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Filer's Files #23 -- 2001



UFOs ARE OBSERVED IN SPACE AND ON EARTH in New York, New Jersey, North Carolina, South Carolina, Florida, Ohio, Oregon, California, Canada and England.

THE ARIETID METEOR SHOWER PEAKS this week on Thursday, June 7th. The Arietids are unusual because they are daytime meteors -- most of them streak through the sky unnoticed while the bright Sun is overhead. Nevertheless, early risers on Thursday could spot some beautiful "Earth grazing" Arietids during the dark hours before dawn. Later in the day, after the Sun rises, you can listen to the shower by tuning in to NASA's online meteor radar. Thanks to Space Weather at


CAPE CANAVERAL -- NASA’s Clark McClelland writes, “In 1991 (probably September), I had ended a third shift assignment at my LCC (Launch Control Center) top secret office and was making my way to the fourth floor elevator. Two NASA Astronauts (I will not mention their names at this time) were also waiting. We said hello again, because they had been in my Control Room during my monitoring of a Space Shuttle mission in progress. I think it was the important STS-48 UARS flight. If I remember correctly Astronaut Brown was in orbit. As we talked on our way down, one of them told me to look behind the shuttle, as it would be passing over Central Florida that early morning. He said, “I would see the next Space Shuttle miles behind the present Space Shuttle in orbit.” We said goodbye and I went home but stayed up to watch for the "NEW" craft. Soon, the Space Shuttle came over in a clear night sky and soon thereafter I observed the "NEW" craft apparently in orbit and trailing the official Shuttle mission. As it came overhead, it abruptly steered off to the left of my sight and shortly and completely disappeared. I was surprised with this event. A few weeks later, the very same Astronaut was at the control room again and gave me a foxy smile as if to say,” I told you Clark.” I cannot say if the trailing object was or was not an alien craft. I'm almost certain the astronaut I mentioned would not disclose an object and this event if it were anything other than an advanced technological development by the USA. The astronauts are very controlled by military secrecy oaths. Later my investigation indicated that it was either the craft called the Aurora or the X-43A. Thanks to Clark McClelland, [email protected] and Robert Collins.


William E Ristau writes, "On the night of May 15,20 01, I was "practicing" satellite observation in preparation for joining the P.R.O.V.E. group. I had missed the first two satellites on my Heavens Above schedule, but was keeping my eyes open, with the help of a good pair of binoculars, for anything moving in the clear sky. Suddenly, from the southwest appeared to be an "unscheduled" satellite that was high and bright. I followed it with my binoculars as it approached the zenith. I must have blinked, because I did not see it's 90 degree left turn to the northwest. I continued to follow with my binoculars when I spotted another "craft" headed northwest, as if it were trying to catch up with the first. It advanced, until it and the first "craft" were both in my binoculars field of view. Then, from a direction opposite of the first two "craft,” came another; somewhat dimmer and smaller light traveling very fast. I followed it to the southeast until it disappeared. I retu!
rned to locate the two original "craft” in only ten seconds but they had disappeared! With chills up my spine, I prepared to watch for the next scheduled satellite, due overhead at 21:45 EDT. It showed up on time, with no company. A night I won't forget. Thanks to Jeff Challender and Bill Ristau,[email protected]


WESTHAMPTON BEACH -- An apparent formation of 5 to 6 lights were observed traveling southwest to northeast though a breaking cloud cover on May 19, 2001, at 10:30 PM The lights may have been part of one oval unit. Within ten seconds the same formation of lights reversed direction and were seen traveling from northeast to southwest. They were now higher in sky traveling east of the first sighting.

