Filer's Files #06 -- 2000, MUFON Skywatch
George A. Filer, Director, Mutual UFO Network Eastern
February 12, 2000,
(609) 654-0020
Web Site at
-- Chuck Warren Webmaster.
The foundation for all scientific knowledge concerning life on Earth is
belief in the Theory of Evolution. I found I could easily convince most
people, that we were being visited by alien life forms if they question
theory. Those hardest to convince are scientists and engineers whose bedrock
belief system accepts without question the Theory of Evolution. They refused
even to read these files. If we assume for the sake of argument, that
theory is wrong, our scientific knowledge suddenly embraces the concept
intelligent life spread from space to Earth. For too long the Theory of
Evolution has been taught as fact and as an undeniable truth. Scientists
educators have taught with fervor and passion that all life originated
Earth. Obviously there is some evidence that species change to adapt to
situation around them. But it is a giant leap of faith to assume we all
from some primeval ooze and gradually developed into complex life forms.
have had the luxury of seeing the complexity of just one cell. It is
doubtful that life happened by chance. The logical conclusion is that
was a Creator. I receive many letters from scientists who claim to be
experts in the field of genetics, who admit they are afraid to speak up.
They are frankly afraid of losing their jobs, if they verbalize their
findings that the Theory of Evolution is in error.
Recently Oklahoma ordered publishers to include a disclaimer about the
in their biology books. The disclaimer about evolution is that it is
"unproven belief that random undirected forces produced a world of living
things." The statement continues by saying, "No one was present when life
first appeared on Earth. Therefore any statement about life's origins
be considered theory, not fact." Governor Frank Keating as taken a lot
heat for appointing a Textbook Committee that feels that the theory is
questionable, but 700 teachers have backed him.
Astronaut Dr. Edgar Mitchell in his book, "The Way of the Explorer, discusses
what he calls the Dyadic Model, a way to deal with knowledge, existence,
our knowledge of our existence. "The previous notion in science was that
Universe was a giant accident and that it would be too much of an accident
for life to have formed and become intelligent life, in more than one
at a time. To science, that would be too much of an accident. " It view
clearly wrong and science has to revise its notion and accept the fact
whatever process has brought us into being has brought life into being
throughout the Universe. Now that we look back on it, it sounds silly
throughout our history, until the last two or three decades, we really
believed we were alone in the Universe. Now that we see beyond that, we
how archaic these types of ideas are."
My point is that once main stream science understands there are serious
problems with the Theory of Evolution they will be able to see the UFOs
our skies. The mindshift, the awakening is coming soon!
I have been reviewing the videotape of several shuttle missions such as
Discovery flight of last June. The tape shows a series of Unidentified
Flying Objects moving at tremendous speeds at an estimated ten miles above
the Earth's surface. They apparently fly just above large thunderstorms
far below the shuttle that is orbiting at 230 miles above the Earth. My
calculations indicate the speed of the faster UFOs are a startling 100,000
miles per hour. One UFO flies from Tallahassee to Pensacola, Florida a
distance of 195 miles in seven seconds. The Discovery Shuttle this summer
was orbiting Earth and heavy storm was over the Atlantic Ocean off the
East Coast. The thunderstorms seem almost to explode with bursts of heavy
lightning in the night sky far below. I counted four lighted and sometime
blinking objects moving across the screen. The lighted objects move east
west and north to south fairly quickly until they reach the thunderstorms
where they seem to stop and hover. Its possible these objects are a natural
phenomenon generated by the thunderstorms themselves. However, they appear
to come from north and east of the thunderstorms and move to them where
seem to take on electrical energy. NASA spokesman often claim these are
simply ice crystals.
Astronaut Joseph P. Allen with Ph.D. from Yale in physics wrote the book,
Entering Space an Astronaut's Odyssey explains the shuttle orbits the
at a speed of 17,500 mph. The orbiting shuttle is maneuvered in space
by a
total of forty-four thrusters, or minirockets, located in the orbiter's
and tail of the reaction-control system. Six of the thrusters are vernier
jets small thrusters that slowly and quietly move the hundred-ton machine
new attitudes. The remaining thirty eight thrusters are primary jets,
are not silent. These are used for more rapid rotations and for translation
maneuvers - - straight-line movements of the orbiter, forward or back,
or right, up or down. The orbiter reacts to the primaries' shove by shaking
slightly and by moving very noticeably.
