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Filer's Files # 5 2001



INCREASED UFO SIGHTINGS ARE BEING REPORTED FROM ALL OVER THE WORLD.In Siberia, Russian pilots refused to take off because of a hovering UFO, while UFOs were spotted in North Carolina, Illinois, Texas, Malaysia, the Isle of Man, UK, and Chile. Sky booms in North Carolina and Ohio,


NEW SCIENTIST reports, IF YOU WANT to find extraterrestrial intelligence, you're going to have to look in the right place. In our Galaxy alone there
are more than 100 billion stars, so you might expect to find a profusion of alien abodes. But which suns do you point your telescope at? Bright, yellow stars like our own Sun have always seemed the obvious place to start. In the past few years, though, researchers have begun to wonder if they've been neglecting a whole class of likely targets: red dwarfs. Smaller, cooler and fainter than the Sun, red dwarfs give out just a feeble red glow. More than a dozen of these puny stars reside within as many light years of Earth, yet they're so faint that not a single one is visible to the unaided eye. It was always thought that any planet orbiting a red dwarf would be an extremely unlikely place to find life. But it now looks as though these dim red suns could harbor most of the Galaxy's life-bearing worlds. This is great news for anyone hoping to find hospitable planets outside the Solar System. While stars like the Sun are relatively rare, four out of five stars in our Galaxy are red dwarfs. "We all want to find habitable planets out there," says Laurance Doyle, an astronomer at the SETI Institute in Mountain View, California. "The fact that we can now rule in 80 per cent of the stars is a positive note." Thanks to Ken Croswell

Editor's Note: If those reports of aliens wearing dark colored inserts over their eyes are true, an alien explorer from a Red Dwarf would need to shield his eyes from our bright sun. This might also explain the reports of alien craft entering and leaving the water for darkness.


WILMINGTON -- Gerry @ Far Shores reports mysterious booming noises that have shaken the Cape Fear coast from time to time returned last week, prompting calls to meteorologists and earthquake specialists from worried residents. The National Earthquake Information Center in Boulder, Colo., detected no major earth movement in the area. Modern theories include that the booms are caused by jets breaking the sound barrier, the shifting of the continental shelf, or a volume of air suddenly becoming hotter than the air surrounding it and exploding like a balloon.

ASHTABULA, Ohio. Sky booms accompanied by quivering of the ground was reported Friday, January 19, 2001, at 9:13 PM in this community on the shore of Lake Erie. The booms sounded similar to explosions but no source was found. Police and fire dispatchers fielded several calls from folks in Saybrook and Ashtabula Townships and in Ashtabula who felt the unexplainable tremor. 'The seismographic site did report some kind of blip,' Ed Semppi, director of the Ashtabula County Emergency Management Agency said, 'But there's no reason as to what happened yet.' Officials from the Ohio Department of Natural Resources (DNR) Geologic Survey in Columbus had noticed a tremor-like vibration at their Jefferson-based seismographic site." Thanks to the Ashtabula Star-Beacon for January 21, 2001"

Editor's Note: These loud booms often signal UFO activity in an area. They are often reported near bodies of water where UFOs are reported entering and leaving. We will continue top watch these areas for continued sightings.


ANDERSON -- On January 4, 2001, the witness observed a white large object without wings moving very slowly toward the northwest or about 340 degrees. The object was white, not a light, nor silver, nor reflecting sunlight. It stopped in it's slow movement for about ten seconds or more when it was about ten degrees off my 12 O'clock position. The sky was clear with only some cirrus clouds in the West. I watched the object then went for my wife to verify what I was seeing. She came out and watched it for a few minutes. I went back inside for my binoculars but had misplaced them, this taking about five minutes. When I went back outside the object was still in view and moving very slowly. Eventually it went behind the view to the cirrus clouds. As a pilot I am familiar with judging altitude, etc., and this was above 30,000 feet. As mentioned before, it was white in color not reflecting the sun. The object was over an inch as measured with my hand in front of my eyes. This was very unusual to me as it was moving toward the jet stream for today. I did not say to my wife what I thought it was, nor color, etc., but I did ask her to explain what she saw. She said the same thing I was thinking, color, shape etc. The shape as we could make it out was long with no wings. It certainly was NOT a weather balloon. It was in our view at least twelve to twenty minutes from the 11 o'clock position that I first observed it until it was about 3 o'clock in the NW sky. My location is: Lat. 34 32 20N Long. 82 43 35W Thanks to Peter Davenport Director NUFORC