NEW ALBANY -- The witness reports he has been seeing almost every night a bright moving object similar to an arc welders blue light that doesn’t twinkle when it shows up in the warm months. On May 22, 2001, the lights appeared four times in a single night. It appears as a satellite at times and disappears. The object also appeared at about 15 degrees directly south of its zenith at 9:34 PM on May 18, 2001. The object moved directly north very slowly after turning a very dim orange in color. This object was very bright about three times the size of the planet Jupiter at it's brightest. After about 10 to 15 seconds of glowing it dims very rapidly to a dim orange color and starts moving off very slowly, but faster than when it was brightly lit up. Thanks to Peter Davenport Director NUFORC


SURF CITY - A video was taken on Sunday June 3, 2001, of a strange looking aircraft flying over the Atlantic Ocean at about 4:00 PM. A brilliant light was first observed in the sky at 45 degrees above the horizon. The flash of light was most likely caused by a reflection of the sun on a flying object, but it caught my attention. Within seconds the brightly lit disc like object disappeared. A short time later, moving at high speed and faster than normal air traffic was a white aircraft-traveling north paralleling the New Jersey Coastline. There were no contrails. I had been filming beach scenes with a TRV330 Sony video camera, so I attempted to film the craft. A short segment of video was taken revealing an aircraft that looked similar to a C-5 Galaxy aircraft with possibly a small refueling boom hanging down underneath. The amazing thing about the craft was that it appeared to have a very large rear-slanting tower on the top of its fuselage. The tower appears to be about 100 feet tall based on the height of a C-5 tail (65 feet.) It is possible the aircraft is in a turn and the tower is actually part of the wings, although the craft appeared to continue to fly in straight and level flight. Generally four large C-5 jet engines are also easily observed hanging from the wings. These and a horizontal stabilizer are not visible in the video. The photo can be seen at

NEWARK -- On April 11, 2001, I was in my backyard on a beautiful night, when I decided to look up noticed a bright red object very high in the sky. At first it started moving very slow towards my direction but stopped right above as though it were looking at me. It then started making left turns and right turns at forty-five degree angles. One time it stopped directly above my head as though it were studying me. This all took place within an hour and a half, and then it took off so fast that my eyes couldn’t keep up with its speed. It had bright red and made a humming sound, I couldn’t tell if it was made of metallic or any other kind of material. I knew it wasn’t an aircraft just by the way it looked. The witness indicated the sighting stunned him. Thanks to MUFON Headquarters.


NEW BERN -- Laura called telling me she had awakened at 4:00 AM, and looked out her window from her bed early in the morning hours of May 22, 2001. As she looked she noticed a flying object darting around the sky. It would move quickly from the left to the right, then quickly up and down, right to left. As she became more awake, she realized that this could not be a normal aircraft since its movements were too quick and too erratic. She awoke her husband who also saw the darting lights and strange objects in the sky. He pointed out that the there were little white lights flashing near the larger light. They watched until 4:45 AM when the lights suddenly disappeared. New Bern is on the Neuse River that leads to Pamilico Sound and the Atlantic Ocean. The lights were mostly over the water an estimated thirty miles away. Laura indicated she had checked around and no one else had observed the lights. Thanks to Laura.


MYRTLE BEACH -- ISUR reports that on May 6, 2001, at about 11:15 PM, a licensed Security Officer was outside on the back deck along with a friend when they noticed several aircraft off to the south about 3 miles away. The aircraft continued to approach their location (N.E.) until they were about 5000 feet distant and at fairly low altitude. The witnesses then identified them as 3 helicopters by engine noise, shape, and lighting and noticed that they had formed into a triangular formation. The witnesses could also make out a dark triangular object WITHIN the triangular formation of escorting helicopters.

The size of the unlit dark triangular craft was estimated as larger than a DC-8, but smaller than a 747 that has a 196-foot wingspan and length of 231 feet. A fourth helicopter was trailing at about 200-500 yards. The witnesses had a relatively good 5-minute view of this fly-over. The primary witness attempted to get to a camera, but was unable to get a photo. He indicated that the Navy/Air Force installations at Charleston, SC are seventy miles south while Shaw AFB is 80+ miles west. In the recent past a much smaller triangular object had also been personally observed at a nearby beach with a blue haze below the craft. The primary witness is a graduate of military flight school, and the second witness was a USAF dependant. The case was referred to SC MUFON for additional local investigation. Please note that this is ANOTHER case of a dark triangle seemingly escorted by helicopters and within reasonable distance of an AFB. Thanks to Tom Sheets, ISUR Board, State Director-MUFON of Georgia