During the videos there is no indication these minirockets are firing.
Further most of the UFOs do not seem to be blown away from the shuttle,
come into the picture from opposite direction. I spent hours analyzing
photos and I do not feel the bulk of the unidentified objects can be
explained by the simple explanation that they are floating ice crystals
parts of shuttle being blown across the screen in various directions.
examination of the video indicates the UFOs are entering the video hundreds
of miles away form the shuttle, obviously much too far away to be effected
the orbiter's rockets. Thanks to Tom Sheets and ISUR for providing the
videos. Editor's note: The UFOs are moving along the 30th degree parallel
high speed towards Shanghai, China and Cairo, Egypt that also report recent
UFO sightings. At this time my web site does not have the resources to
these videos to the reader.
NEW BEDFORD -- On Thursday, February 3, 2000, at 10:15 p.m., eyewitness
Michele N. glanced through a window of her home in New Bedford, Massachusetts
(population 100,000) and spotted a UFO passing slowly over the neighborhood.
"It was a circular object with a red flashing light," she reported, "I
had it
in sight for several minutes." According to the witness, the large
disc-shaped UFO came from the south over Mount Hope Bay. Crossing the
shoreline, it flew northward over Brockton Park and Tramline Hill, moving
roughly parallel to Ashley Boulevard, before it went out of sight. New
Bedford, a prominent whaling port in the early Nineteenth Century, is
58 miles south of Boston. Thanks to UFO Roundup Vol. 5 #6 2/10/00 Editor:
Joseph Trainor
WINTER HAVEN -- On February 7, 2000, ISUR received reports from two different
witnesses of an orange circular light stationary in the eastern sky. JB
reports that between 8 and 8:45 PM, two and then three lights would also
appear. These looked similar to rockets being fired from Cape Canaveral
night, but the location was to the south and inland of the Cape. The witness
contacted NASA, who reported no launches during that time period. The
witness reportedly videotaped the event. Another witness in Jupiter, Florida
and observed a black disc in the sky to the NNE. It appeared to be traveling
at about 200 mph, about 1 or 2 miles away, He estimated the disc to be
50 to
100 feet in diameter and very thin. It traveled 'on edge,' resembling
dinner plate. It also appeared to be wobbling, and the witness thought
might have been out of control. The witness reported this event to ISUR
within 3 hours of the sighting. Both cases were referred to Bland Pugh,
Florida MUFON State Director.
COLUMBUS -- Neither City authorities nor Ft. Benning officials could explain
the loud 'boom' that shook the area about 5:20 p.m. February 5, 2000.
concerned callers directed their inquiries to Ft. Benning officials and
Columbus 911 searching for answers.
"We don't believe it was anything on Fort Benning," said Captain John
Hollar. "What a lot of people outside are saying is that it was a sonic
boom. But we had no planes in the area." A 911 dispatcher said she had
calls since arriving to work two hours after the incident." But they got
lot more earlier." There have been no reports of injuries or explanations
what may have caused the boom. The boom was also felt and heard in Alabama
and is similar to one heard on August 2, 1999, that included UFO sightings.
The usual suspect, the military have denied it was their aircraft. Seismic
earthquake activity was not detected, so a sonic boom is most likely
responsible. A full investigation was made of the 8/2/99 blast and was
submitted to GEMA Thanks to John Thompson. Editor's Note: I'm beginning
think these booms may be tied to UFOs under certain circumstances. Those
UFOs passing over at 100,000 mph would not be seen, but they might be
as booms.
ELK RIVER -- On January 28, at 9:00 PM and again on January 29, 2000,
at 5:30
AM, residents spied an unusual object with bright multicolored lights
hovering near their homes. "We first noticed a bright red light in the
Denise M. reported. "At first I thought it was a jet since we have jets
pass over making their descent into Minneapolis-St. Paul International
Airport. The UFO approached from the east and hovered. The longer I
watched, I realized it was not moving. I got my binoculars and I could
it had white lights that ran around the bottom of the object, and blue,
and red lights were flashing from the top." I watched for 45 minutes before
it moved to the south, then hovered in that position." I called a neighbor
to verify what I was seeing. He looked through the binoculars and agreed
had never seen anything like it. A few minutes later it disappeared to
southeast quite slowly." Thanks to UFO Roundup Vol. 5 #5 2/3,/00
Editor: Joseph Trainor
ARLINGTON -- Dannyk1 writes in the autumn of 1991, I was driving east
Highway 36 when I spotted two lights in the sky to my left. I first thought
they were wing lights on a low-flying B-52, but I realized the lights
hovering on either end of an immense object. I then noticed a bright halogen
light following me down the highway. I decided not to turn toward the
mystery object because my daughter was sleeping in the back seat and I
not want to endanger her. I have to admit I was getting a bit panicky.
