descriptions of anomalous aerial phenomena are overlaid on that of modern-day UFO reports, the picture seems to meld as one. Once the evidence has been presented, the reader is led to a conclusion that is at best convincing and at least thought provoking. Are you willing to risk having your worldview shaken? Read the preface free at: To order your copy of THE UFO - JESUS CONNECTION, go to: Or Save the shipping charges and order your autographed copy by sending a check or money order for $13.95 (US) per copy to: David Twichell, P.O. Box 511, Trenton MI. 48183-0511


J. Allan Woodard a former Intelligece Agent wrote this very entertaining book concerning Ramsey, an alien from planet Diodian, recently escaped from a government installation, arrives at Jessica'
Weston home in the woods of New Hampshire when his UFO crashes. The story has a great deal of intrique, romance and humor. I recommend this fictional tale as a exciting book to read this summer. I thouroghly enjoyed the book and wonder if it might not be fiction.
The book me be obtained from Writers Press Club

PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO photographs available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham Bethune. $10.00. Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055. CD OF FILER'S FILES for the last four years 1997 through 2000 is available for $25.00. Both for $30.00.

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Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs that were caught on recent Shuttle video footage. Jeff has over an hour-long tape of UFOs shot in space. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the shuttle broadcasts from space and is now an expert on NASA missions and even those onboard the shuttle are unlikely to see what Jeff does. Using Jeff's directions you will be able to learn the difference between space junk, ice crystals and real UFOs. One segment has 24 UFOs watching the shuttle from space. I feel confident we could go into a court of law and convince any jury, UFOs are moving around our Earth. Send $25 to: Jeff Challender 2768 Mendel Way - Sacramento, California 95833-2011.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL that costs only $30 per year by contacting [email protected]. Mention that I recommended you for membership. Filer's Files is copyrighted 2001 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Caution: Most of these are initial reports and require further investigation. These reports and comments are not necessarily the official MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to [email protected]. Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential.

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