MUFONGA State Director Tom Sheets says, I feel that some further discussion is in order regarding the non-extraterrestrial theory(s) and the UFO phenomena. I mentioned that my personal views now lean more toward the non-ET theory of UFOs and the several probably related areas, abduction, entities, et al. I pursued an intense study of the phenom due to a personal experience. During my career as police chief, I continued this and was fortunate enough to find a few peers doing the same. Eventually my becoming sort of a 'clearing house' in the South Atlanta Metro area led to various citizens bringing their experiences to me for cursory investigation, or perhaps it just allowed them to vent to someone in authority who would listen and understand. While most of the UFO literature available to me was pretty set on the theory that UFOs were interplanetary craft, upon reading Vallee and Dr. Jung, a big question mark was thrown into the other sources I was studying. Retirement gave me the opportunity to join MUFON with the proper time to devote to this endeavor. As I became embroiled in all of that from 1996 onward, these questions continued to pop up, constantly screaming that the UFO phenom WAS NOT WHAT IT SEEMED. I met the then MUFON State Director and founding ISUR Board member John Thompson in 1996, and was indeed fortunate that he became my mentor. Discussions with John further deepened the mystery. John always said that he just followed where the UFO evidence took him. John Thompson was right! THE PHENOMENA WAS DEFINITELY NOT WHAT IT SEEMED TO BE! It's almost like some of the 'other' well known big name UFO investigators and researchers have brainwashed (exploited?) the public into the ET hypothesis above all others, thereby more or less closing the minds of smart and clever folks like you that otherwise could help find the solution we've been seeking.

Last week John Thompson reviewed the book 'Grand Illusions' written by Dr. Gregory Little in Filer's Files #3 . Please go to George Filer's website
( ) and read Dr. Little's theory on the origin of UFOs and related events that closely parallel my own, and those of John Thompson. Having read Vallee and Jung through the 70's and 80's, and Keel in the 90's, then Dr. Little in the past few months, plus my own findings from case investigation, I've been led to lean further away from the theories of an extraterrestrial origin for UFOs. Yes, UFOs are a reality, yes some abductions experiencers are reporting truthfully, yes some entity manifestations are for real. I'm just leaning further and further away from the theories that scream that they're ALL ET in origin. In fact, if they were ALL just ET paying good old earth a visit, it would be much simpler for us to comprehend (and ascertain same). The phenom as we know it is so bizarre, so variable, so outright weird, only an explanation like that proposed by Dr. Little, et al really makes sense in my opinion. I'm not totally discarding the possibility of extraterrestrial life and visitation -- only a fool would do so -- because those boogers are definitely out there. I just don't feel they are behind ALL of this high strangeness Ufologists have been encountering for some 50+ years. Read the 'Mothman Prophecies' by John Keel (Arcturus can send it, 561-398-0796). 'Grand Illusions' is available from Book Clearing House at 1-800-356-9315 Also go to the ISUR (International Society for UFO Research) website and read John Thompson's articles 'Abductions: The Truth', and 'The Enigmatic Troup-Heard Corridor'. There are also excellent articles there by C. Leigh Culver, the Georgia UFO community's abduction specialist. The case database also contains complete field investigator's reports for MANY Georgia cases by Thompson, and the other ISUR Board Members and investigators. (Most of these were joint MUFON/ISUR cases, as a lot of us carry credentials from both organizations). ISUR .


ROCKFORD -- WREX Channel 13 Television and other news media reported that they had received some 600 reports of UFOs over this city in Northern Illinois around 9:00 PM on January 11, 2001. As many as twelve lights or UFOs were reported conducting maneuvers over the city. Some reports of computer and electrical shutdowns coincided with the reports. Later that night on all three of the news stations in Rockford reported the sightings. Some people reported seeing six lights while others reported seeing a dozen yellow orange lights hovering in the sky. The light sightings were made from 8:50 to 9:00 PM. Sightings have been fairly regular in recent months over the city.