ST.LUCIE COUNTY -- Lorraine Gerber of Tampa Bay MUFON and Assistant State Director of Florida writes that supposedly a US Navy F-18 fighter crashed. Gregg wrote that he works for a company that rents de-watering pumps for the construction industry and he rented two pumps to a construction company that has the contract to de-water the site where supposedly a F-18 US Navy Fighter flew straight into the ground and was engulfed by the earth leaving a large crater. The craft supposedly did not disintegrate on impact or explode. He believes there is a cover-up under way. Our man delivered the two pumps into St. Lucie County, 15 miles east of Lake Okeechobee on US Hwy 70 to the V-Bar Ranch and preceded to the second gate where he was stopped and the construction company took the two pumps down to the third gate where he saw tent city and armed US Military on patrol. The F-18 Navy Fighter crash allegedly occurred on May 30, 2001. The construction company that rented our pumps is doing the de-watering only and not the excavation of the crater that is being done by the US Govt. I think there is a possible cover-up and our government is excavating whatever fell to earth such as a satellite, missile, or UFO. Thanks to Gregg and Lorraine Gerber [email protected]


WAYNESVILLE -- Kenny Young reports he is investigating a case that took place on April 25, 2001, when civilians and law enforcement officers in Warren County report a very strange object in the evening skies. A couple was the first to report a circular lighted object hovering silently. The big light of the UFO, pulsating or changing color and brightness, was encased within a structure that resembled grid work or cabling. The couple advised the Lebanon City Police Department around 10:15 p.m. and the Warren County Communications Center dispatched a Waynesville police officer that confirmed the unidentifiable nature of the object and reported a second UFO in the area. As other officers respond the dispatchers at the Warren County Communications Center telephone a base operator at Wright Patterson Air Force Base in Dayton and to Airborne Express at the Wilmington Airport in Clinton County. Both flight control facilities denied any knowledge of the UFOs.

While the Waynesville police officers view the object from Wilkerson Road, a police dispatcher also observed the same object from her position at the Warren County Communications Center. An officer with the Caesar's Creek State Police also notes the UFO from his location to the east of Waynesville. A third UFO is sighted in the area during the event, and the police witnesses repeatedly affirm a cogent distinction between the suspected UFOs and routine stars and airplanes. The objects move off as other officers from the Ohio State Patrol arrive on the scene. The next evening, UFOs are again viewed from Wilkerson Road at 9:48 PM, and also by officers near the Waynesville Airport. Another unusual object is seen seven hours later that pursues a motorist near Genntown, Ohio (about 5-miles from Waynesville). A female complainant advises the Ohio State Patrol of her 'extreme concern' regarding a triangular object with "super bright lights" that pursued her automobile while traveling on Route 122 at 5:00 AM at April 26. Thanks to Kenny Young [email protected]

CLEVELAND -- At 7:30 PM a long silver cylindrical object without visible wingspan was first sighted on May 12, 2001, at an elevation of 45 degrees moving slowly west. The sighting was verified by two other witnesses who saw the UFO move horizontally just above the power lines. The lack of visible wings and lack of any vapor trail behind object was most notable. One observer speculated it may be a rocket of some sort, but no exhaust was seen and no sounds were heard. The object passed behind broad vapor trails created by passenger aircraft moving in the opposite direction. The object slowly faded into the haze in the southwestern sky. No wings or rudder structures or emanations were noted. The object moved much faster than the Goodyear Blimp often seen in this area, and any lighter than aircraft we've seen shaped like a fat cigar, with markings or running lights which this shiny object never displayed.


SCAPPOOSE – The witness was driving northbound on Highway 30 from Portland to Astoria, Oregon on May 12, 2001, he noticed a very bright yellow/white light descending. At 9:45 PM, just outside of Scappoose he pulled his car off to the side of the highway thinking it might be a meteorite. As the car neared a hill, the object "morphed" into an actual ship with bright lights. They lights were blinking within the trees and the craft rose straight up. The witness says, I pulled the car over again, in disbelief. It began moving as though it were going to cross the highway, so I got back on the road after two cars drove by. The craft, wider than the 4-lane highway and ten feet above the telephone wires flew directly over the cars. Both cars' brake lights came on, but neither stopped! I sped up, and as it crossed the highway anxiously looked for a road to turn down. I turned east onto a small road, crossed the RR tracks and sped up, all the while keeping my eyes on the craft, which I could see through the trees. It was now heading south at 20 to 25 miles per hour. The lights were blinking very brightly in an interesting rhythm, but there was no reflection on the actual craft that was nearly invisible.