continued for several more minutes until the headlights of an oncoming
suddenly appeared ahead of me at Haswell, some 15 or so miles distant
and the
highest point in the county, so high you can glimpse the distant Rocky
Mountains. When the other car suddenly appeared the white light behind
suddenly stopped and seemed to recede in the distance as I continued to
eastward. I mentioned my sighting to the county sheriff, who had spent
nights a decade earlier chasing cattle mutilations. He accepted my comments
at face value, but revealed he was glad I had not turned off toward the
mystery object. He said it might have been associated with a drug drop
that I likely would have been shot at with sophisticated laser weapons
had I
ventured toward it.
EDWARDS AIR FORCE BASE -- Billy Dee's contact reports on February 8, 2000,
that the last three nights have been active with flights of fighters,
helicopters, and transports doing night drops. In addition I was watching
strange object going in one direction and abruptly reverse course. It's
lighting was randomly changing from flashing to non-flashing red and green
lights, bright white light, and sometimes no lights at all. The object
almost directly over the house. Imagine my surprise to hear a small engine!
My wife and I watched as it flew over, still randomly changing it's lighting
pattern. Last night, just after sundown, I saw this same plane take off
Edwards again and head directly towards me with extremely bright white
and two red lights. I called out two family members and we all watched
as it
flew overhead. Because it wasn't quite dark yet, I was able to see through
binoculars that it was a small ultralight with an open cockpit, fixed
and the engine behind the cockpit. It had a pole projecting forward with
different colored lights attached. There were also lights on the end of
wings and the rear. All of these light s could randomly change color,
red, to green, to bright white, or none at all. We watched for twenty
minutes as constantly changed the configuration of its lighting. It appears
designed to confuse. Thanks to
Editors Note: It does
appear they are testing various light configurations possibly in an attempt
to fool enemy antiaircraft gunners. With the advent of stealth aircraft
are almost invisible to radar, enemy gunners often must rely on visual
recognition of a target. Various lighting patterns can confuse attempts
down our aircraft.
SAN FRANCISCO -- On the evening of Super Bowl Sunday, January 30, 2000,
I was
hauling up a line of crab traps off Farlon Island aboard our 25' boat.
dog started to bark furiously. I looked up and saw a huge triangular object
hovering above with NO sound. I was hit by a beam of white light and fell
backward. I grabbed my Ruger 10-22 rifle loaded with a 100 round banana
magazine and stared firing as fast as I could until the clip was empty.
was able to shoot out the light. While grabbing for a second clip, I saw
hatch open up on the bottom side of the object and two people leaned down
yell, "STOP SHOOTING AT US YOU IDIOT." The only other noise I heard was
hissing sound like air escaping from a flat tire. As the object moved
off to
the south, I saw a helicopter come out off the top and move in next to
boat about 20 feet off the water and only feet away. Someone in the side
door held up a camera and the flash shot off a picture of me in the boat
holding the rifle. The helicopter made no noise and had no markings on
It was solid flat black as was the huge Triangle. The chopper then took
toward the Golden Gate Bridge climbing up. The Triangle slowing gained
altitude and was last seen heading south. At first I thought it was an
UFO and was genuinely startled by it. However, I now believe it was an
experimental military platform for transporting a small fleet of black
helicopters that leave and enter out of the top of a huge silent floating
triangle the size of a football field. A rigid airship if you will. (NUFORC
noted: This may be the first report we have received that has the occupants
of such a craft using a camera with a flash attachment.) Thanks to Peter
Davenport at
PETALUMA -- On January 24, 2000, a disk shaped object was first spotted
two retired merchants and a writer. The three witnesses stopped their
and watched for two to three minutes from outside their car until 6:11
The UFO was observed moving from south to north at moderate speed until
it was obscured by buildings near the horizon.
The object was a dull silver metallic color and saucer shaped
about as tall as wide. It was about the size of a pea at arm's length.
shape was like two cones, joined at the rims, but with the tips truncated,
that it appeared somewhat saucer-shaped, but about as tall as it was wide.