KANSAS CITY -- Richard Buchli D.V.M., Ph.D., "We started with a clear sky this morning. Midmorning I counted 8 planes laying down tracks east to west. As these tracks expanded to a mile or more in width, they joined. I quit watching shortly after noon. Now at 4:00 PM we are so completely overcast that I can look directly at the sun and see a spot of light. At the same time as the chemtrails were being laid down, I spotted several normal CONTRAILS which evaporated a short distance behind the planes. The normal contrails were at approximately the same height as the Chemtrails. If any of my photos come out, I will share some of them with you. Thanks to DORI PRESENTATIONS, LTD. Richard Buchli D.V.M. Ph.D. [email protected]


HOUSTON -- Cliff Rowe reports that on January 5, 2001, I was driving my car at 5:40 PM to pick up my granddaughter at the library as the sun was just setting below the horizon. The sky was still blue with a high cloud or two reflecting orange color on the clouds. I observed a bright (cloud like) oblong unidentified object moving from east to west. At first I thought it was a meteorite with a tail on it moving through the atmosphere. I pulled my car into a parking lot to watch it for about ten minutes or so. The object was moving about the speed of an airplane at 30,000 feet altitude. As I watched it, there were airplanes moving around with landing lights on and I compared the object to the airplanes. The airplanes looked dark even with their landing lights on against the blue sky. I saw no wings on the object. The object was about the size of my small fingernail at arm's length. I could also describe it as a moving small bright white cloud. The object was flying much higher than the airplanes and was totally covered with a bright white light, nothing like the airplanes I observed. The object moved completely across the sky in about 7 or 8 minutes, from over Baytown to Houston, and then seemed to slow down or stop and then start moving again. The object flying as high as it was seemed twice as large compared to the airplanes flying at a lower altitude. It also seemed to me that the sun might have been reflecting on the object because the object maintained it's brightness with a slight orange color the entire time I observed it. The object did not leave any vapor trail like a high flying plane might do. The object flew into a small orange cloud and emerged a minute later and then seemed to change direction to the south. ' I live 30 miles east of Houston and this object would have been over Houston the last time I observed it. The object stood out because of it's brightness. I do not believe it was an airplane after comparing the planes to it. It looked entirely different from the planes. Thanks to Cliff Rowe [email protected]


KINGSVILLE - I experienced something very very strange sometime before 4:00 AM on December 31, 2000. Frankly, I have the feeling I was visited. For the past five years, I have dreamed that my two story house is tilting and crashing into the street. This morning, I awoke and suddenly heard a low frequency buzz or vibration. I'm not sure what it was, but I sensed my house was tilting again to the west. I tried to brace myself because I though I was in another earthquake like when I lived in Japan. I expected to hear furniture hitting the west wall. I mean the angle was about 45 degrees now. But, I neither heard furniture slamming into anything and to my amazement, my ceiling fan was turning as normal and not at an angle. That clued me into something weird. While I was trying to brace myself, I realized I was fully immobilized, could not move any limb or my head. The only thing that would move were my eyes and they were open. At this time, I looked to my right toward my skylight and saw a beam of blue light that I sensed was searching and it found me. To my left (west side) I also saw light coming from the window. I realized something was not right, I could not move. I now felt semi unconscious yet fully awake and I was being examined in bed. I looked around and could only make out a small dark figure to my left, above my head and to my right. To my astonishment, directly in front of me about ten feet away, I saw what appeared to be a holographic figure, or perhaps that was the beam of light that found me. I asked these things what they wanted, but got no response and sensed they were intent on examining me. I definitely experienced fear! But there was nothing I could do. Then suddenly it stopped, and they left at least it felt that way, and I look quickly at the clock and it was 0402 hours. The blue light then gradually went away (maybe 30 seconds after the events stopped) from both my sky light and window. I have been awake since.