The witness claims he saw the craft twice several months ago in Astoria while his female partner saw it three times and took photos. The light patterns are very distinctive. I got out of my truck and watched as the craft stopped and hovered approximately 1/10 mile east of me, and 50 feet up. There was no sound or movement. Strangely aware that they knew I was watching, I became frightened, and, legs shaking, got back in the truck, where my usually very active dog was sitting quietly. I drove about 20 feet, and then stopped when a car pulled up behind me. I jumped out of the truck and pointed, yelling, "UFO!” They got out of their car and stood staring at the lights as it zoomed off maybe 3 miles? The man said, "I was in the government for years and that was no plane or helicopter either. Peter Davenport reports he spoke at length with the witness, and found her to be an exceptionally credible. Thanks to NUFORC.


SAN FRANCISCO -- Ruben Uriarte writes that on Sunday, April 8, 2001, at about 4:00 PM, a married Latino couple was doing some sight seeing and filming near Golden Gate Bridge. They went home and discovered that they had filmed a strange object flying over the bridge span and floating above the bay. The husband then shared the video with his friends and family. Later he decided to take the video to several Spanish Speaking television stations that were not interested until he approached the Telemundo Channel 48 station, a large Spanish speaking TV network. They contacted me as a representative for MUFON, to be interviewed in Spanish and to view the video that shows a dark object flying very fast over the center span of the bridge. There is a scene with a strange dark object hovering above the bay. The witnesses claim they did not see any craft. Telemundo did a two part series on the UFO phenomenon for two days. The video footage was broadcast on the 6 and 11:00 PM news.Many viewers had sighting experiences. The station is very interested in providing more UFO news coverage to their viewers. The Telemundo staff will be making copies so that I can distribute them for analysis within the MUFON and research network. Thanks to Ruben Uriarte MUFON State Director, Northern California,


ST.CATHARINES, ONTARIO -- James Miller writes, “On a drive last summer down the north shore of Lake Erie, we stopped to take a few pictures of local scenes. Just over the tree line is the lake. I recall at the time of this shot, there was nothing in the sky; winds were calm, and no debris in the air. When I downloaded the images into the computer, one caught my eye. The object in the image does not have wings or a vertical stabilizer. The picture was taken with a Kodak DC200 digital – with no enhancement. Thanks to James Miller 250 Lake Street and Larry Clark [email protected]. Photo is at


GRIMSBY, LINCOLNSHIRE -- Mr. D. lives in Northeast Lincolnshire, and was amazed to witness an orange colored UFO near his home at about 1.30 AM on April 16, 2001. He was out walking his dog on Milton Road near local school fields. He noticed a signal flare, but realized it was too big to be a flare, plus it was giving off a sort of burning coal ember effect. Mr. D says, "I could make out orange and red moving around like two paint colors mixing together about a half mile up in the sky." As he watched the object dropped at least half its height then catapulted straight up and out of view. Mr. D was upset and thought it was a serious weapon and expected it to explode on impact, but it didn't. He got in touch with the British Ministry of Defence who responded that there was no defense significance to the object. Thanks to Chris Evers, [email protected]
Faster Than Light --


A staff person wrote saying, “I work for a Member of Congress from I need your help.” I hope I can get you excited about this; after all these years of waiting for the government to say about the UFO cover-up --because now is the chance we have been waiting for -- but only if we act now...and speak out. Here's my plan... It is important that members of Congress realize what the Press Conference at the National Press Club in Washington D C on May 9th was all about -- The fact that 400 military, intelligence, government and corporate professionals (many very high-level) want to be subpoenaed and called to Washington, D.C. to testify at a Congressional hearing about their direct, first-hand knowledge of on-going projects and events which relate to advanced energy & propulsion technologies which are available now. Snip. Mail or FAX a version of the following letter to your members of Congress making certain you put your address on the letter so they will know you are a constituent.