Several short, dark rods were seen near the bottom, arranged radially,
respect to the center of the object. The weather was overcast, the light
level rather low.
GLACE BAY -- Eugene H. Frison Nova Scotia MUFON Provincial Director writes
that Jeff, a 17 year old paperboy began his route at 6:15 AM on January
2000. He cut through a graveyard to save time and realized something wasn't
right as there was a high-pitched whining sound riding the wind. Upon
reaching the center of the graveyard, he became aware of a tall, dark
coming up behind him and, at first, assumed it was a person walking fast.
However, as it passed him at his side (within about three feet) he realized
that it was much taller than any person. It was instead a black triangular
shaped object with no apparent features. He says it was definitely solid
as it passed him his scalp became very hot. Once it had moved out in front
him, it then increased its speed and veered off on an angle, crossing
entire graveyard in about ten seconds. He says he was surprised at how
it could move. Jeff relates he watched the object skim over a tombstone
realized at that point it was gliding just above the ground, not moving
it. The object was very tall but not very wide -- just a bit wider than
large adult across the shoulders at its widest point. It was a definite
triangular shape with rounded edges. At that hour of the morning, it was
still dark but there was enough light coming from a street light located
the graveyard to be certain of what he had witnessed. Jeff is one month
from his seventeenth birthday. The incident is still being investigated
myself at the present time! Thanks to Eugene H. Frison Nova Scotia MUFON
Provincial Director
The MUFON Journal February 2000 carried an article concerning a huge UFO
hovering over Fox Lake in the Yukon Territory, Canada on December 11,
The circular craft appears something like a walnut in the photos drawn
by 22
witnesses. The giant craft was believed to be to be from a half mile to
a mile in diameter based on triangulation calculations and the testimony
the witnesses. There are no known flying objects this large on Earth.
of the sightings that most influenced my own interest in UFOs was that
Captain Kanji Teach and Japanese airline Flight 1628. The crew spotted
giant similar shaped UFO on November 17, 1986. The Japanese pilots noticed
some unusual lights accompanying their 747 aircraft that approached very
close. They caught a brief glimpse of the main object's walnut-shaped
silhouette and judged it to be "two times bigger than an aircraft carrier
2,000 feet long." The pilot was instructed by air traffic control to descend
to 4,000 feet and make turns, but the object continued to follow the plane
for 32 minutes before vanishing.
The FAA admitted the objects were tracked on radar, but had not registered
the radar tapes. The FAA investigated and found the crews to be normal
rational. I have flown this Pacific Ocean route on many occasions and
can often see other flights ahead and behind you. I did some checking
TWA pilots were flying further south along the Alaskan Coast and also
saw the
huge UFO. Whenever there is a verified airborne sighting it is prudent
attempt to determine what other aircraft are likely to be in the area.
Airline pilots are generally told not to talk to the news media but they
often reveal sightings to investigators. The FAA will seldom if ever admit
they have a UFO on radar. Even when an aircrew has one in sight, they
not admit it is on the radar but they will divert you from a midair
collision. It appears the huge walnut UFO apparently has made its appearance
once again. We have aircrews and 22 ground witnesses who seem to be
describing a craft so large that it is unlikely to be from Earth. I
encourage you to get the MUFON Journal and read this entire story by Martin
Jasek a civil engineer and MUFON investigator.
EAST KILBRIDE - Three members of the East Kilbride UFO group claim they
had a
sighting January 29, 2000, of a bright light which landed. Around this
15 to 20 figures emerged. They have all this on videotape, one exceptionally
good shot shows part of a 'creature' caught in a car headlight. His members
claim they have forwarded the footage onto UFO Magazine for examination.
Thanks to MarkFraser and the Ayrshire UFOs at
WORCHESTER -- "A woman struggling to sleep saw a UFO land 30 miles south
of Birmingham. Georgina Wells said she saw a glowing object which hovered
the sky for more than an hour at 2:00 AM Thursday [Feb. 3]. The 20-year-old
said she saw the "extremely bright" egg shape from her third floor bedroom
window at the back of her Bransford Road home. But she said she was amazed
to see the glowing yellow object, which she claims had a helicopter next
it the whole time, begin to descend. "It got lower and lower then it stopped
glowing," she said. "I'm convinced it landed but I don't know where. But
minutes later it came back into view and was really bright again and shot
into the sky and vanished. I have never seen anything go that fast before."