SANTIAGO DE CHILE AND ROMERAL -- Cristian Riffo reports film and photo evidence is coming in on various UFO sightings that will be analyzed by researchers. With a record number of visitors and the presence of UFOs in the skies, the Second UFO Alert (Segunda Alerta Ovni) organized by OVNIVISION CHILE ended after 26,000 people contacted the site equipped to follow the event's transmission live on the Internet. ( ) The broadcast started at 21:00 hours from the studios of Radio Romance in Santiago and was heard worldwide through Radio Ovni, the first Chilean means of communication which transmits 24 hour programming related to UFO phenomena. Due to the considerable amount of people on-line past midnight, the time set to bring the UFO Skywatch to an end was extended to continue the broadcast until four o'clock in the morning . Visits and phone calls were received from all parts of Chile, including Easter Island. Fifteen countries followed the live broadcast from Chile. Argentina, Mexico and Puerto Rico conducted their own skywatches in locations with high incidences of sightings. A series of UFO sightings were reported in various communes near the capital. From the town Romeral in the interior of Curicó in Chile's 7th Region, a group of friends were able to photograph a UFO and capture it on videotape. These are merely the preliminary results of this skywatch, which exceeded all initial goals, since it was possible to link all 5 continents under a common goal--that of scouring the skies in search of unidentified flying objects, an endeavor which paid off in great dividends. Visit: translation (C) 2001. Institute of Hispanic Ufology (IHU). Thanks to Cristian Riffo.


ISLE OF MAN -- On January 19, 1001, a large object was seen above Snaefell Mountain, on the north side of the Isle of Man in the Irish Sea west of Wales at 4:20 PM. "A Flying Triangle shaped UFO was observed hovering near a BBC radio mast at the summit" of Snaefell. "The police have searched but they have no clues to the mystery centered on the summit of Snaefell Mountain." "A full search including the Isle of Man Coastguard, Fire services, Civil Defense and Constabulary and the Royal Air Force has failed to find any trace of evidence following reports of an aircraft at the top of the mountain. The police received reports yesterday of a large object had been seen above Snaefell." "The reports said that it appeared to strike the large communications mast on the summit. An immediate search of the area, including a helicopter from RAF Valley," an air base in Anglesey, Wales, UK, "failed to find any trace of an accident but continued with the search until 11:10 p.m." "The police still have no clue as to what it was that had been reported to hit the mast and are appealing to anybody who may have been around Snaefell at 4:20 PM, who may have seen anything unusual on the northern side of the island." UFO Roundup is presently trying to track down an Isle of Man resident who reportedly shot three to four minutes of video footage of the mystery object with his camcorder. The footage reportedly shows a dark triangular object with three red lights, one at each corner, hovering above the tall radio mast. Thanks to UFO Roundup Volume 6, Number 4 January 25, 2001, Editor: Joseph Trainor and Chris Rolfe (UFOMEK), UFO Magazine (UK) and reporter Cleator for this story.)


SIBERIA -- The Interfax News Agency reported on January 27, 2001, that pilots of planes trying to land and about to take off from the Barnaul airport reported seeing a UFO. The lighted object stayed for an hour-and-a-half before disappearing as suddenly as it had arrived. Agence France Presse also reported that an airport in southern Siberia was shut down for an hour and a half on Friday when an unidentified flying object (UFO) was detected hovering above its runway. Local aviation company director Ivan Komarov stated, "The crew of an Il-76, a four engine jet cargo aircraft refused to take off, when they saw a luminescent object hovering above the runway of the Siberia's Barnaul airport" The crew of another cargo plane, refusing to use the runway for the same reason, landed their jet at another airport, Komarov said. The UFO took off and vanished from the airport 90 minutes later, according to the report. Thanks to Joe Stefula.


KUALA LUMPUR -- Gerry @ Far Shores writes, on January 21, 2001, eight
unidentified flying objects were spotted in USJ near here and in Gopeng
Perak. A woman, who identified herself as Dahlia, called the New Straits
Times at 10:40 PM to say she saw six UFOs -- orange in color -- in the sky over Gopeng. "I am seeing them now, so are a lot of other people. It's causing a stir. Please check with the Ipoh airport and tell me what they are," she said. Her husband, Ismail Bidin, who is the honorary secretary of an orphanage in Sungai Itek, Gopeng, said he was among the first to see the UFOs. "All the 38 orphans there saw the objects, so did their religious teachers and villagers from neighboring Kampung Pintu Padang." He said the UFOs appeared to be in formation, and then formed a straight line. The objects were seen for about 10 minutes before they disappeared. A policeman at the Gopeng police station, when contacted about 20 minutes later, said he did not receive any information about the sightings. This morning, a housewife called the NSB office here to say she and her son saw two UFOs -- red in color -- moving towards Kepong at 10:00 PM last night. Thanks to Gerry [email protected]