Inside address: Congressman Walter Jones (or whoever) type address this line Washington, D. C., 20515 Dear Congressman ______: As a member of the of the 107th Congress, I feel this letter will be of special interest to you. We need your leadership. We know you have influence with your colleagues. As a constituent, I ask that you read this letter carefully. Four hundred (400) military, intelligence, government and corporate professionals (many very high level) want to be subpoenaed and called to Washington, D.C. to testify at a Congressional hearing about their direct, first-hand knowledge of on-going projects and events which relate to advanced energy & propulsion technologies which are available now, but have been suppressed. At a press conference of The Disclosure Project on May 9th at the National Press Club in Washington, D.C. 14 military men stood up to say they want to tell Congress of their knowledge and personal involvement in and of events despite the fact that they have signed security oaths designed to prohibit the release of this "above top secret" information. They were only 14 out of 400 who want to speak out. They feel strongly that it is critical for this information to be revealed because of the pollution and energy problems that exist worldwide. A letter of invitation and a 1/2" briefing document entitled, "Executive Summary of the Disclosure Project Briefing Document" was hand-delivered to your D.C. office on April 26th. The technology they want Congress and the American people to know about was developed and is controlled today through so-called "black budget" special access projects that have escaped Congressional oversight. The facts will come out, when hearings on held, that this technology has been largely obtained from the reverse -engineering of retrieved extraterrestrial vehicles.

A few of the men who want to testify include Brigadier Generals, a Strategic Air Command Minuteman Missile Launch Controller, FAA Head of Accidents & Investigations, Navy Commanders, military air traffic controllers, DIA officials, McDonnell Douglas Aerospace and Boeing engineers and NASA contractors. Hearings need to commence immediately because technology exists which are non-polluting and zero point energy exists in these compartmentalized "black budget" project programs. Please gather a group of your colleagues and contact Dr. Steven Greer, the Director of the Disclosure Project for a private briefing (540/456-8302.) This group, like a good reporter, has identified the Who, Where, When, What, Why & How of this 50 year cover-up. I promise that you will not be wasting your time that you will be very impressed and no one will be laughing afterwards. I want to emphasize that despite what you have been told by the U.S. Air Force and the media, evidence - hard evidence - exists. The Disclosure Project has proof. Imagine all of the appropriations money - billions of dollars - that goes into research and projects for which these "black budget" programs already have the finished product. The American people paid for this technology with their tax dollars and are entitled to the benefits. I await your reply and hope you will tell me that a hearing is being scheduled this year. There are no excuses, including national security. Sincerely, your name


David E. Twichell writes, "The ancient astronaut and Biblical UFO hypotheses are not new. However, no one seems to want to take the matter to the next logical step. If Ezekiel's, "wheel within a wheel," and Moses', "pillar of fire and cloud," were forerunners of today's UFOs, then the Star of Bethlehem and the brilliant cloud to which Jesus ascended must be treated in the same vein. When Biblical descriptions of anomalous aerial phenomena are overlaid on that of modern-day UFO reports, the picture seems to meld as one. Once the evidence has been presented, the reader is led to a conclusion that is at best convincing and at least thought provoking. Are you willing to risk having your worldview shaken? Read the preface free at: To order your copy of THE UFO - JESUS CONNECTION, go to: Or Save the shipping charges and order your autographed copy by sending a check or money order for $13.95!
(US) per copy to: David Twichell, P.O. Box 511, Trenton MI. 48183-0511

PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO photographs available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham Bethune. $10.00. Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055. CD OF FILER'S FILES for the last four years 1997 through 2000 is available for $25.00. Both for $30.00.

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Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs that were caught on recent Shuttle video footage. Jeff has over an hour-long tape of UFOs shot in space. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the shuttle broadcasts from space and is now an expert on NASA missions and even those onboard the shuttle are unlikely to see what Jeff does. Using Jeff's directions you will be able to learn the difference between space junk, ice crystals and real UFOs. One segment has 24 UFOs watching the shuttle from space. I feel confident we could go into a court of law and convince any jury, UFOs are moving around our Earth. Send $25 to: Jeff Challender 2768 Mendel Way - Sacramento, California 95833-2011.

MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL that costs only $30 per year by contacting [email protected]. Mention that I recommended you for membership. Filer's Files is copyrighted 2001 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Caution: Most of these are initial reports and require further investigation. These reports and comments are not necessarily the official MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to [email protected]. Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential.

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