Miss Wells, who was awake because of a cold, added she had not taken any
medicine, which could cause her to hallucinate, nor was it a dream. "I
awake because I could not stop coughing," she said. "I stood up and watched
it. It was not a police helicopter with its spotlight as there was no
light-beam. Worchester Journal of February 7, 2000.
NIEL MORRIS from University of Manchester in England has been studying
Roswell debris photographs taken by J. Bond Johnson in July of 1947 in
General Ramey's office. This is the only known physical evidence of what
crashed near Roswell. Niel also examined the Alien Autopsy film that
allegedly shows the imprints of a six fingered alien control panel and
writing. Many researchers feel this film is a fraud or counterintelligence
Niel Morris writes, "During the early stages of the reexamination of the
Worth photographs it became increasingly apparent that the debris contained
markings laid out in a regular fashion. This can be seen even on very
damaged beams, that the "symbols" maintain a regular layout." I tried
match them with known characters used in both ancient and modern written
languages. Some of the symbols appeared much like those used by the early
Egyptians but many others did not seem to match anything that could be
on Earth. I also attempted to match these symbols with those witnesses
had encounters with UFOs, but again no matches were found.
I was well aware of the Alien Autopsy film and symbols seen on beams
displayed in the film that appeared in the UK early in 1995. I examined
good quality prints of the beams from the Alien Autopsy debris footage.
While I examined one of these images at high magnification, off to one
of the image, away from the main debris on show in the frame, my eye was
attracted to a regular pattern in the dark background of the photograph.
regular pattern of an Alien Autopsy "symbol" had seen just a few minutes
earlier was matched the symbols in the Fort Worth debris!
These findings will no doubt prove to be highly contentious but it does
change the content of the images and their similarity of form and style.
Before being dismissed these points have to be credibly answered. If that
cannot be done then we have to contend with the distinct possibility that
at least a portion of the AA Film, The Debris Footage, could very well
be a
historical record of events. (b) The debris seen in the Fort Worth
photographs and that seen in the Alien Autopsy debris footage once shared
common source.
The linkage hinges on the fact that unknown and only recently discovered
features in BOTH sets of images match, and that as one of these sets of
images (the Fort Worth Photographs) has a proven history dating back to
day the photographs were taken and developed on the 8th July 1947. They
a factual historical document. The logic then is that "undiscovered"
features within these images could not be known to post 1947 "hoaxers"
inclusion in a later "fake." Hence IF matching features, both "undiscovered"
until now, were found in the "test" document there is a very high probability
they too originated from a contemporary 1947 source. Bearing in mind we
speaking of "unique" symbol features so far untraced elsewhere. To my
knowledge the features I discovered twelve months ago in both sets of
had never been noted or reported. I assume this is because no one has
seen them before. I leave the final judgment to you, I myself find the
evidence compelling. Thanks to Neil Morris. Please visit his website for
more details at:
or at
PHOTOGRAPH BOOKLET of some of the best UFO shots available and data on
propulsion systems. $10.00
US GOVERNMENT UFO PROOF RELEASED: Audio tapes of a genuine UFO Alert at
Edwards Air Force base and studied by the Foreign Technology Division
Wright Patterson Air Force Base, are now available for distribution to
public. Sam Sherman's audio documentary tape called EDWARDS AIR FORCE
ENCOUNTER on the night of October 7, 1965, uses the actual voice recordings
provided by the Air Force. During this event 12 high tech luminous UFOs
invade secure air space and came down low over the runways at Edwards
Tower operator Sgt. Chuck Sorrels spotted them and notified the Air Defense
Command. Sgt. Sorrels is heard on the original tapes and in a new segment
where he verifies the event as it is heard on the archival recordings.
UFOs are described and a decision is made to launch F-106 fighter
interceptors. You are there for an important part of UFO history. Hear
for yourself, it's the best UFO tape ever made. Tape cost is $14.95 each
plus $2.00 for shipping -- total $16.95 -- (for overseas orders-out of
US -
add $6.00 shipping cost -- total -- $20.95) you can send either a personal
check or money order to: Independent International Pictures Corp, Box
Dept. GF, Old Bridge, New Jersey 08857.
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Filer's Files is Copyrighted 2000 by George A. Filer, all rights reserved.
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