TIRUPATI --The Hindu National Press writes that, `India once had a treasure trove of hi-tech warfare technology that even the `mighty West' does not possess. Ancient scriptures reveal, Brahmastra and Vimanas used in the pre-Mahabharata period are nothing but the earlier versions of today's nuclear weapons and spacecraft.' It is this feeling that one would get after listening to a lecture on `High Technology in Ancient Sanskrit Literature' by Mr. C. S. R. Prabhu, senior scientist, NIC, Hyderabad, at the three-day Indo-Nepal Sanskrit Conference. Mr. Prabhu, quoting extensively from ancient texts, stressed that the pre-Mahabharata period was an age of high technology. He quoted from the texts of a great scholar, Subbaraya Sastry, who, in a state of yogic trance, is said to have orally dictated the spacecraft technology in a period somewhere between 1875 and 1919. The text, a copy of which is still in Nepal's Royal Library, contained technical details on assembling, fabricating and erecting a spacecraft. The technical information given in Sastry's texts was as minute, precise and clear, as if it were a `Make your own spacecraft' or a `Spacecraft technology in 30 days' except for the Sanskrit language used, which was obsolete, Mr. Prabhu said.

Wall paintings in some forts in Rajasthan depict the use of rockets in Mughal warfare. The spacecraft could become invisible using the lead alloy Thamogarbha loha. The craft would absorb light around it in a photo chemical reaction that would make it disappear. On testing the Krishna seesa metal mentioned in the formula in the laboratory of Birla Institute of Science, Mr. Prabhu found the metal absorbing 78 per cent of laser light, which means, any other light could be easily absorbed, giving ample proof that there existed a technology to make things invisible. Also the use of an alloy of copper, zinc and lead made the spacecraft's body resist corrosion by 1000 times over that of the current levels. The combination of these metals is considered according to modern metallurgy. Using Ararakamra material for the axle and wheels had made it possible for taking `U' turns and serpentine movements. As the spacecraft had to be capable of resisting high temperature, on reentering our atmosphere from the outer space, its body was made with a metal called `Raja Loha'. Its special feature was that apart from resisting heat, it converted light from lightning into energy. The craft used a kind of `nuclear power' that was used in those days. `The solar power, when coupled with gamma rays produced nuclear energy that had the power to propel a rocket', Mr. Prabhu observed. Mr. Prabhu said he had submitted the model and some more information on the `super metal' to the Indian Metal Society Conference and further claimed that the advisor to the government on scientific affairs Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam too had asked him to bring the design of the plane. He said he had proposed a project called `Bharadwaja Institute of Vedic Science and Technology', the objective of which was to derive, decipher and reproduce advanced methodologies and processes from Vedic and post-Vedic Sanskrit texts, for which he sought government's support.
[email protected] (Regan Power)
Editor's Notes: We send our hopes and prayers to people of India after the terrible earthquakes.

CD OF FILER'S FILES for the last four years 1997 through 2000 is available for $25.00. PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO photographs available and data on their propulsion systems by US Navy Commander Graham Bethune. $10.00. Send check or money order to G. Filer 222 Jackson Road, Medford, New Jersey 08055. Both the CD and booklet cost $30.00.


Jeff Challender has prepared a new tape of various UFOs that were caught on recent Shuttle video footage. Jeff has over an hour long tape of UFOs shot in space. Jeff spends hundreds of hours watching the shuttle broadcasts from space and is now an expert. Using Jeff's directions you will be able to learn the difference between space junk, ice crystals and real UFOs. One segment has 24 UFOs watching the shuttle from space. Send $25 to: Jeff Challender 2768 Mendel Way - Sacramento, California 95833-2011


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MUFON UFO JOURNAL -- For more detailed monthly investigative reports subscribe to the MUFON JOURNAL that costs only $30 per year by contacting [email protected]. Mention that I recommended you for membership. Filer's Files is copyrighted 2001 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved. Readers may post items from the files on their Web Sites provided that they credit the newsletter and its editor by name and list the date of issue that the item appeared. Caution: Most of these are initial reports and require further investigation. These reports and comments are not necessarily the official MUFON viewpoint. Send your letters to [email protected]. Sending mail automatically grants permission for us to publish and use your name. Please state if you wish to keep your name, address, or story confidential.

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